Chinese Literature

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Chinese Literature  2000 years before Christ was born, they

were raising the silkworms on a large scale

 Ancient beginnings
 China invented the paper the brush, the
 Oldest written language still used by man
quill, the pen and ink
 Chinese language is monosyllabic
 The ancient Chinese introduced the civil
 Tonal language service examination which is universally
adapted, at present among all nations
 Chinese writing does not represent the
sound of words  China discovered gunpowder but used it for
fun and merry making
 The child learning to write Chinese has to
write (draw) 214 signs instead of 26 letters  China gave the world a fan, the parasol, the
in English. kite for outdoor sport and the pagoda type
Chinese Five Books
Chinese painting
 The book of changes – contains magic
formulas which are believed to have Chinese painter is not concern with realism, or
mysterious powers painting things as they appear to our senses. he tries
to communicate to us what he feels or his
The book of history – as its name implies, records impression of a view, not what it looks like to the
events from the earliest history of China which is camera lens.
said to begin about 2000 B.C
Most Chinese paintings are drawn on fine silk cloth
 The book of rites- is really the book of right or fine paper. The paintings are mounted on scrolls
etiquette or conduct which can be rolled.
 The spring and autumn – relates historical Vocabulary words in the story The Chinese Cinderella
1. ragged – in a bad condition especially
The book of odes - because of being torn
ex. a boy in a ragged jeans
2. maltreated – to treat (someone) in a rough
 He was born in 551 B.C. or cruel way
ex. If you maltreat the puppy, we will take it
 He reach a very high position in the away immediately
government as prime minister, but he gave 3. li- a Chinese measure of distance about half
up this position and travelled extensively a kilometer
over China preaching justice and virtue 4. ruse – a trick or act that is used to fool
wherever he went someone
 His teachings have exerted a powerful ex. His act was a clever ruse to get me to go
influence on his countrymen. It would seem out with him
that he did not intend to found a religion: 5. dunghill – a pile of solid waste from animal
but after his death in 479B.C., he was 6. couriers – a person whose job is to carry
revered as a saint and his moral ideas messages, packages, etc., from one person
became the foundation of religion or place to another
ex. Police recently arrested a drug courier
Confucianism in our neighbourhood
7. array- to place (a group of things) in a
 The superior man loves his soul; the inferior
particular position so that they are in order
man loves his property
or so that they look attractive
 Do not worry about people not knowing - a group of 8 of numbers,
you, but strive to be worth knowing symbols, that are arranged in
rows and columns.
Chinese contribution to Civilization 8. dishevel- to throw into disorder or disarray
 4000 years ago they were already expert 9. lodestar- one that serves as an inspiration,
farmers model or guide

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