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Preparation Paper 2023-2024

X- Computer Science By: Syed Furqan Ali

Important Information:
Information for MCQs (Section – A)
It is advised for the preparation of MCQs read your syllabus book, attempt all MCQ’s of last years and do
preparation of all MCQ’s which are provided by your teacher during lectures and weekly/terminal
Section B
Chapter #01 (Short Questions)
i. Why is there need of index in an Array.
ii. Define Algorithm. Write its three advantages.
iii. What are good qualities of an algorithm.
Descriptive Questions
i. Define problem solving. Explain its steps.
ii. Define flow chart and explain its five symbols.
iii. Define data structure. Explain linear data structure and its types .

Chapter #02 (Short Questions)

i. What is computer program?
ii. Write down the rules for naming a variable.
iii. Define errors and its types.
iv. Define the following: Reserved words, Data types.
v. Difference between declaring and initializing variable.
Descriptive Questions
i. Define Translators. Explain all its types.
ii. Write short notes on high level and low level languages.
iii. Define IDE and write its components.

Chapter # 03 (Short Questions)

i. Write down the syntax and purpose of the following:
Cin Cout getch() gets()
ii. Define Escape sequences. Write its purpose each of them.
iii. Define comment statements. How many types of comments statements in C++?
Descriptive Questions
i. Define operators and explain its all types.
ii. Write a program to find acceleration of a body and draw its flow chart.
iii. Write a program to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit and draw its flow chart.
iv. Write a program to prepare mark sheet with five subject’s marks, grade and percentage and draw its flow chart.

Chapter # 04 (Short Questions)

i. Explain the purpose of Default in C++.
ii. Write down the function of for loop.
iii. Write down the syntax and purpose of the following:
If-else return exit continue
iv. Why we using block statements using braces.
v. What is the purpose of jump statements in C++?
Descriptive Questions
i. Write a program to input a number and find out it is even/odd and draw its flow chart.
ii. Write a program to calculate sum of any 10 numbers and draw its flow chart.
iii. Write a program to generate multiplication table and draw its flow chart .
Chapter # 05 (Short Questions)
i. Define Local variables and global variables.
ii. Write down syntax purpose and example of the following function
Pow( ) exp( ) abs( ) sqrt( )
iii. Write down the differences between predefined function and user defined function.
Descriptive Questions
i. Why we use header files. Define its types.

Chapter # 06 (Short Questions)

i. Define the following terms:
Boolean Algebra Truth table Logic gates
ii. Define basic Logic gates. Draw its truth table and circuit symbol of OR, AND and NOT
Descriptive Questions
i. Define universal gates. Explain NAND and NOR gate with circuit diagram and truth table.
ii. Simplify the following Boolean expression and draw its circuit diagram.
Z=AB + A(B+C) + B(B+C)

Chapter # 07 (Short Questions)

i. Write any three differences between online/offline scratch.
ii. Define the following terms:
Sprite stage Backdrop Scripts
Descriptive Question
i. Define Cursor Tools. Explain each of them.
ii. Write the use of the following codes.
Forever Say wait sound

Differentiate Between
i. Algorithm/Flow chart
ii. Tree/Graph
iii. Constant/Variables
iv. Assembly/Machine Language
v. Arithmetic/Relational Operators
vi. Assignment/Equal to Operator
vii. While/Do-While loop
viii. Function declaration/ Function Definition
ix. NOR/NAND gate

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