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Perform, Learn, Excel

for a Better
Have a great day!
Discussion 1:
with the
Learning • Appreciate the talents of persons
Objectives: with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society
and their contributions to society
• Explain that authentic dialogue
means accepting others even if
they are different from themselves
Characteristic of Meaningful and
Genuine Human Relationships
Ethics of Care
As human persons, we have the capacity to experience the experience
of another just like the one I described to you about that MMK incident.
Philosophers call this human capacity to share the emotions of others
as empathy, which is also an important aspect of intersubjectivity.
Perhaps you have already heard that EMPATHY can be understood as
“feeling in” or “placing yourself into the shoes of another.” For example,
how would you behave around a friend who just informed you that his or
her parent has died? EMPATHY enables you not only to share your
friend’s grief and offer him or her comfort during difficulty, but also
to own the grief of that person even if it was not your own parent’s
Can you cite another personal
experience where you express
empathy with

Availability is the willingness of

a person to be present and be at
the disposal of another.
The concept of availability
means that you are willing to
be at one’s side twenty four
The ethics of care can
help us understand why we need
to make ourselves available for
This understanding encourages
individuals to help other people,
most especially the least, the lost,
and the last because it is our moral
obligation to do so.
Alienation arises when a
person stops to view the
other as an AUTHENTIC
PERSON and merely
considers the other
person as a mere object
to satisfy his or her
personal interests.
Be that as it may, in spite of our
negative experiences of human
we are still called to extend our
hands in building a
This is very important especially that our
world today seems to be surrounded with
all forms of conflicts and violence. We can
only do this if we recognize that the other
person is the same as ourselves. A person
with dignity that needs to be upheld and
Discussion 2:
Learning • Appreciate the talents of persons
Objectives: with disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society
and their contributions to society
• Perform activities that demonstrate
the talents of persons with
disabilities and those from the
underprivileged sectors of society
Embracing Differences
Not all stories, movies, or telenovelas end happily. Many
of them, unfortunately, end with a sad note. Yet, what
seems to be common among these narratives is the
realization of the main protagonist (bida sa kuwento) on
the necessity to accept the things that had already gone
by and to embrace all past experiences—may they be
good or bad. And when he succeeded to do that, he or
she become at peace with himself or herself.
Embracing Differences
In similar manner, the acts of accepting (pagtanggap) and embracing
(pagyakap) all our differences are also beneficial especially in building a
community of harmony. Without a doubt harmony is hindered because
some people have intentionally refused to accept and embrace our
diversity (pagkakaiba-iba). Some individuals, for instance, overemphasize
our differences and choose to favor one look, behavior, view, belief, and
idea over the other. In the process, some of those who do not carry the
characteristics that are preferred to by the majority in society are the ones
who usually receive rejection (pagtakwil), discrimination (pagtrato ng hindi
pantay), abuse (pag-abuso), neglect (pagpabaya), contempt (pag-
alipusta), and the like.
Embracing Differences
I am sure that you are already aware that there are people in our
society who have endured a lot of hardships and discrimination
because of their physical or mental condition. As a group, we call them
differently-abled persons (may kakulangan sa pagkatao). However,
have you realized that despite their limitations, these individuals can
actually master the same skills as those who are fully able? Have you
also realized that these individuals are actually having their hopes and
aspirations too, like us? And are you aware that many of them are
actually able to rise above their disabilities and become productive
and happy individuals?

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