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Development of

worksheet 6
Create the following tools to measure
five affective traits (one affective trait
per tool):

▪ Checklist - Attitude
Please check all that apply.

▢ Able to be myself

▢ Able to say no

▢ Not afraid to ask

▢ Confident enough

▪ Rating scale- Value

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your level of
1 2 3 4
○ ○ ○ ○

▪ Likert scale - Interest
Please indicate your agreement by checking the
column that applies with the statement below
Legend: SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
N - Neutral
D - Disagree
SD - Strongly Disagree

( SA) (A) (N) (D)

5 4 3 2

I Love

▪ Semantic differential scale- Opinion

Put an X mark where your opinion indicated.
Opinion towards the Government

Pleasant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unpleasant

▪ Sentence completion - Motivation

I feel motivated when_____________.

Motivation is important because _______________.

Source: Cajigal, R. & Mantuano, M.L. (2015). Assessment of
Learning 2. Adriana Publishing Company:
Quezon City

Worksheet Assessment in Learning 2

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