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Answer Sheet

 Q1) Select the action a worker should perform, if by mistake a work order is
assigned to a cluster.
1. Pass the cluster to another worker
2. Break the cluster and then re-create it
3. Leave the cluster alone
4. None of these
 Q2) What is the significance of a work template during creation of the
picking work based on the work template and the location directive while
processing a wave?
1. The shipping location
2. How the picking work is created
3. The pick and put locations
4. When the picking work is to be performed
5. None of these
 Q3) Anchoring is used for ____________.
1. Ensuring that sales orders do not leave the dock without authorization
2. Overriding the staging or loading location
3. Making it impossible to override a staging or loading location
4. None of these
 Q4) Select the menu item which cannot be configured, to do in the mobile
1. Perform work that was created by another process
2. Create work that will be performed through another process
3. Perform an inquiry or activity
4. Remove mobile device users
5. None of these
 Q5) A blurred label is printed from a mobile device. What should be done
1. Ask another user to re-create the work item and print the label by using
their User ID.
2. Reprint the label.
3. Use the label as-is.
4. Handwrite the information on the label before using it.
5. None of these
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