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complex ion questions

Madhu Haputhanthri
B.Sc. Hons (Chemistry sp), University of Colombo
Chemistry sp, Graduate Chemist, ICHEM

1. The following questions are based on the transition metal Fe and its compounds

i. Write the ground state electronic configuration of Fe

ii. State two most common positive oxidation states of Fe
iii. Aqueous FeSO4 reacts with excess KCN to give a yellow octahedral ionic complex G. G does
not contain the element H, O and S. Write the structural formula of G
iv. Give the IUPAC name of G
v. G reacts with 30% aqueous HNO3 to give a red-brown octahedral ionic complex L. The
oxidation state of Fe remains unchanged during this reaction. The molecular formula of L is
FeK2C5N6O. Write the structural formula of L
vi. The reaction taking place in part (V) above can be described as ligand substitution reaction in
an octahedral complex. From the list given below, identify the entering group and the leaving
group, with their correct charges, in this substitution reaction

N2, NO, NO+, NO" $

! , NO# , CN , CO

(2014, Q – 10) a) ii)

2. A, B, C and D are coordination compounds (complex compound) of chromium. They have an

octahedral geometry. All the compounds consist of a single chromium ion, three chlorine atoms which
could be either covalent and/or ionic and molecules of water. The number of molecules of water in the
compounds vary. The chromium ion in all the compounds has the same oxidation state. The Complex
ion part (metal ion and ligands coordinated to it) of A, B, C and D have charges of +3, +2, +1 and zero
Note – disregard geometric isomers

i. Give the oxidation state of chromium in the coordination compounds

ii. Write the electronic configuration of chromium in these compounds
iii. Write the structural formulae of A, B, C and D
Note – disregard geometric isomers
iv. Give the IUPAC name of A
v. Give a chemical test that could be used to distinguish between A and D
Note – state the test as well as the observation

vi. Given below is the structure of the oxalate ion


Madhu Haputhanthri 1 CHEMISTRY

The oxalate ion coordinates the chromium ion through the two negatively charged oxygens to give a
complex ion part, E, which has an octahedral geometry. Write the structural formula of E. (The
chromium ion in E has the same oxidation state as the chromium in compounds A-D)

Note – use the abbreviation ‘ox’ to denote the oxalate ion in your structural formula

(2015, Q – 10) a))

3. X, Y and Z are coordination compounds. They have an octahedral geometry. The atomic composition
of the species in the coordination sphere (i.e. metal ion and the ligands coordinated to it) in X, Y and
Z are FeH10CNO5S, FeH8C2N2O4S2 and FeH6C3N3O3S3 respectively. The Oxidation state of the metal
ion in all three compounds is the same. In each compound two types of ligands are coordinated to the
metal ion. If these compounds contain non-coordinated anions, they are of the same type

An aqueous solution of S contains X, Y and Z in the molar ratio 1:1:1. The concentration of each
compound in solution S is 0.10 mol dm-3. When excess AgNO3 solution was added to 100.00 cm3 of
S, a yellow precipitate was formed. The precipitate was washed with water and oven dried to constant
mass. The mass of the precipitate was 7.05 g. This precipitate does not dissolve in conc. NH4OH.

(Relative molecular mass of the chemical compound in the yellow precipitate = 235)

i. Identify the ligands coordinated to the metal ions in X, Y and Z

ii. Write the chemical formula of the yellow precipitate
iii. Giving reasons, determine the structures of X, Y and Z
iv. Given below is the structure of ethylenediamine (en)


Ethylenediamine coordinates to the metal ion M3+ through the two nitrogen atoms to form the
complex ion Q. (i.e. metal ion and the ligands coordinated to it). Q has an octahedral geometry.

Write the structural formula of Q and draw its structure.

Note – consider that only ethylenediamine is coordinated to the metal ion. Use the abbreviation
‘en’ to denote ethylenediamine in your structural formula

(2016, Q – 10) a))

Madhu Haputhanthri 2 CHEMISTRY

4. a) TiCl3 is a violet coloured solid. In water, two hydrated species of TiCl3, A and B are formed. A
and B are coordination compounds of titanium with an octahedral geometry, containing H2O
and Cl- as ligands.
A and B were separated and their atomic compositions were determined. The compounds
were further analysed using the procedures given below.

Analysis of A

When excess AgNO3(aq) was added to 50.0 cm3 of a 0.20 mol dm-3 solution of A, a white precipitate
that was soluble in dilute ammonia was obtained. The mass of the precipitate after washing and oven
drying (to a constant mass) was 4.305 g.

Analysis of B

When excess AgNO3(aq) was added to 50.0 cm3 of a 0.30 mol dm-3 solution of B, the same white
precipitate that was obtained as in analysis A. The mass of the precipitate after washing and oven
drying (to a constant mass) was 4.305 g.

(H – 1, O – 16, Cl – 35.5, Ti – 48, Ag - 108)

I. Write the electronic configuration of titanium in A and B

II. Deduce the structures of A and B
III. Give the IUPAC names of A and B

ii. X, Y and Z were coordinated compounds of the metal ion M(II). They have a square planar
geometry. X is a neutral compound. On addition of BaCl2(aq) to an aqueous solution of Y. a white
precipitate that is insoluble in dilute acids is obtained. Z gives three ions in aqueous solution. Write
the structural formula of X, Y and Z selecting the appropriate species from the list given below

K+, NH3 , CN-, SO!$


(2017, Q – 10) a))

Madhu Haputhanthri 3 CHEMISTRY

5. A and B are complex ions. (i.e. metal ion and the ligands coordinated to it) with an octahedral
geometry. They have the same atomic composition of MnC5H3N6. In each complex ion, two types of
ligands are coordinated to the metal ion. When an aqueous solution containing A is treated with a
potassium salt, the coordination compound C is formed. C gives four ions in aqueous in aqueous
solution. When an aqueous solution containing B is treated with a potassium salt the coordination
compound D is formed. D gives three ions in aqueous solution. Both C and D have an octahedral

(Note – The oxidation states of manganese in A and B do not change on treatment with the potassium

i. Identify the ligands coordinated to manganese in A and B

ii. Give the structure of A, B, C and D
iii. Write the electronic configurations of the manganese ions in A and B
iv. Write the IUPAC names of C and D

(2018, Q – 10) a))

Madhu Haputhanthri 4 CHEMISTRY

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