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1 discuss the nature and scape of management accoun ng

Management accoun ng, also known as managerial accoun ng, is a branch of standard coasting
accoun ng that focuses on providing relevant financial and non-financial informa on to It seems like you're referring to "standard cos ng." Standard cos ng is a management
internal stakeholders within an organiza on. Its primary objec ve is to assist accoun ng technique where predetermined standards or benchmarks are established
management in making informed decisions, planning, controlling opera ons, and for various cost components, such as direct materials, direct labor, and overhead. These
evalua ng performance. Unlike financial accoun ng, which is primarily concerned with standards serve as a basis for comparing actual costs and analyzing variances. The
repor ng to external par es such as investors and regulators, management accoun ng is purpose of standard cos ng is to provide a framework for cost control, performance
tailored to meet the specific needs of managers and execu ves within the organiza on. evalua on, and decision-making within an organiza on.
Nature of Management Accoun ng: Here's a brief explana on of how standard cos ng works:Se ng Standards: An
Internal Focus: Management accoun ng is concerned with providing informa on to organiza on determines standard costs for different cost elements based on historical
internal users, such as managers, execu ves, and department heads. This informa on is data, industry benchmarks, engineering es mates, and other relevant factors. These
used for decision-making within the organiza on.Future Orienta on: Management standards represent what the costs should be under normal opera ng condi ons.Cost
accoun ng emphasizes planning and forecas ng future outcomes. It helps managers Components: Standard costs are typically categorized into three main components:
an cipate the consequences of various decisions and strategies.Flexibility: The direct materials, direct labor, and overhead. For direct materials and direct labor,
informa on provided by management accoun ng is customized to suit the specific standards are o en expressed in terms of quan ty and price. For overhead, standards
needs of different levels of management and various departments within the might be based on machine hours, labor hours, or other relevant measures.Calcula ng
organiza on. It can be adapted to changing circumstances and requirements. Variances: As actual opera ons occur, the organiza on compares the actual costs
Decision Support: Management accoun ng provides data and analysis to support incurred with the standard costs. The differences between actual costs and standard
decision-making. It helps managers evaluate alterna ves, set goals, allocate resources, costs are called variances.Materials Price Variance: The difference between the actual
and formulate strategies.Both Financial and Non-Financial Informa on: While financial cost of materials purchased and the standard cost of materials for the actual quan ty
data (costs, revenues, profits) is a significant part of management accoun ng, it also purchased.Materials Quan ty Variance: The difference between the actual quan ty of
includes non-financial informa on like produc on metrics, quality measures, customer materials used and the standard quan ty of materials for the actual produc on.Labor
sa sfac on scores, and employee performance.Internal Repor ng: Management Rate Variance: The difference between the actual cost of labor and the standard cost of
accoun ng reports are not required to follow external accoun ng standards like labor for the actual hours worked.Labor Efficiency Variance: The difference between the
Generally Accepted Accoun ng Principles (GAAP) or Interna onal Financial Repor ng actual hours worked and the standard hours allowed for the actual
Standards (IFRS). Reports can be designed to suit the specific needs of the organiza on. produc on.Overhead Variance: The difference between the actual overhead costs
Scope of Management Accoun ng: incurred and the standard overhead costs based on the actual level of ac vity.
Cost Accoun ng: This involves analyzing and alloca ng costs to products, services, or budgetary control
ac vi es. It helps managers understand the cost structure of the organiza on and make
Budgetary control is a management technique that involves planning, se ng targets,
pricing decisions.Budge ng and Forecas ng: Management accountants assist in crea ng
monitoring performance, and taking correc ve ac ons based on a comparison of actual
budgets for various departments and projects. They also provide forecasts based on
results with budgeted or planned figures. It's a systema c approach to managing an
historical data and future trends.Performance Measurement: Management accoun ng
organiza on's finances, resources, and opera ons to ensure that actual performance
evaluates the performance of different units, projects, or departments using key
aligns with planned objec ves. The primary purpose of budgetary control is to facilitate
performance indicators (KPIs). This helps iden fy areas of improvement and success.
effec ve financial and opera onal management.
Variance Analysis: By comparing actual performance against budgeted or expected
Here's how budgetary control worksBudget Prepara on: The budge ng process begins
performance, management accountants iden fy variances and inves gate their causes.
with the crea on of a budget, which is a detailed plan outlining the expected financial
This informa on aids in correc ve ac ons.Strategic Planning: Management accountants
and opera onal ac vi es for a specific period (usually a year). Various budgets can be
contribute to the organiza on's strategic planning by analyzing data and providing
prepared, including the master budget, which includes all the component budgets like
insights on poten al courses of ac on and their financial implica ons.
sales, produc on, expenses, etc.Se ng Targets: During the budget prepara on phase,
Decision Analysis: Management accoun ng supports decision-making by providing
targets or standards are established for different ac vi es, such as sales revenue,
relevant informa on for evalua ng investment opportuni es, cost-reduc on strategies,
produc on levels, expenses, and investments. These targets serve as benchmarks for
and opera onal improvements.Risk Management: Management accountants assess
measuring actual performance.Alloca on of Resources: Budgets allocate resources like
financial risks and recommend strategies to mi gate them. They analyze various
funds, manpower, and materials to different departments and projects in line with the
scenarios and their poten al impact on the organiza on's financial health.
organiza on's objec ves and priori es.Implementa on: Once budgets are finalized and
Capital Budge ng: This involves evalua ng long-term investment projects to determine
approved, they are communicated to relevant departments and personnel. Actual
their financial viability. Management accountants use techniques like Net Present Value
ac vi es are carried out based on the budgeted targets.Monitoring and Comparison: As
(NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for this purpose.Performance Repor ng: Regular
opera ons proceed, actual results are regularly measured and compared to the
reports are prepared to communicate financial and non-financial performance to
budgeted figures. Variances (differences between actual and budgeted results) are
managers. These reports help monitor progress toward organiza onal goals.
calculated for each budget item.Variance Analysis: Variances are analyzed to determine
Overall, the scope of management accoun ng is broad and dynamic, adap ng to the
their causes. Favorable variances (where actual performance is be er than budgeted)
evolving needs of businesses and the complex decision-making environment. It plays a
and unfavorable variances (where actual performance falls short of budget) are
crucial role in assis ng management at all levels in achieving their objec ves and making
iden fied.
well-informed choices for the organiza on's success.
2 Advantages of Standard Cos ng: how is it prepared
Performance Evalua on: Standard cos ng provides a clear basis for comparing actual The process of preparing a budget involves several steps to create a comprehensive plan
costs against predetermined standards. This helps managers iden fy areas of efficiency that outlines the organiza on's financial and opera onal ac vi es for a specific period.
or inefficiency in the produc on process and take correc ve ac ons. Here's a general overview of how budgets are typically prepared:
Cost Control: By se ng standards for various cost components, standard cos ng enables Set Budge ng Period: Determine the me frame for which the budget will be prepared.
businesses to establish cost control mechanisms. Devia ons from standards can alert Most budgets cover a fiscal year, but they can also be monthly, quarterly, or even longer-
management to poten al problems early on.Decision-Making: Standard cos ng aids term, depending on the organiza on's needs.Define Budget Components: Iden fy the
decision-making by providing a consistent basis for evalua ng alterna ves. Managers various components or budgets that need to be prepared. These might include sales
can assess the financial impact of different choices using standard cost data. budget, produc on budget, direct materials budget, direct labor budget, overhead
Budge ng and Forecas ng: Standard cos ng serves as a founda on for budge ng and budget, marke ng budget, and more. The master budget encompasses all these
forecas ng. It provides a framework for es ma ng costs and predic ng financial individual budgets.Gather Historical Data: Collect relevant historical data, financial
outcomes for future periods.Mo va on and Incen ves: Employees and departments statements, and performance metrics for the previous periods. This informa on serves
are o en mo vated to meet or exceed the established standards. Performance-based as a basis for es ma ng future ac vi es.Sales and Revenue Projec ons: Begin with
incen ves can be ed to achieving or surpassing these standards. es ma ng the expected sales volume and revenue for the budget period. This could
Variance Analysis: The analysis of variances (differences between actual and standard involve analyzing historical sales trends, market research, and considering economic
costs) helps iden fy specific areas where devia ons occur. This guides management's factors.Produc on and Opera ons Budgets: Based on the sales projec ons, develop
a en on toward areas that require improvement. budgets for produc on quan es, direct materials, and direct labor. Calculate the
Limita ons of Standard Cos ng: produc on levels needed to meet the projected sales.
Rigidity: Standard cos ng assumes that produc on processes and input costs remain Certainly, let's walk through the process of preparing a simple budget using an example
stable. In dynamic and rapidly changing environments, actual condi ons may differ of a fic onal company, ABC Electronics.
significantly from the predetermined standards.Inaccurate Assump ons: The accuracy Explain and illustrate
of standard costs depends on the quality of assump ons used to set them. Incorrect Step 1: Set Budge ng Period Let's assume that ABC Electronics is preparing an annual
assump ons can lead to inaccurate cost predic ons.Labor and Material Variability: budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which is from January 1st to December 31st.
Variability in labor efficiency and material quality can lead to devia ons from standard Step 2: Define Budget Components ABC Electronics iden fies the following budget
costs. This can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons for variances. components: Sales budget, Produc on budget, Direct Materials budget, Direct Labor
Focus on Short-Term: Standard cos ng might encourage short-term focus on cost budget, Overhead budget, Marke ng budget, and Cash budget.
reduc on rather than long-term strategic goals and quality improvement. Step 3: Gather Historical Data The company collects historical sales data, cost
Neglec ng Non-Financial Factors: Standard cos ng tends to focus on financial metrics, informa on, and other relevant financial records from the previous years.
overlooking non-financial factors like employee morale, customer sa sfac on, and Step 4: Sales and Revenue Projec ons Based on market research and historical trends,
environmental impact.High Implementa on Costs: Implemen ng standard cos ng ABC Electronics es mates that it can sell 100,000 units of its electronic devices during
systems can be costly and me-consuming, especially for complex organiza ons or the upcoming year at a price of $50 per unit. Therefore, the projected sales revenue is:
industries. 100,000 units × $50 = $5,000,000.
Step 5: Produc on and Opera ons Budgets Given the projected sales, ABC Electronics
calculates its produc on needs. Let's say it maintains a beginning inventory of 10,000
units and wants to end with 5,000 units in inventory. Therefore, the required produc on
is: 100,000 units (sales) + 5,000 units (ending inventory) - 10,000 units (beginning
inventory) = 95,000 units.

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