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Pursuing a successful career job or starting a business in the near future, here are some questions you
might ask to gather information and make informed decisions:

For a career job:

1. What are the typical responsibilities and day-to-day tasks of this role?

2. Can you describe the desired qualifications and skills for this position?

3. What are the opportunities for growth and advancement within the organization?

4. How does the company support employee development and learning?

5. What is the company's mission and values? How do they align with my own goals and principles?

6. Can you provide insights into the company culture and work environment?

7. How does the company prioritize work-life balance and employee well-being?

8. What is the compensation and benefits package for this role?

9. Can you share any recent success stories or achievements within the company or department?

10. How does this role contribute to the overall success of the organization?

____________________________ ______________ Interviewers’ Names (9-Charmz)

Interviewee’s Name and Signature Date of Interview __________________________


For a business:

1. What is the target market or customer segment for this business?

2. How does the business differentiate itself from competitors?

3. What is the long-term vision and goals for the business?

4. What is the business model and revenue generation strategy?

5. What are the key challenges and opportunities in the industry?

6. How does the business plan to address those challenges and leverage opportunities?

7. Can you describe the marketing and customer acquisition strategies?

8. What resources and support are available for starting and running the business?

9. Are there any legal or regulatory considerations specific to this industry?

10. What is the expected timeline for profitability and growth?

____________________________ ______________ Interviewers’ Names (9-Charmz)

Interviewee’s Name and Signature Date of Interview __________________________



Tasks: Deadline on/before June 2, 2023

 Complete the form with the interviewee’s response.
 Prepare a 1-page short bond paper Narrative Report of your experience with photo(s).
 Submit a copy of the form above with the interviewee’s signature and date of the interview.

Tasks: Presentation on May 25-26, 2023

 Wear an outfit of your chosen future career.
 You will be presenting a fashion show as a class.
 Prepare an introduction of yourself, share the job responsibility, required attire, and significant
aspects of the profession/career/business, and answer questions from the audience.

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1)
The student confidently The student presents The student presents The student is unable to
presents their chosen their chosen career with their chosen career with effectively present their
career, clearly explaining some clarity but may lack limited clarity and chosen career or provide
the job responsibilities, confidence or provide struggles to explain the a clear explanation of the
required attire, and incomplete explanations. job responsibilities, job responsibilities,
PRESENTATION significant aspects of the They attempt to engage required attire, or required attire, or
profession. They engage the audience and answer significant aspects of the significant aspects of the
the audience and questions. profession. They have profession. They are
effectively answer difficulty engaging the unable to engage the
questions. audience or answering audience or answer
questions. questions.
The student's attire and The student's attire and The student's attire and The student's attire and
visual aids creatively visual aids somewhat visual aids minimally visual aids do not
represent their future represent their future represent their future effectively represent
career, demonstrating career but lack creativity career and show limited their future career and
attention to detail and or attention to detail. creativity or attention to show little creativity or
thoughtfulness. detail. attention to detail.
The student The student The student's The student shows little
demonstrates thorough demonstrates some preparation is limited, to no preparation, failing
preparation by preparation by and they demonstrate a to research or
researching their future researching their future lack of research or understand their future
PREPARATION career, gathering relevant career but may lack understanding of their career.
information, and depth or fail to fully future career.
incorporating it into their incorporate the
presentation. information into their
The student The student The student's The student's
communicates clearly, communicates communication is unclear communication is unclear
using appropriate adequately but may or inconsistent, and they and inappropriate,
language and tone for occasionally use may use inappropriate making it difficult for the
their audience. They inappropriate language language or tone. They audience to understand
effectively express their or tone. They attempt to struggle to express their their ideas or engage with
ideas and engage the express their ideas and ideas or engage the them.
audience. engage the audience. audience.
The student's The student's The student's The student's
presentation has a strong presentation has a presentation has a presentation lacks
impact, leaving a lasting positive impact but may limited impact on the impact, failing to engage
impression on the not leave a lasting audience. They or inspire the audience.
OVERALL IMPACT audience. They impression on the demonstrate minimal They show no
effectively convey their audience. They show enthusiasm or passion for enthusiasm or passion for
enthusiasm and passion some enthusiasm and their chosen career. their chosen career.
for their chosen career. passion for their chosen

May 25, 2023 May 26, 2023
Thursday Friday
1. Abecia 1. Abejuela
2. Balane 2. Bayer
3. Canque 3. Dacu
4. Lagumen 4. Macarampat
5. Malferrari 5. Manungas
6. Ortiz 6. Paña
7. Resma 7. Sabanal
8. Salugsugan 8. Tasi
9. Vallejera 9. Villanueva
10. Bersabal 10. Clarito
11. Elcana 11. Fuentes
12. Ganzan 12. Gonzaga
13. Ogatis 13. Otero
14. Pacana 14. Perocho
15. Sobremisana 15. Verano

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