5 5emonk

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--NOTE: This txt file is about the differences between 5e and 5.5e Monk.

Kensei stuff isn't mentioned much--XX

Name: Do'Rava Ash-Claw

Species: Khajiit (Tabaxi MMOTM)
Background: Guild Artisan
Class: Kensei Monk 4
Birthsign: The Steed (Mobile, but Powerful Build instead of no OAs)
Level 4 Feat: Sharpshooter
Main Stats: 19 DEX and 18 WIS
Speed: 50 walk and climb

Discipline Points: 4 according to RAW, 8 according to GM

MA/Discipline Die: 1d6

Skills/Tools: Acrobatics, History, Perception, Stealth, Survival, Thieves Tools

HP: 32
AC: 18

Level 1:
Martial Arts: Same as 5e, but scales from d6-d12 instead of d4-d10. Also, you can
Grapple and Shove with DEX

Unarmored Defense: Same as 5e

Level 2:
Monk's Discipline (Ki)
Ki = Monk Level

Flurry of Blows: Unchanged

Patient Defense: Free BA Disengage. Spend 1 Ki to Dodge and Disengage at the same

Step of the Wind: Free BA Dash. Spend 1 Ki to Dash and Disenfage at the same time.
Also, double jump distance if you spend Ki.

Uncanny Metabolism (1/LR): Regain all expended Ki when you roll initiative. Also,
regain HP equal to MA Die+Monk Level

Unarmored Movement: Same as 5e

Level 3:
Deflect Attacks (New Deflect Missiles)

Works for melee and ranged weapon attacks. If a melee attack is deflected, you can
spend 1 Ki to change its target to a creature within 5ft of you.
If a ranged attack is deflected, spend 1 Ki to shoot a creature within 60ft of you.
The targeted creature must pass a DEX save, or take 2 MA Die+DEX damage.

Subclass: Kensei

Level 4:
ASI/Feat: We choose Sharpshooter. And under Duckorim rules, I also get +1 to DEX

Slow Fall: Same as 5e

Level 5:
Extra Attack: Same as 5e

Stunning Strike: Same as 5e. But if the foe passes the save, they take MA Die+WIS
Force damage

Level 6:
Empowered Strikes: Unarmed Strikes deal their normal damage or Force damage

Level 7:
Evasion: Same as 5e

Level 9:
Acrobatic Movement (UM Improvement): Same as 5e

Level 10:
Heightened Discipline (Buffs to Ki Techniques)

Flurry of Blows: 3 attacks instead of 2

Patient Defense: If you spend Ki on this, you get 2 MA Die THP

Step of the Wind: If you spend Ki on this, choose a willing creature within 5ft of
you that is Large or smaller: They move with you until the end of your turn.
And their movement doesn't provoke OAs

Self-Restoration (Stillness of Mind + Purity of Body):

Can end one of the following conditions at the end of each of your turns: Charmed,
Frightened or Poisoned.
Also, not eating or drinking doesn't induce Exhaustion

Level 13:
Deflect Energy: Deflect Blows works for ALL damage types now

Level 14:
Disciplined Survivor: This is Diamond Soul

Level 15:
Perfect Discipline: Whenever you roll initiative with 3 or less Ki, you start the
fight with 4 Ki.

Level 18:
Superior Defense: At the start of your turn, you can spend 3 Ki to resist all
damage except Force damage.
This lasts 1 minute or until you're KO'd.

Level 20:
Body and Mind: Your DEX and WIS increased by 4, to a max of 26.

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