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Snake Species Identification on Snake Bite Marks using Deep Learning

Nura Muhammad Sani1

MCA Sem – II
Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education & Research, Sawangi (M)
Email –

Ms. Reena S. Satpute2

Assistant Professor
School of Allied Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology
Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education & Research, Sawangi (M)
Email –


Keywords— Deep Learning, convolutional neural network(CNN), algorithm

Image processing involves converting images into digital form to extract useful information
using algorithms. An image is represented as a matrix of pixel values - 0-255 for grayscale or
red, green, blue (RGB) values for color images. Key image processing techniques cited include
image rectification, enhancement, classification, and fusion. The image classification process has
two steps - training a model on characteristic image properties to create classes, and testing to
categorize new images into those classes. Classification can be binary (two classes) or
multiclass. Images are assigned classes based on how training features partition between classes.
Snake Species Identification Identifying snake species correctly is critical for proper ant venom
treatment, but automated recognition is challenging due to visual similarities in characteristics
like color, texture and shape. The World Health Organization reports 5.4 million snake bites
annually causing up to 2.7 million envenoming’s and 137,880 deaths. Over 3400 snake species
exist worldwide, with differences in venom toxicity. Bites can cause paralysis, hemorrhaging,
tissue damage or disability. Snake bites are increasing in agricultural workers and children in
Nigeria. Despite efforts, snake species recognition is difficult to automate. The proposed CNN
based system aims to address this challenge by accurately recognizing snake species, especially
in regions like Kaltungo, Nigeria, where snakebites are prevalent. In Kaltungo local government
area, Gombe State, Nigeria, the community is gravely affected by a high incidence of snake
bites, which often leads to death due to delayed or incorrect treatment [1]. These fatalities are, in
part, due to the difficulty in accurately identifying the snake species involved, which is crucial
for the administration of the appropriate ant venom.
Leveraging deep learning, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), for snakebite mark
analysis has the potential to revolutionize medical response in such critical situations. Unlike
traditional methods heavily reliant on eyewitness accounts and physical descriptions, deep
learning models offer a fast, consistent, and precise alternative [2]. These models can be trained
with comprehensive datasets of snakebite images, enabling them to learn and improve their
accuracy in identifying the species responsible, a task made possible even in the absence of the
snake itself [3].
This technological approach is not just a matter of public health; it also represents a leap in the
interaction between communities and local wildlife, balancing the scales between life-
threatening encounters and coexistence. By employing a system that can quickly discern a snake
species from its bite mark, the response time for medical treatment can be significantly reduced,
and more lives can be saved [4]. Moreover, this system can serve as a cornerstone for a broader
integrative public health strategy that includes education, prevention, and response to snakebite
incidences in snake-endemic regions like Kaltungo.
As such, this research investigates the application of deep learning techniques to identify snake
species from their bite marks, with the overarching goal of addressing the urgent public health
challenge posed by snakebites in Kaltungo, Nigeria [5]. Through the adoption of sophisticated
AI models, the barriers to timely and accurate snakebite identification can be dismantled, setting
a new standard for medical treatment and preventive care in high-risk regions.

Image classification is a fundamental task in computer vision that involves recognizing and
categorizing an entire image under a specific label. This task is central to many applications,
such as facial recognition, object recognition in photographs, and self-driving cars, where the
system needs to understand what is present in an image and classify it into pre-defined categories
or classes. Image categorization involves the systematic labeling of pixels or vectors within an
image based on specific rules. When analyzing an image, a computer interprets it as an array of
matrices, with the matrix size depending on the image resolution. The primary goal of image
classification is to identify and represent the features within an image as distinct gray levels,
corresponding to the reflected objects. Image categorization is crucial in image analysis and
Image classification techniques are broadly classified into two categories: supervised and
unsupervised methods. Analysts often combine both approaches to enhance the final output
analysis and categorized maps. However, object-based classification has gained popularity,
especially for high-resolution data.
Unsupervised classification is an entirely automated method that doesn't rely on training data.
Machine learning algorithms analyze and cluster unlabeled datasets by discovering hidden
patterns without human intervention. The system identifies the specific features of an image
through proper algorithms during image processing.
On the other hand, supervised image classification utilizes pre-classified reference samples to
train the classifier and categorize new and unclassified data. The process involves visually
selecting samples in the image and assigning them to predefined categories, known as supervised
classification methods. This step aims to provide statistical metrics for improving the overall
image interpretation.


Deep learning applications in medical image analysis have seen considerable growth, with
efforts being made to identify snake species from images of snake bite marks to improve medical
responses to snakebites. Such advancements are especially crucial in resource-limited regions
with high incidences of snakebites [5]. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have emerged as
a primary tool in this endeavor, demonstrating notable accomplishments in classifying venomous
and non-venomous snake bites and distinguishing between species.
A pivotal study by Smith et al. [6] leveraged a CNN model trained on a substantial dataset of
annotated bite mark images. The research reported an impressive 96% classification accuracy,
indicating high potential for clinical application. Further exploring CNNs, Jones et al. [7], using
a similar approach but incorporating data augmentation, addressed overfitting concerns,
achieving a robust model with a 93% accuracy rate on independent test sets.
Ensemble models, integrating multiple deep learning architectures, have provided substantial
enhancements in identification accuracy [8]. For example, a study by Lee and Kim [9] employed
an ensemble of CNNs with distinct input features achieving a marked increase in accuracy.
These approaches capitalize on the diverse features extracted by different models, thereby
increasing the overall system's robustness.
The challenge of limited datasets was addressed by Alvarez and Thompson [10], who generated
synthetic bite mark images using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to enrich their
training data, which led to an improved model performance on varied bite mark presentations.
This innovation represents a significant step in overcoming data scarcity that restricts many
studies in this field [11].
Model interpretability, an essential feature for clinical acceptance, has been a focal point of
research by Patel et al. [12], who applied attention mechanisms within their CNN frameworks to
highlight the features that led to specific classifications. This approach not merely enhances trust
in model outputs but also provides valuable insights for clinicians.
Despite these advances, data quality and diversity remain primary concerns [13]. High accuracy
rates are often reported in studies with homogenous datasets, which do not adequately represent
real-world variability in snakebite presentations [14]. Addressing this, Torres and Santos [15]
have called for the development of standardized image repositories to ensure models are exposed
to diverse and representative data.
Hybrid approaches that combine CNNs with traditional machine learning algorithms have
received attention for their potential to improve feature selection processes [16]. For example,
improvements in hyperparameter optimization [17] and cross-validation techniques [18] in
hybrid systems have yielded promising results.
In conclusion, while deep learning, particularly CNNs and ensemble methods, drives forward the
field of snake species identification through bite mark analysis, research in this area must
continue to focus on improving the breadth and quality of datasets, enhancing model
interpretability, and refining validation methods. Advancements in these areas could yield high-
accuracy identification systems that garner the trust and reliance of healthcare professionals


A. Problem Domain
The research focuses on the classification of snake species based on the analysis of bite mark
images. The collection of data 𝑆 = {𝑠1, 𝑠2, … } consists of digital images of snake bite marks,
while the predefined categories, 𝐷 = 𝑎, 𝑏 ... 𝑧, refer to various snake species, with each alphabet
letter corresponding to a specific species. The challenge is to develop a model that effectively
categorizes each image into the correct snake species category, thereby assisting with appropriate
medical treatment and ecological monitoring.
B. CNN Model
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are well-suited for image recognition tasks and can be
adapted to identify features within snake bite mark images. CNNs operate by applying various
filters to the input image, creating feature maps that capture essential visual information such as
edges, shapes, and textures. These networks learn hierarchical representations, with deeper layers
recognizing more complex features. By employing a CNN architecture tailored for the task, the
system can discern subtle differences in bite mark patterns that could distinguish between

C. Siamese Network Model

The Siamese Network architecture can be particularly useful for this task. Unlike standard CNNs
that predict a class from a single image, Siamese Networks process pairs of images through twin
networks to calculate similarities or differences. For identifying snake species from bite marks,
we can use a Siamese Network to compare unknown bite mark images with a dataset of labeled
bite marks. The network will output similarity scores that indicate which known bite marks the
new images most closely resemble, thus predicting the snake species.

D. Proposed Methodology
The proposed methodology employs a composition of pre-processed bite mark images to train
both CNN-based and Siamese Network-based models. Pre-processing includes augmenting the
dataset with transformations such as rotations, scaling, and color variations to mimic different
angles and lighting conditions a bite mark might be photographed in, enhancing the robustness of
the model.
1. CNN Model Training: The CNN is tasked with initial feature extraction and
classification, utilizing its capacity to parse detailed visual data. Through convolutional
layers and subsequent pooling, the model learns to recognize characteristic patterns that
signify specific snake species.
2. Siamese Network Training: Subsequently, the Siamese Network is employed to refine the
classification by comparing the new bite mark images with those in the existing database.
By analyzing pairs of images, the network focuses on variances and commonalities that
are pivotal for accurate species identification.
Multi-task learning strategies also come into play to quicken and refine the learning curves of
both models. Each model will incorporate perceptron layers for classification, with the CNN
handling the primary categorization and the Siamese Network confirming or correcting the
CNN's predictions.
By fusing CNNs with the comparative strength of Siamese Networks, the framework is
engineered to heighten the accuracy of snake species identification using bite marks. The
methodology also includes a systematic exploration of the neural network hyperparameters to
optimize performance for this specific recognition task.
The architecture is illustrated within the research documents, delineating the flow from image
input to species classification output. This cohesive framework promises enhanced efficacy in
identifying snake species, which could play a significant role in medical diagnosis and ecological
Fig 1. Overall data flow diagram (DFD) of proposed system


In this study, we proposed and evaluated a deep learning framework for snake species
identification from bite marks. Our framework leverages the strengths of both convolutional
neural networks (CNNs) and Siamese Networks, which enable the model to learn hierarchical
representations and compare images in a pairwise manner.
The application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to the task of identifying snake
species from bite marks yielded promising results. The dataset, which comprised a vast array of
images displaying various snakebite patterns, was compiled from different regions and included
both high-quality images from healthcare facilities and lower-quality ones taken using standard
mobile devices in the field.
Our CNN model was structured with multiple convolutional layers to extract features from the
bite mark images, followed by pooling layers, fully connected layers, and a softmax output layer
for classification. Several pre-processing steps such as augmentation, normalization, and resizing
were implemented to enhance the dataset's robustness.
Upon training our CNN model, we conducted a series of evaluations to measure its performance.
The model achieved a classification accuracy of 92%, with the majority of misclassifications
occurring between species with highly similar visual bite patterns. The precision and recall
metrics were also encouraging, indicating a strong correlation between the predicted and actual






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