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My Portfolio

Ge- 101 Understanding
the Self

Caringal, Trishia Marijoy P.


Profile …………………………………………………………………………01


Activity 1………………………………………………………02
Activity 2………………………………………………………03
Activity 3………………………………………………………04
Activity 4………………………………………………………05

II. Exam and Quizzes

III. Other Outputs

I'm Trishia Marijoy P. Caringal and currently an Educ. student at Kolehiyo ng

Lungsod ng Lipa. My goal is to expand my knowledge about the Bachelor of
Elementary Education Major in General Education through my study at KLL.
We all know that Education has critical abilities including decision-making,
mentalfl problem-solving, and logical thinking developed through education.
People experience difficulties in both their personal and professional lives. Their
level of education and self-awareness determines their capacity to make logical and
informed decisions in such circumstances.
Therefore, upon completion of my program, I would like to pursue this profession
as an educator and to be License Professional Teacher in the future. And to be able
to teach in formal school setting and it will help me to learn more about my
program, towards children especially to those students who aren't able to study
because of financial problem.

I. Activity 1
DIRECTION: Paste a picture of you when you were in Elementary, in
Highschool, and now that you are in college. Below each Picture, list down your
salient characteristics that you remember.

Elementary High school College

• I am eager on finishing Active in school •Have my Concrete goal

my studies. activities. in life
• More aggressive and • Can accept • Still Dependent
playful responsibility •Easily to be with
•Discourage affected by •Self-Motivated •Have self awareness
puberty •Easily to be with •Self Motivated
• Dependent • Develop maturity • Matured enough
•Joyful •Dependent •Know how to socialize
• Immature •Joyful •Accept Responsibility
• Careless • Have self-awareness. •Independent
• Have positivity within • I know how to socialize
me • Have self-confidence
• Easily to be with •Have positivity within

I found my self when I was in my Elementary as same as now, I Didn’t have a

lots of friends. I have 4 best friends we have a strong communication. Im not an
introvert person but the people around me are talking about different stuff,
When I became a college student that was a big impact in my life, things
became harder and harder, I focused on my study now, I need to pass because I
don’t want to disappoint my family and also my mom, before I got bullied
because of my weight and some issues that aren’t true, I got so depressed when
it happens to me, but my mom said I need to be a strong and independent
person. Overwhelming social anxiety, I have no idea what others are thinking
of motivations behind their acts, more content with books and people. I never
case in awe of the generous of those are would never think to be brilliant, as
well as lack of comprehension displayed by those one might anticipate to be
brilliant or compassionate.
Activity 2

1. How would you characterized your self?

I would characterized or describe my self as emotional and strong type of person but why
did i clam to be resilient and emotional peron?, I describe my self as a Emotional type of
person due to personal issues, trauma, and the worry that someday i would disappoint my
mother and Family, However i also describe my self as a strong type of person because i
have manage to deal my current problems not all of them but not enough to get aìby and
cope even though I’am aware of how difficult is to do so. Im also define my self as as
person who can affirm that they love every aspect of them, including their shortcoming. I
discover my self as a kind, ambitious, nd determined person. I'm always seeking for ways
to improve and succeed , and i enjoyed learning new things. I prefer to think positively all
the time even if I’m dealing with my obstacles and difficult situation.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest?

Working hard and consistently is frequently the key to standing out. Attitude. Positive
people unquestionably have better connections. Particularly if you're surrounded by toxic
people, maintaining a positive attitude and being pleasant to be around can truly make
you stand out from everyone else.As this person sat in the present, there is nothing that
elevates or degrades one being over another. This one is just as unusually ordinary as
everyone other. Everyone is on their path and acting as they are intended to, whether or
not that is known. Nobody was deemed to be superior to or inferior to anyone else, not
even oneself. a one person that is a component of both everything and nothing. As long as
one is present in every moment, every breath, there is nothing unique or noteworthy.
Activity 3.

Endometriosis Cervical Cancer

Uterine Fibroids Cervicitis

Interstitial Cystitis. Endometriosis

Polycystic Ovary

Activity 5
Think of time or events in your life that usually give you stress. Once done thinking,
make a self compassionate letter. Keep it and read it every time that you are stress for you
remember to be more compassionate to yourself.

Dear my self, It's fine that I'm struggling right now. I'm scared, and all I want to
do is jump out of my skin. I'm having a really hard time right now. My current feelings are valid.
I'm making the best use of my current resources that I can. I deserve love and tenderness in
response to my pain and the discomfort I experience. I've earned that. I deserve the warmth and
compassion I'm extending to myself. I also hope to experience some mental tranquility. It's a
difficult time, but I have faith that I will overcome it. Now, I'm going to find this serenity mostly
by continuing to do what I'm already doing, which is altering how I react to my suffering. I'm
going to treat every single ache that arises inside of me with love and acknowledge that every
single moment of suffering is deserving of self-compassion.

No matter how difficult it is, I am able to hold space for my emotions and face my fears.
As my body experiences the ups and downs of terror, I deserve to be a safe place for it. I am my
own strongest ally, and I already possess everything I require to get through these trying times.
I've decided to support myself when times are tough. I'm sending my your way. Stop being so
hard on your self, One day, everything will make sense to you. The suffering, hurt, and
frustration will all be worthwhile in the end. Keep in mind that everything occurs for a reason.
Right now, you are exactly where you should be. Inhale, wait patiently, and have faith in the
direction of your life. Release all the anticipations you have built up in your mind. Recognize
reality for what it is. Recognize the reality of life

Particularly in light of your shortcomings, you are flawless in every way. Recognize your
differences while enjoying all of your distinctive qualities. Whatever has attempted to undermine
you has failed because you are stronger. You are not a victim; you are a survivor. We both know
you’re doing your best, so try not to be too hard on yourself.

Make a life for yourself that makes sense and makes you proud. You’ll make the most of
everything, promise me that. Never allow anyone to stand in the way of your life’s objectives.
What’s more, never give up on your aspirations and passions. Spend no time with those who
don’t believe in you. Such people are not necessary in your life. Only spend time with those that
inspire and motivate you. You deserve everything there is, plus a little bit more. You are witty.
You are gorgeous. You are adequate. You are all there is. You’re all in.

Never forget that at the end of the day, you are only promised yourself. Before ever
attempting to love someone, you must first learn to love yourself entirely. Furthermore, learn to
gracefully let go of those who and things are not meant for you. Accept the situation as it is.
Go softly into this time, my beautiful, Ishia.

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