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Download Free PDF View PDF The Dynamic Relation between Population and Economic
Development; a Systematic Analysis Review Considering Developing Countries' Empirical Evidence
IOSR Journals Background: The debate on the relation between population growth and economic
development has increased during the last decades and it has been going on in both ofdeveloping,
developed andtransition economies. There is also long-run equilibrium relationship between financial
liberalization and performance of the Nigerianeconomy.The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
result confirms that about 73% short-run adjustment speed from long-run disequilibrium. It
recommends that economic stability should either be maintained or pursued before implementing
any form of financial liberalization measures and the regulatory and supervisory framework for the
financial sector should be strengthened. This is particularly evident in the case of Thailand,
Singapore, India, China which, through regional cooperation, able to move away from an over-
reliance on the United States while cooperating with a partner with which the US actively
encourages the developing countries to interact. Majority of people in the developed world already
lead comfortable lives. Gilal Sohail Farooq Khadim Hussain Economics 2019 This is an empirical
study which follows general to specific approach for finding relevant macroeconomic variables
affecting Pakistan’s economic growth. The structures of existing regional institutions are important
for determining the options available for new regional gatherings, since new institutions almost
invariably borrow both practical and cognitive structures from pre-existing ones. Analogous
indicators for international trade with the EU are calculated for the same period. (Webber and Fort
2006). Sahay Economics 2004 What determines the ability of governments from developing
countries to access international credit markets. Another important aspect is economic freedom level
(EFL) of the host country which is associated with FDI attraction of the host country. FDI attraction
can make the growth and development progress faster in the host countries by positive effects such
as gaining wealth, technology transfer, extending the market size and export advantages, introducing
new processes, improving management ability, training human resources and accessing foreign
markets. Although savings, capital formation and economic growth have been central to economic
development analysis for several decades, the connection between them and the direction of
causality is far from clear (Fry 1980; Schmidt-Hebbel, et al 1996). The correlation matrix and ADF
test results indicate the positive effect of FDI to the economic growth. The implication of our results
is that FDI can be used as an important tool for promoting economic growth in developing countries,
especially in East African countries. Expansion, in turn, sets in motion a self-reinforcing process by
which the anticipation of growth encourages investment, investment supports growth, and increased
income raises saving (Schmidt-Hebbel, et al 1996). Worse still, more and more jobs now get
outsourced to the developing world, where the cost of labour is low compared to that in the West. In
addition to creating a modus operandi for bilateral relations within a wide range of forums, then, the
bilateral dialogue also permits bilateral attention to be turned towards specific areas of interest
relevant to either or both parties. “The concept of an internationally harmonized export certificate
was a long awaited development by all involved parties” (Lewis and Morris 2009, p. 9). The results
show that market size, infrastructure availability, and trade openness play the most significant roles
in attracting FDI to BRICS and MINT while the roles of availability of natural resources and
institutional quality are insignificant. Handbook (World Bank Trade and Development Series).
Wallach, L. (2004). Whose Trade Organization?: A Comprehensive Guide to the World. However,
the results obtained from regression analyses using GMM model are not robust; FDI effect stays
positive and statistically significance unless the inflation rate is considered. Miller, J. W. (2009).
World News: WTO Details Rising Protectionism, Pushes Countries to. Trade cannot exist without
trust and fair competition but these policies are often violated by modern companies. Sachs Andrew
M. Warner Economics, Environmental Science 1995 One of the surprising features of modern
economic growth is that economies with abundant natural resources have tended to grow less rapidly
than natural-resource-scarce economies. It is therefore an issue of management and optimum
utilisation of present and future human resources. Our interest in the linkage between savings,
investment and economic growth is not new in the economic development literature. WTO promotes
and benefits free trade between developing countries, and between the developed and the Third
world states. Munda (2013) shows that, the inflow of FDI in East African countries are
comparatively lower than the inflows into other African regions. However the research indicates that
people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed countries. The ECM also
resulted in the short-run positive effect of FDI to economic growth.
Deductive approach was employed to analyse conceptual approaches used for understanding the
relation between the research variables, summarizing the methods used in the selected studies and
discussing the findings and evidence. Finally we consider the rapid growth of the Southeast Asian
economies and the extent to which they have relied on capital accumulation. 5.1 Introduction: What
Is the Capital Stock. Trade policy is based on complex principles and issues determined by national
economic environment and international laws. In this context, evidence from development
experiences strongly suggests that the best performing countries (even among the developing ones),
have achieved this status largely on the basis of their high rates of savings and investment (Oyejide
1998). In addition, traditional aspects of security have developed to include new areas of interaction,
with the result that the consideration of traditionally 'high' political issues (such as the Indian and
Pakistani nuclear tests of 1998) becomes located within different frameworks (focused on
multilateral dialogue in particular). Regional participation not only offers another set of forums in
which representatives of developing countries and the EU are able to get to know one another and
exchange information but it also presents each of the bilateral partners with greater leverage in
dealing with one another over certain issues (Preece 2009). Februar 2024, Universitat Freiburg
Fabian Heubel. Info-structure It seems that information structures used to build a website often
become a constraint to E-commerce growth in developing countries. This is because FDI plays an
important role in improving and strengthening the ability of the recipient countries to take an action
on the opportunities provided by international economic integration, which is recognized as one of
the principal aim of any development strategies (Cho, 2003). For this reason, it is clear that there is
still a need to hold dialogue at bilateral level (Hoekman et al 2002). The ECM also resulted in the
short-run positive effect of FDI to economic growth. The paper, using time series data, demonstrates
the analyses of FDI inflows effects to the economic growth for period 1970-2013 in case of
Malaysia. Trade cannot exist without trust and fair competition but these policies are often violated
by modern companies. Barro Economics 1996 Empirical findings for a panel of around 100 countries
from 1960 to 1990 strongly support the general notion of conditional convergence. The results are
similar for developed and developing countries and are robust to several checks. Handbook (World
Bank Trade and Development Series). In a similar manner, a new institutional arrangement that is
premised upon the same foundations as a pre-existing model will import with the model for its
structure the potential legitimacy associated with it. Dairy Export Council Before the International
Trade Commission Concerning Investigation No. 332-504. April 17. With rising incomes and
improving lifestyles in India, the demand for dairy products and products containing dairy
ingredients has continually grown” (Lewis and Morris 2009, p. 7), Regional forums also provide a
'safe' structure in which Thailand, Singapore, India, China and the EU are able to expand and
diversify their foreign policy strategies. In terms of the possible development of civilian power
characteristics, this overview of participation in international organizations shows how much of the
terminology used in today's WTO has similar patterns to those employed in discussions of civilian
power. To sustain the level of FDI inflow, governments of BRICS and MINT need to ensure that
their countries remain attractive for investment. Download Free PDF View PDF Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) and Economic Growth in East African Countries Issa M Hemed This paper
investigates the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Economic Growth of East African
Countries. WTO has a set of laws aimed to restrict activity of those companies which violate
accepted rules and norms of international trade. That was when the country took its first, tentative
steps into the global trading system. World Trade Organization (WTO) has a profound impact on
trade relations and cooperation between states on the global level. In this way, the developing
countries are also given opportunities to challenge the US position without open bilateral
disagreement. Although these reasons on the international system restricting what countries can do
sound reasonable, they do not necessarily mean that the international system forces countries to take
one particular approach towards their respective trade policy. This paper aims to identify the factors
affecting economic growth in developing countries. The study focuses on the impact of foreign direct
investment on the economic growth of. This study reveals that for short-run dynamics, while bi-
directional Granger-causality exists in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand; the unidirectional
Granger-causality runs from GDP growth to EXP growth for Indonesia.
The main difference is that WTO is based on multilateral agreements applied to all members of the
institution while GATT involved selective agreements applied to some local economies. The
coefficient of determination indicates that about 63% of the variations in performance of the
Nigerian economycan be explained by changes in financial liberalization variables. Methodology: To
answer the question of the study, abroad-spectrumliteraturesearchwasconducted from Different
resources. None of these would have been possible if the economy wasn’t growing. There is no
causality between financial liberalization and economic growth in Nigeria. We first discuss whether
an economy can always grow if it increases only its capital stock. The ordinary least squares
methodology and cointegration analysis are adopted in the study. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. In this case, these 'policy makers'
should be perceived as representatives of 'national interest' and should participate in the trade policy
making process (Anonymous 2008). Finally we consider the rapid growth of the Southeast Asian
economies and the extent to which they have relied on capital accumulation. 5.1 Introduction: What
Is the Capital Stock. These developments derive from a combination of coordinating EU member
states' approaches to developing countries; applying the WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism;
engaging in multilateral negotiations within the WRO; developing a bilateral regulatory dialogue;
and employing a whole range of sector and issue-specific bilateral negotiations. The study therefore
concludes that financial liberalization has a growth-stimulating effect on Nigeria. Content type:
Online content writing jobs in pakistan Published on: 30 August Interventions and initiatives have
been made to create good livelihood means leading to increase the female number resewrch
workforce. In this way, the developing countries are also given opportunities to challenge the US
position without open bilateral disagreement. At a time when several countries are encouraging
policies to promote population growth, other countries are pursuing population stabilisation. Most of
the agreements aim to establish a collaborative framework for action, and a means both to simplify
procedures and to facilitate market access (Lewis and Morris 2009). Now they have high disposable
incomes that make it possible for them to lead luxurious lives. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. It uses cross-country data for 76 countries from 2010, 2005,
2000, and 1995. Deductive approach was employed to analyse conceptual approaches used for
understanding the relation between the research variables, summarizing the methods used in the
selected studies and discussing the findings and evidence. The ADF test suggests that the series are
random work processes in their level form. Our interest in the linkage between savings, investment
and economic growth is not new in the economic development literature. Handbook (World Bank
Trade and Development Series). Thus, hundreds of multinational companies and transnational
corporations enter these markets paying no attention to trustworthy relations, ethical behavior and fair
competition. A developing country has a low economic output compared to other countries. They
already possess disposable income and the recent growth in the global economy hasn’t really done
anything to further improve their standard of living. Anonymous (2008). Beyond Doha;. The
Economist. Oct 11. 389 (8601), 1. Governments of developed countries should not lay-off their
people to give low paid jobs to others. The ECM also resulted in the short-run positive effect of FDI
to economic growth. Download Free PDF View PDF The Dynamic Relation between Population and
Economic Development; a Systematic Analysis Review Considering Developing Countries'
Empirical Evidence IOSR Journals Background: The debate on the relation between population
growth and economic development has increased during the last decades and it has been going on in
both ofdeveloping, developed andtransition economies.
Two different financial sector development indicators were used as proxy for financial liberalization
to determine whether the sensitivity of financial liberalization on the economic growth depends on
the choice of financial sector indicator used. The study focuses on the impact of foreign direct
investment on the economic growth of. It bridges the gap between investment requirements and
domestic resource availability (UNCTAD, 2013). Download Free PDF View PDF Developing
Country Studies Does Liberalization of the Financial Sector Causes Economic Growth. Handbook
(World Bank Trade and Development Series). Rather than challenging the need for bilateral
engagement, therefore, cooperation within regional institutions actually has the potential to
strengthen the bilateral core, by providing Thailand, Singapore, India, China and the EU with a
cooperative partner with which to address regional-level concerns (MacGillivray, 2005). It
recommends that economic stability should either be maintained or pursued before implementing
any form of financial liberalization measures and the regulatory and supervisory framework for the
financial sector should be strengthened. Download Free PDF View PDF The Dynamic Relation
between Population and Economic Development; a Systematic Analysis Review Considering
Developing Countries' Empirical Evidence IOSR Journals Background: The debate on the relation
between population growth and economic development has increased during the last decades and it
has been going on in both ofdeveloping, developed andtransition economies. Panel econometric
models are estimated for a sample of 65 countries over a 14 year period (1996-2009). The precise
relationship between population and economic growth therefore requires further analysis. Finally, the
paper provides summary and concluding remarks of the study. However the research indicates that
people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed countries. So, many policy
recommendation were developed as this systematic review is supposed to be helpful for policy
makers, specifically in developing countries, to design appropriate population policies in consistence
to economic development targets. What is more, greater EU-level coordination over industrial issues
has facilitated the launch of several high-profile campaigns to promote European industry. The trend
analysis revealed that fertility rate, crude death rate, birth rate, mortality rate, and life expectancy are
the major determinants of rapid population growth rate, while youth dependency ratio of young
people below age 15 has also been attributed as one of the leading causes of population growth and
growth threat in developin. As a result of this people in the developed world are now losing their
jobs. The study therefore concludes that financial liberalization has a growth-stimulating effect on
Nigeria. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Costs of Financial Repression and
Benefits of Financial Liberation: Some Simulation Results 12. On the one hand, economic concerns
now dominate debate among the advanced industrialized nations, having replaced the once
prominent matters of Cold War security and nuclear standoffs (Miller 2009). Trade cannot exist
without trust and fair competition but these policies are often violated by modern companies. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Trade violations involve such impotent issues
as labor relations and environmental concerns. None of these would have been possible if the
economy wasn’t growing. Mutual participation in global forums forms an increasingly important part
of the developing countries WTO relations. RELATED PAPERS Is FDI Spillover Conditioned on
Financial Development and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from UMCs ashkan madani Download
Free PDF View PDF AGDI working paper Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Fast-
Growing Economies: A Study of BRICS and MINT Uduak Akpan, Simplice Asongu (PhD)
Download Free PDF View PDF Tourism FDI and growth Praopan Pratoomchat Download Free PDF
View PDF Does FDI promote higher education. While the results shows that informal labor markets
are significant and do positively affect the flow of FDI, these effects are felt up to a certain level of
informality, above which the effect becomes negative. The higher the level of investment above
depreciation the greater the potential output of the economy in the future. However the research
indicates that people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed countries. Not
only do larger organizations represent a point of contact familiar to both bilateral partners, they also
engender a process of 'socialization', whereby the developing countries and the EU member states
are exposed to common sets of norms and principles (Hoekman et al 2002).
It has been widely observed in the literature that some regions ( e.g., Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin
America) tend to save and invest a smaller proportion of their aggregate outputs than did their more
dynamic counterparts (e.g., Asia and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Countries (OECD)). In sum, WTO promotes free trade or just control the international trading
relations and economic order. The structures of existing regional institutions are important for
determining the options available for new regional gatherings, since new institutions almost
invariably borrow both practical and cognitive structures from pre-existing ones. Three results are
robust across data sets and estimation methods: i) lagges saving rates are positively related to
investment rates; ii) investment rates Granger cause growth rates with a negative sign; iii) growth
rates Granger-cause investment with a positive sign. However, in recent years, there have been
significant changes in the FDI in East Africa due to discovery of energy resources such as oil fields
in Uganda and mineral resources of gas in the United Republic of Tanzania. Although reforms are set
to continue, both internal and external attention has now turned to the problems of banking sector
and its deepening internal troubles (Wallach, 2004). It recommends that economic stability should
either be maintained or pursued before implementing any form of financial liberalization measures
and the regulatory and supervisory framework for the financial sector should be strengthened. If you
would like to replace it with a different purchasing option please remove the current eBook option
from your cart. Trade cannot exist without trust and fair competition but these policies are often
violated by modern companies. This situation has led into a high number of foreign investors to
operate their investment in different parts of the East African region. Finally, the paper provides
summary and concluding remarks of the study. The study therefore concludes that financial
liberalization has a growth-stimulating effect on Nigeria. The ECOWAS sub-region is characterised
by low per capita income, low human capital development index, relatively high maternal mortality
rate, and inadequate infrastructural facilities amongst others. Content type: Online content writing
jobs in pakistan Published on: 30 August Interventions and initiatives have been made to create good
livelihood means leading to increase the female number resewrch workforce. However the research
indicates that people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed countries. The
results show that market size, infrastructure availability, and trade openness play the most significant
roles in attracting FDI to BRICS and MINT while the roles of availability of natural resources and
institutional quality are insignificant. Consequently, developing countries usually lack employment,
food, clean water, education, healthcare, and shelter. It uses cross-country data for 76 countries from
2010, 2005, 2000, and 1995. While some studies claimed that FDI does not lead to the growth of the
host country where there is a lacking of absorbing it (Borensztein et. Transactions and information
costs can prevent effective markets in developing countries especially in agriculture. It was a new
agreement between the global nations which improved and extended articles of GATT established in
1947..WTO differs from GATT as it is based on different principles and policies of trade relations.
Regional activities are able to contribute to the respective regional concerns of the developing
countries and the EU while satisfying US pressure to play a greater international role (Wallach,
2004). The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the second section examines the review of
literature on FDI-growth linkage; the third section describes the methodology; and the fourth section
discusses the empirical results and discusion. The Essay includes relevant examples and diagrams
such as the Kuznets Curve. WTO is important to international business because and the
internationalization process of a business organization as it controls and stipulates international
relations and policies. The ADF test suggests that the series are random work processes in their level
form. From the results one can conclude that, Malaysian economy was fostered by the effect of
openness to the trade. In spite of some weaknesses and limitations of its strategies, WTO has
benefited the economic growth of developing countries and involves them in free trade relations and
international trade. Reddy Economics Social Science Research Network 2009 351 PDF Save
Openness and Growth: A Time-Series, Cross-Country Analysis for Developing Countries A. This
forms the rationale for this study to access the trend of factors that influence rapid population growth
in developing countries between 1980 and 2010.
The study focuses on the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic growth of. Expansion,
in turn, sets in motion a self-reinforcing process by which the anticipation of growth encourages
investment, investment supports growth, and increased income raises saving (Schmidt-Hebbel, et al
1996). It is therefore unsurprising that these norms should in turn form the basis of the foundations
of the bilateral relationship. The issue of market access now encompasses many different sectors, and
is addressed by India and Singapore in a wide range of bilateral and global forums. In these various
areas of macroeconomic policy-making, India and Singapore have come to regard one another as
significant partners and now sustain a range of discussions over how to coordinate their policies in
these different sectors. African countries happen to be the most striking regions to foreign
investments because they encourage investors by offering tax incentives, infrastructures, subsidies
and import duties with a range of created facilities. Keywords: Financial Liberalization, Economic
Growth, Developing Countries, Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Unit Root Test, Co-integration
test, Error Correction Mechanism (ECM). Needless to say, they aren’t all that happy with this sudden
spurt in global economy. While market size, trade openness and agglomeration exerted a positive and
statistically significant effect on FDI inflows, inflation and external debt stocks revealed a negative
effect on FDI inflows. While both effects are positive on economic growth, the effect of the ratio of
bank credit to private sector to GDP is infinitesimal relative to that of the ra. Semantic Scholar is a
free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. However,
a lot of papers rejecting the significance of the FDI to accelerate the economy do exist. In this case,
these 'policy makers' should be perceived as representatives of 'national interest' and should
participate in the trade policy making process (Anonymous 2008). FDI attraction can make the
growth and development progress faster in the host countries by positive effects such as gaining
wealth, technology transfer, extending the market size and export advantages, introducing new
processes, improving management ability, training human resources and accessing foreign markets. If
you would like to replace it with a different purchasing option please remove the current eBook
option from your cart. In this context, evidence from development experiences strongly suggests that
the best performing countries (even among the developing ones), have achieved this status largely on
the basis of their high rates of savings and investment (Oyejide 1998). Our results indicate that FDI
contribute positively to growth in the East African counties. However the research indicates that
people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed countries. The main difference
is that WTO is based on multilateral agreements applied to all members of the institution while
GATT involved selective agreements applied to some local economies. Tangible cooperation in Asia
and Europe also provides them with the opportunity to examine future paths of bilateral cooperation
in these regions (Wallach, 2004). Munda (2013) shows that, the inflow of FDI in East African
countries are comparatively lower than the inflows into other African regions. Wallach, L. (2004).
Whose Trade Organization?: A Comprehensive Guide to the World. We show that to have a high
standard of living a country must, over the long run, have a high level of savings and investment. In
this study, we apply the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) technique on the data from
4 East African Countries (Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania), covering the
period 1990 to 2015, to examine the impact of FDI on economic growth. The argument presented
against is that when the population decreases then it reduces the growth of the economy, which
again hampers the economic growth of the country. 08, 2011 Economics of developing countries
Question 3: a) The three important trade strategies are primary exports, Import substitute
industrialization and outward looking strategy. Since that time, however, regional variation in growth
achievement has been explained in terms of differences in savings and investment performances. It is
clear that cooperation is most successful in the cases where the developing countries and WTO
interest in the specific issue has already been established. In developing countries, there may be both
market failure and the government failure. It further shows that both the ratio of broad money supply
to GDP and the ratio of bank credit to private sector to GDP have positive effect on economic
growth in Nigeria. WTO has a set of laws aimed to restrict activity of those companies which violate
accepted rules and norms of international trade. Irwin, D.A. (2005). Free Trade Under Fire: Princeton
University Press; 2 edition.
The paper, using time series data, demonstrates the analyses of FDI inflows effects to the economic
growth for period 1970-2013 in case of Malaysia. By continuing to use the website, you consent to
our use of cookies. While both effects are positive on economic growth, the effect of the ratio of
bank credit to private sector to GDP is infinitesimal relative to that of the ra. Needless to say, they
aren’t all that happy with this sudden spurt in global economy. One of the reasons why developing
countries and the EU have been able to interact in so many bodies in Southeast Asia is that this
region has better developed institutions which contain partners with which the developing countries
and the EU have well established relations. “Structural reforms and stabilization programs during the
1990s contributed to India’s sustained economic growth, which has been relatively strong over the
past two decades, averaging over 6 percent. Volume 2 To identify the state level development of
infrastructure and economic development, two composite indices namely, composite index of
infrastructure development and a composite index of economic development have been estimated
using the most commonly used multivariate techniques of factor analysis known as principal
components analysis techniques. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh
the disadvantages. Another important aspect is economic freedom level (EFL) of the host country
which is associated with FDI attraction of the host country. Download Free PDF View PDF
Ismaila Okunoye The paper models banking sector liberalisation variables between financial
liberalisation and economic growth in Nigeria for the period of 2003 to 2012, using Ordinary Least
Square (OLS) technique. These issues affect the potential for agenda-setting and agenda
implementation of global and regional environments respectively (Webber and Fort 2006). It bridges
the gap between investment requirements and domestic resource availability (UNCTAD, 2013). We
show that to have a high standard of living a country must, over the long run, have a high level of
savings and investment. The empirical findings suggest evidence of long run equilibrium relationship
between financial liberalization on economic growth. Although many scholars emphasize foreign
direct investments as a cheap and easy way of technology transfer, the role of human capital of the
host country is considered as an important factor in this process. Initially, developed countries
utilized WTO in many ways as an 'international public good' which would allow it to enjoy the
benefits of greater international market access without necessarily having to make a significant
contribution itself. See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board
We're Hiring. Finally we consider the rapid growth of the Southeast Asian economies and the extent
to which they have relied on capital accumulation. 5.1 Introduction: What Is the Capital Stock.
Keywords: Financial Liberalization, Economic Growth, Developing Countries, Augmented Dickey-
Fuller (ADF) Unit Root Test, Co-integration test, Error Correction Mechanism (ECM). However the
research indicates that people in the developing countries is happier than people in developed
countries. Miller, J. W. (2009). World News: WTO Details Rising Protectionism, Pushes Countries to.
At a time when several countries are encouraging policies to promote population growth, other
countries are pursuing population stabilisation. Costs of Financial Repression and Benefits of
Financial Liberation: Some Simulation Results 12. The domestic and international relations each
possess different and distinct features and limitations on country action; thus domestic goals are
more effectively pursued with international trade strategies. Aggregate Savings, Financial
Intermediation, and Interest Rate 7. From the point of view of most of the researchers, theoretically
the FDI inflows have to affect the economy positively, through technological advances, increase of
the number of working places, quality of control changes etc. Gilal Sohail Farooq Khadim Hussain
Economics 2019 This is an empirical study which follows general to specific approach for finding
relevant macroeconomic variables affecting Pakistan’s economic growth. Critics argue that
multilateral trading system has a negative impact on local economies and allows large multinational
corporations to exploit financial resources of weak and developing countries. Although savings,
capital formation and economic growth have been central to economic development analysis for
several decades, the connection between them and the direction of causality is far from clear (Fry
1980; Schmidt-Hebbel, et al 1996). There is no causality between financial liberalization and
economic growth in Nigeria. As a result, the inflow of FDI into this region increases from USD 4.5
billion to USD 6.3 billion (40 percent increase) in 2012 (UNCTAD, 2013).

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