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Struggling with your thesis on drug addiction? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis can be an incredibly

daunting task, especially when it comes to such a complex and sensitive topic like drug addiction.
From conducting extensive research to organizing your thoughts coherently, every step presents its
own challenges.

One of the biggest hurdles is gathering reliable information amidst a sea of conflicting opinions and
data. With the constantly evolving landscape of drug addiction research, sifting through the vast
amount of literature can be overwhelming. Additionally, crafting a compelling introduction that sets
the stage for your research while adhering to academic standards requires both skill and precision.

Moreover, tackling the emotional and ethical aspects of drug addiction can add another layer of
difficulty. Balancing empathy with objectivity is crucial, as is addressing the societal implications of
addiction in a responsible manner.

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Therefore, as an economic impact, discovery of cheap and effective treatment options enables a
country to spend surplus resources in other aspects of economic growth. High doses may result in
image distortion, a loss of personal identity, and fantasies and hallucinations. The cost of drug abuse
on our society is astronomical, not only financially but also personally, emotionally, socially and
professionally. If you feel disturbed by an exercise of writing an essay on drugs, you can also get
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and support in terms of writing essays on drugs. Finding a solution to drug addiction within the
family unit requires treatment for the addict as well as the family. It is characterized by behaviours
that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued
use despite harm, and craving. It is a bitter fact that a great number of our young men and young
women use. There are many reasons children begin to use drugs. Each state fully utilizes its
resources to achieve the objective, which is easily achieved by a healthy population. Adolescents
who come from families where alcohol abuse is common may, on the other hand, view it as normal.
While you may have had a great conversation with your child and they know it is wrong to do drugs,
they may use them anyway if they are running with the wrong group of kids. They begin to lose
interest in activities they once loved. Limited research in this field has highlighted the apparent
efficacy of 12-step. Also it will affect mood, change system of values and lead to depression.
Psychotropic medication in a randomly selected group of citizens receiving re. In a society, addiction
leads to moral degradation making society to produce individuals who do not recognize the
importance of societal norms. Goldstein (2001) argues that drug addiction forces societies to deviate
from normal roots, taboos, or culture through behavioral changes. Saleh, 2006). Recent figures for
Scotland demonstrated that 85% of Hepatitis C sufferers. Addiction, Alcohol law, Alcoholic
beverage 1116 Words 3 Pages The illegal or harmful use of drugs is a major threat to the world and
to future generations. Long Term Effects Recent findings connect use of Ecstasy to memory loss.
The main elements in combating Drug addiction include measures to control. Communication
becomes more difficult, highlighting frustration. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, opium, and other highly
addictive drugs have been used and abused my millions of people throughout history, but recently a
new drug has emerged that is easier to obtain. More than 60% of teenagers said that drugs were sold,
used or kept at their school. Findings of the studies indicate that addiction has more negative effects
in an individual’s life than positive consequences. Due to lack of oxygen there are the metabolism
and organs nutrition disorders. Psychotropic medication in a randomly selected group of citizens
receiving re. Overdose Taking too much Ecstasy can result in: Extremely high body temperatures
High blood pressure Hallucinations Fast Heartbeat Breathings problems Death Death often results
from harmful overheating (hyperthermia), or from drinking too much at one time (hyponatremia).
Some people start taking them because of pure curiosity, others so as to improve their athletic
performance or reduce stress and get rid of depression. University of Michigan Injury Center
Beletsky et al. This 5 page model literature research report addresses the subject of teen drug abuse
and peer pressure.
Then the craving for more methamphetamine hits, and the abuser often becomes suicidal. Most of us
don't really view drug or alcohol use as a problem, if that includes your grandmother taking two
aspirins when she has a headache or your friends having few beers or drinks on Saturday night. The
effects on the brain and body are tremendously horrific. Putting an end to the War on Drugs will not
only save us billions of dollars, it would solve other major issues such as, drug abuse and addiction,
drug cartels, gang crime and violence, immigration, poverty, homelessness, and unemployment.
Some examples of these are pain medications, anti-anxiety meds, muscle relaxers and more. These
effects can be dangerous, as they can lead to accidents or risky behaviors. Although the strategy
changed over the years to mention newer innovations, the basic principles of the strategy have
remained similar. Laboratory studies have shown that animals exhibit symptoms of drug withdrawal
after cessation of prolonged marijuana administration. Psychotropic medication in a randomly
selected group of citizens receiving re. Broken laws are also a result of drug abuse because people
commit crimes to get money to fulfill their need for drugs. If use continues, the harmful effects of
drugs gradually change the user’s brain and lead to drug addiction. The users are normally stressed
Drug Use And Its Effects On The Community Drug use doe not only affect the users but also have a
devastating effect on the wider community as a whole. Existing mental condition Another major
reason to try drugs is the present mental health of a person. They can go from feeling happy to
feeling sad quickly and are incredibly secretive. Dangers of Anabolic SteroidsIn the past three
decades, steroids has been becoming a serious problem more than ever in the athletic field. Cells in
this part of the brain release chemicals that make us feel good (reward us) when we engage in these
behaviours and teach us to repeat them. The history of drug use is almost as old as humankind itself.
Research on neurotics, a primary division of personality, is extensive: many studies have found that
scores of neurotics are relate and are predictive of life stress, emotional and psychological disorders,
and substance abuse. What is the demographic information about withdrawal consequences of drug
addiction? 3. Many techniques are used, such as behavioral counseling, medication to treat the
addiction, and providing treatment not just for substance abuse but also for many factors that
accompany addiction such as stress, anxiety, and depression. There was something about her that
stood out to me. Additionally, all solutions offered and all those restrictions made by many laws to
solve the problem are not enough since their aim is to overcome the drug issue following its
occurrence. Peteet, J.R. (1993). A closer look at the role of a spiritual approach in addictions.
Generally speaking drugs are substances that affect the physical and mental. They experience
withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using substances. High doses may result in image
distortion, a loss of personal identity, and fantasies and hallucinations. Poor parenting,
unemployment, influence from the entertainment industry, curiosity, availability of drugs, and peer
pressure are some of the factors that contribute to this social problem. How Does Binge Drinking
Affect Teenagers 581 Words 3 Pages Society requires effective solutions to combat this recurring
adolescent issue of substance abuse to minimise economic, social and physical impacts of those aged
15-24. There are numerous harmful effects from drug addiction. You need to make sure that you have
a statement which does actually describe your arguments though.
In an attempt to answer the question, the following sub-questions should be used as guidelines: 1.
Methamphetamine addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to get treated. Having a
discussion of drug use as to why other kids begin using drugs, what happens to them as their drug
addictions increase, and other types of educational materials can allow your child to make good
decisions. Pressure at work, a ruthless boss, bad relations with one’s colleagues and the. Therefore,
alcohol is a drug since it portrays most of the traits exhibited on the user. The Scottish Model for co-
morbidity is based upon 5 key. There is, consequently, a need for more studies that comprehensively
touch every aspect of drug addiction. Have your closest friends used the following in the last 30
days. The popularity of such approaches began with the establishment of Alcoholics. Contrary to
rumors, Ecstasy is not an aphrodisiac and can actually inhibit sexual performance. Consumption of
illegal drugs can affect the life of a person socially. Parents in treatment centers tell counselors and
therapists that they want to “get their kids back,” as drug addiction has taken over to the point
where the courts have been forced to remove the children from the home. Though the main cause of
drug abuse has not been established, therefore, it is not possible to just have one direct cause. It was
also a way for all of us to see the problems of drug abuse and how everyone is affected. It can also be
described as an excessive, compulsive, self-damaging habitual use of illegal drugs. That is why drug
addiction treatment is available to help with such issues. Long-term consumption causes brain
illnesses, transforms behavioral manner, and increases the risk of infectious diseases. Harm in
homeopathy: Aggravations, adverse drug events or medication errors. Parents, teachers, social
workers, opinion leaders, youth and voluntary organization have to play an important role to
motivate the youth to keep away from drugs. An addiction is defined as a dependence upon a
particular substance in order to. However, is alone enough to prevent drug abuse and the resulting
crimes that go along with it. Without the care and good lessons from parents, he has no ability to
know what is right or wrong, his friend with drug addicted adults that have no stable job, play boys
and sells drug. It includes behavioral therapy, medication, rehabilitation, as well as a follow-up to
prevent relapse. The mentioned above Controlled Substances Act is a certain prohibition concerning
narcotics, which has been made by experts and considered to be a law. Many people take these drugs
to feel happier and better about themselves. An early review of methadone based substitution
treatments. If the mother is smoking heroine while having a child, the child can become immune to
that drug and become dependant on it. He ended up taking a dull needle that had dried blood on it. I
could write a for someone's Doctorate on opiate with everything I have read and experienced first
hand. The liver of such drug-dependent people cannot bear the strain.
That is why drug addiction treatment is available to help with such issues. The physical aspect of an
addiction is characterized with a continued use of certain substances even when significant problems
related to their use develop Wexner Medical Center. Contribution of problem drug users’deaths to
excess mortality in Scotlan: secondary. Personality was inventoried using the Revised NEO
Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and the Essence Personality Inventory (PEP). This 5 page model
literature research report addresses the subject of teen drug abuse and peer pressure. This includes
young children, teenagers, adults and elderly people. Those addicted become moody, hyperactive,
and hallucinate. They are legal Some of the drugs that have the most users are completely legal.
Ordinarily screaming into a pillow or getting away from the situation, Andrea and Amanda are
finding ways to cope with the pain and stress of her everyday life. In the end it bites like a snake
and poisons like a viper. The potential cost-effectiveness of such programmes has also been
highlighted although. McAuliffe, W.E. (1990). A randomised controlled trial of recovery training
and self-help. Aside from the obvious behavioral consequences of addiction, the negative effects on
a person’s health are potentially devastating. For instance when doctors give patient prescription for a
painkiller like OxyContin, the doctor could consult the database to see whether it had been prescribe
earlier. Courts are also full crimes ranging from murder to child neglect. As a way of minimizing
excess resources spent in fighting drug addiction, more studies should be carried out to identify
cheap and effective methods of treating and reducing addiction cases. Crome, I.B. (1999). Substance
misuse and psychiatric comorbidity: towards improved. Are you looking for a top-notch custom
research paper about Drug Addiction. While dependence is an intense craving for the drug by the
body, addiction also refers to the changes in behavior and bodily functions due to repeated use of
the drug, which has severe consequences. Question 4. Can we treat drug addiction. It therefore
implies that when the illegal substances are included, a significant proportion of every society is a
victim of addiction. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, Dr. How to solve square root problems
with variables. Types of prescription drug abuse Abused prescription drugs include depressants,
stimulants, antidepressants, opioids and morphine derivatives. It is important for individuals to be
aware of the potential risks associated with drug use and to make informed decisions about their
drug use. In fact higher dosages can cause convulsions, irrational behavior, and hallucinations.
Besides, the treatment of alcohol addiction problems requires the use of resources which result in a
socioeconomic burden to the friends and families. A recent study demonstrated that identical male
twins were more likely than nonidentical male twins to report similar responses to marijuana use,
indicating a genetic basis for their sensations. Top essay writing services are identified by their
reliability and high quality products. After treatment, there are numerous follow-ups to ensure that
the cycle does not come back. Drug abusers experience several severe health effects ranging from ill-
health, general sickness to death. The essay illustrates on the effects of drugs and substance abuse
among the youth.
These drugs range from most common and less expensive such as cigarettes and alcohol to expensive
and more deadly such as cocaine and heroin. Drugs affect the brain, which makes drug users
addicted to this thing after a period of positive for What. Drug abuse is a disease of the brain, and
the drugs change brain chemistry, which results in a change in behavior. By identifying addiction we
will eliminate the consideration that recovery is not possible. Hole, D.J. (2005). Passive Smoking and
Associated Causes of Death in Adults in. The entire paradigm of addiction towards narcotic drugs or
the rising number of drug addicts is not news anymore. The compound works with different
properties in different concentrations. Abuse of many classes of prescribed drugs has magnified
markedly within the us within the past decade and is currently at dire levels for sure agents,
particularly opioid analgesics and stimulants. Stress and related maladies are also a host of problems
related to drug addiction. The same is true of the protease inhibitor Ritonavir. The campaign was
conducted with the help of participating countries facing many controversies which are still argued
to this day. While an addict may not mind the distance widening between them and their boyfriend,
their mom, or their best friend, their loved one's do care and sometimes feel hurt. Its use has been
associated with serious side effects and. In fact higher dosages can cause convulsions, irrational
behavior, and hallucinations. Research Question Main research question should, therefore, be, how
do demographic characteristics vary with individual effects of drug addiction. Julien et al. (2010)
and Selye (1978) consider introduction of a foreign material to the body as one cause of deviation
from this normalness. In 1988, it was discovered that the membranes of certain nerve cells contain
protein receptors that bind THC. It also will discuss what effects that alcohol, marijuana, and heroin
have on the body. It is suggested that this lack of clear framework in. People visualize a person who
does not care about anything, including family, work, or commitments, except for obtaining money
to buy drugs to get high. If use continues, the harmful effects of drugs gradually change the user’s
brain and lead to drug addiction. Many health care professionals are working overtime in treating
people with disabling addictions. Drug dependency is a psychological and sometimes physical state
formed by a compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical effects which may take
several forms including tolerance, habituation, and addiction. Drug abuse often leads to crime as a
result of reduced impulse control. One of the most serious social effects of drug addiction is the
breakdown of families. Depression and anxiety often result to suicide, which is another effect of
drug addiction. Adverse Drug Reactions of Lithium Monotherapy in Bipolar Affective Disorder.
Drug in itself is any form of substance that has the ability. Also, studies have been done to identify
possible treatment and management options available for drug addicts. You can tell if a person have
been drinking or not by how they walk, their behavior, and their reaction.
By identifying addiction we will eliminate the consideration that recovery is not possible. Have you
lost friends because of your use of drugs. Drug maltreatment is a cause of concern to all states
around the universe either in developing states and undeveloped states and in both instances the most
affected are the young person. Drug abuse will often lead to an addiction and once addicted it will
take more than just good intentions to quit. Meanwhile, the abuser can experience feelings equivalent
to ten orgasms. Unlike the rush associated with crack cocaine, which lasts for approximately 2 - 5
minutes, the methamphetamine rush can continue for 5-30 minutes. Hopper, E. (1995). A
psychoanalytic theory of drug addiction: unconscious fantasies of. Research in the field of co-
morbidity has highlighted some potential approaches that may. Tobacco, or cigarettes are one of the
most addictive drugs and their long term use leads to development. Many health care professionals
are working overtime in treating people with disabling addictions. It is important that they understand
that curiosity is normal but good decisions need to be made concerning that curiosity. Other
complications are also associated with alcohol intake such as liver cirrhosis and gastritis which result
in the death of the addicts. And as a result, much of our youth are developing chronic addictions.
While the path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs, over time a person's
ability to choose not to do so becomes compromised, and seeking and consuming the drug becomes
compulsive. We could also volunteer with the drug rehabilitation programs. To what extent are eap
research to the corrected one below. Joyce Fuller Opioid Surveillance and Policy: A Canadian
Perspective by Tara Gomes, MHSc Opioid Surveillance and Policy: A Canadian Perspective by Tara
Gomes, MHSc University of Michigan Injury Center Overview of the Public Health Burden of
Prescription Drug and Heroin Overdos. A problem such as drug abuse requires a community effort to
get involved and be vigilant. While exploring the concept of drug addiction, certain gaps still exist.
Widespread drug abuse may be indicated by the fact that almost five percent of. Effects on Heart
Rate and Blood Pressure Recent findings indicate that smoking marijuana while shooting up cocaine
has the potential to cause severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure. However, simple
switching to smoking or injecting methamphetamine offers the abusers a quick transition to a binge
pattern of abuse. However, there are common effects associated with drug addiction. To cope with
stresses and depression attributed to negligence, most of them turn to drug and substance abuse that
in turn affects their ability to participate in productive activities. Evidence from the Scottish drug
Misuse Database (SDMD). The same is true of the protease inhibitor Ritonavir. Normal - After the
crash, the abuser returns to normal -- a state that is slightly deteriorated from the normal state before
he used methamphetamine. Stop drug abuse either legal drug abuse and illegal drug abuse, the drug
medicines supposed to be tool and helper to humans, not becoming poison and let people addict to it.
One possible solution to ending drug abuse in schools would be to have more educational programs
explaining the effects of drugs on the body, as well as health education classes that should be made
into mandatory school meetings. Living with or loving an addict causes family members and friends
to experience. I have been as understanding and supportive as I can be; and finally a few days ago
she asked me for help and told me she wanted to quit.

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