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Striving for equality is a fundamental aspect of modern society, and delving into the complexities of

this topic often involves extensive research and analysis. Crafting a thesis on equal rights requires
meticulous attention to detail, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
However, many individuals find themselves overwhelmed by the daunting task of composing a
comprehensive and compelling research paper on this crucial issue.

Undoubtedly, writing a thesis on equal rights presents various challenges. From conducting thorough
research to formulating a clear thesis statement, navigating through the vast array of information
available can be overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing diverse perspectives and addressing
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Moreover, the demands of academic writing, including adhering to strict formatting guidelines and
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such, seeking assistance from reliable sources becomes essential to ensure the quality and coherence
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In the case of the equality, through the several acts and the recently signed Equality Act 2010,
nothing has changed much in the United Kingdom Parliament and across the jurisdiction. World War
I helped create new job opportunities for women, and many began to replace jobs that were once
held by men. And, as part of this, women need to have equal participation in defining what is valued
and how this can be achieved. The play Antigone is probably one of the most prominent
interpretations of a tragic drama. This act was based on a number of laws and acts that had been
introduced in the United Kingdom in the past. So participation in all gender in workplace it makes a
county more stronger and developed country. In relation to health and social care, an important issue
for care practitioners and care organisations is how best to respond to the needs of a diverse
population, while also ensuring that every service user enjoys equality. Initially, most Southern states
refused to accept the 14th Amendment. According to Bangladesh population there are one third
populations are female if they can't participated in work sector our economy can't stand up. The
ultimate goal in gender equality is to ensure that women and men have equitable access to, and
benefit from society’s resources, opportunities and rewards. When your human rights are so
flippantly disregarded it is not unreasonable to begin to feel less than human. Racism whether it
brings out good things or bad, is still always a negative ideology. Institutions given the responsibility
of implementation should also be tasked to monitor and evaluate the way people work around the act
(United Kingdom Civil Service, 2013). Screening tests and abortion aim to detect disabling
conditions in unborn babies. Research indicates that most of the companies even the very large ones
do not have female board members or executives. Equal Rights for All The topic of the week of
November 25 was probably the best I could perceive in my opinion in terms of its impact on the
American society and culture. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (2), 207-235. If the baby is
Equality and the Law page 5 found to have a disability there is often great pressure on the mother to
abort. Some organizations and businesses are working towards equality. The Race relations act
followed in 1976 and was signed into law on 22 November 1976. There is tendency to give such
responsibilities to institutions that are already overwhelmed and overburdened by the current
responsibilities. As Saint Augustine, known above all as the great thinker who peacefully influenced
philosophy and theology, the thrust of the spirituality of the Latin Church, and the development of
apostolic endeavors, once said, “An unjust law is no law at all. ” In other words, an unjust law
would be a law, which takes away. This cannot be proper, however, because racial equality will not
exist in this country until we stop distinguishing black from white. Although it failed to become
ratified by congress, currently since 1985 the ERA has been reintroduced into each session of
Congress and held in Committee. Employers are taking control across the United Kingdom to avoid
being sued for the same. With successful implementation of the Equality Act 2010 in the parliament,
people and employers will at least have a point of reference. Social Posts Create on-brand social
posts and Articles in minutes. Discrimination against disabled people is also widespread in the
society. Women were powerless and considered the property of men. The equality act 2010 promises
to equate all people regardless of their gender and race in the workplace but faces many challenges in
the implementation, which need to be addressed accordingly.
No wonder some people have been questioning what has been happening in the last four decades
from the time the Equal Pay act was passed in 1970. He gender wage gap for example has reduced
by 9.6% in the last year (Office for National Statistics, 2012). From 1955 to 1990 the percentage of
employed women has increased twelve percent. There are many articles were also written for gender
equality. All people in the society including the very few minorities should be represented in the
parliament. Women are also psychologically weak as compared to men who are daunting them
always with their personality and importance. In the video “Into the eye of the Storm” the inferior
group, based on eye colour, experiences discrimination from the superior group. Men argued that
women were too sensitive and emotional and therefore would not be able to reach fair political
decisions. Employers and institutions of learning were required to admit all people qualified for the
positions regardless of their gender (United Kingdom Legislation, 2013). What are the distinctions
between equal opportunities and managing diversity. Another key provision prohibits states from
denying any citizen “equal protection” of the law. Another thing the United Kingdom Parliament
should consider doing is establishing organizations that would be responsible to ensure the smooth
implementation of the act and transition from the old laws and acts. Indeed, through this strategy
and tactic, which was made up of the organization of strikes, matches, demonstrations and public
gatherings, the civil rights movement won the respect and heart of many international civil right
organizations, which later joined in the push for equal rights to be bestowed on all and sundry in
America (Wagner, 2006). His beliefs and motives have a great political and social impact.
Experiencing prejudice and unfair discrimination can have profound emotional and psychological
effects, it can change a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence, almost always in a negative way.
From the earliest years of this country until just a generation ago, being a “white person” was a
condition for acquiring citizenship. In fact, the comments seem to support discrimination. One of the
objectives of this course Law and Society is exploring how law is used as a form of social control in
curtailing certain deviant behaviours and applying rule of law respectively. We’ll occasionally send
you promo and account related email. The main objections to the ERA were based on fears that
women would lose privileges and protections such as exemption from compulsory military service
and combat duty and economic support from husbands for themselves and their children. Not only
were blacks free, they were becoming accepted as people in our society. What are the distinctions
between equal opportunities and managing diversity. Women do not have equal opportunities with
men in the work place (Verkaik, 2008). Another problem is that today’s court systems are supporting
these laws. The big question at this juncture is whether a legislator who speaks like that really
supports equality. Families come with a lot of responsibilities but the one thing that worries most
business owners is women getting children. Gender equity denotes an element of interpretation of
social justice, usually based on tradition, custom, religion or culture, which is most often to the
detriment to women. Here we see that for both the African-Americans and the disabled populace,
there are laws that protect them but the enforcement and interpretation of these laws may even
further cause greater discrimination against them. She became a leading opponent of the ERA
through her lobbying organizations such as Stop ERA and Eagle Forum, and by testifying against the
ERA before 30 state legislatures.
But these domestic responsibilities shouldn’t hinder their progress in other niches of the society. For
example, in the past only men were to serve in high offices, but now so are women. But for her the
ability to vote was not enough to guarantee women’s equal rights and she decided to concentrate her
efforts for the ERA. Although the ERA promised so much for the equal rights for women but it
wasn’t implemented because only 35 states approved it and approval of minimum 38 states is
required to pass the amendment in the constitution. In the past years after marriage women are
deprived their all rights by their paternal sides. Violet is 95 and has suffered a stroke in the recent
past, she is a witty lady and likes to reminisce. It was able to change the way some courses only to
particular sexes, in other words, putting an end to stereotyping. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to
streamline your digital publishing. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954). It is a
Equality and the Law page 4 landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court which explicitly
outlawed racial segregation of public education facilities (legal establishment of separate
government-run schools for blacks and whites), ruling so on the grounds that the doctrine of
“separate but equal” public education could never truly provide black Americans with facilities of the
same standards available to white Americans. Another problem is that today’s court systems are
supporting these laws. In December 2012, the parliamentary Group on Race and community claimed
that there were concerns that women from the minority groups did not get employment. History
according to Kant's view reveals human culture as a means through which nature accomplishes peace
in all of humankind's spiritual pursuit (Outram1995). The percentage of women in the low paying
part time jobs is 79%. In the United Kingdom, women in high end executive positions were only
6.6%. There was a slight improvement compared to 5% the previous year (Cherry, 2008). They have
equal political rights and they can cast their votes with complete authority. It is easier for them to
enter the workplace, the court system, and the entertainment industry. His disabilities are not what
defines him, and in order to provide quality care they should take into account all of his needs and
not those most apparent due to his disability. The fines charged for those offenses are making other
employers and business owners to be extra careful. Initially, most Southern states refused to accept
the 14th Amendment. The ideas of John Stuart Mill’s article have been discussed in the lecture
stating that the biggest hindrance in the betterment of the society is not allowing the rights to the
women. United Kingdom Parliament by Example The theory of, preaching water and taking wine, is
the best example that can be used to illustrate what the United Kingdom parliament has been doing.
Employers were required to provide claims why some people would be paid more than others while
working in the same departments with the same work timeframes (United Kingdom Legislation,
2013). Overall the main reason of equality development is economic development. If they had
worked towards that to improve the representation of women and minorities, then employers across
the jurisdiction would not have a problem implementing the same policies in their businesses and
organizations. In fact, there are some institutions where the number of female students is much
higher than male. The care worker mistakes Violet’s meaning and derogatorily says “of course
they’re your legs!”. An example of equality within health and social care is everybody having access
to the healthcare they need regardless of gender, age, sexuality, race, culture or religion. Gender
equality and economic development, is like the evidence of “a rising tide lifts all boats” holds some
truth. This is based on the same perception that makes men preferable to women in any sector in the
United Kingdom.

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