Organ Trafficking Research Paper

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Title: Exploring the Challenges of Writing a Thesis on Organ Trafficking

Crafting a thesis on the topic of organ trafficking is an arduous task that requires thorough research,
critical analysis, and ethical considerations. Delving into this dark and complex subject matter
demands a high level of academic rigor and sensitivity to the human rights issues at stake.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on organ trafficking lies in accessing credible and
comprehensive data. Due to the clandestine nature of the illicit organ trade, reliable statistics and
information are often scarce and difficult to obtain. Researchers must navigate through a maze of
conflicting reports, unreliable sources, and limited official documentation, making the process both
challenging and time-consuming.

Furthermore, the ethical implications of studying organ trafficking cannot be overstated. This illicit
industry preys on vulnerable individuals, exploiting their desperation for financial gain. As such,
researchers must tread carefully to ensure that their work does not inadvertently contribute to the
perpetuation of exploitation or sensationalism.

Another hurdle in writing a thesis on organ trafficking is the interdisciplinary nature of the topic.
Addressing this multifaceted issue requires expertise from various fields, including medicine, law,
sociology, anthropology, and economics. Integrating insights from these diverse disciplines while
maintaining academic coherence presents a significant challenge for aspiring researchers.

Moreover, the emotional toll of engaging with such distressing subject matter should not be
underestimated. Delving into the stories of victims, examining the systemic failures that perpetuate
organ trafficking, and grappling with the ethical dilemmas inherent in the research process can take a
toll on the mental and emotional well-being of researchers.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can be
invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional support tailored to the specific needs of
students tackling complex research topics like organ trafficking. With a team of experienced writers
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By entrusting your thesis on organ trafficking to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that
your work will be handled with the utmost professionalism and integrity. With their assistance, you
can navigate the challenges of researching and writing about this sensitive topic while producing a
scholarly work that contributes meaningfully to the understanding and eradication of organ
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a very serious issue that these women will have to deal
with for a very long time. The only problem is that the supply of organs is nowhere near the demand.
Upon advent, their passports, visa, and return permits are taken away from them, efficiently; these
people are imprisoned, either bodily or financially or psychologically. The role of cryptocurrency,
hawalas, wire payments, email money transfers and large cash withdrawals all must be exploited and
examined for trends and recurrence in various emerging patterns of activity. While organ harvesting
is illegal everywhere except Iran, people in desperate situations turn to this method for survival. This
could include examining the impact of poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to education and
employment opportunities on the likelihood of individuals being trafficked. Human Trafficking can
help be reduced and even prevented completely if people speak out and show their awareness for the
prevention cause. As a result, many patients are tempted to join the black market as long as they get
benefits such as saving their lives and those of their loved ones. Conclusion Human trafficking is the
trade of human beings for the purposes of forced servitude. The research proposal should present the
main points required for the research, contain the predicted results, the purpose of the investigation
and list of the methods used for the study of human trafficking. The only way to get your child to a
sex trafficking ring is by buying a hookup. However, some of the citizens do not follow this law and
illegally sell their organs to strangers. It starts with the concept of human trafficking and its practices
in different major sports events. People around the world, benefit in satisfaction and in price of
mistreating others. This has led to a massive rise in the black market trading of human organs.
Thereby making it easy for the traffickers to abduct and kidnap the children away. Moreover,
providing every citizen with few basic needs will help eliminate this evil from society. Governments
need to work to create laws that will reduce human Trafficking in order to increase the safety of
women. In addition, the government has realized that modern slavery is a harsh reality and has
therefore continued to spend large amounts of money and resources to solve the problem. Further,
reports indicated that the cases of selling body organs increased between 1994 and 2000. To achieve
the objectives of the study, quantitative and qualitative types of data are used. It is a business, which
can only be compared with drug trafficking in terms of profits irrespective of the fact that
governments and institutions, especially human rights watch groups around world, have continued to
spend numerous resources in trying to curb the vice. However, none of the respondents reported to
have donated or sold their body parts. This creates a serious threat as many American citizens fall
under one of these categories or multiple. Secondly, the research focuses on establishing the most
wanted part of the human body for sale and its cost. This crime not only affects individual’s level of
comfort in a society but also have impact on national security of the country. They, like head injuries,
can lead to future health problems for women. In addition to this, the availability of cheap labor
lowers the competitiveness especially in manual jobs, for example farming, mining and masonry, in
terms of salaries and wages as well as opportunities (Bales 94). The reports indicated that almost
eighty percent of the kidneys that were procured for transplant in hospitals in India were sold to
patients from places such as the Gulf States, including Singapore and Malaysia (Davy, 2015).
Numerous sites have been created to satisfy this demand and this has promoted child abuse and
trafficking for the benefit of pedophiles.
There are those individuals who believe it is ethical to trade in human organs. It is always the poor
people that are robbed of a healthy lifestyle and better future due to their situation and therefore the
traffickers taking advantage of them. It is estimated that more than 3000 female children are
trafficked from Nepal into India on yearly basis. It is an international problem with transnational
dimensions and involves the intersection between the world of organized crime, impoverished organ
donors, sick recipients and unscrupulous medical staff. It is the trade of humans, commonly for
sexual slavery, labor, extraction of organs, or child soldiers. Having caught the victims the criminals
take their Ids, money, documents and sell these people for the purposes of forced labour, sexual
exploitation or even extraction of organs. University of California Press, 2004 DeStephano, Anthony.
The government would then initiate an investigation and determine if potential large monetary
transactions occurred and were associated with the transplantation. There are many things that can
be done to stop human Trafficking of women in America. The notion of a second chance at life
based on a kaleidoscope of factors has enabled this ultimate gift to occur, the gift of life through
transplantation. Three of them are described here: All the different potential uses of one pig’s organs
Xenotransplantation: Surprisingly, pigs and humans have organs that are shaped pretty similarly. The
private sector, including the financial industry, can be essential in this global fight.” 3 Project Organ
began in earnest. It suggested that 600,000- 800,000 people were international trafficking victims,
out of which 80% were female, 50% were minors and 70% were trafficked for sexual exploitation
(Shelley, 2010). Press into it and bring with you the light of hope that you carry. XO. The only way
to get your child to a sex trafficking ring is by buying a hookup. The trafficked people virtually do
not see their money that they earn, and finally they are sold. The establishment of Societies for
Evidence-Based Policing, organizations where membership is drawn from multiple stakeholders
partnered around the most current criminal justice research, have become more commonplace in the
areas of crime prevention and reduction strategies globally. Is Trafficking in Human Beings Demand
Driven?: A Multi-Country Pilot Study. The al-Qaeda has been noted as using women and child
abduction as a way of making money, after such victims are sold off to rich Arab men. This act
clearly forbids any transactions involving the sale of any body organs by people within the US
boundaries (Shih, 2013). Third, education and thorough awareness on the concept of illegal human
organ trafficking is needed to provide the necessary information on the consequences of
participating in the illegal trade of body organs. Trafficking is a regular practice to convince people to
leave their homes and move to neighboring countries that are wealthier where they can work in
services like domestic services, adult care or waiter and waitresses in restaurants. The issue of human
trafficking needs to be addressed properly by governments that want to break people out from the
vicious cycle of human trafficking. Legal and illegal Human organs trade In most of the countries,
trafficking of human organs is illegal (Zimmerman, 2011). One of the key deliverables that will assist
financial institutions is comprehensive research into typological trends relating to organ trafficking
and transplant tourism. They are one of the most versatile things in our body and have been very
thoroughly researched. This can include things getting things such as money, protection, etc.
(Deshpande et al.). This is very dangerous because, many times, the trafficker is lying. It further
prohibited all forms of remuneration in terms of money for any donated organs and requires
supervision by the government for the list of patients waiting for any transplant. The exploitation of
living sellers is far more pervasive. In late 2019, the FDA approved the first transfer of tissue from
pigs to humans, which is set to be done by a company called XenoTherapeutics.
But organ selling is illegal, and for his crime Rosenbaum was sentenced to two and a half years in
prison, in what was America’s first federal conviction for illegal organ profiteering. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The reports
indicated that almost eighty percent of the kidneys that were procured for transplant in hospitals in
India were sold to patients from places such as the Gulf States, including Singapore and Malaysia
(Davy, 2015). You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper. This poses
a serious threat to many Americans as they are at risk of human Trafficking. China is considered to
be a leader in the fight against crime and has a legal death penalty. This is due to the fact that such
internet sites are designed in such as way that the contents i.e. the pictures are posed in a way that
the reproductive organs are concealed through tiny but somehow revealing undergarments, in order
to avoid attracting accusations of child pornography. Poverty and a long list of patients waiting to
receive organ transplant have been cited as the major factors contributing to increased trade in organs
all over the world. It is always the poor people that are robbed of a healthy lifestyle and better future
due to their situation and therefore the traffickers taking advantage of them. Human trafficking is the
third largest criminal industry in the world, which is continuously expanding and growing without
any governmental control. What are some particular aspects of the problem that you may focus on in
your essay on human trafficking. There are selected organizations that organize and control the trade
such as the Charity Foundation for Special Diseases and the Charity Association for the Support of
Kidney Patients. As a result, it had the provision that any individual caught in the act or suspected to
have any connections for the trafficking would be imprisoned for eight years and be fined 360 times
the minimum wage in the country. In addition, the literature review showed that human organ
trafficking is highly practiced in Egypt, China and the USA. You can also find more Essay Writing
articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. Users are required to log in after
subscribing and paying a certain amount of money through electronic money transfer. But the
problem with doing so is that they can make money less than its worth and also the surgery takes
place in very disgusting environments which is completely unsafe for the body. Journal Of Human
Trafficking, 1 (1), 56-64. Davy, D. (2015). Understanding the Support Needs of Human-Trafficking
Victims: A Review of Three Human-Trafficking Program Evaluations. The world in general has been
subjected to this atrocity as it is believed that there is no single country which has not been affected
including all the states in the United States, which is known to have the highest powers, ability and
instruments to detect illegal trade and other criminal activities. In most cases, the trafficked victims
are lured, deceived or coerced for sexual or labor exploitation, though there can be other purposes
such as organ harvest, forced marriage and child soldier recruitment. The chemical thus produces
ham and long-lasting effects on the human 's central nervous system. Nonetheless, all the participants
of the study were aware of cases of people being kidnapped and killed for their body organs,
especially for their kidneys. The trafficking business has increased by leaps and bounds, and the
main reason behind it is increased inflation. Healthcare professionals may be the initial contact that
these victims make outside the world of trafficking. In a March 2007 report, the World Health
Organization estimated that 5 to 10 percent of kidney transplants used illegal organs procured via
such trafficking. However, there is strong opposition to these treatments from many people. More
recently, tissue engineering has been turned on its head by the development of 3D bioprinting. The
victims of trafficking are not only the children, girls, women or men but society at large. Starting
with the definition and the different forms of human trafficking, the essay moves onto discussing
the various issues that have led to the relatively recent increase in the incidence of human
trafficking. It will push for change, and this will allow human Trafficking to decrease.
Public policies tend to be contradictory and are in a continuous state of change in the current
political climate of uncertainty for undocumented persons, fears of deportation and lack of access to
health care may be increasing concerns. Furthermore, human trafficking is practiced more or less in
every country around the globe. The sample size comprised of 45 female and 55 male participants. In
the United States at least, 35% of people on the waiting list undergo the needed procedure. The vast
majority, 81%, of people who are promised money in exchange for their organs, usually kidneys,
never see any money at all. This is attributed to the fact that such transactions involve people of
diverse nationalities and people who are not related. If the US is on the lead, then the problem faces
all the other countries due to the fact that there is a shortage of donors of human body organs. To put
that into perspective, that's 1.14 kidneys an hour. The Growing Problem As life expectancy is
growing around the world, so too is the number of people who need to have their organs replaced at
some point in their lives. Because a significant number of persons who are trafficked become
vulnerable victims of this crime owing to grim economic circumstances in their native countries,
controversy also exists over the extent to which victims contribute to their own victimization and
whether the United States should provide any legal protection for them. From statistics, human
organ trafficking flows in all parts of the world and from poor to rich, from male to female, from
black to white, from first world to third world and from North to South. On the other hand, 43
participants were aged between 41 and 50 years and 19 were above 50 years of age. Download Free
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unavailable. However, reports from the World Health Organization indicated that trafficking in
human organs is very high in Egypt and is ranked among the top five hotspots. Trafficking also has
broad economic, social and cultural consequences. Commercial sexual exploitation of children,
Human trafficking, Prostitution 2786 Words 7 Pages How is Trafficking of Women and Girls a
violation of Human Rights. For this reason, there is a need for such trade to be controlled all over the
world. Impact of human trafficking The human trafficking has mental, physical and emotional
impact on victims along with the society at large. Millions of people around the world, most of them
in impoverished nations, are victims of organ trafficking. It is sad to mention that some of these
children are sold off by their own parents, due to poverty, so as to be able to afford the ever rising
cost of living (Parker 63). Demographic characteristics of Participants This study uses 100
participants who are randomly selected from a target population of university students, support staff
and lecturers in the UAE. In addition to that, the paper will focus on two police reports which
describe a range of human trafficking incidents, particularly child sexual exploitation. In addition,
atheists believe that the sale of human organs is ethical. In addition, they will be fined ten times the
benefits they were to get from the transaction. Different flavors of evil Most illegal activities
surrounding organs involve one of two things: the trafficking of organs or the trafficking of people
for their organs. Data will be collected from archives, articles, newspapers, and published reports to
support my findings. However, statistics indicated that trafficking in human organs was also
happening in the developed countries. Other industry-centered bodies such as national medical and
doctor associations, life and health insurance associations as well as other agencies like border patrol
and customs agencies must also have input and maintain a line of sight into organ trafficking
detection and prevention efforts. The fact is a lot of the time it is corrupt medical practitioners that
are involved in child trafficking because without them a lot of the surgeries aren’t possible. In a
March 2007 report, the World Health Organization estimated that 5 to 10 percent of kidney
transplants used illegal organs procured via such trafficking. Those who are in “marginalized groups”
(such as a person of color, women, immigrants, etc.) are more at risk of being trafficked than others
(Fact About Trafficking of Women and Girls).
Like most organized crimes, money is a powerful motivator. This can include prostitution,
pornography, and other forms of sexual exploitation. The research paper will then take a quick look
at the effects of public misconceptions on the health care sector and at how further understanding of
these misconceptions may help improve health care services provided to trafficked victims. The paper
will specifically explain the importance of training physical and mental health professionals at
identifying certain victims and their needs, as well as the importance of educating the public.
Respondents’ data on whether or not they had heard people who had sold their organs. Following
the money in the information age is difficult and at times impossible. This paper is a critical
evaluation of human trafficking and the effects it has on various societies and economies of the
world. So, traffickers take young girls abroad by declaring them as their wife and then sell them
abroad. University of California Press, 2004 DeStephano, Anthony. Once blood samples are
collected and sent, matches can be made and victims will sign statements agreeing that they are
donating out of the goodness of their hearts. Victims of human trafficking have medical and mental
health sequelae requiring specific healthcare interventions. Half of the respondents had heard people
who had donated their lungs, while 25% of the respondent’s attested to have heard of people who
had sold their cornea. Users are required to log in after subscribing and paying a certain amount of
money through electronic money transfer. The means: Threat or use of force, coercion, abduction,
fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving payments or benefits to a person in
control of the victim. The numbers of people, who are currently under modern day slavery, are
estimated to be approximately 27 million, which is according to the US Department of Human
Health and Services (Bales 26). Human trafficking in the contemporary society is carried out for
various selfish purposes such as labor and sexual exploitation. Several studies have been conducted
that examine the concept of human organ trafficking. Ethics in organ trafficking Different people
have different beliefs regarding the trafficking human organs. This regulation is in the support of the
government since the government stopped harvesting human organs from executed prisoners (Yik-Yi
Chu, 2010). In 2018, a research team at the University of Manchester created a kidney out of human
stem cells and implanted it into a mouse. One relies on money and leads to increased inequality,
besides putting a price on the integrity of the body and human dignity. If successful, this bill would
become law and give greater leverage to law enforcement and regulatory agencies to detect and
enforce illegal organ trafficking within the country or in relation to it. 8. It restores an individual’s
wellbeing and capacity for a productive life and brings immeasurable relief and joy for their families
and friends. The solution to organ trafficking and transplant tourism within the AML matrix must
inevitably come from high levels of collaboration, intense usage of data and a keen awareness of the
required landscape needed in a holistic sense, to combat this phenomenon. Footer Picture Dictionary
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Area Volume Calculator. Such an analysis will provide the basis for further research and hopefully
initiate further interest on how societal misconceptions shape the dynamics and trends of human
trafficking and the laws surrounding it. At that time, human organ trafficking had become a common
aspect in the world and more cases were reported every year with the highest rates in the UK in
1988. Zimmerman, Y. (2011). Christianity and Human Trafficking. On the other hand, the Human
Tissue Act of South Africa clearly states that no individual should get any financial compensation for
the sale of their tissues including organs, bones and fluids among others. The expatriate victim is also
offered temporary visa. On the other hand, there are other people who believe that it is not ethical to
trade in human organs.

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