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linux@linux-HP-Laptop-15-fc0xxx:~$ gedit straight_linegfortran.

linux@linux-HP-Laptop-15-fc0xxx:~$ gfortran straight_linegfortran.f90
linux@linux-HP-Laptop-15-fc0xxx:~$ ./a.out
55.0000000 86.5554962 385.000000 601.315063 5.50000000 8.65555000
y-intercept, a= 0.304894656
slope ,b= 1.51830089
x y yfit
1.00000000 1.82319999 1.82319558
2.00000000 3.34150004 3.34149647
3.00000000 4.85980034 4.85979700
4.00000000 6.37810040 6.37809801
5.00000000 7.89640045 7.89639902
6.00000000 9.41470051 9.41469955
7.00000000 10.9330006 10.9330006
8.00000000 12.4513006 12.4513016
9.00000000 13.9696007 13.9696026
10.0000000 15.4879007 15.4879036
linux@linux-HP-Laptop-15-fc0xxx:~$ gnuplot

Version 5.4 patchlevel 2 last modified 2021-06-01

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Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others

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gnuplot> plot '/home/linux/file2.dat' with points
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use
QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
gnuplot> plot '/home/linux/file2.dat' with linespoints

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