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1. Which of the following biologist/s proposed that cell is the structural and func onal unit of
a. Robert Brown
b. Robert Hooke
c. Theodore Virchow
d. Schleiden and Schwann
2. What type of cell lacks a well-defined nucleus?
a. Bacterial cell
b. Eukaryo c cell
c. Prokaryo c cell
d. Non nucleated cell
3. Which of the following statements best illustrate the adapta on and func on of a modified
a. The xylem in the leaf helps the leaf to be posi oned horizontally towards the sun.
b. The hair-like structure in the root helps to increase the surface are of the root hair cell.
c. Red blood cell has biconcave for increasing its surface area thus diffusion of oxygen in and
out of the cell become easy.
d. Guard cells are specialized in such a way that the cell wall in the inner side of the guard cell
is thicker than the outer side which makes the guard cell turgid.
4. In which phases in meiosis is varia on of gene c makeup accomplished?
a. Prophase I, Anaphase I and Anaphase II
b. Prophase II, Anaphase I and Anaphase II
c. Prophase I, Metaphase I and Anaphase II
d. Prophase II, Metaphase I and Metaphase II
5. All of the following is significant applica on of mitosis, except
a. Cloning
b. Budding
c. Forma on of Gametes
d. Stem Cell Regenera on
6. What is called when cells in the body grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts?
a. Aneuploidy
b. Cancer
c. Polyploidy
d. Tumor
7. When an invasive cancer occurs?
a. When gene c muta on occurs in a cell.
b. Cells are abnormal and tumor are s ll in contained within its ssue of origin.
c. When cell’s descendants mutated a divide excessively and look abnormal.
d. When some cells have addi onal muta ons and allow tumors to invade other ssues
through circulatory system.
8. Below are the func ons of the plasma membrane in the cell except one. What do you think it
a. It provides shape to the cell.
b. It can easily be entered by all substances which then be used by the cell.
c. It regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell, protec ng it from its
d. It carries markers that allow cells to recognize one another and can transmit signals to
other cells via receptors.

9. What are the types of passive transport?

I. Osmosis
II. Primary Transport
III. Facilitated Diffusion
IV. Symports and An -ports
a. I only
b. II and IV
c. I and III
d. I, II and III
10. Which of the following processes includes all others?
a. Osmosis
b. Diffusion of a solute across a membrane
c. Facilitated diffusion
d. Passive transport
11. Supposed that there are several foreign cells have entered your blood stream, evaluate what
process that your cell in your immune system would undergo immediately?
a. Exocytosis
b. Pinocytosis
c. Phagocytosis
d. Receptor-mediated cytosis
12. Does enzyme have op mum pH and temperature which they can work best?
a. No, for enzyme they can work at any given temperature.
b. Yes, they have a required condi on for their op mum func oning.
c. No, what is required from them us abundant space to dilute freely.
d. Yes, all enzymes work best at low pH and temperature of 40 degrees Celsius
13. Plants are very unique among other organism due to their capability to trap sunlight and make
their own food. Which of the following enables plants to trap energy?
a. Chlorophyll
b. Chloroplast
c. Cu cle
d. Epidermis
14. Explain how the light reac ons and light-independent reac on (Calvin cycle) of photosynthesis
are interdependent on each other.
a. The light reac ons produced only NADPH, which is produced by the Calvin cycle.
b. The light reac ons use NADPH and ATP, which are produced by the Calvin cycle.
c. The light reac on produces NADP+ and ADP, which are then used in the Calvin cycle.
d. The light reac on produces ATP and NADPH, which are then used in the Calvin cycle.
15. Where in a cell in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes does glycolysis takes place?
a. Cytosol
b. Mitochondria
c. Nucleus
d. Plasma membrane
16. Which of the following best describe Gene c Engineering
a. Ma ng of organisms with desirable quali es or traits.
b. Natural cross-breeding of a male and a female organism.
c. Changes in species of organism that occur over a period of me.
d. Modifica on of the characteris cs of an organism by manipula ng its gene c material.
17. The headline “Imporved Soybeans Produce Healthier Vegetable Oils” accompanies an ar cle
describing how a biotechnology company controls types of lipids (fats) present in soybeans.
The improved soybeans are most likely being developed by the process of:
a. Asexual reproduc on
b. Gene c engineering
c. Habitat modifica on
d. Natural selec on
18. Which of the following sequence of four- me frames are arranged from the oldest to
a. Cenozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, Paleozoic Era, Precambrian Time
b. Mesozoic Era, Precambrian Time, Cenozoic Era, Paleozoic Era
c. Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, Precambrian Time, Cenozoic Era
d. Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, Cenozoic Era
19. According to the theory of evolu on, which of the following is the cause on the differences in
a. Natural selec on
b. Mutagenic agents
c. Disuse of body structures
d. Transmission of acquired characteris cs
20. Which of the following branch of science that deals of classifying organisms?
a. Biology
b. Gene cs
c. Physics
d. Taxonomy
21. Which ques on would help you decide if an organism you found was a plant or fungus?
a. Does the organism reproduce sexually?
b. Does the organism perform photosynthesis?
c. Is there nervous ssues present in the organism?
d. Is there a cell wall around the cells of the organism?
22. Which of the following organisms exhibit solely sexual reproduc on?
a. Corals
b. Humans
c. Hydra
d. Starfish
23. If you have a spermatogonium with (2N) and N-46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are
there in one spermatocyte?
a. 46 Chromosomes
b. 32 Chromosomes
c. 23 Chromosomes
d. 20 Chromosomes
24. In this sketch, what kind of procrea on does the organism represent?

a. Asexual
b. Bisexual
c. Sexual
d. Trisexual
25. Dis nguish the importance of both Erythrocytes and Leukocytes.
a. Both func ons as part of the blood and cons tuent of it.
b. It is essen al because both cells are important in our body
c. Erythrocytes are the RBC and Leukocytes are WBC, which are part of the blood.
d. The importance of erythrocytes and leukocytes func ons as the defender of it.
26. What do you call the elimina on of metabolic wastes including nitrogenous wastes and also
helps in the regula on of water and ion balance?
a. Osmosis
b. Excre on
c. Internal Environment
d. None of the above
27. In mammalian kidney, what feedback hormone is detected when a person is in dire need of
conserva on of water?
a. Renin
b. Testosterone
c. Vasopressin
d. None of the above
28. Why are movement and locomo on necessary among animals?
a. Proprioceptors and interceptors
b. Thermoreceptors and interceptors
c. Photoreceptors and proprioceptors
d. Mechanoreceptors and exteroceptors
29. What is the complex network of organs containing cells which recognizes foreign substances in
the body?
a. Circulatory System
b. Immune System
c. Respiratory System
d. Skeletal System
30. Which of the following statements could NOT be the primary func on of the adap ve immune
system response?
a. Dis nguish adap ve from “self-an gens”
b. The recogni on of specific “non-self” an gen
c. The development of an immunologic memory that cannot quickly eliminate a specific
d. The genera on of pathogen in specific immunologic effector pathways that eliminates
specific pathogens.
31. Which of the body’s system func ons on secre ng hormones and helping maintain homeostasis
and coordinate processes in the body?
a. Diges ve system
b. Endocrine system
c. Excretory system
d. Reproduc ve system
32. Why excre on important in order to achieve osmo c balance?
a. The body accumulates water within itself when excre on does not occur, which can have
dire consequences.
b. Excre on regulates the movement of water within the membranes, which ul mately
maintains osmo c balance.
c. In the absence of excre on, there is a shi in the concentra on, which disrupts osmo c
d. The body builds up many chemical compounds that need to be excreted to maintain
homeostasis and osmo c balance.
33. What is the process that allows the body to maintain its internal temperature?
a. Homeostasis
b. Ectotherm
c. Osmoregula on
d. Thermoregula on
34. As the blood glucose concentra on rises, what homeosta c response would the body produce?
a. Insulin would be released to cause blood glucose to fall
b. Insulin would be released to cause blood glucose to rise.
c. Glucagon would be released to cause blood glucose to fall.
d. Insulin and glucagon would be released to cause blood glucose to rise.
35. Which of the following proper es can be classified as an intensive property of ma er?
a. Color
b. Mass
c. Volume
d. Weight
36. How would you separate a mixture of sand and iron fillings?
a. Decanta on
b. Dis lla on
c. Evapora on
d. Magne sm
37. An atom X contains 33 protons, and 35 neutrons and 33 electrons. Which of the following is the
correct isotopic symbol for this atom?
a. 𝑋
b. 𝑋
c. 𝑋
d. 𝑋
38. Table salt is a compound with the chemical name, Sodium Chloride. What is its chemical
a. CaCO3
b. Mg(OH)2
c. NaBr
d. NaCl
39. Illustrate the formula for the compound that forms between the element sodium and bromine.
a. NaBr
b. NaBr2
c. Na2Br
d. SBr2
40. Which of the following is an SI unit that can be used in stoichiometric calcula ons?
a. Ω
b. Mol
c. Km
d. Hz
41. Which principal energy level will contain electrons with the lowest energy level?
a. Fist
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
42. Which type of chemical bonds involves equal sharing of electrons?
a. Ionic bond
b. Metallic bond
c. Polar Covalent bond
d. Nonpolar covalent bond
43. What is the electron group geometry of the compound shown below?

a. Bent
b. Linear
c. Tetrahedral
d. Trigonal Planar
44. A polar covalent bond will form between which two atoms?
a. Beryllium and fluorine
b. Hydrogen and chlorine
c. Sodium and oxygen
d. Fluorine and fluorine
45. Calculate the molarity of a solu on prepared from 29.22 grams of NaCl in 2.00kg of water.
a. 0.25 mol
b. 0.50 mol
c. 0.75 mol
d. 1.00 mol
46. What do you call the sta s cal measurement of physical quan es which measures how far
each value in the data set us from the mean?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Variance
47. Joseph measures his bathroom les to be 10in by 8in. Given the conversion factor, 1in = 2.54
cm, what are the length and width in cm?
a. 20.32 cm by 19.9 cm
b. 25.5 cm by 20.32 cm
c. 25.4 cm by 24.5 cm
d. 35.4 cm by 12.32 cm
48. The following steps of conver ng units below are correct EXCEPY?
a. km – cm - m
b. hr – min – s
c. KL – L – mL
d. kg – mg – g
49. Accuracy tells us how close the measurement is to the true value of the quan ty that was
measured. Consider 3.7 mL to be the true value, which set of measurements below is accurate?
a. 3.85 mL, 3.86 mL, 3.83 mL, 3.88 mL
b. 3.25 mL, 3.42 mL, 3.35 mL, 3.2o mL
c. 3.70 mL, 3.72 mL, 3.71 mL, 3.73 mL
d. 3.10 mL, 3.24mL, 3.34 mL, 3.12 mL
50. If given the chance to design a vehicle, what things would you consider to have best
accelera on?
a. It should exert lesser force and its mass must be lighter.
b. It should exert lesser force but its mass must be greater.
c. It should exert greater force and its mass must be lighter.
d. It should exert greater force and its mass must be greater also.
51. Two trains, A and B are traveling towards east with veloci es v = 1.5m/s and v = 2.5 m/s.
What is the velocity of train B with respect to train A?
a. +1.0 m/s
b. -1.0 m/s
c. +3.5 m/s
d. -3.5 m/s
52. Considering that two cars are traveling on the same direc on with v = 4.5 m/s. In this instance,
the velocity of A with respect to B is v = +2.0 m/s. Which car has greater velocity?
a. car A
b. car B
c. both have the same velocity
d. rela ve veloci es cannot be solved
53. A soccer player hits the soccer ball so that it leaves at speed v0 = 26.0 m/s at an angle 𝜃 = 390 .
Solve for the maximum height, h reached by the ball.
a. 0.53 m
b. 2.79 m
c. 13. 7 m
d. 27.3 m
54. What is the gravita onal poten al energy of a 0.15-kg ball elevated for about 8m?
a. 0.114 J
b. 1.14 J
c. 11.4 J
d. 114 J
55. What is the formula for density?
a. Density = mass x volume
b. Density = mass / volume
c. Density = mass + volume
d. Density = mass – volume
56. How does airplanes fly, theore cally?
a. Airplanes have jet blasters beneath the wing.
b. Gravity creates an equal and opposite reac on on the bo om of the wing.
c. High pressure presses up against the low pressure on the bo om of the wing.
d. High pressure presses down against the high pressure on the bo om of the wing.
57. Why the top of an airplane wing curved?
a. To make wing look good.
b. To create an area of low pressure above the wing.
c. To create an area of high pressure above the wing.
d. To create equal pressure above and below the wing.
58. The temperature of an ideal gas increases from 200C to 40oC while the pressure stays the same.
What happens the volume of the gas?
a. It doubles
b. It quadruples
c. It slightly increases
d. It slightly decreases
59. If a posi vely charged sphere is taken close to another uncharged sphere, then which of the
following statements is TRUE?
a. A rac on occurs before induc on
b. Induc on occurs before the a rac on
c. A rac on or repulsion my occur immediately
d. Induc on and a rac on occur simultaneously
60. The camera employs a _______ lens to form ________ images.
a. Diverging, real
b. Converging, real
c. Diverging, virtual
d. Converging, virtual



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