Breastfeeding Research Paper Outline

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Title: Crafting a Comprehensive Breastfeeding Research Paper Outline: A Daunting Task Made Easy

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when delving into
complex and nuanced topics like breastfeeding. Crafting a well-structured research paper outline is
the foundation upon which your thesis will stand, requiring meticulous attention to detail and
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. However, fear not, as help is readily available to
guide you through this challenging process.

Writing a thesis on breastfeeding involves navigating through a vast array of literature, statistics, and
scientific research to construct a compelling argument or analysis. From exploring the benefits of
breastfeeding to examining its societal, cultural, and economic implications, the scope of this topic is
vast and multifaceted.

One of the initial challenges lies in formulating a coherent outline that effectively organizes your
thoughts and research findings. A well-crafted outline serves as a roadmap for your thesis, outlining
the key points, arguments, and evidence that will be presented in each section.

Here are some essential components to consider when drafting your breastfeeding research paper

1. Introduction:

Background information on breastfeeding

Importance of the topic
Purpose of the research
Thesis statement
2. Literature Review:

Overview of existing research on breastfeeding

Key findings and trends
Gaps in the literature
3. Methodology:

Research design
Data collection methods
Analysis techniques
4. Findings:

Presentation of research findings

Analysis and interpretation of results
5. Discussion:

Implications of findings
Comparison with existing literature
Limitations of the study
Suggestions for future research
6. Conclusion:

Summary of key points

Contribution to the field
Recommendations for practice or policy
While the prospect of writing a thesis may seem overwhelming, there is no need to tackle it alone.
Help is available to assist you every step of the way. When seeking assistance with your
breastfeeding research paper, it is crucial to choose a reliable and reputable service.

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By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and anxiety
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Some mothers can only store 2 ounces of milk, and some can store 6. The big push. American
Academy of Pediatrics “Exclusive breastfeeding is ideal nutrition and sufficient to support optimal
growth and development for approximately the first 6 months after birth.” WHO and UNICEF. They
often have a little cooler as part of the bag, or you can bring your own cooler bag to store pumped
milk. Out of 253 non-breastfeeding mothers, 150 had infants feeding on formula; while 103 had
adolescent children who had been fed on formula when they were infants (see Fig.1). The mean of
mothers’ ages would be 35. 150 of those 513 respondents who completed the survey wrote narratives
at the end of the open-ended questionnaires. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. See Full PDF Download
PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. When you are back at work,
try to pump once for every feeding that your baby is missing. When your milk comes in, it is normal
for your breasts to get much larger, feel firm, and start leaking. Often mothers worry they don’t have
enough milk because their baby is nursing frequently. Often these are caused by a shallow latch, so
unlatching and then relatching the baby can fix the problem. Nearly six in ten infants are still
breastfeeding at six months and only one in four are exclusively breastfeeding. The breastfeeding
group contained 260 mothers; and the non-breastfeeding group contained 253 mothers. Most
lactation consultants recommend at least 8 nursing sessions in a 24-hour period for any baby that is
exclusively breastfed. Frequent breastfeeding is normal, and it is NOT a sign that your baby is not
getting enough milk. Breast feeding can help mothers burn calories, shrink their uterus back to its
pre-pregnancy size and lower their risk of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, post
partum depression and also may help decrease the risk uterine and ovarian cancer. A person who
loses his or her spouse is called widow or widower. Before the modern era, breasfeeding was usually
the normal procedure for feeding an infant. In the next 4-5 days, this colostrums transform into
mature milk which contains the right proportions of fats, sugar, protein etc. We also use third-party
cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What if the children are
allowed to breastfeed in public areas what impact may it bring to the environment. Infants that are
fed breast milk, get fewer colds, fewer ear infections, and less diarrhea than bottle-fed infants. This
discussion will briefly examine the definition of breastfeeding. If you leave your son perfect and
whole, you won’t regret it, and he will thank you later. In addition, the researchers’ work highlights
the importance of considering the motivation and cognitive appraisal in establishing a breastfeeding
routine. It is common for baby boys to refuse to breastfeed for several hours following their
circumcision, and this interruption can negatively affect the mother’s milk supply. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. RELATED TOPICS Nursing Neonatal Nursing Medicine
Paediatrics and reproductive med. I assume I will see some mothers that are able to breastfeed and
some that aren’t. Although breastfeeding and caring for an infant may be tough at times, I promise
you will miss those days.
Even the cows, whose milk is used to prepare these artificial foods, are injected with growth
hormones so that more milk is produced. A large amount of German work published in 2009 points
out the fact that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Free
breastfeeding Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. My
recommendation is that you pump every 3 hours if possible, and 4 hours maximum. However, if a
baby is weak or dehydrated he may not be able to nurse vigorously, and the top priority is to nourish
this baby, even if it does mean you need to supplement. Thus the oath between the man and woman
in a civil ceremony was taken in homes, most often at the residence of the bride with a civilian
authority presiding over the marriage ceremony. Women responded differently when the same
information was presented as the risks of not breastfeeding. These articles enumerate that it is
important for the mothers to breast feed their child help him grow healthily and also to reduce the
medical cost of the family. NCHS Data Briefs, No 5, Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health
Statistics. 2008. Wright AL.The rise of breastfeeding in the United States. Although all responses
were deeply considered, noted down and read; however, data saturation was achieved just after the
analysis of 134 responses. Although breastfeeding and caring for an infant may be tough at times, I
promise you will miss those days. Approximately half of the calories in breast milk come from fat, an
essential nutrient for brain development. Emptying the breast frequently tells your body to make
more milk. Women who also have certain chronic diseases should be advised not to breastfeed, or to
take certain precautions to make sure that they are healthy while they are Breastfeeding. It is all
spiritual, you see.” Another wrote, “I can feel my adolescent turning toward me in all his problems.
And this bonding he has with me since I used to breastfeed him.” Mothers of infants reported that
their children showed discomfort when they were not around them. Like any relationship, it takes
time, effort, energy, and patience, especially in the beginning. Circumcision often leaves a baby boy
traumatized and withdrawn from his external environment due to the pain and suffering. Take
whatever help you can from people in your life. The independent variable (IV) in this research was
breastfeeding; while, the dependent variable (DV) was mother-child bonding. Advocates argue for a
mother’s right to feed her child and the normalization of a natural act, while some oppose it based
on modesty concerns. Now, when a woman is seen nursing her baby, she feels judged and creates
discomfort for many people. The findings implied that the more a mother breastfed, the stronger the
bonding got between the mother and the child. To help with this, express some breast milk and allow
the wet nipples to air dry. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Nonetheless,
she faced many obstacles despite the instructions she received, which effectively frustrated her
although unrelenting practice eventually achieved success.The authors’ work is crucial in a clinical
setting since it underlines the importance of nurses to develop interventions tailored to the needs of
an individual mother. Assistant Professor at Calvin College, Grand Rapids in Michigan, used the
experiences of two mothers regarding breastfeeding and the implications that these experiences had
on nurses and other professionals working in the healthcare sector. Your Whole Baby has a diverse
group of members whom we embrace and value. Expect that there will be times when you want to
quit. Dev Med Child Neurol. Vol. 23 June 1981; pp337-345 Sinusas K, Gagliardi A.
This discussion will briefly examine the definition of breastfeeding. Authors: Felix Akpojene Ogbo,
Anselm Okoro, Bolajoko O. The information provided on this website is for information and
research purposes. You do not want your baby to be pacified by an artificial nipple, when what she
really needs is more nursing. NVivo7 software was used to analyze the narratives and responses, after
they were read and reread multiple times. If you do need to supplement, try to seek out human breast
milk from donors. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and
requirements from scratch. The Extent and Nature of Drug Use According to the UNODC World
Drug Report 2010, globally the number of individuals that used illicit drugs at least once in the year
2009 was between 155 and 250 million which accounts for approximately 3. Free breastfeeding
Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. Despite the high significance of breast milk, most mothers do
not breast-feed their children enough, if at all. RELATED TOPICS Nursing Neonatal Nursing
Medicine Paediatrics and reproductive med. Keeping a photo of your baby with your pump and
viewing it when you begin will help with your “let down” of milk. It was accordingly noted that, due
to the efficiency of this method, 150 participants found themselves willing to share their personal
experiences and stories in the form of narratives at the end of their questionnaires. If you get a hard
sore spot in your breast, you may have a clogged duct. No other experience is more delightful than
feeding your offspring through your body. The rest 363 respondents simply answered to the closed-
ended questions with yes or no replies, and to questions which had to be answered grading from 1-
10. Ask your doctor about taking Fenugreek, an herbal supplement available anywhere you can buy
vitamins, that you can take to increase milk supply. Before you know it, your baby will be walking
and talking and he won't need you nearly as much. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific
needs and requirements. Nursing provides relaxation to a large number of women because nursing
triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and nurturing. Research Design
This was a qualitative research in which the participants were surveyed through questionnaires which
contained open-ended and closed-ended questions. They asserted that breast milk contains not only
the necessary nutrients for the infant, but also that spiritual sensitivity that should be an imperative
part of mother-child relationship. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Findings Nature of bond The findings were as expected.
100% of group A mothers reported that they shared a strong mutual connection with their breastfed
children, and the children also responded them back with trust and understanding. Let us write or
edit the research paper on your topic. Furthermore, the act of breastfeeding will act like a regular
thing and will motivate women to get children just like the others. Tailored Design Method consists
of precise groundwork and distribution of survey materials and questionnaire so that response rate is
increased. Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia PA. 2005 References Nancy G, Powers, Wendelin S. Dr.
Emel Gur I.U. Cerrahpasa T?p Fakultesi Cocuk Sagl?g. I assume I will see some mothers that are
able to breastfeed and some that aren’t.
Please see a lactation consultant as soon as possible if breastfeeding is painful for you. Retrieved
March 2009 from McDowell MA, Wang C-Y, Kennedy-Stephenson J.Breastfeeding in the United
States: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 1999-2006. Mother’s
milk also gets absorbed more easily in comparison to formula, as a result of which lesser excretion
takes place. (Environmental Benefits of Breastfeeding, 2011) Another matter of rising concern in
today’s time is the rising cost of treatment. Also, each mother's breasts have a unique storage
capacity. June 25, 2009. Outline. Introduction Anatomy and Physiology of Lactation Composition
and Storage of Human Breast Milk. Analysis The narratives which the respondents wrote at the end
of the survey were recorded down verbatim, and then, were analyzed using content analysis. The
only way the infant can get more milk is by emptying her mother's breasts more frequently. Every
time the child urinates or has a diaper change, he feels excruciating pain which further disrupts
nursing. Drink plenty of fluids, including one full glass every time you sit down to nurse. Even
though more research and studies are needed on the subject but there are evidence to show that
breastfeeding can lead to reduced chances of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis. Their
mums will be in a position to nature them without restrictions from both the state and the society.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Moreover, at PapersOwl,
there are additional free essay samples connected to Breastfeeding topic. The issue of infant deaths is
a matter of concern in societies across the world. Night waking is also protective against SIDS which
is why the recommendation to keep baby in mom’s room for at least 6 months is given. It definitely
takes even more work and commitment to breastfeeding if you are a working momma, but you can
do it! 10. With all of the extra calories burned, she may not need to diet at all to reach her desired
weight Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway 7. Now, when a woman is seen nursing her baby, she
feels judged and creates discomfort for many people. Donate Shop Subscribe Simple Outreach
Techniques State by State Card on Campuses Community Groups Tabling Organize a Demonstration
Sample Messages Share Our Graphics Free Printables Incognito Articles Books About Circumcision
Businesses for Genital Autonomy College Outreach Presentations Talk to Your Children. The study
found that the alpha diversity present in breastfed babies were lower early in life than in formula fed
babies. The USA has one of the lowest rates of breastfeeding in the world, and also the highest rate
of infant circumcision. It is all spiritual, you see.” Another wrote, “I can feel my adolescent turning
toward me in all his problems. And this bonding he has with me since I used to breastfeed him.”
Mothers of infants reported that their children showed discomfort when they were not around them.
You may be tempted to follow advice of friends to get your baby to “sleep through the night” at a
young age, but this can be harmful to breastfeeding. The largest number of illicit drug users is the
cannabis addicts which, according to UNODC, are between 120-190 million individuals.
Breastfeeding wonderfully affects all systems of a baby organism: digestive, immune, nervous,
endocrine. The most important part of the article talked about. According to the National Conference
of State Legislatures, 39 states, the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia all have laws which
specifically allow women to breastfeed in public. Learn techniques for getting you and your baby
comfortable breastfeeding. Misri and Kendrick (2008) asserted that breastfeeding strengthened
maternal bonding and impacted the child's social, psychological, behavioral, and cognitive
development. Do not be afraid to just ask for help from others when you need it.
The body is where you will be presenting all your arguments to support your thesis statement. Well,
let me tell you: every mom and baby have to develop a breastfeeding relationship. When you are
back at work, try to pump once for every feeding that your baby is missing. Data Collection Data
were collected through a mailed survey using Tailored Design Method that was sent to the
participants to be filled. In other words, this can also be understood in this way: those mothers who
breastfeed their babies enjoy a more intensive emotional bonding with their children, as compared to
those mothers who opt not to breastfeed. The act will enable the kids to have a chance to feed
anytime they feel hunger irrespective of the places their mothers are. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. This text is free, available online and used for guidance and inspiration.
Breastfeeding Update 2: Clinical Lactation Management. Do babies drink less formula compared to
breast milk. On the contrary, the artificial baby food not only pollutes the environment but also
depletes the existing stock of natural resources. Before the modern era, breasfeeding was usually the
normal procedure for feeding an infant. It does not even require any other natural resources and can
be directly fed to the child. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Donate Shop Subscribe Simple Outreach Techniques State by
State Card on Campuses Community Groups Tabling Organize a Demonstration Sample Messages
Share Our Graphics Free Printables Incognito Articles Books About Circumcision Businesses for
Genital Autonomy College Outreach Presentations Talk to Your Children. RELATED TOPICS
Nursing Neonatal Nursing Medicine Paediatrics and reproductive med. Prolactin, the breast milk
hormone, peaks between midnight and 3AM. Furthermore, the act of breastfeeding will act like a
regular thing and will motivate women to get children just like the others. But opting out of some of
these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. You can also talk to your doctor
about potential causes for your low milk supply. Therefore, these growth hormones also find their
way into these baby foods. Formula was also associated with an alteration in infants intestinal
microbiome at 3 months of age. Free breastfeeding Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. These
articles enumerate that it is important for the mothers to breast feed their child help him grow
healthily and also to reduce the medical cost of the family. This is especially important if your baby
has jaundice, as she may become too sleepy to nurse and allow themselves to get weak or
dehydrated. In the next 4-5 days, this colostrums transform into mature milk which contains the
right proportions of fats, sugar, protein etc. Formula fed babies, as a whole developed overweight to
a greater extent as young children. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. They often have a little cooler as part
of the bag, or you can bring your own cooler bag to store pumped milk. Warning: Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of
deceased persons.
Human milk does not need to be prepared i.e. heated or mixed. It is always available and ready for
consumption and is therefore less problematic especially when the child is hungry. (Fredregill and
Fredregill, 2010, p.12) Babies who have at least been breastfed for six months have stronger and
better aligned teeth. Circumcisions are commonly done without anesthesia, and the severe pain
causes choking and difficulty breathing. Since breastfeed babies excrete less, a lesser number of
diapers are required by them. Free breastfeeding Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. Out of 253
non-breastfeeding mothers, 150 had infants feeding on formula; while 103 had adolescent children
who had been fed on formula when they were infants (see Fig.1). The mean of mothers’ ages would
be 35. 150 of those 513 respondents who completed the survey wrote narratives at the end of the
open-ended questionnaires. Higher amount of oxytocin in blood also keeps blood pressure in check.
(How breastfeeding benefits you and your baby, 2010) During breastfeeding, the levels of the
hormone Prolactin also increases in the mother’s body. The findings helped expand the understanding
regarding what kind of bonding results from breastfeeding. IgA, cytokines, lactoferrin, lysozomes,
and fatty acids are among a few of the protective components of breast milk. Merjonen et al. (2011)
also found in their research that breastfeeding had many psychological impacts upon the cognitive
development of the child. Oddi ei al. (2010) found that longer duration in breastfeeding was a
predictor of elimination of mental health risks in children. Kim et al. (2011) found that breastfeeding
results in infant boding due to certain brain activations, and invokes empathy with mother during
early postpartum. Breastfeeding can also promote the mother's health. Data reduction was
accomplished by writing in the margins, making footnotes and counting the frequency of analogous
annotations and comments. Many stopped earlier than recommended according to the 2018
Breastfeeding Report Card. Therefore, whether a mother should breast feed her child or not is not
only a lifestyle issue but a health, social and environmental issue. (Correa) Body section One:
Importance of Breast Feeding This section describes the importance of breast feeding in ensuring the
healthy development of the child. You may be tempted to follow advice of friends to get your baby
to “sleep through the night” at a young age, but this can be harmful to breastfeeding. The keywords I
will use are that public breastfeeding is essential to the growth of kids and should be embraced and
supported at all cost by the citizens. Get a high-quality pump, and make the time to take pumping
breaks. Total number of participants was 515, out of whom 2 gave personal interviews, and 513
participated in the survey. This hormone promotes the feelings of motherly love and tenderness and
can therefore decrease the chances of postpartum depression. (Black, et al, 1998, p.107) Breast
feeding is effective from the point of view of cost saving as well. With all of the extra calories
burned, she may not need to diet at all to reach her desired weight Eisenberg, Murkoff, and
Hathaway 7. I will explain to the participants the need of public breastfeeding to make changes.How
to appeal the audienceI will explain to the audience the importance of allowing public breastfeeding.
Formula feeding is not as good as breastfeeding because it does not provide the baby with the same
antibodies that breastfeeding does. Free breastfeeding Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. The
prevalence of breastfeeding in the hospital reached an all time high in 2000: 68.4% initiation rate
31.4% breastfeeding at 6 months (Source: Ross Mothers Survey, 2000). I will also observe different
regions and ask them how they feel about the implementation of this act to the state. Leaving a baby
intact and whole is natural, healthy, and normal. Breast milk digests in 90 minutes, and your infant is
growing rapidly. As it has been pointed out that breast feeding has multiple advantages not only for
the baby and the mother but also for the environment. Concerns about “ Page 116 and 117: Session 9
135 Ask: What is a normal Page 118 and 119: Session 9 137 4. Many times people are willing to help,
but don't want to push, so they don't offer. Along with the nutritional benefits of breast milk, it also
bequeaths many immunological benefits to the baby.

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