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Yearly Distribution of the Syllabus for 3st year Scientific Stream

Annual Time Devoted: 26 weeks – 78 hours.

Time devoted : 3 hours/ week
Exit Profile
At the end of SE1, the learner will be able to produce oral/ written messages/ Texts of descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 120 words using written
or oral support.

Unit Theme Time Devoted

Ill Gotten Gains Never Prospers Ethics In Business 7 Weeks / 21 Hours
Safety First Advertising , Consumers and Safety 7 Weeks / 21 Hours
It’s a Giant Leap For Man Kind Astronomy and The Solar System 7 Weeks / 21 Hours
We are Family Feelings and Emotions 5 Weeks / 15 Hours







03 Diagnostic Evaluation + Remedial work


-Text book : (P45- Discuss and define the - Lexis related to ►Expressing condition using : - Pronouncing words -Note:
P71: Pictures...) concept of ethics in business corruption , fraud and provided/providing that /as ending in “ics”. ►Teachers can adopt lessons,
04 -Listening script 01 and debate its importance, counterfeiting . long as. -Stress shift in two- design tasks and activities that
& 02 p.168 Interpreting a picture, ►Expressing wish and desire syllable words fits the unit objectives using
- Grammar (identifying the unethical with “ wish” , “ it’s high time” different teaching tools.
Explorer I P47 practice illustrated) ►Asking for / giving ►The items in bold refers to
Ethics In Business (7weeks/21 hours)

- Grammar ,explaining, justifying advice/warning using : “Writing a pre-requisites.

Explorer II P48 ,listening, inserting should ,ought to , had better. charter of ethics in ►At the beginning of each unit,
- Grammar considering and answering business Or refer teachers are requested to check
Explore²r III P49 questions ,linking pairs, back to the the level of assimilation of the
01 expressing condition, textbook for pre-requisites through
Listen and
Consider rewriting sentences , diagnostic tests and regular

expressing impatience, wish ► Launching/ their teaching accordingly.
01 ,desire and advice , crossing
the odd words out. Gap-
Discussing the
topic / Forming
filling (definition of lexical groups.
items related to fraud and
corruption) , marking the
stress, writing a public
02 statement about how to fight
corruption using a spider
Self-assessment / peer-assessment/ formative assessment

-Pictures P53 Interpreting pictures, -Lexis related to ► Expressing result using: - Pronouncing words

Read & - An expository answering questions on a text counterfeiting and ending in “ics”. Shares the wok. - Assessment and remediation
“so+adj+that”, ”such
03 consider text about about counterfeiting, linking fraud.
+Noun/Noun phrase +that”.
should occur at regular
“Imitating property pairs, picking out sentences ►Present simple and present intervals during the sequence
is theft” P21 from the text and discussing continuous passive. and at the end of the sequence
- Grammar questions, expressing the ►Expressing cause and in addition to designated exam
Explorer I P55 active and the passive voice, result using : because, So, as periods.
- Grammar obligation and nessicity, a result , thus , consequently.
Explorer II P56 filling in a word map with ►Expressing obligation and
- Grammar words related to fraud- necessity with must/have to.
Explorer III P56 forming nouns and opposites
by adding affixes, gap-filling,
marking the stress, writing an
opinion article following the
outlined procedure in the
diagram provided.
Self-assessment / peer-assessment
-Picture P61. Interpreting pictures -lexis related to ethics //////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// -Teacher can provide his students
-Listening script 02 ,discussing questions, in business and ethical with a situation where they
P200. listening and ticking the right standards. mobilize and reinvest what has
-Tables P62-63. answer ,agreeing and been learned in the unit (oral or
-Coping .P62-63. disagreeing, justifying a point written)
Listening Eg: Compare between two means
- Say it in writing of view, preparing a dialogue Data Collection
and of communication, and express
P64. and acting it out, discussing, using different your preferences....
04 selecting ,exchanging drafts, research tools.
correcting mistakes,
expanding notes to make a
speech in favour of ethics in
business, reading the
argumentative speech.

01 Autumn holidays From Tuesday, Oct 31st to Sunday Nov 5th.

First-term test + Feedback.
-Picture P65. Interpreting pictures , -Lexis related to
- An expository discussing , skimming , social auditing and
text about social scanning, reading , answering ethics in business.
auditing P66-67. questions on a text,,

-Coping P68. responding to a text on social

Ethics In Business

-Diagram P69. auditing and ethics in Analyzing

business, speaking and information
01 and writing about social auditing
02 writing in business, using guidelines
Language and
correcting the
contained in a diagram and a final draft.
checklist of expanding notes
to write a policy statement to
inform potential fund
contributions about an ethical
investment fund.
Skills and strategies assessment +unit assessment +remedial work.
-Text book: (P106- Explore the impact of -Lexis ►May, might , could , can , -Stress shift (from verb

Advertising, consumers and safety. (7weeks/21

P132: Pictures...) adverting on consumers, - related to adverts used to express hypotheses. to noun to adjective)
-Listening script01 Interpreting a picture, and holidays, ►Expressions of certainty and
P204. ,explaining, listening, filling - language of doubts.
- Grammar in the blank lines ,considering persuasion ►Dependent prepositionsP111
Explorer I P108.-II examples and discussing - Opposite items “Making a survey
► Present simple. on the impact of
P109. questions ,linking pairs, related to
►Gerund. advertising on
- Tips P111. expressing hypotheses, consumption and
Listen and Algerian
03 - Think, pair, and certainty and doubts using safety.

02 Consider
share P112. modals ,rewriting sentences ,
distinguishing between Discussing the
gerund and present simple, topic.
adding suffixes to form nouns
,marking the stress, make
hypotheses about future
changes. writing an
argumentative speech.
Self-assessment / peer-assessment/Formative assessment.

01 Remedial work / consolidation

-Pictures P 114 Discussing questions on a Lexis related to food ►Present simple. - The main stress on
Advertising , consumers and safety

- An expository text and raising awareness safety, energy balance ►Conditional Type I + unless content words rather
text about “How is about safety and consumption and obesity... ►Excessive quantifiers (too than function words.
Your Energy in modern societies, using the many...) (P119)
Balance” P 114- present simple to describe a ►Because, since, as, because
115. present state, expressing of, owing to ....
-Grammar Explorer hypothesis/condition and ► As a result, consequently
I - II P115 writing if conditional
- II P116- III P117. sentences , picking out

Read & - Tips P118-119. sentences that contains
Project/ sharing
02 02 Consider quantifiers and link words
expressing cause and
consequence filling in gaps,
rewriting sentences, forming
adjectives adding the suffix
“y” to nouns , recognizing
and practising sentence stress,
prescribing a set of rules
writing an expository article
about food safety worry.

Winter Holiday from Dec 21st to Jan 07th .
Read & writing the article Data collection

01 02 Consider
Listening -Picture P123. Looking at the advertisement Lexis related to ►Expressions of concession. -Silent letter. information -Teacher can provide his
and -Listening script 02 and answering questions , advertising , etc. . students with a situation where
Speaking P205. exploring the impact of they mobilize and reinvest
-Coping P124-125. advertising on consumers, what has been learned in the
- Say it in writing debate issues related to the unit (oral or written)
E.g. Write an article about
P127. effects of advertising on
the pros and cons of
people, arguing by making advertising and state your
concessions, interpret, react personal opinion .
02 to and create an advert listen
and synthesize , summarizing,
writing a dialogue on pros
and cons of advertising,
writing an argumentative
speech stating your opinion
about advertising.
-Picture P129. Discussing questions, arguing Lexis related adverts, ► Reported speech with - Silent letters: would...
- Advertisement a point of view, reading an letters of complaint..etc. simple tenses and modals.
P129. advert , skimming, scanning , ► Reporting requests
-Coping P 128. filling in the table, answering orders... Reviewing
-Table P 129. questions, persuading , ►Imperative Language/
- Writing analysing and synthesizing, correcting the
03 Writing
development: The writing an advert, creating final draft.
letter of complaint commercials, writing a
P 130. consumer’s report writing a
letter of complaint.
Skills and strategies assessment + unit assessment + remedial work.
-Text book: (P135- Interpreting pictures and Lexis related to ►Asking questions about -Stress in two syllable
Astronomy and the Solar System (7 weeks/21 hours)

“Designing an
P164: Pictures...) discussing the importance of dimensions , size and measurements. verbs.
astronomy booklet
-Listening script 01 satellites for present day weight -Stress shift in words ( a short
P206. societies, asking and like increase (v) and presentation of the
- Grammar answering questions about increase (n). history of space
Explorer I P137.-II measurements using the travel , ID cards
P138. metric system, picking out about two major
Listen &
04 consider
- Checklist P141. words related to planets in our
- Think, pair, and measurements, forming nouns solar system , a
share P141. , forming singular and plural short imaginary
nouns from verbs , dialogue with a
recognizing and using stress famous
astronomers )”
03 in two syllable verbs, making
an oral presentation of a
Topic discussion
heavenly body.
Self-assessment / peer-assessment
01 - Pictures P 143. Interpreting picture and -lexis related to The ►Making supposition using -Plural form.
-An expository text Listing the planets and Solar System. conditional type 2 OR -Word formation.

about “The Solar labelling them, discovering “suppose /what if” -Pronunciation of final
System” P 143- how the universe /outer space ►Expressing similarities and “ed”. Structuring the
Read & project/
144. is organized , comparing and differences using: whereas,
02 Consider
-Grammar Explorer contrasting , reading , while, like, unlike, etc.
Sharing work
/Gathering data
I P145. skimming and scanning ►State and action verbs.
activities, using the
- Grammar comparatives of superiority
Explorer II – III – and equality with short and
IV P146. long adjectives , expressing
- Tips P148. similarities and differences
-Think, Pair, Share using : whereas...,making
P149. suppositions, reading figures ,
using state and action verbs
,forming plural nouns ,writing
an essay predicting the
consequences of such
collision (make supposition
and set hypotheses).
Second-term test + Feedback.
03 - Pictures P 152. Interpreting a picture and Lexis related to ►Concession: however, even ////////////////////////////////////// -Teacher can provide his
-Coping P153-154 discussing question , making astronomy. though, etc. students with a situation where
-Listening script inferences , responding to an ►State and action verbs. they mobilize and reinvest
P 207. oral text, comparing answers , what has been learned in the
-Say it in writing agreeing and disagreeing ( unit (oral or written) e.g.
Write a newspaper article
P155. verb +so or not), making
Listening about the pros and cons
suppositions and set about the huge budget
and Analyzing
hypotheses, making a speech information devoted to space exploration.
04 in defence of an opinion ;the
usefulness of astronomy ,
brainstorming , arguing ,
selecting relevant ideas and
drafting, editing ,expanding
notes, error checking ...


01 Remedial work / Consolidation
-A Paragraph + Predicting a content of a text - Lexis related to ► Concession: however, even -Stress in words starting
picture P 156. ,reading and interpreting texts astronomy and space though, etc. with prefixes.
-A text about “The and pictures, answering exploration. ►Cohesive devices to express
Impact of collision questions, identifying the -Cause /effect.
with comets on our type of the text and authors -Purpose.
02 planet”.P 157-158.
purpose, making inferences - Contrast.
-Coping P 158-159. -Concession.
-Writing and deductions, comparing,

Reading & distinguishing between

03 Writing
development P 160.
different types of reasoning in
work correction.
argumentative texts,
discussing types of discourse
and category of reasoning,
using deductive and
concessive reasoning to write
a short article about Space
03 Exploration .

Skills and strategies assessment + Unit assessment + remedial work.

04 Spring Holiday From March 21st to April 7th .
-Pictures.P165-166. Interpreting A picture and Lexis related to the ►Present simple Morphology:
-Listening script answering questions, listening theme of the unit; ►Should, ought to , if i were ►Forming adjectives
P208. feeling, emotions and you from nouns with : ful , ic “Design a web
ordering statements as they page to establish
-TIPS P169-170 occur in an interview with a humour, love, ►Articles: omission before , ous.
-Think, Pair, Share happiness, friendship abstract nouns (love, anger...) ►Forming nouns with : contact with
harmonist , discussing students of their
P172. and generosity....... ness,ly.
opinions , agreeing and age.”
►Forming verbs with
disagreeing , using articles en -Other suggestions
02 Consider
with abstract nouns , ►Self +noun /adj. see Progression
expressing obligation and P8.
necessity with must and have ►Launching/
to, forming new adjectives Discussing and
and nouns with the prefix self divide pupils into
,forming verbs with the suffix
“en”, responding to a letter
(writing a letter of advice )
Self-assessment / peer-assessment
02 - Pictures P 173. Interpreting pictures , Lexis related to feelings ►Enjoy/like/dislike + gerund -Pronunciation of final –
-A text about answering questions , reading and emotions. ►I’d rather do.... I’d rather ed.
Feelings emotions, humour.

“Feelings” P 174- and developing understanding do......than ,I’d Morphology:

175. expression of feelings across ►Should , ought to , if I were you ►Forming adjectives

-Grammar Explorer different cultures and ► Quantifiers : a lot of , a great from nouns with : ful , ic
deal of , few , little, all of us.... , ous.
I P175. societies , picking out
Read & ► Each other , one another ►Forming nouns with :

- Grammar sentences expressing likes ness, y.

04 Consider Explorer II P176.
- Grammar
and dislikes and preferences ,
preparing a dialogue and
Explorer III P177. acting it out , picking out


- Tips P148. sentences containing each

03 -Think, Pair, Share other and one another, and
P180. quantifiers expressing
quantity, recognizing and
using suffixes ness..,
classifying verbs according to
the pronounciation of their
final “ed” , writing an
newspaper article about
feelings and emotions.
- Pictures P 183. Interpreting pictures, looking Lexis related to ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// -Teacher can provide his
-Coping P 185. for words in the dictionary friendship , fair play students with a situation where
-Listening script and answering questions, association , violence in they mobilize and reinvest
P 209. listening to a lecture about sport what has been learned in the
-Say it in writing friendship and ordering notes, unit (oral or written) Eg; write
a speech to promote the
and P 187. Recognizing the structure of a Analyzing
04 Speaking lecture , predicting the information
values of fair play , tolerate
and respect.
sequencing of ideas , using
link words such as first , then
..., listening for gist, making
inferences , responding to a
text, reordering paragraphs to
get a coherent public
statement ,writing a coherent
formal speech.
Third-term test + Feedback
- Picture P 188. Interpreting pictures and Lexis related to comedy -Past simple , past perfect
-A text about “The discussing questions , tragedy or love story.
01 Unicorn in the predicting text content from
Garden”.P189-190. the introduction and the
-Coping P189-191. conclusion , making
inferences , distinguishing
Reading development P 160. Reviewing
between facts and opinions,
and Language/ Final

demonstrating critical
Writing draft correction.
thinking and judgement,
responding to a text seeking
support and feedback,
02 discussing the organisational
pattern of a text, writing a
film a book review.
Skills and strategies assessment + Unit assessment + remedial work.

School Teacher Headmaster Inspector

Academic year: 2023/2024

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