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1. The study of tissues is called …

[A] Cytology
[B] Embryology
[C] Histology
[D] Pathology

2. Many kinds of tissues organize to form

[A] organ
[B] organ system
[C] body system
[D] organelle
3. Which of the following is not a simple
[A] Xylem
[B] Parenchyma
[C] Collenchyma
[D] Sclerenchyma

4. Which type of tissue has lignified cell

[A] Parenchyma
[B] Collenchyma
[C] Sclerenchyma
[D] cambium

5. Which meristem is present at the base of

the leaves or internodes on twigs?
[A] Apical meristem
[B] Cambium
[C] Intercalary meristem
[D] Epidermis

6. Collenchyma are characterized by the
presence of

[A] elongated cells with deposits of cellulose

and pectin all over the wall

[B] isodiametric cells with deposits of cellulose

and pectin at the corners

[C] elongated cells with thickening at the


[D] isodiametric cells with thickening all over

the wall

7.Vascular bundles in a dicot stem are

[A] open,collateral,exaarch

[B] closed, collateral, endarch

[C] closed, collateral,exarch

[D] open, collateral, endarch

8. Abnormal secondary growth is found in

[A] Dracaena

[B] Triticum

[C] Helianthus

[D] Cucurbita

9. External protective tissue of plants are

[A] cork and cortex

[B] cortex and epidermis

[C] Epidermis and cork

[D] pericycle and cortex

10. Velamen cells are found in epiphytes

[A] below the epidermis

[B] just outside the cortex

[C] below the endodermis

[D] just outside the exodermis

11. Intercalary meristem results in

[A] secondary growth

[B] apical growth

[C] primary growth

[D] none of the above

12. The bark of a tree comprises

[A] All The Tissues Outside The Cork Cambium

[B] All The Tissues Outside The Vascular


[C] Only The Cork

[D] Just Inside The Cork Cambium

13. which tissue provides maximum
mechanical strength to the plant

[A] Parenchyma

[B] Xylem

[C] Collenchyma

[D] Phloem

14. A collateral vascular bundle is one in which

phloem towards

[A] Outer side of the xylem

[B] Inner side of the xylem

[C] All around the xylem

[D] On both sides of the xylem

15. Radial vascular bundles are the ones in
which xylem and phloem occur on

[A] Same radius

[B] Alternate radii

[C] Xylem outside and phloem inside

[D] Phloem outside and xylem inside

16. The plant tissue become woody by a

process of

[A] Suberisation

[B] Pectification

[C] Calcification

[D] Lignification

17. The protective noncellular layer found on
the outside of plant organs is

[A] Epiblema

[B] Velamen

[C] Cuticle

[D] Cork

18. Most metabolism of the plants is carried in


[A] Phloem

[B] Meristem

[C] parenchyma

[D] Collenchyma

19. The tissue which has dead cells in the
functional state is

[A] Collenchyma

[B] Sclerenchyma

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Phloem

20. Water conducting elements of

gymnosperms and primitive angiosperms are

[A] Vessels

[B] Vessel elements

[C] Tracheids

[D] Fibrotracheids

21. Treachery elements of protoxylem are

[A] Larger and broader

[B] Formed towards the end

[C] With advanced type of thickenings

[D] Short narrow with primitive type of


22. Latex cells occur in

[A] Banyan

[B] Calotropis

[C] Oleander

[D] All the above

23. Suberin is

[A] Polysaccharide

[B] Protein

[C] Fatty substance

[D] Pectocellulose

24. Name the tissue where cells are living,
thin-walled, isodiametric with intercellular

[A] Prosenchyma

[B] Arenchyma

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Collenchyma

25. Callose blocks

[A] Older Tracheids

[B] Heartwood

[C] Sieve tubes in summer

[D] Sieve tubes in winter

26. Which of the following give rise to the cork

[A] Phellogen

[B] periblem

[C] periderm

[D] phelloderm

27. A conjoint vascular bundle is one in which

xylem and phloem are

[A] Joined together

[B] Separate

[C] On same radius

[D] On alternate radii

28. Cellular layer covering plant organs is

[A] Epidermis

[B] Hypodermis

[C] Cuticle

[D] Endodermis

29. Tissue forming long flexible but strong

strands in leaf stalks is

[A] Sclerenchyma

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Xylem

[D] Prosenchyma

30. Flesh of a fruit mostly made of

[A] Parenchyma

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Sclereids

[D] Meristem

31. The most common ground tissue in plant

[A] Epidermis

[B] Cortex

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Collenchyma

32. Which is absent in the area of pits

[A] Middle lamella

[B] Primary wall

[C] Secondary wall

[D] All the above

33. Pit membrane is made of

[A] Plasma lemma

[B] Primary wall

[C] Middle wall

[D] Both B and C

34. The tissue most abundant in
Hydrilla/Eichhornia is

[A] Aerenchyma

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Phloem

[D] Sclerenchyma

35. The tissue having dead cells is

[A] xylem

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Phellogen

36. Sugar transport elements of gymnosperms

and pteriodophytes are

[A] Sieve cells

[B] Sieve elements

[C] Sieve tubes [D] Sieve tube elements

37. Internal plant organization is studied

[A] Anatomy

[B] Cytology

[C] Chronology

[D] Morphology

38. A parenchyma cell storing ergastic

materials is

[A] Storage cell

[B] Idioblast

[C] Conidioblast

[D] Phragmoplast

39. Elongated cells with tapering ends are

[A] Vessels

[B] Sclereids

[C] Tracheids [D] none of the above

40. An angiosperm lacking vessels is

[A] Trochondendron

[B] Acacia

[C] Salix

[D] Dendrocalamus

41. Early formed xylem is

[A] Uniseriate

[B] Multiseriate

[C] Protoxylem

[D] Metaxylem

42. Anatomy is also called

[A] Histology

[B] Internal morphology

[C] Morphology

[D] Histochemistry

43. Xylem and phloem belong to the group of

[A] Complex tissues

[B] Simple tissues

[C] Specialized tissues

[D] Laticiferous tissues

44. Lumen is minimum in

[A] Sclerenchyma

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Epidermis

45. Shoot is the first to die when

[A] Phloem is blocked

[B] Bark is removed

[C] Apical meristem is injured

[D] Xylem is removed

46. Vessels are absent in

[A] Dicots

[B] Monocots

[C] Gymnosperms

[D] All the above

47. Prosenchyma is type of

[A] Chlorenchyma

[B] Collenchyma

[C] Parenchyma

[D] Sclerenchyma

48. Tissue taking part in transporting organic

nutrients from source or storage region is

[A] Phloem

[B] Parenchyma

[C] Vascular rays

[D] Xylem

49. Treachery elements are

[A] Suberized

[B] Full of dense cytosol

[C] Elongated with lignified walls

[D] Small and numerous

50. Long pointed sclerenchyma cells are

[A] Fibers

[B] Tracheae

[C] Wood parenchyma

[D] Sclereids

51. The exarch condition is found in

[A] Petiole

[B] Leaves

[C] Stem

[D] Roots

52. Tracheary elements are

[A] Vessels and Tracheids

[B] Sieve tubes and vessels

[C] Sieve tubes, vessels and Tracheids

[D] Sieve tubes, sieve cells, vessels and


53. When protoxylem faces pith, condition is


[A] Exarch

[B] Endarch

[C] Mesarch

[D] None of the above

54. When protoxylem faces pericycle, it is


[A] Endarch

[B] Mesarch

[C] Exarch [D] Polyarch


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