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A. Sine and Cosine Functions

1. Amplitude
The graph of sine and cosine functions is described as a wave-like pattern with a
repeating pattern of ups and downs. To visualize, these are the graphs of y=sin x and
y=cos x .
y=sin x y=cos x

These are the mother graphs of the sine and cosine functions which will be the
basis for all graphs of sine and cosine functions. Notice that the graph of each functions
reaches only at line y=1 and descends only to line y=−1. This is the height of the graph
or the amplitude and is denoted by letter a. It determines that all sine and cosine
functions only have y-values from –1 to 1 that will satisfy the function. This also explains
that the values of sine and cosine of an angle must not exceed to 1, otherwise the angle
is undefined.
The graph of the sine and cosine function with an amplitude is determined by the
y=a sin x y=a cos x

where a is the amplitude of the graph.

Take a look at the comparison of graphs of y=sin x and y=4 sin x .

y=sin x y=4 sin x
Notice that the second graph is “elongated” compared to the first graph. This is
because we changed the amplitude of the function y=a sin x from 1 to 4. This means
that the second graph is 4 times higher than the mother graph.
To illustrate the comparison further, let us find the points of the two functions. For
convention we use the x-values with intervals to easily illustrate the points.
y=sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

y=4 sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 4 0 −4 0

Notice that we multiplied the values of y by 4, hence we get the graph wherein
the graph reaches until y = 4 and descends until y = –4.

Now, let us compare the graphs of the functions y=sin x , y=−sin x , y=cos x and
y=−cos x .
y=sin x y=cos x

y=−sin x y=−cos x

Notice that the flow of the graphs of their negative counterparts from left to right
has changed. We could also say that the graphs are being reflected from the mother
functions. To further illustrate, let us find their points.
y=sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

y=−sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 −1 0 1 0

y=cos x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 1 0 −1 0 1

y=−cos x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y −1 0 1 0 −1

From these tables, we can see that the graphs of y=sin x and y=−sin x pass the
points (0,1) and (0,-1), respectively; whereas the graphs of y=cos x and y=−cos x start
at (0,1) and (0,-1), respectively. This proves that the graphs of sine and cosine functions
whose a< 0 reflects the graphs of the function y=sin x and y=cos x .

2. Period
A period (denoted as p) of a graph of sine and cosine function is defined as the
equivalent of one circumference of the unit circle. This means that one period of the
graph of sine and cosine function is equivalent to 2 π . This also means that the period of
graphs of sine and cosine functions has the interval of [0 ,2 π ].
To easily compare the period of the graph, we only use sine function. Note that
this is also true for cosine function but we will only use one trigonometric function for
convenience. Let us compare the graphs of y=sin x , y=sin2 x , and y=sin x .
First, let us find the points of each function to be plotted in the Cartesian plane.
y=sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

y=sin2 x
π π 3π
x 0 π
4 2 4
y 0 1 0 −1 0

y=sin x
x 0 π 2π 3π 4π
y 0 1 0 −1 0

Notice that we did not change the values of y but the values of x instead. We will
know about why and how it should be later on. Plotting the points, we have these
y=sin x y=sin2 x y=sin x

The picture shows only one period of the graph of each functions to fully
compare their graphs. Notice that unlike the normal period of the graph of function
y=sin x , the period of the graph of y=sin2 x narrows while the period of the graph of
y=sin x widens. Thus, we can interpolate that as we multiplied x by a number that is
greater than 1, the graph of y=sin x tends to be narrower. However, as we multiplied x
by a number less than 1, the graph of y=sin x tends to be wider.
But observe that the period p of y=sin2 x has the interval of [0 , π ] and the period
p of y=sin x has the interval of [0 , 4 π ]. What does this tells us? The interval of the
period of y=sin2 x is just the interval of the period of y=sin x divided by 2 whereas the
1 1
interval of the period of y=sin x is just the interval of the period of y=sin x divided by
2 2
. Through this, we can create another general equation for sine and cosine functions.
y=a sin kx y=a cos kx

where a is the amplitude and k determines the interval of one period of a graph of
sine and cosine functions which can be found by this formula:

Thus, the appropriate interval for one period of a graph of sine and cosine

functions is [0 , ].

Let us graph the cosine function y=3 cos 4 x . First, we do not make the table of
points here. We want to make sure that to easily plot the points in the Cartesian plane,
we must identify the points where the graph meets its amplitude (its highest value and
its lowest value). So, we must identify its interval first using the formula:

In the given function, k = 4. Substituting this value, we get:


[ ]
Therefore, the interval of one period of the function y=3 cos 4 x is 0 ,
Now, one period of a cosine (and sine) function is divided into 4 parts much like
how we divide the unit circle into 4 quadrants. Applying this characteristic to our graph,
we must divide the value of p into 4 different x-values which will be shown in the table.

1 1 3
0p p p p p
4 2 4
π π 3π π
x 0
8 4 8 2

After we determined the appropriate values of x, we then substitute it in the

function to determine the y-values.
y=3 cos 4 x
π π 3π π
x 0
8 4 8 2
y 3 0 −3 0 3

Plotting these points in the graph and draw it, we have the graph of y=3 cos 4 x

Graph of One Period of y=3 cos 4 x Plotted Graph of One Period of y=3 cos 4 x
π π
in Intervals Plotted in Intervals
2 8
3. Phase Shift
Phase shift is defined as the movement of the mother graphs of sine and cosine
functions with respect to the x-axis of the Cartesian plane. This means that phase shift
determines either the graph is moved to the left or to the right side of the plane.

To visualize, consider these sine functions y=sin x , y=sin x−( π2 ) , and

y=−2+ sin x. First, we must find the points in the graph using the appropriate x-values of
period interval [ 0 , 2 π ].
y=sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

( π2 )
y=sin x−
π 3π 5π
x π 2π
2 2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

( π2 )
y=sin x +
−π π 3π
x 0 π
2 2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

Plotting the points of the functions and draw the graphs, we have:
y=sin x
( π2 )
y=sin x− ( π2 )
y=sin x +

Notice that the graph of one period of y=sin x− ( π

2) is just the graph of one period

of y=sin x moved units to the left while the graph of one period of y=sin x +
2 ( )
is just
the graph of one period of y=sin x moved units to the right. Thus, we can deduce that
the mother graph is moved to the left if x is subtracted by the number of units and the
mother graph is moved to the right if x is added by the number of units it will be moved.
The general equation for the graph of sine and cosine function determining its
phase shift is:
y=a sin k (x ¿−b)¿ y=a cos k (x−b)

where a is the amplitude, k determines the period of the graph, and b is the
phase shift of the graph.
Remember that if b> 0 the mother graph is shifted b units to the left and if b< 0 the
mother graph is shifted b units to the right.
Because the graph is shifted, the usual interval of one period of sine and cosine
function [0 ,2 π ] is not applicable anymore. Instead, the appropriate interval of one

period of sine and cosine functions is [b , b+ p] where p= .

( π2 ) . First, we need to identify the

Let us graph the function y=2cos 3 x +
appropriate interval of its period [b , b+ p] . To get the value of p , we need to use the

formula p= :



( π2 ) is [ −π2 ,(−π2 )+ 23π ]

Thus, the appropriate interval of one period of y=2cos 3 x +

or [
−π π
, . To find the appropriate values of x, we need to make things differently on
2 6
how we find the values of x without the phase shift. The table shows how to find the
appropriate values of x with phase shift b.

b b+(b+ p) b+ 2(b+ p) b+ 3(b+ p) (b+ p)

−π −π −π π
x 0
2 3 6 6

Then substituting these values of x in the given function to determine the points,
we get:

( π2 )
y=2cos 3 x +
−π −π −π π
x 0
2 3 6 6
y 2 0 −2 0 2

Plotting the points of the function and draw the graph, we have:
Graph of One Period of y=2cos 3 x + ( π2 ) Graph of One Period of

Plotted in
Intervals ( )
y=2cos 3 x +
Plotted in Intervals

4. Vertical Shift
Much like the phase shift, vertical shift is defined as the movement of the mother
graph of sine and cosine functions with respect to the y-axis. Meaning to say, vertical
shift is the upward or downward shifting of the mother graphs.

To visualize, consider these sine functions y=sin x , y=2+ sin x , and y=sin x + ( π2 )
. First, we must find the points in the graph using the appropriate x-values of period
interval [ 0 , 2 π ].
y=sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 0 1 0 −1 0

y=2+ sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y 2 3 2 1 2

y=−2+ sin x
π 3π
x 0 π 2π
2 2
y −2 −1 −2 −3 −2

Plotting the points of the functions and draw the graphs, we have:
y=sin x y=2+ sin x y=−2+ sin x
Notice that the graph of one period of y=2+ sin x is just the graph of one period of
y=sin x moved 2 units upward while the graph of one period of y=−2+ sin x is just the
graph of one period of y=sin x moved 2 units downward.
The general equation for the graph of sine and cosine function determining its
phase shift is:
y=a sin k (x ¿−b)+c ¿ y=a cos k (x−b)+c

where a is the amplitude, k determines the period of the graph, b is the phase
shift of the graph, and c is the vertical shift of the graph.
Remember that if c >0 the mother graph is shifted c units upward and if c <0 the
mother graph is shifted c units downward.

Let us graph the function y=2+5 cos 4 x . First, determine the period of the graph
of the function.


The appropriate interval for this function should be 0 ,
2[ ]
since b = 0, i.e., the
graph doesn’t have phase shift. Because of this, we use this table of set of appropriate
values of x.

1 1 3
0p p p p p
4 2 4
π π 3π π
x 0
8 4 8 2

Since the graph is shifted 2 units upwards, then the whole values of y will be
added by 2, as shown in the set of tables.

a+ c 0+ c −a+ c 0+ c a+ c

y 7 2 −3 2 7

Thus, the set of points of the given function is:

y=2+5 cos 4 x
π π 3π π
x 0
8 4 8 2
y 7 2 −3 2 7
Plotting the points of the function and draw the graph, we have:

Graph of One Period of y=2+5 cos 4 x Graph of One Period of y=2+5 cos 4 x
π π
Plotted in Intervals Plotted in Intervals
2 8

In summary:
The general equation of the graph of sine and cosine functions are:
y=a sin k (x ¿−b)¿ y=a cos k (x−b)

where: a — amplitude of the graph

k — determinant of the period p=

k [
with appropriate interval 0 ,

k ]
b — phase shift with appropriate interval [b , b+ p]
c — vertical shift

Set of Appropriate x-Values

— If k is known and b = 0

1 π 1 π 3 3π 2π
x 0 p∨ p∨ p∨ p∨
4 2k 2 k 4 2k k
(y-values depend on the amplitude and the trigonometric function given)
— If b is known

π π 3π 2π
x b b+ b+ b+ b+
2k k 2k k
(y-values depend on the amplitude and the trigonometric function given)
Set of y-Values of Sine and Cosine Functions
— For Sine (if a> 0)

y 0 a 0 −a 0

— For Sine (if a< 0)

y 0 −a 0 a 0

— For Cosine (if a> 0)

y a 0 −a 0 a

— For Cosine (if a< 0)

y −a 0 a 0 −a

(If c is known, add or subtract all values of y with c.)

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