Num An - Final 17

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Philadelphia University Math.

Modeling (250371)
Faculty of Science Final Exam: Wednesday 01/ 02\ 2017
Department of Basic Sciences and Mathematics Time: 120 minutes (10:00-12:00)
Fall 2016/2017 Dr. Khaled Hyasat

Name: Registration Number:

( /40)
Q1. Use Divided-Difference interpolation to compute f (9.2) from the given values?

( / 8 points)

Xi f(xi)
8.0 2.079 442
9.0 2.197 225
9.5 2.251 292
11.0 2.397 895


Q2. (Numerical Integration) ( / 8points)

Use the data in the table:

x 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

F(x) 1.543 1.669 1.811 1.971 2.151
x 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
F(x) 2.352 2.577 2.828 3.107

to find the integral between 1.0 and 1.8 using:

(i) Simpson’s 1/3 rule with h = 0.2
(ii) Trapezoidal rule with h = 0.4

Q3.( Numerical Differentiation) : ( /8 points)
Use the data in the table:
I xi fi
0 2.0 0.123060
1 2.1 0.105706
2 2.2 0.089584
3 2.3 0.074764
4 2.4 0.061277
5 2.5 0.049126
6 2.6 0.038288
7 2.7 0.028722
8 2.8 0.020371
9 2.9 0.013164
10 3.0 0.007026
Use formulas for computing derivatives to compute:
(i) with 4 terms formula
(ii) with 3 terms formula

Q4. Which of the following statements is True (T) or False (F): ( / 8 points)

(i) Secant method is an interval Halving method. (…..)

(ii) Newton’s method is also called the x = g (x) method (…..)

(iii) In Interpolating Polynomials: the maximum degree of the polynomial

is always one less than the number of points. (… .)

(iv) a3 = f[x0, x1, x2] (…..)

(V) If we are working with experimental data that are displayed in a table
of [x , f(x)] pairs, using calculus is impossible (…..)

(vi) Trapezoidal rule 3/8 is widely used for numerical integration (…..)
(vii) Numerical solution of ODE methods based Taylor series (…..)
(viii) If the number of panels is 5 , then Simpson’s 3/8 rule cant be used (…..)

Q5. (Numerical Solution of ODE) ( / 8 points)

Apply Runge – kutta method (RK4)

to solve

x y K1 K2 K3 K4



Good Luck

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