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In the name of the Father, the

Opening Prayer Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Father Almighty, come with us

today. Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our minds with learning, Fill
our classroom with peace. Fill
our class discussions with fun
and knowledge. Fill our
friendships with kindness. And
fill our school with love and
care to each other. Amen.
Good morning
1. I'll start the game tossing a ball to someone in the class. Hang
on tight, because the ball is hot!
2. As the music plays, pass the ball around as fast as you can!
But be careful, when the music stops, whoever is holding the
ball is in the hot seat.
3. I'll show different images on the screen.
4. The hot seat player has to guess what information sources
each picture represents.
5. Once the player guesses correctly (or not), the ball gets
passed to someone else, and the musical madness starts again!
1. In your own words, define what is
climate change.
2. Upon viewing the illustration, what do
you think are the connections of those
images to the term “climate change”?
Determining the Relevance and
Truthfulness of the Ideas
Presented in the Material Viewed
A multimodal document is one in
which the meaning is conveyed by
multiple modes, such as written text,
audio, still images, moving images,
motion, use of space, and so on.
Types of multimodal:

1. Digital multimodal texts

2. Live multimodal texts
1. Digital multimodal texts
might includes photos,
slideshows, websites, or
anything we can see or
viewed digitally.
2. Live multimodal texts can
be in a form of a storytelling,
dancing, or anything that we
can viewed or watched lively
or physically.
an active process of attending and
comprehending visual media, such as
television, advertising images, films,
diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos,
drama, drawings, sculpture, and paintings.

1. Pre-viewing
2. During viewing
3. After viewing
1. In your own words, define what is
climate change.
2. Upon viewing the illustration, what do
you think are the connections of those
images to the term “climate change”?
1. Pre-viewing - You prepare to view
by activating your schema,
anticipating a message,
predicting, speculating, asking
questions, and setting a purpose
for viewing.
By just viewing this
image, what can
you say about it?
2. During viewing - You view the visual
text to understand the message by
seeking and checking understanding,
making connections, making and
confirming predictions and inferences,
interpreting and summarizing, pausing and
reviewing, and analyzing and evaluating.
2. During viewing - Your
understanding should be
monitored by connecting to your
schema, questioning, and
3. After viewing - You are given
opportunities to respond to visual
texts in an intimate, critical, and
creative way. You respond by
reflecting, analyzing, evaluating,
and creating.

1. What does this remind me of?

2. What is this similar to in my life?
Criteria Points

Relevance to Assigned Task 10

Clarity of Presentation 5

Creativity and Engagement 5

Total 20
Directions: Identify the stage of viewing the
following activities fall under.
1. making connections
2. anticipating a message
3. making reflections
4. interpreting and summarizing
5. predicting
1. during viewing
2. pre-viewing
3. after viewing
4. during viewing
5. pre-viewing

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