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GT U_NINTER EXAM 2021 M tmp + Tntroducti Constituhon functions of o goverment: Fellusing ave the im eivtitten ond Detailed constitution days ts write and © nact it > Tt has 395 Artich es divided into 22 Chaplers, 12 Schedule amendments > Tt 1s the largest const Chaplet - 3 cop @ Which ave the silent features of Constitiien of Indi ‘Important Features of Constitution: of India, is set of vules that ino specified country Tt hetion of the world w Trdia_is a demgcrotic state axe held for ele + Fundamental _Rights_ "3 qhis 13 the furdamental rights = Right te Equality = Right fo Freedom = Right agamst Exploitation The People car = Right te Frees dom of Religion =Cultural an portent silent features ef L took the Assembley 2 yerss, Il months am “the people enjey eae goveenment Subject ~ Tnton Gonstituten (Lc) a7 OR List out '0 desevibe the shucks and stitution of Inelir A 18 s and 94 constitutional al political vights. Regulae elections change they government though elections most “Impatent feature & { the constiluhon, Theve ave six vd Yducational Rights Right to Constitutional Yermedies (gTU_NINTER EXAM: 2041 Subect~ Erde Constitubon (LC) e Fundamental Duties of the Citizens = Respect the Constitution, the netienel flag ond the natienel emthe > Promote the Common brother heed. > Preserve the Bich heritage of India. “> fistect the mohural envionment’ 7 Devel fic fempey and humans 7 Duty of the parents te Send ‘their childven fe School + Single citizenship - rated. state + Tt has 24 Sfates and 7 Union Tevvitovies ae) ~y All citizen eryey a comm + Single, Trtegrated Judiciary - > There ave 2! High courts working in India > The Supreme cout vy tne most elevated court, > It Gontuls and ‘ams the legol. ovganizatien of Inds + Trolia is @ Republic country = tadia has selected head of stale C the president: of Indo) coho contvels fow five years: + Tela is.0 Union f shales sTndion Union has 24 shales and 7 Stakes” of fin. da tak enyey the waht te deport from the Une oTriio wa secular Slate!msTodie gues special stats fee no Geligron. > Equal Feeedtern to all religions * Te grands the Vght fo yeligons freedom fo ail the cihzen’ 7 Nothing like state yeligion of Inclia + vixtare of Fedevolisem and Umiteienem 7 ‘Divisions of powers between Centre and states > A wntien, vigil futien, 9 Dual admmistration that is centyal comet state administration +> India is the single independent integ en’ Unifeym cifizenship union Tesxiteaies. and supreme Const (GT U_WINTER EXAM: 2021 Subject - Indion Constitution (m9) CS monks) peat ch. (constitution > Principles and concert ) @. List out 5 Sousees of Indion Constitution and Frovisions faxen Flom these Sources. sJnbeduction = These ave Various Gousces of ‘Indian Constitution. “There ave many Provisions which were taken from the other countries’ constitution Constitution ave as follow «The Government of India Act= 1185 = Fmergency psovisions- port xvi ( Avticle 362-360) = =} Public Service Commission- past xiv (Article 315 & => Judiciary part- V, chapter BW (Article 124-147) Federal scheme =) office of Governor Article- 153 United States of America’s Cons =7 Fundamental Rights - Article => Judicial Review - Aaticle 13 dent Aa =} Impeachment of resident - Artic : Reneval of Sug Se vend High court Tudge ~ Atticte 124 C1) =” Precamble of Constitution =? Independence of Jediciaxy: Sources of Indian 323) (GTU_WINTER EXAM: 2021 Subject Todi Constitubon (LC) © Butish Constitution > 7 farliomentary form of Gover Cifzenship- post I nment > The idea of Single > Rule of low > Cabinet syst * Treland Constitution = em of Mmisters “p pivective principles of state policy . ss Methed, of election of the president members Nomination 2 the Raya sathe by the Pressdent - part v Caatrcle 8) ' smnany = Atticle 356 + Constitutien of Geeman = Suspension of fu + South Africa’ s Constitution, damental Rights duving emergency ~ fion. Election of Members of Rajya bh. + > Amendment of the Constitu + Constitution of France > concept of Republic > The ideals of Liberty, Equality and, Fraternity G@TU_WINTER EXAM: 2021, Subject - Indien Gonstituton (IC) Chaplet-4 ( Findamental Rights) MImp_chaplet @ Classify Fundamental Rights in Post UL of the Indian Constitution and give one example in each catagosy. OR Explain the Fundamental Rights given to all citizens of India Tnticduction = The ughts that ave necessasy fey oveval cleveleprnent of a pesson ae known as fundamental vights = classification of Fundamental Rights ‘There ave sit Fundamental Rights which ave Y) Right to Equality (Article '4-18 ) “as follous’ 2) Right fe Freedom ¢ Article 14-22) 3) Right against exploitation carticle 23-24) A) Right be Freedorn of Religiem ( Article 25-28) 5) Cultural and Eclucational Rights. (Avicle 24-30) 6) Right to constitutional Remedies (Article 5% GT U_WINTER EXAM: 2021, Subject - Indien Constitution (LC) Chaples--4 ( Findamental Rights) ™M-Tmp_chaptet Ly Right fe Equality Article 14-16) ae > Article 14 says about the equality of a person before the law 7 Aaticle 15 Says that state shall not discriminate against weligion , yace and Sex ete. > Article 16 describes the equal opportunities for alt the citizens + Article IF Says that Untouchability 15 abolished SS article 18 Says Abolihon of Titles except nulitary and academic titles Ike Bharat Ratna and Nofienal rvwards ete ' a 27 Right fo Freedom ( Articles 19:22) “> paticle 19 Says the ght fe freedom of speech of the citizens | > Article 20 says about reasonable Yestriction on the groups > article 21 says the protection of life and. Personal liberty > faticle 22 grants protection against: avest and detention in certain Cases 37 Right against Exploitation CArticle 23. 24) a agtice 23 polects individual against actiens of the sfate. This wight Is available for the citi and. nen citizens. Article 24 prohibits the child labour €chiblven below 4 yeurs age) [ — & ° GTU_WINTER EXAM: 2021 Subject Todion Constituton (IC) chaples-4 ( Findamental Rights) Imp charles AY Right_to Freedom of Religion = CArticle Sree 8) = Asticle 25 deals with freedom of profession > Article 26 deals with freedom to manage weligioud affaiss. 7 Asticle 27 deals with freedom to payment of tuxes. > Article 28 deals with freedorn of veligious Worship 57 Cultural and Educational Rights ( Article 24-30) > Article 24 deals with the protection of language, scxipt and. culture of minozities 4 Article 30 deals ith administer educational mstifations 6Y Right fe Constitutional Remedies :- Carticle 82) =) Article 32 deals with the wight tp move fe the supreme court for the enfoxcemer of fundamental wights- GT U_WINTER EXAM: 2021 suyect Lelien Constitution (Le) he Chaptes- 1 @. What is the need and importonce oF Constitution for democratic countsy like India 9 Introduction = Constitution is the basic painciples of the state, the shuchres and processes of government onal findamentel sights of Citizens Gee ares of Aindamental legal and Political yules. * Need_of _the Con > we need the consti > Tt defines the mature > Tt helps us guard against an issue that 7 All the three organs of government ie yaithin. the constitution. => ordinary Citizens derive their power and authori To peaform many functions like basic ‘yules, powers to make for society we ne stitution = ufion to govern a Country propery of political system of Inclia might go against laxget injexests of our society Executive , begislative and Judiciary fisnchions ty fiom the Constitution decisions, limits and conditions eel a constitution @ What is the need and linportonce. of Const € Y , Y GTU INTER EXAM: 2021 Supject~ Todion Constitution (LE) Chaptes- 4 Trnportance of Constitution of Indio. Tt tells us about the fundamental nature of uy Society TE includes an agreement on certain Tt lays out certain ideals that form the basis of the Te provides guidelines Tt is safe guavd for the citizens against the mi Tt helps to declare an Tt helps to declare and define the vights Tt explains the identity om Tt helrs t establish a The Constitukion can te govern de itution for democratic countsy like |ncka 9 ideals that they alt believe the country should upheld. kind of country we citizens live 1”. cision making process in societies. suse of pomers powers by the leaders d define the boundaries of the political community. nd regulate divide o¥ SI and duties of citizens values of @ rational Community ‘the politiceal insfitations of the comenunity hare power betsiten different layess of govesnment. | GTU_WINTER EXAM: 202) Subject = Indien Constitution (IC) Chaples-4 ( Findamental Rights) ™.Jep_chaptet @- Explain fandamentol fight to Equality in defail ith the articles included, also decuss the vestiictions imposed. OR List outall tte avticles undes Right fo Equality undes Fundamental Rights im Constitulion Tntreduction Robt f Equality 19 the fundamental Right i Indien Gonshfuton wohich ave as fallevd Tt includes Article fase 14 to 18 ') Article 14~ Equality before favo 2) Article 15 - Peohibition of Discsimination 3) Article 16 - Equality of opportunities m makers of public employment A) Adticle 17 - Abolition of unfouchabilty g) Article 18 - Abolition of titles heticle 4 - Equality before law > Tt says that state shall not deny any person of India. os Equality bere law? > This avadlable to any person incluchng legal persms. -> Tt is taken from the Constitution of USA > The concept of the vule 15 equal protechon of lws ima positive concept + Article 15 - Pechibition of Discrimination - This article prohibits on the grounds of yeligion, yace, Caste, Sex oF place of bivih. > The govesnment Cm make Special provisions fe id Childven and economically and. socially backward This article prohibits discrimination at oe at public places. GTU_NINTER EXAM: 204), Subject Tediom Constitution (ZC) : chapke-4 ( Findamental Rights) Miimp charts Article 16 - Equality of opportunities in _matiers public empleyment - ly Te says that there 15 on equal opportunity fox all citizens in matter of employment Ly No discrimination im Public employment Resewation facility of posts in qoemment given fox backward class Jobs are + Article IF - Abolition of unfouchalility unfouchability i abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden b Tt says that ing out of unfuchablity shall be an offense punishable by The enfoscement of any disability ar by law Muticle 18 = Abolition of THs ~ y TE says thak no citizen of india. shall accept any fille from any foreign stale Ly Mboldion of filles except emilany and academic titles for example Sarat Ratna, Padma Vibhustan, Padma shvi ard National Awards GTU_WINTER EXAM: 20<1 Sujet ~ Tndion Constitution (EC) chapley 3 Q. Explain meaning of following Key words fam Preamble of Constitution Sovesegn, Socialist, Secular , Demecratic and Republic + Sovereign Goveyeign means the independent authority of the state, not af any other state or extesnal power implies that India is neither a dependent or dominion of any other nation but independent on its won. There ts no one above it, ard the Indian Government is free te fake decision for their oon country. Tndia is alto free te decide on various global affaces. + Socialist ~ The term ‘Socialist’ im the Preamble was added by 42% Amendment Act 1946. It means that the state has a wesponsibility towards cihzen for their welfare, abolishing discrimination, equal diistnbutien of Wealth and, Securing justice for all Tt implies social and economic equality. Social equality means the absence imation of caste, Coleus, Creel , sex, veligioMfor language. Tt aims at ‘status cind. standard of life being subject to the contrel The Word Sovereign of discrimi elemination of mequality in income, GT U_WINTER EXAM: 204! Subject Todion Constitution (LC) * Seculat + Secular means that the elationship between the government and are determined accotding 4o law and Constitution Tt Separates the e and welgien. Gy the 42% Amendment in #6, the term secular Taken Feligious groups fewer of the stat im the freamble No gate veligion Clearly stated that there 15 no Sepavation of equal and all veligions are accepted. by everyone. # Demociatic- The term ‘Democratic’ indicates that the constitution has established] a form of government fiat geb authority from the asill of people. election) That means thet ‘he supreme Power lies Usith the peeflt: Tn preamble, the term demecracy is used for political, econernie and. Social demacrocy. One Vote one Value ave features of Indian democracy. + Republic he teem “Republic! in he Preemble indicates that the head of the state is elected by the people directly ov Indivectly. Te India, the President is the head of the state. The President of Troha is elected indirectly by the peone that means threough thel in the parliament and the state Assembles is the exact meaning of the word Secular. Tt eligion and Stake and everyone 1S Oe a GTU WINTER 2021 EXAM Se a Indian constitution Cch. 4) List out aL the articles unde? Right bo freedom in detail with ‘the articles included also discuss ‘the yestsictions imposed =? Introduction - Right lo Freedom is the fundamental vight in Indian constitution. Te includes articles fiom Iq fe 22 which are ar follows F Article 11> Protection of certarn vights yegaekng freedem of speech etc ‘Article 20 > Protection m Respect of Convinction for offences FArticle 21> Protection of life and pexsonat liberty py Aiticle 22 > Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases Article 19 - Pretection of certain ights veqarcling freedom of speech ofc “STE says Het GUL citrens shall hare, he wight fo freedom of speech and expression > To assemble peacefully and witheuk ass: > To form associations o unions > To move freely throughout the fersitory > To practice any profession ox trade Asticle 20- Pyotection in respect of Conviction for_offences S Friendly velations, with foveign states, public oyder, Thovality ele See provides 3 safequnds to persons accused of crimes: er eee The state com impose reasonable yestvictions on the GHeHfS f of India GTU WINTER 2021 EXAM SO Se + Aaticle 21 Indian constitution Cch. 4) 7 = Protection of hfe and pessonel Ibe: depuived of his life ond pexsenal libesty TF Lt provide free and c: yi > Tt Says that mo person shall be. empulsery education to alt childien of fhe age @- 14 years # Article 22 - Protection against aryest and detention 19 ceatan cases~ it quants protection fo F exson who are avyested o¥ detained. > Right te be informed abewt the ground of avvest “F Right te be defended by lowyes tf his oven choice Ril te be produced befove « anagistiate within 24 hens ue ¥ Restuictions Imposed. > prstechon of Interests of any sehedile + Assembly must be peaceful = Tacitement fo on offence > Assembly must be un cosmes, > sovereignty and Tnlegrity of India Friendly elatiens voit foreign slates. > Public order => Movalit a least of general public GTU WINTER 2021 EXAM + eS Se MImp Tadian Constitution (ch.6 >) = © Fees the fundamental Duties present im past TW ef Indian Constitution 5 per Article 5IA OR Explain the funclamental duties of the citizens «f India * Tohroluction~ Findamental duties were added fe the Tndion Constitution through 424 Constitutional, Amendment Act in 1946 of the Swaran Singh Committee. Tk is im part- A IR Article SIA. Following axe the dulies listed in the constitution of Indea Te abide by the constitution and vespect its ideals and institutions, national Flag @ the Nakonal To establish noble ideals that inspired our national struggle for freedom To uphold and protect’ the sovereignty, unity ond integnity of India Te protect the county and perform national Service To promote harmony and spitit of common brotherhood To protect and improve the natural enyisenments inclading forests, lakes, wivers ard wildlife To understand the value of our vich culhare’s wich hexitege. To develep the Scientific fempes, humenite and the spisit of Protect public property and met fo use violence To gorve buoards excellence in all spheves of individual and callctive activities nS provide education oppottunities fo theiz child ageel 6 fol yeays => favents or guardians Pe CARTE 200% mle duty hos been added D ‘potter impuiry and reform GTU WINTER 2021 EXAM a Indian constitution (ch.6 > % Identify the Socialist, Gandhian and Westen liberal principles as mentioned in directive principles of state policy * Tntreduction ~The constitution of India does not formally Classify the Directive principles Of State. But for better understanding, they can be classified into three Catageries. 1) Socialist psinciples 2» Gandian principles 3) Liberal - Infellectual Painciples 1. Socialistic painciples These puincifles axe Vey importont for gealizing the goals of social Gnd economic demecracy in India. Tre felling Principles aimed at ensuring economic and social equality = Securing the coclfare of the people of India 7 Equal clistribution of te matevial yesouxces of the country Protection of the fundamental wghts of the children ond youth. Equal pay for equal work for both men cmd Women. => Maternity ¥elief for wornen ste mr 2 Gandhian Pamciples. oo G@TU WINTER 2021 EXAM == SSS eS See There axe Cevtoin principles based on b the ideols 6 Mahatma Gandhi. These Principles are axe as follows ’ % To awgenize village Panchayats > Te promote Cottage industeles in yural areas “7 Te prohibit intoxicating drinks cmd dzugs % To preserve and improve the breeds of the cattle, prohibit Slaughter of Cows > Decent standard of life > Te provide free and Compulsory education to childver up fo M4 years of oge Labeval - Infellectyal Principles '- ~ provide guidelines fo our foreign policy > Unifoern civil cede frraugheut the country > Promote International perce and secuhity 7 Encourage setilements ef mtemnahional disputes by ritual agreement, ~ Respect fos Infernationet lows F Marntain honeurable ~velations between nations. ROWenDIrector, G@TU WINTER 2021 EXAM See RE ES Indien Constitution ¢ch. 6) a ry face aE a, Q. What do yeu mean by directive principles of date poly 9 What Is theiy importance 9 Tatioduction :- C EM PSP is © gudelme 1M the Constibition of India fo the state. They axe mentioned IM part W faom Article 36-5! of the Indian Constifetion. Dpsp is a new dhivective added by 42 Amendment & Meaning of Directive principles, of state felicy = ppsp is the duty of the state fo prote: Promates the welfare of people. These principles aze differmg fren fundamental is fo @steblish Secial and Econemic democeacy 1 the comtsy Dpsp axe the gudelines te be followed by the government tohile fromning policies + Finportance_of the DPSP™ => Socio- economic _zights’~ Firdamentoh ‘them by providing Social ond econemic igits Drsp ave the principles of o welfase state oqress and Competition on ene hand and envisonmental momic equity on the offer ct and improve the envionment Te The mam aim iqhts provide fox Political wights DPSp Supplement =) Sustamable _developmenc in India. ‘Tt coeoles balance between economic pe Gustamability and Social eco GTU WINTER 2021 EXAM a Se aS Tadian Constitution (ch. 6) = Tt is the duty of the state 4o geduce imequahties tzovgh tax Structure, Subsidies, Various welfare Schemes etc => Tnequahities - => Accountabilly - DPSPs ase impestant as it allows citizens fo hold the goverment accountable in theit policy formulations and implementation ie, equality ot work, equal woges > Fait market DPSP is important to provide o fare business environment fo industtres Tt helps in competition in the market =) Haman Rights ee are. welevant to provide @ human work, equal Wages for equal werk and increase standard of fiving of Workers = Human capital - Desp puts an ebligation on the past of geveenm ard “yuality education up fe peimany level and mpveve public health , > Environment -~ TE helps te protect and Improve the envizonment, Safe quard forest a? aie Ife in the eva of deforestation Lom ck 0 women _Rights- Tt states to work fpwar equal wages, uniform civil code ele Recent Triple Talaq Act ent ts provide Free, Compulory. en education, equal opportunty, See ae ee eee eee Ic chapter- 6 @ Give any 5 points of difference between fundamental sights ond directive Pamciples of state policy ( 3 times asked in GY) MImp Fundamental Rights Directive Pemciples 1 These ove justicioble as they can be | Desp are not Justiciable as they can't be enforced legally by the courts if there 15 enforced by the courts if there is a violation a. Violation 2 fart 3 of the Constitution of India contains | 2. Part 4 of the constitution of India contains DPSP the fundamental xights in Article 12 t93% mM Articles 36 to 5! 3 Lt is the basic rights given fe Tndian 3. Tt is the guidelines fo be followed by the govt Citizens by Ganstituhien of India Wshile framing policies: Le Pelitical Democracy 12 established in India | 4, Economic and social bemocracy is established Woith the help of fundamental rights With te help of the Dpsp. 5. The welfuve of each and every citizen | 5. ts promoted through Fundamental Rights, though Desp 6 Tt was borrowed from the constiluhon| 6 Desp was berrewed from the constitution of Of the USA Treland. The welfare F the entive community js promoted GTU_WINTER Subject - Indien Constituton (IC) Chapter: 5 C Fundamental Duties ) @ Which major envizonmental issues ave being faced by our Countey today? How Fundamental dukes can help im yesolving environmental issues ? — > Introduction There ave many cholleges fer India The Situation Gas werse between H14F fe 1995. The Pollution yemains a majot Challenge fer India. The nature 15 also Causing some drastic effects on India & Majo’ Environmental Issues. % Population growth ond Environmental qualsty & Water Pollution & Ant Pollulin & Sold waste pollution a by Noise Follution 4 Soil evosion { Ly Green hause gas emissions Ly Garbage Ly Domestically prohibited gress 1 Depletion of ozone layer EU ny eis es Swlyect ~ Toten Constitution (ZC) Chaptes'- 5 (fundamental Duties) * Fundamental Duties ave helpful in yesolving, emirtonmental issues im the Follovoing G Article SI-A Which deals with fundamental duties of the citizens voy > Th is the duty of every Citizen of India 4o protect ond impmve dhe natural environment Including forests, lakes, vivers and oaildlife ind to have Compassion fox \iving Creatuxes 4 Tt ts Furdamentoh duty of every individual {to rointain purity of environment, Ly Metheds fo prevent ai¥ pollution, insisting on Smokeless Cooking, ‘> Rules vegaading disposal of houaehsld waste 1+ General principles of Samitalion ‘> The peolection and imprevernent of natural envivenment is the duky of the stale. ‘> Recycling the wgaste products 44 Conservation amd, biodiversity issues for businesses Ly prevent and wemedies fox pollution. Ly Affotestation as a preventive to soil evesion ond Water Rollubion, GT U_WINTER EXAM 202) Subject - Indian Constitution (LC) he @ List and Explain Constitutional powers alloted to the President of Incua * Tntreduction = The president 1s the head of the state cnd also the Central Execulwe. The fresident can rot exescise Personal opinion in discharge of the funchons and Powers but Is expected to do so on the advice of the Prime minister and Comal of ministeys So, they aze yeot and effective executive. F Powers of the President - 7 The exercise of the execulive power of the unon is the function of tfc President P Power to make important appoinments like Prime ministeY and offer Tidaes of the Supreme coust and High gout centrah funisters, Governors 7 He also has the power fo appoint Yanous Commissions ike the Finance Commission, Nation Gommission for the Schedule caste and the Schedule ~Pabes “> Power to enter into contyocts on behalf of the Indsan Union. fewer to Issue divechens f state in Cevtain circumstances, AP pumary function of the execulive is to administey and execute th The parliament and rnaintain law and oxder GTU_NINTER EXAM: 202! Subject = Indien Constitution (zc) chee 7 Make agreement With the appmval of the Senate 7 The President can veto bills and sign bills > Represent our nation in talks with fore ign Countries “> Enforce the laws that Congress passes > The fresident, acts as Commander: in- chief during oO Way. = Colk out Sor to protect ous nation against an attack > The President is the Supreme commander of the Indian aymed foxces. He can decare war. > The president con dechre rational, emergency Subject - Indian Constituton (IC) ch Emergency froyisi List and Exlain three types of emergencies present in Jadian Consti tutor ¥ Introduction There are emergency provisions in porographs 352 7» 360 fF part. 18 of the Constitution. These provide the central gut extraordunay ponets te deal doith emergencies ¥ Types of emergency - There are tee types of emergencies mentioned in the Censtihti (4) National emergency (2) State emergency (3) Economic oY Financial Emergency > Nubional Emesgency - + Under article 352, the President can declave a rational emeryency ihe beleves that there 1s a threat te the Security of ‘India The president con declare a rabiemal emergency only after receiving a lonitien commmication from the union cabinet = National emergency 15 cowed by way, external alack on the country > The president Can declare an emergency even before the actual occurence of Way. =) Till new three national Emergencies hare been imposed. First in 1962 at the me ef Chinese aggression, Second 19 197 durmg the Indo-Pak War and the thid 9 1975 on the grounds of Jojernational disturbances = Nahenad emergency had twe types. §) Enetermal emergency 2) Tfernal emergeny © External emergency 18 due to Way oF external athack by other Country bos Infernal emergency is due fo avmed vebellion POneiDISaa G@TU_WINTER EXAM: Zo Tf the president is Satisfied on the basis of the epost of fhe governoy of the state, he con declare emergency in the state => In thus situation ministers of the state legislature ave in state. Such om emergency must be approved by the parle not allswed te perform action ament soithin period of six months =) Owring the slate emergency the pasliament rakes laws on the 66 subjects of the State list @) b ly ° - GTU_WNINTER EXAM: 2021 Subject - Indien Constituton (z0) Chto Emergency Provisions Financial Emergency :- Atticle 360 says that if the president is Convinced that the econome Stability of any part of India is ffweatened, he may declaye Financial Emergency Such an emergency must be approved by the parlioment yoithin 4x0 months. Tt had never been declared in India. Such a Situation hac avisen in India but was avoided by selling off the gold assests of Inda For declozing such on emergency both the houses of parlament must approve Within fwo months by simple maority The president may issue divections for the yeduction of Salavies and allownces of alt Persins serving under the union ox state government. GTU_WINTER EXAM 202! Sunject = Tedion Constituhon Ch-J (MM Imp Question ) (19 @ What 1s ‘Amendment ' in Constikution 7 Why Constitubion needs provision fer ‘Amendment’ 9 => Amendment :- The term ‘amendment’ derives from the Latin werd ‘omendey term ‘amend.’ means fp make tight, to make correction. In general ‘amendment’ means the sense of Shight change An amendment is a fesmal ot official change made to @ law, Contract, Constitution, ot other legal document. Tt is based on the veo to The eg amend, wshich means te change for better these agreements = Reason for why constitution needs provision for Amendment Ly Te incorporate changes in the constitution fox the betterment of the country Ly To make the app’ yopriate changes as per the demand of the time. Ly As the time a vances, theve is there is. advancement im many Fields like fechralogy | € can add, vemove, ox update parts of business and day today usork of our fellow Citizens GTU_WINTER EXAM: 2021 Subject ~ ara Constitution (IC) ch.d (CM Imp Question ) by The development in different types of field hike evadscation of poverty, needs new changes in laws aghich might make bettey infrastsuctuse etc these developments fast and efficient demand of time and situations avising in the Count7y, constitution 4 As pea the needs provision of amendment. LUNI Len canis eens Subject - Lndion Constitution (ex9) ChF mt Tp @. wohat is Federal structuze 9 Which features mM Indian Constitution make it federal 7 Federal Structure Federalism 15 o systern of government in whch the some terartory is controled by two levels of government: Federalism in India yefess to velationship between the central government and the state govemment of [ndia edi 1s calhed re country ieee every state and Countey territories are free fo make ffeiy own decisions. Tt is a bilateral government located m the country * Federal Features im the constitution of Indaa. by The Constitution is supreme ia Indic. The Constitution of India is in ugriting States have to get cipproval fox amending the provisions of the constitution of India a 7 whic elated fo the federal. structure wy Bete taton of Incuer ptovdes for the formation of a julo- state government ws > The Constitution of Indio adopts the psinciple of independent judiciary. 5 The Constitution of indo divides power between the Center and toe states. Ly The constituten of Inca adopts the principle of biperetisan assembly. j

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