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Chapter 2 Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 47

Real Marketing 2

Tim Hortons: Every Cup Tells a Story

Canadians, it appears, always have time for Tim Hortons. than just a doughnut shop and to build brand awareness in
Founded in 1964, the firm recently celebrated its forty-fifth the U.S. market. New products have also increased rev-
anniversary. Generations of competitors have come and enues for both the corporation and its franchisees.
gone, but none have managed to defeat Hortons, headquar- As impressive as these figures are, one has to wonder
tered in Oakville, Ontario. In fact, it has become a Canadian what else Tim Hortons has done to achieve this success—
icon. Throughout its history, Hortons’ marketing sawyy has after all, it offers fairly standard products, such as coffee and
turned this once simple doughnut shop into a giant with baked goods. Hortons’ strategy is deceptively simple. First, it
3437 outlets that generated $2.4 billion in revenues in 2008. has followed one consistent product and positioning strategy
Today, Tim Hortons rivals McDonald’s Canada for the number- throughout its history. Its promise of “Always Fresh” is never
one spot in terms of fast-food sales. The dominance of the broken, and it makes this promise concrete in many ways.
chain can be seen in these facts: Tim Hortons is the fourth For example, its interactive digital menus identify products
largest quick-service restaurant in North America and the just as they are being taken out of the oven, Next, it builds
largest in Canada, with approximately 42 percent of the sec- outlets in focal areas until there are enough outlets in the
tor traffic in Canadian stores. More than 40 percent of its cus- area to justify advertising. As Patti Jameson, director of cor-
tomers visit four times or more each week, and Tim Hortons porate communications, notes, “Advertising is a lot more
holds the largest market share of the breakfast market and relevant to people when they actually see the stores on the
the second largest share of the lunch market in Canada. Tim street." Having the physical presence of a retail outlet makes
Hortons also employs over 100 000 people in Canada and the brand messages more relevant and meaningful.
United States, making it one of Canada’s largest employers. Given Tim Hortons’ track record, it’s hard to imagine
Tim Hortons works relentlessly to build its brand, which how it could expand any further, There seems to be an outlet
has become an idealized image of the Canadian national char- on the corner of every major intersection. Yet even an institu-
acter: friendly, neighbourly, unpretentious, gently playful, fru- tion needs to be willing to change and grow. And change is
gal, trustworthy, and yes, clean. It brings this brand image to exactly what Hortons has done in recent years. In a bid to
life by featuring real people in its ads—both customers and broaden its appeal and attract more women and young peo-
employees. “Tim Hortons never fakes it,” notes Philippe ple, the chain has branched out into new product lines, such
Garneau, a partner at Toronto's Garneau Wirstlin Philp Brand as iced cappuccino. It also retooled Its lunchtime offerings,
Engineering. Tim Hortons communicates its brand image serving up Tim’s Own brand of soups and sandwiches.
through its “true stories” television vignettes, which are based The firm isn’t about to stop there. Since Tim Hortons
on the best of hundreds of suggestions the cormpany receives believes that the breakfast category is underdeveloped in the
from its customers every year. Each story
exemplifies the emotional relationship the
customer has with Tim Hortons and portrays
how Hortons fits into customers’ daily lives.
The company’s advertising is complemented
by a unique social media site,,
where consumers are encouraged to tell their
stories and experiences about how Tim Hortons
has enriched thelr lives.
The doughnut chain's long-running
“Roll up the Rim to Win" promotion has
become a beloved part of Canadian slang,
and sketches set at Hortons are shown
weekly on the comedy news show Royal
Canadian Air Farce. Some of the approximately
$9.5 million a year that Hortons spends
on advertising is also focused on its new
products—bagels, sandwiches, and soup—to Tim Hortons has formed a number of strategic alliances with U.S. firms to expand geagraphically, including
get consumers to see Tim Hortons as more co-branding stores with Cold Stone Creamery.
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