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1. Mario has 50 red chips, 12 blue chips, and 24 white chips.

What is the probability that Mario

randomly selects a red chip or a white chip?
2. Of 240 students, 76 are on the honor roll, 48 are members of the varsity team, and 36 are in the
honor roll and are also members of the varsity team. What is the probability that a randomly
selected student is on the honor roll or is a member of the varsity team?
3. Ruby’s dog has 8 puppies. The puppies include white females, 3 mixed-color females, 1 white
male, and 2 mixed-color males. Ruby wants to keep one puppy. What is the probability that she
randomly chooses a puppy that is female and white?
4. Carl’s basketball shooting records indicate that for any frame, the probability that he will score
in a two-point shoot is 30%, a three-point shoot, 45%, and neither, 25%. What is the probability
that Cindy will score either in a two-point shoot or in a three-point shoot?
5. There are a total of 48 students in Grade 10 Charity. Twenty are boys and 28 are girls.
a. If a teacher randomly selects a student to represent the class in a school meeting, what is
the probability that a a. boy is chosen? b. girl is chosen?
b. If a committee of 3 students is formed, what is the probability that a. all are girls? b. two are
boys and one is a girl?
c. Suppose that a team of 3 students is formed such that it is composed of a team leader, a
secretary, and a spokesperson. What is the probability that a team formed is composed of a
girl secretary?
6. Consider a box that contains 14 red balls, 12 blue balls, and 9 yellow balls. A ball is drawn at
random and the color is noted and then put back inside the box. Then, another ball is drawn at
random. Find the probability that:
a. both are blue.
b. the first is red and the second is yellow.
7. Consider a box that contains 14 red balls, 12 blue balls, and 9 yellow balls. Suppose that two
balls are drawn one after the other without putting back the first ball. Find the probability that:
a. the first is red and the second is blue.
b. both balls are yellow

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