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About SCM

1.Differentiate Supply chain management to operations management.

Supply chain management is how they handle the flow of transactions from the
manufacturer’s supplier to the manufacturer and wholesaler, to the distributor, and finally
to the customer. In SCM, they focused on the supply of raw materials and the efficiency of
delivering the product, involving customer requests. While OM is more concerned with the
internal processes of the organization, including production improvement, managing
resources, and enhancing productivity.

2.In the supply chain, does the consumer needs to be included in the chain? Why or why not?
Yes, because the consumer’s demand and request are based on the quantity of
supply required by the manufacturer. Consumer is the end term of flow or they are the
target, and this stage is the reason why the manufacturer transacts and operates.

B. Your Opinion

3. Give example/s of a company or organization that has outstanding supply chain.

Toyota is renowned for its lean manufacturing principles, which have had a
significant impact on supply chain efficiency.
The company is known for its efficient inventory management, data analytics for
demand forecasting, and collaboration with suppliers to streamline the supply chain.

4. Why does SCM a necessary subject for would-be IEs?

As an IE student, the course that we have taken demonstrates how our future job is strictly
responsible for different systems within the organization and various activities of the organization.
We should understand how to manage the flow of materials, money, and information needed and
required in operating a manufacturing company or even a service company. It is crucial that the SCM
subject be required for me to have advanced knowledge if I’m in the manufacturing field.

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