Speaking Text Hoann Chinhh

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B: I live in a small province in the Mekong Delta, Tra Vinh. There are many ethnic
groups living together and different cultures. The area I live in is surrounded by trees
and rivers, the air is clean, and the houses are far apart. The people are mainly
farmers, so life is not busy every day. They often drink cafe and talk to each other
before going to the field. The people around are friendly and ready to help you
anytime when you need them. But I don't like them meddling in other people's affairs
and telling untruths
P: Do you think it is important to maintain relationships with neighbors?
B: Of course, wouldn't it be great if neighbors lived together in harmony? Even
though there are times when they will interfere in your life and tell lies about you
P: In my opinion, it's not important because you can live your life, their words cannot
change your life. You can live without interacting with them.
B: But if you need help you can't call your relatives far away then you can only ask
your neighbors.
P: If anything goes wrong, you can call the police, they can help you. Like in Sai Gon,
neighbors often don't know each other but still live well
B: I understand what you mean, we have different views but I respect your opinion.
P: ok I'm happy to hear your point of view

B: My dream house would be gray, have a swimming pool, have a large garden
behind the house and have my parents too. Because my mother loves looking at
flowers in the morning and I love eating fruit, my father will plant both a flower and
fruit garden. And I will live in the countryside where there are birds singing every
morning and cicadas chirping in the evening, not the sound of busy traffic. I like fresh
air and neighbors taking care of each other.
P: Do you like living in the countryside? Do you think the countryside is better than
living in the city?
B: Of course, I like living in the countryside because life is not busy, the air is fresh, I
hate traffic jams and always having to worry about being robbed.
P: no I don't think so, the city is very convenient, you can find a convenience store
anywhere, and you will easily find a job with a high salary.
B: But the standard of living is also very high. and security is also not good, you can
see evil anywhere.
P: It's true that security is not good, but we are in an era of modernization, many
people want to migrate to the city to live.
B: And there are also many people from the city who want to live in the countryside
because they want a more peaceful life
P: I respect your opinion
B: me too

B: I just arrived in the most livable city in Vietnam with my family in August this
year, Da Nang. Danang is great, everywhere is clean and the air is fresh, you will not
find homeless people or lottery ticket sellers on the streets. I went to My Khe beach to
watch the sunrise early in the morning you can see the sun rising, the beach is clean
and the water is clear. But I don't like the food there very much, all the dishes are
bland so they don't suit my taste. But the food is insignificant. I will still come to Da
Nang again as soon as possible.
P: Do you like traveling alone?
B: No, I prefer to travel in groups, I can't go alone, I feel lonely and empty
P: Why, I like traveling alone, you can go somewhere freely without having to follow
other people's plans.
B: if you travel in a group you will have more fun, it will be cheaper when you share
something and you will feel safer in numbers.
P: If you go alone, it will be easier to make new friends and you won't have to spend
time in one place. Wherever you want to stay, you can stay until you don't want to
B: Yes, it's very comfortable in terms of time, but you'll spend a lot of time thinking
about where to go next, when it's already in their plans.
P: our views are different and I respect you
B: Thanks me too
B: When I was a high school student, my class participated in the school's volleyball
tournament. After losing the semi-final, we were angry and hated the referee because
we thought he was forcing us. In the next third place match, I intentionally hit the ball
at the referee and he almost fell. But he didn't blame me and continued to control the
game. At that time I felt very satisfied but now I don't. I feel so hot-tempered and
guilty, I always see it as a lesson to correct myself and not let this happen again.
P: Do you think it's all positive if we change things in the past?
B: I think so because we draw lessons from the past to develop ourselves into a better
version now.
P: But are they all positive changes? I feel like there are a lot of negative changes.
With the development of technology, people are focusing too much on their phones
and not paying attention to the people around them
B: But developing technology makes our lives more comfortable. Just as prejudices
are becoming less and less, women are also proving that their abilities are not inferior
to men
P: But less prejudice means people will live more freely and evils will appear more,
like people are normalizing drinking and getting drunk, leading to so many tragic
B: Less prejudice so that good things that are banned can develop, not to support bad
things, drinking alcohol is normal when not driving, people still condemn that
P: Hope everything goes well like you said
B: I want that too
B: My mother bought me a phone in 10th grade and from then on I couldn't live a day
without my phone. I can't stay away from my phone even when I go to the bathroom.
Phones help us a lot in life, used for studying, because you can find out any
information for your lessons in class on Google or you can read books on online
reading applications. Relax after tiring studying hours like listening to music,
watching movies or playing games. Contact people around you instead of sending
letters by post and also make friends with strangers on social networks.
P: Do you think the use of smartphones in class should be completely banned?
B: I don't agree with that because phones help us a lot in studying, finding
information, or English classes will regularly organize games with applications to
reinforce lesson knowledge. .
P: But in my opinion, phones will distract us from studying. When a notification
comes, you will put aside your studies and look at your phone, then you will not be
able to focus on the lecturer's lecture.
B: Learning is each person's self-discipline. People who don't want to study without
their phones will be distracted by other things.
P: And phones can also be used for cheating purposes in class.
B: Since I said it's up to each person's discretion, the teacher can take the phone before
the test starts.
P: That's your opinion, I respect it
B: Thanks, me too
B: shoppe.vn is a direct shopping website. I learned about Shoppe when surfing
Facebook. You can shop for home appliances or clothes or many other things.
Currently there are many shopping websites on the market but I like shoppe the most
because it is clear that there is usually no fear of buying fake goods and the designs
are very diverse and there are many discounts. Because I don't have much time to go
out to buy directly, I just stay home, surf the web and wait for a few days. I feel like
shoppe is great, like it was born for people like me who are lazy to go out.
P: Do you like online shopping? There are indeed many unreliable sources.'
B: Why do you say that? You can see online reviews or feedback from customers, and
you don't even need to waste time going out to choose clothes.
P: But you can't be sure the item will fit you, by shopping directly you will be able to
choose the model and even try the item on to see if it fits you?
B: But you have to go to many stores to get different styles, but online shopping has
them all
P: I hate having to wait days to receive the item I want. I once bought shoes online
and they didn't really fit and they were very expensive.
B: Although some items may not be the correct size, you can learn size selection
experience from previous customers.
P: you have your opinion, I respect it
B: Thanks me too
B:Thuy Duong has been my best friend since middle school. But when we both went
to college, she stayed in Tra Vinh to study at university and I went to Ho Chi Minh
City to study. She is thin and very beautiful. She is very calm, while I get angry easily
and she is always the one to calmly resolve all arguments between us. When we meet
again on holidays, she and I tell each other stories from school and we often talk for
hours. And every time I come to school here alone, I always think how wonderful it
would be to have her here.
P: So do you think high school friends or college friends are more important?
B: For me, my high school friends are the people closest to me and understand me the
most. I experienced a lot of things with them and college friends who didn't have
enough experience with each other.
P: But in my opinion, college friends are more important, because you are in college
and will have more contact with them. Your high school friends cannot understand
your current problems.
B: You can tell them, I always tell my problems to my high school friends, they will
help me come up with the most reasonable solution for me, but my college friends
only cause problems.
P: When I have a problem, my college friends will work with me to solve the problem,
and if my high school friends live far away, if they want to help, they can only give
B: Your college friends are really cool, I really hope to meet friends like that.
P: You will meet people like that

B: My high school is the school with the most rules in Cang Long district. My school
must wear school uniform shirts and long pants for both boys and girls. The wall has 3
rows of classrooms, in the middle is a yard with many shade trees, behind is a grass
field for physical education and sports competitions of the school. What makes the
school great is that the teachers always teach very seriously and when they play they
always give their best. After school in the afternoon, the teachers invited us to stay
and play volleyball with them and invited us to eat afterwards…
P: uhm... your school has quite a few rules, right?
B: That's right. But I think the rules help my school become quite special. So what
about your school, does it have many rules?
P: oh no, my school only has a uniform policy and because there is only one high
school in town, everyone can easily tell who is a middle school student or a high
school student.
B: oh....is your school comfortable?
P: uhm... in my opinion, it's not very comfortable. Because teachers are also a bit strict
with students.
B: oh.... your school is a bit different from mine. because my school teachers are quite
comfortable with students.
P: I think each school is different. No school can be the same
B: I think the same as you

B: I will become a teller in a bank. I am majoring in banking and finance and I also
want to become a member of a bank. You will have to learn communication skills and
specialized knowledge and ways to support customer care, to become a good trader.
Working in a bank is a good space and working during office hours will give me a lot
of time to experience things out in the world. Although working in a bank is not my
dream, I think it is the perfect job for me.

B: wao... the field you study requires quite a lot of skills, right?
P: That's right. Because when you recruit employees, you need to grasp the key points
of the interviewer's answer and then make a decision whether to hire that person or
B: oh, that sounds difficult.
P: Yes, but I feel like your job is not very easy. Because when you work as a teller,
you don't always meet easy-going customers.
B: Of course. When you work as a teller, even if you encounter difficult customers,
you must endure and try to please them.
P: It sounds difficult.
B: It's okay if it's difficult, that's the characteristic of the service industry.
P: You're right.

B: My friend and I went to charity at night. We bought a few lunch boxes and
distributed them to the homeless people we met on the street. It was really cold that
day but they had to sleep on the street or at bus stops. There were only old people and
children, everyone was hungry and thanked us very much. When there was the last
lunch box left but I saw so many people who didn't have any, I cried. I promised
myself I would try my best next time. This can help more people.

B: I think I've seen an article about the activity "Kim Dong Moon Night".
P: Yes, it's posted on my club's page.
B:Oh...so only your club participates in this activity?
P: oh no. Besides my club, there is also a law faculty association.
B:uhmm.... I think maybe there are too many people for this activity. Because the total
number of members of the law faculty association and your club is about 30 people.
P: I don't think so because each person has their own responsibilities and tasks. What
about your charity work? Just you and your friends can't help everyone?
B: As for just me and my friends, we just hope to help a little for those in need, not for
profit. It's simply kindness. We are currently just students and that is what we can do
within our ability.
P: okay, you're right. Charity work is a job that does not require payment or anything,
it simply helps people have a better life.
B: That's right

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