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Subject: SOCIAL STUDIES Duration: 2HRS Class: JSS 3

Instruction: Answer all question in this section

The group of people related by blood is called…….. A. Family B. Organization C. Member D.

The process by which government sells its shares in companies to individual and group
is……… A. Commercialization B. Deregulation C. Import Trade D. Privatization
The buying and selling of goods and service in order to satisfy human want is called? A.
Farming B. Manufacturing C. Marketing D. Trading
The two system of Farming are ……… A. Livestock and Arable farming B. Mixed and dairy
farming C. Poultry and Fishing farming D. Tradition and Mechanized farming
The conflict between Modakeke and Ife is……….. Type of conflict. A. Inter Communal B. Inter
nation C. Inter Ethnic D. International
………… refer to the connection that exist between individual and group of society A.
Community member B. Social environment C. Social organization D. Organization society
The type of marriage performed according to the tradition and custom of group of people is
…………. Marriage. A. Court B. Customary C. Religion D. Securities
The method of storing things in a refrigerator is known as ………. A. Killing B. Smoking C.
Salting D. refrigeration
One of the following is NOT a primary role of the family? A. Ensure continued existence of the
community B. Involve in child trafficking C. Provide for the need of Family D. Take care of the
young ones
A person is said to be a ……… when he cannot live without a particular drug of substance. A.
Drug abuse B. Drug baron C. Drug addict D. Drug trafficking
The habit of self medication is ……….. A. Drug abuse B. Drug baron C. Drug addict D. Drug
A place where teaching and learning takes place called ………. A. Hospital B. Kitchen C. Market
D. School
………. Is a low land between two hills? A. Delta B. Hill C. Lake D. Valley
There are ……… and ………. Classification of settlement. A. region and urban B. remote and
rural C. rural and rural D. rural and urban
Cotton is common in which of these States? A. Delta B. Enugu C. Kano D. Oyo
A situation in which a woman has more than one husband is …………… A. endogamy B.
monogamy C. polyandry D. polygamy
Love, loyal and willingness to serve one’s country is called…….. A. bravery B. Citizenship C.
Patriotism D. Warmth
………….. Is the major reason for the amalgamation of southern and northern Nigeria. A Coat of
Arm B. National Anthem C. National Flag D. National pledge
………….. Is an emblem which shows the unity of the country and stands for authority and
powers? A. Formal and Informal education B. Junior and Senior School C. Primary and
Secondary School D. 6-3-3-4 and 6-5-4
There are ……… types of environment. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
A saying that “culture is dynamic” means ……… A. Culture has a lot of powers B. Culture is a
kind of dynamism C. Culture does not remain the same D. Culture and Dynamism are related
Friendship could be defined as…….. A. a state of being cruel to others B. a state of being
emotionally attached to someone you like C. a state of fighting one another D. a state of loving
one only things are good
We can prevent HIV/AID by ……… A. Eating balance diet B. Not playing together C. Sharing
sharp object D. Use of screened blood
…………. Is a way of improving friendship? A. Disagreeing with each other B. Exchange of
gifts C. Making trouble D. Quarreling
The following factors could destroy friendship EXCEPT…….. A. Betrayal of trust B. Gossiping
C. Honesty D. Selfishness
Permanent separation of husband and wife is called……… A. Companionship B. Divorce C.
Monogamy D. Polygamy
The following are sources of population data EXCEPT……. A. Birth rate B. Census C. Death
rate D. Wealth rate
Agents of socialization does not include ………. A. Mass Media B. Peer Group C. Police D.
Religion Institution
A marriage between people of the different ethnic group is called……..marriage. A. Inter-ethnic
B. inter-states C. different language D. inter tribal
All these are dangers for abusing drugs EXCEPT…….. A. brain damage B. rejection from
family C. health problem D. academic progress.

Answer Three (3) Questions in this section
1. a. Define Conflicts?
b. Mention 4 examples of conflicts and explain each
2. Highlight five (5) ways of promoting peace in our society
3. State five (5) characteristic of low self esteem and explain
4. a. State five (5) group of cult in our society
b. Mention five (5) cause of cultism in Nigeria and explain

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