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House Grapples With Cliff Pact

BY JANET HOOK groused that President Barack
AND SIOBHAN HUGHES Obama gave too much ground
in negotiations with the GOP.
WASHINGTON—The fiscal- “I think it’s a bad deal,”
cliff deal is now in the hands said Rep. Peter DeFazio (D.,
of the House of Representa- Ore.) who said he is a “no”
tives, which convened New vote. He complained that the
Year’s Day with an uncertain agreements on estate taxes
timetable to consider a bud- and capital gains were too fa-
get agreement that would vorable to Republicans. “What
boost income-tax rates for the do we have left to fight back
first time in 20 years, main- with?”
tain unemployment benefits Rep. Gerald Connelly (D.,
and delay spending cuts that Va.) called it a “hold-your-
were part of the cliff. nose vote.”
Meeting with their parties “It’s not a perfect package
late into the afternoon as The but it is something that gets
Wall Street Journal’s Euro- us by,” he said. “It must be
pean edition went to press, addressed or it’s going to
House members expressed the have a huge drag on the econ-
same anguish as senators had omy.”
when their chamber approved The delay in approval
the package in an 89-8 vote meant that the U.S. techni-
early Tuesday, more than two cally went over the fiscal cliff
hours after the deadline had at midnight, but with U.S.
passed: whether their many markets closed Tuesday, the
reservations outweigh the po- impact of missing the dead-
tentially calamitous results of line could be minimal. What
allowing the tax increases and damage the wrangling has
Associated Press (Boehner); Reuters

spending cuts to remain in ef- caused—to the 2013 tax-filing

fect, especially with markets season and consumer confi-
reopening Wednesday. dence—is already assured.
While the large Senate The compromise was pre-
margin could give momentum pared for the Senate floor af-
to the bill, initial GOP reac- ter Mr. Biden, who brokered
tion in the Republican-con- the deal with Senate Minority
trolled House didn’t bode well Leader Mitch McConnell (R.,
for quick and simple action on Ky.), traveled to the Capitol
the compromise. Conservative House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), left, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) head into the clash over the fiscal cliff. for a New Year’s Eve meeting
Republicans are dismayed the with Senate Democrats, in-
compromise raises tax rates the Senate. get something done.” But he S.C.) said, “I don’t think I The White House dis- cluding many who harbored
and doesn’t include more cuts “This isn’t a done deal by questioned the wisdom of ac- could support it as it is. The patched Vice President Joe Bi- Please turn to page 6
in federal spending. House any stretch,” said Rep. Steve cepting, without change, “a spending part is killing me. den to the Capitol to meet
Speaker John Boehner (R., LaTourette (R., Ohio), a retir- package put together by a All we see is tax increases.” with the House Democratic  U.S. recovering slowly from
Ohio) has raised the possibil- ing member considered a cen- bunch of sleep-deprived octo- Democrats were equally as Caucus to make a pitch for financial heart attack..............6
ity the House could amend trist. “If this is the only genarians on New Year’s Eve.” skeptical but shared some of the deal, especially in re-  New generation of veterans
the bill and send it back to choice, I will vote for it just to Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R., the same resignation. sponse to liberals who heads to Congress.....................7

In Europe, Investors Confront Familiar Tale Inside

BY CHARLES FORELLE loans to banks pulled down mission and the International Germany has elections in grudgingly willing to take on
bond yields and gave a boost Monetary Fund project tepid the fall, and German leaders’ a crisis-fighting role to one
LONDON—Europe still is in to stocks. It lasted only a few growth in the euro zone in scope for action will be lim- whose president pledged in
crisis. You’d better get used to months, though, and by the 2013—0.1% for the commis- ited by politicking. July to do “whatever it takes”
it. next spring, Greek politics sion and 0.2% for the IMF— And Spain likely will be to save the euro. Thus, a euro-
Markets in Europe closed and Spanish finances had and much of that growth will forced to ask for a bailout to zone breakup seems much
2012 much as they closed revved the crisis back up to come from Germany, with a help keep its government fi- less likely or at least much
2011: with relief that the euro full speed, clobbering mar- modest contribution from nanced. No one quite knows less imminent.
zone hasn’t ruptured but con- kets. France. Italy, Spain, Greece how that will be executed, or “People feel like the Arma-
cern for what comes next. At the end of 2012, an- and Portugal will contract. when, or how the market is geddon scenarios are dissipat-
The challenge for Euro- other ECB program has Unemployment will continue likely to greet it. ing,” said Marisa Drew, co-
pean investors in 2013 will be doused the market’s panic. to rise. Much remains unsolved in head of global market
learning to live with this Stocks have turned around The political calendar is Europe. Still, to many observ- solutions at Credit Suisse in Putin and his Brics
“perma crisis”: hoping to find and rallied furiously. full, too. Italy will have elec- ers, the euro zone’s chief ac- London. allies are losing their
the right balance of risk on a But what will 2013 bring? tions in February, which could complishment of 2012 was to Dissipating doesn’t mean growth sparkle
continent that always seems In the recent past, Europe see the ascent of antiausterity banish the paralyzing specter eradicated, though, and many World News ............ 9
close to lurching off track. has been confounded by its parties. Greece, which ended a of chaos that had shadowed Please turn to page 21
Recent history has made it weak economy and the diffi- turbulent year with a success- European financial markets
plain that it pays to tread cult politics of crisis-fighting. ful debt buyback, still may for much of 2010 and 2011.  Europe in 2013 framed by Investors should down-
cautiously. Those will remain sources of need debt forgiveness from That is largely because of a Italian, German elections.......4 load European cable
At the end of 2011, the Eu- trouble and uncertainty. other euro-zone countries to wide shift in the ECB’s pos-  European economy will need Heard .................... 32
ropean Central Bank’s big Both the European Com- survive. ture, from an institution only investment to grow...................5
2 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


What’s News—
i i i
Business & Finance
n Europeans have grown more
wary about the dangers of the
atom and the political consensus
that once existed in some coun-
tries around nuclear energy is
crumbling. 5

n Shell sustained another setback

in its closely watched attempt to
drill for oil in U.S. Arctic waters
when an offshore rig it had used
ran aground after breaking free
from tow ships in high seas. 10

n Diageo’s acquisition of a ma-

jority stake in India’s United Spir-
its brings into focus the chal-
lenges faced by beer makers in
the world’s second-most populous
country. 10

n Investors are making bets on

how the Crossrail public-transport
project will affect the London
real-estate market. 11

n The mixed fortunes of two

projects illustrate the crosscur-
rents at work in the London office
market these days as the U.K.
struggles with a weak economy. 11

n Dexia gave new details of its

Associated Press

EU-backed plan for winding down

the bank, warning that its earn-
ings would be hit by high borrow-
ing costs and expenses related to
asset sales. 26 AFTER THE BIG PARTY, THE BIG CLEANUP: A worker clears confetti from a sidewalk in New York’s Times Square after midnight on Tuesday, New Year’s Day.

n Apple was hit New Year’s Eve i i i with the attempted murder of a cus as well as near Aleppo’s air- television satirist Bassem Youssef
by an armed robbery at one of the World-Wide police officer in east Belfast on port, stopping all flights in and for allegedly insulting the coun-
company’s Paris stores, the first Sunday. out of the city, activists and state try’s president in the latest case
major robbery of an Apple store n Measures that legalize same- media said. raised by Islamist lawyers against
in France. sex marriage and loosen mari- n U.S. Secretary of State Hillary outspoken media personalities.
juana restrictions are among the Clinton was receiving blood thin- n Iran said its navy issued doz-
n South Korean steelmaker new and sometimes contentious ners to dissolve the blood clot lo- ens of warnings to foreign planes n Gunmen in northwest Pakistan
Posco and its partners agreed to laws taking effect across the U.S. cated between her brain and her and warships that approached its killed five female teachers and
purchase a 15% stake in an Arce- this year. 7 skull. Doctors said she was ex- forces during a five-day sea ma- two aid workers in an ambush on
lorMittal-controlled iron-ore min- pected to make a full recovery. neuver near the Strait of Hormuz. a van carrying workers home from
ing company in Canada for $1.1 n Tens of thousands marched in their jobs at a community center.
billion. Hong Kong to call for the city’s n A crowd stampeded after leav- n An arrest raid by undercover
leader to step down over allega- ing a New Year’s fireworks show Israeli soldiers ignited clashes in n North Korean dictator Kim
n Manufacturing activity in tions he was untruthful about ille- in Ivory Coast, killing at least 61 the northern West Bank, leaving Jong Eun returned to his grandfa-
China expanded at a mild pace in gal renovations at his home and people, many of them youths, and at least eight Palestinians ther’s practice of delivering a New
December, suggesting the econ- to press for full democracy. 9 injuring more than 200. wounded. Year’s message in a speech, rather
omy is rebounding but fighting than in print as his father did—
headwinds from weak conditions n Police in Northern Ireland ar- n Syrian troops and rebels n Egyptian prosecutors launched though the exhortations remained
around the world. rested two men in connection fought in the suburbs of Damas- an investigation against popular unchanged.

Most Read in Europe North Korean Speech U.S. Politics Question of the Day
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 3


On Iran’s Agenda: Compromise or Nuclear Defiance

BY FARNAZ FASSIHI quo with the West could invite addi- regime, so Iran doesn’t look weak,
tional sanctions and a possible mili- analysts say.
BEIRUT—Domestic politics and a tary strike by Israel to prevent Iran To that end, the regime will be
June election could make the differ- from building a nuclear weapon. focused on getting through June’s
ence in how Iran addresses its main Iran says its nuclear program is presidential elections with minimum
dilemma of the coming year: solely for peaceful energy purposes. turmoil, after the demonstrations
whether to compromise on its nu- In November, Mr. Ahmadinejad that followed the 2009 election and
clear program or maintain a policy ruffled some feathers when he said the regional uprisings of the Arab
of defiance. the nuclear impasse would only be Spring.
Iran is slated to elect a new pres- resolved through direct negotiations Mr. Ahmadinejad, who is ineligi-
ident amid deep political divisions with the U.S. Washington has said it ble to run for re-election, could be

European Pressphoto Agency

and rivalries among conservative was ready for such discussions. another obstacle to progress in nu-
factions. The issues at the heart of The idea that talks between Iran clear negotiations: The regime, ana-
Iran’s standoff with the West—the and the U.S. must take place parallel lysts say, is wary of giving the credit
country’s economy, its isolation, and to Iran’s nuclear negotiations with and legacy of a political break-
security—will likely dominate the the five permanent members of the through with the West to a contro-
campaign. United Nations Security Council plus versial, lame duck president.
The contest for power will pit Germany, is gaining momentum in The president’s conservative de-
candidates seen as loyal to Supreme Iran, Iranian diplomats and analysts Mr. Ahmadinejad—ineligible for re-election—could tractors hope to clip his wings out
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei say. Both sides in those so-called of fear that he aims to overstep Mr.
against those associated with Presi- P5+1 talks have indicated a timeta- be an obstacle to progress in nuclear negotiations. Khamenei’s powers. Mr. Ahmadine-
dent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The ble will be set to meet again in 2013, jad’s allies have fought back with
main reformist parties said they after talks stagnated in 2012. smear campaigns.
would boycott the elections. Iran’s goal, some analysts say, is ing that nothing will move forward scholar at Princeton University. “In some ways Ahmadinejad’s
The political discord is on daily a grand bargain that recognizes its until Iran and the U.S. sit down and On the other hand, for a regime delusions of grandeur and insubor-
display in Iranian media, with prom- right to enrich uranium, lays out discuss their issues. Mr. Khamenei is with a legacy of anti-Western rheto- dination are now an asset for U.S.
inent political figures blaming one steps toward relief of sanctions, and not opposed to these talks in princi- ric, any concessions could diminish policy. If he’s not accommodated he
another for an economy withering addresses concerns such as a possi- ple but he needs reassurances that its stature at home and among its could sow divisions and crisis
from international sanctions and ble military strike by Israel, a stake the U.S. won’t meddle in Iran’s in- proxies abroad, specifically Hezbol- among Iran’s senior political elite,”
years of mismanagement, with a in a post-Assad Syria and assur- ternal affairs,” said Seyed Hossein lah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. making it difficult to compromise
plummeting currency and skyrocket- ances that the U.S. isn’t plotting for Mousavian, who was a member of Mr. Khamenei will only consider a with the West, said Karim Sadjad-
ing inflation. regime change in Tehran. Iran’s nuclear negotiating team until compromise if he feels there is suffi- pour, Iran expert at the Carnegie
For Iran, maintaining the status “In Iran many people are realiz- 2005 and is currently a visiting cient unity and stability inside the Endowment for International Peace.



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4 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Europe’s Recovery Hinges on Key Votes

Casualties of
Elections this year in two of the
euro-zone’s largest countries—Ger- The Crisis
many and Italy—cast a shadow over Unemployment in the euro bloc is
the Continent’s politics and compli- projected to worsen over the next year,
cate needed overhauls of the cur- straining a currency union that has
rency union. already weathered four years of crisis.
As the euro zone this week en-
ters its fourth year of a debt crisis EURO-ZONE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE
and the economic woes of Greece 12%
and Spain continue apace, much
work is needed to heal the Conti-
nent’s economy and ensure the
euro’s viability. 10
Italy votes first, on Feb. 24-25.
Former Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s
bid for a comeback is already mak- 8
ing politicians and markets anxious
around Europe, while Mario Monti,
who resigned last month, has laid
out a blueprint for his own leader- 6
ship of lawmakers from a slate of
like-minded parties.
In September or October, Ger-
many goes to the polls. Chancellor
Angela Merkel, seeking a third term,
is loath to take steps to help fund a
resolution to the crisis in Europe 2
that could cost German taxpayers
money and her conservative bloc
votes, analysts say. Germany’s long Projections 
campaign period is Europe’s biggest 0
headache, rather than who wins, be- ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14
cause the country’s major parties Sources: Eurostat (monthly unemployment rate);
European Commission (annual projections)
have similar policies in any case. Photo: Reuters The Wall Street Journal
The main question in Germany
will be what wins votes, “rather than
Municipal workers (left) rallied in
what is the best way of not reducing
Athens on Dec. 12 against public-sector
public indebtedness…and restoring
layoffs demanded by Greece’s
growth” to Europe, said Sony Kapoor,
international creditors.
head of economic-policy consultant
firm Re-Define. “We’ll be seeing deci-
sion-making put on ice.” Euro-zone unemployment, already highest level since the country’s re- them favorites to lead the next gov- politicians who want to loosen the
Many observers say that to re- at 11.7%, is projected to climb fur- unification, and most households ernment. But the weakness of Ms. purse strings again.
cover, Europe needs to reduce ther this year and peak in 2014, said don’t feel the economic slowdown Merkel’s current junior partners, the Other euro-zone leaders and the
Greece’s unpayable debt stock, build Jennifer McKeown, economist at yet. Germany’s rarefied state helps pro-business Free Democrats, makes markets are hope for continuity. “It-
a credible “banking union” that har- consultant Capital Economics. “The explain why Ms. Merkel is as popu- it unclear who her next coalition aly should be careful not to erode
nesses Europe’s collective financial recession is pretty clearly going to lar at home as she is demonized in partner might be.“There’s not that the credibility capital accumulated
muscle and rethink pan-European continue into next year,” she said. Europe’s struggling south. much that separates” German par- by Monti so far,” said Fabio Fois, an
austerity policies that many agree The outlook for Greece this year Many Spaniards and Greeks ties’ policies on the euro-zone crisis, analyst at Barclays. “We believe his
have pushed the euro zone into a is particularly grim. Economic activ- blame her for leading the calls for even between the Christian Demo- commitment to assuming a central
double-dip recession. ity, having shrunk more than 20% the harsh cuts to public spending crats and the strongly pro-European role in Italian politics would be the
In late 2012, the euro zone man- since 2008, is set to fall by a further they have endured; protesters some- Greens, Mr. Kapoor said. best way to preserve that in the
aged to shore up the stability of its 4.5%, according to the Greek gov- times portray her in Nazi garb. To An upset victory for the center- eyes of Italy’s European partners
financial system, reducing fears that ernment; many economists say the many Germans, she is a safe pair of left Social Democrats and their al- and financial markets.”
banks or government bond markets drop will be worse. Employment is hands, steering Europe slowly to- lies the Greens is possible. But it The contenders in the election
could collapse. But Europe’s workers collapsing, putting huge pressure on ward stability while safeguarding probably wouldn’t lead to greater fi- are still unclear. Mr. Monti has sug-
and businesses are hurting more society and on the fragile coalition German capital. nancial generosity by Germany to- gested he would head any coalition
than ever since the financial crisis government. Many Greeks fear 2013 “It is crystal clear that Angela ward the euro zone’s struggling that accepts his recipe for continued
began, and the pain facing the real is more likely to bring another bout Merkel is not going to be making any members, analysts say. recovery.
economy and the social fabric is set of political turmoil. bold, decisive decisions on [Euro- Italy’s election stands to be The danger for Italy, and Europe,
to worsen this year. Spain’s borrowing costs remain pean] integration before the German among the most important in the is a hung Parliament that can’t pass
The European Central Bank high and many analysts believe it elections,” said Nicholas Spiro, head nation’s postwar history. After a many laws. An indecisive result
hopes a strengthening global econ- could seek help from the ECB this of London consultant Spiro Sover- yearlong emergency government of could lead to repeat elections, pro-
omy and more stable financial mar- year, a step that would test the euro eign Strategy. “Many people have technocrats led by Mr. Monti, Italy longing the uncertainty and slowing
kets in Europe will lead to a recov- zone’s last financial safety net. Spain doubts whether any will be made af- has reduced fears that its finances the euro zone’s push for tighter eco-
ery this year. But the ECB thought remains in recession and unemploy- ter the election, either.” could unravel. But the economy re- nomic integration.
much the same for 2012, only to see ment is set to rise further. Ms. Merkel’s conservative Chris- mains in recession. Many Italian —Jonathan House and Brian
the downturn spread to the biggest Germany is another story. Em- tian Democrats have about 40% sup- voters are tired of austerity and job Blackstone contributed to this
economies of Germany and France. ployment there remains close to its port in the opinion polls, making losses, creating opportunities for article.

 ITALY “unregulated financial capitalism” that progress towards EU membership as it biased, unwarranted and bigoted downwardly revised 11.8% decline,
Man Scales Scaffolding afflict the world. He later appeared at presented for the first time its own attitudes,” Turkey’s EU Affairs Minister continuing a deteriorating trend seen
his studio window overlooking the report highlighting its reforms over the Egemen Bagis said in a statement since summer last year.
Around St. Peter’s Square piazza to wish thousands of people last year. accompanying Turkey’s own 270-page With the economy now in its fifth
A man has scaled the scaffolding below a Happy New Year. Mr. Turkey began accession talks in report. year of recession, the October figures
around St. Peter’s Square and draped a Jungarean’s protest didn’t appear to 2005 but the process has ground to a Reuters showed that Greeks had pared back
banner calling on Pope Benedict XVI to cause the pope any disturbance. halt due to an intractable dispute over their spending, mostly on items such
“Stop Terrorism.” Associated Press Cyprus, the divided island state which  GREECE as clothing and household goods by
The man identified himself on the Turkey does not recognize, and Retail-Sales Volume Falls, roughly 25% from a year earlier, while
banner as Julian Jungarean, a  EU opposition from core EU members it shrunk even in supermarkets by
Romanian who has previously scaled France and Germany. Helping Prolong Recession 16.7%.
Turkey Criticizes EU Report
the colonnade around the piazza. Despite waning domestic support Greek retail sales volume fell at an All categories of spending were
Witnesses say uniformed officers On its Membership Progress for joining the EU, Ankara has annual rate of 16.8% in October, data down from year-earlier levels in
were speaking with him from the Turkey accused the European Union continued to push for full membership from the Hellenic Statistical Authority October.
ground and a nearby roof. of bias and bigoted attitudes towards of the union and has said it wants to showed Monday, reflecting a slump in Nektaria Stamouli
The pope celebrated New Year’s the EU candidate country on Monday join before 2023, the centenary of the consumer confidence levels in the
Day Mass earlier Tuesday in St. Peter’s and blamed it for undermining the founding of the Republic of Turkey. recession-ravaged economy.
Basilica and said he was convinced Turkish public’s trust in the bloc. “We observed that this year’s The figures, which are adjusted for Online>>
that peace will prevail in 2013 despite Turkey criticized the European Turkey Progress Report was inflation and don’t include volatile fuel Follow the latest Europe news at
the inequality, terrorism and Commission’s latest report on its overshadowed by more subjective, sales, were worse than September’s
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 5


Dilemma Over
Nuclear Plans
Vexes Europe
BY GÉRALDINE AMIEL house gas—could jeopardize the

Alessandro Torello/The Wall Street Journal

AND ALESSANDRO TORELLO EU’s efforts to address concerns
about global warming.
FESSENHEIM, France—The France’s Socialist President Fran-
owner of the local nuclear power çois Hollande, who made the deci-
plant, Electricité de France SA, is sion to close Fessenheim and other
spending €20 million ($26.4 million) plants, said he seeks to transform
to upgrade it and extend its life his country “into a nation of envi-
span for another decade, seemingly ronmental excellence.”
breathing new life into this town on He plans to lower the share of
the German border. nuclear power in France’s energy
But the French governent—EDF’s mix to 50% by 2025. He has ex- Turbines at EDF’s nuclear plant in Fessenheim, simultaneously being upgraded and slated for closure.
majority shareholder—says it plans tended a ban on shale gas explora-
to close the site in 2016, amid an ef- tion and extraction, citing pollution ments discussed whether to extend try produces over 25% of its elec- plant initially came as a surprise.
fort to reduce the country’s reliance risks. the lifetimes of some of the coun- tricity from renewable sources and The French Socialists have tradi-
on nuclear power and promote re- An unusual coalition of labor try’s seven reactors. plans to increase this share to 35% tionally been strong supporters of
newable energy. unions and business leaders is Belgium could be missing as by 2020. the country’s nuclear program.
Amid uncertainty, EDF’s overhaul mounting opposition to Mr. Hol- much as 4,800 megawatts of capac- Germany’s green push is coming The move was applauded by his
is proceeding. But the conflict at lande’s environmental drive. ity—the equivalent of nearly five at a price: Electricity rates for Green Party coalition partners but
Fessenheim illustrates a broader di- In October, the directors of nuclear reactors—by 2017 as the households are among the highest also faced criticism.
lemma facing France and other Eu- France’s 19 nuclear plants sent a country awaits new energy sources in the EU and are expected to keep Leading the charge was Laurence
ropean Union countries. joint letter to EDF employees saying to come online, according to govern- rising. Consumer groups blame the Parisot, head of French business
Citizens have grown more wary that closing the nuclear plant here ment scenarios. high prices on a system of sur- lobby group Medef. She said France,
about the dangers of the atom since would be “a profound injustice.” In Germany, the Fukushima di- charges levied on retail power rates which has among the EU’s lowest
the March 2011 nuclear catastrophe “Together, let’s all stay mobi- saster gave new ammunition to to help subsidize renewable ener- electricity prices, would lose this
in Japan, and the political consen- lized,” they said. powerful antinuclear lobby groups. gies, and warn that public support competitive advantage if it closed
sus that once existed in some coun- Employees have posted signs on Days after the accident, the cen- for the government strategy could Fessenheim and other reactors.
tries around nuclear energy is crum- the barbed wire surrounding the ter-right coalition government of dwindle unless companies help According to some industry esti-
bling. Fessenheim plant protesting against Chancellor Angela Merkel ordered shoulder more of the cost. mates, as many as 24 of France’s 58
But phasing out nuclear power, the decision to close it. the immediate and permanent shut- In Maintal, a small city northeast reactors would have to be shut
which helps meet nearly 75% of Other European countries are down of eight reactors. Months of Frankfurt, Wilfried Dieling said down to achieve Mr. Hollande’s goal
France’s electricity needs and about grappling with similar problems. later, Germany concluded a legisla- his electricity bill is set to increase of reducing the share of nuclear
27% across the EU, could deprive In Belgium, where nuclear power tive process that would see its re- by about 15% in January. “It hurts,” power to 50% of overall electricity
the continent of a key source of en- accounts for roughly 55% of electric- maining nine reactors closing by the pensioner said, noting that he output.
ergy and jobs, making it more de- ity output, the decision to phase out 2022, reversing an extension of was refraining from heating his “The financial cost would be gi-
pendent on fossil-fuel imports. nuclear energy by 2025 was made their lifetimes that had just been glass-enclosed porch in the winter. gantic,” Ms. Parisot said at a recent
Higher fuel bills could also hurt nearly a decade ago. Yet, power set. “They make little people carry the conference.
European economies, economists companies have been slow to invest Germany also boosted its efforts load.” —Ruth Bender
warned. And closing nuclear reac- in new, mainly gas-fired electricity to expand renewable energies such In France, President Hollande’s and Jan Hromadko
tors—which emit little to no green- production, as successive govern- as wind and solar power. The coun- decision to close the Fessenheim contributed to this article.

Regaining Investors’ Confidence Key to Recovery

BY PAUL HANNON As a result, 2013 could become
another year of muddling through
The fate of Europe’s economy
Private Loss | Changes in EU GDP components from 2007 to 2011 for the crisis-weary continent.
this year largely depends on Amount, in billions Percentage change Most economists expect euro-
whether policy makers can convince zone growth to be essentially flat
businesses and households to in- Private consumption –€17 –0.2% this year, with a modest pickup in
vest—and that could take providing 2014. Jens Larsen, chief European
a clear path out of the region’s fi- Private investment –€354 –14.5% economist at RBC, expects the com-
nancial crisis. bined gross domestic product of the
Years of uncertainty have taken Government investment –€12 –4.2% 17 countries that share the euro to
their toll on private-sector confi- rise by just 0.1% in 2013, citing weak
dence. Private investment by busi- bank lending and fiscal tightening.
Government consumption €125 +5.0%
nesses and households in the 27 While the euro-zone economy as
members of the European Union fell a whole is expected to stagnate, sev-
by €350 billion ($462.63 billion) be-
Net exports €178 +170.5% eral members will likely experience
tween 2007 and 2011, according to a another sharp drop in output this
study by the McKinsey Global Insti- Total EU GDP year. Barclays expects Italy’s econ-
tute. omy to shrink 0.8%, Portugal’s to
2007 2011
More broadly, the European –0.6% contract 1.7%, Spain’s to shrink by
Commission, the European Union’s €12,408 billion €12,327 billion 1.5% and Greece’s to shrivel by 4.1%.
executive arm, expects total invest- Note: Data are in constant 2005 euros Source: McKinsey Global Institute The Wall Street Journal
That the currency area as a
ment in the euro zone—including whole is still expected to avoid a
that made by governments—will fall second straight year of contraction
0.6% this year, after having declined that money was put to use last year. standards. national government will ultimately in 2013 is largely down to Germany.
an estimated 3.5% in 2012. Nor is there much sign that busi- Philippe Gudin de Vallerin, chief have to surrender in order to ensure Europe’s largest economy has con-
The fall in investment has been nesses will come out of their shells European economist at Barclays, that there is no repeat of the cur- tinued to grow, if barely, in recent
damaging not just to economic in 2013. lays a large part of the blame for rent crisis. quarters. But with wages rising, un-
growth in recent years, but also to French utility GDF Suez SA said that lack of confidence at the feet of “There is still uncertainty about employment low and its exporters
Europe’s ability to grow in the fu- it planned to cut its capital spend- Europe’s political leaders, whom he the future, which is why business in- likely to benefit from a revival of
ture. And it is concentrated in those ing 20%, to €7 billion a year for criticizes for not having laid out a vestment is collapsing,” Mr. de Val- demand in other parts of the global
countries that are most deeply 2013 and 2014, partly in response to clear plan for the region’s future lerin said. “Businesses need a more economy, Germany’s economy is ex-
mired in economic difficulty: Europe’s economic troubles. Swed- governance. stable environment. The recovery pected to expand more strongly in
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, the ish engineering company Alfa Laval While EU leaders have agreed on will really be there when investment 2013.
U.K. and Spain. said it would limit capital expendi- common supervision of the bloc’s is coming back.” The continued weakness of the
It isn’t that European businesses ture to 2% of sales revenues in com- banks, they have yet to agree on a That uncertainty about Europe’s euro zone will likely continue to act
can’t invest, it is that they won’t. ing years, down from 2.5%. common system of deposit insur- future is unlikely to be resolved in a as a drag on its neighbors. However,
McKinsey estimates that far from The Commission’s headline mea- ance or a shared system for rescu- year when two of the EU’s big four economies in the U.K., Sweden, Po-
being short on funds, companies in sure of confidence in industry, serv- ing or closing down banks that get powers face elections. Italians will land and Switzerland are expected
the EU were sitting on a cash pile of ices and the retail sector improved into trouble. More broadly, it is un- go the polls in February, but Ger- to pick up this year as long as there
€750 billion at the end of 2011. in November after a long decline, clear how much control over their mans won’t elect a new government is no further deepening of the cur-
There is little evidence that any of but remains very weak by historic financial affairs and economic policy until September. rency area’s crisis.
6 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Checking the Economy’s Pulse work, the magic elixir of rising that produce efficiencies, new imperative to cope with adversity.
A Long Way to Go
$15 trillion 2001-2007 TREND

[ Capital ] living standards? companies and new ways of doing “It was the expansion of potential 14 GAP
There are worrisome signs. things. output during the Depression,
BY DAVID WESSEL One is a gauge closely watched He sounded pretty glum. After largely unappreciated because it 13
by the Federal Reserve as it tries to all, the U.S. has consistently defied took place against a backdrop of
The U.S. discern the pace at which the Fed forecasts that growth will perk double-digit unemployment, that
economy is economy can safely grow over time up. Maybe this isn’t temporary. laid the foundation both for 12
recovering slowly without generating inflation, But suddenly Mr. Bernanke successful war mobilization and for
from the financial known as its potential for growth. pivoted, looked ahead and predicted the golden age that followed,” 11
heart attack it A rule of thumb holds that confidently that “the effects of the writes Mr. Field, of Santa Clara
suffered in 2008. unemployment generally falls by crisis… should fade as the economy University in California.
Like a middle-aged man talking to half a percentage point for every heals.” The pace of growth will vary Will we look back at the 2010s 10
his doctors, it now asks: When will I percentage point of growth above with the ups and downs of the and see something similar?
feel like myself again? Will I ever the long-run trend. business cycle, of course, and with Perhaps. Mr. Field calls himself
get back to normal? Will it be soon? “The fact that unemployment demographics, but he sees no “agnostic.” 9 ACTUAL GDP
Seasonally adjusted
Things are getting better. The has declined in recent years despite reason to believe that the pace of There are bleaker views. annual rates, 2005 dollars
U.S. economy has been growing economic growth at about 2% economic growth and technological One holds that the credit 8
since the middle of 2009, suggests that the growth rate of progress has taken a big, permanent arteries of the economy are still
something that can’t be said of the potential output must have recently downshift from the prerecession blocked and that well-intentioned
euro zone, the U.K. or Japan. Yet it been lower than the roughly 2½% trend because of the crisis. but counterproductive government 7 Gross domestic product,
still has a long way to go. that appeared to be in place before This isn’t an academic policies are prolonging the pain in though growing, hasn't
Economic physicians aren’t sure the recession,” Fed Chairman Ben indulging his curiosity. In deciding housing and elsewhere. The recovered all the ground
6 lost during the
when, if ever, it will be as vigorous Bernanke said in a November how much monetary medicine to resulting stretch of very slow
as it was before. It probably won’t speech. give the economy, the Fed relies, in growth will be so long it will seem recession.
be this year. A percentage point may not part, on measures that compare the almost permanent. 5
Output of goods and services sound like much, but it adds up actual output of the economy to its Another argues that a slowdown
per person hasn’t returned to over time. At 2% a year, a $50,000 potential. Overestimating the in growth began to infect the 1997 2000 '05 '10 '12
prerecession levels, and probably household’s income grows to potential for growth can lead the economy before the financial crisis, Source: Commerce Department
The Wall Street Journal
won’t get there until the end of $82,000 in 25 years; at 2.5%, it gets Fed to overdose the economy and but economists didn’t realize it at
2013. The latest government tally to $93,000. generate unwelcome inflation, as it the time. Largely for this reason,
found 4.2 million fewer jobs than Mr. Bernanke cataloged the did in the 1970s. Fed officials have shaved their and airplanes.
four years ago. Economists reasons why the past few lousy Mr. Bernanke and like-minded long-term growth forecasts. In “What happened to the future?”
surveyed by The Wall Street years might have lingering effects: economists draw comfort from early 2011, they put the long-term asks Peter Thiel, co-founder of
Journal say the unemployment So many workers have been economic historian Alexander U.S. growth rate at 2.5% to 2.8%. PayPal. “We wanted flying cars;
rate, now 7.7%, won’t be back to sidelined for so long they may Field’s work on the Great Now they expect 2.3% to 2.5%. instead we got 140 characters.”
5.5% before 2016. never go back to work. Business Depression, which he calls “the Yet another camp questions
Lurking beneath the short-term investment declined sharply during most technologically progressive whether personal computers,
prognosis are bigger questions: Did the recession, leaving firms and decade of the century.” Amid all cellphones and the Internet, for all Online>>
the financial crisis do long-lasting workers less to work with. the pain, he argues, came long- the hoopla, will prove as Daily news and analysis from
harm to the economy’s muscle? Individuals, businesses and lasting innovations in products, economically significant to the Economics Editor David Wessel and
Has it slowed growth in investors may be so shaken that production processes and way Americans live, shop and Washington Bureau Chief Gerald F.
productivity, or output per hour of they will take fewer of the risks transportation, some forced by the work as electricity, air conditioning Seib at

Cliff Deadline Past, House Grapples With Compromise

Continued from first page I feel very, very good.”
reservations about the deal. The changes in tax rates that
“This shouldn’t be the model for were agreed to between Messrs. Bi-
how to do things around here,” Mr. den and McConnell would raise
McConnell said on the Senate floor roughly $600 billion in new revenue
shortly before the vote. “But I think over 10 years. While that would rep-
we can say we’ve done some good resent the largest tax increase in de-
for the country. We’ve taken care of cades, it would be less than 20% of
the revenue side of this debate.” the revenue that would have come
One of the most strident oppo- in if policy makers allowed all the
nents to the bill was Democratic current tax breaks to expire on New
Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa. Speaking Year’s Eve.
on the Senate floor shortly before The Biden-McConnell deal is a
the vote occurred, he railed against classic compromise that included
the compromise, saying it benefited something for everyone to love—
the wealthiest Americans at the ex- and hate. The key question is
pense of those who could afford it whether the positive components
least. “Maybe now we are all believ- and the pressure of the Jan. 1 dead-
ers of trickle-down economics. Not line are enough to neutralize the
I,” Mr. Harkin said, declaring he parts that raise objections.
would vote against the legislation. For Republicans, the bill includes
Major elements of the compro- the bitter medicine of the first in-
mise would: come-tax rate increase since 1993, a
Permanently raise tax rates to violation of the anti-tax orthodoxy
39.6% on income over $400,000 for that has defined their party. On the
individuals and $450,000 for jointly other hand, it would codify the
filing couples. Bush-era lower income-tax rates for
Raise taxes on capital gains most Americans as permanent law,
and dividends for those households, ending the recurring battles over

from the current 15% to Clinton-era how long they will endure.
levels of roughly 20%. For Democrats, the bill’s tax in-
Limit the value of personal ex- Vice President Joe Biden, arriving at the Capitol on Tuesday, sought to round up Democratic support for a cliff compromise. crease makes good on their party’s
emptions as well as the value of marquee promise in the 2012 elec-
itemized deductions, two restric- would be replaced by tax increases do much for the short-run deficit ei- prove an increase. tion to raise taxes on upper-income
tions that would kick in at $250,000 and cuts in other programs. ther. The delay in the spending cuts Americans and not the middle class.
for individuals and $300,000 for The Senate compromise measure By waiting until the last minute, will run out about the same time. In But many Democrats, especially lib-
married couples filing jointly. Those continues an existing pay freeze for and by cutting a deal on a much effect, Congress has delayed the fis- erals, were infuriated that the bill
limits disappeared in 2010. members of Congress for the cur- smaller scale than either side once cal cliff by erecting a new and po- set the income threshold as high as
Set the estate tax rate at 40% rent fiscal year, but doesn’t extend envisioned, Washington also de- tentially more dangerous one. $450,000.
on estates over $5 million, up from the pay freeze for federal workers. ferred many of its thorniest ques- Mr. Biden, asked about the out- Heading into a meeting with Mr.
the 35% that applies now to those The wider deal doesn’t do much tions, though perhaps for only a few look for the compromise, told re- Biden and Senate Democrats, Sen.
over $5.12 million. That isn’t as high to control the U.S.’s long-term bud- weeks. In late February or early porters that his long experience on Clare McCaskill of Missouri said,
as the 45% rate Mr. Obama sought get woes, which are driven largely March, the Treasury Department the Hill taught him two things. “You “Nobody’s happy—that means it’s
with a $3.5 million exemption. by entitlement spending, especially will run out of extraordinary mea- shouldn’t predict how the Senate is probably a compromise.”
Delay for two months part of on health care, left untouched in sures to deal with the government’s going to vote before they vote—you —Corey Boles, Carol E. Lee,
the $110 billion in spending cuts this agreement. And depending on borrowing limit—which it otherwise won’t make a lot of money,” he said. Andrew Ackerman
that otherwise would have taken the budget math and the ultimate would have reached on Monday— “And you surely shouldn’t predict and Patrick O’Connor
place in early January—cuts that fate of the spending cuts, it may not and Congress would need to ap- how the House is going to vote. But contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 7


Congress Ushers in New Veteran Troop


A decade of war is ushering in the

largest crop yet of Iraq and Afghani-
stan veterans to serve in the Con-
gress, marking something of a chang-
ing of the guard as World War II
veterans all but disappear from Capi-
tol Hill.
The new class of former service-
men—and two women—comes as the
ranks of veterans in Congress dwin-
dles. Some 16 members of the incom-
ing 113th Congress to be sworn in this
week served in Afghanistan or Iraq,
according to data from Iraq and Af-
ghanistan Veterans of America. Nine
are new members.
Rep.-elect Tom Cotton (R., Ark.)
believes this is just the beginning of a
Associated Press (2)

wave of service members from Af-

ghanistan and Iraq likely to pursue
congressional office in coming years.
These veterans “are still entering the
sweet spot of their professional life,”
said Mr. Cotton. The new Congress will include the addition of a new generation of veterans. Left: Rep.-elect Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii), is a combat veteran. Right: Rep.-elect Tom
Raised on a cattle farm, Mr. Cot- Cotton (R., Ark.) served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans comes as the total number of veterans in Congress has been in decline.
ton, 35 years old, earned a law degree
at Harvard Law School. He left his pri- the 9% who served at the time of vice members come from working- Duckworth (D., Ill.), who flew combat ing into the national security fray. He
vate practice to volunteer as an Army World War II, when there was a mili- class families who don’t have access missions in Iraq as a captain in the recently penned an op-ed column
infantryman and served as a platoon tary draft. “Maybe it’s an appropriate to the fundraising networks necessary National Guard and lost both legs slamming the prospect of former Sen.
leader in Baghdad. Later, he was de- representation,” said Rep.-elect Scott to run for political office. when her helicopter was hit by a gre- Chuck Hagel of Nebraska serving as
ployed to Afghanistan. Perry (R., Pa.), 50, who enlisted in the “We have less people in Congress nade. the next secretary of defense. Mr. Cot-
Even with the influx of new veter- Pennsylvania Army National Guard now that have a deeper understand- With so few veterans roaming the ton took issue with a 2006 column
ans, the next Congress will include the and served in Iraq for a year. ing of the needs that our veterans halls of Congress, newcomers may Mr. Hagel wrote, calling for a troop
fewest number of former service In the 113th Congress, World War have after they come back,” Mr. Celli also gain quick authority on national withdrawal in Iraq.
members in decades, according to II veterans will have nearly disap- said. He pointed to debates over bene- security and foreign policy issues, Mr. If nothing else, having served in
data from the American Legion. In peared. With the death of Sen. Daniel fits under Tricare, the health care Cotton said. combat can put Beltway traditions in
1977’s 95th Congress, 412 members Inouye (D., Hawaii), only three re- program for military personnel and The military background helps better perspective. As incoming mem-
had served in the military. In the 113th maining members served in that war: retirees, as an area where veterans’ “you understand in a more tactical bers groaned over the office lottery to
Congress, that number will drop to Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D., N.J.), Rep. voices could make a difference. and frontline sense the implications of determine where members would set
103, including six from the Korean John Dingell (D., Mich.) and Rep. As Rep.-elect Tulsi Gabbard (D., the decisions we make in Washing- up shop on the Hill, Mr. Cotton
War and 52 from the Vietnam War Ralph Hall (R., Texas). Hawaii) put it, there is value in ton,” he said. “People experience do- couldn’t help thinking: “It could be
era. Louis Celli, the legislative director “knowing what the cost of war really mestic policy every day. That’s not the worse. You could be under a poncho
During the past decade of war, for the American Legion, said it can is.” Ms. Gabbard, 31, will be one of the case with foreign policy.” in an ice storm in the woods.”
fewer than 1% of Americans have been be a challenging transition from mili- first female combat veterans in Con- Even before the new Congress is —Andrew Grossman contributed to
on active duty, a sharp contrast with tary service into politics. Many ser- gress, along with Rep.-elect Tammy sworn in, Mr. Cotton has begun wad- this article.

New Measures Rule—From Marriage to Marijuana

BY DAN STRUMPF ment of same-sex marriage from the come effective on Tuesday to raise
Obama administration early in 2012 revenue to help fund the Affordable
Measures that legalize same-sex after Vice President Joe Biden Care Act, which requires that unin-
marriage and loosen marijuana re- backed the idea. sured Americans have health insur-
strictions are among the new and Not every state is opening the al- ance or pay a penalty starting in
sometimes contentious laws taking tar to same-sex couples: 37 have 2014.
effect across the country at the start passed laws restricting marriage to Several states passed laws con-
of the new year. relationships between a man and a cerning insurance coverage for au-
Maryland’s Civil Marriage Protec- woman, according to the NCSL. In tism. Alaska, for instance, will enact
tion Act becomes law on Tuesday, California, which previously allowed a law on Tuesday requiring private
bringing the number of states that same-sex marriages but currently health insurance plans to cover the
have legalized same-sex marriage to bans them, a new law takes effect on diagnosis, testing and treatment of
nine, plus the District of Columbia, Tuesday that allows clergy who ob- autism-spectrum disorders for peo-
according to the National Confer- ject to same-sex marriage to avoid ple up to age 21. The law will make
ence of State Legislatures, a biparti- officiating at such ceremonies. The Alaska the 31st state to pass autism
san group that conducts research for U.S. Supreme Court will enter the insurance reform, according to the
Associated Press

state governments. debate in 2013 by taking up the NCSL.

The same-sex marriage laws cap question of the constitutionality of More states will crack down on
a year in which the issue took on a both California’s gay-marriage ban dangerous driving practices. In Ohio,
heightened profile in many state- and the federal Defense of Marriage police will begin issuing tickets
houses and ended up on November Act, which defines marriage as the Jake Dimmock waters plants at a medical-marijuana dispensary in Seattle. around March 1 to drivers caught
ballots in several states. They also legal union of one man and one Washington state’s voters have approved recreational pot use. texting while driving. In Missouri, a
join a raft of new statutes across the woman. law takes effect in October requiring
country this year that address issues Marijuana users in Washington mental-health providers offering so- tion in the last year. drunk drivers—for at least 72 days
related to such topics as marijuana and Colorado celebrated after voters called conversion therapy aimed at State Rep. La Shawn Ford, a after their conviction—to have an in-
use, health care, social media and there in November approved recre- changing the sexual orientation of Democrat who introduced the Illi- terlock mechanism that unlocks only
dangerous driving. ational pot use. On Tuesday, Wash- patients under 18. The law is meant nois law, said the measure was par- after a sober driver blows into the
“In a number of places—but not ington will implement a law that li- to outlaw such therapy, which has tially in response to constituents device.
most places—attitudes have shifted” censes producers and dispensaries been criticized by many psycholo- who complained they were being The prize for some of the most
on same-sex marriage, said Jack for medical-marijuana users, and gists as ineffective and possibly asked by employers—primarily in unusual new laws likely goes to Illi-
Tweedie, director of the children both states are set to enforce regula- harmful. The ban was set to go into the law-enforcement and banking nois. One measure taking effect in
and families program at the NCSL. tions later this year for sale of the effect Tuesday, but a federal appeals sectors—for access to their Face- 2013, aimed at protecting children,
“Most states still have laws and con- drug to recreational users. For now, court in December delayed it, pend- book accounts. prohibits sex offenders from distrib-
stitutional amendments that pro- however, sale of the drug for recre- ing a decision on the law’s constitu- “You wouldn’t ask for anyone’s uting candy on Halloween or work-
hibit same-sex marriage and I don’t ational use remains illegal in those tionality. password for the ATM machine or ing as Santa or Easter Bunny imper-
think we should expect rapid change states, and federal law still prohibits Laws governing social media are password for their voicemail,” Rep. sonators. Another requires middle-
in that number.” marijuana possession. taking hold in a variety of states. In Ford said. “Passwords are very pro- schoolers in the state to learn how
The implementation of Mary- “There’s no mechanism by which Illinois, for instance, a law kicks in tected.” to use a defibrillator.
land’s same-sex marriage law will people can legally sell it yet,” said on Tuesday making it illegal for em- Meanwhile, 2013 will mark the —Justin Scheck,
come just three days after a similar Ann Marie Painter, a partner at the ployers to request social-media start of a number of rules related to Arian Campo-Flores,
measure became law in Maine, and law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius passwords or account information the Obama administration’s health- Valerie Bauerlein,
almost a month after Washington LLP in Dallas. from employees or job applicants. care overhaul. Several new taxes, in- Mark Peters, Caroline Porter and
state legalized gay unions. The mea- California passed another atten- California, Delaware, Maryland and cluding a 2.3% tax on products sold Nathan Koppel
sures followed a surprise endorse- tion-grabbing law in 2012: A ban on New Jersey passed similar legisla- by medical-device makers, will be- contributed to this article.
8 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Year of Political and Economic Struggle

 AFRICA which Mr. Peña Nieto wants to open
Mining Riches Spark Quarrels, to foreign investment, and introducing
competition to Mexico’s television
Draw Foreign Investor Interest sector, which is currently dominated
Africa’s resource riches have drawn by Grupo Televisa SAB and TV Azteca
scores of foreign investors, notably SAB.
from China and India. The high-stakes Nicholas Casey
scramble has also stoked renewed
tensions among African neighbors that  CHINA
threaten to become bigger conflicts in Eyes on Xi, Li as New Guard
Where border tensions are Tackles Economy, Corruption
particularly high on the continent, oil China’s new leadership is expected to
and gas is usually involved. Or provide the first indications of its
sometimes gold. Or water. commitment to restructure the
Sudan and newly independent economy, overhaul foreign policy and
South Sudan came to the brink of war combat corruption in 2013, following the
last year after repeated clashes along completion in March of a once-a-decade
their ill-defined, oil-rich border—they change in political power.
still haven’t agreed on a security pact Xi Jinping, who became Communist
to restart trans-shipments of crude. Party chief in November, will become
Tanzania and Malawi are bickering president at the meeting of the
over the location of a common border National People’s Congress—the rubber-
after Malawi awarded a gas stamp parliament—while Li Keqiang,
exploration license to a U.K company. No. 2 in the new party leadership, is
And the most recent flare-up in expected to take the reins of the
Congo’s eastern region involves gold- economy as premier.
smuggling rebels who the United Many other state and government
Nations alleges have the backing of posts—including the heads of
both Rwanda and Uganda. Both ministries and regulatory bodies—will
countries deny the accusations that also be announced or approved during
they are funding and advising the the meeting, at which departing

insurrection, or benefiting from any Premier Wen Jiabao will deliver his
gold that moves across their borders. final “work report” reviewing the
Given the importance of food Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto has an ambitious reform agenda—but no majority in Congress. government’s achievements over the
security, frictions are rising as well past year.
over water that would flow into the question of all: Whether opposition With the succession complete, the
continent’s farmlands. Egypt and figures such as Nobel laureate Aung new leadership will face mounting
Sudan have sparred with Ethiopia over San Suu Kyi will be permitted to exert domestic and international pressure to
the latter’s plans to build a giant dam serious influence over policy in the provide details of how it plans to tackle
on the Blue Nile, a major Nile tributary. country—or be relegated to secondary the vested interests in China’s economy,
The troubles underscore how well- roles as former military officers and move from an export-oriented
positioned the African continent is to continue to call the shots? growth model to one driven by
draw foreign investment as levels of Patrick Barta domestic consumption.
energy, minerals and food stocks come In the wake of the Bo Xilai scandal,
under pressure elsewhere. But with  JAPAN China’s leaders are also expected to
fresh investment, old disputes and A New-Old Leader Jolts face strong calls from the Chinese
hostilities are bound to resurface. public to make systemic changes
Whether African nations can prevent Economic, Foreign Policies backing up their rhetoric on corruption
new fights from erupting will depend Japan heads into 2013 with a new and abuse of power. Mr. Bo’s trial,
on these countries finding the political leadership determined to shake things expected at some point in the year,
and economic incentives to maintain up. could refocus attention on those
peace. First, the economy. New-old Prime issues.
Peter Wonacott Minister Shinzo Abe, who staged a Internationally, meanwhile, foreign
Associated Press

comeback last month after resigning governments are anxious to see if the
 MYANMAR from the top post in 2007, has new leadership will try to repair
Investors Watch Reforms declared war on Japan’s chronic relations with neighbors alarmed at
deflation, thought to be a prime culprit China’s growing military muscle, or
To See if They Are for Real in the country’s two so-called lost Will Aung San Suu Kyi be given an opportunity to influence Mynmar policy? maintain the assertive diplomacy that
Myanmar surprised the world over decades of stagnation. triggered the U.S. strategic “pivot”
the past 18 months with blockbuster Mr. Abe is pressing Japan’s central controls but China also claims. the Institutional Revolutionary Party, toward Asia.
reforms ending decades of harsh bank to adopt a much more muscular On two key issues likely to come to which ruled Mexico for most of the Jeremy Page
military rule. The big test will come monetary policy, including an inflation a head this year, Mr. Abe has kept 20th century but was swept to the
this year, though, when investors and target and “unlimited” easing. That mum: Japan’s participation in a pan- sidelines in 2000.  EGYPT
political activists find out if the rhetoric is already weakening the yen Pacific free-trade pact, and the future President Enrique Peña Nieto, who Economic Weakness Threatens
changes will stick—and if Myanmar against the dollar, and economists of the country’s nuclear program. The began his six-year term in December,
can start to fulfill its promise as one expect the trend to accelerate this Trans-Pacific Partnership, as it is has an ambitious agenda—from Steps Toward Democracy
of the world’s hottest new emerging year. called, is favored by Japan’s struggling quelling Mexico’s drug violence to Egyptians, weary from two years of
markets. The Abe government is also exporters and by the U.S., but opposed confronting its biggest monopolies. political upheaval and violence, begin
Recent troubles have given proposing to boost jobs and output by politically powerful interest groups But with no majority in Congress, he 2013 facing two crises—an immediate
observers cause to worry. Sectarian with a big dose of government from farmers to doctors. Japan will need to keep the backing of threat of economic ruin and a longer-
violence between minority ethnic- spending, casting aside fiscal watchers say the government is leaders from both left and right to term battle to form the foundation for
Rohingya Muslims and majority constraints Japan’s previous unlikely to touch the issue until after push ahead on a reform agenda. the country’s fledgling democracy.
Buddhists in western Myanmar has administration had put into place to national elections during the summer, On the drug war, the president has Islamist President Mohammed
left more than 180 people dead since corral the country’s runaway debt. The when Mr. Abe hopes to solidify his signaled a shift from taking down big- Morsi’s most urgent task is to heal an
June. A harsh crackdown on activists stimulus could prompt a growth spurt grip on the legislature. name drug lords to focusing on economy teetering on its own cliff’s
protesting against a Chinese-backed in the world’s third-largest economy. It On energy, Mr. Abe’s cabinet has measures to reduce violence in areas edge. In mid-January, Egypt’s
copper mine in November raised fears could also send bond yields soaring, said it is revisiting the previous that were hard hit by the fighting, government will return to
Myanmar’s leaders haven’t yet learned leading some economists to float an administration’s proposal to eventually chiefly along the northern border. consultations over a long-delayed $4.8
to manage dissent without force. unlikely but distressing scenario of shut down the country’s nuclear Leaders will also begin recruiting billion International Monetary Fund
Myanmar leaders say they intend skyrocketing inflation and capital flight, plants; Mr. Abe and his advisers are 10,000-member gendarmes they say loan seen by many as the country’s
to stay the course, though, and that spreading a European-style sovereign- said to lean toward keeping them will aid the police and military, expand last hope to fill a budget deficit set to
2013 will be an even bigger year for debt crisis to Japan. open. But with a majority of Japan’s a new system in which courtroom reach $13 billion. Mr. Morsi will need to
reform. Among other things, they have Then, Mr. Abe has said he wants to populace opposed to atomic energy trials will take place in open push through tax increases, make
promised more freedom for the press overhaul Japan’s relations with the following the devastating 2011 nuclear courtrooms rather than behind closed serious cuts to Egypt’s bloated energy
and bigger investments in power, world, particularly the U.S. and China. accident in Fukushima, Mr. Abe is likely doors, and continue cooperation with and food subsidy regime, and possibly
communications and tourism Just what that means is still unclear, to move cautiously—slowly restarting the U.S. under the $2 billion Merida shrink its massive bureaucracy.
infrastructure to make Myanmar more but look for increased military some of the 48 reactors that have Initiative, a security cooperation That will be a tall order for Mr.
viable for foreign capital. Investors will spending, a sterner tone vis-à-vis remained offline since the months agreement. Morsi, who is also running a deep
also be watching to see if the Beijing and an early visit to President after the accident. Mexico’s new leadership will try to deficit of political trust. Members of
government grants more independence Barack Obama, likely this month. How Phred Dvorak make the economy its main focus. Mr. Egypt’s sizable, secular-leaning
to Myanmar’s central bank, lets foreign Mr. Abe handles China is of particular Peña Nieto has already passed a labor- minority are outraged by Mr. Morsi’s
banks expand in the country, and concern to Asia watchers, because ties  MEXICO reform law that curbs some union Islamist agenda and maximalist
encourages foreign competition in between the two countries have New President Tries to Turn powers and eases the hiring of attitude toward power. The Islamists’
sectors such as telecommunications frayed badly since the Japanese workers. declining popularity leaves an opening
and natural resources. government in September bought a Attention to Economic Opening Next up are reforms to state-run for Egypt’s sidelined liberals.
And then there is the biggest handful of little islands that Japan For Mexico, 2013 marks the return of monopolies like Petróleos Mexicanos, Matt Bradley
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 9


Hong Kong
Is Target
Of Protest
Associated Press

HONG KONG—Tens of thousands

of people marched in Hong Kong on
the first day of 2013 to call for the
city’s Beijing-backed leader to step
down over allegations he was un-
truthful about illegal renovations at
his home and to press for full de-
Police said 26,000 people joined
the march at its peak Tuesday, while
organizers said 130,000 took part.
They carried banners and
chanted slogans urging the leader,
Leung Chun-ying, to resign.
Some held signs depicting Mr.

Leung as Pinocchio or with wolflike

fangs, a play on Mr. Leung’s nick-
name, the wolf. One demonstrator
Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, giving his New Year’s address on Dec. 27. Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, right, speaking in Brasilia on the same day. was dressed as a wolf wearing a

Brics Fade as Engine of Growth

Communist Red Guard uniform, a
reference to fears over Mr. Leung’s
close ties to China’s leaders. Many
waved Hong Kong’s British colonial-
era flag.
In the evening, about 2,500
BY BOB DAVIS Europe, it didn’t stop there. The more infrastructure projects. A citing safety concerns, though crit- members of a small radical group
Brics nations weakened because number of analysts project China’s ics say China wants to retain much briefly blocked several roads after
BEIJING—Not too long ago, the they lost big export markets and growth in 2013 should top 8%. of the shipping business for Chinese they were stopped by authorities
Brics nations looked like they might sources of financing and investment. “China should be able to gener- carriers. from marching to Mr. Leung’s offi-
be able to provide a powerful engine In 2009, China’s vast stimulus ate a positive impulse for growth,” Russia has its own problem, in- cial government residence. At one
of growth for the global economy. plan helped shore up commodity said RBS analyst Louis Kuijs, as im- cluding the woes of the European point, protesters pushed and shoved
Don’t count on it for 2013. prices, which helped its Brics part- ports of commodities and other Union, Russia’s main trading partner with police.
Brics refers to some of the stars ners—for Russia on oil and gas, for goods pick up. and the largest buyer of Russian oil In a sign of the widening politi-
of the emerging markets—Brazil, Brazil or iron ore and agricultural Modest gains by other Brics na- and gas. cal divisions in the semiautonomous
Russia, India, China and South Af- goods; and for India and South Af- tions aren’t likely to matter nearly As for South Africa, the country’s region 15 years after Britain handed
rica—which together represent 40% rica on minerals. But China itself as much internationally. India, with violence remains a barrier to control back to China, thousands of
of the world’s population. But only slowed in 2012, as did the other four nearly the same population as growth. Since police shot and killed other Hong Kongers joined a rival
one of the nations, China, has the Brics nations, which all are expected China, has an economy just one- 34 platinum miners near Johannes- march held in support of Mr. Leung
economic heft to make a major dif- to register slower growth for 2012 third the size of China’s. With infla- burg in August, labor turmoil has on the same day by pro-government
ference internationally on its own, than they did the previous year, ac- tion in India above 7% and large cur- crippled the mining industry and groups.
and it is just now starting to come cording to JP Morgan. The bank rent-account and budget deficits, hobbled manufacturers. Standard & Organizers of that march said
out of a slowdown. The other four predicts all but Russia will see mod- growth isn’t the country’s main con- Poor’s Ratings Services and Moody’s 60,000 people took part while police
nations face economic challenges est improvements in 2013. cern. Investors Service downgraded South put the number at 8,000.
ranging from inflation to inadequate “The government has now little Africa’s debt in the past three The day of demonstrations came
foreign investment to labor unrest. choice but to press for fiscal consol- months, saying they feared the gov- half a year after Mr. Leung took of-
Since 2009, the leaders of the Weaker Brics idation,” said an RBS analysis, to re- ernment wouldn’t be able to quell fice after being chosen by a 1,193-
group have held four leaders sum- duce deficits and reassure investors the unrest and wider social tensions. member committee of mostly pro-
Annual change in GDP:
mits. South Africa, which joined the the country isn’t a candidate for de- Looking to give the group more Beijing elites. He won the job of
group at the end of 2010, is hosting CHINA fault. New Delhi is focusing on push- cohesion and economic purpose, the Hong Kong’s leader, known as the
2011 9.3%
the fifth summit in Durban, South 2012 FORECAST* 7.6% ing through politically difficult re- BRIC nations have proposed to cre- chief executive, after a scandal over
Africa, in March 2013. But the hope INDIA forms that would boost foreign ate a Brics development bank, but an illegal basement brought down
that the Brics countries would help 6.5 investment, open up closed sectors even that effort has come to high- his rival.
one another through increased 5.2 and spur infrastructure spending. light the group’s divisions. Illegal structures were later dis-
trade, investment and political sup- RUSSIA Brazil, with its history of hyper- Liu Youfa, vice president of the covered at Mr. Leung’s house,
port hasn’t panned out. Officials and 4.3 inflation, is also on guard for a re- China Institute of International prompting lawmakers to accuse him
analysts from Brics nations say they 3.6 surgence in inflation, which may Studies, a Chinese government think of covering it up and calling for his
act as much as rivals as allies, and SOUTH AFRICA limit its potential for growth in the tank, attended a September session impeachment. Demonstrators are
their lack of cohesion adds to their 2.3
coming year. of Brics academics in Chongqing, using the controversy to push for
economic problems. BRAZIL A number of Brazil analysts say China, whose aim was to fill in de- full democracy for Hong Kong.
China complains that other Brics 2.7 that the country’s mix of high tax tails of the bank proposal. The Mr. Leung’s popularity has
countries increasingly target it in 1.0 rates, poor infrastructure and heavy bank’s financing would be reserved plunged since he took office because
anti-dumping suits. Brazil objects to *Forecast made Dec. 14, 2012; Source: J.P. Morgan government intervention in indus- for member nations, including fund- of the scandal over his house and
Moscow’s restrictions on Brazilian tries gives it a natural speed limit of ing for big infrastructure projects other controversies.
agricultural imports. Russia is trying about 3.5% a year. Attempts to push and engineering contracts, he said. Mr. Leung “is not honest. As
to turn itself into a major farm ex- “These countries face so many the economy to go faster through Construction would benefit China, chief executive, he cannot convince
porter, which is bound to heighten domestic problems,” said Arvind stimulus spending would also speed whose firms build roads, dams and the public that he is a leader with
competition with Brazil. Slower Subramanian, a former IMF senior up inflation. airports around the globe. credibility,” said Sandy Chung, a
growth in China and India pushes economist who is now at the Peter- “There are too many economic But other countries have differ- clerk. “I don’t want Hong Kong to be
down commodity prices, which son Institute for International Eco- bottle necks right now,” says David ent plans for the bank. South Africa led by a person without credibility.”
hurts South Africa and Russia. nomics in Washington. “The com- Beker, a senior economist at Bank wants the funding to be available for Another protester, designer Cal-
“The Brics is not about the econ- mon dynamism they had is coming of America based in São Paulo. other developing nations. India, vin Tse, said he was upset that he
omy,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, an ana- under question.” The country’s leaders have tried which proposed the development didn’t have a say in choosing the
lyst who chairs an influential Krem- For China, 2013 looks as if it will to rely on their ties with other Brics bank, likes the idea of infrastructure city’s leader.
lin foreign-policy advisory board. yield somewhat faster growth than nations to help out economically. financing but fears that China wants “We don’t even have a vote, he is
“The bloc sees itself as an alterna- 2012, when its economy is expected President Dilma Rousseff was in to run the bank mainly to make elected by a small group of people.
tive to the West, but not a confron- to show a 7.6% increase, according Russia to meet with President Vladi- yuan loans and further the interna- We cannot use our voting right to
tational one, like Iran.” On the eco- to JP Morgan, the slowest pace in mir Putin in December 2012 and in- tional use of China’s currency, “One express our view no matter how his
nomic front, Brics nations “have more than a decade. China slowed vited Prime Minister Dmitry Medve- country wants to dominate due to performance is,” Mr. Tse said.
different, sometimes conflicting in- because European and U.S. export dev to come to Brazil for the annual its financial standing, which would Hong Kong was handed back to
terests,” he said. markets shriveled, but also because Carnival celebration in February. not be acceptable to the others,” China in 1997 and granted Western-
The Brics view themselves as an the country’s leaders, wrestling with But Brazil’s efforts haven’t said Brahma Chellaney, an analyst style civil liberties not seen on
alternative to the Group of Seven in- the legacy of the stimulus spending, yielded much more than photo ops with the Centre for Policy Research, mainland China. Beijing has pledged
dustrial nations—U.S., Canada, imposed restrictions on real estate so far. The biggest disappointment a New Delhi think tank. that Hong Kong’s leader can be di-
France, Britain, Germany, Italy and to deflate a housing bubble. for Brazil has been China’s refusal to —Patrick McGroarty in rectly elected by 2017.
Japan—politically and economically. Now, feeling more confident that buy more Brazilian goods. China has Johannesburg, John Lyons in São Full democracy for the legisla-
But the economies of the Brics and it has housing and banking problems declined to allow giant Brazilian Paulo, Alexander Kolyandr in ture, where some representatives
the G-7 remain interlocked. When under control, officials have been ships designed specifically to bring Moscow and Romit Guha in New are chosen by business groups, is
the U.S. financial crisis spread to easing restrictions and approving iron ore to Chinese ports to dock, Delhi contributed to this article. promised for 2020.
10 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Global Brewers Face Challenges in India

BY SIMON ZEKARIA including Rockman’s Beer Island,
Flat Market | India’s taste for beer is weaker than its appetite for spirits cricket-themed Howzatt and Dool-
Diageo PLC’s November acquisi- ally have appeared in Gurgaon and
tion of a majority stake in United Pune.
Spirits Ltd. has brought India into “Consumption is moving toward
focus as a lucrative market for the milder and more premium brands of
liquor business. But despite India’s beer. If foreign beer makers can sort
huge population and strong eco- out [access] they would find con-
nomic growth, beer makers still face sumers willing to experiment,” says
an uphill task in the world’s second- Sunita Sachdev, an analyst at UBS.
most-populous country. But these are small steps and
The average Indian drinker con- challenges remain. Aside from re-
sumes 1.7 liters of beer a year, com- strictions on alcohol in parts of the
pared with more than 37 liters in country, India’s bureaucracy is a
China and 74 in the U.S., according block to significant growth. Alcohol
to Euromonitor. India’s spirits mar- sale and distribution are restricted
ket is far more developed, largely by cross-border import, export and
because of the popularity of Scotch excise tariffs, forcing beer compa-
whisky, with average annual con- nies to open breweries everywhere
sumption of two liters in India tally- they want to do business, which in-
ing more closely with 3.4 liters in creases production costs and cuts
China and 5.6 in the U.S. This ex- efficiency.
plains the United Spirits deal, in “The nature of regulation in In-
which London-based Diageo agreed dia is a little bit more complex than
to pay as much as $2 billion. A man on a motorbike rides past the factory of United Breweries, which manufactures Kingfisher beer in India. most other markets,” says SAB-
“India is almost unique. There is Miller’s Mr. Lanzarotti, who calls for
a [spirits] ladder for people to World’s largest beer and spirits markets by volume in 2011 a “homogeneous” tax structure. But
climb. You have country liquor, BEER in billions of liters SPIRITS in billions of liters he believes change will come over
which is really cheap hooch. Then the long term. “By definition, it is a
Indian-made foreign liquor, [grain] slow burn,” he says.
whiskey, whiskey with malt and bot-
China 48 China 4.4 Carlsberg’s Mr. Lauridsen agrees.
tled-in-Scotland imported blends,” “You realize that it will be an im-
U.S. 24 India 2.2
says Bernstein analyst Trevor Stir- mense task for the central govern-
ling. ment to take away the excise auton-
Several factors are cited for In- Brazil 13 Russia 1.7 omy that the local state
dia’s relatively low beer consump- governments have today,” he says.
tion. Taxes based on volume, rather India 1.9 U.S 1.7 “It is difficult to create a market
than alcohol content, make beer ex- when your hands are tied behind
pensive, with federal and state im- Source: Euromonitor International Photo: Reuters The Wall Street Journal your back,” says Ernst & Young ana-
port duties as high as 100%. Brew- lyst Andrew Cosgrove. It means sig-
ers also have to contend with nificant deal making in India isn’t a
inadequate cold storage, limited re- Anheuser-Busch InBev SA, the owned by Carlsberg, SABMiller and Life, and Indus Pride, with spices priority. “I don’t hear the global
tail space and restrictions on adver- world’s biggest brewer, and Can- United Breweries, respectively. such as cardamom and fennel. Beer beer companies talking a lot about
tising. Attitudes toward alcohol can ada’s Molson Coors Brewing Co. High-alcohol lager constitutes 80% festivals take place in cities such as [acquisitions],” he says.
be negative; in Mahatma Gandhi’s have around 1% each. of the market, and is perceived as a Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. “There is huge potential [in In-
birthplace of Gujarat, for example, “Our approach is not just to de- masculine, good value as a substi- Beer “is not a huge market, but dia], but the uncertainty and the
prohibition is still enforced. fend our territory. Rather it is to try tute for liquor. The challenge for there is significant headroom for complexity make that potential very
India also is a tough market for and make our position even stron- companies such as AB InBev, Carls- growth,” says Paolo Lanzarotti, difficult to realize,” Mr. Cosgrove
brewers to enter. The dominance of ger,” says United Breweries Manag- berg, SABMiller and the Nether- SABMiller’s managing director in In- says.
Bangalore, India’s United Breweries, ing Director Kalyan Ganguly. lands’ Heineken NV is to change dia. “The premium space is growing Mr. Lauridsen says that despite
controlled by tycoon Vijay Mallya, is European and North American perceptions in India and to establish at a rate of knots.” Carlsberg’s ambition to be the fast-
getting stronger; the brewer’s share brewers still feel the market is a more lucrative, Western-style beer Soren Gronnegaard Lauridsen, est-growing beer company in India,
of Indian beer consumption rose to worth pursuing, given its recent market, with a broader variety. Carlsberg’s managing director in In- significant consolidation is unlikely.
57% in 2011 from 43% five years ear- growth. Beer volume in India rose To do that, brewers are changing dia, says consumers are shifting to Mr. Lanzarotti agrees that acqui-
lier, says Euromonitor. London- 12% to 1.9 billion liters in 2011, ac- flavors and selling pricier and more Western styles of drinking. “You are sitions aren’t the main priority.
based SABMiller PLC’s share has cording to Euromonitor, and is ex- profitable brews to young, profes- seeing people, including women, “There are a large number of very
dropped to 24% from 37% in the pected to grow to about $5.6 billion sional Indians. United Breweries in- drinking beer from the bottle. I small beer players out there. There
same period. Denmark-based Carls- in 2016. troduce milder varieties of its best- don’t think you would have seen is opportunity, but we remain fo-
berg A/S’s modest presence of 7% Indians have a clear preference selling Kingfisher lager and pushes that even five years ago.” cused primarily on organic growth,”
today is slightly above local compa- for strong beers, as shown by the minority shareholder Heineken’s Craft beer, generally made by he says.
nies Mohan Meakin Ltd. and Mount relative success of brands such as flagship beer. SABMiller rolled out small and independent brewers, is —Rumman Ahmed
Shivalik Industries Ltd. Belgium’s Elephant, Knock Out and Bullet, American-style lager Miller High growing too. Urban microbreweries contributed to this article.

Shell Arctic Rig Runs Aground Off Alaska’s Coast

BY TOM FOWLER more than two decades. slipped from the rig as it faced 35-
But the ambitious drilling ven- to 45-foot seas and 50-knot winds.
Royal Dutch Shell PLC suffered ture—monitored by rival companies, At around 8:10 p.m. Monday, op-
another setback in its attempt to the U.S. government and environ- erators of a tow ship tethered to the
drill for oil in U.S. Arctic waters mental groups—has encountered Kulluk, the Alert, decided to discon-
when an offshore rig ran aground problems from the outset. The drill- nect when the rig was about four
after breaking free from tow ships in ing season started later than miles from shore, citing safety con-
high seas. planned because of lingering sea ice. cerns for crew members. The rig
The Kulluk, a drilling rig oper- The other drilling rig, the Noble Dis- crew already had been evacuated.
ated by Noble Corp., struck Sitkal- coverer, almost ran aground when Darci Sinclair, a Shell employee
idak Island, an uninhabited area its anchor slipped in Dutch Harbor, serving as spokeswoman for the uni-
about 300 miles southwest of An- Alaska. fied accident command, said the
chorage late Monday, according to a Also, an important piece of spill- Coast Guard was expected to make
joint statement by Noble, Shell and response equipment was damaged another flight over the rig Tuesday,
the U.S. Coast Guard, which were co- during testing, leading Shell to scale weather permitting, to determine
ordinating their response to the ac- back plans to drill six wells to just the next step in salvaging the Kul-
cident. two wells. A Coast Guard inspection luk.
The rig has about 139,000 gallons of the Noble Discoverer, conducted Even before Monday’s grounding,
Associated Press

of diesel on board, along with about after the drilling season, discovered other oil-exploration companies had
12,000 gallons of combined lubrica- problems with the ship’s propulsion taken note of Shell’s challenges in
tion oil and hydraulic fluid. A Coast and safety systems. the Arctic. Norway-based Statoil
Guard helicopter that flew over the Shell spent more than $4.5 bil- ASA said it would delay plans to
rig didn’t spot any immediate signs lion in permits, personnel and The mobile drilling unit Kulluk on Sunday, before it ran aground drill in the U.S. Arctic Ocean by at
of leaking fuel. equipment over six years to assure least a year because of Shell’s expe-
Shell used the Kulluk and an- regulators and native Alaskans that The rig that ran ashore Monday failed during a storm. riences. France’s Total SA said last
other rig to drill exploratory wells in its work would be safe and environ- first ran into problems on its way In Monday’s accident, Coast year that the risks of an oil spill in
the Arctic Ocean off Alaska’s north- mentally benign. The company has back from the remote drilling site Guard vessels and another tow ship environmentally sensitive areas such
ern coast last year, the first such op- said it plans to return to the Arctic last week. While it was being towed hired by Shell went to the Kulluk’s as the Arctic were too high for com-
erations in U.S. Arctic waters in Ocean this year despite the setbacks. to Seattle, the engines of a tow ship aid but tow cables repeatedly panies to continue drilling there.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 11


Region’s Game Board Is at a Crossrail

BY SARAH KROUSE and is now home to some of the
Linking London | The Crossrail will connect hubs in the city’s east and west city’s top financial-services compa-
Throughout the London region, nies. More recently, the city spent
construction crews are burrowing roughly £6.5 billion building venues
tunnels, laying track and beginning and infrastructure for last summer’s
to build stations as part of the larg- New station Tunnels to be built Seven Kings Olympics. The games were a hit as a
est addition to the city’s public Existing station Track to be built or upgraded Forest sporting event, but it is too early to
transportation system since World Gate Ilford tell whether they will lead to a long-
War II. Maryland term improvement to East London,
But even before the crews ar- Stratford Park the rundown section of the city
rived, investors were making big where events were mostly held.
bets on how the new system, named LONDON Another new station will be in
Crossrail, will change the game
2 3 the Olympic Park area. “The U.K.
board of one of the biggest real-es- Acton 1 government is very good at invest-
Main Bond Liverpool Custom House
tate markets in the world. Specula- Street ing public money to create the infra-
Line Street
tors have been bidding up values of structure that allows private invest-
properties near the new stations on Wharf ment to happen in those areas,”
the route. mes R i v e r says Peter Lowy, chief executive of
Developers including Derwent Woolwich Westfield Group, which invested
2 miles Abbey
London PLC and Great Portland £1.5 billion in a retail and entertain-
Estates PLC are moving ahead with 2 km ment complex next to the Olympic
plans for big mixed-use projects, be- Park, Europe’s largest urban shop-
lieving that Crossrail will increase ping center.
demand. “We always bought in The idea of connecting key hubs
these areas” near planned Crossrail on the east and west sides of Lon-
stations, says John Burns, Derwent’s don dates back to the days of Win-
chief executive. “But when Crossrail ston Churchill and evolved over de-
started to become more than an cades into a plan to link stops in the
idea, we started to buy more.” center of the city with regional sta-
Last summer in Farringdon, the tions. The plan finally reached criti-
former Guardian newspaper head- cal mass in 2008 when it was ap-
quarters was put up for sale and proved by Parliament, allowing the
more than 20 investors submitted project to be funded by future fares,
bids. The winning bid, by Viridis 1 Tottenham Court Rd. 2 Farringdon 3 Whitechapel taxpayers and a special levy on busi-
Real Estate, was for £29 million Cost: £1 billion Cost: More than £200 million Cost: £110 million nesses in London. Crossrail is ex-
($47.1 million), £5 million more than pected to carry 200 million passen-
the asking price. Daily passengers: 102,000 Daily passengers: 88,400 Daily passengers: 71,400 gers a year, increasing the city’s rail
David Hookey, a broker at prop- passenger capacity by 10%.
erty consultancy DTZ who worked
Minutes to Heathrow Airport: 28 Minutes to Heathrow Airport: 31 Minutes to Heathrow Airport: 36 Crossrail already has worked
on the deal, says the Crossrail sta- £1 billion = $1.62 billion with developers at five sites and
tion planned nearby boosted inter- Sources: Crossrail (map, renderings); Morgan Sindall Group PLC; Ferrovial Agroman The Wall Street Journal plans to begin marketing a site in
est. “It was one of the most compet- Farringdon in late 2013.
itively chased properties in the Derwent is planning a 25,500
market last year. To get so far above other global financial centers by timated the new project could in- that will make travel to the com- square-meter project on top of the
the asking price was quite unex- easing congestion on the existing crease the capital value of residen- mercial hub much faster. The trip planned new Crossrail station at
pected.” rail network and reducing the travel tial property in central London by from Heathrow Airport to Canary Tottenham Court Road, and Great
Scheduled to open in 2018, time between destinations. as much as 25% near some stations Wharf will be shortened to about 40 Portland plans to submit an applica-
Crossrail will bring new connections The project already is providing and boost the capital value of office minutes from one hour. tion to the city in 2013 for a mixed-
and capacity to the region’s rail net- much-needed jobs in the city’s con- buildings near stations by as much But that could hurt other land- use project on a 0.9 hectare site it
work, partly by adding about 21 ki- struction industry, which is strug- as 10% over the next decade. lords because Canary Wharf’s rents owns nearby.
lometers of tunnels under central gling with the U.K.’s weak economy. But Crossrail could wind up be- are lower than in other office cen- Meanwhile, near the planned sta-
and southeast London. They will In 2012, the City of London—the ing a boondoggle. Detractors say it ters. “People don’t talk about the tion at Farringdon, Henderson
connect a system that will have a central financial district—had the is too expensive and serves stations losers here,” says John Lutzius, an Global Investors is planning two of-
total length of 117 kilometers with lowest level of new office-building that already exist along London’s analyst with Green Street Advisors. fice and retail developments, and a
37 stations, eight of them new. completions in 25 years, according subway and regional rail lines. “But one potential negative is that partnership between Axa Real Es-
The government of Prime Minis- to property consulting firm Drivers Moreover, real-estate experts the low-cost market is becoming tate Managers and the family trust
ter David Cameron is moving ahead Jonas Deloitte. note that some property owners will more accessible.” of Iranian and British academic
with the £15 billion project because Proponents of the project also benefit at the expense of others Mega-development plans in Lon- Nasser Khalili is building a 19,500-
it believes that modern rail is criti- contend that it will open up new once the system opens. For example, don have had a mixed record over square-meter office project. Gold-
cal to London’s growth and eco- parts of London for development. a big winner is expected to be prop- the past 25 years. The Canary Wharf man Sachs Group Inc. also owns a
nomic health. Planners say Cross- An October report by consultant erty owners in the Canary Wharf office development struggled for site in the area that could house a
rail will help London compete with GVA, commissioned by Crossrail, es- area, which is getting a new station years, but finally gained traction 93,000 square-meter project.

For London’s Office Towers, It’s About Location

BY DARREN LAZARUS tors like the insurance industry, as nine million square feet, or 836,00 resulted in a space glut, although it 2007, developer Arab Investments
well as media and technology. As a square meters, of space in 2012, has contributed to the market weak- Ltd. began demolishing a building in
Five months after the Shard sky- result, some office-building owners down 19% from the 25-year average ness. Indeed, according to Green Bishopsgate with a plan to replace it
scraper in London celebrated its are riding out the economic storm volume of 11.1 million square feet, Street, developers delivered an av- with the tallest building in the City
near-completion with a laser show surprisingly well considering that according to Drivers Jonas Deloitte. erage of 4.3 million square feet per of London, a 288-meter tower
and party attended by Prince An- the U.K. just emerged from a dou- The slowdown is primarily a re- year between 2008 and 2011. The named the Pinnacle.
drew, it still hasn’t completed a ble-dip recession. sult of weak demand from the finan- historical yearly average between However, construction of the
lease for any of its 54,800 square Robert Noel, chief executive of cial sector, which had been the larg- 1987 and 2011 was 4.6 million $1.6 billion development stopped a
meters of office space. Land Securities Group PLC, says est single source of demand in 2006 square feet. year ago, leaving seven stories of
But a few kilometers away, in the demand from these other sectors and 2007, accounting for one-third As a result, the performance of concrete jutting from the ground.
city’s insurance district, another demonstrates that the city isn’t hos- of all leasing activity. the new projects has been heavily Real-estate industry executives now
new development scheduled to open tage to the fortunes of investment During the first nine months of determined by their location. An- have a new tongue-in-cheek name
in 2014 is doing much better. The banks. “It’s a global trading hub and 2012, financial companies leased other development in the insurance for it: “The Stump.”
Leadenhall Building, nicknamed it’s the global center for wealth just 695,000 square feet in Central district—nicknamed “The Walkie The Shard, in the city’s South
“The Cheesegrater” for its distinc- preservation in all its forms.” London, or just 13% of the overall Talkie” because it resembles a tele- Bank section, is the tallest sky-
tive wedgelike design, is now 51% Investors had been worried leasing volume, according to Knight phone handset—is one-third leased scraper in London and includes a
preleased after securing Aon Corp. about the market after the first re- Frank LLP. But the insurance indus- even though it isn’t scheduled to be Shangri-La Hotel set to open later in
and Amlin PLC as tenants. cession hit. At the time, a flurry of try hasn’t been suffering the con- completed until the spring of 2014. 2013. The Renzo Piano-designed
The mixed fortunes of the two new development was underway, in- tractions being seen by banks and But the 41,000-square-meter Heron tower, which is costing more than
projects illustrate the crosscurrents cluding the Shard and the Cheeseg- securities firms. And media and Tower in the Financial District, $650 million to build, is being de-
at work in the London office market rater. Many of the new buildings technology firms have expanded, ac- which opened in March 2011, is only veloped by Sellar Property Group
these days as the U.K. struggles were in London’s traditional finan- counting for 1.57 million square feet about one-third leased. with financial backing from Qatar.
with a weak economy. cial district, where planners have of leasing in the first nine months of About a kilometer away, the Irvine Sellar, chairman of Sellar
On one hand, demand is weak encouraged tall, modern buildings in 2012. That was 29% of the overall roughly 35,600-square-meter Wal- Property, remains optimistic and
mainly because of contractions by part to stay competitive with Ca- volume, compared with only 14% of brook Building has attracted just says that there are likely to be im-
many banks and securities firms. nary Wharf. the volume for the sector in 2006, two tenants since its completion in minent announcements about leas-
But real-estate experts say the office To be sure, there has been plenty Knight Frank says. February 2010. Some projects ran ing activity at the Shard at the be-
market is showing some signs of of pain in the market in recent Landlords also are encouraged into big problems even before they ginning of 2013. “We are not doom
health thanks to demand from sec- years. Office tenants leased only because the new development hasn’t were completed. For example, in and gloom,” he says.
12 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Gautam Naik/The Wall Street Journal

Irina Nikolajeva was isolated for months for treatment of a drug-resistant form of TB. The expansion of TB among low-risk patients—such as Ms. Nikolajeva in Estonia—is raising alarms.

Estonia Wages Fierce War

Against Drug-Resistant TB
Nation’s Success Is Bright Spot but It Takes Years, and Pricey Treatments, to Gain the Upper Hand
BY GAUTAM NAIK model for others. But there is one catch: It “There are no borders” for tuberculosis,
Tartu, Estonia takes years and some pricey treatments just Reining in TB said Masoud Dara, the WHO’s TB adviser for
to gain the upper hand. Europe, based in Denmark. Several coun-

ll along the edges of Western Europe, “The easy ones are treated,” said Martin Number of new and relapse multidrug- tries in the region lack resources for strong
new and hard-to-defeat strains of tu- Kadai, a public health adviser at Estonia’s resistant tuberculosis cases in Estonia TB programs, he said.
berculosis are gaining a foothold, of- ministry of social affairs. The toughest pa- A key part of Britain’s response to multi-
ten moving beyond traditional victims—al- tients, he said, remain. 120 drug-resistant TB is a “virtual electronic
coholics, drug users, HIV patients—and into In Western Europe, drug-resistant committee” that puts the details of newly
the wider population. strains of TB are starting to make a wider diagnosed cases on a secure website to be
Which is why Irina Nikolajeva, a petite appearance. In 2011, Britain reported 421 80 shared with some doctors. Inspired partly
2012: 45
34-year-old former furniture saleswoman, cases of drug-resistant TB, a 26% jump from by Estonia’s approach, the system was
spent the better part of four months in vir- the previous year. Most Western Europe crafted by a group of TB experts who be-
tual lockdown here in 2011. She was resis- cases can be traced to the TB-racked east- 40 came worried about the rise in British TB
tant to all but one of 10 TB drugs. Nobody ern half of the Continent. (In contrast, there cases.
could figure out how she even caught the were 124 case of drug-resistant TB in the 20 The system isn’t yet recognized by the
disease. U.S. in 2011.) 0 U.K.’s National Institute for Health and Clin-
“NAKKUSOHT!” declared a bright red Nearby nations, including Serbia, Kos- 1998 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10 '12 ical Excellence, or NICE, which sets medical
sign just steps from her tiny, bare isolation ovo, Montenegro and hard-hit areas in Rus- Source: Tartu University Hospital guidelines. Because of that, it captures only
room. “DANGER OF INFECTION!” To see her sia, have sought Estonian advice in their The Wall Street Journal half of all multidrug-resistant cases in Brit-
18-month-old daughter, she initially needed own fight against the disease—and they ain, said Peter Davies, a physician at the
Skype. “I could see my child running around need it. The 15 countries of the former So- Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital and
at home,” Ms. Nikolajeva recalled. “She’d viet Union, as well as Romania, Bulgaria and program for nearly a decade. founder of the MDR-TB committee. “We
say, ‘Hello, Mama.’ ” Turkey, together harbor more than 85% of At least 30% of all new TB cases in East- need NICE to recognize the service,” he
Estonia’s aggressiveness—and only re- TB cases, and 96% of multidrug-resistant tu- ern Europe are now resistant to key front- said. “But I don’t see how this is going to
cently, its success—in turning the corner berculosis, or MDR-TB, found in Europe, ac- line drugs. The equivalent official rate is 6% happen in the next year or two.”
against drug-resistant TB offers one of the cording to the World Health Organization. for China and 2.1% for India, though the lat- A spokeswoman for NICE said it doesn’t
few bright spots globally as the ancient “Eastern Europe is in a disastrous situa- ter is probably an underestimate. (In abso- usually set guidelines for such projects. In
plague mutates into new and more deadly tion with MDR-TB and it risks compromis- lute numbers, India and China have far an emailed response, a spokesman for the
forms. Indeed, experts say the country, with ing anything you can do” globally, said Ma- more multidrug-resistant cases because of U.K.’s department of health said that, “de-
half the population of Chicago, could be a rio Raviglione, who has led the WHO’s TB their larger populations.) spite the rise in cases, drug-resistant strains
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 13

of TB are still relatively uncommon in the infectious agent.
U.K.” While Estonia and other countries in the
Meantime, along the edges of Western Eu- region were under the boot of the Soviet em- The Exception to a Trend
rope, the expansion of TB among low-risk pa- pire, TB was relatively rare. But after the Estonia's efforts come amid a wider appearance of drug-resistant strains of TB in Eastern Europe
tients—such as Ms. Nikolajeva here in Esto- U.S.S.R. collapsed in the early 1990s, the and Russia.
nia—is raising alarms. About 40% of Estonians health system foundered. Many patients Share of TB cases with MDR-TB
were apparently healthy when they got in- stopped following the proper TB-drug regi- New cases of 100,000 0 2% 32%
fected, just as she was. men. That bred mutant resistant strains. TB in 2011
As part of the country’s efforts to rein in Within a few years, Estonia faced a public-
the disease, its doctors can under a 2003 law health emergency. 1% 10%
forcibly hospitalize infectious TB patients, The response got kick-started in the
which they did about 10 times in 2012. In her mid-1990s when neighbors including Finland,
case, Ms. Nikolajeva agreed to her hospital Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland—fear- 1,000
stay. She was confined for four months in iso- ful that TB would spill into their territory—of-
lation, in a sparsely furnished room that re- fered help. Then Estonia embarked on bolder,
sembled a prison cell and was painted a homegrown initiatives.
gloomy green. Yet it is the country’s unusually Estonia banned pharmacies from selling TB
harsh regimen of confinement and intensive drugs, in order to prevent patient misuse that ESTONIA
drug treatment that has helped dramatically can fuel drug-resistance. India is now planning RUSSIA
slash the number of cases of drug-resistant TB a similar strategy to fight its own TB problem.
here. All TB-related drugs and hospital stays are
Ms. Nikolajeva received up to six drugs a now provided free to patients by the govern-
day, including one by injection. During that ment. Estonia benefits from a TB drug-pur-
time, she occasionally did get to see her hus- chasing arrangement it has with the WHO, but
band and their infant daughter, but the meet- it still costs up to $5,000 to treat an MDR pa-
ings had to occur away from her room, in the tient over a two-year period. In countries that
open air. Tuberculosis is most easily transmit- don’t have such arrangements, the tab can
ted by inhaling the bacteria that cause it. reach $10,000 or more.
If doctors hadn’t hospitalized Ms. Nikola- Also in place is a WHO-promoted plan that
jeva in isolation, “she could have infected even encourages patients to come to clinics and
more people in society,” said Manfred Danilo- take their daily dose of TB drugs under the
vits, a doctor involved in her care and an ar- watchful eye of a health worker. This is to en-
chitect of Estonia’s TB strategy. sure that people stick to the regimen. Missing Source: World Health Organization The Wall Street Journal
The effort has helped the tiny nation stage even a few treatments can allow drug-resis-
an effective comeback against both regular TB tance to build. A patient who follows the regi-
and multidrug-resistant strains. As recently as men for a week is rewarded with a €10 compared with older systems that take days. fell to 46 kilograms from 52 kilograms, accord-
1998 Estonia was one of the leading exhibits in voucher, worth about $13, that can be used to Estonia is ahead of many countries in this ing to Lea Pehme, another doctor closely in-
TB’s global hall of shame, reporting 824 cases buy various things (but not alcohol). regard. In the U.S., for instance, the device volved in Ms. Nikolajeva’s care. In August, af-
of all types of TB, a very high level for a rela- One of Estonia’s toughest challenges is doesn’t yet have regulatory approval for use ter several more tests—X-rays, a skin test and
tively prosperous country of only 1.3 million treating difficult patients who either don’t on TB. India is only beginning to install Gen- a bronchoscopy—she was finally diagnosed
people. know they are infected or who simply won’t eXpert machines. with an especially severe type of multidrug-re-
For 2012, the Baltic nation expects to re- follow their drug regimen. About 45% of the Also central to Estonia’s TB effort is the sistant TB: She was resistant to all but one of
duce the number of overall TB cases to fewer country’s TB patients, for example, have alco- close attention paid to every case. Once a 10 drugs.
than 300, and multidrug-resistant cases to 45 hol or drug problems. So now, when people month, a half-dozen TB doctors from across Her husband and daughter tested negative.
from about 100 in 1998. As a result, Estonia is come in for addiction treatment, they auto- the country gather to discuss patients. Re- “I thought I might not be cured, I might die,”
now on the verge of becoming a “low inci- matically get tested for TB, too, in hopes of cently, the group assembled in Tartu to go said Ms. Nikolajeva.
dence” TB country, according to criteria set by catching the sick earlier. over 35 cases. One was a 51-year-old man with Her doctors, too, were “pessimistic,” said
the World Health Organization. The country has also revamped its creaky drug-resistant TB. Fed up with being in isola- Dr. Danilovits, who oversaw her treatment. If
Estonia’s efforts to tame TB are by no Soviet-era lab network with state-of-the-art tion, he walked away before the treatment was all drugs fail, doctors sometimes have no op-
means over. About half of the new TB patients equipment. On a recent morning, at one of the finished. tion but to stop providing them entirely. At
each year suffer from alcoholism, drug abuse main TB labs at Tartu University Hospital, a On a laptop, Dr. Danilovits displayed an X- that stage, there is almost nothing more that
or HIV, making them the toughest cases. technician used a microscope to study a new ray of the man’s lung, marked with telltale can be done.
Nonetheless, “Estonia has done it right,” patient’s sputum sample. A smattering of fluo- signs of the disease. The man had been rehos- Ms. Nikolajeva was sequestered in a tiny
said Lee Reichman, a TB expert and professor rescent orange spots could be seen, indicating pitalized, he said, “But the response hasn’t room in the 25-bed TB hospital in Tartu. She
of medicine at New Jersey Medical School in TB. been good so far.” didn’t like the idea of being in isolation. “But
Newark, N.J., who has studied the country’s TB The sample would later be placed in an- In June 2011, Ms. Nikolajeva, the young I was terrified that if I went home, I would in-
program. “They made TB a priority.” other machine for testing against a range of woman with the toddler daughter, came down fect my child,” she said.
Some 8.7 million people world-wide fell ill drugs. That step would indicate whether the with severe bouts of coughing and a weeklong Too unwell to read, Ms. Nikolajeva passed
with TB in 2011 and 1.4 million died, the vast patient had regular TB or the drug-resistant fever. A friend persuaded her to see a doctor, the time watching a small hospital-supplied TV
majority of them in poorer countries. After variety. The lab boasts a costly machine, Gen- who suspected pneumonia and prescribed an- placed on the window sill. After six weeks, Ms.
HIV, tuberculosis is the second-biggest killer eXpert, that can diagnose TB and identify a tibiotics. Nikolajeva was allowed a visit with her hus-
world-wide that can be attributed to a single common type of drug resistance in two hours, Ms. Nikolajeva felt no better. Her weight band and daughter. They took a walk in a
nearby park.
Ms. Nikolajeva received five or six drugs
each day. The powerful medications made her
weak and nauseated. One powdered medicine
she found especially repulsive. “I would put it
on the table and stare at it for 15 minutes” be-
fore taking the plunge, she recalled.
One day, a new patient arrived in the room
next door. She had two children, including a
newborn. But her family lived 200 kilometers
away. “I helped her get through the initial
shock of being isolated,” said Ms. Nikolajeva.
“We discussed baby matters.”
The new patient taught Ms. Nikolajeva to
knit. Ms. Nikolajeva crafted a summer hat for
her daughter. “I didn’t know the size,” she
said. “I later found out it was too small.”
A year ago in November, Ms. Nikolajeva left
the hospital. The TB had largely cleared from
her lungs, and she was no longer deemed to be
infectious to others. She had regained some
In about three months’ time, provided all
goes well, she can stop taking the drugs. It will
mark the end of a treatment odyssey that will
have lasted two years.
On a recent morning, as snow fell in whis-
pers and winter tightened its grip on this
northern nation, Ms. Nikolajeva returned to
the clinic to take her daily dose of TB medi-
Gautam Naik/The Wall Street Journal

cines. There, she popped a series of pills and

signed a register, with a nurse watching on.
“It was great to pack up my things and fi-
nally go home,” Ms. Nikolajeva said. “But there
was no celebration.”

Watch an interview with Manfred Danilovits, an
A TB clinic at Tartu University Hospital in Estonia. The country offers one of the few bright spots globally as TB mutates into more deadly forms. architect of Estonia’s TB strategy, at
14 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Bankia Disaster

ankia, Spain’s fourth largest lender tory, few doubted that the lender would Some have speculated that internal Courts made noises last summer
and the tattered emblem of the still be making headlines eight months disagreement over the treatment of pref- about leveling charges against Mr. Rato
country’s banking crisis, has been later. The real revelation in this unhappy erence shareholders contributed to and other Bankia execs. But neither the
delisted from the IBEX 35 following last saga is the degree to which politics has Spain’s months-long delay in formally re- ruling People’s Party nor the opposition
week’s announcement that the bank has shaped and impeded the rescue process. questing EU bailout funds. Madrid agreed Socialists have much reason to push for
negative equity of €4.1 billion. Shares are The major sticking point has to do last month to compensate some of those a judicial shakedown that would impli-
trading at less than a fifth of their July with those preference shares. Burden- investors without using EU money, but cate both sides.
2011 debut price, and holders of the sharing with private investors lowers the some shareholders are pushing for an of- Bankia stands as a reminder that
bank’s preference shares are threatening cost of bank recapitalization to the Span- ficial inquiry into Bankia’s failure. Spain’s property bubble—and the bank-
legal action for the losses they will take ish state and is required under last year’s That might prove a step too far for ing crisis that is its aftermath—had its
under the bank’s EU-sponsored rescue. bailout agreement with the EU. But the Madrid. In December an investigative roots in the intertwining of government
Various protest groups have camped out- many thousands of holders of Bankia magistrate summoned former Bankia and finance. Until the crash, Spain’s cajas
side Bankia’s Madrid headquarters over preference shares were largely retail in- chairman Rodrigo Rato, who served as were community institutions closely tied
the past few months, demanding investi- vestors, and many seem to have been re- Spain’s finance minister in the Aznar to regional governments, and bank
gations into cooked books and mis-sold tirees. Numerous legal cases have been government and then as the Interna- boards and regulators were peopled by
financial products. filed alleging that Bankia misrepresented tional Monetary Fund’s managing direc- party insiders willing to overlook lend-
When Madrid announced last May that the risks associated with these products, tor, for a private hearing—where Mr. ers’ real-estate excesses. Spain will see
Bankia would need a bailout to repair the and the political pressure to cover share- Rato blamed everyone but himself for more disasters like Bankia’s until these
largest yearly loss in Spanish banking his- holder losses has been intense. Bankia’s demise. links are fully wrung out.

The Elephant in the Courtroom

on’t worry, kids. Elephants are different from the nice outfit that looks eral court found that the plaintiffs had mal Protection Institute United with
staying in the circus. And the an- out for the well-being of homeless and no standing to sue under the Endan- Born Free USA, the former employee
imal-rights activists who tried to lovable dogs and cats. gered Species Act and that the former and the lawyers who prosecuted the bo-
drive them out are paying a price for Twelve years ago the ASPCA and Ringling employee was “not credible” gus case.
their abusive litigation. On Friday Feld other activist outfits joined with a for- and “essentially a paid plaintiff and fact “This goes way beyond economics,”
Entertainment, producer of the Ringling mer Ringling employee to sue the com- witness” whose only source of income says Mr. Feld. He adds that the “level of
Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, pany under the Endangered Species Act. during the litigation was the animal- harassment” that his elephant trainers
announced a legal settlement under The claim was that Ringling was abus- rights groups that were his co-plaintiffs. undergo from activists is almost “un-
which the American Society for the Pre- ing Asian elephants. Perhaps the activ- Mr. Feld says the $9.3 million pay- bearable” and that “the activists are
vention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) ists figured the circus would fold up its ment from the ASPCA represents less trying to bring down an American insti-
has paid $9.3 million to the company. big top and write a check. than half of what his company has had tution.” The longtime Ringling boss ar-
Yes, you read that correctly. A spe- Not on Chairman and CEO Kenneth to spend defending itself against the gues that he is the trustee of a tradition
cial-interest group sued a corporation Feld’s watch. He’s been working in the “manufactured litigation” from the ac- “older than baseball” that offers a van-
and in the resulting settlement it was family business since 1970 and tells us tivists. But he seems likely to recover ishing commodity for American fami-
not the business but the activist group that he’s “proud of our animal care and more. His company is continuing its liti- lies: affordable G-rated entertainment.
that had to write a check. The case is I’ll put it up against anyone in the gation against the Humane Society of Mr. Feld’s legal victories ensure that
an example of how the ASPCA has be- world.” the United States, the Fund for Animals, the Ringling tradition will continue, but
come increasingly politicized and much After nine years of litigation, a fed- the Animal Welfare Institute, the Ani- the larger winner is the cause of justice.

Stockton Tries a Chrysler

he municipal bankruptcy unfold- The city issued these pension obliga- has challenged the city’s attempt to having run out of cash, is going the
ing in Stockton, California is giv- tion bonds which temporarily juiced city “transfer the cost of lucrative, above- Chapter 9 route.
ing investors a bad case of deja coffers and served as an arbitrage tool market employee wages and benefits, Dozens of cities in California includ-
vu. Just as the Obama Administration for city politicians who wanted to get in granted when tax revenues were flush, to ing Oakland, Sacramento and Los Ange-
bailed out the United Auto Workers in on the booming stock market. Stockton capital market creditors by haircutting les are slouching toward insolvency, but
Chrysler’s bankruptcy while hanging officials bet they could save money by bond principal.” In none of the 43 mu- only a few such as San Jose and San Di-
bondholders out to dry, the city of Stock- borrowing at a rate 200 basis points be- nicipal bankruptcy filings over the last ego have taken on the unions and re-
ton is subordinating its bond debt to low the 7.75% yield that the California three decades has principal been structured worker retirement benefits.
worker pensions. But what’s really scary Public Employees’ Retire- slashed. Many are instead borrowing to pay their
is that the Stockton case could be re- ment System promised The California city Assured Guaranty fears retirement obligations just as Stockton
played in dozens of California cities. and invest the bond pro- that other cities will fol- did, thereby shifting the risk of paying
The San Joaquin Valley’s second larg- ceeds in the pension fund.
uses bankruptcy to low Stockton’s bad exam- for pensions to the bond markets. Oak-
est city filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy But Calpers’s actual re- stiff bondholders ple. The Bay Area suburb land approved $210 million in pension
last summer after a three-month media- turns have fallen short of
tion with creditors and unions ended in the city’s borrowing costs,
but preserve pensions. of Vallejo set that prece-
dent four years ago when
obligation bonds last year, despite com-
ing out $245 million behind after invest-
stalemate. Bond insurers that guarantee so Stockton’s total debt the union-influenced ing $417 million from a pension obliga-
about $200 million in debt wouldn’t sub- has increased. Calpers threatened litiga- tion bond sale in Calpers 15 years ago.
mit to a haircut unless the rich pensions Unions claim it’s unfair to trim pen- tion if the city attempted to modify pen- Once upon a time in America, a city
that helped drive the city to bankruptcy sions since the city intends to terminate sions in bankruptcy. Calpers insisted that that reneged on its bond debt would
were also clipped. Yet unions wouldn’t retiree health benefits. But few compara- pensions were protected by the state have taken decades to issue new debt,
countenance an even modest reduction ble California cities (and even fewer constitution’s contracts clause, though but Stockton’s behavior suggests there is
to their pensions. companies) provide retirees with medi- the very purpose of bankruptcy is to little such fear today. Investors who fail
Over the last two decades the city cal benefits, and most pensioners will be break and rewrite contracts. to impose discipline on deadbeats are
sweetened benefits and pay such that eligible for Medicare or federal subsidies Concern that insolvent cities might likely to find the deadbeats playing them
the average firefighter’s total compensa- on the new state health exchange. When strategically declare bankruptcy to can- for suckers.
tion is more than three times the city’s companies can’t pay their bills, they usu- cel their bond debts is finally getting no- Ratings agencies downplay the “sys-
median household income. Public safety ally freeze or terminate their pension ticed by investors, even by the famously temic risk” that the Stocktons of the
officers can retire at age 50 with pen- plans and restructure benefits as part of late credit-rating agencies. “The recent United States pose to the $3.7 trillion
sions equal to 90% of their highest sal- bankruptcy. uptick in bankruptcy filings in California municipal bond market. But then they
ary, and until this year free lifetime Instead Stockton is seeking to use could signify not only a lack of ability, also said mortgage-backed securities
health benefits. These benefits weren’t bankruptcy to wipe out $197.5 million in but a lack of willingness to pay debt ser- were Triple-A. While the market may not
sustainable even in good times. In 2007 principal and interest on the pension ob- vice at the expense of other financial ob- be in danger of blowing up soon, bond-
the city had to borrow $127 million to ligation bonds it issued in 2007. But not ligations,” Moody’s prophesied last year. holders face a very real danger of being
pay a delinquent pension bill. so fast. Bond insurer Assured Guaranty Meanwhile, the city of San Bernardino, blown off to preserve worker pensions.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 15


Britain’s Great Stagnation

BY RUPERT DARWALL policy can be tightened. But as Ja- tight control of government spend-
pan’s experience suggests, that mo- ing has brought about a sharp fall
“Unhealthy absence of activity, ment can be a long time in coming. in public-sector cost inflation, from
energy”—2012 was the year when It is hard to see how a capitalist more than 4% a year in the past
Britons became reacquainted with economy can function properly decade to less than 0.5% a year in
the dictionary definition of stagna- when capital is being priced close 2011—evidence of how taxpayers’
tion. Chancellor of the Exchequer to zero. money was wasted in Labour’s
George Osborne claimed in last The announcement that Mark spending boom.
month’s Autumn Statement that Carney, governor of the Bank of The Coalition’s energy reforms
the British economy was slowly Canada, is to be the next governor show it at its most economically
healing. And using IMF forecasts of the Bank of England was a coup dysfunctional. “We don’t want Brit-
for 2013, he asserted that the U.K. for Chancellor Osborne. But so far ish families and businesses to be
is recovering faster than neighbors Mr. Carney’s main contribution has left behind as gas prices tumble on
such as France and Germany. been to float the idea of switching the other side of the Atlantic,” Mr.

In fact, the British economy has from targeting inflation to target- Osborne declared in December. Yet
had the weakest recovery of any ing the level of nominal GDP. the government’s policies do pre-
major economy. In the two years Wishing Chancellor Osborne a better 2013. In reality, adopting a nominal cisely that. They squeeze house-
following the trough of the reces- GDP target would give the Bank an hold disposable incomes with
sion in 2009—and before the 2012 now been cut. In the absence of re- more deep-seated, the OBR’s eco- active mandate to create higher in- higher energy prices; they rig the
double dip—the U.K. grew by 2.6%, classifications and cash transfers nomic forecasts—and the Coali- flation. It is easy to see why this energy market so that if gas prices
compared to 3.4% for France and from the Bank of England, the in- tion’s hopes of reducing the deficit would be attractive to a chancellor. fall, the taxpayer is on the hook to
7.3% for Germany. Of the EU mem- dependent Office of Budget Re- without large tax hikes and sharper At a stroke, he meets his fiscal pay higher subsidies to renewable
bers not directly hit by the euro- sponsibility reckons net debt will reductions in spending—are for the mandate and can run large deficits energy producers; they worsen to-
zone debt crisis, only Slovenia and only start to fall in 2017-18—two birds. indefinitely. tal factor productivity by mandat-
the Netherlands have performed as years late. Monetary policy also suffers The U.K. economy faces three ing inefficient wind and solar
poorly. Over the next couple of years, from a credibility gap. The Bank of interrelated weaknesses: high gov- power plus all the capital needed
Stagnation has left the U.K. progress in reducing the deficit England has consistently under- ernment borrowing, weak house- for conventional standby capacity.
without a credible economic frame- will be glacial. The public sector’s forecast inflation, which has been hold balance sheets and a lack of It might as well have been a policy
work. On becoming chancellor in net cash requirement is forecast to above target since the end of 2009. productivity growth. According to designed to keep the economy
2010, Mr. Osborne bet that an eco- fall by £2 billion next fiscal year In a speech last October, Andrew figures compiled by Ben Broadbent, mired in stagnation.
nomic rebound would do much of and £4 billion the year after. Then Haldane, one of the bank’s execu- an external member of the Bank’s Facing an ineffectual Labour op-
the work in reducing government the pace picks up. Of the forecast tive directors, said that the Bank of Monetary Policy Committee, U.K. position calling for higher govern-
borrowing—the centerpiece of the £57 billion reduction in new bor- England had been created in 1694 households’ net wealth declined to ment borrowing, the Coalition’s po-
coalition government’s economic rowing over the next five years, £51 to do none of the things it does to- around three times disposable in- litical standing is stronger than the
program. He designed a fiscal man- billion is to come in the last three day, but rather to pay the mon- come in recent years from around success of its economic policies are
date that he could meet without years. archs’ debts. Perhaps the irony was four times at the end of the 1990s. in improving Britain’s economic
ever hitting it, as it is based on But even then public spending unintended: Today the Bank’s prin- Simply shifting government liabili- performance. With just over two
balancing the cyclically adjusted is due to fall by just 0.6% a year af- cipal economic function is what it ties to households via higher taxes years until the next election, it is a
current budget on a rolling five- ter inflation. Most of the projected was then—buying government does not strengthen the economy. long time to be talking about an
year target. deficit reduction comes from an as- debt. Instead, the government’s focus upturn rather than delivering one.
The mandate’s only anchor was sumption of accelerating growth, Ultra-loose money is subject to should be on raising productivity
to have public-sector net debt fall- which the OBR expects to average diminishing and possibly negative so that earnings grow. Mr. Darwall is author of “The Age
ing as a proportion of GDP in 2.2% a year for the next five years. returns. The thinking is that once Here the government’s record is of Global Warming: A History”
2015-16. But even that anchor has If the economy’s problems are an economy is sparked back to life, distinctly mixed. On the plus side, (Quartet), due out in March.

Michele Flournoy’s Afghan Intervention

BY PAUL WOLFOWITZ own security forces. there if Gen. Caldwell hadn’t re- edly friendly Afghans on Americans build the ANSF to its present
That achievement is not one ceived a clear mandate from Ms. and other coalition troops—which size—are we planning to cut its
Now that Michele Flournoy is that I’ve seen reported before. I Flournoy. Preferring to incur the have killed 61 U.S. and coalition forces by a third? Is that based on
being mentioned as a serious candi- only know of it because Lt. Gen. ire of the theater command than to personnel this year—is very dis- a military requirement or a predic-
date to succeed Leon Panetta as U.S. William Caldwell, who was previ- see the training mission fail, he re- turbing. But that number is tion that the Taliban will be weak-
secretary of defense, it is important ously my senior military assistant, ported the problem to Ms. dwarfed by the much less discussed ened so much that a much smaller
that she be judged on her merits— told me about the support Ms. Flournoy, who immediately took it number of ANSF personnel killed in force will suffice? Is it because of a
not because she’d be the first Flournoy provided him when he up with Adm. Mike Mullen, the action—roughly 3,400 this year belief that a better-trained, higher-
woman in that job, not simply be- was in charge of training the Af- chairman of the Joint Chiefs of alone—which is 10 times our own quality smaller force will compen-
cause she was an effective defender ghan army and police from 2009 to losses and more than the total of all sate for the loss of quantity?
of President Obama’s policies dur- 2011. This story demonstrates some coalition fatalities (roughly 2,160 And are there plans for what
ing the recent campaign, and not qualities that Democrats and Re- Thanks in part to her hard U.S. and 1,069 non-U.S.) during the will happen to 100,000 personnel
because she isn’t Chuck Hagel. publicans alike should be looking 11 years of this long war. with military training cut loose in
Having only a slight acquain- for in a secretary of defense. work, Afghanistan’s security Those are grim numbers, but an economy that will be hurting
tance with Ms. Flournoy, I can’t Gen. Caldwell was sent to Af- forces are better able to they show that Afghans are bear- from the departure of so many co-
judge her overall record or com- ghanistan in November 2009 to ing an increasing share of the alition personnel? Or is it simply a
pare her with other candidates. take charge of training the Afghan protect their own country. war’s burden—as well they should. matter of what Washington is will-
But I do know that she made a National Security Forces (or ANSF, But in defending their own country ing to pay for, since the Afghan
critical contribution as undersecre- principally consisting of the army they are also helping us, because economy is far too weak to sup-
tary of defense for policy to what and the national police). Ms. Staff. Quickly, with what is remark- the U.S. has a vital stake in pre- port the ANSF levels required to
could be the Obama administra- Flournoy told him—very cor- able speed for the Pentagon, Gen. venting the Taliban from returning get the job done?
tion’s most important achievement rectly—that his mission held the Caldwell learned that the next bat- to power. Ms. Flournoy grasped If that is the real reason, it
in Afghanistan, the substantial key to U.S. success, and she didn’t talion headed to Afghanistan—the that central strategic point and would seem to be a case of “penny
strengthening of that country’s think we were doing well. “I’m not 2-22 Infantry Battalion of the 10th pursued it with bureaucratic deft- wise and pound-foolish.” After all
sure what it takes to do better, but Mountain Division—was being re- ness, without seeking publicity for the sacrifice and effort it took to
we must,” she said. “I hope you assigned from a combat mission to what she had done. get to this point, Washington
will tell me what we need.” a training mission. The qualitative problems of the should find a way—working with
In truth, the training mission As a result of his leadership and ANSF are real, and there are major its allies and with the rich Persian
Tracy Corrigan, Editor in Chief, Europe
was on the brink of failure. More Ms. Flournoy’s strong support, the gaps in air and medical support Gulf countries—to sustain an Af-
Neil McIntosh, Deputy Editor, Europe
personnel had left the ANSF in the ANSF grew to 305,000 over the and logistics. But we should view it ghan army that is capable of pro-
Terence Roth, Managing Editor, Europe
previous month than had joined it. next two years from just under as a glass half-full and work to fill tecting both Afghanistan’s inter-
Brian M. Carney, Editorial Page Editor
Gen. Caldwell quickly concluded 200,000. It reached 352,000 this it. We should not prematurely ex- ests and our own in that remote
Lauren Berkemeyer, Advertising that he couldn’t get the job done October. Ms. Flournoy’s role was pect Afghan units to operate inde- but important country. If anyone
Kate Dobbin, Communications with just the 1,200 U.S. troops in also important in improving the pendently, even without air sup- associated with this administration
Florence LeFevre, Institutional Sales Europe his command. At a minimum, he quality of Afghan forces, particu- port, which few U.S. units are understands this, one would think
Paul Little, Consumer Sales told the NATO command in Af- larly in backing Gen. Caldwell in the expected to do. All of which makes Ms. Flournoy does.
Michael Lloyd, Institutional Sales U.K. ghanistan, he needed two or three face of objections that training in one question the wisdom of re-
Kelly Leach, Publisher thousand more. But the command’s civilian skills, such as basic literacy, ported plans to cut the ANSF back Mr. Wolfowitz, a visiting scholar
Published since 1889 by priority was for combat troops, not wasn’t part of his mission. to 230,000 personnel after 2014. at the American Enterprise Insti-
Dow Jones and Company trainers, and his request was The overall quality of the ANSF No matter who is nominated for tute, served as U.S. deputy secre-
© 2013 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved turned down. He was told to make is still poor by U.S. standards. And secretary of defense, senators tary of defense from 2001-05. This
do with what he had. the much-discussed problem of should ask that person why—after article is adapted in part from
The story might have ended “green on blue” attacks by suppos- overcoming huge challenges to AEI’s public-policy blog.
16 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Turmoil Over America’s Radio Voice in Russia

BY JOHN O’SULLIVAN ings, Russians would have been up- authoritarianism surely includes
set by the purge of a rare news out- the kind of “opposition media” that
A few years ago Peter Pomeran- let outside the control of the Ms. Gessen disdains.
zev, an Anglo-Russian journalist, Kremlin and its compliant oligarchs. Her style of journalism is also
found himself in a Moscow taxi Mikhail Gorbachev was among the ill-timed. Russia’s young people are
where the radio was playing Radio first to protest, saying that the dis- no longer so disaffected from poli-
Liberty, the U.S.-financed station missals looked “especially strange” tics. They are taking sides. New dis-
that transmits uncensored broad- given Mr. Putin’s moves against in- sidents are joining old. Four of the
casts in Russian. As a boy Mr. Po- dependent journalism in Russia. dismissed journalists have since
meranzev had been taken to hear Soon the Moscow community of won awards for crusading human-
his father, a Russian poet in Lon- human-rights and democracy activ- rights reporting. Radio Liberty
don, deliver regular broadcasts to a ists erupted in opposition. Ten dis- could be providing a platform for a
closed Soviet Union. But that was tinguished members—including Ly- coalition of dissidents young and

AFP/Getty Images
another era. Why, in 2009, would a udmilla Alexeeva of the Moscow old.
Moscow taxi driver listen to Radio Helsinki Committee and Sergei Inevitably, reports filtered into
Liberty? Kovalyev of the Sakharov Founda- Washington that the RL “brand”
The driver replied that he had tion—wrote to the U.S. Congress was damaged by the firings. All au-
listened to Radio Liberty through- calling for an investigation. Four A pro-Radio Liberty protester is detained by a Moscow police officer, Oct. 9. dience measures were down, and
out the Cold War. After 1991 he other RL journalists resigned in Russia’s democratic activists had
switched to easy listening. Now sympathy with the 37 dismissed. Having radio as an in-house partner vice veteran and a Daily Telegraph been alienated. In mid-December
Vladimir Putin was snuffing out Some formed an organization that gave RL’s website an advantage in Internet pioneer—concluded that the Broadcasting Board of Gover-
media freedom. they named Radio Liberty in Exile. Russia’s competitive digital envi- the service was doing the right nors (the official agency overseeing
The driver concluded: “I’ve got What has prolonged the crisis is ronment. Above all, if strengthen- things. U.S. international broadcasting)
to start listening to it again.” the weakness of the case for the fir- ing RL’s digital presence was the The outsiders’ verdict annoyed took action—thanks in large part to
ings advanced by RFE/RL managers. strategy, why jettison RL’s those managers who wanted more the terrier-like insistence of one
They first explained that a new successful website team? popular fare. But the managers governor, Victor Ashe, a former U.S.
The mass firing of Radio Russian law restricting foreign me- In reality, long before Mr. Korn were bureaucrats, not program- ambassador to Poland knowledge-
dia ownership forced them to give arrived in June 2011, some RFE/RL makers. They needed a simpatico able about Eastern Europe. The
Liberty journalists prompted up RL’s medium-wave license. But senior managers wanted major pro- editorial vision. They found it in governors announced an investiga-
a protest by human-rights other foreign stations work with a gramming changes to make Radio Masha Gessen, the Radio Liberty di- tion to be completed in six months,
Russian partner. Were partners vig- Liberty livelier, more contemporary, rector appointed by RFE/RL Presi- but according to multiple sources
activists in Moscow. orously sought? If so, how many? If less political and more attuned to a dent Korn after the September they also asked Mr. Korn to resign.
the partnering option failed, why younger audience. Well and good, housecleaning. He did so on Monday.
not continue broadcasting and com- but those aims have to be recon- “I want to do a kind of journal- Mr. Korn did not respond to an
That sentiment is worth keeping pel Mr. Putin to close down the bu- ciled with the organization’s mis- ism that no one is doing at the mo- email request to comment for this
in mind when considering the con- reau rather than spare him sion statement: “RFE/RL’s mission ment. I would describe it as normal article, and his telephone was not
tinuing drama at Radio Liberty, a embarrassment by pre-emptive is to promote democratic values journalism,” she told the Moscow accepting messages.
drama that began in September compliance? Finally, why move the and institutions by reporting the Times shortly after her appoint- Now any investigation should be
with the mass firings of RL’s Mos- main body of Radio Liberty to Mos- news in countries where a free ment. “Something that’s not polem- handled by the new or interim head
cow journalists by parent company cow where it is plainly vulnerable press is banned by the government ical, like opposition media, and of RFE/RL. That person, someone
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. to a Kremlin that is relentlessly or not fully established.” something that’s not controlled by experienced editorially and interna-
The firings, at the direction of RFE/ hostile to the media? It doesn’t add Jefim Fistein, currently an RFE/ the Kremlin.” In practice this jour- tionally but detached from recent
RL President Steven Korn and Vice up. RL senior adviser, managed just nalism has turned out to be softer BBG politics (former NPR president
President Julia Ragona, saw the The managers’ second explana- such a balancing act as director of news features in which liberty is Kevin Klose would be ideal), can de-
journalists barred from their of- tion is that the firings and hirings the Russian service until last May. likely to mean sexual liberation termine what went wrong in the
fices, directed to a law firm and were the necessary result of switch- Radio Liberty improved its news re- (with illustrations) rather than “po- course of putting it right. The
asked to resign for modest sever- ing RL content from radio to a mul- porting and expanded the range of litical” aspects of human rights. board’s sole advice should be: Re-
ance. timedia Internet platform. But even topics covered while maintaining Five years ago when young Rus- hire the journalists dismissed in
RFE/RL also closed Radio Lib- after roughly 60 radio affiliates in high standards of political and cul- sians were alienated from politics, Moscow to such loud effect.
erty’s medium-wave radio broad- Russia ended their relationship tural debate. It pioneered the live- there might have been a case for
casts, reduced programming, an- with RL under official pressure, ra- streaming of court trials and street Radio Liberty to take that ap- Mr. O’Sullivan, former Radio Free
nounced that RL would be run from dio still accounts for about half of demonstrations. Increasingly, RL proach. But other news outlets are Europe/Radio Liberty executive
Moscow instead of Prague, and RL’s total audience. Some Russians set the news agenda for what re- doing such journalism in Moscow editor (2008-11) and vice president
hired journalists allegedly better listen to the radio programs mained of Russia’s independent today—with Mr. Putin’s blessing. As (2011), is the author of “The Presi-
equipped for the digital age. through the Internet, but now many press. Two external critics invited for normality, well, normal journal- dent, the Pope, and the Prime Min-
Even without the style of the fir- of those programs will be axed. to critique RL—a BBC World Ser- ism in an environment of worsening ister” (Regnery, 2006).

A Canadian Rock Star and the Pacific Rim Fab Four

industrial plan from the 1960s, it striving for open markets, political the world in 2011 for its record of speculation that Mexico could over-
[ Americas ] continues to underperform relative pluralism, economic competition attracting capital relative to its take Brazil as Latin America’s larg-
to its potential. and monetary stability. This bifur- size. est economy in the next decade.
BY MARY ANASTASIA O’GRADY State-managed economies never cation of the Americas, which be- The World Bank reports that Mexico is part of the Trans-Pa-
do well, as Argentina’s latest gan a decade ago, too often goes Chile’s foreign direct investment- cific Partnership negotiations that,
Nothing takes relapse can attest. According to unnoticed. to-GDP ratio was 7% or higher ev- once completed, will deepen inter-
the “happy” out of nongovernment estimates, inflation Capitalizing on its strong insti- ery year from 2008-2011. For Peru national trading relationships with
Happy New Year is now close to 25%. Growth is tutions and its rich resource base, the ratio has mostly hovered 10 other countries—Australia, Bru-
like the thought of slowing and capital is fleeing the Canada is the rock star of the hemi- around 5% or better. Compare these nei, Chile, Canada, Malaysia, New
Barack Obama in country. In Venezuela, inflation is sphere. A Latin American fab four— stats with those of Brazil, a media Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S.
the White House running at 17% and citizens are Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia— darling in recent years whose FDI- and Vietnam.
for four more years. Elsewhere in bracing for a sharp devaluation. also are on the open-market road, to-GDP ratio was 1.9% in 2009 and The Latin American fab four
the hemisphere, the outlook is In Ecuador, the economy is pursuing serious economic policies 2.9% last year. have one more thing in common:
equally grim in many countries. But growing modestly but government and steadily advancing. UCLA econ- Mexico’s FDI-to-GDP in 2011 was Poverty rates are dropping and a
believe it or not, a few countries is ballooning. President Rafael Cor- omist Sebastian Edwards calls their a disappointing 1.8%, probably middle class is growing. Chile has
are getting things right. rea has seized enterprises, success “the resurgence of the Pa- thanks to the lack of investment made the most progress with only
The losers are easy to pick out. terrorized the press and gotten cific of the Americas.” opportunity in telecommunication 11% of the population living in pov-
Fidel Castro still fogs a mirror, and chummy with Iran. In a column in Chile’s daily and energy, where the government erty now, according to a recent U.N.
the military government in Venezu- Bolivia is growing, but its newspaper La Tercera on Dec. 8, has allowed monopolies to persist. report. Peru says poverty has
ela will probably continue wrecking political institutions are on the Mr. Edwards noted, for example, If newly inaugurated President En- dropped to 27.8% of the population,
the economy even if Hugo Chávez rocks. A recent corruption scandal that these four Pacific economies rique Peña Nieto can successfully down from more than 60% 20 years
succumbs to cancer. The prospects features “eight arrests so far in are ranked by the World Bank’s open these sectors to competition, ago and down from 31.3% in 2010.
of Argentina ever retiring per- what authorities described as a “Doing Business” survey—measur- a foreign investment boom is likely. Poverty in Venezuela ticked up last
onismo remain dim. band of shakedown artists, ing the ease of transacting com- Mexican GDP growth hasn’t year.
Ecuador and Bolivia also fit the extortionists and thieves led by the merce—between 37th and 48th in been great (3.8% in 2011). But the These countries could always re-
loser mold: left-wing populist No. 1 legal adviser in the interior the world. On the Atlantic, Brazil is opening of the country to trade— verse direction. Meanwhile they are
politics supporting corporatist, au- ministry,” the Associated Press re- ranked 130th, Argentina 124th and which started with the 1994 North providing a useful lesson about
thoritarian states. Political compe- ported on Dec. 10. Venezuela 180th. American Free Trade Agreement— what drives development and
tition has survived in Brazil. Yet by But while some countries are In a report by the United has driven a transformation in makes people better off.
sticking to a closed economic trampling civil liberties and push- Nations Conference on Trade and Mexican economic thinking. This
model that tries to preserve an ing corporatism, a handful continue Development, Chile ranked sixth in transformation in turn has sparked Write to O’
Pound/Euro 0.8109 g 0.90% Yen/$ ¥86.61 À 0.58% Global Dow 1995.97 À 0.57% Gold 1674.80 À 1.20% Oil 91.82 À 1.12% 3-month Libor 0.30600 10-year Treasury g 14/32 yield 1.759%

Optimism for Japan Stocks Europe’s Cable Firms

Depends on Politics, Yen Show Some Spark

Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Investors’ Adventure: Search for Yield

BY TOM LAURICELLA ments, especially when it comes to $350 billion in 2012. In the fourth
ones where higher interest rates quarter, some 40% of those bonds
Amid the swings in financial could inflict losses. had fewer-than-usual protections
markets in 2012, one major force In the process, investors will end for bondholders, the highest since
drove investors. And it is likely to up paying still more for even skimp- the onset of the financial crisis, ac-
intensify in 2013: the search for ier yields. That isn’t just likely to cording to S&P LCD.
yield. curb returns: A number of market That is just the tip of the ice-
While the fixation of investors observers warn that, somewhere berg. Issuance has boomed in high-
has been on budget wrangling in down the road, investors might dis- yielding real-estate investment
Washington, generating a decent re- cover greater risks in their portfo- trusts, energy stocks known as mas-
turn with interest rates at rock-bot- lios than they had bargained for in ter limited partnerships and busi-
tom levels is a constant concern. 2013. ness-development companies, which
The world’s central banks are on “The search for yield is going to are essentially publicly traded ven-
course to keep pumping large be even more challenging,” said ture-capital funds that pay out most
amounts of money into financial Rebecca Patterson, chief investment of their income to investors. Even
markets. That will keep interest officer at Bessemer Trust, which collateralized loan obligations—
rates on government bonds at near- oversees $75 billion. Ms. Patterson pools of risky loans to corpora-
record lows and force investors into sees warning lights flashing in some tions—made a comeback after that
higher-yielding—and risky—fare. corners of the markets, such as junk market largely shut down following
The list includes junk bonds, emerg- bonds issued with more lax protec- the financial crisis. In 2012, CLO is-
ing-market debt and more exotic se- tions for investors. suance totaled three times that of
curities such as investment trusts “Risk is building behind the 2011, according to J.P. Morgan
and limited partnerships. scenes,” she said. Chase.
With Federal Reserve officials As investors clamor for anything In 2012, the riskier the high-
giving assurances that interest rates providing higher yields, Wall Street yielding investment, the better it

will likely stay low for years to firms are gladly complying with new tended to perform. The lowest ranks
come, many investors see a green offerings. of the high-yield bond market—cor-
light to take on even riskier invest- Junk-bond issuance hit a record Please turn to next page

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But in 2012, there were few moment: the global business
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lurking in the financial system is likely to contribute its fair
remain manageable. For those share of global growth. That
searching for yield, the past 12 leaves the U.S. as the
months weren’t so much “the Please turn to page 23
18 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Postcrisis Rally Indexes’ Performance for the Year

Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite

In U.S. Reaches
15000 1500 3300

14000 1400 3100

A Pivotal Point
13000 1300 2900

12000 1200 2700

up 7.3% 13.4% 15.9%
11000 1100 2500
BY JONATHAN CHENG At the same time, the outlook for '12 '12 '12
U.S. company profits is starting to
Stock investors in the U.S. took weaken. Many strategists and ana- Source: WSJ Market Data Group The Wall Street Journal
another wild ride in 2012, courtesy lysts expect earnings to level out
of political gyrations from every this year, potentially depriving
corner of the globe. But that didn’t stock investors of the main engine still stuck in a multiyear funk. “It’s thing that doesn’t exacerbate the market watchers have been bracing
prevent the Dow Jones Industrial of stock-price gains in recent years. hard to grow it at the same pace as situation. for what they expect to be a rush
Average from racking up strong “We’ve had very healthy corpo- last year.” Indeed, Japan likely That “just-good-enough” sce- into stocks by investors who have
gains. rate profits, but it’s been decelerat- joined Europe in recession in Sep- nario, combined with the promise of crowded into bonds in recent years.
Again, the U.S. proved a haven ing,” said Omar Aguilar, chief in- tember, according to revised gov- continued stimulus measures by the Some 259 companies in the S&P
amid the global worries despite the vestment officer of stocks at ernment data released in December. Federal Reserve, may be enough to 500 have a dividend yield higher
uncertainty in the run-up to the Charles Schwab Investment Man- “Earnings are weakening,” said allow investors to focus on funda- than the 10-year Treasury note, ac-
election in November and Washing- agement, which oversees more than Peter Andersen, a portfolio manager mentals. And there, too, the bulls cording to FactSet. And with Trea-
ton’s own political impasse over the $250 billion. Investors point to cor- at Congress Asset Management Co. paint a rosy picture. sury yields near historic lows, Mr.
deficit. Investors flocked to divi- porate profit margins that have ex- in Boston, which manages about While companies aren’t likely to Knapp and some other market
dend-paying blue-chip stocks, push- panded to record levels, suggesting $7.5 billion. “They have been cutting increase profits like they did in watchers expect income-starved in-
ing the Dow up 7.3% to near postfi- to some investors that companies costs, and now they’re at the end of 2012, these investors are loath to vestors to seek out “stocks with
nancial-crisis highs. have cut costs as much as they can. that rope; there’s not that much count out corporate America, which bond characteristics,” like dividend-
The questions for 2013: Will the cost to cut.” has continued to defy expectations paying stocks.
U.S.’s unsettled fiscal outlook, com- Bullish market watchers said on profit growth. “In a slow-growth environment,
bined with an expected slowdown in While companies aren’t those fears are overdone. Many op- In addition, stocks remain mod- dividend stocks are still a good
U.S. company earnings and uncer- timists expect stocks to hit highs in estly valued compared with long- place to be,” said Marc Harris, di-
tainty around the world, finally likely to increase profits 2013, helped by an easing of politi- term historical levels, investors rector of U.S. equity research at
knock stocks off balance? Or will in- like they did in 2012, cal worries and a greater willing- said. The Standard & Poor’s 500- RBC Capital Markets. “People are
vestors’ hunt for higher yields lead ness among investors to pay more stock index fetches about 12.6 times going to be searching for that in-
them back to stocks after several some investors are loath for steady, if unspectacular, growth projected earnings, according to come.”
years embracing the perceived to count out corporate in the U.S. and around the world. FactSet, below the long-term histor- Even the most bullish of inves-
safety of bonds? They point out that as Europe’s ical average of 14.2 times. The S&P tors recognizes, however, the im-
Investors step into the new year America. crisis drags into a fourth year, many 500 hasn’t traded at or above that portance of building certainty
with a daunting, if well-known, list investors are taking a longer view, average in nearly three years. around global policy. A blunder by
of macroeconomic fears. Europe’s focusing on the larger macroeco- Barry Knapp, head of U.S. equity policy makers in Europe, Washing-
debt crisis rolls on. The U.S.’s long- “Given the deceleration of earn- nomic shifts, and adjusting their ex- portfolio strategy at Barclays, ex- ton or China could throw investors
term fiscal woes remain unresolved. ings growth, we are going to be pectations. In Washington, too, in- pects earnings growth of 4% next for a loop. “It’s frustrating, but poli-
China’s economy is slowing amid a highly dependent on global [gross- vestors have pared back year while stock valuations rise tics will be in the mix with the fun-
leadership change. And conflict domestic-product] expansion, and expectations for a far-reaching modestly. damentals for the foreseeable fu-
threatens the Middle East two years that’s a risk,” he said, pointing to a “grand bargain” on the deficit, Many stock investors also are ture,” said Mr. Aguilar of Charles
after the first Arab Spring uprising. Europe in recession and a Japan seemingly content to settle for any- keeping an eye on fund flows. Many Schwab.

Investors’ Adventure: the Search for Less Paltry Yields

Continued from previous page Mexico has defaulted three times appears on track to purchase $1.02 dent in the stock market, too. While dropped to 2.7 percentage points
porate bonds rated triple-C—re- in the past 100 years, but “investors trillion of bonds, leaving not much investors broadly showed little ap- from four percentage points.
turned 18.3%, according to Barclays. are saying, ‘I feel happy buying that more than $300 billion net new is- petite for U.S. stocks, pulling $24 “The paradox of the corporate-
“Frontier” emerging-market bonds 100-year bond because everybody suance for global bond investors, ac- billion out of U.S. stock funds in bond market has been that the
from smaller, less actively traded else is buying, too,’” he said. In cording to RBS. In 2012, even after 2012, equity income funds, which lower that yields go, the more that
bond markets returned 21.5% in 2012, the total return on the Mexi- the Fed’s purchases, there was still specialize in dividend payers, took people want to own it,” said Mr.
2012, according to J.P. Morgan’s can 100-year bond was 19%, accord- an estimated $1.3 trillion in bonds in $21 billion. Marrinan. “We know that’s not sus-
Nexgem index, despite the 2011 de- ing to J.P. Morgan. in the market for other investors, During 2012, yields on both in- tainable indefinitely.”
fault by the Ivory Coast and a loom- But such worries are being according to RBS. vestment-grade and below-invest- Part of the risk facing investors
ing default by Belize, two countries eclipsed by successive rounds of “There just ain’t enough bonds ment-grade corporate bonds is that the math on bond prices and
in the frontier-markets benchmark. quantitative easing by the Fed and to go around,” Mr. Marrinan said. dropped both on an absolute basis yields means it won’t take much
That compares with a 3.8% re- other central banks. That dynamic Corporate bonds were the fa- and in comparison to Treasury higher yields to inflict substantial
turn on 10-year Treasury notes, ac- will only become stronger in 2013, vored destination for many yield yields. In mid-October, RBS says, its losses.
cording to Barclays. said Edward Marrinan, macro credit seekers, and investors took comfort broad measure of investment bonds With 10-year Treasury notes
Jan Loeys, head of global asset strategist at RBS Americas, in Stam- in companies with strong balance hit a record-low yield of 2.6%, while yielding about 1.7%, a one-point rise
allocation at J.P. Morgan, points to ford, Conn. sheets. U.S. investment-grade corpo- high-yield bonds hit an all-time low in yield would lead to a 9.2% decline
big rallies in risky emerging-market In 2013, issuance of Treasurys, rate-bond funds raked in $131 bil- of 5.9% on Dec. 19. in the value of the bonds, according
bonds and continued demand for government agency—including lion, up from $75 billion in 2011, ac- Among high-yield bonds, debt to data compiled by Vanguard
Mexico’s 100-year bond issued in mortgage-backed bonds—and in- cording to Lipper. carrying ratings of BB, at the mid- Group. For an investment-grade cor-
2010 as signs of market frothiness. vestment-grade corporate debt will High-yield bond funds, mean- point of the junk category, slid to a porate-bond index of five- to 10-year
The Mexican bond is yielding 4.5%, be $1.328 trillion once maturing while, attracted $30.1 billion, more yield of 4.5% at year-end from 6% at notes, a one-point rise in yields
down from 6.1% when it was sold. debt is subtracted from the total, than double 2011’s pace. the start of 2012. At the same time, would be accompanied by a 6.4%
Yields fall as prices rise. RBS predicts. Meanwhile, the Fed The preference for yield was evi- the spread over 10-year Treasurys drop in price.

Businesses Alfa Laval........................5 Cliffs Natural Resources GDF Suez ........................ 5 Liberty Global...............32 Noble.............................10 Statoil ........................... 10 UBS ............................... 24
This index of businesses Allegheny Technologies .......................................26 Goldman Sachs Group Macquarie Mexico Real Nomura Holdings..........25 Telekom Austria...........32 United Spirits...............10
mentioned in today’s .......................................26 Commerzbank...............24 ..................................11,25 Estate Management . 20 NYSE Euronext.............22 Thomson Reuters.........26 Virgin Media.................32
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include all significant Aon................................11 Deutsche Telekom........32 Grupo Televisa S.A.B. .... 8 MegaFon ....................... 20 Total..............................10 Westfield Group...........11
PNC Financial Services
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 19


China Stocks Rebound but Woes Persist

December Surge Aside, Shanghai Market Was Among World’s Weakest; Dominance of Small Investors Is Challenge
BY DANIEL INMAN re-enter the domestic market due to
AND CHAO DENG concerns over the hefty pipeline of
Nose Dive IPOs and the problem of manage-
Long a laggard, China stocks Shanghai-listed stocks The number of investors in China’s A-share ment selling stock as soon as possi-
staged an unexpected December ble after a company lists.
sprint to end the year in positive ter-
underperformed in 2012 market who traded in the past year shrank. “China’s stock markets and the
ritory. The big question for investors Year-to-date change local economy have no connection,”
is whether the rally has legs, or MSCI said Mr. Shen. “The day that the reg-
20% 60 million
whether the market will soon be All Country ulator is wise enough to make ordi-
winded. Asia ex Japan nary investors believe they work for
15 50 Inactive
The Shanghai Composite Index Up 16.5%* A-share all investors, I will buy shares again.”
ended the year up 3.2% thanks to a accounts Some institutional investors are
15% surge in December. Investors 10 Hang Seng more optimistic.
40 (didn’t trade
have been encouraged by the new China “The economy is slowly recover-
in the past year)
5 Enterprises
leaders of China’s Communist Party, 30
ing, so risks to corporate earnings
who have emphasized urbanization Up 15.1% in China are also on the decline,”
as a key policy goal. Urbanization, or Shanghai SE Active A-share
HSBC equity strategists Herald van
the shift of Chinese people to the cit- 20 der Linde and Devendra Joshi said
–5 A-Share accounts
ies from the countryside, is an im- Index (traded in the in a research note. The bank recom-
portant driver of growth. Up 3.1% 10 past year) mends that investors go “over-
But the December rally can’t hide weight” on Chinese stocks and re-
all of the Shanghai market’s prob- –15 0 cently upgraded its stock forecasts
lems. It remains one of the worst- 2012 2011 '12 for the country.
performing global benchmarks in a *In local-currency terms Sources: FactSet (indexes); HSBC Markets (Asia) Limited (A-share trading) The Wall Street Journal
Although Chinese economic
year when the Standard & Poor’s growth slowed to 7.4% in the third
500-stock index rose 13% and U.K. quarter, its lowest level in three
stocks climbed 5.8%. It underper- prices, focusing on stocks exposed to from whether a new generation of dence in the market. There has been years, figures released in recent
formed Hong Kong’s China-focused central and western China, which are leaders can push through overhauls a significant expansion of the Quali- months have painted a brighter pic-
Hang Seng Index, which gained 23% less developed than the coast. to the market’s continued dominance fied Foreign Institutional Investor ture. The median forecast among 12
in 2012. The CSI 300, a gauge of the per- by small investors rather than buy- program, the main route that foreign economists surveyed by The Wall
Frank Yao, a Hong Kong-based formance of 300 big companies trad- and-hold institutional types, such as investors use to gain access to the Street Journal is for 8% growth in
senior portfolio manager at Neu- ing on the Shanghai and Shenzhen pension funds. market. 2013.
berger Berman, which manages exchanges, is trading at a price/earn- Individual investors tend to focus The regulator has also introduced The upbeat sentiment on main-
$203 billion globally, said low valua- ings ratio of nearly 12 times, up from on short-term gains, and for much of measures such as cutting trading land China has also come as central
tions in the market, combined with its low of the year of about 10 times. the year had largely given up on costs and encouraging state pension banks in the U.S. and Europe have
China’s high growth compared with Stocks may rise “in the first half stocks, following losses in the two funds to buy more stocks. been easing monetary policy and
other countries, represent “a won- of next year given an expected im- previous years. As of October, only But for Shen Jie, a 68-year-old driving down bond yields. That has
derful opportunity for long-term in- provement in corporate earnings and 56% of China’s 55.9 million trading retiree in Shanghai, those steps pushed cash into Asia as investors
vestors.” potential supportive measures from accounts were active, compared with aren’t enough. He started buying have looked to emerging markets
“As long as the fundamentals re- Beijing,” said Amy Lin, an analyst 80% a year earlier. stocks in 1992, only to cash out in for higher returns in both fixed-in-
main solid, that is a wonderful buy- with Capital Securities. China’s securities regulator has 2008, the year the market lost more come assets and stocks.
ing opportunity,” said Mr. Yao. He Still, in 2013, Chinese shares will spent much of the year introducing than two-thirds of its value. Ever —Amy Li
has been taking advantage of the low face significant challenges, ranging overhauls in order to restore confi- since, Mr. Shen has been reluctant to contributed to this article.

Emerging Markets Emerged Unevenly Last Year

BY ALEX FRANGOS pand in 2013, to 5.5% from 5.3%. National 100 Index rose 53%, and bound after a terrible 2011. The sured a total return of 18% in 2012.
“Just having moderate accelera- the Philippines’s PSE Composite in- Bombay Stock Exchange’s Sensex in- In comparison, the Barclays aggre-
For all the talk about how tion, if companies can contain costs, creased 33%, as both benefited from dex rose 26%, making up much of gate index of U.S. bonds returned
emerging markets are going to rule will have a big positive flow to the expectations that ratings firms the ground it lost the year before. about 4%.
the world, 2012 wasn’t their year. bottom line,” Mr. Harting said. could promote them into invest- With a new finance minister in In a sign of how the emerging-
The biggest markets—China, Bra- Only one emerging-market index ment-grade status in 2013. An up- place, a government that has pushed market bond world is maturing,
zil and Russia—limped behind, as ended in the red in 2012: Chile’s grade would signal fundamental im- through overhauls on attracting for- Mongolia, Zambia and Bolivia issued
emerging markets overall drew even Santiago Stock Exchange IPSA Index provements in economies and the eign investment, and inflation fi- sovereign bonds for the first time,
with their developed-market peers dropped 11%. Russia’s RTS index ability of their companies to earn nally ebbing, the rally in India could receiving favorable terms. In Decem-
to which they are often compared, rose 11%. China’s Shanghai Compos- greater profits. But with those rises continue. ber, mineral-rich Mongolia, which
thanks to strong performances in ite Index gained 3.2%. came increased valuations, as inves- “India did a great job bringing was rescued by the International
markets such as Turkey and Thai- Keeping a cap on emerging-mar- tors bid up prices faster than com- down everyone’s expectations to Monetary Fund as recently as 2009,
land. The broad MSCI Emerging ket stocks was a slowdown in global panies are making money. rock bottom levels,” J.P. Morgan’s persuaded investors to part with
Markets Index, which measures per- trade. That hurt companies that ex- Mr. Mowat said. their money for 10 years at an an-
formance in 21 countries, rose 15% port commodities from places like Brazil’s Bovespa index rose 7.4%, nual interest rate of 5.125%.
in 2012, better than the 13% rise in Brazil, Indonesia and Russia. It sty- The biggest markets— as slow growth and the sharp de- The low interest rates on possi-
the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock in- mied manufacturing companies in cline in global commodity prices hit bly risky debt have some analysts
dex. China and Taiwan. China, Brazil and the once-hot economy. Signs that and investors concerned the emerg-
Hopes are brighter for 2013, as Meanwhile, countries with Russia—limped behind, China, Brazil’s biggest trading part- ing-market bond trend is over-
some investors expect economic strong domestic demand and ner, was picking up steam in the played. Should U.S. interest rates
growth to accelerate across emerg- healthy banks, notably in Southeast but Turkey’s ISE fourth quarter gave some hope that unexpectedly perk up, investors
ing markets for the first time since Asia, excelled. Others like Turkey National 100 Index demand for Brazil’s coal, iron ore could flee emerging markets back
2010, giving an opportunity for and India benefited from a what- and soybeans would come back in into Treasurys, a scenario that
companies to boost profits. goes-down-must-go-up situation, re- advanced 53%. 2013. played out with devastating effect
“Emerging-market investors have bounding from crashes in 2011. Cur- Another bright spot for emerg- for emerging-market investors when
been chumps the last couple of rencies also played a role. ing markets: Bonds rallied as yield- the Federal Reserve made surprise
years,” said Morgan Harting, emerg- Indonesia’s Jakarta Composite rose “Some of those markets may hungry investors soaked up a sub- rate increases in 1994.
ing-market multiasset portfolio 14%, but because the rupiah slid have gotten ahead of themselves stantial increase in new offerings. “The downside risk is consider-
manager for AllianceBernstein in against the dollar, foreign investors and may be ripe for a pullback,” Governments in emerging markets able,” said AllianceBernstein’s Mr.
New York, which has $426 billion saw only half that gain. said David Pinkerton, chief invest- issued a record of more than $80 Harting. He has positioned his fund
under management. The opposite effect happened in ment officer of Zurich-based Falcon billion in bonds in 2012, according to be more invested in stocks than
Many investors presumed that South Korea, where a strengthening Private Bank, which has $12 billion to data provider Dealogic. In Asia bonds as a way to hedge against a
because economic growth is faster won boosted a 9.4% rise in the Kospi of assets under management. He is and Latin America, companies that slide in bond prices.
in emerging markets than Europe index into a 17% gain for dollar- a long-term buyer of emerging-mar- traditionally borrowed directly from Others see room for emerging-
and the U.S., stock markets in places based investors. “It’s a good envi- ket stocks and bonds. banks turned to bond markets in- market bonds to run. “It is hard to
like China and India would outper- ronment for active investors,” said Thailand, which bounced back stead, finding ample demand from make the case that valuations are
form. While headline growth there Adrian Mowat, emerging-markets from widespread flooding that ham- investors. overly stretched,” said Andreas
was better than the West, the rate strategist for J.P. Morgan in Hong mered its industrial base in 2011, Global bond investors from asset Kolbe, emerging-market credit strat-
of growth decelerated, pressuring Kong, as smart stock pickers can saw the SET index surge 36%. It is managers, pension funds and egist for Barclays in London. While
company revenues as labor and now identify value in individual the best-performing emerging mar- wealthy private-bank clients sup- the difference between interest
commodities costs were rising. companies and countries. “This is a ket over the past three years, with ported the bond boom as they fled rates among emerging-market
This year augurs a change in the return to more normal conditions.” an average annual return of 23%, ac- the near-zero interest-rate environ- bonds and Treasurys has narrowed,
pattern, with the International Mon- Looking ahead to 2013, a big cording to MSCI. ment in the U.S., Europe and Japan. the spread is still more than a per-
etary Fund forecasting underlying question is whether last year’s mar- India, the world’s ninth-largest J.P. Morgan’s EMBI+ index, which centage point wider than their nar-
growth in emerging markets to ex- ket darlings can repeat. Turkey’s ISE economy, saw its stock market re- tracks emerging-market bonds, mea- rowest level, reached in June 2007.
20 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Top 10 | Biggest global IPOs in 2012, in billions of dollars

Issuer Country Value
offer/1 day
Headwinds Hinder
Japan Airlines
Grupo Financiero Santader Mexico
Mexico 4.1
$16 30%
Global M&A Deals
BY ANUPREETA DAS have become a key feature of the
Felda Global Ventures Holdings Malaysia 3.6 11 AND DANA CIMILLUCA merger-and-acquisition landscape in
People’s Insurance of China China 3.3 recent years.
Four years after the financial cri- While that trend is likely to con-
IHH Healthcare Malaysia 2.1 20 sis knocked the wind out of the tinue in 2013, Peter Weinberg, a
mergers-and-acquisitions business, partner at boutique investment
Telefonica Deutschland Holding Germany 1.9 1.6 deal makers are largely reconciled bank Perella Weinberg Partners,
Banco BTG Pactual Brazil 1.7 4.3 to the idea that the return to health said long-term investors such as
could take several more years. mutual funds and pension funds
MegaFon Russia 1.7 20 Global deal volume reached $2.6 can’t be ignored when making
Astro Malaysia Holdings Malaysia 1.5 2.0 trillion in 2012, roughly in line with merger-related decisions. Some-
Source: Dealogic The Wall Street Journal
volume in 2011, according to data times, he said, these investors pre-
provider Dealogic. As in 2011, there fer that companies repurchase

Europe and China Were

were fewer megadeals in 2012. The shares rather than take on a deal,
largest announced acquisition, oil- with the risks that can entail.
and-gas explorer OAO Rosneft’s “The largest institutional holders
pending $54.5 billion purchase of of equities in the world are at the
TNK-BP, was one of only four deals center point of M&A activity,” Mr.

IPO Laggards in 2012

above $20 billion, the same as 2011 Weinberg said. “And now, any deal
but fewer than the three previous is, and should be, compared to using
years. a like amount of capital to repur-
A relatively busy fourth quarter chase shares. If an acquisition
infused the deals market with some doesn’t capture the interest and
optimism: Global volume was up support of these institutions, it’s a
Amount Raised Globally Fell 29%; Facebook Boosted U.S. Total 52% compared with the third quar-
ter and 37% from a year ago. Still,
long [row] to hoe.”
In Europe, the dollar volume of
the outlook for 2013 among some deals struck in 2012 hovered around
BY TELIS DEMOS vestors less willing to hold the momentum out of Brazil,” he said. bankers and lawyers hardly budged. its postfinancial-crisis lows, with fi-
shares. The U.S. IPO tally was boosted All the conditions that should nancial and economic woes continu-
Emerging markets and U.S. soft- “Historically, an issuer might by social network Facebook, the make for an active M&A market, ing to hamper the M&A market
ware and housing stocks powered a say, ‘What’s the largest IPO I can largest technology IPO ever. With- such as cash-rich companies, low in- there. There were $737 billion of
jump in fourth-quarter initial public do?’” said Michael Goldberg, head out Facebook, new U.S. listings terest rates that make borrowing deals with a European target in 2012,
offerings, but it wasn’t enough to of U.S. equity capital markets at would have raised a third less easy, and the need for growth, were down 1% from 2011. There were
stave off a decline in activity com- RBC Capital Markets, a unit of Royal money than a year earlier. offset by the same perils that have signs, however, that a pickup could
pared with the previous year. Bank of Canada. “Now we’re advis- Investors later in the year hampered deal making in recent be in the offing amid hopes that the
The drop in 2012 was driven by ing clients to do something more flocked to companies specializing in years: the debt crisis plaguing Euro- crisis in the region finally may now
slowdowns in China and Europe, moderate in size, create demand “cloud” applications that deliver pean governments, the high U.S. un- be abating.
which offset a jump in the U.S. In and supply tension for the IPO, and services over the Internet. They employment rate, the stop-and-start
2011, 1,277 companies went public come back later with a larger” of- also snapped up shares in retailers nature of consumer spending, and
globally, raising $159.8 billion. In fering. and housing stocks, based on the the resulting lack of confidence
2012, only 751 companies made ini- Global activity did pick up in the belief that the home-sales market among CEOs and board directors to
Dealing Down
tial offerings, raising $113.1 billion, fourth quarter, with IPOs rising 19% would improve in 2013. push forward with deals. Merger and acquisition volume
a 29% decline in the amount of by dollars raised, to $30.5 billion. Despite Facebook falling 30% in “Europe has moved from the by region
funds raised. And looking ahead, advisers expect 2012 from its initial offering price, emergency room into a chronic con- U.S.
“The big problem globally was continued action in the U.S. housing the average U.S. IPO in 2012 rose dition, which is going to take a long
2011 $908
China,” said Mark Hantho, global and technology sectors, and a resur- 18%, the most in at least five years. time to heal,” said John Huwiler,
head of equity capital markets at gence in activity in China and Bra- Most of those gains came in the global head of M&A at Jefferies & 2012 $871
Deutsche Bank AG. “While some zil. first day of trading. Co., a subsidiary of Jefferies Group
concerns around inflation linger, Workday Inc., a maker of cloud Inc. “That doesn’t mean there’s going Europe
China still has substantial [gross- human-resources software, went to be no M&A, though. I think M&A $748
domestic-product] growth and con- Advisers expect public in October and has seen its will slowly resume to a steady state.”
sumer wealth being created. The stock climb 95%. November IPOs for Additionally, deal makers spent $737
need for capital is still very high, continued IPO action in Realogy Holdings Corp., which much of the fourth quarter awaiting
and that market may start to re- the U.S. housing and owns real-estate agent brands like the outcome of the presidential Asian-Pacific
awaken in the latter half of next Century 21, and home-goods retailer election, as well as the fate of “fis- $613
year.” technology sectors, and a Restoration Hardware Holdings Inc. cal cliff” negotiations over a combi-
In a telling sign of the slow- resurgence in activity in rose 55% and 41%, respectively. nation of spending cuts and tax in- $584
down, more money was raised in “In a low-growth, low-return creases aimed at reducing the U.S.
U.S. IPOs versus China and Hong China and Brazil. world, high-growth captures the budget deficit that would go into ef- Source: Dealogic
Kong in 2012 for the first time since market’s attention,” said Gregg Nab- fect in 2013 if no deal is reached. The Wall Street Journal
2008, according to data provider han, vice chairman of equity capital Frank Aquila, a partner at law firm
Dealogic. The U.S. raised $38.9 bil- Indeed, the recent uptick in- markets at Bank of America Merrill Sullivan & Cromwell LLP said if
lion, a jump of 15%, while China’s cluded Asia. People’s Insurance Co. Lynch. “There can be real pushback CEOs and board directors feel good European deal volume in the
markets raised $21.8 billion, a de- of China Ltd. raised $3.1 billion in a with investors if transactions are about the handling of the fiscal cliff, fourth quarter, at $249 billion, was
cline of 59%. Europe saw just $13.8 Hong Kong IPO in November, that launched at valuations that appear some big, “inevitable” tie-ups be- the highest level in the past three
billion raised by IPOs in 2012, a de- market’s biggest deal of the year. to be overly aggressive, or if the tween complementary companies years, according to Dealogic. “With-
cline of 62% from a year earlier. The quarter also brought the company’s competitive strength ap- that have been discussed for years out some exogenous shock, the envi-
Dealogic’s IPO volumes exclude two biggest IPOs of the year in Eu- pears relatively weak. But those could happen. ronment should continue to stabi-
real-estate investment trusts, busi- rope, $1.7 billion raised by Russian that are pricing are performing very Construction-materials company lize,” said Gregg Lemkau, the head
ness-development companies and telecommunications group Mega- well.” Martin Marietta Materials Inc., of M&A in the European and Asian-
special-purpose acquisition compa- Fon in London and $1.9 billion That was reflected in an uptick which dropped its $5 billion hostile Pacific regions for Goldman Sachs
nies. raised by Spanish telecom in the number of deals that didn’t bid for peer Vulcan Materials Co. in Group Inc.
But deal makers in the U.S. were Telefónica SA in Germany. price when expected. There were 80 May, will likely explore a friendly of- Europe still lags behind the U.S.
hardly jubilant. Facebook Inc., the Latin America also proved a U.S. IPOs withdrawn or postponed fer if market conditions improve, in terms of volume. After years of
biggest U.S. offering with a $16 bil- bright spot. After September’s $4.1 in 2012, the most since 2008, when people familiar with the decision disappointing activity, few people
lion IPO in May, saw its share price billion IPO by Banco Santander SA’s the financial crisis struck, according have said. who make a living off deals are
fall sharply following a botched de- Mexican unit, a Mexican real-estate to Dealogic. “The low-growth environment ready to predict anything close to a
but on the Nasdaq Stock Market. In investment firm backed by Austra- There also was demand for we are going to see is going to lead return to the heady precrisis days,
addition, companies frequently of- lia’s Macquarie Group Ltd., Macqua- stocks paying yield. That included to continued emphasis on industry when deal making in Europe was
fered concessions to investors in rie Mexico Real Estate Manage- master-limited partnerships, known consolidation transactions,” said more than twice where it is now.
the price or size of deals to get of- ment, raised $1 billion in a as MLPs, that own energy assets, or Paul Stefanick, who is head of Amer- The U.S. accounted for $871 bil-
ferings across the finish line. December IPO. real-estate investment trusts, or RE- icas investment-banking coverage lion of deals in 2012. Deal volume
Of U.S. IPOs in 2012, 40% priced David Hermer, head of Americas ITs, that own and rent out commer- for Deutsche Bank AG. fell 5% in the Asian-Pacific region to
below their stated range, versus equity capital markets at Credit Su- cial or residential properties and Companies also will continue to $584 billion compared with $612
32% a year earlier. In addition, the isse Group AG, said Latin America use the cash flows to pay dividends. realign their portfolios by spinning billion in 2011.
average U.S.-listed IPO sold only a could continue to see a jump in ac- “There was a strong bid all year off or selling assets they no longer Scott Matlock, the chairman of
third of the company’s stock to the tivity this year. for defensive [stocks], and the see as central to their main busi- international M&A at Morgan Stan-
public in 2012, the smallest percent- “Investors want infrastructure- strength of [REITs] and MLPs were ness, sometimes with such moves ley, cited as a reason for his
age in any year since 2000. type plays, and we’re seeing them indicative of that theme. Both those spurred by activist investors de- guarded optimism a rising confi-
Smaller offerings allow compa- pay increased attention to the re- subsectors outperformed because of manding better returns on their dence to do deals in the U.S., the
nies to sell stock at a price only the gion, driven by a scarcity of in- the yield component,” said Phil holdings, he said. bellwether M&A region.
most interested investors will pay. vestible stocks in Colombia and Drury, co-head of equity capital Activist investors, who usually —Sharon Terlep
But such deals also can reduce a Peru, the recent election and posi- markets in the Americas at Citi- buy stakes in companies they see as and Ryan Dezember
stock’s liquidity and make some in- tive outlook in Mexico, and renewed group Inc. undervalued and push for changes, contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 21


A Tamer ‘Wild West’ Commodities Game

For Some, Two Years of Losses Suggest End of Supercycle; Demand Is Strong, but Supplies Have Increased
BY LIAM PLEVEN market will likely continue,” said 18%, and corn advanced 8%.
Bernice Lee, a lead author of a De- Road to Nowhere In response, farmers around the
Long known as the Wild West of cember report by Chatham House, a world are once again planning to
After logging double-digit percentage swings eight of the past 10 years, the
asset classes, commodities took a London-based think tank, that ramp up production. If the weather
Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index had a calm year, finishing down for the
walk on the mild side in 2012. That called for establishing a group of 30 cooperates, that could push prices
second consecutive year but recording the smallest change up or down since
could point to a new, potentially natural-resource powerhouses, such back down, perhaps significantly, by
it was launched in 1998.
calmer stage in the decadelong as Brazil, China, the European the time the harvest comes in next
rally, defined by more balanced Union, India, and the U.S., to facili- DJ-UBS Commodity Index DJ-UBS performance fall in the U.S., the world’s largest
markets. tate information-sharing about vital corn producer.
The Dow Jones-UBS Commodity resources that could help manage 160 “You’ve got to get there first,”
24% 23% 7.6%
Index, which tracks 20 materials price volatility. 139.07 said Chris Gadd, an analyst at Mac-
2002 2003 2004
from crude oil to lean hogs, fell quarie. Animals that are huge con-
1.1%, the tamest move since it be- Energy 150 sumers of corn and soybeans need
gan in 1998. The index had swung The diverging fates of the 18% 2.7% 11% to eat between now and then, and
by double-digit percentages each of world’s two reigning benchmark 2005 2006 2007 the larder is thin, which could push
the past five years and had never crude prices in 2012 illustrate how prices up in the meantime, espe-
risen or fallen by less than 2.7% greater supplies are already curbing 37% 19% 17% cially if harvests in Argentina and
since the launch. prices in some cases, while tight in- 130
Brazil in the first half of the year
2008 2009 2010
Producers have ramped up sup- ventories are keeping them high in disappoint. Mr. Gadd has forecast
plies in response to the demand- others. corn to reach $8.50 a bushel in the
driven price increases spurred U.S. crude prices fell 7%, the first 13% 1.1% March-to-May time frame. By com-
largely by China’s rise. Now, that is annual decline since 2008, when J F M A M J J A S O N D 2011 2012 parison, corn futures for March de-
damping spikes: Copper, natural gas markets seized amid the global fi- livery settled Monday at $6.9825 a
and gold were among the raw mate- nancial crisis. The drop reflected the Individual commodities, however, often saw sharp price moves during the bushel.
rials that saw the smallest price impact of new drilling methods that course of the year.
moves in years. have unlocked vast new supplies of Metals
The 2012 decline in the index, oil and natural gas in the middle of 40% NATURAL GAS CRUDE OIL No major commodity has seen
while modest, was the second con- the U.S. the kind of bull run that gold has
secutive annual drop, the first time But Brent crude, the European 2012: since the end of 2000. Prices have
that has happened since the late benchmark that tracks the cost for  7.1% risen sixfold in that period, ending
1990s. Some analysts said the re- many foreign buyers, as well as each year more valuable than at the
cent declines mark the end of the many on the U.S. coasts, rose 3%, as 0 outset, and 2012 was no exception;
supercycle that began more than a crude supplies elsewhere in the gold settled up 7%. But fans of the
decade ago. world remain constrained. The rise, precious metal are nervous. That
–20 2012:
Yet supply constraints can still though small, was striking, given  12.1% was the weakest annual gain since
send prices soaring, as demon- concerns over economic woes in Eu- 2008, despite support from contin-
strated by sharp increases in the rope and elsewhere. –40 ued central-bank buying, another
cost of corn, soybeans and wheat in The result is a steep discount for round of Federal Reserve stimulus
2012 after hot, dry weather dam- buyers who have access to cheaper seen as weakening the dollar and
aged crops. U.S. crude, which is landlocked to an 40% GOLD 2012: SUGAR boosting bullion, and the uncer-
As a result, prices may not fall extent by inadequate pipeline infra-  7.0% tainty of a hard-fought presidential
back to the far-lower levels of a de- structure. U.S. crude ended the year campaign followed by down-to-the-
cade ago, if demand stays strong. at $91.82 a barrel, $19.29 less than 20 wire talks over taxes and spending.
But they also may not triple or qua- Brent crude, a gap that isn’t likely Gold fell 5% in the fourth quarter.
druple again. And while the next to narrow soon, said Fatih Birol, 0 The yellow metal still has a
round of spikes could still be sharp, chief economist at the International large camp of believers. “We think
they may be shorter-lived. Energy Agency, a group of energy- there’s still upside potential for
“They’ll be transient. They won’t importing nations. New infrastruc- –20 2013,” said Stephen Cucchiaro,
be structural,” said Jeffrey Currie, ture is aiming to ease the bottle- chief investment officer at Wind-
global head of commodities re- neck, but it could take time to catch haven Investment Management,
search at Goldman Sachs. That will up with booming production. which manages more than $13 bil-
boost the economy, he said. “You U.S. natural-gas prices also lion in assets.
don’t have this persistent drag on showed that commodity prices re- Sources: S&P Dow Jones Indices; SIX Financial Information Goldman Sachs is forecasting
economic activity.” tain the potential for large swings. A The Wall Street Journal gold prices of $1,825 a troy ounce
But even if prices are relatively glut of the fuel sent prices down in early 2013, which would repre-
calm in this new stage, raw materi- 36% between the end of 2011 and sent a 9% gain from the year-end
als have the potential to remain a mid-April, but they rebounded as Agriculture a year of weather problems, and the settlement price of $1,674.80.
source of economic stress and polit- producers pared back and consum- Crop prices could be primed for resulting price increases put stress But, the bank said in a Decem-
ical tension. ers shifted to the fuel, ending 2012 a similar ride in 2013. on buyers around the world. Wheat ber report, “we see growing down-
“We think the tightness of the up 12%. A harsh U.S. drought dominated prices rose 19%, soybeans climbed side risks.”

A Familiar Tale in Europe: Coping With “Perma’ Crisis

Continued from first page for investors seeking extra yield in which is backed by collateral. “That
investors are gun-shy from the dis- European Indexes 2012 was to bulk up on corporate reflects the still quite-disciplined
ruption of the past few years. In- 2012 performance of major stock-market indexes bonds. To many, they offered a solid approach that investors have,” Mr.
deed, the debt crisis has radically premium over the low yields offered Watters said.
reconfigured investing in Europe. by German bunds, without the un- With prudent selection of com-
Investors have sucked money out of certainty of the riskier government
troubled countries, in the process
14.4% 5.8% 29.1% 15.2% bonds of Spain and Italy. Merrill
panies, credit has plenty of attrac-
tions. Central banks aren’t in any
creating a brand-new trillion-euro- Lynch’s Europe high-yield bond in- hurry to raise interest rates, which
plus asset class: the risky Western Europe U.K. Germany France dex is up 25% on the year. would squeeze credit investors, and
European government. Stoxx 600 FTSE 100 DAX 30 CAC 40 That, too, could continue. Again, corporations have built up strong
Money has crowded into assets though, use caution. buffers of cash.
perceived as safe, like German gov- Dec. 31 close Standard & Poor’s projects Euro- “The corporate-credit sector is in
ernment bonds, U.K. gilts and Swiss 279.68 5897.81 3641.07 pean corporate-credit quality will pretty good shape,” said Ross Pam-
francs; 2012 even saw a miniboom remain weak in 2013, with contin- philon, co-chief investment officer of
in Danish government securities. Source: WSJ Market Data Group The Wall Street Journal ued sluggish manufacturing weigh- ECM, a credit-focused asset manager
That has left a lot of investors earn- ing on companies. The default rate in London that oversees about $9.5
ing not much yield. Bond yields rise when prices fall. stocks in the troubled countries of among below-investment-grade billion. “We think the banking sector
The havens remained a strong All told, most of the major Euro- southern Europe, Ms. Drew said, companies is likely to remain rela- is slowly going through a period of
play all year, but spurts of newfound pean stock indexes had a good 2012. caution is still a byword given the tively high, at 6.8%, by the end of recapitalization and a long period of
confidence brought a strong rally in Only Spain was in the red. The Ger- fragility of those economies. 2013, S&P said. deleveraging, but that’s pretty good
the second half to other sectors: The man DAX gained 29%. Stock markets Investors will “want to look for Paul Watters, the head of corpo- if you’re a credit investor.”
Stoxx Europe 600 index rose 14% in in Austria, Belgium and—of all defensive opportunities—things that rate research at S&P, said there still And with German 10-year bonds
2012, but that’s after rising more places—Greece had strong years. aren’t highly exposed to consumer is a haves-and-have-nots divide: yielding less than 1.5%, many inves-
than 10%, falling to a 5% loss and Greece is a wild card, but that disposable income,” she said. Companies in the lower tiers of tors are getting restless in the ha-
then rebounding again. The 10-year broader strength could continue in “Those are the businesses that are credit and most small companies vens.
Spanish bond yield ended the year at 2013. Investors looking to add risk theoretically going to be the first on have little access to capital markets. “We’re seeing that 4% to 5%
5.231%, roughly where it began, but are likely to find stocks attractive, the line to suffer.” And, he said, investors still are par- yields are attractive to investors
it peaked above 7% in the summer. Ms. Drew said. When dipping into One of the most popular trades ticularly keen on secured debt, these days,” Mr. Pamphilon said.
22 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.S. Banks Prepare

For Rise in Lending
BY DAN FITZPATRICK know those companies before earn-
ing their business, he said.
Some of the biggest U.S. banks In Charlotte, J.P. Morgan hired
are barging into their rivals’ back- away some Bank of America lenders
yards, in a bare-knuckle bet that as part of its push in that city.
2013 will bring a long-awaited rise Meanwhile, Bank of America Chief
in demand for loans. Executive Brian Moynihan is “push-
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., the ing” his teams to “do more loans,”
largest U.S. bank by assets, is bulk- he told investors in December.
ing up in No. 2 Bank of America In Nashville, J.P. Morgan became a
Corp.’s hometown of Charlotte, N.C., lead sponsor of a prominent Nashville
while Bank of America adds to of- Chamber of Commerce initiative to
fices in traditional J.P. Morgan recruit new firms and help local com-
strongholds Cincinnati and Cleve- panies expand. Ms. Maynard attended
land. Together, the companies are Rotary Club meetings and gained a
Bloomberg News

adding nearly 100 commercial bank- seat on the chamber’s International

ers across the U.S., including foot- Business Council, one of nine non-
holds in Minneapolis and Pitts- profits across the state in which J.P.
burgh, the hometowns, respectively, Morgan now has a leadership role.
Sandbags surround the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 30 after superstorm Sandy ravaged Lower Manhattan and of regional rivals U.S. Bancorp and Last October, Ms. Maynard threw
caused the bourse to shut for two days, raising questions about exchanges’ preparedness. PNC Financial Services Group Inc. a tailgate party before a football

Wall Street Aims to

The moves are the latest sign game pitting hometown Vanderbilt
that big banks need rising lending University against the University of
income to offset revenue lost to a Florida. When she suggested the
regulatory overhaul and public bank invite clients from Knoxville, a
backlash against fees. The narrow- J.P. Morgan banker from that city re-

Move Past Glitchy Year

ing spread between banks’ deposit minded Ms. Maynard that no one in
and lending rates is forcing some Knoxville who roots for the home-
banks to escalate their search for town University of Tennessee would
loans and get more aggressive on dare attend a Vanderbilt game.
pricing in hopes they can offset “I should have seen that one
their margin compression by in- coming,” Ms. Maynard said. “Sadly,
BY MATT JARZEMSKY the top spot at the combined com- slim gap between the prices at which creasing lending volume. Vanderbilt lost, but it was a heck of
pany. Mr. Sprecher has criticized cer- brokers buy and sell shares, reducing Tennessee’s capital of Nashville a party. People had fun.”
The past year exposed cracks in tain aspects of stock trading, such as the opportunity to take profits. is one of many large U.S. cities
the systems underlying the U.S. exchanges’ practice of offering incen- Many professional traders and where this battle for loans is esca-
stock market. In 2013, exchanges tives to traders that are active buy- exchange executives would like reg- lating. The city is dominated by
and market overseers will seek to ers and sellers of securities. ICE also ulators to undertake a more sweep- Bank of America and two big South- After the Boom
repair them. has imposed curbs on high-frequency ing review of the rules and dynam- eastern lenders, SunTrust Banks Inc. Business loans outstanding at
Incidents such as Nasdaq OMX traders in its futures markets. ics underlying the stock market. and Regions Financial Corp., but is U.S. banks and thrifts
Group Inc.’s mishandling of Face- Meanwhile, regulators are work- Years of innovation have seen the also coveted by outsiders such as $1.6 trillion
book Inc.’s initial public offering and ing out the details for systems emergence of “dark pools,” net- J.P. Morgan and by numerous
a software glitch at Knight Capital aimed at preventing wild swings. works that match stock buy-and-sell smaller players, including Pinnacle
Group Inc. that caused erratic trad- Rules will finally go into effect that orders electronically, and rapid-fire Bank, the largest local independent 1.2
ing in dozens of stocks cost securi- were conceived in response to the computer-driven trading. But not all bank in Nashville. Q3: $1.45
ties firms hundreds of millions of 2010 “flash crash,” a 30-minute epi- market participants are happy with J.P. Morgan executives said they 0.8 trillion
dollars. (And in Knight’s case, it led sode that took regulators months to the way the market has evolved. can win business without poaching
to a proposed takeover with Getco understand, though some still dis- “We are hopeful that there will from others, but one local banker
LLC.) More important, according to pute the causes. be some addressing of why you have said it would be difficult to add
some observers, they shook individ- For example, a pilot program 13 exchanges and 50 ‘dark pools,’ market share any other way.
ual investors’ confidence in the in- meant to strengthen circuit-breaker and why the market has become “The only way to grow loans is 0
tegrity of the market. As a result, rules, which halt trading when the overly complicated,” said Andy to take them away from someone 2007 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12
regulators and market participants stock market suddenly jolts higher Brooks, head of stock trading at T. else,” said Terry Turner, chief exec- Note: Business loans to commercial and industrial
are turning their focus to testing or lower, is set to start in February. Rowe Price Group Inc., the Balti- utive of Pinnacle Bank’s parent, Pin-
Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
and maintaining their systems. The Securities and Exchange Com- more asset manager. “We’ve reached nacle Financial Partners Inc. “It cre- The Wall Street Journal
“Wall Street woke up to the fact mission announced the program’s a point where everyone at the table ates great pricing pressure.”
that operational risk on a trading approval in June. acknowledges that we’ve probably Nashville is among 10 large cities
desk is a lot higher than people Also coming in February is a pol- made some mistakes in this incredi- selected by J.P. Morgan’s commer- J.P. Morgan’s rivals said they
used to think it was,” said Dan Ma- icy limiting price swings in individ- ble push for innovation and break- cial bank for an expansion, despite aren’t going to give up without a
thisson, Credit Suisse’s head of U.S. ual stocks. The “limit-up/limit- neck speed.” having no retail branches there. The fight. Jim Schmitz, president of
execution and trading. “You can down” system is meant to prevent Kevin Cronin, who leads stock New York bank is targeting large middle Tennessee for Regions,
have human error, you can have shares from rapidly swinging out- trading at Invesco Ltd., said he is population areas that offer “high based in Birmingham, intends to
fraud, and you can have a computer side of a specified price band. In concerned that the SEC’s ability to potential,” J.P. Morgan said in a pre- add more Nashville bankers at the
glitch, and all those things can cre- most cases, for example, stocks in monitor stock trading in “real time” sentation to investors last year. beginning of 2013. He said he would
ate massive problems. We’re going the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock in- is limited, especially when it comes Other targets include Birming- try to recruit from rival banks if he
to see the emphasis more on nuts- dex won’t be able to trade 5% above to the actions of rapid-fire traders. ham, Ala., Richmond, Va., St. Louis, can find local lenders who can bring
and-bolts operational issues.” or below their average price over “Do the SEC and others have the Philadelphia and Boston. J.P. Mor- “relationships with companies we
Throughout 2013, “the conversa- the previous five minutes. intellectual firepower—and I don’t gan also is adding to nine other cit- don’t already have.”
tion is going to be centered around The rules are set to replace the mean that disrespectfully at all, be- ies in Florida and the West Coast “The competition for people and
risk management, technical resilience current circuit-breaker system for cause it’s a very specific type of skill where it bought operations from customers is as a fierce as I’ve ever
and the adoption of stronger testing individual stocks that halts trading set and understanding—to be able Washington Mutual Inc.’s failed seen it,” he said.
standards,” said Eric Noll, who over- altogether. Critics of the halt ap- to put all that information to- thrift. The goal is to increase com- Pinnacle already has hired away
sees trading operations at Nasdaq. proach have called it disruptive. gether?” he said. mercial-bank revenue by $2 billion, one of the bankers who opened up
Exchanges and other market par- Those changes may be more visi- To be sure, the SEC is working add more than 200 new clients a the initial J.P. Morgan office. Mr.
ticipants have directed more cash ble to securities firms’ back-office on a computer system to track all year and sell existing clients addi- Turner, the bank’s 57-year-old CEO,
and staff to ensuring their systems staffs than to individual investors, U.S. stock trading. The program, tional products. said he expects to increase Pinna-
are working properly, said Joe but the SEC also is weighing a pro- which the agency approved in July, In Nashville, (pop. 609,644), J.P. cle’s loans by 37% over a three-year
Mecane, head of U.S. equities for posal that could change the land- is its biggest step since the May Morgan took temporary office-park period, to nearly $5 billion, by tak-
New York Stock Exchange parent scape for everyone who trades 2010 flash crash to improve its sur- space about 20 minutes from down- ing business from rivals. He has
NYSE Euronext. stocks. veillance of the market. town before moving to a more hired 14 new bankers in anticipation
“Both for us and the industry, The agency plans to host a forum The SEC currently has to request prominent location at the end of of that push.
there is heightened awareness of in February to discuss increasing data from exchanges and the Finan- Music Row in late 2011. J.P. Morgan “This is easily the most competi-
technology dependencies, which has the minimum increment—the “tick cial Industry Regulatory Authority, recruited 38-year-old Nicole May- tive loan market I have ever been in,”
led us to be more cautious and more size”—for some thinly traded Wall Street’s self-regulator. Those nard from its Dallas office to lead said Mr. Turner, citing a combination
deliberate in our approach, and put stocks. For example, the minimum data can be difficult to read and the operation as president of mid- of extended terms and low rates be-
more emphasis on a stable infra- change in a stock’s price could in- sometimes aren’t available immedi- dle-market banking in Tennessee ing offered to local companies.
structure,” Mr. Mecane said. crease to a nickel, rather than the ately, hampering the SEC’s ability to and hired 10 other people. J.P. Morgan isn’t immune to the
NYSE Euronext may see some standard penny. track market action instantly. Commercial-banking Chief Exec- pricing pressures. Its commercial
changes, too, after agreeing last Some say this could boost trading Last summer, the regulator con- utive Doug Petno said his new bank loans were up 16% through the
month to be bought by Interconti- volumes in those stocks because it tracted with Tradeworx, a Red Bank, teams across the U.S. have “all the end of the third quarter, but reve-
nentalExchange Inc. for $8.2 billion. would make it more profitable for se- N.J., high-frequency trading firm, to time in the world” to make up nue rose just 7%. Ms. Maynard said
The deal, expected to close in the curities firms to buy and sell such provide a market-data service meant ground on rivals. His instructions: J.P. Morgan refuses to buy “share
second half of 2013, would see ICE shares. The one-cent increments cur- to help the agency track stock and “Draw a circle around the best for the sake of buying share,” but
Chief Executive Jeffrey Sprecher take rently used in stock trading offer a options trades in real time. names in the market” and get to adds that “we certainly play to win.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 23


Traders Face Ebb in Currency Volatility

BY TOM LAURICELLA make a currency less attractive to
Calmer Seas hold.
The U.S. dollar lost ground Stimulus efforts by major central banks muted currencies’ price swings in 2012, even as the global economic backdrop Shinzo Abe, the new Japanese
against the euro and many emerging- remained unsettled. prime minister, has pressured the
market currencies but gained against central bank to undertake “unlim-
the yen in 2012, as markets were Number of dollars one euro buys How many yen one dollar buys U.S. dollar vs. other currencies ited” monetary easing to revive the
buffeted by dueling efforts among $1.40 ¥90 PCT. CHANGE IN US$ economy and has asked his cabinet
the world’s major central banks to 2012: 2012: to produce a budget with trillions of
IN 2012 DEC. 31, 2012
1.81% to $1.3195 12.8% to ¥86.75
pour freshly minted money into their yen in stimulus spending. A weaker
1.35 85 Australian dollar  1.8% $1.0393
economies. yen would boost exports by lowering
As 2013 gets under way, investors British pound  4.5% $1.6246 the cost of Japanese-produced goods
say there is little on the horizon to 1.30 80 in global markets.
suggest that the backdrop of unprec- Canadian dollar  2.8% $1.0073 The dollar finished 2012 at
edented easy monetary policy will ¥86.75, up 13%.
1.25 75 Mexican peso  8.5% $0.0778
change. And it is a force that many “The Japanese will have an easier
traders say led to a quieting of price time of weakening the yen against
Swiss franc  2.4% $1.0926
swings in 2012 even as the global 1.20 70 the dollar in 2013, but it’s not going
economic backdrop remained unset- '12 '12 to be a completely easy task,” Mr.
tled. Source: WSJ Market Data Group The Wall Street Journal Normand says. While the Bank of Ja-
As a result, a central debate is pan can ramp up its monetary-policy
whether the global tidal wave of li- easing efforts, “the problem is that
quidity will continue to mute volatil- ings of currency-price swings have range since it was introduced in the latter part of 2013 to $1.34. the Fed is also pushing rates down,”
ity in the currency markets or hit levels last seen before the finan- 1999, spending all of 2012 between While the ECB has cut rates and he says. As a result, the yen may not
whether lingering economic imbal- cial crisis, is “something that is go- $1.2060 and $1.3462. pumped money into the financial slide far against the dollar, but could
ances will once again flare up, lead- ing to have to give,” he says. In the end, the euro finished 2012 markets by expanding the holdings weaken much in comparison to
ing to the kinds of price swings that The poster child for generally be- within shouting distance of where it on its balance sheet, compared with higher-yielding currencies, such as
have been commonplace since 2008. calmed currency markets in 2012 had started against the dollar, gain- other major central banks, “the ECB the Australian dollar and those from
John Normand, head of global was the euro-dollar exchange rate. ing 1.8% to $1.3195. is the one that’s relatively tight,” he emerging markets.
foreign-exchange strategy at J.P. On the one side of the equation, the Elsa Lignos, senior currency says. Mr. Normand says the ECB is in It was against those higher-yield-
Morgan Securities in London, said U.S. economy expanded moderately, strategist at RBC Capital Markets in no rush to significantly ease policy ing currencies that the dollar lost
central banks will continue to act as but the Federal Reserve rolled on London, doesn’t think 2013 will pro- further, which in turn should provide ground in 2012.
a wet blanket. with monetary-policy easing that vide much more in the way of room support to the euro. The New Zealand dollar, a favor-
“We’re looking at a market which only became more aggressive as the to play the euro against the dollar. On the other side of the coin, the ite of global yield seekers in 2012,
is much less stressed and which year went on. That was largely offset If there is a bias, it could be dollar surged in late 2012 against a gained 6.2% against the U.S. dollar,
presents fewer trading opportuni- by lingering woes in debt-strapped slightly higher, in part because U.S. suddenly vulnerable Japanese yen. the Mexican peso rose 8.5% and Nor-
ties,” Mr. Normand says. “It makes Europe and easier monetary policy money managers have been holding The Japanese currency slid in the fi- wegian krone rose 7.4%. The Austra-
2013 a much more challenging year” from the European Central Bank. less in European bonds and stocks nal two months of the year amid ex- lian dollar, meanwhile, gained 1.7%
for returns. As a result, over the course of the compared with benchmark indexes. pectations that a new government against the U.S. dollar.
But Matthew Alexy, a director for year, $1.30 was a virtual magnet for “In order for the euro to go down would push the Bank of Japan to be One exception was the Brazilian
global foreign-exchange sales at TD the euro; there were only three further [against the dollar] we need more aggressive about easing mone- real. Thanks to successful efforts by
Securities, says that calm masks months in which at some point it to identify a fresh source of weak- tary policy by essentially printing the country’s government to fight
“some pretty significant imbalances didn’t change hands at that rate. In ness,” she says. more yen. Investors often equate back against surging capital inflows,
in the global economic environment.” addition, the currency was contained J.P. Morgan’s Mr. Normand thinks monetary easing with a weaker cur- the dollar gained 9.8% against the
That lack of volatility, in which read- to its second-narrowest trading the euro will slowly grind higher in rency, in part because lower rates real.

After a Wild Year,

It’s Time For a
Sober Look at Risk
Continued from page 17
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images (left); Getty Images (below)

managers in 2012—high-yield debt,

differentiating factor for the global mortgage-backed securities and
economy this year. other structured products—are
U.S. economists love to draw up even more exposed to rising rates.
long lists of “headwinds” (things When the CFA Institute, a global
like Washington policy stalemate, association of investment profes-
lack of household income growth sionals, polled more than 6,000
and lackluster consumer confi- members about their 2013 outlook,
dence) and “tailwinds” (a recover- half of them said that stocks would
ing housing market, an improving provide the best returns this year,
trade balance, the energy revolution up from 41% last year. Only 8%
and the like). chose bonds.
But the fundamental issue cen- But the economic uncertainty
ters on the ability of the superloose and the potential for external
monetary policy pursued by the shocks such as a big conflagration
Federal Reserve to stimulate con- in the Middle East, a banking fail-
sumers’ demand for goods and ure in Europe or a crisis in China’s
services, and companies’ desire to wobbly financial sector are keeping risk of future inflation by buying
invest and hire. Without those ele- many fund managers and individual gold.
ments, the U.S. economic recovery investors from plunging headlong On paper, these steady-as-she-
will remain sluggish, patchy and into stocks. goes strategies are sensible. But
fragile even if politicians fill the fis- In a recent note to clients, Bruce they are unlikely to satisfy those
cal policy vacuum of the past few Bittles, chief investment strategist clients who demand results every
years. at Robert W. Baird & Co. describes quarter or small investors, pension
As for relative valuations, inves- the dilemma this way: There is no funds and academic endowments
tors and strategists are stuck in a conclusive evidence yet that the that have suffered years of below-
paradox: Many experts agree that in bond markets’ stellar run is coming par returns.
the long run, bonds will yield lower to an end but “the historical pat- After a year marked by the ob-
returns than in previous decades, tern…suggests it may be getting sessive search for yield, the invest-
but few are prepared to bet that long in the tooth.” ment Holy Grail for 2013 is hidden
stocks and other asset classes will His advice for 2013: “Investors in the murky gray zone between
do better in the short term. should still focus on managing risks risk and return.
Mathematics and common sense rather than chasing returns.” Happy hunting.
suggest that with bond yields at re- Fund managers’ paths to get to
cord lows and the likelihood of in- that ill-defined goal vary. But most Francesco Guerrera is The Wall
terest rates rising at some point, seem to entail increasing exposure Street Journal’s Money & Invest-
fixed income isn’t an investment for to stocks while keeping a substan- ing editor. Write to him at: cur- Economic uncertainty, banking crises in Europe (top) and the potential of
the ages. In fact, the riskier parts of tial part of portfolios in high-grade and follow military conflict over Iran’s nuclear operations (bottom) are helping to keep
the bond market so beloved by fund corporate bonds and hedging the him on Twitter: @guerreraf72. investors from diving into stocks.
24 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


ECB Vow Could Bolster Edging Closer

Yields on the 10-year government bonds of the

Rally in Spain’s Bonds

major euro-zone economies fell during 2012.

BY TOMMY STUBBINGTON Now, with the ECB returning a main too high given the diminished
semblance of stability to markets, risk of full-blown calamity in the 6
The recent rally in Spanish and bond investors are likely to turn euro zone. Interest-rate strategists at SPAIN
Italian debt should have further to their attention to the much more RBC Capital Markets, for example,
run in 2013, as the European Cen- substantial yields offered by Spain say Spanish yields are high enough 5.222%
tral Bank’s promise to backstop and Italy. to cushion buyers against potential
some of the euro zone’s weaker bond “In Europe, we prefer Italian and losses. ITALY
markets continues to tempt yield- Spanish bonds over debt of weaker Any surge in yields, threatening
hungry investors. core countries,” BlackRock Invest- Spain with a loss of market access, 4 4.491%
The two countries were pulled ment Institute, a unit of the world’s would likely trigger an aid request,
back from the brink of fiscal disaster largest money manager by assets, unlocking ECB buying. Therefore, the
in the summer by the ECB’s promise said in its outlook for 2013. majority of analysts foresee at most 3
to buy their bonds if their govern- The timing of a Spanish aid re- a temporary spike in yields. FRANCE
ments ask for help. Despite lingering quest remains a source of investor Among those are strategists at
uncertainty over when Spain in par- uncertainty. For now, the Spanish German bank Commerzbank, who 2 1.987%
ticular will make such a bailout re- government is in no hurry to seek expect the government to seek aid
quest, bond-market analysts say the outside help, and a strong rally in early this year. The 10-year yield
ECB has done enough to bolster con- Spanish bonds since the summer should fall below 4.5% once ECB 1
fidence in Spanish and Italian debt eased much of the pressure on bond-buying kicks in, they add. 1.313%
well into this year. Madrid to do so. But the country re- “By midyear Draghi will be
Yields on ultrasafe German gov- mains mired in recession, and some cheered as the man who saved the 0
ernment bonds, known as Bunds, re- analysts say its funding needs—and euro,” the strategists said. J F M A M J J A S O N D
main close to record lows, leaving in- the expected difficulty in finding Another risk, particularly in Source: Tradeweb The Wall Street Journal
vestors starved of income. This has enough buyers—could force the issue Spain, are the credit-rating firms.
driven a surge in demand for debt is- this year. Moody’s Investors Service made
sued by the likes of France and Bel- Strategists at UBS forecast bond clear in October that the prospect of prefer Italian bonds to their Spanish ther from the depths of 2012, push-
gium, which are considered riskier sales by Spain to rise to a record ECB intervention was crucial in its counterparts, despite a debt load ing down bond prices, despite wide-
than Germany but a surer bet than €123.5 billion ($163 billion) in 2013. decision to leave Spain clinging to its that is one of the highest in Europe spread predictions the 17-member
the more fragile and volatile nations For now, Spain has found buyers investment-grade rating. Too much and February elections that are ex- euro zone will remain in recession in
like Italy and Spain. on the strength of ECB President delay in asking for aid could spur pected to be a referendum on con- the coming year.
German 10-year yields, at 1.31%, Mario Draghi’s summer pledge to do Moody’s—or one of the other major troversial austerity measures. They Ten-year Bund yields should
aren’t far above record lows hit in “whatever it takes” to save the euro, ratings firms—to slash Spain’s rating have a positive outlook for lower- reach 1.6% to 1.8% in the first quarter
2012. The country’s two-year yield which helped restore confidence. Its to “junk” status, and see its bonds rated euro-zone debt in general, as of 2013, and around 2.25% by the
remains in negative territory, having benchmark 10-year yield has re- slide from major indexes. If that investors continue to hunt for yield. end of the year, according to
sunk below zero as investors sought treated to 5.23%, from a high of were to happen, many investors who That should narrow the yield pre- Deutsche Bank.
the safety of the euro zone’s largest, 7.67% in July, according to data from track these benchmarks would find mium over “core” countries, they “The backstops in place should
most-solid economy. French, Belgian, Tradeweb. The equivalent Italian themselves forced to sell Spanish said. increase the resilience of the euro-
and Austrian yields also plumbed re- yield has fallen to 4.49% from 6.67% debt. This easing of tensions should zone bond market against [likely]
cord lows as buyers looked further over the same period. Mindful of this downgrade risk, help yields in Germany and other further shocks,” the bank’s interest-
afield for extra returns. Many analysts think yields re- analysts at BNP Paribas say they safe-harbor countries to climb fur- rate strategists said.

Prosperous New Year? Unlikely in U.S. Treasurys

BY CAROLYN CUI riskier assets such as corporate Swanson is now underweight Trea-
bonds and taking on more leverage. surys and overweight emerging-
Economic and political uncer- “Those are the typical signs of a late- market debt and U.S. value stocks.
tainties continued to hang over the stage bull market,” Mr. Belton said. His rationale: The business cycle is
markets, driving Treasury yields Still, bond investors and analysts stronger than people think, and an
down to the lowest levels in history are reluctant to call the start of a improving housing market will drive
as investors clung to haven bets. bear market. Investors’ confidence the economy upward.
Treasurys returned a paltry 2% in stocks was shaken by the finan- Some analysts and investors ar-
for investors in 2012, far below an cial crisis, and many still prefer gue that the day of reckoning is still
average of 8% for the past three de- keeping assets in less-risky assets way ahead. Barclays’ analysts cited
cades, according to Barclays PLC. like bonds or even cash. During the a sizable fiscal tightening and strin-
Yet, investors kept plowing into first three quarters, foreign central gent bank regulation among the me-
Treasurys and other fixed-income banks, investment funds and house- dium-term headwinds preventing
investments, amid a slow economic holds all increased their holdings of rates from moving up.
recovery in the U.S. and the pro- Treasurys, according to the latest The healing process for the labor
longed debt crisis in Europe. government data. market may take longer than ex-
By the end of 2012, bond inves- “They feel the fear trade was pected. Analysts point to a recent
tors found themselves stuck in a better,” said James Swanson, chief material deceleration of hourly wage
limbo: While a 30-year bull market investment strategist at MFS Invest- growth, which is now below the in-
may be nearing an end, a bear mar- ment Management, which oversees flation rate.
ket isn’t ready to start. Bond inves- $310 billion in assets. In the absence of an uptick in
tors watch the Treasury market, as These investors also felt assured hourly wage growth, the labor mar-
interest rates for all sorts of bonds with the Fed on their side. Follow- ket would require payroll numbers to
are based on Treasury yields. ing its December meeting, the U.S. rise faster than the current pace to
During 2012, the $11 trillion central bank announced its plan to generate stronger income growth,
Treasury market began to show continue buying bonds and keep in- said Ajay Rajadhyaksha, Barclays’s
signs of fatigue. Trading volumes terest rates low until the unemploy- head of rates and securitized prod-
were down about 10% from 2011, de- ment rate drops below 6.5%. “We’re ucts research. To have inflation be-
spite more debt issued. Volatility still quite a ways away from” that come a concern for the bond market,
also fell sharply in 2012 to its low- target, Mr. Belton said. The U.S. job- “I think you have to have wage infla-
est level in five years, according to less rate stood at 7.7% in November. tion go up first,” he said.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. In 2013, bond investors will keep “If that slack goes away, that’s
The yield on the 10-year Treasury a close tab on the U.S. labor market. really the key ingredient that will
note, after plunging to an all-time At the current rate of job trigger the eventual sustained bear
low of 1.404% in July, moved in a growth, Mr. Swanson of MFS ex- market in bonds,” J.P. Morgan’s Mr.
narrow band for most of the year. pects unemployment to drop below Belton said.
Bond prices move inversely to yields. 7% by December 2013, when wage Interest rates this year are ex-
With rates at rock-bottom levels, inflation will start to kick in. Wages pected to stay close to current lev-
“most of the rally has run its course,” account for half of the consumer els, with some gyrations in the first

said Terry Belton, head of fixed-in- prices. Typically, higher inflation ex- quarter depending on the outcome
come strategy at J.P. Morgan. Since pectations will drive up yields. of the “fiscal cliff” negotiations.
the onset of the financial crisis, inter- The Federal Reserve, led by Ben Bernanke, moved aggressively in 2012. When yields start to rise, bond “I’m afraid it’s the beginning of a
est rates have dropped significantly, prices will drop precipitously. “Peo- very dull market,” said David Ader,
as the Federal Reserve undertook a The 10-year Treasury yield fell to Such ultralow interest rates con- ple don’t know how scary the bond head of government bond strategy
series of aggressive monetary poli- 1.759% at the end of 2012, just 0.119 tinued to force some investors to market can be,” Mr. Swanson said. at Stamford, Conn.-based CRT Capi-
cies to boost the economy. percentage point below a year earlier. look for higher yields by getting into In his asset-allocation portfolio, Mr. tal Group LLC.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 25


Optimism Reigns for Japanese Shares

BY BRAD FRISCHKORN 12% against the euro since Nov. 14 more of daily trading on the Tokyo way, including cuts to pension bene-
as market participants bet that Mr. On the Rise Stock Exchange. fits and a staggered increase in the
TOKYO—Encouraged by promises Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party Aggressive easing of monetary national consumption tax, Mr. Eadon-
Daily index closes of Tokyo Topix
of strong action by Japan’s new gov- would come back to power. The dol- policy by the Bank of Japan should Clarke noted. “Politicians now have a
ernment to weaken the yen, end de- lar was quoted late Monday in New 900 Dec. 28: 859.8 theoretically also work to inflate as- strong incentive to introduce policies
flation and introduce structural York at ¥86.74, its highest level in set prices—including for real estate to stoke more GDP growth,” he said.
overhauls, market experts are gener- nearly 2½ years. 850 and stocks—and fuel loan demand. This optimistic scenario has its
ally bullish on Japanese equities for A cheaper yen relative to the Ko- “The setting of an inflation tar- detractors, however, including those
2013 after the market surged nearly rean won is also seen as critical be- get of 1% to 2% by the Bank of Japan who note that Mr. Abe’s first stint
20% in the last six weeks of trading. cause Japan and South Korea compete should not be infeasible,” said David as premier in 2006 lasted barely a
For all of 2012, the Nikkei Stock in key industries such as autos and Herro, the Chicago-based chief in- year. Remaining in the job is diffi-
Average rose 23%, its best perform- electronics, making a stronger yen a 750 vestment officer at Harris Associ- cult, making it hard for prime minis-
ance since 2005, while the broader big obstacle for Japanese producers. ates. “Japan desperately needs to re- ters to take radical action. The
Topix index was up 18%. Based on “A weaker yen would be a pow- 700 verse its deflationary spiral, and prime ministership has changed
projections from seven brokerages, erful tool for escaping from defla- October November December this is the single best way to do it.” hands six times in the last six years.
the Topix index is forecast to climb tion as it would improve the com- Source: SIX Financial Mr. Abe has pushed for a 2% tar- Profit-taking could also stifle the
7% in 2013. petitiveness of Japanese exports, The Wall Street Journal get, but the central bank has yet to market if jitters worsen over the
Politics have everything to do leading to expanded earnings and act. U.S. budget, or if the LDP backtracks
with the optimism: Almost all of the higher share prices,” said Daiwa Re- While aggressive monetary easing on key policy goals.
gains came after snap elections were search strategist Kazuhiro Miyake. Strategists almost uniformly and setting higher inflation targets “It’s tempting to take some
called in mid-November. The new “The resulting upturn in consumer agree that Japanese shares remain are relatively quick fixes, their effects money off the table in stocks like
government under Prime Minister and corporate sentiment would en- undervalued and underexposed to alone probably won’t be enough to Nomura Holdings that have run up
Shinzo Abe, which swept to power in able the economy to rebound.” international investors. “Japan is lure the kind of foreign capital so much,” said Naoki Fujiwara, a
a mid-December parliamentary elec- Hiromichi Tamura, a strategist at the only major market where price- needed for a longer-term recovery in fund manager at Shinkin Asset Man-
tion, is pushing the normally cautious Nomura Securities, expects gains of to-book ratios still stand near 2008 equity prices, some traders say. agement. “But we’re standing pat on
Bank of Japan to embark on aggres- at least 15% for both the Nikkei and crisis levels, while dividend yields Structural economic overhauls core exporters such as Toyota Mo-
sive monetary easing and to set a 2% the Topix in 2013. “With earnings at are more than triple 10-year govern- are the best hope for a sustained tor Corp. and Canon Inc.”
inflation target, up from 1% currently. Japanese companies still about 40% ment-bond yields,” notes Kathy Mat- bull market, as Japan’s experience in Adam Fisher, chief investment
Japan has been suffering nearly two below pre-financial-crisis levels, sui, chief equity strategist for Japan 2005 and 2006 illustrated, said Peter officer at Los Angeles-based hedge
decades of deflation; most measures there is considerable scope for re- at Goldman Sachs. Eadon-Clarke, an analyst at Macqua- fund Commonwealth Opportunity
of inflation are now around zero. covery,” Mr. Tamura said. With Japan currently under- rie Equities Research, referring to Capital, remains skeptical. “Consid-
Expectations for greater easing He expects that corporate earn- weight in many major international the efforts of Junichiro Koizumi, Ja- ering the kind of massive effort the
have helped to push the yen lower, ings per share would rise as much equity funds, a fundamental re- pan’s prime minister at the time. Mr. BOJ needs to make, I’m pessimistic,”
providing relief for the country’s ex- as 20% from a year earlier if the weighting could potentially pour Koizumi is credited with pushing Mr. Fisher said. “After so many
porters and propelling the market dollar is at around ¥80, and that the tens of billions of dollars back into through changes to Japan’s tax, reg- years of merely hoping for change, I
higher. The yen has lost more than gain would be 30% if the dollar rises Japanese stocks, she said. Foreign ulatory and financial systems. need to see follow-through before I
8% against the dollar and more than to ¥90. investors account for two-thirds or Some changes are already under become a believer.”

Data provided by:



n ALEXANDRA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GH FUND S EUR OT OT CYM 12/14 EUR 140.48 5.2 5.8 2.2 Pictet-Asian Eq ExJpn-I USD OT OT LUX 12/31 USD 190.34 16.9 16.9 -2.1 MENA UCITS Fund OT OT IRL 12/20 USD 1037.29 11.8 11.1 -2.1
AlexandraConvertibleBondFundI,Ltd.(ClassA) OT OT VGB 08/31 USD 2155.22 NS NS NS GH FUND S GBP OT OT CYM 12/14 GBP NS.00 5.7 6.3 2.4 Pictet-Asian Eq ExJpn-P USD OT OT LUX 12/31 USD 176.71 15.9 15.9 -2.9 UAE Blue Chip Fund
OT OT ARE 12/20 AED 5.10 18.0 15.9 0.5
GH Fund S USD OT OT CYM 12/14 USD NS.00 5.6 6.2 2.2 Pictet-Biotech-P USD OT EQ LUX 12/28 USD 353.54 24.5 26.6 7.0
GH Fund USD OT OT GGY 12/14 USD NS.00 4.6 5.1 1.1 Pictet-Conv. Bonds-P EUR OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 96.34 6.4 6.2 -4.6
Hedge Investments OT OT GGY 07/20 USD NS.00 1.3 -2.9 2.5 Pictet-Digital Comm-P USD OT EQ LUX 12/28 USD 145.28 10.9 11.8 1.7
Pictet-Eastern Europe-P EUR EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 365.63 23.7 23.7 -5.7
Leverage GH USD OT OT GGY 12/14 USD NS.00 7.1 8.1 -0.1
Pictet-Emerging Markets-P USD GL EQ LUX 12/31 USD 528.04 12.4 12.4 -7.4
MultiAdv Arb CHF Hdg OT OT JEY 12/14 CHF NS.00 3.6 3.4 -0.3 Pictet-Eu Equities Sel-P EUR EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 487.55 20.6 21.7 2.9
MultiAdv Arb EUR Hdg OT OT JEY 12/14 EUR NS.00 3.9 3.8 0.5 Pictet-EUR Bonds-P EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 461.30 13.8 13.9 7.5
MultiAdv Arb GBP Hdg OT OT JEY 12/14 GBP NS.00 4.3 4.2 0.6 Pictet-EUR Bonds-Pdy EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 306.09 13.7 13.9 7.5
MultiAdv Arb S EUR OT OT JEY 12/14 EUR 118.41 5.3 5.2 1.8 Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-P EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 172.81 14.3 14.6 6.3
Avgd. Meritxell 96, Andorra la Vella. Andorra. Ph. +376.884884 MultiAdv Arb S GBP OT OT JEY 12/14 GBP 124.60 5.7 5.6 2.0 Pictet-EUR Corporate Bonds-Pdy EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 104.76 14.2 14.5 6.3
Andfs. Anglaterra UK EQ AND 11/16 GBP 8.47 2.8 3.6 14.9
Andfs. Borsa Global GL EQ AND 12/27 EUR 5.92 4.5 4.5 -5.5 MultiAdv Arb S USD OT OT JEY 12/14 USD 135.34 5.6 5.5 1.9 Pictet-EUR High Yield-P EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 198.51 25.5 25.6 7.8 n YUKI MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH
Andfs. Emergents GL EQ AND 11/02 USD 14.77 -20.4 -19.2 -4.7 MultiAdv Arb USD OT OT JEY 12/14 USD NS.00 4.2 4.1 0.6 Pictet-EUR High Yield-Pdy EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 91.01 25.5 25.5 7.8
Andfs. Espanya EU EQ AND 12/27 EUR 10.44 2.5 3.2 -4.5 Pictet-Europe Index-P EUR EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 120.91 17.8 19.0 2.5
Andfs. Estats Units US EQ AND 12/27 USD 16.03 9.1 8.4 0.5
n HSBC Uni-folio Pictet-European Sust Eq-P EUR EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 156.28 14.5 15.6 2.2 n YMR-N Series
Andfs. Europa EU EQ AND 12/27 EUR 6.39 8.1 9.0 -6.7 Asian AdbantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 12/14 EUR NS.00 -0.1 -0.4 -6.0 Pictet-Glo Emerging Debt-P USD GL BD LUX 12/28 USD 327.64 16.2 16.3 11.7
JEY Pictet-Glo Emerging Debt-Pdy USD GL BD LUX 12/28 USD 183.98 16.1 16.2 11.6 YMR-N Growth Fund JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 8678.00 12.9 15.0 -4.0
Andfs. Franca EU EQ AND 12/27 EUR 9.23 17.1 18.7 -1.6 Asian AdvantEdge OT EQ 12/14 USD NS.00 0.8 0.7 -5.3
Emerg AdvantEdge OT EQ JEY 09/28 USD 151.22 3.4 -2.4 -5.5 Pictet-Greater China-P USD AS EQ LUX 12/31 USD 382.93 20.7 20.7 -2.3
Andfs. Japo JP EQ AND 12/27 JPY 467.01 17.2 17.6 -3.2 n Yuki 77 Series
Andfs. Plus Dollars US BA AND 10/22 USD 9.66 2.3 3.0 6.2 Emerg AdvantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 09/28 EUR 82.99 2.8 -3.0 -5.9 Pictet-Indian Equities-P USD EA EQ LUX 12/31 USD 308.21 23.3 23.3 -15.0
Andfs. RF Dolars US BD AND 12/27 USD 12.21 5.4 5.6 1.8 Europ AdvantEdge EUR OT EQ JEY 06/30 EUR 127.84 -3.4 -1.3 2.2 Pictet-Japan Index-P JPY JP EQ LUX 12/31 JPY 8731.55 21.2 21.2 -1.0 Yuki 77 General JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 5268.00 13.4 15.0 -4.5
Andfs. RF Euros EU BD AND 12/27 EUR 11.56 4.8 4.9 2.9 Europ AdvantEdge USD OT EQ JEY 06/30 USD 135.07 2.0 4.3 5.1 Pictet-Japanese Eq Opp-P JPY JP EQ LUX 12/31 JPY 4743.25 21.6 21.6 1.8
Andorfons EU BD AND 12/27 EUR 15.28 5.2 5.5 3.2 JEY
Pictet-Japanese Eq Sel-I JPY JP EQ LUX 12/31 JPY 7900.76 21.6 21.6 -0.2 n Yuki Asia Umbrella Series
Real AdvantEdge EUR OT OT 04/30 EUR 104.69 1.3 -9.5 -1.9
Andorfons Alternative Premium GL EQ AND 10/31 EUR 93.01 -0.3 -1.4 -2.9 Pictet-Japanese Eq Sel-P JPY JP EQ LUX 12/31 JPY 7520.58 20.9 20.9 -0.8
Real AdvantEdge USD OT OT JEY 04/30 USD 105.31 1.5 -8.8 -1.7 Yuki Rebounding Gro Fd JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 9157.00 12.9 14.3 NS
Andorfons Mix 30 EU BA AND 12/27 EUR 9.83 5.4 5.6 0.0 Pictet-Pac (ExJpn) Idx-P USD AS EQ LUX 12/31 USD 342.57 24.7 24.7 4.1
Trading AdvantEdge OT OT GGY 12/14 USD 144.17 -4.0 -4.1 -1.9 Pictet-Piclife-P CHF OT OT LUX 12/28 CHF 833.04 8.2 8.6 2.4
Andorfons Mix 60 EU BA AND 12/19 EUR 8.96 4.4 7.1 -2.5 Trading AdvantEdge EUR OT OT GGY 12/14 EUR 130.33 -4.1 -4.2 -1.8 n Yuki Chugoku Series
Pictet-Premium Brands-P EUR OT EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 103.79 19.0 19.9 4.7
Trading AdvantEdge GBP OT OT GGY 12/14 GBP 139.15 -3.7 -3.8 -1.7 Pictet-Russian Equities-P USD EE EQ LUX 12/28 USD 65.62 16.1 15.4 -10.2
n CG Portfolio Fund Ltd Yuki Chugoku Jpn Gen JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6198.00 14.7 16.4 -3.9
NAV OT OT CYM 12/14 GBP 25249.51 6.6 6.7 8.8 Pictet-Security-P USD GL EQ LUX 12/28 USD 130.82 14.5 15.7 1.7 Yuki Chugoku JpnLowP JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6417.00 2.7 3.6 -9.4
n HSBC Trinkaus Investment Managers SA Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt CHF-P CH MM LUX 12/28 CHF 124.29 0.0 0.0 0.1
n CHARTERED ASSET MANAGEMENT PTE LTD - TEL NO: 65-6835-8866 E-Mail: Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt CHF-P dy CH MM LUX 12/28 CHF 91.22 0.0 0.0 0.1 n Yuki Hokuyo Japan Series
Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email: Telephone: 352 - 47 18471 Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt EUR-P OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 137.80 0.2 0.2 0.5 Yuki Hokuyo Jpn Gen JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 4116.00 15.3 16.6 -2.3
CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 12/21 USD 396660.89 29.1 29.4 -1.9 HSBC Trinkaus Golden Opportunities OT OT LUX 12/27 USD 130.30 3.9 -0.8 -3.2 Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt EUR-Pdy OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 95.60 0.2 0.2 0.5 Yuki Hokuyo Jpn Inc JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 4722.00 13.5 14.7 -3.3
Prosperity Return Fund A JP BD LUX 12/17 JPY 9464.94 10.5 9.8 -0.3 Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt USD-P OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 132.07 0.4 0.4 0.3 Yuki Hokuyo Jpn Sm Cap JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 5215.00 25.8 27.8 3.1
n Citadele Prosperity Return Fund B OT OT LUX 12/17 JPY 8447.62 22.7 19.8 -0.3 Pictet-Short-T Money Mkt USD-P dy OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 84.32 0.4 0.4 0.3
Republikas square 2a, Riga, LV-1522, Latvia Prosperity Return Fund C OT OT LUX 12/17 USD 90.40 13.7 11.4 0.5 Pictet-Small Cap Europe-P EUR EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 624.74 27.0 27.5 2.0 n Yuki Mizuho Series
Citadele Eastern Europ Bal EU BD LVA 12/27 EUR 16.20 16.0 16.3 1.0 Prosperity Return Fund D OT OT LUX 12/17 EUR 134.01 26.6 27.8 12.6 Pictet-Sov. ST Money Mkt-P EUR OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 102.87 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 Yuki Mizuho Gen Jpn III JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 3219.00 -3.9 -2.8 -11.0
Citadele Eastern Europ Bd EU BD LVA 12/27 USD 19.81 15.0 15.2 7.0 Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd A JP BD LUX 12/17 JPY 10404.61 18.1 17.8 2.9 Pictet-Sov. ST Money Mkt-P USD OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 101.94 0.2 0.2 0.1 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Dyn Gro JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 3750.00 12.5 14.1 -7.3
Citadele Russian Eq EE EQ LVA 12/27 USD 22.47 16.9 15.2 -7.8 Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd B JP BD LUX 12/17 JPY 9198.54 29.0 26.5 2.6 Pictet-Sov. ST Money Mkt-Pdy EUR OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 99.95 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Exc 100 JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6159.00 15.6 17.0 -1.8
Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd C JP BD LUX 12/17 USD 97.84 19.5 17.7 3.3 Pictet-Sov. ST Money Mkt-Pdy USD OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 99.95 0.2 0.2 0.1 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Gen JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 7688.00 11.0 12.5 -5.3
n DJE INVESTMENT S.A. Renaissance Hgh Grade Bd D JP BD LUX 12/17 EUR 107.96 16.7 18.5 3.4 Pictet-Timber-P USD GL EQ LUX 12/28 USD 130.35 28.3 29.9 5.2 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Gro JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 5352.00 9.3 11.2 -7.5
internet: email: phone:+00 352 269 2522 0 fax:+00 352 269 25252 Pictet-USA Index-P USD US EQ LUX 12/28 USD 117.92 12.8 13.6 6.8 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Inc JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6955.00 12.5 13.8 -3.8
DJE Real Estate P OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 5.12 -4.7 -4.6 -8.2 Pictet-USD Government Bonds-P US BD LUX 12/28 USD 594.87 2.5 2.7 5.9 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Lg Cap JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 4386.00 13.0 14.2 -6.1
DJE-Absolut P OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 234.58 16.5 16.7 0.8 Pictet-USD Government Bonds-Pdy US BD LUX 12/28 USD 390.79 2.5 2.7 5.9 Yuki Mizuho Jpn LowP JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 10167.00 9.1 9.7 -5.4
DJE-Alpha Glbl P OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 172.13 9.6 9.4 -5.8 Pictet-Water-P EUR OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 166.06 12.9 13.7 4.1 Yuki Mizuho Jpn PGth JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6257.00 11.2 12.8 -7.5
DJE-Div& Substanz P EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 253.01 13.9 14.5 1.1 Pictet-World Gvt Bonds-P USD OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 187.10 1.5 2.2 4.6 Yuki Mizuho Jpn SmCp JP EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 6820.00 19.2 20.5 -0.7
DJE-Gold&Resourc P OT EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 170.27 -7.5 -8.2 -15.5 Pictet-World Gvt Bonds-Pdy USD OT OT LUX 12/28 USD 141.04 1.5 2.2 4.6 Yuki Mizuho Jpn Val Sel AS EQ IRL 12/28 JPY 5090.00 18.0 19.5 -4.5
DJE-Renten Glbl P EU BD LUX 12/28 EUR 151.19 9.4 9.7 4.9
LuxPro-Dragon I AS EQ LUX 07/20 EUR 144.57 -8.5 5.0 7.6 n MP ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
LuxPro-Dragon P AS EQ LUX 07/20 EUR 140.29 -8.8 4.4 7.0 International Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited PH - 353 1 670 660 Fax - 353 1 670 1185
Tel: + 386 1 587 47 77 Global Technology OT EQ IRL 12/28 USD 17.03 9.7 9.4 -2.3
LuxTopic-Aktien Europa EU EQ LUX 12/28 EUR 19.38 16.3 17.0 3.7 MP-BALKAN.SI EE EQ SVN 08/12 EUR 19.29 -1.9 -8.4 -10.9
LuxTopic-Pacific OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 21.25 23.4 24.3 0.1 Japan Fund USD JP EQ IRL 12/28 USD 17.84 4.4 7.1 -1.4
MP-TURKEY.SI OT OT SVN 12/28 EUR 48.62 57.0 59.3 2.4
Polar Healthcare Class I USD OT EQ IRL 12/28 USD 17.95 23.5 23.7 15.6 n OTHER FUNDS
Polar Healthcare Class R USD OT EQ IRL 12/28 USD 17.69 23.0 23.3 15.1 For information about these funds, please contact us on Tel: +44 (0) 207 842 9694/9633
n HERMITAGE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LTD. Medinvest Plc Dublin OT EQ IRL 09/30 USD NS.00 NS 1.3 -4.4
Tel: +7501 258 3160 n Hemisphere Management (Ireland) Limited
The Hermitage Fund GL EQ JEY 03/12 USD 963.12 4.5 105.6 -23.2
Elbrus USD A OT OT CYM 10/31 USD 10.48 NS NS NS Tel: +44 (0)20 7610 5350 Fax: +44 (0)20 7610 5301
n HORSEMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LTD. Winton Evolution EUR Cls H GL OT CYM 11/30 EUR NS.00 -9.6 -7.2 -1.5
Europn Conviction USD B EU EQ CYM 12/07 USD 155.30 6.6 5.6 6.7
T: +44(0)20 7838 7580, F: +44(0) 20 7838 7590, Europn Forager USD B EU EQ CYM 11/30 USD 278.27 10.6 10.4 7.4 Winton Evolution GBP Cls G GL OT CYM 11/30 GBP NS.00 -9.3 -6.8 -1.5
Horseman EurSelLtd EUR EU EQ GBR 11/30 EUR 252.32 26.7 23.8 8.2
n MERIDEN GROUP Latin America USD A GL EQ CYM 06/30 USD NS.00 NS NS NS Winton Evolution USD Cls F GL OT CYM 11/30 USD NS.00 -9.5 -7.1 -1.6
Horseman EurSelLtd USD EU EQ 11/30 USD 252.32 17.5 15.0 5.0 Paragon Limited USD A EU EQ CYM 12/31 USD NS.00 12.7 12.7 14.2
Horseman Glbl Ltd EUR GL EQ CYM 11/30 USD 440.47 16.1 16.9 4.9
Tel: + 376 741 175 Fax: + 376 741 183 Email: Winton Futures EUR Cls C GL OT VGB 11/30 EUR 228.05 -4.9 -3.3 2.6
Antanta Combined Fund EE EQ AND 12/28 USD 262.59 -14.5 -13.8 -22.3 UK Fund USD A OT OT CYM 04/13 USD 157.94 1.8 NS NS Winton Futures GBP Cls D GL OT VGB 11/30 GBP 247.25 -4.6 -3.0 2.6
Horseman Glbl Ltd USD GL EQ CYM 11/30 USD 440.47 16.1 16.9 4.9 VGB
Antanta MidCap Fund EE EQ AND 12/28 USD 398.87 -18.5 -15.6 -32.6 Winton Futures JPY Cls E GL OT 11/30 JPY 15834.65 -5.4 -4.0 1.7
n HSBC ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED Meriden Opps Fund GL OT AND 12/26 EUR 25.35 -11.3 -11.4 -24.4 Winton Futures USD Cls B GL OT 11/30 USD 809.62 -4.8 -3.3 2.4
Tel: +6221 25574 883 Fax: +6221 25574 893 Website:
T +44 20 7860 3074 F + 44 20 7860 3174 Meriden Protective Div GL EQ AND 11/24 EUR NS.00 -2.8 NS NS Indonesian Grth Fund GL EQ BMU 12/19 USD 179.08 -0.5 -0.2 -0.1
Special Opp EUR
Special Opp Inst EUR
Special Opp Inst USD
Special Opp USD OT OT GGY 12/14 USD NS.00 17.0 18.1 6.5 NAV ——————%RETURN ——————
n HSBC Portfolio Selection Fund
GH Fund CHF Hdg OT OT GGY 12/14 CHF NS.00 3.7 4.1 0.0
GH Fund GBP Hdg OT OT GGY 12/14 GBP NS.00 4.6 5.1 1.1 PO Box 47435, Abu Dhabi, UAE Feri Institutional Advisors,
Tel: + 41 (58) 323 3000 Web: ARIX Composite Gross USD OT OT GBR 11/30.00 USD1461.41 3.9 3.9 0.7
GH Fund Inst USD OT OT GGY 12/14 USD NS.00 5.1 5.7 1.7 Pictet-Agriculture-P EUR OT OT LUX 12/28 EUR 145.76 12.4 13.0 -2.6 MENA Special Sits Fund OT OT BMU 11/29 USD 1035.69 5.0 5.8 -3.8
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United States citizens and/or residents
except as noted. Prices are in local currencies. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 12-month and 2-year returns may be calculated over 11- and 23-month periods pending receipt and publication of the last month end price.

For information about listing your funds, please contact: Lauren Berkemeyer tel: +44 20 7572 2102; email:
26 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


How Investors Should Dexia Spells Out

Play 2013 Stock Picks Plan to Wind Down
BY LAURENCE NORMAN lution, Paris and Brussels have also

By Wall Street Analysts

frequently been at odds over how to
BRUSSELS—Franco-Belgian bank divvy up the costs of supporting it.
Dexia SA gave fresh details Monday Dexia on Monday also gave more
of its European Union-backed plan detail of the spinoff of Dexia Munici-
for winding down the bank, warning pal Agency, or DMA, an entity that
that its earnings would be hit by high refinances DCL’s loans to local and
BY BRETT ARENDS borrowing costs and expenses related regional administrations by issuing
to asset sales. covered bonds.
As investors look into their On Friday, EU authorities gave French authorities plan to set up
crystal balls and try to decide their formal backing to the wind- a new financing program for the lo-
which stocks to own in 2013, they down of the bank, which received its cal public sector from Dexia’s ashes.
could always invest in the ones third bailout in four years last month DMA will be sold for one euro to
most highly recommended by Wall and is now largely a holding com- a new credit institution with the
Street pros. pany for illiquid loans and sovereign French government holding 75%,
Or investors could just try flip- debt from troubled euro-zone coun- Caisse des Depots et Consignations
ping a coin. tries. Dexia nearly collapsed in Octo- France holding 20% and La Banque
On Wall Street, unlike in high ber 2011 as concerns about the euro Postale initially holding 5%.
school, popularity is no sure guide Herd on the Street zone left it unable to fund itself. The shareholders will provide the
to success. Wall Street has a decidedly mixed record picking winners and losers. In a news release Monday, Dexia necessary liquidity for the new
The stocks that are most popu- Here are some of the top picks and pans for 2013. said the revised resolution plan ac- lender on completion of the sale, en-
lar with financial analysts and in- cepted by the EU would give it a year abling DMA to repay outstanding
vestment managers often prove to PICKS PANS to sell its holdings in Popular Banca funding from DCL. Operational links
be poor investments. And those Privada and Sofaxis and either sell or between DMA and DCL will end after
SLM (SLM) Netflix (NFLX)
that are the least popular often wind down Dexia Bail Regions, Dexia six months.
turn out surprisingly well. Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) Hormel Foods (HRL) Bail, Dexia LLD and Dexia Flobail. The plan is a major concession by
“The consensus is often wrong,” Dexia would also have 12 months to Paris, which is now directly and indi-
Anadarko Petroleum (APC) Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)
says Lawrence Glazer, portfolio sell its Dexia Israel unit. rectly accepting complete financial
manager at Mayflower Advisors, an H&R Block (HRB) Molson Coors Brewing (TAP) Most other units, including Dexia responsibility for DMA. Under the
investment advisory in Boston with Schlumberger (SLB) Waste Management (WM) SA itself, will be wound down over original resolution proposal, Dexia
$1 billion under management. Source: Thomson Reuters
time until all outstanding loans ma- would have had to retain responsibil-
“There’s no better contrary indica- ture. Belgium nationalized the do- ity for nearly a third of the costs.
tor than when a stock is loved by mestic unit of the bank last year, re- DMA’s balance sheet, which was
Wall Street and Wall Street re- other years, it was a virtual dead Michael Drake of Brigham Young naming it Belfius. €94.3 billion at the end of the third
search.” heat. University and Lynn Rees and Ed- Dexia said its municipal lending quarter, will be transferred to the
Every year around this time, I Overall, buying the 10 most ward Swanson of Texas A&M Uni- unit, Dexia Credit Local, will be al- new French lender, including the
look at the stocks that started the popular stocks each year would versity examined the investment lowed to grant new credits of up to non-French assets.
year with the highest ratings have brought you total losses of performance of the most and least €600 million ($793 million) between Dexia also gave final details of the
among analysts who followed 11% over the past five years. Own- popular stocks on Wall Street over 2013-14 to reduce the overall riski- financial support it will receive in
them—the most “buy” recommen- ing an index fund that simply the period from 1994 to 2006. ness of its loan portfolio. coming years. It confirmed the group
dations and the fewest “sells”—and tracked the S&P 500 instead would Their conclusion: “Overall, follow- Dexia said with the planned asset will receive €85 billion in debt guar-
see how those picks did. have been much better, earning a ing the consensus analyst recom- disposals, it will have a “robust” sol- antees first pledged in late 2011, with
I also look at the stocks that 9% profit. And buying the 10 least mendation does not generate posi- vency base but that the group’s net Belgium guaranteeing 51.4%, France
started the year with the lowest popular each year would have been tive abnormal returns for income “will be impacted by excep- 45.6% and Luxembourg 3%. The guar-
ratings among analysts. better still, earning 16%. investors, and in some periods can tional elements in 2012 and 2013,” antees, which will come into force by
The information comes from According to FactSet data, the actually generate significant nega- including the cost of asset sales and end of January, will cover funding
Thomson Reuters, which monitors worst-performing stock in the S&P tive returns.” expensive funding. until the end of 2021 with a maxi-
recommendations across the mar- 500 this year has been educational The reasons for this are embed- Friday’s EU approval for the de- mum maturity of 10 years and will
ket. company Apollo Group, owner of ded in the system. Restaurants and leveraging plans ended a year of come with significant fees.
In theory, at least according to the online University of Phoenix. movies aren’t changed by their re- wrangling over Dexia’s future, in Dexia also confirmed Belgium will
the Wall Street marketing machine, The stock has tumbled 63%. views. Yet on Wall Street, positive which the commission has had to provide 53% of the €5.5 billion capi-
the stocks with the highest ratings Yet of the 20 analysts who fol- recommendations for a stock tend fight hard to force the price of failure tal injection the bank was promised
should outperform the overall mar- lowed the company a year ago, 12 to drive up the price. That makes it onto an institution that two national last month.
ket by a country mile. The stocks recommended the stock as a “buy,” a more expensive—and less attrac- governments had considered impor- France will provide 47%. After the
with the lowest ratings should do while eight gave Apollo a neutral tive—investment. tant to their respective economies. capital injection, the Belgian and
very poorly. “hold” rating. Not one recom- Where there are many positive Besides fighting the commission French governments will hold 94.4%
This is, after all, what analysts mended selling the stock. reviews, the price often is driven over the dimensions of Dexia’s reso- of Dexia SA.
are paid for. too high in relation to the risks
In 2012, let it be said, Wall and likely returns.
Fund Scorecard
Street analysts had a good year. If The worst-performing On the other hand, where there
you had invested an equal amount are few positive reviews, the price
in their 10 favorite stocks a year stock in the S&P 500 in often has fallen too low. Equity Market Neutral
ago and reinvested the dividends, 2012 was Apollo Group. There are other problems. These funds invest in offsetting long and short positions in equity securities. The funds
you would have made an overall re- Ten years ago, the Sarbanes-Ox- aim to avoid large market swings and provide absolute returns. Ranked on % total
turn of 19%. For example, power- None of the 20 analysts ley Act cracked down on the most return (dividends reinvested) in Euros for one year ending December 31, 2012
tool maker Snap-On gained 56%, who followed it a year ago obvious conflicts of interest, such
Leading 10 Performers
while pumps and valves company as investment banks effectively be-
Flowserve jumped 48%. Specialty recommended selling. ing paid by companies to churn out FUND FUND
% Return in $US **
1-YR 2-YR 5-YR
chemicals company FMC was rated positive recommendations. Yet 4 Wedbush Wedbush Equity USDUSA 17.04 36.88 12.64 NS
a “buy” by nine analysts and a deeper and less obvious conflicts HedgedDividendFund,L.P. Management, LLC
“sell” by just one. It rose 35%. Similarly, among 61 analysts remain. Analysts who go against
NS DAFNA Dafna Capital USDCHI 21.91 26.70 14.33 10.14
The return from the 10 most there were no “sell” ratings a year the herd—recommending the bar-
LifeScienceMarketNeutralLtd Management LLC
popular stocks beat the 14% overall ago for Cliffs Natural Resources, gain-basement stock of a company
return by the Standard & Poor’s Allegheny Technologies or New- in crisis, for example, or advising 2 Kobe Kobe Partners LP USDUSA 9.44 22.58 16.12 6.40
500-stock index. field Exploration. Investors had clients to sell a highflier—face ca- Partners LP
Yet the stocks that began the losses of at least 30% on each of reer risks if the analysis turns out NS GAM Talentum Arkos Capital EURCYM 19.30 21.61 13.69 6.90
year least popular among analysts those three stocks. to be wrong. They may also face a EnhancedEuropeL/SAEUR
didn’t do as badly as one might ex- People who live outside the backlash from any company for 2 Zacks Mkt Zacks Investment USDUSA 6.85 20.81 14.53 3.63
pect. As a group, they produced an bubble of Wall Street often find which they issue a “sell” recom- Neutral Management, Inc.
average investment return of 10%. this upside down. They are used to mendation. NS HiQ Invest HiQ Invest B.V. EURNLD 24.84 19.87 11.07 12.10
Several were spectacular perform- a world where the best products As a result, just 5% of all ana- MarketNeutralFundAClass
ers: Movie-streaming company and services get the best reviews. lysts’ recommendations across the NS Richland Richland Asset USDCYM 13.79 18.12 9.09 11.52
Netflix gained 30%. Investment No one would go to a restaurant S&P 500 are “sells,” according to
AsiaAbsoluteReturnFund Management Ltd
company Federated Investors— panned by customers, or a movie Thomson Reuters data.
which had just two “buy” recom- that earned a dismal 0% at review Analyst research still be very NS Oak Park Asset Direction USDUSA 12.18 17.82 2.05 3.50
mendations among 15 analysts— website valuable. A good research report MarketNeutralPartnersLP Incorporated
leapt 48%. Yet on Wall Street, investors can often show an enormous NS Parametrica Parametric Asset USDCYM 8.96 17.15 5.12 NS
There is no clear pattern to how step through the looking glass. The amount of insight about a com- Global Fund Ltd Management
analyst picks perform. In two of first, quite often, shall be last, and pany’s fundamentals, risks, indus- NS DGHM Dalton, Greiner, USDCYM 11.91 16.35 4.11 1.65
the past five years, the least popu- the last shall be first. try challenges and opportunities. Enhanced Value Ltd Hartman, Maher Co
lar stocks—those which began each In a 2010 paper that ran in the The least valuable part of the note NOTE: Changes in currency rates will affect performance and rankings. Source: Morningstar, Ltd
year with the lowest rating among Accounting Review, which is pub- is the actual recommendation. KEY: ** 2YR and 5YR performance is annualized 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55-71 City Road
NA-not available due to incomplete data; London EC1Y 1HQ United Kingdom
analysts—handily outperformed lished by the American Accounting There, as so often, investors are on NS-fund not in existence for entire period; Email:
the most popular stocks. In two Association, business professors their own. Phone: +44 (0)203 107 0038; Fax: +44 (0)203 107 0001
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 27


Major stock market indexes Stock indexes from around the world, grouped by region. Shown in local-currency terms.
Region/Country Index Close Net change Percentage change Yr.-to-date 52-wk. Region/Country Index Close Net change Percentage change Yr.-to-date 52-wk.
EUROPE Stoxx Europe 600 279.68 0.90 0.32% 14.4% 13.2% Spain IBEX 35 8167.5 36.50 0.45% -4.7 -6.4
Stoxx Europe 50 2577.62 8.71 0.34 8.8 7.9 Sweden OMX Stockholm 343.94 Closed 12.0 12.0
Euro Zone Euro Stoxx 260.84 0.77 0.30 15.5 13.1 Switzerland SMI 6822.44 Closed 14.9 14.9
Euro Stoxx 50 2635.93 9.08 0.35 13.8 11.2 Turkey ISE National 100 78208.44 -370.64 -0.47% 52.6 52.3
Austria ATX 2401.21 Closed 26.9 26.9 U.K. FTSE 100 5897.81 -27.56 -0.47 5.8 5.8
Belgium Bel-20 2475.81 -10.94 -0.44% 18.8 17.1 ASIA-PACIFIC DJ Asia-Pacific 133.20 -0.26 -0.19 13.1 13.1
Czech Republic PX 1038.7 Closed 14.0 14.0 Australia SPX/ASX 200 4648.90 -22.40 -0.48 14.6 14.6
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 452.52 Closed 26.9 26.9 China CBN 600 20794.07 343.74 1.68 6.8 6.8
Finland OMX Helsinki 5801.29 Closed 8.3 8.3 Hong Kong Hang Seng 22656.92 -9.67 -0.04 22.9 22.9
France CAC-40 3641.07 20.82 0.58 15.2 13.0 India Sensex 19426.71 -18.13 -0.09 25.7 25.2
Germany DAX 7612.39 Closed 29.1 29.1 Japan Nikkei Stock Average 10395.18 Closed 22.9 22.9
Hungary BUX 18173.20 Closed 7.1 7.1 Singapore Straits Times 3167.08 -24.72 -0.77 19.7 19.7
Ireland ISEQ 3396.67 30.44 0.90 17.1 17.1 South Korea Kospi 1997.05 Closed 9.4 9.4
Italy FTSE MIB 16273.38 Closed 7.8 7.8 AMERICAS DJ Americas 369.85 4.40 1.20 12.3 12.3
Netherlands AEX 342.71 0.71 0.21 9.9 8.3 Brazil Bovespa 60952.08 Closed 7.4 7.4
Norway All-Shares 490.52 Closed 10.9 10.9 Mexico IPC 43599.55 -122.38 -0.28 17.6 17.6
Poland WIG 47460.59 Closed 26.2 26.2 Note: Americas index data are as of 3:00 p.m. ET. Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Portugal PSI 20 5655.62 -4.35 -0.08 2.9 0.8
Russia RTSI 1526.98 Closed 10.5 10.5

Dow Jones Indexes MSCI indexes

Price-to- Price-to-
Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE (euros) PERFORMANCE (U.S.dollars) Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE (euros) PERFORMANCE (U.S.dollars) Developed and emerging-market regional and country indexes
yield* ratio* Dows Jones Index Last Daily 52-wk. Last Daily 52-wk. yield* ratio* Dows Jones Index Last Daily 52-wk. Last Daily 52-wk. from MSCI Barra as of December 31, 2012
2.48% 17 Global TSM 2665.89 0.76% 13.5% Turkey Titans 20 -c 720.40 -0.03% 62.7% 973.44 -0.46% 56.1% Price-to- LOCAL-CURRENCY
2.49 21 Global Dow 1425.50 0.86% 8.4% 1995.96 0.57 10.0 5.97% 14 Global Select Div -d 194.50 0.50 6.5 219.45 0.22 8.2 Dividend earnings PERFORMANCE
yield ratio Morgan Stanley Index Last Daily YTD 52-wk.
2.42 15 Global Titans 50 198.00 1.34 9.8 194.97 1.05 11.5 5.70 14 Asia/Pacific Select Div -d 326.63 -0.54 17.2
2.80% 14 ALL COUNTRY (AC) WORLD* 337.18 0.55% 12.6% 12.2%
2.94 18 Europe TSM 2736.11 0.05 15.3 4.01 16 U.S. Select Dividend -d 411.76 1.43 6.4
2.80 14 World (Developed Markets) 1,326.84 0.71 12.2 12.0
2.49 18 Developed Markets TSM 2615.50 0.85 13.4 1.96 16 Islamic Market 2298.30 0.99 10.9
2.70 14 World ex-EMU 161.90 0.67 11.5 11.9
2.49 12 Emerging Markets TSM 4248.27 0.02 13.8 2.06 15 Islamic Market 100 2184.50 1.32 8.9 2464.69 1.03 10.6
2.70 15 World ex-UK 1,326.42 0.76 12.4 12.2
3.03 14 Africa 50 897.70 0.42 17.3 751.20 0.14 19.2 Islamic Turkey -c 1857.10 0.71 43.5 4308.42 0.27 37.7
3.50 14 EAFE 1,605.82 0.25 13.7 12.5
3.35 9 BRIC 50 424.50 0.21 5.3 533.53 -0.07 6.9 2.73 17 Sustainability 952.60 0.72 10.0 1060.31 0.43 11.7
2.80 12 Emerging Markets (EM) 1,055.18 -0.54 15.1 13.7
3.41 12 GCC 40 573.50 0.14 1.7 479.86 -0.14 3.3 3.09 22 Brookfield Infrastructure 2198.00 1.33 8.2 2762.73 1.05 9.9
3.80 13 EUROPE 96.01 -0.64 13.0 15.3
2.15 17 U.S. TSM 14834.88 1.72 13.9 1.29 18 Luxury 1524.20 0.93 23.4 1703.63 0.65 25.3
4.00 13 EMU 157.19 1.00 17.2 12.6
Kuwait Titans 30 -c 191.53 -0.48 2.1 UAE Select Index
3.70 14 Europe ex-UK 100.69 -0.81 15.5 16.8
RusIndex Titans 10 -c 3805.80 0.52 14.6 6352.21 0.80 10.7 DJ-UBS Commodity 145.30 0.27 -2.7 139.07 -0.01 -1.1
4.70 11 Europe Value 96.65 -0.80 11.2 13.5
*Fundamentals are based on data in U.S. dollar. Footnotes: a-in US dollar. b-dividends reinvested. c-in local currency. Note:All data as of 2 p.m.ET. Source: DowJones Indexes 2.80 15 Europe Growth 91.91 -0.49 14.6 16.9
3.00 22 Europe Small Cap 198.83 -0.27 23.1 23.3
Cross rates U.S.-dollar and euro foreign-exchange rates in global trading 3.70 6 EM Europe 310.63 -0.24 18.0 10.4
3.80 11 UK 1,755.32 -0.49 6.4 7.7
USD GBP CHF SEK RUB NOK JPY ILS EUR DKK CDN AUD 3.60 14 Nordic Countries 172.35 -0.53 16.5 17.7
Australia 0.9621 1.5644 1.0508 0.1478 0.0315 0.1729 0.0111 0.2577 1.2686 0.1700 0.9657 ... 3.50 5 Russia 765.78 -0.28 5.0 -2.5
Canada 0.9963 1.6201 1.0882 0.1530 0.0326 0.1791 0.0115 0.2668 1.3137 0.1761 ... 1.0355 3.20 15 South Africa 1,013.37 0.20 20.9 17.9
Denmark 5.6586 9.2008 6.1802 0.8691 0.1854 1.0169 0.0653 1.5153 7.4607 ... 5.6793 5.8812 3.10 13 AC ASIA PACIFIC EX-JAPAN 466.31 -0.56 18.7 18.7
Euro 0.7585 1.2332 0.8284 0.1165 0.0248 0.1363 0.0088 0.2031 ... 0.1340 0.7612 0.7883 2.40 22 Japan 530.30 0.77 18.9 18.6
Israel 3.7342 6.0718 4.0784 0.5736 0.1223 0.6711 0.0431 ... 4.9235 0.6599 3.7479 3.8811
3.00 10 China 62.67 0.43 18.4 21.2
Japan 86.6141 140.8345 94.5978 13.3036 2.8372 15.5656 ... 23.1947 114.1983 15.3067 86.9316 90.0220
1.30 15 India 764.42 0.69 27.9 22.3
Norway 5.5644 9.0478 6.0774 0.8547 0.1823 ... 0.0642 1.4901 7.3366 0.9834 5.5848 5.7834
1.20 11 Korea 579.96 0.54 11.7 10.6
Russia 30.5282 49.6388 33.3422 4.6890 ... 5.4863 0.3525 8.1753 40.2506 5.3950 30.6401 31.7294
3.50 22 Taiwan 276.64 0.70 8.8 11.8
Sweden 6.5106 10.5862 7.1107 ... 0.2133 1.1700 0.0752 1.7435 8.5840 1.1506 6.5344 6.7667
Switzerland 0.9156 1.4888 ... 0.1406 0.0300 0.1645 0.0106 0.2452 1.2072 0.1618 0.9190 0.9516
2.10 15 US BROAD MARKET 1,580.69 1.04 12.0 12.7
U.K. 0.6150 ... 0.6717 0.0945 0.0201 0.1105 0.0071 0.1647 0.8109 0.1087 0.6173 0.6392 1.50 22 US Small Cap 2,309.59 0.66 14.1 14.2
U.S. ... 1.6260 1.0922 0.1536 0.0328 0.1797 0.0115 0.2678 1.3185 0.1767 1.0037 1.0393 3.40 15 EM LATIN AMERICA 3,800.78 -0.87 5.5 3.6
Source: ICAP Plc. *Twenty-three developed and 26 emerging markets Source: MSCI Barra

Taiwan dollar 38.321 0.02610 29.065 0.03441

Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest Currencies London close on Dec. 31
Thailand baht 40.347 0.02479 30.601 0.03268
EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.MDEX: Bursa Malaysia Per In Per In
Derivatives Berhad; LIFFE: London International Financial Futures Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metals Exchange; AMERICAS Per euro In euros U.S. dollar U.S. dollars EUROPE Per euro In euros U.S. dollar U.S. dollars
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange;ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe
Year Year Argentina peso-a 6.4802 0.1543 4.9149 0.2035 Euro zone euro 1 1 0.7585 1.3185
Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low Brazil real 2.7014 0.3702 2.0489 0.4881 1-mo. forward 0.9997 1.0003 0.7583 1.3188
Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT 699.75 5.75 0.83% 846.00 511.00 Canada dollar 1.3137 0.7612 0.9963 1.0037 3-mos. forward 0.9992 1.0008 0.7578 1.3195
Soybeans (cents/bu.) CBOT 1409.00 -9.00 -0.63% 1,728.50 1,194.50 Chile peso 632.07 0.001582 479.40 0.002086 6-mos. forward 0.9983 1.0017 0.7572 1.3207
Wheat (cents/bu.) CBOT 779.00 0.25 0.03 948.25 652.00 Colombia peso 2329.74 0.0004292 1767.00 0.0005659 Czech Rep. koruna-b 25.092 0.0399 19.031 0.0525
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 132.425 -1.150 -0.86 135.900 123.800 Ecuador US dollar-f 1.3185 0.7585 1 1 Denmark krone 7.4607 0.1340 5.6586 0.1767
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,232 -17 -0.76 2,710 2,065 Mexico peso-a 17.0927 0.0585 12.9640 0.0771 Hungary forint 291.15 0.003435 220.82 0.004529
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 144.00 -2.85 -1.94 249.00 141.25 Peru sol 3.3653 0.2971 2.5525 0.3918 Norway krone 7.3366 0.1363 5.5644 0.1797
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 19.55 0.13 0.67 25.13 18.31 Uruguay peso-e 25.249 0.0396 19.151 0.0522 Poland zloty 4.0829 0.2449 3.0967 0.3229
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 75.40 0.74 0.99 98.50 66.85 U.S. dollar 1.3185 0.7585 1 1 Russia ruble-d 40.251 0.02484 30.528 0.03276
Rapeseed (euro/ton) LIFFE 456.75 -0.25 -0.05 520 396
Venezuela bolivar 5.74 0.174357 4.35 0.229885 Sweden krona 8.5840 0.1165 6.5106 0.1536
Cocoa (pounds/ton) LIFFE 1,433 -5 -0.35 1,737 1,380
ASIA-PACIFIC Switzerland franc 1.2072 0.8284 0.9156 1.0922
Robusta coffee ($/ton) LIFFE 1,922 11 0.58 2,237 1,836
Australia dollar 1.2686 0.7883 0.9621 1.0393 1-mo. forward 1.2064 0.8289 0.9150 1.0929
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 3.6495 0.0600 1.67 4.02 3.29 1-mo. forward 1.2716 0.7864 0.9644 1.0369 3-mos. forward 1.2051 0.8298 0.9140 1.0941
Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1674.00 18.10 1.09 1,801.50 1,538.10
3-mos. forward 1.2770 0.7831 0.9685 1.0325 6-mos. forward 1.2030 0.8313 0.9124 1.0960
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 30.435 0.460 1.53 37.43 26.40
6-mos. forward 1.2849 0.7783 0.9745 1.0261 Turkey lira 2.3535 0.4249 1.7850 0.5602
Aluminum ($/ton) LME 2,071.50 5.50 0.27 2,349.00 1,831.00
China yuan 8.2161 0.1217 6.2316 0.1605 U.K. pound 0.8109 1.2332 0.6150 1.6260
Tin ($/ton) LME 23,405.00 55.00 0.24 25,700.00 17,675.00
Hong Kong dollar 10.2193 0.0979 7.7508 0.1290 1-mo. forward 0.8109 1.2331 0.6151 1.6259
Copper ($/ton) LME 7,930.00 55.00 0.70 8,647.00 7,270.00
India rupee 72.3313 0.0138 54.8600 0.0182 3-mos. forward 0.8111 1.2329 0.6152 1.6255
Lead ($/ton) LME 2,342.00 18.00 0.77 2,342.00 1,760.00
Indonesia rupiah 12743 0.0000785 9665 0.0001035 6-mos. forward 0.8114 1.2325 0.6154 1.6250
Zinc ($/ton) LME 2,064.00 -8.00 -0.39 2,195.50 1,756.50
Nickel ($/ton) LME 17,160 55 21,880 15,260 Japan yen 114.20 0.008757 86.61 0.011545 MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA
1-mo. forward 114.17 0.008759 86.59 0.011548 Bahrain dinar 0.4972 2.0114 0.3771 2.6520
Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 91.80 1.00 1.10 109.43 80.09
3-mos. forward 114.11 0.008763 86.55 0.011554 Egypt pound-a 8.3868 0.1192 6.3610 0.1572
Heating oil ($/gal.) NYMEX 3.0315 0.0102 0.34 3.3346 2.5557
RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 2.7608 unch. 0.08 2.9297 2.1980 6-mos. forward 114.03 0.008770 86.48 0.011563 Israel shekel 4.9235 0.2031 3.7342 0.2678
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.366 -0.116 -3.33 4.0490 3.0520 Malaysia ringgit-c 4.0318 0.2480 3.0579 0.3270 Jordan dinar 0.9359 1.0685 0.7099 1.4087
Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 111.27 0.65 0.59 119.30 90.39 New Zealand dollar 1.5951 0.6269 1.2098 0.8266 Kuwait dinar 0.3710 2.6958 0.2814 3.5543
Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 938.75 5.50 0.59 1,031.50 800.25 Pakistan rupee 128.268 0.0078 97.285 0.0103 Lebanon pound 1982.92 0.0005043 1503.95 0.0006649
Philippines peso 54.123 0.0185 41.050 0.0244 Saudi Arabia riyal 4.9467 0.2022 3.7519 0.2665
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Singapore dollar 1.6106 0.6209 1.2215 0.8186 South Africa rand 11.1907 0.0894 8.4876 0.1178
South Korea won 1402.12 0.0007132 1063.45 0.0009403 United Arab dirham 4.8429 0.2065 3.6732 0.2722 Follow the markets throughout the day with updated stock quotes, news and
commentary at Also, receive email alerts that summarize the day’s trading in Europe a-floating rate b-financial c-government rate c-commercial rate d-Russian Central Bank rate.
and Asia. To sign up, go to Source: ICAP Plc.
28 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Below, a look at the Dow Jones Stoxx Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 15
Major players & benchmarks 50, the biggest and best known
companies in Europe, including the U.K. LAST: 13104.14
s 166.03, or 1.28%
s 886.58, or 7.3%
Stoxx Europe 50: Monday's best and worst... OVER 52 WEEKS s 886.58, or 7.3%

Company Country Industry Volume local currency Previous session YTD 52-week
L'Air Liquide France Commodity Chemicals 99,118 95.05 1.13% -0.6% -2.1%
GDF Suez France Multiutilities 55,261 15.58 1.04 -25.8 -28.1 50–day
ING Groep Netherlands Life Insurance 2,849,522 7.06 1.02 27.0 23.7 moving average 13500
Sanofi SA France Pharmaceuticals 402,233 71.39 25.8 24.3 t
Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitt France Clothing & Accessories 2,752 138.80 0.73 27.4 25.2

Banco Santander S.A. Spain Banks 15,324,650 6.01 -1.46% 6.0 4.3
ENI Italy Integrated Oil & Gas 6,190,155 18.34 14.6 14.6 High 12500
ABB Switzerland Industrial Machinery 3,272,898 18.75 -1.06 6.1 6.1 Close
Daimler Germany Automobiles 1,720,196 41.32 -1.05 21.8 21.8 Low
H&M Hennes & Mauritz B Sweden Apparel Retailers 1,859,075 224.50 -1.01 1.4 1.4

...And the rest of Europe's blue chips 11500

5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28
Latest, Latest, Oct. Nov. Dec.
Company/Country (Industry) Volume currency Latest YTD 52-week Company/Country (Industry) Volume currency Latest YTD 52-week Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
BNP Paribas 370,141 42.59 0.59% 40.3% 36.1% Novartis AG 2,183,853 57.45 -0.43% 7.0% 7.0%
France (Banks) Switzerland (Pharmaceuticals) DJIA component stocks
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argn 6,246,424 6.96 0.58 5.2 3.5 Deutsche Telekom 5,273,827 8.60 -0.45 -3.0 -3.0
Spain (Banks) Germany (Mobile Telecommunications) Volume, CHANGE
Stock Symbol in millions Latest Points Percentage
BG Grp 2,380,156 1,013 0.45 -26.4 -26.4 Anglo American PLC 700,296 1,894 -0.53 -20.4 -20.4
United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) United Kingdom (General Mining) AT&T T 26.4 $33.71 0.39 1.17%
British American Tobacco 680,387 3,121 0.40 2.1 2.1 Royal Dutch Shell A 890,306 2,122 -0.56 -10.5 -10.5 Alcoa AA 18.6 8.68 0.18 2.12
United Kingdom (Tobacco) United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) AmExpress AXP 5.5 57.48 0.81 1.43
Financiere Richemont 672,756 71.40 0.35 50.3 50.3 Zurich Insurance Group 278,608 243.40 -0.57 14.5 14.5 BankAm BAC 165.9 11.61 0.25 2.20
Switzerland (Clothing & Accessories) Switzerland (Full Line Insurance)
Boeing BA 4.9 75.36 0.67 0.90
Imperial Tobacco Grp 435,605 2,373 0.34 -2.5 -2.5 Siemens 892,806 82.20 -0.59 11.2 11.2
United Kingdom (Tobacco) Germany (Diversified Industrials) Caterpillar CAT 7.1 89.61 2.80 3.22
Total 50,423 39.01 0.26 -0.5 -1.7 Vodafone Group 34,657,809 154.45 -0.61 -13.7 -13.7 Chevron CVX 6.4 108.14 1.69 1.59
France (Integrated Oil & Gas) United Kingdom (Mobile Telecommunications) CiscoSys CSCO 32.1 19.65 0.20 1.03
Barclays 8,012,697 262.40 0.25 49.0 49.0 Unilever 425,762 2,366 -0.63 9.4 9.4 CocaCola KO 15.4 36.25 0.28 0.78
United Kingdom (Banks) United Kingdom (Food Products)
Disney DIS 10.2 49.79 0.64 1.30
Telefon L.M. Ericsson B 8,493,976 65.10 0.23 -7.5 -7.5 HSBC Hldgs 4,733,757 646.90 -0.68 31.7 31.7
Sweden (Telecommunications Equipment) United Kingdom (Banks) DuPont DD 7.0 44.98 0.27 0.60
Unilever CVA 656,553 28.84 0.21 8.5 6.4 Rio Tinto 735,359 3,512 -0.68 12.4 12.4 ExxonMobil XOM 19.4 86.55 1.45 1.70
Netherlands (Food Products) United Kingdom (General Mining) GenElec GE 58.1 20.99 0.55 2.69
Telefonica S.A. 11,373,975 10.19 0.20 -23.9 -25.4 Reckitt Benckiser Grp 189,334 3,879 -0.69 22.0 22.0 HewlettPk HPQ 28.4 14.25 0.57 4.17
Spain (Fixed Line Telecommunications) United Kingdom (Nondurable Household Products)
HomeDpt HD 7.8 61.85 1.20 1.98
Anheuser-Busch InBev 227,567 65.74 -0.03 39.0 36.1 UBS 6,027,451 14.27 -0.70 27.6 27.6
Belgium (Brewers) Switzerland (Banks) Intel INTC 40.5 20.62 0.39 1.93
BP PLC 7,116,123 424.80 -0.06 -7.8 -7.8 BHP Billiton 1,154,275 2,130 -0.70 13.4 13.4 IBM IBM 4.5 191.55 1.72 0.91
United Kingdom (Integrated Oil & Gas) United Kingdom (General Mining) JPMorgChas JPM 22.7 43.97 0.73 1.69
SAP 1,203,622 60.69 -0.08 48.6 48.6 Bayer 971,481 71.89 -0.72 45.5 45.5 JohnsJohns JNJ 12.7 70.10 0.62 0.89
Germany (Software) Germany (Specialty Chemicals) McDonalds MCD 6.2 88.21 0.63 0.72
Standard Chartered 804,394 1,574 -0.10 11.7 11.7 Diageo 849,905 1,787 -0.80 27.1 27.1 Merck MRK 14.3 40.94 0.30 0.74
United Kingdom (Banks) United Kingdom (Distillers & Vintners)
AstraZeneca 553,841 2,910 -0.14 -2.2 -2.2 GlaxoSmithKline 1,720,072 1,335 -0.82 -9.3 -9.3 Microsoft MSFT 42.1 26.71 0.16 0.60
United Kingdom (Pharmaceuticals) United Kingdom (Pharmaceuticals) Pfizer PFE 33.6 25.08 0.19 0.76
National Grid 1,544,754 703.00 -0.28 12.5 12.5 BASF 1,148,556 71.15 -0.91 32.0 32.0 ProctGamb PG 9.0 67.89 0.74 1.10
United Kingdom (Multiutilities) Germany (Commodity Chemicals) 3M MMM 2.6 92.85 1.07 1.17
Nestle 3,304,568 59.60 -0.42 10.4 10.4 Roche Holding Part. Cert. 721,555 184.00 -0.92 15.6 15.6 TravelersCos TRV 2.0 71.82 0.58 0.81
Switzerland (Food Products) Switzerland (Pharmaceuticals)
UnitedTech UTX 3.6 82.01 1.20 1.48
E.ON SE 5,757,653 14.09 -0.42 -15.5 -15.5 Deutsche Bank 2,449,359 32.95 -0.95 11.9 11.9
Germany (Multiutilities) Germany (Banks) UtdHlthGp UNH 4.9 54.24 0.38 0.71
Tesco 4,519,140 336.00 -0.43 -16.7 -16.7 Allianz SE 744,140 104.80 -0.99 41.8 41.8 Verizon VZ 14.1 43.27 0.37 0.86
United Kingdom (Food Retailers & Wholesalers) Germany (Full Line Insurance) WalMart WMT 7.0 68.23 0.62 0.92
Sources: SIX Financial Information Source: WSJ Market Data Group

Credit derivatives
Tracking Spreads on credit derivatives are one way the market rates
creditworthiness. Regions that are treading in rough waters
Credit-default swaps: European companies
At its most basic, the pricing of credit-default swaps measures how much a buyer has to pay to purchase-and

credit can see spreads swing toward the maximum—and vice versa.
Indexes below are for five-year swaps.
how much a seller demands to sell-protection from default on an issuer's debt. The snapshot below gives a
sense which way the market was moving yesterday.

markets & Markit iTraxx Indexes

Index: series/version
Europe: 18/1
in pct. pts.
SPREAD RANGE, in pct. pts.
since most recent roll
Maximum Minimum
1.41 1.09
Showing the biggest improvement...
CHANGE, in basis points
Yesterday Yesterday Five-day 28-day
And the most deterioration
CHANGE, in basis points
Yesterday Yesterday Five-day 28-day

dealmakers Eur. High Volatility: 18/1

Europe Crossover: 18/1
Asia ex-Japan IG: 18/1
Alliance Leicester
UPC Germany HoldCo 1
Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb
und Service
Japan: 18/1 1.59 97.22 0.01 2.27 1.57 1.94 Munich Re 56 –1 ... –9 GROUP
Note: Data as of December 28 Svenska Cellulosa 74 –1 –1 9 Gas Nat SDG 211 6 5 –28
In percentage points Abertis Infraestructuras 228 –2 –3 –27 SODEXO 69 2 2 ...
Index roll ProSiebenSat 1 Media 239 –2 –1 ... UBS 94 2 1 –19
Spreads on five- 2.00 LLOYDS TSB BK 139 3 5 –26
Australia Dexia Cr Loc 526 –5 –5 –65
year swaps for t 1.50 Clariant 213 –2 –2 –28 SOCIETE AIR FRANCE 585 14 21 –17
corporate debt; CARLTON Comms 132 –1 1 4 Compass Gp 43 1 1 –1
based on Markit t 1.00 Stora Enso 289 7 9 –10
iTraxx indexes. Asia ex-Japan IG 0.50 Source: Markit Group

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Behind Global deals: Bank revenue rankings, Global
2012 Behind every IPO, bond offering, merger deal or syndicated loan is one or more investment banks. Here are
Source: Markit Group investment banks ranked by year-to-date revenues from recent deals.
Revenue, Equity Debt Mergers &
in millions share capital markets capital markets acquisitions Loans
JPMorgan $5,035 7.5% 19% 35% 25% 21%
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 4,403 6.6 19 34 21 26
Goldman Sachs 3,922 5.9 23 26 41 10
Morgan Stanley 3,706 5.6 25 31 31 13
Deutsche Bank 3,588 5.4 19 34 27 20>> Credit Suisse 3,478 5.2 19 28 32 21
Follow the markets throughout the day, with updated
Citi 3,424 5.1 20 40 20 20
stock quotes, news and commentary at
Barclays 3,013 4.5 17 36 27 20
UBS 2,117 3.2 28 32 28 11
Also, receive emails that summarize the day’s trading in
Europe and Asia. To sign up, go to Source: Dealogic
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 29


Europe Lags on Decision-Making

Many Employees Question Their Companies’ Ability to Respond Effectively to Changing Market Conditions
BY MARK ROYAL especially those that carry lower
Too Tardy risks—as offering opportunities for
Charles Darwin is quoted as say- others in the organization to de-
ing that “it isn’t the biggest, the European companies, when compared with those elsewhere, may be less quick to respond to turbulent conditions velop capabilities and demonstrate
brightest, or the best that will sur- Percentage of employees surveyed from various countries who agree with the following statements about their skills.
vive, but those who adapt the quick- their firm And, from the perspective of de-
est.” Applied to the business con- cision makers, reluctance to take ac-
text, this evolutionary perspective ‘Decisions are made without ‘Responding effectively to changes tion can be mitigated by fostering
suggests that the organizations that undue delay’ in the business environment’ cultures that are tolerant of well-
will be successful in dealing with considered choices, even when the
turbulent conditions in today’s U.K. 45% France 61% outcomes fall short of what was
highly competitive environments hoped for.
and in responding to the opportuni- France 47 China 62 Conflicts over decision rights
ties associated with emerging mar- and outcomes can be managed by
Italy 47 U.K. 63
kets, will be those that are the most clarifying, in advance, the levels of
nimble. Russia 47 Italy 63 involvement and authority associ-
Unfortunately, by this standard, ated with different individuals and
many European firms come off look- South Africa 47 Germany 64 organizational units, across a range
ing like dinosaurs. Based on analysis of common decision-making scenar-
of Hay Group’s global employee Germany 48 U.S. 65 ios. Clarity and accountability are
opinion database (featuring the per- key.
spectives of over four million em- U.S. 50 Russia 69 And finally, by acknowledging
ployees from across the G-14 na- that different decisions require dif-
Mexico 52 Mexico 70
tions—the G-8 plus Brazil, China, ferent approaches, leaders in Europe
Egypt, India, South Africa and Mex- India 58 South Africa 72 can ensure that they give the right
ico)—at the present time, many Eu- level of attention to each one. For
ropean employees think their orga- China 60 India 73 example, strategic decisions may
nizations are unable to make speedy call for high degrees of involvement,
decisions and question their compa- Source: Hay Group The Wall Street Journal and management of uncertainty
nies’ ability to respond effectively to through careful examination of po-
changing market conditions. tential scenarios, whereas tactical
Fifty-three percent of employees manner, what they are really saying The third is attention spans: decisions to be in alignment. While decisions can be pushed down to
in European G-14 countries (France, of course is that decisions take lon- amid high workloads and periods of this may potentially enhance deci- appropriate levels in the interest of
Germany, Italy, U.K. and Russia) re- ger than they should. While hierar- considerable organizational change, sion quality (by ensuring that all speed and efficiency.
port that their organizations are too chical structures, corporate-gover- even straightforward decisions may relevant perspectives are consid- What’s clear from our research,
slow in decision-making. Likewise, nance procedures, and government be crowded out by other priorities ered) and implementation success and what employees across the Eu-
only two-thirds (64%) are confident regulations may all present con- that compete for the time and focus (by enhancing buy-in), it is also ropean G-14 countries are telling us,
in the ability of their companies to straints that can be difficult to over- of decision makers. Indeed, at the likely to lead to greater delays asso- is that something is fundamentally
respond effectively to changes in the come, there is much that leaders present time, 40% of employees in ciated with more lengthy delibera- flawed with the decision-making
business environment. By compari- can do to increase the agility of Europe express concerns about ex- tions. processes of many European firms.
son, in high-performing companies, their companies through awareness cessive workload pressures. Conditions are ripe for decision- Decisions are too often made at
(based on Hay Group’s high-per- of, and responsiveness to, a range of As well as these barriers there making problems when these vari- higher levels than necessary or de-
forming norm, which comprises data organizational factors that com- are contextual factors that com- ous barriers and contextual factors layed due to concerns about taking
from organizations that outpace in- monly get in the way of swift action. pound lackadaisical decision mak- are combined. risks, problems in managing con-
dustry averages on a broad range of Our research points to three ing. Fear of decision-making errors flicting interests, or workload pres-
financial metrics), fewer than half common barriers to timely decision- First there is uncertainty. The will increase when the potentially sures that divert the attention of
(44%) of employees express con- making. harder final outcomes are to foresee negative consequences for individu- decision makers.
cerns about timely decision-making. The first is fear: concerns about with any confidence, the more als or organizations are perceived to What’s also clear is that this
In addition, 72% of employees in making the wrong decisions may slowly—as predecision research, be high. And in consensus-oriented should be a real concern for busi-
high-performing companies view the cause leaders to pull decisions up to analysis, and discussions becomes cultures such as Europe where a ness leaders in the region. The
responsiveness of their organization higher levels than necessary—and more extensive—will decisions be lack of alignment over chosen paths speed at which companies make de-
to changing business conditions fa- encourage employees to seek out made. is viewed to be particularly prob- cisions and how they respond to
vorably. additional approvals to protect Secondly there is the problem of lematic, conflicts of interest among market challenges are matters of
To illustrate these concerns, con- themselves from negative outcomes. the consequences, especially of fail- decision-making parties becomes business agility.
sider the comments of employees we Notably, only 57% of European em- ure. And even where the prospect of harder to resolve. Finally, the higher Agile firms are able to flex and
surveyed recently at a global phar- ployees currently report that deci- success stemming from a particular the uncertainty surrounding a par- change, structuring themselves to
maceutical company. One worker sions are generally made at the decision is higher than the potential ticular path, and the more time avoid bureaucratic processes and
noted that “it seems many decisions right level. for failure, decision makers can be needed to consider all potential out- taking the bold decisions necessary
go through the entire hierarchy and The second is conflict: tensions expected to hesitate when contem- comes, the less likely it is that the to drive the organization forward.
even up to the executive leadership associated with decisions are often plating negative possibilities that mater will get prompt attention and These qualities are essential to re-
team that should be decided at levels heightened by the fact that out- are viewed as significant. Within focused decision-making. maining a viable competitor on the
below. The current tendency to run comes that are organizationally ben- Europe, just 56% of employees per- So, drawing on lessons from global stage, and Europe can ill af-
everything through committees eficial may not advance the individ- ceive that they are supported in tak- nimble organizations, how is it pos- ford to fall behind.
slows this down even more.” Another ual interests of all parties involved ing reasonable risks to enhance or- sible to confront these common im-
asked, “Why does everything have to in, or affected by, a decision. Glob- ganizational effectiveness. pediments to timely decision-mak- Mark Royal is senior principal at
go through 12 people?” ally, just 49% of employees indicate A final delaying factor can be the ing? global management consultancy
When employees indicate that that open discussion of conflicts is need to reach a consensus, the need Firstly, fear of delegation can be Hay Group. He can be reached at
decisions aren't made in a timely encouraged in their organizations. for all stakeholders concerned with reduced if leaders view decisions—

After an Office Gaffe, Some Ways to Say You’re Sorry

BY CAITLIN NISH It should convey: “I recognize take. In attempting an apology for daughter had some performance is- skills.
what I did was inappropriate, I rec- the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, he (now sues. To bring it up again, Ms. Mor- After all, he says, “you are the
When a verbal gaffe slips out ognize it had impact I didn’t intend, infamously) said “I’d like my life ford suggested, would only embar- main character in your story. But
in the office, there is more at no one is blaming the universe or a back.” rass him further. you’re a minor character in every-
stake than a little personal embar- bad night’s sleep,” she says. Another tip: Make the apology fit Whether a verbal slip-up is sur- one else’s story.”
rassment: Your reputation and ca- And if you made the gaffe in the crime, and the circumstances. vivable can depend on the culture of Last, if you’ve done something
reer could be on the line. But public, your mea culpa should also Margaret Morford, owner of The the office, the rank and popularity that results in only your ego being
don’t immediately start updating be public, experts say. (This is com- HR Edge, a management consulting of the person you’ve offended, or bruised, like crying in a meeting, ex-
your résumé, executive coaches mon-sense advice for politicians company, recalls a manager who whether the gaffe is culturally in- perts say ignore it and move on.
say. Most faux pas can be made standing in front of open mics, ev- went to the company’s CEO to alert sensitive, says Dr. Puder-York. Apologizing just draws more atten-
right. erywhere.) Just make sure the apol- him to an employee’s underperfor- There’s nothing wrong with re- tion to the mistake.
The first rule: Apologize, and ogy is sincere. mance, only to find out the em- peating an apology for good mea- People have a tendency to “cata-
fast. Sissy DeMaria, president of Mi- ployee was also the CEO’s daugh- sure (“I’m even more mortified to- strophize,” notes Mr. Hellman. If
The apology needs to be direct ami-based public relations firm ter. day than I was yesterday”), but you immediately tender your resig-
and the offender should take full re- Kreps DeMaria, points to remarks Ms. Morford advised the man- don’t keep revisiting the mistake, nation after saying something hu-
sponsibility, says Marilyn Puder- by ex-BP CEO Tony Hayward as an ager to ignore it and never mention says Paul Hellman, founder of Ex- miliating, he says, you’ll never know
York, Ph.D., a psychologist and exec- example of an apology that was per- it again. Ms. Morford made that call press Potential, a consulting firm fo- what would have happened had you
utive coach. ceived as an even bigger verbal mis- because the CEO already knew his cused on executive communication apologized and waited it out.
30 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Veteran Commentator
Martin-Jenkins Dies at 67
One of the most respected
voices in cricket, Christopher Mar-
tin-Jenkins, died on Tuesday.
He was 67 and had been diag-
nosed with cancer almost a year
In a career that spanned more
than half a century, Martin-Jenkins
served as chief cricket correspon-
dent for The Times of London and
also covered the game for the BBC
and the Daily Telegraph, while writ-
ing more than 20 books on cricket
on the side. But perhaps he was
best known for his authoritative
tone and encyclopedic knowledge
as a commentator on the BBC’s
“Test Match Special” for almost
four decades.
“Listeners to ‘Test Match Spe-
cial’ were all too familiar with
CMJ’s eccentricities, like going to
the wrong ground for the start of
a Test match,” BBC cricket corre-
spondent Jonathan Agnew told
BBC Sport. “His legendary, chaotic
time-keeping was very much part
of his charm.”
CMJ, as many fans knew him,
even spent a year as president of
the storied Marylebone Cricket
Club. And on Tuesday, he was
mourned by the cricket press and
the game’s establishment alike.

Getty Images
“Cricket has lost two of its most
revered commentators in the last
few days with the passing of both
Australia’s Mike Hussey plays a classic cut shot on the first day of the second Test against South Africa at the Adelaide Oval in November. CMJ and, last week, of Tony Greig,”

Australians Will Miss Mr. Cricket

International Cricket Council chief
executive Dave Richardson said in
a statement. “I know that press
boxes around the world will be
deeply saddened by the death of
two giants of the game.”
—Joshua Robinson
Hussey Arrived Late on the Test Scene, but He Will Leave an Indelible Mark
Sharapova Injury Worry
BY RICHARD LORD players and stick with them in the fectly. It translated into a phenome- dips in form that threatened his Ahead of Australian Open
interests of consistency for a while nal start to his international place in the side. After his initial Maria Sharapova’s fitness is still
Australian batsman Mike now. It is also a triumph of patience: career—at one point his Test aver- surge, he struggled through 2008 in doubt ahead of the Australian
Hussey’s announcement last week the main reason he didn’t get picked age was 86, and it stayed above 100 and 2009 before a career-saving 121 Open after she withdrew from the
that he was retiring came as a for so long had very little to do with for 29 ODIs. Hussey’s signature in the final Test of the 2009 Ashes Brisbane International on Tuesday
shock, mainly because it was sur- his own form and a great deal to do shots were his pull, cover drive and at The Oval. He then contributed a with a collarbone injury. Sharapova
prising to see Hussey do anything with the form of the Test incum- in his later career the slog-sweep, match-swinging unbeaten second-in- said that she didn’t expect to enter
earlier in his career than expected. bents. but it wasn’t any particular stroke nings 134 to complete one of Test another warm-up tournament be-
After all, this is the late bloomer par The first half of his career coin- that caught the eye so much as his cricket’s greatest heists, when Aus- fore the Grand Slam event, which
excellence, the man whose name be- cided with a time of ridiculous bat- demeanor at the crease—of effi- tralia beat Pakistan in Sydney in she won in 2008, begins on Jan.
came a byword for late-career ful- ting plenitude in Australia, when ciency, technical excellence and con- January 2010 after being eight sec- 14, preferring instead to focus on
fillment, the embodiment of men like Stuart Law and Brad Hodge tinuous self-improvement. ond-innings wickets down and just recovery.
cricket’s ultimate, drawn-out Indian could play just one and six Tests re- With a compact, perfectly bal- 51 ahead. Then Hussey scored 570 The injury has recently pre-
summer. spectively, despite more than 27,000 anced technique, Hussey did every- runs at 63.33 in the 2010-11 Ashes vented her from working on any-
At 37, Hussey is not retiring par- first-class runs at an average of thing with an economy of movement after another slump had put his thing but groundstrokes.
ticularly young, except that he only 50.52 in Law’s case, and more than and effort. His shot selection was place in doubt. “I have my own fair share of ex-
played his first One-Day Interna- 18,000 at 54.89 in Hodge’s. faultless and he was also ruthless in His departure, following that of perience, and know that it’s much
tional aged 28 and his first Test taking advantage of any bad deliv- Ricky Ponting, leaves a big hole in more important to be healthy to
aged 30. ery that came his way. A brilliant the Australian middle order, where go into a big tournament like the
When he was selected for that His departure, following fielder who could catch pigeons in stocks are looking a little thin, in Australian Open than to go into
Test, against West Indies in Novem- the gully, he was also greyhound- contrast to the team’s hydra-headed something big with a lot of
ber 2005, Hussey had already scored that of Ricky Ponting, like between the wickets, remaining range of seam-bowling options. It matches and feel like you’re not
more than 15,000 first-class runs in leaves a big hole in the one of the quickest movers in the also contributes to the team’s short- prepared health-wise,” she said.
a career lasting more than a decade, Australian team to the present day. term leadership vacuum; with cap- —J.R.
during which he had been prolific Australian middle order. And he was one of the greatest tain Clarke currently suffering with
both for his native Western Austra- performers in a crisis. Hussey came an injury and official vice captain
lia and for three separate English into an Australian side exiting its Shane Watson apparently perma-
counties. Hussey, who started his career as greatest ever period and had to per- nently suffering with one, potential
In 77 Tests since then, he has an opener but mainly played in the form numerous middle-order rescue leadership candidates being dis-
scored 6,118 runs at an average of middle order, was competing for a jobs. cussed include the distinctly green
51.41, while in 185 ODIs he has 5,442 place with everyone from Steve and Early in his career, his quietly ef- David Warner and Ed Cowan, with
at 48.15. His last Test, against Sri Mark Waugh to Ricky Ponting, Mat- ficient technique gave him a reputa- 12 and 11 Tests, respectively.
Lanka, started on Tuesday and he thew Hayden, Justin Langer and Da- tion as a craggy accumulator. But But Hussey won’t just be missed
will then play in limited-overs series mien Martyn. The other late inter- the sheer lack of risk-taking in his by Australian fans. A universally
against Sri Lanka and the West In- national starter of a similar era, batting meant that the reputation popular character, he’ll be missed by
dies before finally quitting the in- Darren Lehmann, who didn’t get stuck with him unfairly: his career cricket lovers from all countries—
ternational stage at the end of the into the side until he was 28, played ODI strike rate was 87, and in 38 because of the way he made the
Australian summer as calmly as he’s only 27 Tests despite a useful aver- Twenty20 Internationals he aver- most of his opportunity, of course,
batted throughout his career. He age of 44.95. It makes Hussey’s aged 37.94 with a strike rate of 136. but also because of how he so often
steps away as a rarity—a player re- achievement of breaking into the And any doubts about his short- played the game with a smile, de-
tiring at the top of his game, leaving Test side at his age and staying form credentials should have been spite intense concentration. When
fans wondering what else he might there for so long all the more im- blasted away in St. Lucia in May you make your living surrounded by
have achieved. pressive. 2010, when his remarkable 60 not people who live and breathe the
Hussey’s career is also a rarity But the wait served him well. out from 24 balls stole the World game, it takes some level of smitten
because it represents a victory over By the time he represented his T20 semifinal from under the noses dedication to become the individual Reuters

squad-selecting orthodoxy, which country, it was clear that Hussey al- of a shell-shocked Pakistan. who acquires Hussey’s universally Maria Sharapova
has taught teams to pick young ready understood his game per- Hussey also had to overcome recognized nickname: Mr. Cricket.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, January 2, 2013 | 31


For New Year, Grab a Good-Luck Charm

One Apocalypse Avoided, Does Another Loom? Experts Suggest Deep Breaths for Dreaded Digits
BY JAMES R. HAGERTY a serious problem because “one
year is a long time to live with a

or prophets of doom, the stress response.”
failure of the world to end Sufferers might try breathing
Dec. 21 may have been a bit techniques, Dr. Ryan suggests:
of a letdown. Now, the calendar “Start to count your breaths. In
brings a new possibility for anx- one. Out two. In three. Out four.
ious obsession: a whole year end- And so on.”
ing in the unlucky number 13. One person unlikely to consult
Thirteen has been associated Dr. Ryan is the country singer
with bad luck for centuries. Many Taylor Swift, whose birthday is
people cite the Biblical Last Sup- Dec. 13. “I love the number 13,”
per, where Jesus Christ gathered she proclaims on her official web-
with his 12 disciples, as a reason site. The number is often
for the stigma. In Norse mythol- scrawled on the back of her right
ogy, the troublesome Loki is said hand.
to have spoiled a dinner in Val- Many others profess to be per-
halla by arriving as the 13th par- fectly calm about prospects for
ticipant. There is even a word for 2013. “The number makes no dif-
the dread of those digits: ference,” says Jack Creswell,
triskaidekaphobia. chairman of Optimist Interna-
Any year that may begin with tional, the St. Louis-based um-
a fiscal cliff doesn’t sound very brella group for several thousand
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

promising. Yet, because the past Optimist service clubs world-

few years have been so distress- wide. “It’s what your target is for
ing, many people figure 2013 can yourself as an individual and how
hardly be much worse. “My hope that fits into the bigger picture.”
is that things are going to im- Brien White, a graphic artist in
prove,” says Suzan Hollist, a sub- Los Angeles, plans to marry Ilene
stitute teacher in the Pittsburgh Ivins, a school administrator, next
area whose son, Parker, was born October. Until a reporter asked
on a Sept. 13. him about the significance of the
Some fretful folks, of course, People wrote ‘2013’ with sparklers as they celebrated early Tuesday in the Russian city of Zelenogorsk. year, he says, he and Ms. Ivins
may have been so fixated on ru- had never thought about whether
mors that the world would end on would die within a year. The fear of similar curses are genuinely concerned that bad 2013 was propitious for matri-
Dec. 21, supposedly the end of the In 1880, Captain William could mean more business for things may happen to them as a mony.
Mayan calendar, that they have Fowler, a Civil War veteran, Elaine Ryan, a psychologist in direct result of the year being “It’s like a nonissue,” Ms. Ivins
only recently begun to stew over tempted fate by creating a club in Dublin, Ireland, who helps people 2013,” Ms. Ryan says in an email. says. Mr. White agrees: “We’re
the implications of 2013. New York that met on the 13th of cope with anxiety. She says the fear can cause not going to let a number deter
There have been some precau- each month with 13 members “I have seen a few people who sweating and heart palpitations— us from pursuing happiness.”
tions. The Times Square Museum around a dinner table. Menus
& Visitor Center in New York re- were printed in the shape of
cently displayed a collection of 13 tombstones. Similar clubs arose in
good-luck charms, including a other cities. Few if any suspicious
horseshoe, a four-leaf clover and deaths ensued. Still, in 1898, the
a rabbit’s foot. clubhouse of a 13 club in Wood-
America’s leading expert on 13 bury, N.J., was blown up with dy-
may be Tom Fernsler, a 59-year- namite, injuring three members,
old math teacher at the Univer- Mr. Lachenmeyer found.
sity of Delaware. He became in- There seems to be little histor-

Don’t Miss
terested in the topic in 1987 when ical basis for fearing years ending
he noticed that there were three in 13. As years go, 1913 wasn’t
Friday the 13ths in that year, particularly calamitous, though it

the Bigger
something that he later found did have its share of untoward
happens about once every 11 events. The 16th amendment cre-
years. ated the U.S. federal income tax.
He calculated that there are A flood devastated Dayton, Ohio.

three Friday the 13ths within six War erupted in the Balkans.
months once every 28 years, as In 1813, Napoleon Bonaparte
occurred in 2012. Dr. Fernsler, was on the rampage in Europe.
who gives lectures under the The British burned Buffalo, N.Y.
name Dr. 13, learned the lore and Two centuries before, in 1613,
uses it in programs aimed at mak- Shakespeare’s Globe theater
ing math more fun for children. burned down.
When he is asked whether we Some people saw confirmation
should be wary of 2013, Dr. Fern- of the curse on April 13, 1970,
sler has no hesitation: “Nah.” He when an explosion aborted the
believes 13 has become a historic Apollo 13 space mission. That
superstition, one people joke shouldn’t have been a surprise.
about but few fear. Dr. Fernsler notes that the digits
That wasn’t the case a century in the launch date—4-11-70—add
or two ago, according to up to 13 and that the launch pad,
Nathaniel Lachenmeyer, author of 39A, is a multiple of 13.
“13,” a book published in 2004. Even in our supposedly ra-
Among other superstitions, he tional age, many hotels lack floors
wrote, many people believed that numbered 13. Some airlines do
if 13 people sat at a table, one without a row 13.
Most athletes shun No. 13 jer-
seys. But the basketball star Wilt Deeper, broader coverage of breaking news in all markets and asset
Chamberlain wore that number
on his jersey, as did the football
classes to keep you ahead of the competition.
quarterbacks Kurt Warner and
Dan Marino. All three are remem- To learn more, visit:
bered as heroes.
That isn’t the case for another
athlete who wore 13 on his uni-
form: Ralph Branca, the Brooklyn
Dodgers pitcher, today is known
almost exclusively for a lapse—
Brian White

the fastball that Bobby Thomson

of the New York Giants smacked
over the left-field fence of the © 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 3EFNW110
Ilene Ivins and Brien White plan to Polo Grounds to win the 1951 Na-
marry in October 2013. tional League pennant.
32 | Wednesday, January 2, 2013 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Still Time to Download European Cable Japan Offers

A Lesson
Europe’s cable firms show a lot of In theory, they can: cable compa-
spark, particularly given the dire out-
look for their telecom rivals. Cable
sector shares rose 47% in 2012. Tele-
Willing and Cable
2012 share performance
nies’ package deals are typically
one-third cheaper than those from
telecom rivals. Even in mature mar-
For Financial
com incumbents fell 17% on average.
Cable barely resembles the heav- 60%
kets like Belgium and the Nether-
lands, where Telenet and Ziggo al-
ily indebted industry investors de- ready price services at or above In the Middle Ages, alchemists
serted a decade ago. Then, firms like their telecoms peers, they have an- toiled fruitlessly to transform lead
ntl:Telewest, now split between Vir- Virgin Media nounced 3% price increases in De- into gold. Things have gotten a little
gin Media and Liberty Global Inc., Liberty Global cember. Virgin Media will raise easier in the 21st century. Big cen-
were high-risk capital hogs. Much of 0 Kabel Deutschland prices by 5% to 7% in the U.K. in tral banks can boost the value of as-
the sector eventually fell into bank- February. sets by using printing presses.
ruptcy. –20 While telecom stocks look cheap, But how real are these gains?
But in 2011, Virgin Media se- their networks will remain a poor Shinzo Abe’s new policies may give
cured an investment-grade credit match for cable without massive in- an indication.
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream The Wall Street Journal
rating, a first for U.K. cable. And in- vestment. And customers are still The new Japanese prime minis-
vestor appetite is strong, as shown switching from fixed line to mobile, ter wants the country’s central bank
by Dutch operator Ziggo’s popular broadband Internet offering faster cast to fall in 2013, Kabel’s are seen where tariffs in many markets have to step up its money-printing efforts
initial public offering in March. download speeds than telecoms’ cop- rising 9.7%. plummeted. to reflate the economy. Japan’s Nik-
These days, it is the traditionally per lines. Broadband penetration is But for investors to justify buy- Liberty, meanwhile, trades at a kei stock index has soared in re-
defensive telecom firms that strug- still rising and firms are selling more ing cable companies on 7.9 times discount to peers; if it were to trade sponse, gaining 20% from the low
gle, with France Telecom, Royal services to existing users. Less than forecasted 2013 earnings before in- in line with Kabel, the shares would point hit Nov. 14.
KPN, and Telekom Austria all cut- 20% of Kabel Deutschland’s buy all terest, taxes, depreciation and be worth almost 40% more, notes But before U.S.-based investors
ting dividends. three pay-TV, broadband and home- amortization—against 4.5 times for Barclays. Cable’s rally may have pile into Japanese stocks, they
Cable is taking market share in phone services. Even as Deutsche telecoms stocks—they need to be- further to run. should stop and consider the cur-
pay TV, but the real growth is in Telekom’s sales in Germany are fore- lieve companies can raise prices. —Renée Schultes rency they would be buying into.
Take the MAXIS Nikkei 225 Index
exchange-traded fund, which is

Mobile’s Path to Glory Goes Through ‘Discovery Tools’ listed in New York under the ticker
symbol NKY. Since the same date in
November, it is up only 10.8%.
The path to the mobile future may ers give the tool access to their loca- and ITA Software for airline-ticket in- Why the disconnect?
be maps. tion, email and calendar. In return, it formation. Because some of the gains in the
More than driving directions, or provides useful information before Apple doesn’t look poised to build Nikkei have, for U.S. investors, been
finding a nearby dive bar, the battle they have even asked for it. a search engine of its own. The sheer erased as the yen has weakened by
over mobile maps is ultimately about The tool can see an airline board- popularity of the iPhone and the iPad about 8% against the dollar over the
which company can roll out the ing pass in a user’s email inbox and means Apple benefits from the in- same period.
most-sophisticated tools to answer notify them automatically if the flight vestment of other developers writing In fact, while the Nikkei notched
the widest range of questions users is delayed. It can see a meeting apps for its mobile operating system. a 23% gain in 2012, U.S.-based in-
ask of their mobile devices. That will across town is scheduled on a user’s But third-party apps don’t let Ap- vestors would have done better buy-
be an important driver of shares in calendar, look up traffic information, ple control its own destiny, so it may ing, say, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF,
tech giants such as Apple, Google, and—unasked—tell the user to leave still feel pressure to beef up its own traded under the symbol SPY, than
Microsoft and Facebook, and help early if traffic looks heavy. services. the NKY. The SPY gained almost 12%
determine who has the dominant mo- Apple has nothing so sophisti- One place to start might be buy- last year, compared with 10.1% for
bile platform. cated. But it is looking to license ex- ing TomTom. Smartphones have the NKY.

The fury with which iPhone users tra data to catch up. mostly obviated the need for sepa- It is a stark reminder that there
reacted to Apple booting Google The immediate potential for such rate navigation devices so TomTom are no free lunches when very cheap
maps in favor of its own inferior al- mobile apps may be big. In 2006, be- Google CEO Larry Page has seen its enterprise value crash to money boosts financial markets.
ternative highlighted the importance fore it was hammered by the Inter- $1 billion. That would be a small The U.S. enjoys some protection
of smartphone “discovery” tools. net, the U.S. print Yellow Pages busi- that Microsoft and Research In Mo- check for Apple to write, made easier as printer of the world’s reserve
Over time, they will get far more so- ness peaked at $14.5 billion, tion likely will have to master, as considering Apple could use trapped currency. This has been shown by
phisticated, answering questions that according to BIA Kelsey. As the mo- well, to grab a more meaningful offshore cash to buy the Netherlands- the dollar’s resilience over the past
go way beyond location. bile era’s equivalent “lookup tool,” share of the smartphone market. based company. four years or so of ultraloose mone-
Google demonstrated it has the discovery apps may come to occupy Google looks well-prepared. As a Other assets might be there for tary policy.
lead when it released its new maps the Yellow Pages’ former niche. search-engine company, it has vast the taking. Even that, though, is only rela-
app for iPhones. And, with a new pre- But the stakes are far higher. Five data assets and thousands of engi- If the mobile platforms of Apple, tive to the paper currencies of other
dictive tool called Google Now for its years from now, users will expect Ap- neers building algorithms to make Google, Microsoft and Facebook are countries, many of whose central
Android mobile operating system, the ple’s digital assistant Siri or Google’s sense of it. It also has used its cash to shine, they will feel more and banks have also been happy to fire
search giant marches even further “voice search” to answer far more to buy additional data assets such as more pressure to differentiate them- up the printing presses.
into the brave new mobile world. Us- complex questions. It is technology Zagat, Frommer’s for travel guides selves with data. —Rolfe Winkler —Thorold Barker

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