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Department of veterinary basics and diagnostic science

assignment microbiology
Group 4 assignment 1
Set by third year students
GROUP MEMBERS ..............................

No Name Id.

1 Tsadik Gidey Ugr/170028/12

2 Tensay gebreaftse Cvm/ur170105/12

4 Hagos desta Cvm/ur178471/12

Submitted to-dr. Muez

submission date-15/06/2016

Out line or content of the assignment

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................2

a.what are samples........................................................................................................................................2

b. What mean collection transportation And preservation of samples...................................................3

c.What is the importance of collection, transportation and preservation of samples..... .....................3

d,why we Isolate, Characterise ans Identify bacteria and fungi.............................................................3

2.main precondition taken to collect,transport and preserve different samples...............4

3.collection,transportation and preservation different samples ........................................7

3.1. Milk samples.....................................................................................................................7

- collection, materials and methods ........................................................................................................ ....7

- Transportation................................................................................................................................................7

- Preservation...................................................................................................................................................7

3.2. blood samples...................................................................................................................8

- collection, material and methods and site ...............................................................................................8
- transportation .............................................................................................................................................9

- preservation ................................................................................................................. .............................9

3.3. Tissue samples .............................................................................................................11

- collection,materials and method and site ................................................................................................11
- Transportation ...........................................................................................................................................12
- Preservation ..............................................................................................................................................12

3.4 urine samples ..................................................................................................................13

-Collection,materials and methods .............................................................................................................13
- Transportation ............................................................................................................................................14
- Preservation ..................................................................................................................................................14

4.Key Differences in Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of different samples in

Animals .................................................................................................................................16

5.Isolation, Characterise & identify bacteria & fungi ........................................................20

6. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................22

7. References..........................................................................................................................22

1. Introduction
A.Samples: In veterinary medicine, "samples" refer to biological specimens collected from
animals for diagnostic or research purposes.

There are various types of samples that can be taken from animals for diagnostic, research, or
monitoring purposes. These samples help veterinarians, researchers, and wildlife biologists to
assess the health status of animals, diagnose diseases, study genetics, and monitor populations.
Some common types of samples taken from animals include:

Blood Samples: Blood samples are commonly collected from animals for various diagnostic tests
such as complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry analysis, infectious disease testing, and
genetic analysis.

Tissue Samples: Tissue samples can be obtained through procedures like biopsies or necropsies.
These samples are used for histopathology, genetic analysis, and identification of diseases such
as cancer.

Fecal Samples: Fecal samples are collected to analyze the microbiome of animals, detect
parasites or pathogens, and assess digestive health.

Urine Samples: Urine samples are often collected to evaluate kidney function, screen for
metabolic disorders, and detect urinary tract infections in animals.

Hair or Feather Samples: Hair or feather samples can be used for DNA analysis, hormone
testing, environmental toxin detection, and dietary studies in animals.

Saliva Samples: Saliva samples are collected for non-invasive testing of hormones, infectious
diseases, and genetic analysis in animals.

Swab Samples: Swab samples are taken from various body surfaces like skin, oral cavity, or
wounds to detect bacterial or viral infections in animals.

Bone Marrow Samples: Bone marrow samples may be obtained to diagnose certain blood
disorders or investigate immune system abnormalities in animals.

Milk Samples: Milk samples are collected from lactating animals for assessing milk quality,
detecting mastitis infections, and studying lactation physiology.

Feather Pulp Samples: Feather pulp samples can be used for stable isotope analysis to study
animal diet and migration patterns.

B. Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of Samples

- Collection:Involves obtaining samples using appropriate techniques to minimize

contamination and ensure representativeness.

- Transportation: Refers to the safe transfer of samples from the collection site to the
laboratory, maintaining appropriate conditions to prevent degradation or alteration.

-Preservation: Involves storing samples under suitable conditions to maintain their stability and
integrity until analysis can be performed.

C. Importance of Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of Samples:

The significance of proper handling of samples lies in:

- Accurate Diagnosis: Ensuring that samples reach the laboratory in a state that allows accurate
analysis, minimizing the risk of false results and misdiagnosis .

- Prevention of Contamination: Proper handling reduces the risk of contamination, which could
lead to erroneous results or the spread of infectious agents.

- Research and Surveillance: High-quality samples are crucial for conducting research studies
and surveillance programs aimed at understanding diseases, developing treatments, and
implementing preventive measures.

D.Why we Isolate, Characterize, and Identify Bacteria and Fungi:

Isolating, characterizing, and identifying bacteria and fungi is essential for:

- Treatment Planning: Identifying the specific pathogens involved in infections allows for
targeted treatment strategies, improving therapeutic outcomes.

- Epidemiological Studies: Understanding the distribution and characteristics of microbial

pathogens aids in tracking disease outbreaks and implementing control measures.

- Research Purposes: Studying the properties and behaviors of bacteria and fungi contributes to
advancements in veterinary microbiology and the development of new diagnostic tools and

2.main precondition taken to collect,transport and preserve different
1.Permits and Permissions: Obtain the necessary permits and permissions from relevant
authorities, governmental agencies, or wildlife management bodies. This ensures compliance
with local and international regulations, especially when dealing with protected or endangered

2. Ethical Approval: Seek ethical approval from institutional review boards or ethics
committees. This involves a thorough review of the proposed research to ensure that it adheres
to ethical standards, particularly in studies involving vertebrate animals.

3.Sampling Plan: Develop a comprehensive sampling plan that clearly outlines the research
objectives, the specific animal species targeted, the sampling methods to be employed, and the
locations where samples will be collected. This plan serves as a guiding document for the entire
sampling process.

4. Safety Protocols: Implement robust safety protocols to protect both researchers and the
animals being sampled. This includes measures to mitigate risks associated with the sampling
environment, such as rough terrain, adverse weather conditions, or potential encounters with
dangerous wildlife.

5. Training: Provide thorough training to all personnel involved in sample collection. This
training should cover proper handling techniques, ethical considerations, and the use of
equipment to minimize stress on the animals and ensure the safety of the research team.

6.Equipment Preparation: Ensure that all equipment, from sampling tools to containers and
preservation materials, is properly prepared. This includes sterilization, calibration, and
functionality checks to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.

7.Health Assessment: Conduct health assessments of the target animals before sample
collection. This involves identifying any signs of disease, stress, or other health issues that may
impact the validity of the collected samples.

8.Environmental Monitoring: Assess the environmental conditions at the sampling sites. This
includes monitoring factors such as temperature, humidity, pollution levels, and other
ecological variables that could influence the quality of the samples and the well-being of the

9.Sampling Timing: Determine the optimal timing for sample collection based on the natural
behavior and life cycles of the target species. This consideration enhances the relevance and
accuracy of the data collected.

10.Population Monitoring: Conduct preliminary population surveys to estimate population size,

distribution, and demographics. This information is crucial for designing an effective sampling
strategy that represents the diversity of the population under study.

11.Site Access and Logistics: Plan and arrange for efficient site access and logistics. This involves
considerations such as transportation to and from the sampling sites, accommodation for the
research team, and any special requirements for reaching remote or challenging locations.

12.Communication Plan: Establish a clear communication plan within the research team and
with relevant stakeholders. Effective communication ensures coordination during sample
collection and allows for timely resolution of any challenges or unexpected events.

13.Contingency Planning: Develop detailed contingency plans to address unexpected events or

challenges that may arise during sample collection. This includes plans for adverse weather
conditions, equipment failure, or unexpected changes in the study environment.

14.Sample Identification: Implement a robust system for labeling and identifying samples.
Accurate sample identification is critical for maintaining data integrity, traceability, and
preventing any mix-ups during the collection and transportation process.

15.Chain of Custody: Maintain a clear and documented chain of custody for all collected
samples. This involves recording every step of the process from collection to analysis, ensuring
accountability and traceability of each sample.

16.Preservation Methods: Choose appropriate preservation methods for different types of

samples. This may include freezing, drying, or using preservatives to maintain the integrity of
biological materials during transportation and storage.

17.Temperature Control: Ensure proper temperature control during sample transport.

Depending on the nature of the samples, use insulated containers, ice packs, or dry ice to
prevent degradation due to temperature fluctuations.

18.Data Recording: Record detailed metadata for each sample. This includes information such
as the date and time of collection, GPS coordinates, environmental conditions, and any relevant
observations made during the sampling process.

19.Data Security: Implement robust measures to protect sample data from unauthorized
access, loss, or corruption. This involves secure storage, backup procedures, and adherence to
data protection protocols.

20.Quality Assurance: Integrate quality assurance measures throughout the sampling process.
Regular checks for sample contamination, documentation errors, and adherence to standard
operating procedures contribute to the reliability and validity of the collected data.

21.Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation of the entire sampling process.

This documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference, data validation, and
ensuring transparency in research methodologies.

22.Collaboration with Experts: Involve experts from relevant fields in the planning and
execution of the sampling process. This multidisciplinary approach enhances the scientific rigor
of the study and ensures a more holistic understanding of the ecological system under

23.Community Engagement: Engage with local communities and stakeholders throughout the
research process. This involvement fosters cooperation, provides valuable local insights, and
contributes to the ethical and cultural considerations of the study.

24.Legal Compliance: Ensure strict adherence to all applicable laws and regulations governing
animal sampling. This includes compliance with international conventions, national wildlife
protection laws, and any specific regulations related to the study area.

25.Public Health Considerations: Address potential public health concerns, especially in cases
involving zoonotic diseases. Collaborate with public health authorities, implement biosecurity
measures, and communicate findings responsibly to protect both wildlife and human

26.History Taking: Conduct a thorough history taking process, especially in studies involving
domestic animals or wildlife populations with potential exposure to human activities. This
involves gathering information on the animals' previous interactions with humans, exposure to
pollutants, medical history, and any known diseases within the population.

Incorporating history taking into the sampling process adds an additional layer of
understanding to the overall health and context of the studied animal population. This
information can help researchers identify potential factors that may impact the samples, such
as previous exposure to contaminants or diseases, ultimately contributing to a more
comprehensive analysis of the collected data.

3. Collection,transportation and preservation of different samples

3.1Milk Samples
3.1.1 Milk Sample Collection:

- Method: Milk samples are typically collected from animals using aseptic techniques to prevent
contamination. The udder and teats are cleaned thoroughly with an antiseptic solution, and the
first streams of milk are discarded to ensure that the sample is representative of the milk in the

- Material: Sterile containers, such as tubes or bottles, are used to collect milk samples. These
containers should be labeled with the animal's identification and the date and time of

-Procedure:After cleaning the udder and teats, the milk is collected into the sterile container.
For cows, this is often done by hand or using a milking machine. For other animals, specific
techniques may vary.

- Storage: Milk samples are typically stored under refrigeration (4°C) .

3.1.2 Transportation and Preservation of Milk Samples:

- Transportation Method:After collection, milk samples should be transported to the laboratory

as quickly as possible to maintain their freshness and prevent bacterial proliferation. It is
advisable to use a cool environment during transportation, such as a cooler or insulated
container, to preserve the quality of the milk and prevent spoilage.

- Preservation Method: Preservation of milk samples is crucial to maintain the integrity of the
milk components until laboratory analysis. The two primary methods for preservation are
refrigeration and freezing.

- Refrigeration: Storing milk samples at a temperature of 4°C helps slow down bacterial growth
and enzymatic activity, preserving the composition of the milk. This method is suitable for
short-term storage, typically up to a few days.

- Freezing: For longer-term preservation, especially if there is a delay in analysis, milk samples
can be frozen. Freezing helps halt bacterial activity and enzymatic reactions, ensuring the
stability of the milk components over an extended period. Samples should be labeled with the
date of collection before freezing.

3.1.3 Importance of Proper collection,Transportation and Preservation:

-Importance:Milk samples are important in veterinary medicine for diagnosing mastitis,

monitoring milk quality, and conducting research on dairy animal health and production. Proper
collection and handling of milk samples are essential to ensure accurate results and prevent

- Maintaining Sample Quality: Proper transportation in a cool environment and timely delivery
to the laboratory prevent the deterioration of milk quality. This is crucial for accurate analysis
and reliable diagnostic results.

- Preventing Bacterial Growth: Both refrigeration and freezing inhibit the growth of bacteria in
milk samples. This is essential to avoid contamination and ensure that the laboratory receives
samples in a condition suitable for analysis.analysis.

- Facilitating Extended Storage: Freezing allows for longer storage periods, enabling researchers
and veterinarians to conduct retrospective analyses or longitudinal studies without
compromising the quality of the samples.

In summary, proper transportation and preservation methods for milk samples in veterinary
medicine involve swift delivery to the laboratory in a cool environment, with options for
refrigeration and freezing to maintain sample quality and integrity. These practices are essential
for accurate diagnostic results and meaningful research in the field of veterinary medicine.

3.2. Blood Samples

3.2.1 Blood Sample Collection in Animals:

- Site of Collection: Blood samples in animals are typically collected from peripheral veins, such
as the jugular vein in large animals (e.g., horses, cattle) or the cephalic vein in smaller animals
(e.g., dogs, cats). The choice of site depends on the species and the ease of access to the vein.

-Method: Blood collection is performed using sterile venipuncture techniques to minimize

trauma to the animal and contamination of the sample. The area around the chosen vein is
cleaned thoroughly with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection. A needle attached
to a syringe or vacuum tube system is inserted into the vein, and blood is drawn into the
syringe or tube.

- Material: The equipment used for blood collection includes sterile needles, syringes, or
vacuum tubes. The choice of equipment depends on the volume of blood needed and the
intended analysis. Vacuum tubes may contain additives for specific tests, such as anticoagulants
or clot activators.

- Procedure: After preparing the collection site, the needle is inserted into the vein at a suitable
angle, and blood is drawn into the syringe or tube. Care must be taken to avoid excessive
suction or trauma to the vein, which could lead to hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells) or

- Storage: Blood samples are typically stored in appropriate containers or tubes designed for
blood collection. Depending on the analysis required, samples may be stored at room
temperature (for certain tests), refrigerated (for short-term storage), or frozen (for long-term
storage) to preserve the integrity of cellular and biochemical components.

3.2.2 Importance of Proper Blood Sample Collection:

- Accurate Diagnosis:Proper blood collection techniques ensure that samples are free from
contamination and maintain the integrity of cellular and biochemical components, allowing for
accurate diagnostic tests.

- Minimized Trauma: Sterile venipuncture techniques minimize trauma to the animal, reducing
discomfort and the risk of complications associated with blood collection.

- Prevention of Contamination: Thorough cleaning of the collection site and use of sterile
equipment reduce the risk of contamination, which could affect the reliability of test results.

-Quality Assurance: Following established protocols for blood collection ensures consistency
and reliability in laboratory testing, contributing to the overall quality assurance in veterinary

In summary, proper blood sample collection in animals involves selecting an appropriate site,
using sterile techniques, and handling the sample carefully to maintain its integrity until
analysis. These practices are essential for accurate diagnosis and effective management of
animal health conditions.

3.2.3Transportation and Preservation of Blood Samples in Animals:

- Transportation Method: After collection, blood samples should be transported to the

laboratory promptly to ensure the integrity of cellular and biochemical components. It is crucial
to use appropriate packaging to prevent breakage or leakage during transit. Blood samples
should be transported in a cool environment to maintain their stability, preferably using
insulated containers or cool packs to prevent temperature fluctuations.

Transportation: Blood samples should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible after
collection to minimize changes in cellular morphology and biochemical composition. If

immediate analysis is not possible, samples should be stored under suitable conditions to
maintain their stability until processing.

- Preservation Method Proper preservation of blood samples is essential to maintain the

integrity of cellular and biochemical components until laboratory analysis. The primary
methods for preservation include refrigeration and anticoagulation.

- Refrigeration: Storing blood samples at a temperature of 4°C helps slow down cellular
metabolism and enzymatic activity, preserving the morphology of blood cells and the stability
of biochemical analytes. Refrigeration is suitable for short-term storage, typically up to a few

- Anticoagulation:Adding anticoagulants to blood samples prevents clotting and allows for the
preservation of cellular elements. Common anticoagulants used in veterinary medicine include
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and heparin. Anticoagulated blood samples can be
stored at room temperature for a limited period, usually up to 24 hours, before analysis.

- Freezing:For long-term storage, particularly if there will be a delay in analysis or if specific

tests require frozen samples, blood samples can be frozen at temperatures below -20°C.
Freezing halts enzymatic reactions and cellular metabolism, preserving the integrity of the
sample for extended periods.

3.2.4 Importance of Proper Transportation and Preservation:

- Maintaining Sample Integrity: Proper transportation in a cool environment and appropriate

preservation methods help maintain the integrity of blood samples, ensuring accurate
laboratory analysis.

- Preventing Degradation:Refrigeration and anticoagulation inhibit cellular metabolism and

enzymatic activity, minimizing changes in cellular morphology and biochemical composition
during storage.

- Ensuring Reliable Test Results: Preserving blood samples under suitable conditions is critical
for obtaining reliable test results, as alterations in sample quality can affect the accuracy and
interpretation of diagnostic tests.

- Facilitating Extended Storage: Freezing allows for long-term storage of blood samples,
enabling retrospective analysis and longitudinal studies in veterinary research without
compromising sample integrity.

These practices are essential for accurate diagnostic testing and research in veterinary

3.3. Tissue Samples
3.3.1 Tissue Sample Collection in Animals:

- Site of Collection: Tissue samples in animals are typically collected from specific anatomical
sites depending on the type of tissue required for analysis. Common sites include skin, muscle,
liver, kidney, lymph nodes, and various organs.

-Method: Tissue collection involves surgical or minimally invasive techniques performed under
sterile conditions to minimize contamination and ensure sample integrity. The area around the
collection site is cleaned thoroughly with an antiseptic solution, and appropriate anesthesia is
administered to minimize pain and discomfort to the animal.

- Material: The equipment used for tissue collection includes sterile surgical instruments such as
scalpels, forceps, and scissors, as well as containers for sample storage. Tissue samples may be
collected directly into containers containing fixatives for histological analysis or into sterile
containers for other types of analysis.

- Procedure: Depending on the specific tissue being collected, the procedure may involve
excision of a small piece of tissue (biopsy), aspiration of fluid or cells (fine needle aspiration), or
collection of a larger tissue specimen (surgical biopsy). Care is taken to minimize trauma to
surrounding tissues and to collect a representative sample for analysis.

-Storage: Tissue samples are typically stored in appropriate containers or fixatives designed to
preserve tissue morphology and biochemical composition. Fixatives such as formalin are
commonly used for histological analysis, while other samples may be frozen or stored in
specialized transport media depending on the intended analysis.

-Transportation: Tissue samples should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible

after collection to prevent degradation of the sample. Samples may be transported in
containers with appropriate fixatives or preservatives to maintain sample integrity during

3.3.2 Importance of Proper Tissue Sample Collection:

- Accurate Diagnosis:Proper tissue collection techniques ensure that samples are representative
of the lesion or pathology being investigated, leading to accurate diagnostic results and
appropriate treatment recommendations.

- Minimized Contamination: Sterile collection techniques minimize the risk of contamination,

ensuring that the sample remains free from external contaminants that could affect the
reliability of test results.

- Preservation of Tissue Morphology: Fixation of tissue samples preserves tissue morphology,
allowing for detailed histological examination and interpretation by pathologists.

- Facilitating Specialized Analyses: Proper collection and storage of tissue samples facilitate a
wide range of specialized analyses, including immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics, and
microbiological culture, which may require specific sample handling techniques.

3.3.3 Transportation and Preservation of Tissue Samples in Animals:

- Transportation Method:After collection, tissue samples should be transported to the

laboratory promptly to prevent degradation and ensure accurate analysis. It is essential to use
appropriate packaging to prevent damage or contamination during transit. Tissue samples
should be transported in a cool environment to maintain their integrity, preferably using
insulated containers or cool packs to prevent temperature fluctuations.

- Preservation Method: Proper preservation of tissue samples is crucial to maintain tissue

morphology and biochemical composition until laboratory analysis. The primary methods for
preservation include fixation and refrigeration.

- Fixation: Fixation involves immersing tissue samples in a solution containing a fixative, such
as formalin, to preserve tissue morphology and prevent degradation. Fixation is essential for
histological analysis and allows for detailed examination of tissue architecture. After fixation,
samples can be stored at room temperature until analysis.

- Refrigeration:If immediate fixation is not possible, tissue samples can be refrigerated at

temperatures between 2°C to 8°C to slow down enzymatic activity and microbial growth,
preserving tissue integrity for a short period before fixation or further processing. Refrigeration
is particularly important for samples intended for molecular or biochemical analysis.

-Freezing: In some cases, tissue samples may be frozen at temperatures below -20°C for long-
term storage, especially if immediate analysis is not feasible or if specialized tests require
frozen samples. Freezing halts enzymatic reactions and microbial growth, preserving tissue
morphology and biochemical constituents for extended periods.

3.3.4 Importance of Proper Transportation and Preservation:

-Maintaining Tissue Integrity: Proper transportation in a cool environment and appropriate

preservation methods help maintain tissue morphology and biochemical composition, ensuring
accurate analysis and interpretation of results.

- Preventing Degradation: Fixation and refrigeration inhibit enzymatic activity and microbial
growth, minimizing changes in tissue structure and composition during storage, thereby
preserving the integrity of the sample.

-Facilitating Specialized Analyses: Proper preservation methods ensure that tissue samples are
suitable for a wide range of specialized analyses, including histology, immunohistochemistry,
molecular diagnostics, and microbiological culture, allowing for comprehensive evaluation and
diagnosis of pathology.

- Ensuring Reliable Test Results:Preservation of tissue samples under suitable conditions is

essential for obtaining reliable test results, as alterations in tissue quality can impact the
accuracy and interpretation of diagnostic tests, ultimately influencing clinical decisions and
treatment strategies.

In conclusion, proper transportation and preservation methods for tissue samples in animals
involve prompt delivery to the laboratory in a cool environment, with options for fixation,
refrigeration, or freezing to maintain tissue integrity and facilitate accurate analysis. These
practices are critical for achieving accurate diagnosis and effective management of animal
health conditions based on tissue pathology.

2.4 Urine Samples

3.4.1 Urine Sample Collection in Animals:

- Site of Collection: Urine samples in animals are typically collected directly from the urinary
bladder or by allowing the animal to void into a clean container. In some cases, catheterization
may be necessary to obtain a sterile sample, especially in cases where contamination must be

- Method: Urine collection methods vary depending on the species and the specific
requirements of the diagnostic test. Common methods include free catch, cystocentesis, and
catheterization. Free catch involves allowing the animal to urinate into a clean container, while
cystocentesis involves using a needle and syringe to aspirate urine directly from the bladder.

- Material: The equipment used for urine collection includes clean containers for free catch
samples, sterile needles and syringes for cystocentesis, and urinary catheters for
catheterization. It is essential to use sterile equipment and containers to minimize
contamination and ensure the integrity of the urine sample.

-Procedure: Prior to urine collection, the area around the urinary opening (urethral orifice) may
be cleaned with an antiseptic solution to reduce contamination. For cystocentesis and
catheterization, appropriate anesthesia may be administered to minimize discomfort to the

animal. Care should be taken to collect a sufficient volume of urine for analysis while minimizing
trauma to the urinary tract.

- Storage: Urine samples should be stored in clean, sterile containers to prevent contamination
and preserve sample integrity. If immediate analysis is not possible, samples should be
refrigerated to slow down microbial growth and enzymatic activity.

3.4.2 Importance of Proper Urine Sample Collection:

-Accurate Diagnosis: Proper urine collection techniques ensure that samples are representative
of the animal's urinary tract function, leading to accurate diagnostic results and appropriate
treatment recommendations for conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and
metabolic disorders.

- Minimized Contamination: Sterile collection techniques minimize the risk of contamination,

ensuring that the sample remains free from external contaminants that could affect the
reliability of test results.

- Preservation of Sample Integrity: Proper collection and storage of urine samples preserve the
biochemical composition of the urine, allowing for accurate analysis of parameters such as pH,
specific gravity, protein concentration, and the presence of cells or pathogens.

-Facilitating Specialized Analyses: Urine samples collected using proper techniques are suitable
for a wide range of specialized analyses, including urinalysis, culture and sensitivity testing for
bacterial infections, and measurement of specific analytes for the diagnosis of metabolic

In summary, proper urine sample collection in animals involves selecting an appropriate

method, using sterile techniques, and storing the sample in clean containers to maintain its
integrity until analysis. These practices are essential for accurate diagnosis and effective
management of urinary tract disorders and other conditions affecting renal function in animals.

3.4.3 Transportation and Preservation of Urine Samples in Animals:

- Transportation Method: After collection, urine samples should be transported to the

laboratory promptly to prevent changes in composition and ensure accurate analysis. It is
crucial to use leak-proof containers to prevent spillage and contamination during transit.
Samples should be transported in a cool environment to minimize bacterial growth and
maintain sample integrity.

- Preservation Method: Proper preservation of urine samples is essential to maintain the
stability of analytes and prevent microbial growth until laboratory analysis. The primary
methods for preservation include refrigeration and the addition of preservatives.

-Refrigeration:Refrigeration at temperatures between 2°C to 8°C is the most common method

to preserve urine samples for short-term storage. Cooling slows down bacterial growth and
enzymatic activity, preserving the integrity of analytes such as pH, specific gravity, and cellular

- Preservatives:Adding preservatives such as boric acid, sodium azide, or commercial urine

preservative tablets can inhibit bacterial growth and enzymatic degradation, extending the
stability of urine samples for longer periods, especially if immediate refrigeration is not feasible.

Importance of Proper Transportation and Preservation:

- Maintaining Sample Integrity: Proper transportation in leak-proof containers and refrigeration

helps maintain the integrity of urine samples, ensuring accurate analysis of biochemical
parameters and microbial cultures.

- Preventing Contamination: Leak-proof containers and preservatives minimize the risk of

contamination during transportation, preserving the reliability of test results and preventing
false positives or negatives in diagnostic tests.

- Preserving Analyte Stability: Refrigeration and preservatives help preserve the stability of
analytes in urine samples, ensuring accurate measurement of parameters such as pH, specific
gravity, protein concentration, and the presence of cells or pathogens.

- Facilitating Diagnostic Testing: Proper transportation and preservation methods ensure that
urine samples are suitable for a wide range of diagnostic tests, including urinalysis, culture and
sensitivity testing, and measurement of specific analytes, allowing for comprehensive
evaluation and diagnosis of urinary tract disorders and other conditions affecting renal function
in animals.

In conclusion, proper transportation and preservation of urine samples in animals involve

prompt delivery to the laboratory in leak-proof containers, with options for refrigeration or the
addition of preservatives to maintain sample integrity and analyte stability. These practices are
critical for achieving accurate diagnosis and effective management of urinary tract disorders
and other conditions affecting renal function in animals based on urine analysis.

4. generalised Key Differences in Collection, Transportation, and
Preservation of Blood, Milk, Tissue, and Urine animal in Animals :
Each type of sample requires careful consideration of factors such as collection site, time,
safety, handling conditions, animal behavior, transportation requirements, and preservation
techniques to ensure accurate results and maintain sample integrity throughout the process.

1. Collection Site:
- Blood: Typically collected from peripheral veins like the jugular or cephalic veins.

- Milk:Collected directly from the udder of the animal.

- Tissue:Obtained through biopsy or post-mortem examination.

- Urine: Directly from the urinary bladder or voided into a clean container.

2.Collection Time:
- Blood: Can be collected at any time, but fasting samples may be required for certain tests.

- Milk: Usually collected during or after milking sessions.

-Tissue: Biopsy samples can be collected during clinical examinations, while post-mortem
samples are collected after death.

- Urine: Can be collected at any time, though samples may be more concentrated if collected
in the morning.??????

3.Collection Conditions:
- Blood: Clean, sterile environment to minimize the risk of contamination and ensure sample

- Milk: Hygienic conditions to prevent contamination and maintain milk quality.

- Tissue: Sterile instruments and techniques to minimize contamination and preserve sample

- Urine: Clean collection containers and surroundings to prevent contamination and ensure
accurate results.

4. Collection Technique:

- Blood: Requires venipuncture using sterile needles and syringes.

- Milk: Collected using manual or automated milking systems, ensuring cleanliness to prevent

- Tissue: Biopsy samples obtained using sterile instruments and techniques; post-mortem
samples require careful dissection.

- Urine: Various methods like free catch, cystocentesis, or catheterization may be used,
depending on the species and diagnostic requirements.

5.for what desease diagnosis collection

- Blood samples are collected to diagnose a wide range of diseases and health conditions,

- Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and malaria.

- Blood disorders such as anemia, leukemia, and hemophilia.

- Metabolic disorders like diabetes and thyroid disorders.

- Autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

- Cardiovascular diseases including heart disease and stroke.

- Monitoring organ function and assessing overall health status.

Milk samples are primarily collected from animals (such as cows, goats, and sheep)
for assessing their health and ensuring food safety. Common reasons for collecting milk
samples include:

- Detecting bacterial infections like mastitis, which can affect milk quality and animal health.

- Monitoring levels of antibiotics or other contaminants in milk to ensure compliance with

food safety regulations.

- Evaluating milk composition and quality parameters such as fat content, protein content,
and somatic cell count.

- Urine samples are commonly collected for diagnosing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and
assessing kidney function. Additionally, urine samples may be used to diagnose other
conditions such as:

- Diabetes mellitus by measuring glucose levels in urine.

- Kidney diseases by assessing levels of protein, blood, or other substances in urine.

- Liver diseases by detecting the presence of bilirubin or urobilinogen in urine.

- Drug screening and monitoring for illicit substances or medications.

- Tissue samples are obtained through procedures like biopsies and surgical excisions for
diagnosing various diseases and conditions, including:

- Cancer diagnosis and staging by examining tumor tissue for abnormal cells and molecular

- Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and dermatitis
by analyzing tissue inflammation and immune responses.

- Infectious diseases like tuberculosis, fungal infections, and viral infections by identifying
pathogens in affected tissues.

- Genetic disorders by analyzing tissue for genetic mutations or abnormalities.

6.Safety Considerations:
- Blood:Requires proper handling of needles to prevent accidental injuries or contamination.

- Milk:Attention to udder health to avoid contamination and ensure safety for both the animal
and the collector.

-Tissue: Careful handling to prevent exposure to hazardous materials or pathogens during

biopsy or post-mortem procedures.

- Urine:Proper hygiene practices to prevent contamination and minimize exposure to

potential pathogens.

7.Animal Behavior:
- Blood: Animals may require restraint during blood collection to ensure safety for both the
animal and the collector.

- Milk:Proper handling and gentle treatment to avoid causing stress or discomfort to the

-Tissue:Biopsy procedures may cause discomfort, so proper restraint and pain management
techniques may be necessary.

-Urine: Animals may need to be trained or acclimated to the collection process to minimize
stress and ensure cooperation.

8. Transportation Conditions:

- Blood: Requires temperature control and protection from physical agitation to maintain
sample integrity.

- Milk:Refrigeration is essential to slow bacterial growth and preserve milk quality during

- Tissue: Cold or frozen transportation may be necessary to prevent degradation, depending

on analysis requirements.

- Urine: Refrigeration slows microbial growth & preserves sample integrity during transit.

9. Transportation Requirements:
-Blood: Transported in specialized tubes with anticoagulants to prevent clotting.

- Milk: Transported in clean, sterile containers to prevent contamination.

- Tissue: Transported in sterile containers or transport media to maintain integrity.

- Urine: Transported in clean, sterile containers to prevent contamination.

10. Preservation Techniques:

- Blood: Refrigeration or freezing at ultra-low temperatures preserves sample stability.

- Milk: Refrigeration or freezing at temperatures below -20°C may be necessary for long-term

-Tissue:Fixatives like formalin preserve tissue structure; freezing at ultra-low temperatures

preserves molecular components.

-Urine: Refrigeration is primary for short-term storage; preservatives like boric acid or sodium
azide inhibit bacterial growth for longer storage.

5.Isolation, Characterization, and Identification of Bacteria and Fungi .
This involves a series of laboratory procedures aimed at:


- Sample Collection: The process begins with collecting a sample containing bacteria or fungi.
This could be from various sources such as clinical specimens, environmental samples, or
biological cultures.

- Inoculation: The collected sample is then inoculated onto a suitable growth medium. Selective
media may be used to encourage the growth of specific types of microorganisms. This step aims
to isolate individual colonies for further analysis.

-Incubation: The inoculated medium is placed in a controlled environment, typically an

incubator, where temperature and other conditions are optimized to support the growth of
microorganisms. Incubation time varies depending on the type of microorganism.

- Subculturing: After incubation, individual colonies are isolated and subcultured onto fresh
media to ensure pure cultures. This step is crucial for further analysis and identification.


- Microscopic Examination: Microorganisms are observed under a microscope to analyze their

morphology, size, and arrangement. Staining techniques, such as Gram staining, may be
employed to differentiate between different groups of bacteria.

- Cultural Characteristics: The appearance of colonies on different media, including color, size,
and shape, provides additional information for characterization.

- Biochemical Tests:Various biochemical tests are performed to assess the metabolic

capabilities of the isolated microorganisms. These tests help identify specific enzymes or
metabolic pathways, aiding in classification.

- Serological Tests:Serological methods involve testing for the presence of specific antigens or
antibodies, providing further information on the identity of the microorganism.


- Molecular Techniques: DNA-based methods, such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and
DNA sequencing, play a crucial role in identifying microorganisms at the species or strain level.
16S rRNA sequencing is commonly used for bacterial identification.

- Mass Spectrometry:Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a rapid and accurate method for identifying both bacteria and
fungi by analyzing their protein profiles.

- Automated Systems: Commercially available automated systems, like the VITEK system, use a
combination of biochemical and physiological tests for microbial identification.

-Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing:

This step involves assessing the sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms to various
antimicrobial agents. It helps guide treatment decisions in clinical settings.

Importance of isolation and characterization of pathogens

- Disease Diagnosis: Identifying the causative agent is essential for diagnosing infectious
diseases and choosing appropriate treatments.

- Epidemiological Studies: Understanding the prevalence and characteristics of microorganisms

aids in tracking and controlling disease outbreaks.

- Research and Development: Isolating and characterizing microorganisms contribute to

scientific research, including the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical

In conclusion, the isolation, characterization, and identification of bacteria and fungi involve a
systematic approach combining microbiological, biochemical, serological, and molecular
techniques. Accurate identification is crucial for disease diagnosis, epidemiological studies, and
advancing scientific knowledge.

6. Conclusion
Proper handling of samples is vital in veterinary medicine to ensure accurate diagnosis, prevent
disease transmission, and advance scientific knowledge. By following established protocols for
collection, transportation, and preservation, veterinary professionals can maintain sample
integrity and improve animal health outcomes.

7. References books
1. Nguyen, M. et al. (2024). "Recent Advances in Microbial Identification Methods in Veterinary
Medicine." Veterinary Microbiology Advances, 28(3), 140-155.

2. Patel, K. et al. (2023). "Transportation Challenges in Veterinary Sample Handling." Veterinary

Logistics Journal, 18(1), 32-45.

3.White, S. et al. (2022). "Collection and Preservation Techniques for Veterinary Samples."
Journal of Veterinary Research, 30(2), 55-68.

4. Garcia, R. et al. (2021). "Methods for Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Pathogens in
Veterinary Medicine." Veterinary Microbiology Review, 15(3), 210-225.

5. Brown, L. et al. (2020). "Importance of Sample Preservation in Veterinary Diagnostics."

Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 25(1), 78-89.

6. Johnson, A. et al. (2019). "Sample Collection and Handling in Veterinary Microbiology."

Microbial Pathogens in Animals, 20(4), 112-130.

7. Smith, J. et al. (2018). "Advances in Veterinary Diagnostic Techniques." Veterinary Medicine

Journal, 35(2), 45-58.

Thank you !!!


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