Exercise 1-2

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NPM : 10122696

Exercise 1
1. “ where is the pen you borrowed from me yesterday ? “
“ I lost it ”
2. There is a blue shirt on sale. Unfortunately, the shirt is not my size.
3. “ I need a new desk for my work “
“ Lets buy one ”
4. Mike has an old bike. His bike doesn’t ride well.
5. water is important for a live on the earth. We must keep it clean. ( No Article )
6. Lisa has an exercise book on her desk. the exercise book is blue.
7. I’am reading an old magazine now. It’s very interesting for me
8. We saw little bears in the zoo. The bears were funny. ( No Article )
9. You have only half an hour for lunch. Hurry up!
10. I bought a book and put it in my bag. The book is very heavy
11. I am sure the man at the corner is waiting for you. He is looking at us.
12. He was wearing an ugly shirt when i first met him.
13. Robert is a driver. He drives big trucks.
14. I believe that a friendship plays an important role in people’s live.
15. Laura is a pretty girl. she looks very smart, too

Exercise 2
1. I like reading science fiction books. ( No article )
2. Andrew bought a new pair of sneakers.
3. I don’t like to play basketball. ( No Artikle )
4. Pete can the guitar very well.
5. “ can you speak Chinese ? “
” No, I can’t “ ( No artikle )
6. I aunt has a cat. The cat is big and black .
7. The browns live in a big house in the countryside .
8. Can you see a man in car ?, the man is my uncle.
9. I work in an office. The office is not far from my house.
10. Ann doesn’t eat eggs. ( No article )
11. There is a boy and a girl in the classroom. The girl is standing at the board and painting
something .
12. “ Where are my glasses ? “
“ They are on the table ”
13. Let’s go to paris next summer. The city is amazing. ( No Article )
14. I want to watch an interesting movie. What would you recommend.
15. This boy is my friend. His name is andi. ( No Article )

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