Phy Lever Moment Torque

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The distance of the 6 N weight

from end X is 30 cm.
Let the distance from
the hanging point to the
6 N weight be 'a'
Weight of the rod(W) = 2
Length of the rod (L) =
80 cm
Weight of a body
suspended at end X (Wₓ)
distance from the
suspended point to end
X (Lₓ) = 20 cm
Weight of the body
suspended at distance
'a' from the point of
suspension (Wₐ) = 6 N
To find,
The distance from the
hanging point to the 6 N
weight be 'a'
Applying moment of
torque at suspension.
T₁ = 5 N × 20 cm
T₂ = torque due to
weight + torque due to 6
N weight.
T₂ = 2 N × (40 - 20) cm +
For equilibrium
T₁ = T ₂
5 N × 20 cm = 2 N × 20
cm + 6 N × a
100 Ncm - 40 Ncm = 6 N
60 Ncm = 6 N × a
a = 10 cm from the point
of suspension.
From point 'X' the
distance is (10 cm + 20
cm) = 30 cm.
Therefore, the distance of the
6 N weight from end X is 30 cm.

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