LP CO2 2023 HKS Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
School 12
Teacher ANNA RUTH E. DIAGBEL Housekeeping NC II
Teaching Date and
January 10, 2024 Quarter 2

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a valet/butler
B. Performance Standard: The learner independently performs understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a
valet/butler service.
C. Learning Competency: Establish rapport and enhance feelings of goodwill between the guest and the
establishment through principles of good communication in accordance with the establishment standards.
D. Learning Objective: Establish rapport and enhance feelings of goodwill between the guest and the
establishment through principles of good communication in accordance with the establishment standards.

A. Subject Matter: Establish Rapport and Goodwill

B. References
Rex Bookstore. (2016). K to 12 Housekeeping Learners Materials (pages 92-94),
Establish Rapport with Guests; https://studylib.net/doc/25482860/9-10-tle-housekeeping-week-2
Valet/Butler Service; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvL6TBi8_Ds
Valet/Butler Service Complaints; https://youtube.com/watch?v=HNPPCjRPkPk
C. Materials: Laptop, TV, power point presentation, Valet/Butlery script, scotch tape, scissors, manila paper, pentel
pens, chart (concept map).

D. Skills: Demonstrating effective communication with guests

E. Value Focus: Creativity in establishing rapport with guests


A. Motivation The teacher will show the students a short video about a conversation betweeen guest and
valet/nutler. Then the teacher will ask students questions about the video to arouse their

Motivational Activity: Watch and Tell!


DIRECTIONS: Watch the short video. Then, answer the questions that the teacher will ask.

1. What can you say about the video?

2. Based on the video, how did the valet/butler communicate to the guest?

B. Presentation After the students have answered the questions above, the teacher will present the theme of
the lesson by stating these words to them…

“One of the critical aspects of a valet’s role is communicating with guests since this
will the starting point in building trust and confidence the trust and confidence needed in the
relationship between valet and guest.”

Then, the teacher will let the students read the learning objective of the lesson:
At the end of this lesson, I can establish rapport and enhance feelings of goodwill between the
guest and the establishment through principles of good communication in accordance with the
establishment standards.

C. Activity Before the group activity, the teacher will divide the class into three groups.

1. Select a leader, secretary and reporter.

2. Read and understand the scenario given.

3. Use the following guide questions in doing the activity

 What were your observations when you read the scenario?

 How did you come up with a solution to the complaint?

 Did you achieve an effective communication with the guest?

4. Role play your output

*Group I – Your guest is having a conference with high Officials and you need to ask very
important thing or details about him, yet only her staff can accommodate you, how will you
treat the information provided by these people?

*Group II – You are a newly hired valet and have noticed that your guest is a foreigner with
a loud voice and too demanding and he scolded you at once, how are you going to handle the

Activity sheets will then be distributed to each group. Students will be asked to give standards
to be observed during the activity. Each group will be required to act out the scenario given.

D. Analysis After the group presentation, the teacher will process the activity by asking the following

1. How did the valet/butler get the information of the guest if only the staff can

2. What should be the appropriate way in dealing with loud and demanding client?

3. Why is it important to follow communication standards between valets and guests?

The teacher will show a video clip about effective communication between valets and guests.
The video presentation will guide the students on how to achieve effectively communication
with guests.

Video Presentation on Guest Complaints


E. Abstraction The teacher will ask questions to the students to summarize the lesson by using the concept
map below.

 How wil you etablish goodwill and rapport between valet and guests?
F. Application In this part of the lesson, the teacher will give students situation and let volunteers to act out
and demonstrate how to achieve effective communication to guests.

An anonymous caller called at the front office telephone asking details about your guest. Are
you going to provide the person on the other line the information he needed about your guest?

 How will you address the situation of an anonymous caller?

 Would you give the information of the guest to the anonymous caller?

IV. EVALUATION Direction: Given the scenario below, how will you establish rapport and goodwill in dealing
with this kind of guest?

A very tired guest who just checked in the hotel was very disappointed when she found out
that the faucet of the bathroom was not functioning well.

V. Assignment Interview a hotel staff in your locality about how they establish rapport and goodwill when
/Enrichment dealing with their guests. Use the guide questions below:
 Besides cleaning guests’ rooms, what are the main responsibilities of a housekeeper?
 What attributes do you think are the most important for a housekeeper?
 How do you respond to guests with different complaints?
 How do you stay motivated despite the tiring and challenging work as a housekeeper?

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Checked by:

MT II/Mentor
Group 1
1. Select a leader, secretary and reporter.
2. Read and understand the scenario given.

Your guest is having a conference with high Officials and you need to ask very important thing or details about him,
yet only her staff can accommodate you, how will you treat the information provided by these people?

3. Use the following guide questions in doing the activity

 What were your observations when you read the scenario?
 How did you come up with a solution to the complaint?
 Did you achieve an effective communication with the guest?

4. Role play your output

Rubrics in Scoring Role Play

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Role-Playing/ -infrequently develops the - sometimes develops the -further develops the ideas -extends and further develops
Perspective ideas and contributions of ideas and contributions of and contributions of other role the
- development of other role players other role players players ideas and contributions of
ideas -demonstrates a limited -demonstrates a satisfactory -demonstrates considerable other role players
understanding of understanding of the understanding understanding -demonstrates a thorough
character’s character’s perspective of the character’s of the character’s perspective understanding
perspective and and motives perspective and motives and motives of the character’s perspective
motives and motives
Analysis and makes inferences about makes inferences about the makes inferences about the makes inferences about the
Interpretation of the characters and drama characters and drama characters and drama context characters and drama context
content context with limited context with some effective- with considerable with a high degree of
- inferencing about effectiveness ness effectiveness effectiveness
characters and context
Expression of Point - perspective is minimally - perspective is partially -communicates well- -communicates insightful,
of View developed and developed and considered perspectives well considered perspectives
communication of communicated communicated -expresses the character’s - expresses the character’s
perspective and point -expresses the character’s expresses the character’s point of view and motives point of view and motives
of view point of view with little point of view with with commitment with integrity and
commitment satisfactory commitment strong commitment
Application of -demonstrates limited -sustains focus and -sustains focus and -sustains focus and
Drama Skills focus &concentration concentration to some concentration throughout role concentration throughout role
(Concentration, Use of during role play degree play scenarios play scenarios
Voice and Gesture,
Group 2
1. Select a leader, secretary and reporter.
2. Read and understand the scenario given.

You are a newly hired valet and have noticed that your guest is a foreigner with a loud voice and too demanding and he
scolded you at once, how are you going to handle the situation?

3. Use the following guide questions in doing the activity

 What were your observations when you read the scenario?
 How did you come up with a solution to the complaint?
 Did you achieve an effective communication with the guest?
4. Role play your output

Rubrics in Scoring Role Play

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Role-Playing/ -infrequently develops the - sometimes develops the -further develops the ideas -extends and further develops
Perspective ideas and contributions of ideas and contributions of and contributions of other role the
- development of other role players other role players players ideas and contributions of
ideas -demonstrates a limited -demonstrates a satisfactory -demonstrates considerable other role players
understanding of understanding of the understanding understanding -demonstrates a thorough
character’s character’s perspective of the character’s of the character’s perspective understanding
perspective and and motives perspective and motives and motives of the character’s perspective
motives and motives
Analysis and makes inferences about makes inferences about the makes inferences about the makes inferences about the
Interpretation of the characters and drama characters and drama characters and drama context characters and drama context
content context with limited context with some effective- with considerable with a high degree of
- inferencing about effectiveness ness effectiveness effectiveness
characters and context
Expression of Point - perspective is minimally - perspective is partially -communicates well- -communicates insightful,
of View developed and developed and considered perspectives well considered perspectives
communication of communicated communicated -expresses the character’s - expresses the character’s
perspective and point -expresses the character’s expresses the character’s point of view and motives point of view and motives
of view point of view with little point of view with with commitment with integrity and
commitment satisfactory commitment strong commitment
Application of -demonstrates limited -sustains focus and -sustains focus and -sustains focus and
Drama Skills focus &concentration concentration to some concentration throughout role concentration throughout role
(Concentration, Use of during role play degree play scenarios play scenarios
Voice and Gesture,
Activity Sheet
Group 1
Activity Sheet
Group 2

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