Trimo Nalog

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Oddelek Logistika in transport

Tel: +386 (0) 7 34 60 090,

Gsm: +386 41 729 912
Trimo, arhitekturne rešitve, d.o.o.
Prijateljeva 12
8210 Trebnje, Slovenija

Naklad: 7.6.2023
Št. prevoza: 78705 (DWK) Razklad: 9.6.2023

Prevoznik MADŽAREVIĆ ŠPED A.P.R. Milan Madžar Ivanjica, Lisa bb

32250 Ivanjica, Srbija
Naročnik Jože Brcar
Vozilo: Šleper/Tautliner (13,6 x 2,48 x 2,70)
Cena: 900,00 EUR

Naklad 7.6.2023 Razklad 9.6.2023

TRIMO INŽENJERING D.O.O., TRIMO INZENJERING D.O.O., BAUSKA, s.r.o., Bauska, Fučíkova & Budovateľská .,
Novo Naselje 9, ŠIMANOVCI, 22310 Šimanovci, Srbija 925 21 SLADKOVIČOVO, Slovaška

Utovorni broj : 563 RBD

Izvozna carina : SDL

Uvozna carina: Trast Erdut

The driver has to open the roof - unloading with the crain.
Contact person responsible for unloading
(you have to call them 1 hour before fix booking):

Delivery Address: Fučíkova & Budovateľská, Sládkovičovo 925 21, Slovakia (the 2 streets join
Contact Person: Filip +421 910 200 580 a p. Šatnik +421 918 398 209

Trimo d.o.o. almost all of our products delivery directly on the building site (the rule of direkt
transport). There are valid special safety rules. Our customer for unloading organize special
unloading teams and machines.
Opombe Our goods are not allowed to reload in any way. We will charge you all caused visible and hidden
prevozniku damages.

Therefore our obligatory requirements are:

1. You must deliver goods on agreed unloading time which you have on a transport order
In case that you will unload one day earlier, we will reduce the transport price for 150€.

2. When your driver arrive on the building place he must:

- monitor the unloading process itself
- he must take pictures (before, between and at the end of unloading – it has to be seen also the
building site)
- otherwise you automatically receive penalty in amount 400€.
- at the end of unloading he must wait and monitor the documents (delivery note and CMR).
In case there are written some remarks (about damages, etc), driver must immediately notify
Trimo and wait on the building side until he receives written confirmation from Trimo logistic.
In case of any uncertainty, immediately call Trimo logistic:
+386 51685944 Martina Anžič
+386 41729912 Marjana Šmajdek

Oddelek Logistika in transport
Tel: +386 (0) 7 34 60 090,
Gsm: +386 41 729 912
Trimo, arhitekturne rešitve, d.o.o.
Prijateljeva 12
8210 Trebnje, Slovenija

Naklad: 7.6.2023
Št. prevoza: 78705 (DWK) Razklad: 9.6.2023

Prevozni stroški ne bodo plačani, če dobavnica ne bo pravilno izpolnjena, kar pomeni:

- čitljivo napisan ime in priimek prevzemnika blaga (ali žig),
- ter datum in ura prihoda na gradbišče,
- ter datum in ura odhoda iz gradbišča.
Prevozni stroški tudi ne bodo plačani, če kamion ne bo na razkladu v potrjenem terminu (dan in ura
V primeru kakršnega koli odstopanja od termina razklada nas morate obvestiti takoj po opravljenem
nakladu oz najkasneje naslednji dan (do 8 ure).
V nasprotnem primeru vam bomo stroške zamude prefakturirali.
Originalno potrjeno dobavnico nato vrnete v Trimo skupaj z računom za prevoz, natančna navodila za
izstavitev fakture so v prilogi E-računi.
V primeru kakršnih koli poškodb na gradbišču,obvezno poslikajte in takoj pokličite v
Trimo d.o.o. na oddelek Logistike na tel.št. 041 729 912 ali 051 685 944.
Dogovorjen rok plačila je 60 dni od datuma opravljene storitve in prejete fakture v Trimo, d.o.o.
Smo nosilci potrdila AEO št. SIAEOFSI001000200925556. Kot naš poslovni partner zagotavljate, da se blago, ki se proizvaja, skladišči, pošilja ali prevaža po nalogu AEO in ki
se dostavlja AEO ali se prevzema od AEO za dostavo:
- proizvaja, skladišči, pripravlja in natovarja v zavarovanih poslovnih prostorih in na zavarovanih območjih za natovarjanje in odpremo ter je zaščiteno pred nepooblaščenim
posegom med proizvodnjo, skladiščenjem, pripravo, natovarjanjem in prevozom
- da je osebje, zaposleno pri proizvodnji, skladiščenju, natovarjanju in prevozu tega blaga zanesljivo
- da so poslovni partnerji, ki nastopajo v vašem imenu obveščeni, da morajo prav tako zagotavljati varnost dobavne verige.
Da bi ohranili ta status, ki nam pomeni zaupanja vredno in varno družbo, si moramo prizadevati, oz. je to naša dolžnost, za varnost celotne dobavne verige in zanesljivost
naših partnerjev s katerimi poslujemo, med katere nedvomno sodite tudi vi.

Transport costs will not be paid, if the delivery note will not be filled correctly, which means:
- in legibly written name and surname of the receiver of the goods (or stamp),
- and the date and time of arrival at building site,
- and the date and time of departure from the building site.
The transport costs will not be paid, if the truck will not be on delivery address on defined and
confirmed unloading term (date and hour in transport order)!
In case of any deviation, from the confirmed unloading date and hour, you must inform us immediately
after loading is finished or latest the following day (until 8 o'clock).
Otherwise, we will charge you all costs for late delivery.
An original confirmed delivery note shall be returned to the Trimo along with the invoice for
transportation, accurate instructions for invoicing are in the appendix in Receipt of invoices by email.
In case of any damage on the the building site, it is obligation to take pictures and immediately call in
Trimo, arhitekturne resitve, d.o.o.
the logistics department at the tel. 041 729 912 or 051 685 944.
Agreed payment term is 60 days from the date of services and received invoices in Trimo, arhitekturne
resitve, d.o.o..
We are owners of AEO certificate no. SIAEOFSI001000200925556 .As our business partner you are declaring that goods, which are produced, stored, forwarded or carried by
order of AEO, which are delivered to AEO or which are taken for delivery from AEO:
- are produced, stored, prepared and loaded in secure business premises and secure loading and shipping areas
- are protected against unauthorized interference during production,storage, preparation, loading and transport
- reliable staff is employed for the production, storage, preparation, loading and transport of these goods
- business partners who are acting on your behalf are informed that they also need to ensure the supply chain security as mentioned above.
To maintain this status, which means we are trusted company, we have to do everything to obtain this status, which means - it is our duty for reliability and safety of whole
supply chain with whom we do business, in which you are also included.


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