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Same But Different: Variations in Reactions to Digital Transformation Within an

Organizational Field [In: JAIS]

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4 authors:

Mette Strange Noesgaard Jeppe Agger Nielsen

Aalborg University Aalborg University


Tina Blegind Jensen Lars Mathiassen

Copenhagen Business School Georgia State University


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Same But Different: Variations in Reactions to Digital

Transformation Within an Organizational Field
Mette Strange Noesgaard
Aalborg University,

Jeppe Agger Nielsen

Aalborg University,

Tina Blegind Jensen

Copenhagen Business School,

Lars Mathiassen
Georgia State University,

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Recommended Citation
Noesgaard, Mette Strange; Nielsen, Jeppe Agger; Blegind Jensen, Tina; and Mathiassen, Lars, "Same But
Different: Variations in Reactions to Digital Transformation Within an Organizational Field" (2022). JAIS
Preprints (Forthcoming). 49.
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00770
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Journal of the Association for Information Systems (2021) 21(1), xxx-xxx
doi: 10.17705/1jais.00491


ISSN 1536-9323

Same But Different: Variations in Reactions to Digital

Transformation Within an Organizational Field

Mette Strange Noesgaard1, Jeppe Agger Nielsen2, Tina Blegind Jensen3, Lars Mathiassen4
Aalborg University, Department of Politics and Society, Denmark,
Aalborg University, Department of Politics and Society, Denmark,
Copenhagen Business School, Department of Digitalization, Denmark,
Georgia State University, Center for Digital Innovation, USA,


Researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in understanding how organizations transform their value
proposition and practices using digital technologies. While extant literature offers important empirical and theoretical
insights into digital transformation in individual organizations, we know little about how adopting organizations
within an organizational field react differently over time to the same digital transformation initiative. This is
unfortunate, as such insights can help scholars and managers understand option repertoires and constraints in
handling digital transformation ideas that travel into organizations. Against this backdrop, we had access to a unique
case over an eighteen-year period, which shows how organizations within the Danish homecare field reacted
differently to a nation-wide digital transformation initiative on mobile technology use. To analyze this case, we
applied the Virus Theory as a promising perspective for examining how and why the same digital technology and
transformation idea occasions different reactions in similar contexts. Our analysis highlights the emerging,
fluctuating, and consequential nature of digital transformation within the Danish homecare field that led to very
different reactions across the adopting organizations. Drawing on this analysis, we contribute to the expanding
literature on digital transformation by providing theoretical and practical knowledge about variations in how
organizations within an organizational field react over time to digital transformation ideas.

Keywords: Digital transformation, Organizational Field, Organizational Reaction, Virus Perspective, Longitudinal
Case Study.

[Senior editor name] was the accepting senior editor. This research article was submitted on [manuscript submission
date] and went through [number of revisions] revisions.
technology (Singh & Hess 2017; Vial, 2019; Weill &
1 Introduction Woerner, 2013). On the strategic level, the focus has
been on the important role of top managers in
Academics and practitioners are increasingly
conceiving and carefully planning the different stages
engaging in conversations about digital
of digital transformations (Bharadwaj et al., 2013;
transformation (Sebastian et al., 2017; Vial, 2019) as
Hess et al., 2016; Valdez-de-Leon, 2016). On the
a long-term change process that transforms an
process level, research has highlighted the importance
organization from one state of operation to another
of cultivating an experimental mindset across the
through digital technologies (Baiyere et al., 2017).
organization to facilitate change (Kane, 2019),
The rapidly expanding literature on digital
including the management of inertia and resistance to
transformation (Hanelt et al., 2020) has stressed the
change (Karimi & Walther, 2015; Selander &
strategies and processes involved in changing an
Jarvenpaa, 2016; Wessel et al., 2021).
organization’s core business processes through digital

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Appreciating this work as foundational to transformative potential in reconfiguring homecare

understanding and managing digital transformations, work practices. Building upon the most-similar case
more focus should be directed toward understanding study method (Gerring & Cojocaru, 2016), we
the dynamic interaction between strategic choices and selected this digital transformation initiative due to its
process activities that underpin organizations’ digital similarities in terms of structure (the homecare field),
transformational efforts (Wessel et al., 2021). There technology (mobile technology), task (care work),
is, however, a dearth of studies that investigate these and users (caregivers), thereby constituting a unique
interactions and their consequences for how the same case (Flyvbjerg, 2006) to compare the different ways
digital transformation initiative may occasion in which three homecare organizations reacted to the
different reactions across organizations and over time. same digital transformation initiative over time.
To engage this conversation, we were inspired by the While all three organizations were “infected” by
Virus Theory proposed by Røvik (2011). Despite the adopting mobile technology, their subsequent
negative connotation of the name, this theory is reactions differed. The first organization reacted
promising, as it takes the analysis beyond adoption– through replication followed by mutation, where
rejection thinking toward underscoring the active role management initially adopted a control-based mobile
of “the virus” and “the host” in transforming ideas technology use regime and later morphed it into a
into new and different forms across organizations and trust-based regime. In the second organization, the
over time. The theory not only centers our attention infection of mobile technology turned into a reaction
on what digital transformation is and how digital of immunity followed by dormancy, in which the
technologies diffuse across and within organizational organization at an early stage decided to abandon
fields but, importantly, it also zooms in on how “they mobile technology before revitalizing it. The third
function in hosts” (Røvik, 2011, p. 633). As such, and organization reacted through incubation and then
in line with Barley’s seminal study on the adoption of replication, in which the digital transformation
CT scanners in radiology (1986), the Virus Theory initiative matured through a slow-paced
provides a promising vocabulary for examining how transformation with a series of incremental changes
and why the same digital technology and and adaptations. Based on these insights into the
transformation idea occasion different reactions in emerging, fluctuating, and consequential nature of the
similar contexts. digital transformation, our virus-inspired analysis
brings sensitivity to the undertheorized phenomenon
The Virus Theory (Røvik, 2011) has been applied in
of variations in how adopting organizations within an
organizational research to offer an alternative
organizational field react to the same digital
perspective on the diffusion of management
transformation initiative.
accounting innovations (Johanson & Madsen, 2018),
the institutionalization of a balanced scorecard We proceed with a literature overview reviewing how
(Madsen & Slåtten, 2015), the processes of scholars have investigated organizational reactions to
institutionalizing strategic communication (Kjeldsen, digital transformation. Highlighting the shortcomings
2013), and the implementation of process of this research, we propose the Virus Theory as an
management (Quist & Hellström, 2012). It has yet, alternative perspective when studying the dynamic
however, to play a prominent role in digital nature of organizational reactions to digital
transformation and Information Systems (IS) transformation initiatives within organizational fields.
research. Inspired by the Virus Theory’s vocabulary We then describe the methodology and longitudinal
of infection, incubation, mutation, replication, case study context before analyzing how the three
immunity, and dormancy, we examined variations in homecare organizations reacted differently to the
organizational reactions to digital transformation same digital transformation initiative over time. We
within an organizational field by addressing the conclude by discussing the contributions and practical
following research question: implications of our study, along with its limitations
and suggestions for future research.
RQ: How do adopting organizations within a field
react to the same digital transformation initiative?
2 Organizational Reaction to
To address this question, we report the findings from
a longitudinal case study of a digital transformation Digital Transformation
initiative within Danish homecare aimed at While there is debate in the IS literature about what
modernizing the entire organizational field by digital transformation is and is not (Gong & Ribeire,
introducing mobile technology for frontline staff. The
initiative was presented as a homecare revolution
(D1 1 ) and major change (D2) reflecting its

1 the Appendix. We use the format (DX) to refer to the

All directly used documentary material from the digital documents, where X stands for the document number.
transformation case on mobile technology is referenced in

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

2021; Lanzolla et al., 2018; Vial, 2019; Wessel et al., change (Chan & Reich, 2007; Li et al., 2016).
2021), we follow the broad definition by Hanelt et al. Overall, the strategy perspective focuses on
(2020) that considers digital transformation organizations’ intentional reactions to digital
“organizational change that is triggered and shaped transformations, with little emphasis on the
by the widespread diffusion of digital technologies” consequential changes resulting from implementation
(p. 2). From this perspective, the focus is not on dynamics.
software upgrades or IT projects, but rather on
The second perspective moves from a strategic to a
organizational change initiatives enabled by digital
process level, with a focus on how organizations react
technologies – such as artificial intelligence, digital
to digital technology by (re)structuring their
platforms and mobile solutions – that have major
operations as part of the digital transformation
influences on how organizations operate to deliver
initiative. Some studies emphasize the importance of
services and value (Andriole, 2017; Hanelt et al.,
developing dynamic capabilities (Teece et al., 1997)
2020; Vial, 2019).
to be able to sense, seize, transform, and react to
Although rapid technological development for many pressures from digital transformation initiatives
organizations represents an opportunity to change (Karimi & Walter, 2015; Orlandi, 2016; Warner &
existing or create new value propositions (Remane et Wäger, 2019). Other studies stress the need to
al., 2017), well-established organizations often cultivate an experimental mindset across the
consider digital transformation an existential threat organization to facilitate change (Kane, 2019),
(Sebastian et al., 2017). Consequently, a digital including how managers make use of tailored change-
transformation initiative creates not only management procedures to help overcome inertia and
opportunities for learning and performance gains but cope with emergent tensions, workarounds, and
also the potential for misalignment “between the paradoxes in digital transformation (Alter, 2014;
incumbent institutional regime and the institutional Currie & Guah, 2007; Smith & Beretta, 2020; Svahn
logics embedded in the new system” (Gosain, 2004, et al., 2017; Tallon et al., 2019). As digital
p. 165), which may negatively affect organizational transformation imposes (un)intended changes on
performance (Strong & Volkoff, 2010). As such, organizational work processes, the transformation
engaging in digital transformation is not a simple agenda risks being derailed if such changes are not
matter for most organizations, and research addressed (Gosain, 2004; Wessel et al., 2021). From
underscores that it is often emergent and loaded with this perspective, variation in reactions mainly
tensions rather than straightforward and planned concerns how stakeholder groups, due to differences
upfront (Baiyere et al., 2017; Smith & Beretta, 2020). in mindsets and identities, perceive digital
This view on digital transformation corresponds to transformation initiatives in different ways. For
the theoretical approach used in this paper, as viruses example, research has shown that different user
do not plan their contagion processes (Røvik, 2011). groups perceive the same digital technology
differently depending on their technological frame of
The literature on organizational reactions to digital
reference (Young et al., 2016). Similarly, digital
transformation covers three perspectives: a strategy-
transformation processes may vary in terms of the
oriented, a process-oriented and an impact-oriented
impositions they create (Vial, 2019), as well as the
(see Table 1). The first perspective emphasizes the
reconciliation actions that resolve such impositions
strategies that organizations pursue as they react
(Strong & Volkoff, 2010).
purposefully by exploring opportunities afforded by
digital technologies (Vial, 2019), or as they react to The third perspective emphasizes the effect that
technology as a source of digital threat (Ravasi & organizational reactions to digital transformations
Schultz, 2006). Research has demonstrated the have on organizational performance. Several studies
different ways environmental change drives have highlighted positive outcomes from digital
organizations to embark on digital transformation transformations in the form of business improvement,
(Haslam et al., 2021; Sebastian et al., 2017; Wessel et competitive advantages, and performance gains
al., 2021). This literature emphasizes how top (Fitzgerald et al., 2014; Vial, 2019; Wessel et al.,
management strategizes digital transformation 2021). Since digital transformations often entail a
(Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Hess et al., 2016; Singh & redefinition of the value proposition, the outcome
Hess, 2017; Weill & Woerner, 2013) by addressing may be a new organizational identity, as reflected in a
complexities and uncertainties through careful case study of a manufacturing company that changed
planning at the different stages of transformation its public perception from that of a hardware
(Valdez-de-Leon, 2016). From this perspective, company to that of a digital service provider (Baiyere
variation in reactions to digital transformation is et al., 2017; Wessel et al., 2021). Other studies have
reflected in an organization’s strategic choices focused on negative outcomes, such as the
(Bharadwaj et al., 2013) and in how it chooses to surveillance of employees (Kensbock & Stöckmann,
align its digital and business strategies to facilitate 2020) and substitution of labor (Dengler & Matthes,

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2018). In addition, studies have highlighted that acknowledge these insights but call for future studies
digital transformation initiatives change none or few that investigate contradictions and variations in digital
of the practices associated with the initiative transformation. Thus, although the reviewed literature
(Mignerat & Rivard, 2015; Noir & Walsham, 2007), provides general insights into variations in
as they are exclusively adopted in a ceremonial way organizational reactions to digital transformation and
(Meyer & Rowan, 1977). Concerning variations, recognizes the emergent nature of the digital
several contextual factors, such as organizational type transformation process (Baiyere et al., 2017; Smith &
and inertia, come to bear on the effect of digital Beretta, 2020), the question of how the same digital
transformation initiatives (Vial, 2019). transformation initiative within an organizational
field can lead to different reactions across
Table 1 shows that the expanding literature on digital
organizations and over time is relegated to the
transformation has contributed valuable insights into
background. This is regrettable, as insights into such
how organizations react to digital transformation
variations can provide scholars and managers with
initiatives through strategic choices and process
important knowledge about option repertoires and
activities, with different effects on organizational
constraints in handling digital transformation ideas
performance. As such, existing research
that travel into organizations. In the following
acknowledges variations in organizational reactions,
section, we introduce the virus perspective as an
as digital technologies interact with organizational
appealing theoretical perspective from which to begin
antecedents to produce different outcomes in terms of
understanding different organizational reactions to
efficiency and performance. Hanelt et al. (2020)
similar digital transformation initiatives.
Table 1. Research Perspectives on Organizational Reactions to Digital Transformation

Strategy Process Impact

Focus area How organizations choose How organizations develop How digital transformation can
directions in digital capabilities and mindsets and have positive and negative
transformation, stressing the handle inertia in digital effects for organizations
role of top managers transformation

Theoretical Digital business strategy Dynamic capability Performance

perspective Maturity model Digital mindset Efficiency
Alignment Change management Surveillance

Variation in reaction Differences in strategic choices Differences in stakeholder Differences in effects due to
group perceptions contextual factors

Key sources Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Valdez- Kane, 2019; Warner & Wäger, Vial, 2019; Wessel et al., 2021
de-Leon, 2016 2019
provides a new vocabulary for understanding key
3 A Virus Perspective on Digital differences in organizational reactions to similar
Transformation transformation initiatives.

The idea of using a virus perspective is not new when Based on six virus reaction types – infection,
the aim is to understand organizational reactions to immunity, replication, incubation, mutation, and
change initiatives. Scholars have used it to understand dormancy – Røvik (2011) provides a vocabulary to
the adoption of total quality management (Pastor et help understand variation in organizations’ adoption
al., 1998) and to study the different effects of and rejection reactions, including what happens to
knowledge production (Kjær & Frankel, 2003). As ideas after their adoption and the extent to which such
noted by Madsen and Slåtten (2015), however, these ideas manifest and have long-lasting effects on
early contributions are fragmented and not as organizations. With the Virus Theory, Røvik (2011)
comprehensively elaborated as they are in the work seeks to push beyond the image of an organization as
by Røvik (2011), who provides the theoretical starting a passive recipient of popular ideas to consider them
point for our investigation. Røvik’s Virus Theory as active players in filtering and tailoring the
owes much to the insights and intellectual legacy discourses and ideas traveling in its environment. In
from the literature on translation within Scandinavian doing so, “a more complex and sophisticated”
Institutionalism that stresses how traveling ideas understanding of organizations’ reactions is possible
follow various paths and change as they turn into (Røvik, 2011, p. 631). Next, we outline types of
enacted practices in organizational settings organizational reactions to digital transformation
(Czarniawska & Joerges, 1996; Wæraas & Nielsen, based on the Virus Theory (Table 2).
2016). Still, the virus perspective is distinctive, as it

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

The notion of infection is inherent to the virus – infect only a few organizations, while others spread
perspective, referring to the fact that viruses spread. across an entire organizational field (Nielsen et al.,
The host – in our case, three homecare organizations 2021), while still others become global pandemics
– is perceived not as a passive victim but as actively (Røvik, 2011). Such variation is in large part
absorbing the virus (Røvik, 2011, p. 636). Some determined by the interplay between the virus and the
viruses – in our case, digital transformation initiatives host organization.
Table 2. Organizational Reactions to Digital Transformation1

Reaction type Definition

Infection Organizations engage in digital transformation and adopt novel digital technologies.

Immunity Organizations resist digital transformation at various stages, which may lead to non-adoption (the
decision not to adopt), isolation (in which the technology is adopted but not implemented) or rejection
(the decision to stop the digital transformation initiative).

Replication Organizations anchor digital transformation initiatives by integrating digital technology into existing
structures, activities, and routines, thereby reproducing certain intended effects.

Incubation Organizations engage in digital transformation initiatives that materialize through a gradual, slow-
phased change process.

Mutation Organizations alter digital transformation initiatives in sometimes unpredictable ways as new ideas are
mixed with organization-specific values and norms.

Dormancy Organizations inactivate the digital transformation initiative with decreased or discontinued
organizational activities surrounding it. An adopted but dormant initiative may be reactivated at a later
Adapted from Røvik (2011).
Immunity refers to resistance mechanisms and may be 2011, p. 641). Here, incubation relates to the intensity
in play at various stages of a digital transformation, by which the organization allows the digital
leading to non-adoption, adoption but not transformation initiative to be promoted, as well as
implementation (isolation), or rejection by the how long the implementation efforts are sustained.
organization and termination of the digital
A virus can mutate, or miscopy itself and take the
transformation initiative. Røvik (2011) distinguishes
form of a new virus. Organizations are likely to alter
between primary and secondary outer defenses to
the digital transformation initiative during its
indicate that certain organizational resistance
implementation by re-naming, neglecting,
mechanisms may lead to non-adoption (primary) or
subtracting, or adding certain elements to make the
may cause the implementation process to be isolated
initiative fit shifting organizational strategies and
or outright rejected at an early stage (secondary): for
values. Mutations are context specific and therefore
instance, due to unsatisfactory results or
highly incontrollable and unpredictable in nature.
incompatibility with existing work practices.
Viruses may become dormant when they no longer
Replication indicates that the virus may start
cause symptoms. They are still present in the
reproducing itself in large numbers. This reflects how
organism as an inactivated and marginalized virus. It
a digital transformation initiative expands within the
is often difficult to eliminate a virus once it has
organization like how a virus spreads in an organism.
entered the system, and it may stay inactively present
As such, digital transformation initiatives may lead to
and reactivate at a later point. In the early phases of
entrenchment, in which the organization puts the
adoption and implementation, organizations typically
initiative into practice by anchoring it in
work intensively with the digital transformation
organizational structures, activities, and routines, with
initiative. Over time, less activity and attention may
certain intended effects “being reproduced” (Røvik,
follow, where the initiative may stay inactive yet
2011, p. 640). Regulation, education, and training
potentially reactivate at a later stage.
may support the entrenchment and assist the pursuit
of certain effects (Røvik, 2011). Although the Virus Theory is promising, Røvik
(2011) does not offer a longitudinal empirical
Viruses may require a period of incubation: i.e., the
investigation of multiple organizational reactions to
time from when the host is exposed to the virus until
the same initiative over time, nor does he study digital
symptoms start to appear. In the context of digital
transformation. As such, while Røvik (2011) mainly
transformation, this refers to “the gradual and often
concentrates on contrasting his theory with
slow-phased transformation” into practice (Røvik,
management fashion (Abrahamson, 1996) and the

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diffusion of innovation (Rogers, 2003), we go a step implementing mobile technology in homecare, to

further by stressing the relevance to the digital 2019, when more than 40,000 caregivers used mobile
transformation literature. Consequently, rather than technologies, such as Personal Digital Assistants
simply applying the Virus Theory to the specific (PDAs), smartphones and tablets across all 98 Danish
context of digital transformation, we adapt and municipalities.
develop it further to understand variations in how
The idea of using mobile technology in Danish
adopting organizations within an organizational field
homecare gained traction around the turn of the
react differently to the same digital transformation
millennium, as IT suppliers and government agencies
initiative over time.
suggested that this technology could enable an
“important modernization effort” (D3). Although
4 Research Methods early mobile technology initiatives experienced
technical difficulties, growing support for the
4.1 Case Study Design digitization of homecare work continued through the
2000s, where IT suppliers, government agencies,
We adopted a longitudinal, embedded, multi-case
interest organizations, and consultancies endorsed
study design (Yin, 2012) in the context of the Danish
mobile technology as a sign of progress in homecare
homecare field to examine organizational reactions to
(D4; D5). The adoption rate accelerated in 2006,
digital transformation over time. Following Wooten
when the Danish government provided €45 million in
and Hoffman (2017), we understand an organizational
support for the implementation of mobile technology
field as constituted by heterogeneous actors – such as
in homecare, with more than 80% of the
government agencies, IT suppliers, consulting firms,
municipalities receiving government funding (D6).
interest groups, and adopting organizations – that
By 2008, approximately 90% of the municipalities
“involve themselves with one another in an effort to
had adopted mobile technology in homecare (D7). In
develop collective understandings regarding matters
the wake of its swift diffusion, however, mobile
that are consequential for organizational and field-
technology work arrangements increasingly became a
level activities” (p. 64). Danish homecare embodies a
topic of controversy in the homecare field, described
well-established organizational field (Nielsen et al.,
as an unnecessary control regime (D8) with negative
2014) in which extensive publicly financed services
consequences for both caregivers and clients (D9).
for elderly and disabled people in need of help are
Some municipalities decided to close their PDA
provided by homecare organizations in Denmark’s 98
initiative (D10). Despite these setbacks, IT suppliers
municipalities (local governments). Although
continued to develop more advanced solutions in
municipalities in Denmark are obliged to give clients
which tablets and smartphones rather than PDAs were
the choice of a private homecare provider (Genet et
adopted. Such solutions were needed to meet the
al., 2011), services are predominantly delivered by
governmental demand for standardized
municipal homecare organizations. Services include
documentation and data-driven decision-making
assistance with personal care and basic housekeeping
across the homecare field mandated in a third
delivered by caregivers in clients’ homes. These
generation of the “Shared Language” reform (D11).
homecare organizations are rooted in a broader
By 2019, when our data collection ended, mobile
institutional environment of government agencies,
technology was used in homecare practices in all
interest groups, IT suppliers, and others that impose a
Danish municipalities.
coercive, normative, or mimetic pressure (DiMaggio
& Powell, 1983) on their adoption of circulating ideas Adopting the most-similar case study method
about digital transformation across the homecare field (Gerring & Cojocaru, 2016), our longitudinal, multi-
(Nielsen et al., 2021). case study design provided the opportunity to analyze
different organizational reactions over time anchored
Over the past decades, homecare in Denmark has
in the virus perspective vocabulary. We relied on
changed substantially, not least through the increased
purposeful sampling (Patton, 1990) to select
digitalization of its work practices. In this study, we
information-rich cases for our study. One author
zoom in on a major digital transformation initiative in
followed the ongoing digital transformation efforts in
which the use of mobile technology in daily care
Danish homecare for almost two decades, which
work has replaced the traditional use of “pen and
provided the background for selectively focusing on
paper.” Mobile technology offers caregivers remote
how three homecare organizations – here called
access to comprehensive client information stored in
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma – reacted differently over
Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems and enables
time to the same mobile technology initiative. This
the registration of services provided at the point of
sampling technique yielded in-depth insights rather
care, wireless updating of records and work
than empirical generalizations (Patton, 1990). Table 3
schedules, and telephone calls as well as text
provides background information about the three
messages. Our study covers the 18-year period from
selected case organizations.
2002, when the first Danish municipality began

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Table 3. Case Organization Characteristics (2019 Numbers)

Characteristics Alpha Beta Gamma

Time of mobile technology adoption 2002 2007 2005

Number of caregivers 3,000 560 490

Number of homecare clients 19,000 2,900 2,200

Selected mobile technology PDAs in early phases, PDAs in early phases, PDAs in early phases,
smartphones in later phases laptops in later phases smartphones in later phases
While Beta and Gamma represent average-sized experienced the early phases of the mobile
municipalities, Alpha is one of the largest technology initiative (including the formal decision to
municipalities in Denmark, with a caregiving adopt), how they experienced the implementation
organization serving 19,000 clients. To ensure process, whether they encountered resistance to
consistency among the cases, we focused on a smaller change, and the extent to which they used mobile
division of Alpha that serves 3,000 clients distributed technology daily or did workarounds. Hence, we did
across three homecare units. For our study, we not ask our interviewees direct questions about the
considered each organization, which is part of a specific virus reaction types, as this topic would be
broader organizational field, as the unit of analysis. confusing to them. Rather, we ensured that we
Within each organization, we focused on the work obtained important insights into how the three
performed by managers (key decision-makers) and organizations reacted to the mobile technology
caregivers (users of the PDA technology) as they initiative. The average interview length was one hour,
reacted to the digital transformation initiative. and each interview was recorded and transcribed
verbatim. We conducted and transcribed interviews in
4.2 Data Sources Danish and translated selected quotations into
English. We analyzed the available documents from
As recommended by Yin (2012), we relied on each organization, including project descriptions,
different sources of empirical evidence, including 62 project plans, business cases, and newsletters, to
semi-structured interviews and rich documentary supplement the findings from the interviews.
material (see Table 4 and Appendix). We collected
data in two major rounds – from 2007 to 2009 and The purpose of the second round of data collection in
again in 2019 – to analyze the mobile technology the three organizations was to understand the
initiative as homecare organizations turned ideas and developments during the preceding 10 years that had
strategies into day-to-day operations over time. led to the situation in 2019. As in the first round, we
Between these two rounds of data collection, we had used a semi-structured guide to interview 30
several informal conversations with homecare managers and caregivers across the three settings. We
managers and IT staff, and we collected relevant interviewed caregivers with more than 10 years’ work
documents in the three case organizations in order to experience to ensure sufficient knowledge of the
follow the mobile technology initiative. We ensured long-term influence of mobile technology. Questions
that the data from the three case settings covered covered the development and changes in mobile
similar topics to support cross-case comparisons technology strategies and use over time, such as
(Miles et al., 2014). “What happened to the mobile technology initiative
after initial implementation?,” “How did the initiative
The first round of data collection covered the early change over time, and with what key decisions and
phases of the mobile technology initiative. In this events?,” and “Did you experience resistance to
period, we conducted 32 semi-structured interviews mobile technology usage and, if yes, did this
(Brinkman & Kvale, 2014) across the three resistance change over time?” As in the first round,
organizations with managers (homecare managers, we recorded and subsequently transcribed interviews
project managers, IT managers) and caregivers who and included documents to guide our understanding
adopted mobile technology in their daily work of the long-term transformation of the three
practices. The interview guide included questions that organizations.
allowed the interviewees to express how they
Table 4. Data Sources Overview

Data Collection Alpha Beta Gamma

First round Interviews Interviews Interviews

(2007–2009) Managers: 4 Managers: 5 Managers: 4
Caregivers: 6 Caregivers: 8 Caregivers: 5

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Documents Documents Documents

PDA project description PDA project description PDA project description
Evaluation report Newsletter Project plan

Interviews Interviews Interviews

Managers: 6 Managers: 4 Managers: 3
Caregivers: 5 Caregivers: 5 Caregivers: 7
Second round (2019) Documents Documents Documents
Trust codex Benefit realization plan Meeting minutes
Implementation plan for Flyer on laptop use
the rich data set, we were able to demonstrate the
4.3 Data Analysis empirical grounding of the virus-inspired reaction
We conducted thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, types and their temporal dynamics to allow for an in-
2006) to understand in detail how the three homecare depth unfolding of the different reactions to digital
organizations reacted to the digital transformation transformation over time within an organizational
initiative. First, we constructed a case story and field.
timeline for each organization based on our empirical
data (Figures 1, 2, and 3). Then, inspired by 5 Findings
conceptualized composition (Berends & Deken,
2021), we analyzed and organized the empirical data In this section we provide a detailed and longitudinal
by drawing upon the literature on the six virus- empirical account of how three organizations within
inspired reaction types (Table 2). These theoretical an organizational field reacted differently to the same
concepts served as sensitizing devices (Patton, 1990) digital transformation initiative. We do so by
to reveal the unique characteristics of each case and to unfolding the idiosyncrasies of how Alpha, Beta, and
gain a rich understanding of variations in Gamma engaged the idea of using mobile technology
organizational reactions to the digital transformation to reconfigure homecare work practices.
initiative (Eisenhardt, 1989). Through this process,
we established a strong link between the virus 5.1 Alpha’s Reaction: Replication and
reaction types and our data by coding for distinct Mutation
indications of the reaction types at play in each case
organization. For instance, mutation was identified at Alpha was at the forefront of the adoption of mobile
Alpha when the organization replaced a mobile technology in homecare. Following an emergent trend
technology control-based regime with a trust-based in mobile health and a desire to be “a digital
regime. Similarly, immunity was identified at Beta frontrunner” (manager), Alpha embarked on the PDA
when the organization decided to discontinue the journey in 2002. The selected technical solution
mobile technology initiative. required that caregivers download and upload client
data to PDAs through docking stations or Bluetooth
During coding, we began to see how each once back in the office. Although this technical
organization’s reaction changed over time, showing solution was perceived as advanced at that time, its
different reaction-type dynamics. For example, at lack of a telephone feature and “on the go”
Beta, our coding showed how infection was followed connectivity for caregivers later became an issue of
by immunity and then dormancy, as the organization deliberation and disagreement. Figure 1 shows the
first adopted, then abandoned and later revitalized, main events of the mobile technology initiative in
the mobile- technology initiative. As such, through Alpha.

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Figure 1. Timeline of Alpha’s Reactions to the Mobile Technology Initiative

5.1.1 Replication of Mobile Technology as the strategic aim of increased documentation and
control of homecare work. A manager stated:
Management Tool
We have achieved our goal. We have an
Alpha adopted PDAs with the overall aim of
overview of how many homecare visits we
improving time management and documentation in
have each week. We know how many
homecare (D12). A manager explained: “From day
caregivers enter in client homes, and we
one, our main motivation has been to become better at
are updated on the cost of provided
managing and documenting work practices in
services. We could not answer these
homecare.” Through a five-year implementation
important questions three years ago (D14).
process, this approach expanded within the
organization, as caregivers predominantly used PDAs While management’s impression of the introduction
for the time registration of homecare visits, to access of mobile technology was overall positive,
client information stored in the Electronic Patient perceptions among caregivers were mixed. Some
Record systems, and to look up their daily work plan found that the use of mobile technology improved
“on the go.” Although the management team carefully their work and that the technology made their work
prepared the implementation through business cases, appear “more advanced” in the eyes of their clients: “I
pilots, collaboration with IT suppliers, and often use the mobile technology when I am with the
comprehensive educational support, the assimilation clients. They think it is a cool technology”
of PDAs into practice was not straightforward. On (caregiver). At the same time, caregivers were
several occasions, budgets were exceeded (D13), and skeptical about how managers used the technology
the missing telephone feature of the PDA led to for monitoring and control purposes. One caregiver
frustration among caregivers. As a result, some explained: “It [the PDA] was a device of control. It
caregivers used the PDAs differently than expected. made us all defensive. I remember the words ‘tyranny
One caregiver noted: “I still use paper, and then I of time.’ Everyone talked about it. It became a daily
register the time spent later in the system by using a saying around here.”
desktop computer.” Another added: “It is difficult to
The technical setup with offline connectivity was also
write on the PDA. It is much easier to register the
contested by caregivers. A caregiver explained that
notes on paper and then hand over the paper form to
she: “wanted a more up-to-date solution with a built-
the manager of our unit.”
in phone and where we do not have to go back to the
Despite such examples of workarounds, the strategic office to update the system.” The IT supplier had
aim of improving time management and developed an online connectivity solution, but an
documentation worked as a dominating principle for assessment of a pilot initiative in 2007 concluded that
the mobile technology initiative at Alpha. Just like a the system had too many technical problems to be
virus that starts to reproduce itself in an organism implemented (D15). The organization, therefore,
(Røvik, 2011), the new action possibilities afforded decided to stick to the established solution with
by mobile technology began to be integrated into the PDAs, offline connectivity, and no phone features.
daily work practices and routines of caregivers. As
such, the mobile technology initiative replicated with

Your Short Title Goes Here: 50 Characters or Less

5.1.2 Mutation from a Control-Based to a more smoothly contact external stakeholders (D19).
Trust-Based Regime While some caregivers initially reacted negatively to
yet another change, the new technology created
While a control-based mobile technology regime was opportunities to make work easier and more
established at Alpha in the early stages, the meaningful. Enthusiastic about this change in
managerial intentions behind the use of the technology, a caregiver explained: “It is brilliant. You
technology later morphed it into a more trust-based can read everything in there,” and another caregiver
one. In 2013, a strategic change took place when added with laughter: “I could not do my work without
politicians and top managers at Alpha decided to it. That would be insane.” Reaching similar
reformulate the management approach through a conclusions, a manager stated: “Today, we cannot
Codex for Trust (D16), moving the focus away from separate technology from the actual work. Mobile
control and unnecessary documentation to more technology is an integrated part of homecare work. It
employee autonomy and trust (D17). Aligned with is a major win.” Although the mutation from a
this strategic change, Alpha decided to abandon the control-based regime of mobile technology use to a
task of using mobile technology for the time more trust-based regime revealed a positive
registration of each homecare visit to escape development in attitude among caregivers, some
“meaningless registration” (D17). Specifically, the expressed that the control-based regime had not been
use of PDAs to document homecare tasks, previously abandoned completely. Some caregivers “continued
specified down to two-minute intervals, was to use mobile technology for time registration, even
abolished and replaced by so-called time blocks, though this requirement no longer existed” (D18, p.
where caregivers were given professional leeway to 178). One caregiver noted:
solve tasks more flexibly [D18]. During interviews,
caregivers reflected on the initial control-based I love that we do not document
regime and the current developments: unnecessary information. Still, I would
never question the need for documentation.
Back then, the keyword was time control. I am employed as a caregiver, and when
We never talk about that today. I never my manager tells me I shall document and
hear that. Before we were required to note log activities, I do that.
down the exact time for when we arrived at
and left a client’s home. The control is Overall, the managerial shift (from control-based to
gone, and when we feel trusted, we become trust-based), including changes toward more
open to new thoughts about technology. contemporary technology solutions in software (from
offline to online connectivity) and hardware (from
These experiences were echoed among the PDAs to smartphones) reveals how the organizational
interviewee’s colleagues at Alpha, demonstrating how reaction to the mobile-technology initiative at Alpha
caregivers’ perceptions of mobile technology changed mutated (Røvik, 2011) during the digital
with the reformulation of the management approach. transformation process. The mutation implied that the
Moving away from time registration of each control-based regime was de-emphasized to make
homecare visit, which was unpopular from a room for a new dominating paradigm centered on
caregiver perspective, reflected a major change. trust, yet, the control-based strategy still echoed in the
Besides the reformulation of the management organization, with latent tensions between the old and
approach, managers also changed their priorities new management approaches.
regarding mobile-technology investments and
launched a new unit in 2016 – called “Technology in 5.2 Beta’s Reaction: Immunity and
Homecare” – to facilitate the ongoing ambition of
creating value from mobile technology investments.
A homecare manager described the change as In the mid-2000, Beta, like other Danish
follows: municipalities, was under increased pressure to adopt
mobile technology in homecare. In particular, the
I think the municipality was known for
government sponsorship earmarked for the
investing in the cheapest technology
implementation of mobile technology (D6) paved the
possible, and therefore we constantly
way for the adoption of PDA technology at Beta in
needed to deal with issues associated with
2007, when the organization received half a million
poor technology. Now, our top
Euros (4 million DKK) to purchase software,
management has become more reasonable
hardware, and project-management support. Figure 2
and has purchased better systems.
shows the main events of the mobile technology
In 2016, Alpha’s management decided to invest in a initiative in Beta.
system with online connectivity that replaced PDAs
with smartphones and tablets. This made it possible
for caregivers to access client records in real time and

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Figure 2. Timeline of Beta’s Reactions to the Mobile Technology Initiative

5.2.1 Immunity against Mobile Technology hand, they were reluctant to perform detailed time
registration. At the same time, caregivers experienced
Government sponsorship had a decisive effect on poor online connectivity, which characterized parts of
Beta’s decision to adopt mobile technology, as the the rural municipalities at that time. An evaluation
seed money constituted an opportunity to invest in report in 2009 indicated mixed results from the PDA
PDA technology (D20). At an early stage, the mobile use but provided no clear conclusion as to whether
technology initiative seemed promising, with 250 the organization should continue or stop using PDAs
PDA devices in daily use by 2008 (D21). The (D22). This report, however, legitimized the decision
commitment to the PDA initiative, however, appeared to end the PDA initiative, and the management board
low among key stakeholders. As noted by the project recommended in 2009 that politicians cancel the PDA
manager, the initiative lacked support from top initiative after two years of use.
5.2.2 Dormancy and Reactivation of Mobile
The top management decided it was a
“nice to have” rather than a “need to
Technology Use
have” project. Therefore, it became When the PDA initiative was cancelled in 2009, a
voluntary for each homecare unit if they long dormant period followed, with limited or no
wanted to participate or not. I only had the attention paid to mobile technology advancement.
mandate to ask: “Do you feel like using Work routines went back to their traditional form,
this new technology?” We really lacked without the use of mobile technologies in caregiving
leadership. work. From a virus perspective, the mobile
Furthermore, a manager ironically recalled the technology made no mark on the organization in these
motivation for adopting PDAs: years. Still, as an organism tends to “remember” a
virus, so did Beta in the years after cancelation.
There was no written business case, but we Managers and caregivers describe the period as a
got 4 million DKK from the Danish quiet time filled with both relief and regret: relief
government. Well, nobody had asked us because the unsuccessful PDA initiative was
why we really wanted these PDAs, and cancelled, but regret due to its unexpected failure.
nobody inquired what the purpose was, One manager described the government money
besides using 4 million DKK. The aim was received for the PDA initiative as “money from hell”:
to spend 4 million DKK, and we definitely money that was supposed to create cutting-edge
lived up to this aim. development, but which ended up causing failure and
frustration among both caregivers and managers. The
Still, in this early stage, the technology did affect
early negative experiences with the PDAs created
work practices in the organization, as caregivers used
reluctance to use them and led employees to distance
PDAs frequently, although they had diverse
themselves from technology several years later. The
perceptions of the PDA use (D22). On the one hand,
homecare manager looked back at the period, sighing
they perceived the PDA as a convenient way to
deeply as she explained:
access client information “on the go.” On the other

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The PDA project really made its marks. I was visiting a client in another
From my point of view, it made us afraid of municipality together with some caregivers
technology. Every time we thought of from the other municipality. They brought
introducing a new technology, we all their iPad. I was just looking at what they
looked back at the PDA initiative: the did. I was so impressed with what it could
terrible monster that took over and that do. I wanted one of those as well. It was so
required huge investment but ended up in smart.
the dumpster.
Although the laptop technology received criticism,
In 2014, a 5-year dormant period ended with the both managers and employees described the second
reactivation of the idea of using mobile technology. attempt of implementing mobile technology in
Triggered by a renewed interest in digital homecare very differently from the first attempt in
transformation, managers at Beta described the need 2007. The technology itself had developed, but so had
to rethink work processes due to financial constraints, the organization and caregivers’ mindset: “they
the increasing demand among caregivers for up-to- [caregivers] were longing for tools like this” (project
date technology, and the improved network coverage manager) and “they would not let go of the
(4G). As in 2007, the implementation evolved around technology. It’s their lifeline” (homecare manager).
the idea of working smarter with technology, but this Still, and perhaps even more importantly, the
time with the new slogan of “mobility in homecare.” approach to introducing new technology had changed
In this initiative, PDA devices were replaced with significantly compared to the PDA project. A
larger laptops (D23). manager explained:
Although managers perceived laptops as an “ancient We changed our approach to technology.
technology,” a failed attempt to implement iPads (not We will never buy 500 units of a device
compatible with the chosen EPR system at Beta) was again and spread them across the
decisive in their turning to a well-known technology. organization without careful
During reactivation of the mobile technology consideration. How we work with the
initiative, caregivers were involved in the process. technology today is a direct consequence
The project manager explained: of what happened back then.
We selected a group of caregivers to provide insight All the managers we interviewed emphasized this
into how we could reintroduce mobile technology. connection between today’s work with technology
They came with so many ideas and thoughts we had and the experiences obtained from the failed PDA
to take into consideration. We evaluated a pilot initiative, underlining the dormancy aspect of the
project with laptops together with the involved process, where abandoned technology reactivates at a
caregivers and made the decision to continue. Then later stage. Still, although the reactivation of the
escalation slowly began. technology appeared successful compared to the
original initiative, challenges still characterized the
Unlike the 2007 situation, the idea of using laptops
practical use of the laptops as indicated above. Some
was based on a more bottom-up approach that
caregivers still requested tablets, did not follow new
involved collaboration between managers and
requirements for documentation in the client’s home,
caregivers through a series of workshops, pilot
and continued to print their daily plans, which
projects, and designation of mobile technology
required management to work actively with these
ambassadors. Slowly but steadily, like a latent virus
behavioral deviations (D25). Additionally, the
that reactivates (Røvik, 2011), the technology worked
negative experiences from the initial PDA initiative
its way into the organization again, with more than
seemed to have made their mark on the organization
500 caregivers using laptops in 2016 (D24).
as “horror stories” of how badly digital
Although managers expected caregivers to use the transformation initiatives might go.
laptops as an integrated part of their daily work, not
all of them used the technology as intended. 5.3 Gamma’s Reaction: Incubation and
Generally, caregivers were critical toward the laptop Replication
solution, and some experienced limited advancement
between the new technology and the PDAs that were In light of the growing interest for mobile technology
in use 10 years earlier. One caregiver explained: use in homecare, Gamma made the decision in 2005
“There is no difference whatsoever. The only to adopt PDAs in all homecare units. Gamma
difference is that you were able to put the PDA into prioritized a mobile technology solution that was, at
your pocket, which you can’t do with the laptop.” that time, “cutting edge PDA technology” (manager).
Another caregiver indicated fascination and a bit of Online connectivity afforded access to client data in
envy with the technology in use in other real time and telephone features as a means of
municipalities: improving communication among key stakeholders in

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

homecare. Figure 3 shows the main events of the mobile technology initiative in Gamma.

Figure 3. Timeline of Gamma’s Reactions to the Mobile Technology Initiative

Despite the managerial emphasis on trust and the
5.3.1 Incubation of a Trust-based Approach
need to create a good work environment, defense
Gamma selected advanced PDA technology to meet mechanisms among caregivers were at play, although
management’s goal of creating a contemporary image they never gave rise to non-adoption nor caused the
through technology. As expressed by a manager: “To implementation process to stop. While the choice of
us it was a matter of reputation. It was all about being PDA technology with online connectivity provided
in front in terms of advanced technology. In many new opportunities to access work schedules and client
municipalities, it was about efficiency, saving, and information “on the go,” use text messages or phones
control. This was not the case here.” Thus, Gamma for communication, and order medicine online, it also
sought to implement PDA technology into its daily created frustration among caregivers, as they
work practices by highlighting the technology as a experienced technical problems that hindered the
tool to serve both internal and external technology’s daily usage. The work practices in place
communication and knowledge-sharing purposes seemed to push back on the technology, as caregivers
rather than offering the opportunity for efficiency and established workarounds by continuing to document
control. Management decided that mobile technology their work and read notes from the desktop computer
should support a lenient registration practice, as they in the office instead of using the PDAs. In this way,
did not implement the practice of time registration of mobile technology did not replace paper-based work
each homecare visit: “We think it is very important to practices entirely. Instead, caregivers considered
the work environment that employees feel trusted. PDAs an add-on, which meant that the two work
Therefore, we have chosen a trust-based approach practices existed side by side. The managers initially
when it comes to time registration” (D26, p. 41). One accepted this workaround and allowed some
caregiver shared this perspective: “Managers are able caregivers to continue to get their work schedules in
to monitor our work if they want to. Yet, our paper format while others used their PDAs. One
managers do not use it. At least I do not think so.” homecare manager explained in 2009: “The thing is
Consequently, caregivers were obliged only to that, while some of the caregivers solely use the
register their presence at a client’s home but not in PDAs, a considerable number of employees still get
real time and only for the documentation of their work schedule on print.”
deviations. Hence, such an approach came to work as
To improve daily use of mobile technology, Gamma
a blueprint for how Gamma integrated mobile
continuously upgraded its mobile technology
technology into its existing structures and work
initiative with new PDA devices, and by 2012 with
practices. A homecare manager explained in a 2019
smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, the
follow-up interview:
organization strove to improve network coverage in
The technological solution with online rural areas. The IT manager reflected upon the many
connectivity we use provides the changes:
opportunity to monitor and register when
It is so exciting, but also a slow process,
our employees come and leave the client’s
where we have a wide range of technical
home. However, we have never used this as
and organizational challenges that we
an opportunity for control. Throughout the
must deal with on an ongoing basis. It is as
entire process, we focused on trust.
if the project continues to be a

Your Short Title Goes Here: 50 Characters or Less

development project and that it will never Language” reform (D11), the technology-in-use
get into a stable operating situation. We slowly changed into a system that facilitated the
have solved many of the technical ability of caregivers to document together with clients
problems, and the mobile technology is in their homes. Consequently, the existing EPR
being used more and more. system was replaced with another one to facilitate
better documentation and reporting based on mobile
Thus, over time and through a longer incubation
technologies in the form of smartphones (D27).
period, mobile technology came to play a more
Although changes continuously took place, a manager
critical role in homecare work.
in Gamma reflected upon these changes and the
organizational reaction to them: “I don’t think it has
5.3.2 Replication through Long-Term
been difficult for our employees to accept something
Change new. It seems as if the need for changes has become a
Guided by the overall trust-based vision for mobile natural and expected process to everyone here.”
technology use, a series of adaptations continued to Hardware and software continued to be updated, and
characterize the mobile-technology initiative at caregivers who appreciated the trust-based approach
Gamma. One caregiver’s reflection in a 2019 received these updates positively. Still, some
interview expressed the incremental nature of the caregivers expressed hesitation about the new demand
digital transformation initiative: to document with the client; they experienced it as an
interruption of their primary task. One caregiver
It is difficult to say exactly when new explained:
technology advancement took place
because it all came sneaking up on us. I I think half of us still document on paper
barely remember the PDA and how it and type in the information in the car or in
differed from the one I have now. Well of the office. I feel documentation with the
course, this one [pointing to the client becomes impersonal. I focus on the
smartphone] can do more, but it’s no relationship to the client and technologies
revolution. like smartphones challenge that
relationship. So I document on paper when
The IT manager reached a similar conclusion: “We I am in the client’s home, although it is
spend a lot of time updating, fine-tuning and double work.
maintaining the system. It is not that the changes are
major.” As such, managers and caregivers Overall, the slow-paced development of mobile
experienced the mobile technology initiative as a technology at Gamma ensured a constant alignment
gradual transformation process without critical to the organizational values: for example, by
groundbreaking changes, and, increasingly, signs of a downplaying the opportunity for control to emphasize
development from incubation to replication emerged. the need for improved knowledge sharing embedded
Fewer caregivers expressed the need to turn to the in an agenda of trust and employee motivation. Still,
traditional pen and paperwork practices for new implementation issues constantly emerged
documentation and communication as the mobile because of technology improvements and new
technology became more integrated into their work requirements for documentation in homecare
practices. As a caregiver expressed it in 2019: “We practices.
use mobile technology everywhere in our life, at work
and at home for everything from communication to 6 Discussion
schooling through news, so I’m very used to working
with it now.” Another caregiver emphasized how The current literature has examined how
paper-based procedures had declined: “The only organizations react to digital transformation through
reason for printing the schedule today is during strategic choices (Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Valdez-de-
system breakdowns. Apart from those incidents, no Leon, 2016), process activities (Kane, 2019; Warner
one prints today.” & Wäger, 2019), and with different effects on
organizational performance (Vial, 2019; Wessel et al.,
Thus, alongside the gradual transformation in 2021). Our study goes a step further by unfolding
Gamma, replication increasingly took place as the how organizations within an organizational field react
mobile technology initiative showed signs of long- differently over time to the same digital
lasting effects on homecare work practices. Still, the transformation idea. Next, we discuss the theoretical
core guiding principle behind the mobile technology and empirical insights that this perspective
initiative was based on trust and employee contributes to the expanding digital transformation
motivation. literature.
Still, following governmental demand for
standardized documentation rooted in the “Shared

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

6.1 Variations in Reactions to Digital replication, incubation, mutation, and dormancy –

Transformation were expressed across the case organizations, at
different points in time, and with different strengths
The virus-inspired analysis has offered a as the mobile technology “virus” spread throughout
comprehensive empirical account of how three the homecare field. Although the adoption of similar
organizations – Alpha, Beta, and Gamma – in the mobile technology resulted in surface-level
same field and adopting similar technology reacted isomorphism (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983), the
quite differently to a nationwide digital reactions in terms of strategic directions, process
transformation initiative on mobile technology use in activities, and effects on work practices (Table 1)
Danish homecare. Our study shows how the virus varied considerably across the three case
reaction types (Røvik, 2011) – infection, immunity, organizations (Table 5).
Table 5. Summary of Variations in Reactions to Digital Transformation

Alpha Beta Gamma

Organizational reaction Infection, replication, and Infection, immunity, and Infection, incubation, and
patterns mutation as the organization dormancy as the organization replication as the organization
initially implemented a control- abandoned slowly matured and adapted the
based regime and later morphed and later revitalized the digital digital transformation initiative.
it with a trust-based regime. transformation initiative.

Dominating strategic Improve documentation Take advantage of available Improve reputation and
directions and time management. government sponsorship with knowledge sharing.
unclear strategic direction.

Process activities Initiative replicated initial Initiative created Initiative went through a long
strategic direction of a control- strong immune reactions that incubation period, followed by
based regime resulted in inactivation at first, gradual transformation.
but later mutated into another followed by reactivation at a
direction. later stage.

Effects on work practices New documentation practices New work practices around New communication and
with a tension between control- mobility in homecare when the knowledge sharing practices
based and trust-based initiative was reborn after a long gradually institutionalized over
management approach. dormancy period. time.

In terms of the initial strategic directions, Alpha’s technology initiative fluctuated over time in rather
focus was on improving documentation and time unpredictable and transformative ways (Singh et al.,
management in the provision of its homecare service; 2015).
Beta wanted to take advantage of the available
Finally, in terms of the effects of mobile technology
government sponsorship, but its vision was unclear;
use on performance, we saw how the initiative in
and Gamma saw the digital transformation initiative
Alpha transformed documentation practices, with a
as an opportunity to improve its reputation and
tension between the initial control-based management
knowledge sharing. Consequently, instead of being
approach and a later trust-based one; how in Beta it
deliberately planned with a shared agenda across the
made it possible to invest in mobile technology that
organizational field, the digital transformation
eventually led to changes in homecare practices; and
initiative was highly emergent, with each adopting
how mobile technology in Gamma was used to
organization establishing its own agenda and strategic
implement new practices of communication and
direction (Mintzberg & Waters, 1985).
knowledge sharing that were maintained and
In terms of the process of digital transformation, we gradually institutionalized over time. Hence, the
saw how the digital transformation initiative in Alpha reactions were not merely in terms of strategic
first replicated initial strategic directions but later directions and process activities, the different
mutated, how the initiative first created strong reactions across the adopting organizations had
immune reactions and was inactivated in Beta, only to consequential impacts effects for organization’s
be reactivated at a later stage, and how in Gamma it operations consistent with the observation that, even
went through a long incubation period followed by though transformation initiatives may lose
gradual transformation. Hence, rather than following momentum, they can be reborn and re-energized at a
a stable path in which the adopting organizations later stage through “windows of opportunity” (Tyre &
reinforced their initial strategic directions, the mobile Orlikowski, 1994).

Your Short Title Goes Here: 50 Characters or Less

As such, our longitudinal inquiry brings sensitivity including influences from IT suppliers and
not only to the different reaction types but also to how government interventions.
organizational reactions to digital transformation
In terms of practical implications, our study provides
unfold and change over time. While the initial
managers with a better understanding of option
reaction in all three organizations was infection,
repertoires and constraints as digital transformation
Alpha subsequently reacted through replication
ideas travel into their organizations. While it may be
followed by mutation, Beta through immunity
tempting to follow the most recent digital technology
followed by dormancy, and Gamma through
trends or to mimic other organizations in the
incubation and replication. Based on these insights,
organizational field that are successful, our study
our study provides two contributions to the expanding
shows that managers should be cautious in doing so,
literature on digital transformation.
as the same digital transformation initiative may
First, we show that the virus perspective can help occasion different opportunities and challenges across
scholars and managers identify and understand organizational contexts. Furthermore, managers can
different reactions to digital transformation among use the virus perspective to better grasp how a
organizations embedded in similar contexts. Such specific digital transformation initiative may play out
insights move beyond current knowledge about in their organizations over extended periods of time.
digital transformation strategies, processes, and By bringing attention to the emerging, fluctuating,
effects within individual organizations toward an and consequential nature of digital transformation,
understanding of how adopting organizations within our study suggests that, in many instances, it takes a
an organizational field react differently over time to long time for a digital transformation initiative to
the same digital transformation idea. As such, the mature and become part of organizational practices.
Virus Theory provides a valuable vocabulary with As such, it should not come as a surprise to managers
which to explore the dynamics of reaction variations if a digital transformation initiative, or parts of it,
to digital transformation within an organizational become inactivated or dormant at one point, only to
field. be reactivated at a later stage.
Second, responding to recent scholarly calls for a
more advanced understanding of the dynamic process
6.2 Limitations and Future Research
of digital transformation at the organizational level While the virus perspective contributes explanatory
(Wessel et al., 2021), the virus-inspired analysis power to digital transformation research, our
contributes to the literature with new insights into the empirical analysis also points to some conceptual
emerging, fluctuating, and consequential nature of ambiguities and underdeveloped themes. First, when
digital transformation. While Røvik (2011) discusses presenting this research to fellow scholars and
the relevance of the Virus Theory in the context of practitioners, we experienced their negative
management fashion (Abrahamson, 1996) and the associations with the Virus Theory. For example, one
diffusion of innovation (Rogers, 2003), our analysis is argument is that the Virus Theory provides negative
the first to demonstrate its value in the context of associations with “diseases” that infect organizations,
digital transformation. thus “destroying” them. Although we agree that
theorizing from the virus vocabulary includes
The different reactions to the same digital
interpretive flexibility, the “disease” and
transformation initiative, as observed in our cases, are
“destruction” aspects are not included in Røvik’s own
consistent with Barley’s (1986) findings where
argumentation for the Virus Theory, nor are they
identical technologies (CT scanners in radiology)
visible in the way they are applied in this paper.
“occasioned similar structuring processes in two
Second, although we build our empirical analysis on a
radiology departments and yet led to divergent form
rich set of longitudinal data, further assessment of the
of organizing” (p. 78), as “one department became far
virus perspective in digital transformation requires
more decentralized” (p. 105). What differentiates our
additional empirical investigation in other contexts
study from Barley’s (1986) is the longitudinal nature
and with other types of digital technology. While we
of our analysis, covering an 18-year period compared
were able to identify three different organizational
with 1 year in Barley’s study. As such, we offer a
“reaction patterns” to digital transformation over
conceptualization of organizational reactions to how a
time, it is likely that other forms may develop in other
digital transformation initiative unfolds and changes
settings. For instance, although it is argued that “no
over time, as opposed to Barley’s highly situated
industry is immune” to digital transformation
analysis of processes and interaction patterns between
(Harvard Business Review [HBR], 2017), the
individual actors in an implementation of CT
literature offers examples of organizations that remain
scanners based on Structuring Theory. Moreover, we
immune in the sense of not being capable of
move beyond Barley’s focus to offer insights into the
transforming themselves and risking extinction
dynamics that unfolded within an organizational field,
(Agarwal et al., 2011). In other digital transformation

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

initiatives, organizations may become infected and 7 Concluding Remarks

subsequently experience a long incubation stage
before the use of new digital technology materializes In 2017, a Harvard Business Review article reminded
and becomes an engrained part of organizational us that digital transformation is racing ahead and that
processes and procedures. Hence, we encourage no industry is immune (HBR, 2017). Danish
studies that follow digital transformation initiatives homecare proved to be no exception when a
over a longer period to further investigate how digital nationwide digital transformation initiative spread
transformations unfold with shifting and sometimes like a virus among homecare organizations across the
surprising outcomes. Third, we invite future studies to 98 municipalities in Denmark. The use of mobile
address the dormancy feature of digital technology in homecare work was perceived as
transformation in more detail. Mechanisms at play nothing less than a “digital revolution.” Interestingly,
leading to inactivation and reactivation, and the fact while the three homecare organizations we studied –
that digital transformation initiatives may reside for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma – all were “infected” by the
some periods in dormant states of varying lengths, are same digital technology and transformation idea, their
rarely touched upon in the literature. Periods of reactions in terms of strategic directions, process
dormancy are in this way important for advancing our activities, and effects on work practices varied
understanding of the dynamics of organizational considerably. Hence, as a contribution to the
reactions, the critical choices made after initial expanding literature on digital transformation, our
adoption, and the eventual effects of a given digital study provides theoretical knowledge and practical
transformation initiative. We have started this work, insights that underscore the emergent, fluctuating, and
but more research is needed to fully understand how consequential ways in which adopting organizations
and why digital transformation initiatives may be react differently to the same digital transformation
abandoned and later reborn. idea over time.

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Journal of the Association for Information Systems

About the Authors

Mette Strange Noesgaard is assistant Professor at the Department of Politics & Society, Aalborg University,
Denmark in the research group Centre for IS Management (CIM). Her research focus on digitalization from a
managerial and organizational perspective with an emphasis on how individuals respond to digital technologies.
Jeppe Agger Nielsen is Professor at the Department of Politics & Society, Aalborg University, Denmark. He is head
of research at the Centre for IS Management (CIM). His research focuses on management innovation and digital
transformation from an institutional theory perspective. His research is published in leading journals such as MIS
Quarterly, Organization Studies and International Journal of Management Reviews.
Tina Blegind Jensen is Professor at the department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Her
research focuses on organizational and managerial implications of information systems with a particular interest in
the impact of digital technology on people in organizations. She has published articles in leading journals in the field
and frequently presents her work at major conferences. Tina is an editorial board member of leading IS journals and
serves in various organizing capacities for major international conferences on management information systems.
Lars Mathiassen is Professor at the Computer Information Systems Department at Georgia State University, USA.
His research focuses on digital innovation and IT development and management. Lars has published extensively in
major journals and served as senior editor for MIS Quarterly, Information & Organization, and Journal of
Information Technology. He currently serves as senior editor for Engaged Management ReView.

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