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Math League SCASD

Meet #3

2022 - Self-study Packet

Problem Categories for this Meet (in addition to topics of earlier meets):

1. Mystery: Problem solving

2. Geometry: Properties of Polygons, Pythagorean Theorem
3. Number Theory: Bases, Scientific Notation
4. Arithmetic: Integral Powers (positive, negative, and zero), roots up to the sixth
5. Algebra: Absolute Value, Inequalities in one variable including interpreting line graphs
Important information you need to know regarding ALGEBRA
Absolute value; inequalities in one variable including interpreting line graphs

Absolute Value is the distance a number is from zero. Absolute value is never

The symbol for absolute value is


• To solve an inequality, solve as if it were a regular equation. Remember to switch
the direction of the inequality sign only if you multiply or divide by a negative!
Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2021

1) Evaluate this absolute value expression:

2) If then either X < 7 or X > M where M is a constant.

What is the value of M ?

-8 2
The graph above is the solution set to the absolute value inequality

X+N <A
where A and N are integer constants and X is a variable representing
the set of all real number values that make the inequality true. What is
the value of N - A ?




Solutions to Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2021

1) 0 + 42 + - 28 = 0 + 42 + 28 = 70. Answers

2) This inequality can be translated as, "The distance 1) 70

X and - 5 is less than 12 units." The points on a
number line that are 12 units from - 5 are 7 and 2) - 17
- 17. Therefore M = - 17.
3) -2
3) The midpoint of the solution set is - 3. The distance
between -3 and either endpoint is 5 units. Therefore,

the inequality is where N = 3 and

A = 5. The value of N - A = 3 - 5, or - 2.
Note: The expression X - (- 3) is equivalent to X + 3.
Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2019

1) Find the value of this absolute value expression:

2) The graph below represents all values of X that make the

accompanying absolute value inequality true. What is the value
of A?

6 30

3) For the inequality - 7 - 3 ( 2N - 5 ) < 38, the domain of N is

{all negative integers}. In other words, only negative integers can be
considered as replacements for N to make the inequality true. What
is the sum of all possible values of N that make this inequality true?


1) _______

2) _______

3) _______
Solutions to Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2019 Answers

1) 17

= 7 + 10 + 0 2) 18
= 17

2) 3) - 10

This absolute value inequality can be interpreted

as follows: "The distance between a value of X
and A is more than 12 units." A must be the midpoint of 6 and 30,
namely, 18. So, the distance between 18 and 6 is 12 units and the
distance between 18 and 30 is also 12 units. All values to the left of 6
or to the right of 30 are greater than 12 units from 18. Therefore,
A is 18.

3) - 7 - 3 ( 2N - 5 ) < 38
- 7 - 6N + 15 < 38 Distribute the 3
8 - 6N < 38 Combine like terms
- 6N < 30 Subtracting 8 from both sides
N > -5 Dividing both sides by - 6 reverses the
sense of the inequality ( < becomes > ).
Since the domain is {negative integers}, the solution includes the numbers
- 4, - 3, -2, and - 1. The sum of these numbers is - 10.
Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2017

1) What is the sum of the two different values of x that make this
absolute value equation true?

2) Solve this inequality: - 4 ( 3C - 5 ) < 92

3) The graph below represents all values of A that make the

accompanying absolute value inequality true. What is the absolute
value of the difference B - C ?

- 53 117


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2017 Answers

1) -6

2) C > - 6

3) 53

1) Either 2x + 6 = 28 or 2x + 6 = -28
2x = 22 or 2x = - 34
x = 11 or x = - 17
Then the sum is 11 + (- 17) = - 6

2) - 4 ( 3C - 5 ) < 92 original inequality

- 4(3C) - ( - 4)(5) < 92 Distribute the -4.
- 12C + 20 < 92 having multiplied
- 12C < 72 subtracting 20 from both members
C>-6 Dividing both members by - 12
reverses the sense of order.

3) The midpoint of - 53 and 117 is ( - 53 + 117 ) / 2, or 64 / 2, or 32.

That midpoint is 85 units from 117 and is also 85 units from - 53.
The absolute value inequality can be stated thusly: "The distance between
any point, A, and 32, is greater than or equal to 85 units." In symbols,
this inequality looks like this: . So, B = 32 and C = 85.
The absolute value of the difference B - C is 53 !
Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2015

1) The equation can be translated as, "The distance

between X and 3 on the number line is exactly five units." What

are the two values of X that make this equation true? You may list
them in the answer box in any order.

2) The graph below is the set of all real values of W that make the
following inequality true:

- 10 36
What are the values of A and C ?

3) Find the smallest integer value of N that makes the following

inequality true:

On this date in history - January 8 - The U. S. Mint at Carson City,

Nevada, began issuing coins in 1870. Here, the Morgan silver dollar is
shown, with the "CC" mint mark shown on the reverse of the coin.


1) ___ and ___

2) A = ______

C = ______

3) ______
Solutions to Category 5
Meet #3 - January, 2015 Answers

1) - 2 ; 8
(any order)

2) A = 13
C = 23

3) 7

1) Either X - 3 = 5 or X - 3 = - 5. So, either X = 8 or X = -2.

2) Students may take a hint from the wording of #1 in order to translate this
inequality as , "The distance between W and A is less than or equal to
C." If the endpoints, - 10 and 36, are to be equidistant from A, then A
is their midpoint, or 13. So, A = 13. The distance between A and either
endpoint is 23 units. So, C = 23.

3) 2(3N + 7) < 3(4N - 5) - 9 original inequality

6N + 14 < 12N - 15 - 9 distribute
6N - 12N < - 14 - 15 - 9 subtract 12N from both sides
- 6N < - 38 combine like terms
N > 38/6 divide both side by - 6 (which changes
the sense of the inequality from < to >)

The smallest integer value of N that is greater than 38/6 is 7.

Category  5  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
1.    Solve  the  following  inequality.    Write  your  solution  with  the  x  on  the  
left,  the  appropriate  inequality  sign  in  the  middle,  and  a  mixed  number  
in  lowest  terms  on  the  right.  
( )
7 5x + 19 −2 > 40  
2.    For  his  birthday,  Jarod  received  $54  from  his  Aunt  Edna  and  three  
gift  cards  from  his  Uncle  Joe.    Although  the  gift  cards  are  for  different  
stores,  each  gift  card  has  the  same  dollar  value.    If  the  absolute  value  of  
the  difference  between  the  money  from  Aunt  Edna  and  the  value  of  the  
three  gift  cards  from  Uncle  Joe  is  $18,  what  is  the  absolute  value  of  the  
difference  between  the  two  possible  amounts  that  each  gift  card  is  
3.    How  many  integer  values  of  n  make  the  following  inequality  true?  

   1.    _____________________  
   2.    $  ___________________  
   3.    ____________  integers  
Solutions  to  Category  5     Answers  
Algebra   3
Meet  #3,  January  2013   x > −2
   1.             5  
7 5x + 19 −2 > 40) (
7 5x + 19 −2 > 40 )    2.        $12    
7 5x + 19 > 42 ) 35x + 133 −2 > 40 €    3.        18  integers  
5x + 19 > 6 35x + 131 > 40
1.     5x > −13  or  
35x > −91  
x> 5x > −13
x > −2
3 x > −2
    5     5
2.    We  can  capture   € this  idea  in  the  absolute  value  equation    54 −3x = 18 ,  
where  x  is  the  unknown  value  of  each  gift  card.    To  solve  this,  we  
consider  two  separate  equations  as  shown  above.    The  absolute  value  of  
the  difference  between  $24  and  $12  is  $24  –  $12  =  $12.  
54 −3x =18 54 −3x = −18
  54 −18 = 3x 54 +18 = 3x
  36 = 3x 72 = 3x
      x =12     x = 24
3.    Since  there  is  an  absolute  value  sign  in  this  inequality,  we  need  to  
solve  t€ wo  separate  inequalities   € as  shown  below.  
20 20
2< 2>−
n n
2n < 20   and               2n > −20  
    n < 10     n > −10
We  need  to  find  values  of  n  that  satisfy  both  inequalities,  so  it  helps  to  
write  the  solution  as  the  compound  inequality    −10   < n < 10 .    The  18  
integers  in  t€ his  range  are  n  =  -­‐9,  €-­‐8,  -­‐7,  -­‐6,  -­‐5,  -­‐4,  -­‐3,  -­‐2,  -­‐1,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  
7,  8,  and  9.    We  have  to  skip  n  =  0,  since  we  cannot  divide  by  zero.

Meet  #3              January  2011  
Category 5 ± Algebra

1. How  many  integers  satisfy  the  inequality  below?  

ฬ ฬ െ ͳʹ ൏ Ͷ  
2. The  solution  of  the  inequality  ȁ‫ ݔ‬െ ‫ܯ‬ȁ ൑ ʹ    is  given  by:  ͵ ൑ ‫ ݔ‬൑ ͹.  
What  is  the  value  of  the  parameter  ‫ ?ܯ‬ 
3. The  solution  to  the  inequality  ȁ‫ ݔ‬൅ ͳȁ ൒ Ͷ  is  given  by  the  line  graph  below.  
What  is  the  value  of  ܰ?  
N   N+8  


1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________  
Meet  #3              January  2011  
 Solutions  to  Category  5  -­  Algebra   Answers  
ே ே
1. We  can  rewrite  the  inequality  ቚ ቚ െ ͳʹ ൏ Ͷ  as  ቚ ቚ ൏ ͳ͸   1.  ͸͵  
ଶ ଶ

or  ȁܰȁ ൏ ͵ʹ.  This  is  true  for  the  integers  in  the  range    
2.  ͷ  
ሼെ͵ͳǡ െ͵Ͳǡ ǥ Ǥ ǡͲǡ ǥ ǡ͵Ͳǡ ͵ͳሽ  -­  a  total  of  ͸͵  integers.  
  3.  െͷ  
2. When  solving  ȁ‫ ݔ‬െ ‫ܯ‬ȁ ൑ ʹ,  if  the  argument  inside  the  absolute  value  is  positive  
we  get  ‫ ݔ‬൑ ‫ ܯ‬൅ ʹ,  and  if  it  is  negative  we  get  ‫ ݔ‬൒ ‫ ܯ‬െ ʹ.  Comparing  this  to  
the  given  solution  ͵ ൑ ‫ ݔ‬൑ ͹  we  see  that  ‫ ܯ‬ൌ ͷ.  
3. When  solving  ȁ‫ ݔ‬൅ ͳȁ ൒ Ͷ,  if  the  argument  is  positive  we  get  ‫ ݔ‬൅ ͳ ൒ Ͷ‫ ݎ݋‬ 
‫ ݔ‬൒ ͵DQGLILW¶VQHJDWLYHZHJHW‫ ݔ‬൅ ͳ ൑ െͶ‫ ݔݎ݋‬൑ െͷ.  Comparing  these  to  
the  line  graph  we  conclude  that  ܰ ൌ െͷ.  
Math League SCASD

Meet #3

2022 - Self-study Packet

Problem Categories for this Meet (in addition to topics of earlier meets):

1. Mystery: Problem solving

2. Geometry: Properties of Polygons, Pythagorean Theorem
3. Number Theory: Bases, Scientific Notation
4. Arithmetic: Integral Powers (positive, negative, and zero), roots up to the sixth
5. Algebra: Absolute Value, Inequalities in one variable including interpreting line graphs
Important information you need to know about ARITHMETIC
Integral Powers (Positive, Negative, and Zero), Roots up to the Sixth

• Anything to the power of zero is 1.

• A number to a negative power is the same thing as the reciprocal of
that number to the opposite positive power.
• When multiplying two powers with the same base, keep the base and
add the exponents.
• When dividing two powers with the same base, keep the base and
subtract the exponents.

Laws of Exponents

Common Powers worth Memorizing

(Focus on learning the squares and cubes and the higher powers of the numbers less than six)

1 1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16 32 64
3 9 27 81 243 729
4 16 64 256 1024 4096
5 25 125 625 3125 15,625
6 36 216 1296 7776 46,656
7 49 343 2401 16,807 117,649
8 64 512 4096 32,768 262,144
9 81 729 6561 59,049 531,441
10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

Squares of higher numbers:

=121, =144, =169, =196, =225, =256, =289, =324,
=361, =400
Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2020

1) Evaluate:

2) Evaluate:
Once your answer is expressed as a common fraction, reduced to lowest
terms, what is the sum of the numerator and denominator?

3) Compute:


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2021 Answers

1) 66
= 1 + 5 + 16 + 27 + 16 + 1 + 0 2) 31
= 66
3) 10
= 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16
= 8/16 + 4/16 + 2/16 + 1/16
= 15/16
The sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplified fraction
is 15 + 16, or 31.


= (2) (5)

= 10.
Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2019

1) If , then what is the value of N?

2) Evaluate:

3) What is the value of


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2019 Answers

1) 6
1) 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 729, so N = 6.
2) 90
3) 5
= 6 + 4(5) - 3(2) + 7(10)
= 6 + 20 - 6 + 70
= 90


= 5
Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2017

1) Evaluate:

2) If , then what is the value of ?

3) What is the value of ?


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2017 Answers

1) 210
= 1 + 6 + 25 + 64 + 81 + 32 + 1 + 0 2) 1504
= 210
3) 5832

N = 39
So, = = 1521 - 17 = 1504.


( 2x9 )

= 5832
Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2015

1) Find the value of

2) Evaluate

3) means or, equivalently, .

Find the value of

On this date, January 8, Charles Babbage patented the first computer

in the year 1889.


1) _______

2) _______

3) _______
Solutions to Category 4
Meet #3 - January, 2015 Answers

1) 425

2) 16

3) 872




(Multiply before subtracting!)

Category  4  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
1.    Evaluate  the  following  expression.    You  should  get  a  whole  number.  
    3 + 3 + 8 + 8  
2 3 2 3

2.    Evaluate  the  expression  below  for  a  =  18  and  b  =  24.    Express  your  
answer  as  a  mixed  number  in  lowest  terms.  
⎛ a 3 ⎞0 ⎛ a −3 ⎞−1
⎜ ⎟ + ⎜
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ −2 ⎟  
 ⎝   ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠
3.    How  many  whole  numbers  are  there  between       1000  and       1000 ?  
€ €

   1.    _____________________  
   2.    _____________________  
   3.    _______  whole  numbers  
Solutions  to  Category  4     Answers  
Arithmetic      1.        30  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
32 + 33 + 8 2 + 8 3 =    2.             8    
1.     9 + 27 + 64 + 512 =      3.        26  whole  numbers  
    36 + 576 = 6 + 24 = 30 €
2.    Notice  that  the  first  term  in  this  expression  is  raised  to  the  zero  
power,  so  it’s  value  is  1.    As  for  the  second  term,  we  substitute  18  for  a  
€ and  24  for  b,  and  evaluate  as  follows:  
⎛ a −3 ⎞−1 ⎛ 18 −3 ⎞−1 24 −2 18 3 18 ×18 ×18 3 ×3 ×9 81 1
⎜ −2 ⎟ = ⎜ −2 ⎟ = −3 = 2 = 24 ×24 = 4 ×2 = 8 =10 8  
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
 ⎝   b ⎠ ⎝ 24 ⎠ 18 24
⎛ a 3 ⎞0 ⎛ a −3 ⎞−1 1 1
Putting  the  two  terms  together,  we  get   ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟ = 1 + 10 = 11 .  
€ 2 −2 ⎟ 8 8
 ⎝   b ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠
3.    We  need  to  find  a  perfect  fourth  power  that  is  slightly  less  than  1000  
and  a  perfect  square  that  is  slightly  € greater  than  1000.    The  two  short  
lists  below  can  help.    From  the  list  on  the  left,  we  see  that    4   1000  must  
be  greater  than  5,  but  less  than  6.    From  the  list  on  the  right,  we  see  that  
    1000  must  be  greater  than  31,  but  less  than  32.    There  are  31  whole  
numbers  less  than  32,  but  we  need  to  exclude  5  o€f  these,  so  there  are    
31  –  5  =  26  whole  numbers  between  5  and  32.  

4 4 = 256 302 = 900
54 = 625                   312 = 961  
 6   = 1296   = 1024
4 2

€ €
Meet  #3              January  2011  
Category 4 ± Arithmetic

1. Evaluate  the  following  expression:  

ሺ͵ଷ െ ʹହ ሻଶ ൅ ඥʹ଺ ൅ ඥͻ ή Ͷଶ  
2. ܰ  is  a  natural  number  that  makes  the  equation  below  true.    Find  the  value  of  ܰ.    
ଶ ଶ
͵ ͷିଵ ή ξͳͶͶ
ܰଶ ή ൬ ൰ ൌ ቆ య ቇ ή ξͺͳ  
ͷ ξͺ
3.  ‫ ܯ‬ is  a  natural  number  greater  than  1  such  that  the  difference  between  the  4th  
and  3rd  powers  of  ‫ ܯ‬ is  Ͷ  times  the  difference  between  the  3rd  and  2nd  powers.  
What  is  the  value  of  ‫ ?ܯ‬ 

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________  
Meet  #3              January  2011  
Solutions to Category 4 - Arithmetic   Answers

1. ሺ͵ଷ െ ʹହ ሻଶ ൅ ξʹ଺ ൅ ξͻ ή Ͷଶ ൌ   1. 41

ሺʹ͹ െ ͵ʹሻଶ ൅ ξ͸Ͷ ൅ ඥ͵ଶ ή Ͷଶ ൌ   2. 6

ሺെͷሻଶ ൅ Ͷ ൅ ͵ ή Ͷ ൌ ʹͷ ൅ Ͷ ൅ ͳʹ ൌ Ͷͳ   3. 4

ଶ ଷ ଶ ହషభ ήξଵସସ
2. ܰ ή ቀ ቁ ൌ ቀ య ቁ ή ξͺͳ
ହ ξ଼


ͳʹ ଶ
ܰ ή ൌ൬ ൰ ή ͻ  
ʹͷ ͷήʹ

͸ ଶ ͻ
ܰ ή ൌ ൬ ൰ ή ͻ ൌ ͸ଶ ή  
ʹͷ ͷ ʹͷ
ܰ ଶ ൌ ͸ଶ ‫ ܰݏ݅݊݋݅ݐݑ݈݋ݏ݈ܽݎݑݐ݄ܽ݊݁ݐ݋ݏ‬ൌ ͸

3. We know that ‫ܯ‬ସ െ ‫ܯ‬ଷ ൌ Ͷ ή ሺ‫ܯ‬ଷ െ ‫ ܯ‬ଶ ሻ. Taking the common factors out in

each side of the equation we get:

‫ܯ‬ଷ ή ሺ‫ ܯ‬െ ͳሻ ൌ Ͷ ή ‫ܯ‬ଶ ή ሺ‫ ܯ‬െ ͳሻ so we can divide both sides by ‫ܯ‬ଶ ή ሺ‫ ܯ‬െ ͳሻ
to get ‫ ܯ‬ൌ Ͷ.
but accepted answer since 0 = 4 times 0. Also accepted was 1,4.  
Math League SCASD

Meet #3

2022 - Self-study Packet

Problem Categories for this Meet (in addition to topics of earlier meets):

1. Mystery: Problem solving

2. Geometry: Properties of Polygons, Pythagorean Theorem
3. Number Theory: Bases, Scientific Notation
4. Arithmetic: Integral Powers (positive, negative, and zero), roots up to the sixth
5. Algebra: Absolute Value, Inequalities in one variable including interpreting line graphs
Important information you need to know about NUMBER THEORY…
Bases, Scientific Notation

Number Bases
• We use the base-ten number system where each digit is a power of ten.

This means that every digit in the right column is worth 1, the 2nd (from the right)
worth 10, the 3rd worth 100, the 4th worth 1000, the 5th worth 10,000 and so on.

• In any number base, n, the place values are always

and continue on as our system does.

• To convert a number in another base into base 10, first find the value of each
place. Add all the values together. Example: Convert 231base 4 to base 10. The
far right’s place value is 40 or 1. The middle’s is 41 or 4. The left’s is 42 or 16.
There is 1 “1” (totaling 1), 3 “4’s” (totaling 12) and 2 “16’s” (totaling 32). If you
add the individual totals, 1 + 12 + 32, you get 45. 45 is the base 10 equivalent of
231base 4.

• To convert a number from base 10 to another number system, first find out the
value of each digit in another system. Example: Convert 37base 10 to base 5.
Base 5’s place values are worth , or 25, 5, and 1. Starting from the left,
there is one 25 in the base ten number 37 and there are 12 left over. There are
two 5s in the base ten number 12 with 2 left over. There are 2 ones in the base
ten number two. Therefore, 37base 10 is 122 in base 5 .

• In any number base, the largest digit is one less than the number base itself. For
example, in base 10, the largest digit is 10-1 or 9. In base 6, the largest digit is 6-
1, or 5.

• You can multiply, divide, add, or subtract in another number base as long as you
remember to borrow or carry in that number base. You can also convert the
number to base 10, perform the numerical operation, and then convert back to
the original number base.

Scientific Notation

• The form for Scientific Notation is where a is a number between 1 and 10

( ) multiplied by 10 to an integral power.

• When working with complex scientific notation problems, remember to cross-

reduce and make the problem a lot simpler!
Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2021

1) Write the base 3 numeral 10100 as a base 10 numeral.

2) If and

then the product where and D = 10

and N is an integer. What is the value of N?

3) The numerators and denominators of the fractions below are written

in scientific notation. Compute. Express your answer as a standard
numeral, or whole number.


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2021 Answers

1) 10100 in base 3 converts to base 10 1) 90

as follows: 1(81) + 0(27) + 1(9) + 0(3) + 0(1)
= 81 + 0 + 9 + 0 + 0 2) 12
= 90.
3) 200
2) At first glance, this problem appears to
require a lot of long computing. However,
since the question only asks for the value
of N, then one need only approximate the
value of C as somewhere between (7)(9)
and (8)(10), or between 63 and 80. So,
AB is some number between 6 and 8 times 10 then multiplied by
10 to the 11th power, or a number between 6 and 8 times 10 to
the 12th power. Therefore, N = 12.

3) Computing the decimals yields a product of 2. Computing the

powers of 10 yields a product of 10 squared. This outcome can be
Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2019

1) Write the base 2 numeral 11011 as a base 10 numeral.

2) There are approximately 100 trillion, that is , cells in a

typical (average) human body. There are about as many atoms in a
typical cell. Using these figures, about how many atoms are in a
typical human body? If that number is written in scientific notation
as , then what is the value of A + B? Express your answer as
a whole number.

3) Write the base 7 numeral 2436 as a base 3 numeral.


1) ________

2) ________

3) ________
Solutions to Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2019 Answers

1) The base 2 numeral 11011 has a base 10 1) 27

value, from right to left:
1(1) + 1(2) + 0(4) + 1(8) + 1(16) ` 2) 29
= 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 16
= 27 3) 1020200

2) Multiply the number of atoms in a cell by

the number of cells in a human body:

So, A = 1 and B = 28, so A + B = 1 + 28 = 29.

3) Converting the base 7 numeral to a base 10 numeral, from right to left:

6(1) + 3(7) + 4(49) + 2(343)
= 6 + 21 + 196 + 686
= 909
Converting 909 base 10 to base 3:
First, divide 909 by the highest power of 3 that is less than 909, namely,
729. Then subtract 729 from 909, yielding 180. Now divide 180 by the
highest power of 3 that is less than 180, namely 81, which is a power of 3.
We get two 81s for a total of 162. Subtract 162 from 180 to get 18.
With that, we get two 9s. Now, fill in zeroes for the powers of 3 for which
we have none.
So we have 1(729) + 0(243) + 2(81) + 0(27) + 2(9) + 0(3) + 0(1), or
Checking: 729 + 0 + 162 + 0 + 18 + 0 + 0 = 909. Check!
Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2017

1) What is the base 10 value of the

base 3 numeral 100110 ?

2) Using the symbol X as a sign of multiplication, what is the value

of the following expression? Express your answer in scientific

3) Assume that a rocket can average a speed of miles per

hour in space. How many days would it take for this rocket to reach

the moon if the moon is miles from Earth on this date?

Use the rounded figure that there are 24 hours in a day. Ignore
fluctuations in distances due to the fact that the moon's orbit is not
circular. Round your final answer to the nearest tenth of a day (as a
decimal, but not in scientific notation).




Solutions to Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2017 Answers

1) 255
1) 100110 (base 3) = 243 + 9 + 3 = 255.

2) 2)

3) 7.1

= (answer in scientific notation)

3) Divide the distance to the moon in miles by the average speed in mph to get
the number of hours it takes to get to the moon. Divide that answer by 24
to get the number of days.

So, it would take about 7.1 days (rounded to the nearest tenth of a day)
for the rocket to reach the moon.
Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2015

1) Express the binary number 101001001 (base 2) as a base 10 numeral.

2) Compute. Express your answer in scientific notation:

3) Convert the base 3 numeral 202110 to a base 5 numeral.

More than 517,000,000 of the famed Elvis Presley postage stamp have
been sold since the stamp was first issued on January 8, 1993, more than
any other single stamp ever issued by the United Sates Postal Service
(USPS) since Benjamin Franklin became our first Postmaster General in



Solutions to Category 3
Number Theory
Meet #3 - January, 2015 Answers

1) 329
1) From right to left, 101001001 (base 2) =
1(1) + 0(2) + 0(4)+ 1(8) + 0(16) + 0(32) + 1(64) 2)
+ 0(128) + 1(256)
= 1 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 64 + 0 + 256 3) 4202
= 329


3) First convert the base 3 numeral to a base 10 numeral and then to a base 5
202110 (base 3) . . . (from right to left):
= 0(1) + 1(3) + 1(9) + 2(27) + 0(81) + 2(243)
= 0 + 3 + 9 + 54 + 0 + 486
= 552 (base 10)
To convert 552 (base 10) to base 5, divide 552 by subsequent powers of
five until there is a remainder less than 5:
552 / 125 = 4 with remainder 52.
52 / 25 = 2 with remainder 2.
= 4(125) + 2(25) + 0(5) + 2(1)
= 4202 (base 5)
Category  3  
Number  Theory  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
1.    Complete  the  base-­‐six  addition  problem  below,  giving  your  answer  in  
base  six.  
        3452 six
+  2405 six
2.    Simplify  the  expression  below.    Write  your  answer  in  scientific  
7.2 ×10
( )

× 3 ×1012  
   4.8 ×10
3.    Find  the  base-­‐six  value  of  the  following  expression.  

  2 + 2223 + 3334 + 444 5  


   1.    _____________  base  six  
   2.    _____________________  
   3.    _____________  base  six  
Solutions  to  Category  3     Answers  
Number  Theory      1.      10301  base  six  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
     2.        4.5  ×  102  
1.    When  working  in  base  6,  we  have  to  remember      3.        1004  base  six  
to  regroup  whenever  we  get  six  in  a  place  value.    
The  number  of  groups  of  six  will  “carry”  to  the  
next  place  value,  as  shown  below.  
          3452 six
  +  2405 six
          10301 six
2.    When  evaluating  this  product,  we  can  deal  with  the  powers  of  ten  
separately.    Also,  we  can  “cancel”  a  common  factor  of  2.4  among  the  
other  factors,  as  shown  below.  

( ) 7.2 ×3 10−3 ×1012 3 ×3
7.2 ×10
× 3 ×1012 = × = ×1012−3−7 = 4.5 ×102  
7 4.8 7 2
   4.8 ×10 10
3.    It  probably  makes  sense  to  convert  all  these  numbers  to  base  ten  
€ first.    Recall  that  the  place  values  in  any  base  are  powers  of  the  base.    We  
will  multiply  the  digits  in  each  place  value  by  the  base-­‐ten  equivalents  of  
the  place  values  as  follows.      
1112 + 2223 + 3334 + 444 5 =
(1 ×4 + 1 ×2 + 1 ×1) + (2 ×9 + 2 ×3 + 2 ×1) +
(3 ×16 + 3 ×4 + 3 ×1) + (4 ×25 + 4 ×5 + 4 ×1) =  
 7   + 26 + 63 + 124 = 220ten
Notice  that  7,  26,  63,  and  124  are  all  one  less  than  the  next  power  of  the  
( ) ( ) (
base.    In  other  words,   8 −1 + 27 −1 + 64 −1 + 125 −1 = 220ten .  
    ) ( )
€ Finally,  we  convert  220ten  to  base  six  as  follows:      
3 2 1 0
  ten = 216 + 4 = 1 ×6 + 0 ×6 + 0 ×6 + 4 ×6 = 1004 6  

Meet  #3              January  2011  
Category 3 ± Number Theory

1. One  gram  of  oxygen  contains  ͳǤͺͺ ൈ ͳͲଶଶ  molecules.  

There  are,  of  course,  ͳǡͲͲͲ  grams  in  one  kilogram.  
7KH(DUWK¶VDWPRVSKere  is  estimated  to  weigh  ͷ ൈ ͳͲଵ଼  kilograms,  of  which  
ʹͲΨ  is  oxygen.  How  many  oxygen  molecules  are  in  the  atmosphere?    
Express  you  answer  in  scientific  notation.  
2. Express  ͵Ǥ͸ ൈ ͳͲଶ  in  Binary  (Base  ʹ).  
3. Find  the  value  of  ܰ  that  solves  the  equation  below:  

ͳͲͲ஻௔௦௘ସ ൈ ͳͲͲ஻௔௦௘ହ ൌ ͸ʹͲ஻௔௦௘ே  



1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________  
Meet  #3              January  2011  
 Solutions  to  Category  3  ±  Number  Theory   Answers
1. ͳǤͺͺ ൈ ͳͲସଷ  
1. There  are  ʹͲΨ ൈ ሺͷ ൈ ͳͲଵ଼ ሻ  kilograms  of  oxygen,  each  one   2.  ͳͲͳǡͳͲͳǡͲͲͲ  
containing  ͳǡͲͲͲ ൈ ሺͳǤͺͺ ൈ ͳͲଶଶ ሻ  molecules,  so  overall:  
ଷାଵ଼ାଶଶ ସଷ
ͲǤʹ ൈ ͷ ൈ ͳǤͺͺ ൈ ͳͲ ൌ ͳǤͺͺ ൈ ͳͲ  oxygen  molecules.   (commas  
,I\RXGRQ¶t  believe,  count  for  yourself!).   optional)  
3.  ͺ  
2. ͵Ǥ͸ ൈ ͳͲଶ ൌ ͵͸Ͳ ൌ ʹͷ͸ ൅ ͸Ͷ ൅ ͵ʹ ൅ ͺ ൌ ʹ଼ ൅ ʹ଺ ൅ ʹହ ൅ ʹଷ ൌ

3. ͳͲͲ஻௔௦௘ସ ൈ ͳͲͲ஻௔௦௘ହ ൌ Ͷଶ ൈ ͷଶ ൌ ͶͲͲ ൌ ͸ʹͲ஻௔௦௘ே ൌ  

ൌ ͸ ή ܰ ଶ ൅ ʹ ή ܰ ൌ ʹ ή ܰ ή ሺ͵ ή ܰ ൅ ͳሻ  
Trying  a  few  values  we  can  quickly  realize  that  ܰ ൌ ͺ  is  the  solution.  
It  is  helpful  to  make  these  two  observations:  
a. Since  ͶͲͲ஻௔௦௘ଵ଴ ൌ ͸ʹͲ஻௔௦௘ே  then  we  know  ܰ ൏ ͳͲ  
b. We  know  that  ܰ  is  a  factor  of  ͶͲͲ,  since  ͸ʹͲ  HQGVLQDµͲ¶  
Math League SCASD

Meet #3

2022 - Self-study Packet

Problem Categories for this Meet (in addition to topics of earlier meets):

1. Mystery: Problem solving

2. Geometry: Properties of Polygons, Pythagorean Theorem
3. Number Theory: Bases, Scientific Notation
4. Arithmetic: Integral Powers (positive, negative, and zero), roots up to the sixth
5. Algebra: Absolute Value, Inequalities in one variable including interpreting line graphs
Important Information you need to know about GEOMETRY…
Properties of Polygons, Pythagorean Theorem

Formulas for Polygons where n means the number of sides:

• Exterior Angle Measurement of a Regular Polygon: 360÷n

• Sum of Interior Angles: 180(n – 2)
• Interior Angle Measurement of a regular polygon:
• An interior angle and an exterior angle of a regular polygon
always add up to 180°


Diagonals of a Polygon where n stands for the number of vertices (which is equal
to the number of sides):

• A diagonal is a segment that connects one vertex of a polygon to
another vertex that is not directly next to it. The dashed lines represent
some of the diagonals of this pentagon.

Pythagorean Theorem
• a2 + b2 = c2
• a and b are the legs of the triangle and c is the hypotenuse (the side
opposite the right angle)

• Common Right triangles are ones with sides 3, 4, 5, with sides 5, 12, 13,
with sides 7, 24, 25, and multiples thereof—Memorize these!
Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2021

1) The bottom of a 26-foot long ladder is placed on the ground, ten feet from
the wall of a building. The top of the ladder is how many feet up the wall
from the ground?

2) In the figure to the right, each short segment measures three

inches. All vertical and horizontal lengths form right
angles with adjacent vertical and horizontal
lengths. The longer horizontal length
measures nine inches. How many
inches long is the diagonal length?

3) In the figure below and to the right, all measurements are in

centimeters. Triangles AHM and AHT are both right triangles.
HM = 12. AM = 9. HT = 39. How many square centimeters are in the
area of quadrilateral MATH?


1) _______ feet
2) _______ inches

3) _______ sq cm
Solutions to Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2021

1) Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the sum of the squares Answers

of the lengths of the legs is equal to the square of the
length of the hypotenuse. 1) 24

2) 30

3) 324

So, the top of the ladder is 24 feet up the wall from the ground.

2) Invert the right angles to create a right triangle whose base is 9 + 5(3), or
24 inches long and whose height is 6(3), or 18 inches long. These two legs
of 18 and 24 are in a scale of six times the legs 3 and 4 of a similar right
triangle whose hypotenuse is 5. So, scaling the 5 by a factor of 6 yield a
hypotenuse length of 30 inches for the given figure.

3) The Pythagorean Theorem, as applied to triangle AHM, results in AH = 15.

The Pythagorean Theorem, as applied to triangle AHT, results in AT = 36.
The area of quadrilateral MATH is the sum of the areas of right triangles
AHM and AHT: (1/2)(base)(height) + (1/2)(base)(height)
= (1/2)(9)(12) + (1/2)(36)(15)
= 54 + 270
= 324 square centimeters.
Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2019

1) In right triangle ABC, leg AB = 8 units C

and leg BC = 6 units. How many units
long is the hypotenuse, AC?


2) Hexagon MARTIN has exterior angle T

measures as given, in degrees. R
Interior angles R, T, M,
and I are congruent (and 100
have the same measure). I
How many degrees are in A
the measure of interior angle T? 68


3) Jackson lives in Northborough. He walked 14 miles to the east, then

3 miles south, 22 miles east, and finally 12 miles south. Jackson walked
an average speed of 3 miles per hour. If, instead, he had walked directly
in a straight line from his starting point to his final destination, then how
many hours fewer would it have taken him to do his walk?


1) _______ units

2) _______ degrees

3) _______ hours
Solutions to Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2019

1) Using the Pythagorean Theorem: Answers

1) 10

2) 132

3) 4

Therefore, AC = 10 units.

2) The sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon is 180 (n - 2), where
n is the number of sides. Calculating the total number of degrees of the
interior angles: 180 (6 - 2) = 180 (4) = 720 degrees. The given exterior
angles of 100 and 68 degrees, respectively, have supplementary angles that
are interior to the hexagon, and therefore measure 80 and 112 degrees,
respectively. The total of the remaining four congruent interior angles,
namely R, T, M, and I, is 720 - (80 + 112), or 720 - 192, or 528 degrees.
Dividing 528 by 4 yields 132 degrees, the measure of each of the remaining
interior angles. Therefore, angle T measures 132 degrees.

3) Adding the east distances yields 14 + 22 = 36 miles. Adding the south

distances yields 3 + 12 = 15 miles. The distance from starting point to final
destination is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs 36 and 15 miles.
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse:

Oliver originally walked 15 + 36, or 51 miles. By taking the hypotenuse

shortcut, he walked 12 miles fewer (51 - 39 = 12). At 3 miles per hour, he
walked 4 hours fewer (12 / 3 = 4).
Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2017

1) How many inches long is a rectangle whose diagonal is 20 inches and

whose width is 12 inches?

2) How many centimeters are in the
perimeter of triangle SLE ? All
measurements are in centimeters.
AS = 4, SM = 5, and LE = 9. A


3) How many more diagonals does a convex 15-sided polygon have than a
12-sided regular polygon?




Solutions to Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2017

1) The diagonal of the rectangle forms the hypotenuse Answers

of a right triangle. The width and length of the
rectangle form the legs of the right triangle. Use the 1) 16
Pythagorean Theorem to find the length:
2) 36

3) 36

L = 16

2) Triangle ASM is similar to triangle LSE. To establish the scaling factor, we

need to know the lengths of a pair of corresponding sides. We can find the
length of AM because it is a leg of right triangle ASM. Using the
Pythagorean Theorem, we find that AM = 3. The side of triangle LSE that
corresponds to AM is LE = 9, so the scale is 9:3, or 3:1. Then LS = (3)(AS)
= (3)(4) = 12 and SE = (3)(SM) = (3)(5) = 15. The perimeter of triangle SLE
is 9 + 12 + 15 = 36 centimeters.

3) The number of diagonals in a convex polygon, where S = the # of sides, is

given by the expression (S)(S - 3) / 2. So, for the convex 15-gon, the number
of diagonals is (15)(12) / 2 = 90 and the number of diagonals in the 12-gon
is (12)(9) / 2 = 54. The difference is 90 - 54, or 36.
Alternatively, at any vertex of the convex 15-gon, you can draw diagonals to
all 15 vertices except itself and two neighbors, hence 15 - 3 = 12 diagonals
per vertex. There are 15 vertices so 15 x 12 diagonals. But that counts all
diagonals twice, at each end. So there are (0.5)(15 x 12) diagonals to the
15-gon. Same argument for the 12-gon.
Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2015

Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.

1) Angle ADC is a right angle. AB = 4 cm and BC = 9 cm. DB is

perpendicular to AC. How many cm long is DB ?



2) DEHJ is a square with an area of 64 square meters. Diagonal

HF = 17 meters. How many square meters are in rectangle DFGJ ?


3) Polygon PENTAGONAL is a pentagram (star) consisting of a regular

pentagon with five isosceles triangles attached at its five edges. How
many degrees are in one of the exterior A
angles (for example, angle PEN) ?

Answers T
2) P


Solutions to Category 2
Meet #3 - January, 2015

1) A student who knows the Pythagorean Theorem Answers

should also know that, at its foundation, is the notion
of similar triangles. In this diagram are three similar 1) 6
triangles. Using triangles DAB and DBC, we can say
that ratios of corresponding sides are proportional: 2) 184
. So, and cross products are
3) 108
equal, so and DB = 6. A few students
may recognize this diagram as representing this
theorem: "The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle is the
geometric mean (or mean proportional) to the two segments of the
hypotenuse into which it is divided."

2) One side of square DEHJ is 8 meters because its area is 64

square meters. For one of the right triangles of rectangle EFGH,
using the Pythagorean Theorem, .
So, , and , so ,
and EF = 15. So, rectangle DFGJ now measures 8 by (15 + 8),
or 8 by 23, so its area is (8)(23), or 184 square meters.

3) Each interior angle of the regular pentagon measures (3)(180)/5,

or 108 degrees. Any one of the exterior angles of the pentagram is
vertical to one of these interior 108 degree angles and, therefore, is
equal to 108 degrees.
Category  2  
Meet  #3,  January  2013  
1.    Mia  drew  regular  hexagons  on  each  side  of  a  pentagon.    If  she  draws  
all  the  diagonals  in  all  six  shapes,  how  many  diagonals  will  she  have  to  
draw?    Note:  A  diagonal  is  a  line  segment  that  connects  two  vertices  that  
are  not  already  connected  by  a  side.  

2.    Right  triangle  ABC  below  has  legs  of  length  7  
units  and  11  units.    How  many  square  units  are  
there  in  the  area  of  square  ACDE  which  is  
constructed  on  the  hypotenuse  of  this  triangle?  
3.    A  small  rectangular  box  has  sides  of  lengths  6  cm,  6  cm,  and  7  cm.    
How  many  centimeters  are  there  in  the  space  diagonal  of  the  box?      
Note:    A  space  diagonal  is  a  line  that  connect  two  opposite  vertices  of  
the  box  and  goes  through  the  interior  space  of  the  box.  
   1.    ___________  diagonals  
   2.    ____________  sq.  units  
   3.    __________________  cm  
Solutions  to  Category  2    
Geometry      1.        50  diagonals  
Meet  #3,  January  2013      2.        170  sq.  units  
   3.        11  cm  
1.    Three  diagonals  can  be  drawn  from  each  of  the  
six  vertices  on  a  hexagon,  but  this  would  count  each  
diagonal  at  both  ends.    So  there  are  3  ×  6  ÷  2  =  9  
diagonals  in  each  hexagon.    Similarly,  there  are    
2  ×  5  ÷  2  =  5  diagonals  in  the  pentagon.      Mia  will  
have  to  draw  5  ×  9  +  5  =  50  diagonals.  
2.    According  to  the  Pythagorean  theorem,  the  
sum  of  the  areas  of  the  squares  on  the  legs  of  a  
right  triangle  is  equal  to  the  area  of  the  square  
on  the  hypotenuse.    If  we  were  to  construct  a  
square  on  leg  AB,  it  would  have  an  area  of  11  ×  11  =  121  square  units.    A  
square  on  leg  BC  would  have  an  area  of  7  ×  7  =  49  square  units.    Their  
sum  is  121  +  49  =  170  square  units  and  this  is  the  area  of  square  ACDE.    
3.    We  can  calculate  the  length  of  the  space  diagonal  of  the  box  by  using  
the  Pythagorean  theorem  twice.    First  we  can  find  the  length  of  the  
diagonal  of  the  bottom  face,  which  is       6 2 + 6 2 = 72 = 6 2  cm.    Then  we  
find  the  length  of  the  space  diagonal  using  this  length  and  the  height  of  

( )
the  box  as  follows:     72 + 6 2 = 49 + 72 = 121 = 11  cm.    
Alternatively,  we  can  use  a  3-­‐dimensional  version  of  the  Pythagorean  
theorem  as  follows:         6 2 + 6 2 + 72 = 36 + 36 + 49 = 121 = 11  cm.  
Category 2 ± Geometry
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2. _______________

3. _______________

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