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Struggling with the intricacies of writing a thesis can be an overwhelming experience for many

students. Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis requires not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also exceptional writing and analytical skills. Among the
myriad of challenges that students encounter during this process, one of the most daunting tasks is
conducting thorough research and presenting original insights.

When it comes to tackling a research paper on Title IX, the complexities only seem to multiply. Title
IX, a federal civil rights law enacted in 1972, prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational
programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Delving into the various facets of
Title IX, its historical context, legal implications, and societal impact demands meticulous attention
to detail and a nuanced understanding of legal frameworks.

From identifying a suitable research question to gathering relevant data and analyzing findings, every
step of the thesis writing process demands dedication and perseverance. Moreover, synthesizing
existing literature, navigating legal texts, and incorporating diverse perspectives adds layers of
complexity to the task.

In such challenging circumstances, seeking assistance from reliable academic resources becomes
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Before the law, male and female students should receive equal treatment. However, it is uncertain
whether such economic restrictions have legal position in preventing the advance toward sex equality
(Levin 2009). Military academies across the country are also affected by Title IX, and as such, they
have to ensure that they abide by its principles. Studies have suggested that sometimes rape victims
are men (Singleton, 2017). The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education,
the department assigned to address sex discrimination, occupied a secondary position in promoting
equal treatment and opportunity for women in school athletic programs (Gavora 2002). Patty also
has personal experience journeying through life alongside individuals who see the world through
neurodivergent lenses. In addition, enhance the system of management and support utilized by OCR
in collaborating with the government officials of the Memorandum of Understanding terms to
execute the vocational education policies of 1979 to prevent discrimination (Klein 2007). Lieberwitz,
R. L. (2016). The history, uses, and abuses of title IX. Relevance and Importance Title IX has
become a controversial issue in many institutions of higher learning across the United States.
Morgan’s mother, Patti Pena, reports that the driver “ran a stop sign at 45 mph, broadsided my
vehicle and killed Morgan as she sat in her car seat.” A week later, corrections officer Shannon
Smith, who was guarding prisoners by the side of the road, was killed by a woman distracted by a
phone call (Besthoff). Historical Facts A detailed evaluation of historical facts about Title IX would
help in understanding why it was created and how it has evolved over the years. Along with these
there are other reports prepared by Coca Cola like, Report of Management, Report of Independent
Registered public Accounting Firm, etc. He studied statistics and political science at UCLA. Sample
MLA Research Paper (Daly) title is centered. It means that the way people perceive an issue directly
informs how they respond. Bolster and reform the Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA), the
sole ruling exclusively focused on putting into effect Title IX and promoting sex equality
(Blumenthal 2005). There is an emerging rebellion and rejection of the current interpretation of Title
IX and how it should be enforced in institutions of higher learning. Formal declarations are
institutionally developed and implemented. The effect of Title IX on civil rights policy and on the
larger policy process cannot be miscalculated. Remember! This is just a sample You can get your
custom paper by one of our expert writers Get custom essay The divisive debate about the relevance
and importance of Title IX is crippling the ability of institutions of higher learning to implement it
effectively. The problem is that cases that affect male students are rarely reported. However,
assessing the benefits and inequalities confirms that Title IX should be reinforced and implemented.
Let me play: the story of Title IX: the law that changed the future of girls in America. If your title is
too specific, scientific paper title examples, a reviewer might not feel inclined to review the paper
because he or she might not think the study fits within his or her specialty. Communications
regarding incidents constitute a report to the university and will be acted upon, in accordance with
Title IX and Board Policy 3.5. Lieberwitz (2016) believes that legislations such as Title IX, especially
its current feminist interpretation, may create an environment where men become victims of sexual
abuses and other vices in the society. In a society where women have made a significant progress
towards achieving equality, it is important to ensure that everyone is given equal treatment. Unlike
titles you scientific paper title examples find in newspapers and magazines, the academic community
is less colorful in crafting their articles, scientific paper title examples, and for good reason. Above
all, learners should understand that this law cannot be used to settle scores. There is the perception
that female students are the victims of sexual violence.
Without being academic, I do try to be insightful. However, be wary of including too little or too
much information in your title. There is an emerging rebellion and rejection of the current
interpretation of Title IX and how it should be enforced in institutions of higher learning. Singleton
(2017) admits that protecting a girl child, and to a larger extent every learner, from any form of
sexual abuse in an endeavor that is in line with the fundamentals of Title IX as was intended by the
authors. The policy process can strengthen this by developing definite laws banning sex
discrimination, rulings that reinforce affirmative measures to promote gender equality, and informed
and accommodating employees who ensure that such policies and laws are wholly executed to
achieve the gender equality objectives (Klein 2007). Formal declarations are institutionally
developed and implemented. Kennedy, Charles, L. 2010. “A New Frontier For Women’s Sports
(Beyond Title IX).” Gender Issues 27(August): 78-90. The University is required by Title IX not to
discriminate in such a manner. Although I have left the posts from previous years about this subject
visible, your assignment is different. But, most importantly, public policy in the United States has
been informed of the entire scope of Title IX safeguard, the benefits that women have gained
consequently, and the problems that still exist. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Remember! This is just
a sample You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers Get custom essay The divisive
debate about the relevance and importance of Title IX is crippling the ability of institutions of higher
learning to implement it effectively. It does not mention any changes in the process if one of the
involved parties is, for example, a staff or faculty member. Military academies across the country are
also affected by Title IX, and as such, they have to ensure that they abide by its principles. He was
previously the 2020-2021 campus politics editor and a contributor for The Stack. The managements
of these institutions should not feel that they have to punish someone just to convince the federal
government that they are doing something to please the government. They need to understand that
they have a responsibility to obey school rules, and that any unlawful act will be fairly punished
(Cormier, 2017). Patty also has personal experience journeying through life alongside individuals
who see the world through neurodivergent lenses. This study will provide recommendations that
stakeholders should embrace to help address the emerging issues. For a long time before the
enactment of the law, many people did not believe that sexual abuse was a major problem in
institutions of higher learning. We also provide guidance regarding campus procedures to ensure that
pregnant and parenting students receive an equitable educational opportunity and are successful in
their parenting and student journeys. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. These
measure or assess how the school district uses the six components of the Epstein Model.
Unfortunately, however, Title IX does not provide for any exception to its requirements simply
because of a school’s financial difficulties. Assure that Office for Civil Rights (OCR) agendas
prevent any threatening condition to the Title IX rule or regulation doctrines. Educators are often
using templates and forms, more than any other industry. For example, in a letter to the editor,
Anthony Ambrose describes being passed by another driver “who was holding a Styrofoam cup and
a cigarette in one hand, and a cellular telephone in the other, and who had what appeared For a
quotation, the author is named in a signal phrase the page number is in parentheses. You should,
however, avoid literary or journalist sensationalism in your title. Try it now and let this scientific
template inspire you. The site is dedicated to ensuring women and girls are protected under the title
ix law by offering information, resources, blogs, and support to those who feel they have
experienced oppression or require information.
Rose (2018) explains that there is need to ensure that this law focuses on empowering women in a
way that does not involve punishing men. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. Currently, there is a conflict in the manner in which the federal government
has been interpreting it, especially the emphasis on sexual abuses targeting young female learners. For
instance, these Centers could support yearly regional and national conventions on gender equality
with regard to organizations like Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AGELE)
(p. 93). Another lesson learned in the policy arena is the importance of striving toward full execution
of civil rights policies. Methods for in vitro evaluating antimicrobial activity: A review Imaging
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key to understanding planetary nebulae. In 1988, 33.4% of the entire National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) intercollegiate population and 35% of the entire interscholastic population
were women (Zimbalist 1999, 66). A negligent or sloppy attitude towards these three vital elements
in the research paper format would be almost equivalent to leaving the accessibility of the research
paper up to chance. Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. For more information
regarding policies and practice, please review the following sections. It means that the way people
perceive an issue directly informs how they respond. 1 hour! The minimum time our certified writers
need to deliver a 100% original paper Learn More Collins (2016) argues that before the enactment of
the law, there was a perception that those in positions of power were not doing enough to address
the problem. The practice of policy development and implementation does not engage only people in
government whose task is to endorse, interpret, and implement rulings about education and gender.
According to Ring and Putens (2015), rape was a common phenomenon in the United States during
this period. Have you been searching for a template for a Sample MLA Research Paper. The lawyers
at Marsh Law Firm have the experience and skills necessary to help victims rebuild their lives with
dignity and respect. Cases of rape, which often target young girls and other vulnerable members of
the society, have been historically common in the United States. EACs should assist in developing
and preserving gender equity mechanisms like the Title IX’s system and other equity directors, and
they must assist in gathering and disseminating research and assessment data on effective measures
as they give practical support to their members (Klein 2007, 93). In some cases, it forces a woman
into early parenthood, which affects their ability to progress with their studies (Melnick, 2018). This
is in relation to the knowledge that they accumulate in the process of improving the public school
system and lack of implementation of the experiences they acquire. Check out our collection of this
newly updated IT Security Kit Standard templates, including policies, controls, processes, checklists,
procedures and other documents. When these institutions implement these laws, they will be seen to
be fighting male learners. Postmodernism approach to understanding equality in the society require a
critical analysis and understanding of the reality. A reference system will perform three essential
tasks: Enable you to acknowledge other authors' ideas (avoid plagiarism). Academic Editing Pricing
Admissions Editing Pricing University Assignments Editing Pricing Partner Discount. He studied
statistics and political science at UCLA. The idea that women are always victims while men are the
aggressors should change. The law at this time clearly declared that women cannot be singled out or
unfairly treated in any school activity or program where the school obtained federal support. Enter
this coupon code at checkout to save at This regulation was passed in
1975 at Sandler’s urging. The administration should ensure that there are clear systems of addressing
such problems in ways that do not tarnish the image of the academy but still ensure that there is
justice (Cormier, 2017). The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is a widely used referencing
system to help you achieve these objectives.
Online Courses Academic Instructional Videos Webinars and Seminars, scientific paper title
examples. Writing and Grammar Composition and Grammar Tips Additional Academic Resources.
He was previously the 2020-2021 campus politics editor and a contributor for The Stack. Duke Law
Journal, 66 (1), 1-14. Yung, C. R. (2017). Is relying on title IX a mistake. Bulletin, 69 (1), 1-31.
Melnick, R. S. (2018). The transformation of Title IX: Regulating gender equality in education. A
reference system will perform three essential tasks: Enable you to acknowledge other authors' ideas
(avoid plagiarism). Rhode, Deborah L and Walker, Christopher J. 2008. “Gender equity in college
athletics: women coaches as a case study.” Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 4:1-
50. It became clear that there was a need to have strict policies to protect learners. For example, this
Sample Mla Research Paper template can save you valuable time and can help you to reach the next
level of success in your studies, research work. The student who brought the lawsuit was a nursing
major who had previously done sex work in the adult film industry. In 1988, 33.4% of the entire
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) intercollegiate population and 35% of the entire
interscholastic population were women (Zimbalist 1999, 66). However, many stakeholders now feel
that it is impossible for men, especially male students who are often accused falsely of the crime and
subjected to punitive measures without proper investigation, to support the initiative. Basically, the
boost in membership of women in athletic programs and the increase in public policies addressing
sex discrimination in education institutions began since the inception of Title IX. The University is
required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. As such, its athletic program is subject to
the requirements of title ix as well. If, after an investigation, the OCR determines a violation of Title
IX was made, it will first try to work with the institution to “obtain voluntary compliance and
negotiate remedies.”. However, be wary of including too little or too much information in your title.
The effect of Title IX on civil rights policy and on the larger policy process cannot be miscalculated.
Some stakeholders felt that it was necessary to use this Act to deal with rogue learners and some of
the teachers and non-teaching staff who engaged in such undesirable vices. Student employees who
maintain authority over others, such as Resident Assistants, are considered “Responsible Employees”
and required to report incidents that may be related to Title IX (see BOT Policy 3.5). This lack of
procedure causes a myriad of other problems, including the failure to train university faculty and
staff properly about the requirements of Title IX; a mishandling of internal cases of alleged sexual
discrimination; and often, an inability to hold accountable those guilty of sexual discrimination. A
trend has emerged in the United States where people are questioning the relevance of laws that view
women as the weaker sex that need excessive protection. What is the best way to make a simple
memo template. Unfortunately, however, Title IX does not provide for any exception to its
requirements simply because of a school’s financial difficulties. This trend is likely a byproduct of
individualization amidst the digital explosion in the academic publishing world. For example,
“Smoking is Bad,” tells me little about the content of the paper. “Nicotine Snuffs Grades,” is even
less useful. It was a way of empowering the girl-child in these institutions of learning. Board of
Education of Topeka, Kansas prohibited racial, but not gender, discrimination in education
institutions. When he was nominated by President Trump to sit in the Supreme Court, a woman
came out and claimed that he had touched her inappropriately about two decades ago when they
were in college. Football is a high profile sport; it generates money through ticket sales and
undoubtedly heightens the interest of students, alumni and potential students in the university.
Every case should be investigated judiciously and in a way that allows each party room to
demonstrate the truth. This lack of procedure causes a myriad of other problems, including the
failure to train university faculty and staff properly about the requirements of Title IX; a mishandling
of internal cases of alleged sexual discrimination; and often, an inability to hold accountable those
guilty of sexual discrimination. Colleges and universities may be asked to release information
regarding a Student-Athlete’s choice to leave an institution while in the midst of a Title IX case. The
site is dedicated to ensuring women and girls are protected under the title ix law by offering
information, resources, blogs, and support to those who feel they have experienced oppression or
require information. Singleton, T. (2017). Conflicting definitions of sexual assault and consent: The
ramifications of title ix male gender discrimination claims against college campuses. It is unclear if
the student called into the counseling meeting is the accuser or the accusee. It creates the victim
mentality in the minds of those who should be empowered. Brooklyn Coll.; Smith Coll.,
Northampton, MA. Anyon, Jean. 2009. “Progressive social movements and educational equity.”
Educational Policy 23, 1 (January):194-215. According to me title ix is a good law; there should not
any biases when it comes to sport on the basis of sex, race, cast or creed. There should be no
insubordination when addressing these cases, but at the same time, there should be a genuine effort
to protect victims. When conducting investigations, it is necessary to take into consideration the
nature of training programs. Students in institutions of higher learning should understand the
relevance of Title IX. The learners should understand the magnitude of making false accusations
against their teachers or colleagues. Consent is not effectively given if force, threats, intimidation or
coercion were involved, or if a person is incapable of giving consent due to use of drugs or alcohol,
or due to intellectual or other disability. The paper seeks to discuss the postmodern approach to Title
IX. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Although the court judgments that
stemmed from these disputes had been completely definite, which they were not, dilemmas in
exercising court resolutions to interpret the law without executive or congressional response would
still exist. Finally, we can trace the roots of Title IX in the 1947 document To Secure These Rights. In
some cases, it forces a woman into early parenthood, which affects their ability to progress with their
studies (Melnick, 2018). Then, follow the instructions on the Computer Lab Research Sheet to take
notes during class. It does not mention any changes in the process if one of the involved parties is,
for example, a staff or faculty member. In addition, enhance the system of management and support
utilized by OCR in collaborating with the government officials of the Memorandum of
Understanding terms to execute the vocational education policies of 1979 to prevent discrimination
(Klein 2007). Women in the country have also faced numerous injustices because of historical
systems and structures that view them as less capable of achieving success in specific fields. As
Melnick (2018) observes, they helped in its creation, and it is only normal that they play a major role
in its implementation. For more information regarding policies and practice, please review the
following sections. Silence, lack of protest, or resistance, by themselves cannot be interpreted as
consent. Above all, learners should understand that this law cannot be used to settle scores. Home
How to Choose the Best Title for Your Journal Manuscript. Recommendations The federal
government has played a major role in facilitating effective implementation of Title IX in learning
institutions around the country. Certainly, such titles have helped authors gain more visibility. Not
simply was this government body assigned to the enforcement of official policies of equity all over
the country, but it also was granted the financial subsidy to perform the task (Blumenthal 2005).
Remember Me. Sign in. Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google.
Various institutions of higher learning have developed strict laws that prohibit all forms of sexual
abuses. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Riposa, Gerry. 2003. “Urban universities: Meeting the needs of students.” Annals of the
American Academy of Social Science 585 (January):51-65. In addition, EACs should work together
with NGOs and other organizations to guarantee the preparation and thorough use of education
personnel and community groups who keep on determining how to promote gender equality in their
areas (Klein 2007). Chapter Four of this study focuses on the results and analysis of survey
questionnaires. Another factor to consider is what happens when your paper advances to the peer
review phase. Not simply was this government body assigned to the enforcement of official policies
of equity all over the country, but it also was granted the financial subsidy to perform the task
(Blumenthal 2005). There are often no defined processes because the Title IX legislation does not
outline one. Iowa took on UConn in the final of the Phil Knight Legacy tournament. Compliance is
an ongoing process and we encourage notification when information on our website is inaccessible.
Habitual sleep durations and subjective sleep quality predict white matter differences in the human
brain Improved Survival with Ipilimumab in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Temsirolimus,
Interferon Alfa, or Both for Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma. He studied statistics and political
science at UCLA. Student employees who maintain authority over others, such as Resident
Assistants, are considered “Responsible Employees” and required to report incidents that may be
related to Title IX (see BOT Policy 3.5). As stated in Title IX (Klein 2007, 555): No person in the
U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid. The
problem is that when the scandal is revealed, authorities fail to realize that the two parties were
wrong and deserve to be punished. The overall assumption that men are always the perpetrators and
women victims of sexual abuses is misleading. Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with
Cardiovascular Disease Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.
According to Cormier (2017), there are those who believe that the issue if exaggerated in a way that
makes it difficult to understand the truth. However, this approach also proved to be less effective.
Relevance and Importance Title IX has become a controversial issue in many institutions of higher
learning across the United States. Fifth, there should be larger financial subsidy for the Civil Rights
Act Title IV Equity Assistance Centers (EACs) in order for them to vigorously promote gender
equality alongside racial equality (California Legislature Senate Select Committee on Higher
Education 1998). Informing the people fosters support that is integral in surviving and averting
arguments against Title IX. Sage Journals Online (November 11, 2011) Levin, Henry M. 2009. “The
economic payoff to investing in educational justice.” Educational Researcher 38, 1 (January):5-20.
The University is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. If the student chooses to
contest the allegations, he or she can appeal to start a hearing process. It has created an antagonistic
environment of men versus women. Since its creating, an increasing number of girls have been able
to get into active sports because of the elimination of discriminative policies (Rose, 2018). Try it now
and let this scientific template inspire you. However, it has been broadened, especially during the
administration of President Obama, to include the fight against sexual abuse. More information
regarding Title IX and “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities
Receiving Federal Financial Assistance” (34 CFR.
What is the best way to make a simple memo template. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that,
or find out how to manage cookies. Another factor to consider is what happens when your paper
advances to the peer review phase. The concern was on how to implement some of these laws
without being unfair to either the suspect or the victim. When using Title IX to fight molestation of
female students, it should be done in a just way without prejudice. The concurrent emergence and
causes of double volcanic hotspot tracks on the Pacific plate. It means that if cases of abuse emerge,
there should be a clear channel of reporting them. It took a long time for the country to appreciate the
need for everyone to be granted the ability to vote. This regulation was passed in 1975 at Sandler’s
urging. An upper limit might be words, because a long title might reflect problems with your research
or your ability to succinctly convey information. Stakeholders were concerned about the lack of laws
that would specifically protect students at these institutions. We provide Google Docs compatible
template and these are the reasons why it's useful to work with Google Docs. Silence, lack of protest,
or resistance, by themselves cannot be interpreted as consent. Fourth, assure that the Office for Civil
Rights in the federal departments collaborate to give useful analyses of civil rights laws. The
commission released a report of its findings in June 2017. Patty also has personal experience
journeying through life alongside individuals who see the world through neurodivergent lenses. The
vagueness of laws is well demonstrated by the reality that even though Title IX was ratified in 1972,
it was not until after three years that the Congress spelled out how Title IX should be implemented
to school sports, and it was not until the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW)
circulated the guidelines and parameters for putting the law into practice; nor did such rules and
regulations made Title IX clear for all people and all periods (Stromquist 1993). Bornstein, Rita.
1985. “Ambiguity as opportunity and constraint: Evolution of a federal sex equity education
program.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 7,2 (June):99-114. Pancreatic Cystic
Neoplasms: To Needle or Not To Needle, This Is the Question Braiding a molecular knot with eight
crossings. Running head: SAMPLE APA STYLE TITLE PAGE Student Paper in APA Style: Sample
Title Page Author Name Second Author Name (if applicable) Saint Joseph College, West Hartford,
CT Author note Students should leave this off. According to Rose (2018), there has been a feeling
that all male students and educators are perceived as sexual offenders. Low-Income Home Energy
Assistance Program (LIHEAP): Georgia. To ensure compliance, Title IX Coordinators,
administrators, and teachers need to understand the Final Rule. Second is to wholly put into practice
the conditions to strengthen the federal headship and management function in gender equity like
employing a permanent, highly eligible public official to function as the Special Assistant for Gender
Equity. Incident reports alert the Restorative Justice and Title IX Office that there is a potential
incident which should be investigated and prompt the Office to reach out to involved parties to
provide support. As argued by Anyon (2009), extra attempt should be initiated by OCR to
collaborate with NGOs, and to keep in touch with and offer preparation and support to Title IX
directors at the state education departments, and in institutions of higher education. Legitimate
opposition to Title IX and other gender equity policies suggests a switch in the manner in which the
government had identified the key issues of education and gender in the past. The learners should
understand the magnitude of making false accusations against their teachers or colleagues. Male and
female students should feel that they have equal rights and that they are protected in equal measures
by the law. However, there is need to look at women empowerment programs from a different angle.

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