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School Grade Level FOUR


Teaching Dates and Time Quarter THIRD

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards Week 2: Let’s Travel Week 2: Let’s Travel Week 2: Let’s Travel Week 2: Let’s Travel Week 2: Let’s Travel
 Note details from a story  Note significant details  Read aloud grade level text  Identify multiple meaning of  Interpret a map
heard  Show interest in reading a accurately words
travelogue  Read words with the
 Talk about famous places consonant blends ‘pl’ and ‘fl’
 Use adjectives showing the
different degrees of
B. Performance Standards Noting details from a story Week 2: Let’s Travel  Reading aloud grade level Identifying multiple meaning of Interpreting a map
heard  Noting significant details text accurately words
 Showing interest in reading a  Reading words with the
travelogue consonant blends ‘pl’ and ‘fl’
 Talking about famous places  Using adjectives showing the
different degrees of
Write for the LC code for each
Context clues Travelogue  Consonant blend ‘pl’ and ‘fl’ Meaningful context Map
“The Moth and the Flame” “Travel Time”  Different degrees of
 positive
 comparative
 superlative
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 224-225 Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 225-226 Quarter 3 week 2 pp.226-228 Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 226-228 Quarter 3 week 2 pp.229-231
2. Learner’s Materials pages Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 235-236 Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 236-239 Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 239-241 Quarter 3 week 2 pp. 239-241 Quarter 3 week 2 pp.
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources pictures, activity cards chart, pictures, strip of words Flashcards, activity sheets, Chart, strip of word, meta cards World map, Philippine map
A. Review previous lesson or Review on thesaurus Review on “The Moth and the Review on famous places in the Review on different degrees of Have you seen a map?
presenting the new lesson  Antonyms Flame” Philippines. comparison
 synonyms
B. Establishing a purpose for the (show pictures of a moth and Unlocking of difficulties through Ask: Have you ever compare a Say: Words may have multiple Show a world and Philippine
lesson flame) picture clues thing, a person or a place? meanings. The meaning map.
Ask: What do these pictures Refer to LM-Find out and Learn How did you compare it? attached to the word will What is this?
show? depend on how this word is
used in meaningful context.
C. Presenting Say: Class look at the pictures, Display pictures of tourist spots. Say: Class our lesson for today Say: Class our lesson for today is Say: Class, what is the use of a
examples/instances of the new do you have any story to tell Have the pupils do a picture is all about words with about multiple meaning of map?
lesson about the picture? walk. consonant blends ‘fl’ and ‘pl’. words.
Have you heard of or read the Ask: which of these pictures you
anecdote about the moth and have been to? The degrees of comparison.
the flame of our Philippine  Positive
National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal?  Comparative
Tell the class about it.  Superlative
D. Discussing new concepts and a. Pre-listening Reading the Article 1.Read the following word with Teaching/Modeling Teaching/ modelling
practicing new skills #1 Refer to LM, Think and Tell Refer to LM-Read and Learn emphasis on the initial blends Say: Let us examine the Say: Tell us how you get to
b. Unlocking of difficulties Ask: what tourist spots in Luzon, Plant flag sentences: school from your house. Name
through pictures, actions and Visayas and Mindanao are Plate flow 1. The Heritage Village in Vigan, things that you see as you go to
context clues mentioned in the article? Ilocos Sur mirrors great history school.
and culture.
The word mirrors as used in the
sentence means reflects or
something that shows.
E. Discussing new concepts and Listening Text Discussion of the articles read Look at the three sets of Discussion of the other Create a simple map to show
practicing new skills #2 Say: Listen attentively as I read and sharing of experiences on pictures. Read the sentence examples with a comparison. the routine from your house to
to you the story of “The Moth the tourist spots they have been under each picture. a. People from around the your school.
and the Flame”. visited. Let them express their Refer to LM-Try and Learn country flock to the Shrine of Interpret the map you made by
Refer LM-Read and Learn appreciation. Set Plant 1 Plant 2 is the Lady of Manaoag in answering the questions:
A is small smaller Pangasinan. 1. Where are you going?
than plant b. A flock of birds is seen in that 2. Where is the starting point?
1. direction. 3. which road are you going to
The word flock in the first pass?
sentence is used as a verb that
means to come to. On the other
hand, flock in the econd
sentence means a group. It is a
F. Developing mastery Guided Practice Group the pupils into four. Give Direction: Group the pupils into Direction: Group the pupils into Guided Practice:
Think-Pair-Share each group a table. four. Give each group a strip of four. Give each group copies of Take the children out of the
Refer to LM-Talk about it List down the landmarks sentence and let them identify a jumbled words. Let them classroom. Tour them around
mentioned in the article. Put the adjective and apply the arrange to form a sentence. the campus. As you walk
them under categories; degrees of comparison. verbalize the directions.
Love is a great gift.
Luzon Visayan Mindanao _______ _______ ________

G. Finding practical applications The teacher will let the pupils Write at least 5 famous places Identify the degree of Make 2 sentences using the Post a Philippine map on the
of concepts and skills in daily write the positive and negative or spots here in our place. comparison used. following words. Try to give the wall.
living attitude of the characters in the 1. Keith can read faster than meaning depend on how you Ask volunteers to put to the
story heard. Ben. use it. three main regions: Luzon,
2. This gift is the biggest. 1. Watch Visayas, Mindanao
2. Tablet
H. Making generalizations and What is our story all about? What is the article all about? What are the degree of Words may have multiple A map is simply a drawing or
abstractions about the lesson Who are characters of the comparison? meanings. The meaning picture. Using a map can help
story? What are the spots mentioned Give me an example of words attached to the word will you find the place you want to
in the article? with a consonant blend ‘fl’ and depend on how this word is go to. There are landmarks and
‘pl’. used in meaningful context features that will help you get to
the place quickly.
I. Evaluating learning Teacher will read another story What did you realize from the Independent practice Answer LM-Learn Some More A Independent practice
and let them answer question article? Enumerate your Refer to LM-Try and Learn and B. Show a world map.
that follows. answers from this article, Exercise 2 and Do and Learn Direction: Look closely at the
I learned that ……. map. And draw it on your paper.
I realized that ……. Do the following:
1. color the leaves of the trees
2. color all roads brown
Put an x at the starting point,
your house.
J. Additional activities for What is your favorite movie? Write the top 10 tourist spots in Write 5 adjectives and apply the Look for a word, use it in a Draw a Philippine map. Label
application or remediation Try to write the important the Philippines. degrees of comparison on it. sentence 2 times but in different the locations of the regions.
details of that movie. meaning or use.
List 5 words with consonant
blends ‘pl’ and ‘fl’.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
More DEPED sample daily lesson log:

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