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Knife – Sharp knife slay targets with precision.

Tomorrow – Disciplined people never leave tasks for tomorrow.

Refrain – Refraining from negativity helps to stay cool.

Table – Table lamp is the useful friend in a student life

Zenith – Reaching zenith needs patience

Shine – Person shines the best in own skin

Time – Timely done tasks is a sign of commitment

Hard – Easy life demands some hard decisions making.

Bright – hard work ensures bright future.

Ambition – Commitment towards ambition helps in achieving it.

Sun – Children are like sunshine to mood.

Boy – Army boys are tough and disciplined.

Class – There is a class in the personality of soldiers.

Heart – following passion with heart is blissful

Mistrust – Communication helps to eliminate mistrust.

Hurdles – practice helps to overcome hurdles.

Quit – strong will power helps in quitting bad habits.

Ugly – being ugly is the state of mind.

Diverse – Diversified area shows acceptance in hearts.

Passion – Passion demands everyday improvements.

Challenge – heart of steel is unafraid of taking challenges.

Comfort – Staying away from comfort zone helps in facing difficulties

Stress – Dancing ones heart out helps in relieving stress.

System – systematic approach makes the task easier.

Flower – colorful flowers brightens up the mood.

Father – father teaches grit and determination.

Blood – blood donation is one of the kindest offerings.

Sister – Sister is the best confidante.

Mother – Motherly feeling is solely a pure emotion.

Danger – dangerous tasks are completed with

Interest – fun love activity is done with interest.

Party – Party helps in gelling up with people.

Dare – Daring helps in achieving new heights.

Charge – Staying hydrated keeps the person charged

Further- learning ensures further enhancement of personality.

Pack – packing is a skill in itself.

Brush – Brushing up skills is important to stay updated

Mystery – It’s fun to explore mysterious personalities.

Uniform – Uniform brings uniformity.

School – experiential learning is significant in schools.

Part – Active participation ensures success.

Bath – Bathing helps in maintaining hygiene.

Vehicle – Adopting e-vehicles is a solution to climate change.

Trap – honey trap is a form of espionage.

Part – every part of life has something to teach .

Numbering – numbering daily tasks helps in timely completion.

Moment – Achieving goals is momentous.

Chores – Completing household chores is satisfying.

Live – living is an evolving skill.

Partner – Understanding is foremost in partners.

Hatred- consistent love eliminates hate.

Lift – Self confidence lifts the spirit.

Change – change is good for self improvement.

Norms – norms help in maintaining order.

Detriment – radicalism is detrimental to society.

Fake – fake personality doesn’t sustain long.

Clue – clue help to find the solution.

Hurt – avoiding hurtful practices bring peace in society.

Dream – perseverance helps in making dreams true.

Day – everyday efforts are required to bring a permanent change

Break: Records are meant to be broken.

Cheat: Daredevils cheat death

Deteriorate: Corruption deteriorates economy.

Failure: Failure is one step towards success.

Hesitation: Practice overcomes Hesitation.

Love: Every citizen loves his motherland.

Youth: Youth is the future of the nation.

Escape: Courageous people never escape from obstacles.

Mend: Mending Relations binds people

Worry: Worrying after the exam is futile.

Award: Awards boost confidence.

Punishment: Punishments are meant for correction.

Begin: A good beginning increases chances of success.

Leader: A good leader cares for his subordinates.

War: War causes all round destruction.

Anger: Anger Management enhances personality.

Fault: It takes courage to admit faults.

Obedient: An obedient student is admired by teachers.

Dispute: Disputes can be solved by mature outlook.

Film: Good films give a message to the society.

Puzzle: Puzzles are a good brain exercise.

Election: Elections are pillars for democracy.

Government: People’s support is needed for good governance.

Encourage: Little encouragement boosts confidence.

Complete: Work when completed gives satisfaction.

Opposition: A strong opposition forms a stable parliament.

Conversation: Conversations improve relations.

Dream: Dream big to achieve more.

Limitation: Limitations are necessary for discipline.

Exploitation: Child exploitation needs to be stopped.

Nothing: Nothing is fearful to a brave person.

Sale: Advertisement increases sale of a product.

Untouchability: Untouchability has been eradicated from India.

Rank: Ranks are matter of honor in defense.

Employee: BPO’s are the highest employers these days.

Precious: Character is the most precious thing.

Manual: Manuals act as instructors for appliances.

Drive: Caution while driving avoids mishap.

Honor: Honor is to serve the country.

Co–operation: Law enforcement needs public’s co-operation.

Friendship: Friendship is to be cherished.

Honesty: Honesty is the virtue of a noble man.

Class: Defense services have a class of their own.

Holiday: Holidays are to be spent productively.

Example: A good leader leads by example.

Sure: Surety of thoughts makes a person firm.

Superstition: Knowledge removes superstition.

Excellence: Good preparations bring excellence.

Curiosity: Curiosity is responsible for new discoveries.

Problem: Dealing with problems makes us a strong person.

Accept – Defeat Is Not Real Until Accepted

Accommodate – Accommodation Of Thoughts Towards Planning And Implementing Leads To Success.

Action – Actions Speak A Lot About A Person.

Active – Actively Participation In Activities Leads To Overall Development.

Admire – Good Hearted People Are Admirabe And Are Loved.

Advance – Advance Preparation Of Exams Leaves Time For Revision.

Adventure – Adventurous Activities Are Thrilling.

Agreement – Legal Agreements Are Bound To Be Followed.

Ahead – Planned Present And Future Leads To Better Life Ahead.

Alert – Alert People Are Usually Quick In Producing Actions.

All – All People Cannot Be Befooled.

Behavior – Teachers Love Lively And Well-Behaved Students.

Best – Give Your Best And Leave The Rest Pn God.

Bold – Bold People Are History Creators.

Book– A book Enhances Knowledge And Makes A Person Learn.

Boys – Boys Like Playing Video Games More Than Girls.

Brave – Brave People Are History Creators.

Brother – Brothers Are Loving And Caring For Their Sisters.

Call – Making A Call To Your Conscious Before Any Decision Bring Clarity Of Right And Wrong.

Capable – One Is Capable Of Achieve Anything With Regularity And Hardwork.

Carefully – Carefully Reading a Document Before Signing Is Important.

Career – Career Is The Prime Goal Of Any Mature Person.

Chair – The chair Is A Sign Of Responsibility.

Cry – Animal Lovers Can Understand The Mood Of An Animal By Their Cry Or Sound.

Curiosity – Curiosity In A Person Keeps Him Updated.

Curious – Curious People Tend To Learn A Lot In Due Course Of Time.

Decision – Decisions Taken By Elders Are For The Good Of Younger Ones.

Definite – Definte Success Is Possible Only With Hardwork.

Democracy – India Is One Of The Largest Democracies In The World.

Desire – Limited The Desires Greater The Happiness.

Detail – Detailed Explanation Fetches Good Marks.

Determination – Determined Hard work Leads To Aim.

Differ –people Differ from Each Other In Thought And This Makes Them Unique

Difficulty – More The Difficult More The Thrill

Discipline – Disciplined Children Are Loved By Teachers.

Divide– Completion Of Divided And Planned Task Consumes Less Time.

Enthusiasm – Team Work And Enthusiasm Motivates Members.

Exercise –Exercise Keeps People Healthy.

Experience –Experience Comes With Practical Work.

Extreme –extreme Situation Can Be Curbed By Proper Rules And Regulations.

Faith – Motivation Comes From The Faith In One’s Own Self.

Family – Family Is The Backbone Of Any Society.

Father – Father Is A Backbone And Guide Of A Family.

Fellow –fellow Schoolmates And Collegemates Are Friends We Cherish For Life.

Fire –fire To Achieve Goal Leads To Success.

Follow –Following Rules Can Be Imposed By Law.

Fool –everyone Cannot Be Befooled At The Same Time.

Foreign –foreign Goods Import Must Be Balanced By Export.

Frank –people Who Are Frank Have Nothing Inside Their Hearts.

Freedom – Freedom Of Speech Is A Fundamental Right.

Friends –Friends Are The Most Important Part Of Life Like Family.

Future – A person Who Works Hard In the Present Have A Better Future.

Girl – Girls Are Always Up To Date With Fashion.

Give –give Your Best And Leave The Rest.

Goal – The goal Can Be Accomplished With Serious Attempts.

Good – Good Thoughts Are Always Loved By People.

Government –The government Is Elected By The People And For The People.

Graduate –graduates Apply For Jobs Or Go For Higher Studies.

Happiness –happiness Can Be Attained By The Feeling Of Contentment.

Hard –hard work Is The Only Way That Leads To Aim.

Health – Good Hygiene Is Key To Good Health.

Help –Helping The Poor Is The Biggest Religion.

Helpless – Brave Never Feels Helpless In Any Situation

Hint – A Hint Is Enough For A Wise Man

History –brave Men Are History Creators.

Home – Home Is Temple Of Societies As It Makes A Man Learned.

Honest – Honesty In Work Gives A Good Night Sleep.

Honey –honey Helps In Building the Immune System.

Honor –Honor Comes Naturally With Good Deeds.

Hope –hope Helps In Leading A Life Happily.

Huge –huge Savings Are Always A Better Investment For the Future.

Humanity –Humanity Is The Basis Of The Good In The World.

Hurdle –hurdles Are Part And Parcels Of Life.

Idea – Good Ideas Are Accepted By All

Imagination – Imagination Is the Product Of Developed Aptitude.

Important – Studies Have Great Importance In Life.

Impossible – Impossible Is Possible With Persistent Hard Work.

Impress – Good Communication Skills Impresses Everyone.

Improvement – Every Perfect Person Needs Improvements With Age.

India –India Has World’s Biggest Democracy.

Initiation –working Hard Is the Initiation Of a Dream Into Reality.

Inspection – Regular Inspection Maintains The Standards Of the Institution.

Intelligence – Intelligent And Practical Ideas Are Acceptable.

Interest – Working Hard On Interest Areas Helps T0 Achieve More In Life.

Interpretation – Interpretation Of the Same Idea Is Different From Person To Person.

Joy – Success Brings Joy.

Juniors – Juniors Are To be Taken Care Of By Seniors.

Lend – Lending Is A Helping Hand For Needy.

Life –life Is a Series Of Situations.

Light –there Is Always Light At The End Of The Tunnel.

Like – A Good Person Is Liked By All.

Limit – There Is No Limit To Achievements.

Listen – Listening To Elders In Taking Important Decisions Is A Good Practice.

Literary – Literary Resources Are Gems For Readers.

Logical – Logical Thinkers Are Appreciated And Known By The World.

Loose–Loosing Teaches Us The Mantras For Winning.

Love – Motherly Love Is Unconditional.

Make – A Man Can Make His Dream A Reality By Hardwork.

Match – Team Work Can Help In Winning The Match.

Medicine – Good Food Habits Can Keep The Medicines Away.

Meet – Meet And Greet Help In Socialisation.

Mend – Mending Of Personality Is an Important Part Of Growth.

Merit – Good Merit Is Based On Overall Performance In Studies And Co-curricular.

Method – Efforts Can Be Lowered With Proper Methodology.

Money –Good Reputation Is More Important Than Money.

Mood – Moody Children Cry A Lot.

Garden – PM Modi addressed the Indians at Madison Square Garden in New York.

Cinema – Cinematography is taken up as a profession by many students nowadays.

Women – Respecting a woman makes for a true gentleman.

Persuade – Persuasive people always have half the battle won.

Religion – Religion is defined by our work, not god.

Compromise – National security can never be compromised.

Method – A methodized manner saves a situation.

Danger – Indian defence is always ready to face dangerous situations.

Time – A successful person completes everything within the assigned time.

Worry – It is not work but worry that is a concern.

Attack – Cyber-attacks are on rise in India.

Lonely – He was the lone survivor to help them in the avalanche.

Confusion – Many people confuse stroke with heart attacks.

Aggressive – The aggressive acquisition strategy was made into force by the officials.

Criticism – Although people criticized, he followed his mind and heart for this career.

Blind – Though blindfolded, the hostage managed to call the police.

Precaution – People were evacuated from the building as a precautionary measure.

Depression – People with depression need time and comfort.

Pity – It’s a pity that the nation is importing majority of the arms from the foreign lands.

Hungry – Being hungry of your dreams makes you work harder.

Team – Leadership is not all about leading, but about teamwork.

Never – An officer has a “never say die” attitude.

Weapon – Personal weapons are on rise in the market.

Imagination – People who work hard can easily imagine their goals.

Record – Instrumental music recording is very pleasant to listen.

Life – Life jacket is used as a precautionary step.

Face – Courage makes us face new challenges.

Playground – Mountains are a playground for adventure lovers.

Father – The Fatherof the Church pronounced them husband and wife.

Fault – Her superiors could not fault her dedication to the service.

System – Working in a systematic manner produces good results.

Impossible – Pessimists believe that a world at peace is an impossibility.

Heritage – Indian heritage is hundreds of years old.

Honey – Having honey daily in the morning is good for health.

Lies – The Indus Valley Civilization lies in ruin today.

Offer – Offering a drink to someone is a good ice breaker.

Meeting – Meeting new persons daily makes you socially adaptable.

Interest – Interest earned by banks from loans is the source of their income.

Save – Indian soldiers saved people trapped in the recent floods.

Doctor – Anyone next to God in saving life is a doctor.

India – India is a global face of growing technology and a developing nation.

Fire – Firefighters are the real heroes in fire operations.

Initiation – Make in India Initiative is very efficient for Indian economy.

Line – An officer is always available in the line of duty.

Tests – India has undergone various missile tests to strengthen country’s defence.

Jealous – Jealousy of others sometimes mean that you are doing great.

Difference – Differences in religion can’t divide true patriots.

Fool – Captain Vikram Batra fooled the insurgents and saved the lives of his soldiers.

Bitter – Raw berries have an intensely bitter flavour.

Board – He was recommended by the Service Selection Board.

Quality – Punctuality is an uncompromising quality of a good leader.

Hide – Hide and seek is an interesting game.

College – The electoral college chose her as a new representative.

Journal – Maintaining a journal helps in self-development.

Pet – A dog is the best pet a human can ever have.

Past – He learned from his past mistake and corrected himself.

Behaviour – Her good behaviour earned her respect in the society.

Over – Overthinking mostly creates misunderstandings between people.

Literary – The literary works of the 19th Century are fascinating.

Minister – The doctor was busy ministering to the injured.

Irritate – People who sleep less are often easily irritated.

Minor – The age of a minor in India is reduced to 16 years for heinous crimes.

Hurry – We hurried to help the people in need.

Thief – Poverty and lack of education drives many to become thieves.

Speed – Practising daily helped speed our progress.

Party – He threw us a party on his successful recommendation.

Advertisement – The best way to popularize a product is to advertise it.

Thank – The ministers thanked all the supporters and well-wishers after the elections.

Baby – Babies have 300 bones at the time of birth.

Discussion – The quality of group discussion teaches us to work in a team.

Quick – Quickness of decision was demonstrated by us.

Desire – It is desirable to exercise some social control over technology.

Craze – Genius people are sometimes thought to be crazy by the society.

Cooperation – The NIA is working in cooperation with the forces to resolve the terror issue.

Pursue – The police officer pursued the van till it caught the offenders.

Government – The victorious party gets to form the government in a democracy.

Friends – My friend took up accident surgery as his major and he earns quite well now.

Beauty – Very less people has the ability to admire natural beauty.

Step – Failure must be looked upon as steps towards success.

Future – Future is lighted by hard work and preparation.

Music – Learning to read music is an art in itself.

Soul – A soulmate is sometimes all it needs to complete the life.

Poetry – His love for poetry is very inspiring to others.

Tear – In anger, he tore the letter and later, regretted.

Lesson – Cadets in NDA are lessoned on war-tactics as well as on latest educational degree.

Family – Soldiers’ families are generally the most supportive people to them.

Pool – Pool tables are used to play billiards as well as snooker.

Class – “Wings of Fire” is an inspiring classic novel by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

Profession – Joining Army is more of a public service than a profession.

Coeducation – There is a need to increase coeducation in India for a better mutual respect among both

Canteen – Armed forces provide canteen facilities to its members.

All – Be accountable for all of your actions.

Map – Unavailable resources can be mapped from nature.

Contrary – Analyse a situation from the contrary view too.

Die – Dinosaurs died out due to possible meteor attack.

Paint – We paint our future based on what we do today.

Down – An optimist person never looks down on anyone.

Frank – Being frank to others is a good trait.

Ghost – Even a ghost of happiness is enough to make others cheer.

Angry – Controlling anger is the best practice for self-control.

Imagination:- Imagination is as valuable as Intelligence.

Truth :- Truth overcomes all odds.

Admire :- Admiration always boost confidence.

Early :- Early decision in life makes a man successful.

Strong :- Children are the base of a strong nation.

Curiosity :- Curiosity adds to knowledge.

Laughing :- Laughter therapy is a new trend to come out from anxiety.

Cry :- A brave man never cries in adversity.

Discuss :- Discussion always carries new ideas.

Sympathy :- Sympathy is a remedy for ill persons.

Criminal :- Criminals are usually reformable.

House :- A united house is the strength of the family.

Sorrow :- Joy always overcomes sorrow.

Think :- Imagination improves thinking.

Character :- Good character decide the destiny of a man.

Sad :- A company of friends overcomes sadness.

Exam :- Exam is the test of the skill of a student.

Blind :- A good leader creates blind faith in his followers.

Guide :- Books and Novels are best guides for human beings.

Score :- High scores show high achievement.

Able :- A good ability reveals a good quality.

Women :- Women always deserve respect.

Command :-He commands respect among his colleagues.

Watch :- Watching science-fiction movies improves imagination.

Customs :- Customs are the mirror of a society.

Success :- Success is the fruit of hard work and perseverance.

Fearfullness :- Experience dispenses fearfulness.

Precaution :- Precautions are necessary during birth of a child.

Jump :- Jumping improves stamina.

Anxious :- A calm person never shows anxiety.

Struggle :- Struggle paves the way for success.

Harmful :- Proper medication overcomes harmful side-effects.

Empty :- Heavy rainfall fills up the empty lakes.

College :- College life improves the personality of a person.

Confused :- Determined persons never get confused.

System :- Systematic work leads to perfection.

Merit :- Hard work leads a student to merit.

Temper :- Yoga helps to control temper.

Team :- Team work increases productivity.

Childish :- Maturity overcomes childish behavior.

Weapon :- Non-violence is the most effective weapon to fight.

Lonely :- Simple pleasure of life overcomes loneliness.

Hunger :- A meritorious student always feels hungry for knowledge.

Aggression :- Aggressive behavior sometimes helps in solving problems.

Greedy :- A sacrificing person is never greedy.

Father :- Father is the role model of the family.

Firing :- Continuous firing creates fear among enemies.

Co-education :- Co-education improves under-standing between two sexes.

Justice :- Natural justice is based on the truth.

Obedience :- Obedience to authority shows discipline and punctuality.

Play :- Internet plays a very important role in modern era.

Distance :- Distance education is a forwarding step toward literacy.

Crowd :- A Leader emerges from the crowd.

Intelligent :- Everybody became intelligent by hard work.

Fatigue :- A motivated person never gets fatigued.

Criticism :- Healthy criticism boosts the confidence of a person.

Help :- A leader doesn’t seek anybody’s help.

Brother :- Globalisation helps in establishing a feeling of brotherhood.

Hope :- Hope sustains life.

Protect :- Ozone layer protects from Ultra violet rays.

Dislike :- A good student never dislikes books and novels.

Careless :- Regular practice overcomes carelessness.

Support :- True friends support in adversity.

Enjoy :- Simple pleasure of life gives joy.

Murder :- He never shows murderer is tendency.

Death :- A soldier is never afraid of death.

Snake/Poison :- Snake poison is used in snake bites.

Kill :- Killing of harmful insects is a positive step to increase crop production.

Afraid :- An officer is never afraid of a sudden attack.

Mend :- Criminals are usually mendable.

Thief :- Police is there to arrest thieves.

Rest :- Rest and Hard work go hand in hand.

Delay :- A prompt action overcomes delay.

Bluff :- Truthfulness overcomes a bluff.

Enemy :- Peace and non-violence change an enemy’s heart.

Husband :- A husband respects his wife.

Sleepy :- A duty conscious person never feels sleepy on duty.

Strength :- Strength is the result of unity.

Response :- A quick response is always appreciable.

Manage :- An officer always manages order and discipline even in worst conditions.

Risk :- Calculated risks always help a person to get success.

Solution :- Solution of a problem is a work of wisdom and intelligence.

Teacher :- A Teacher makes a student a perfect person.

Fail :- A failure gives new courage to go further

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