Earth From Alien Perspective

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Every technology that has made it to the surface of Sol-3 has been reverse-engineered and
weaponised regardless of its original purpose.
The planet is infested by an uncontrollable plague of water-based omnivores. The pest does not
discriminate environments and depletes any biome of any and all natural resources.
Though once geographically separated, in recent times the parasite's many strains have begun to
exchange genetic material and form conjoined communities, exploiting and sometimes even
outright denying the consequences of their epigenetic information.
The parasite has achieved a level of intelligence that approaches sentience, without completely
out-evolving its primal instincts. As such, it will go to extremes in order to obtain resources that
make it more attractive for reproductive purposes. Some strains of the parasite have been known
to try wiping out other strains in an attempt to hoard such resources. It will retaliate any and all
physical and psychological violence with disproportionate amounts of the same. This overactive
breeding instinct will occasionally lead a specimen to self-sacrifice in order to exterminate
another one.
The parasite is highly territorial and does not respond well to environmental threats. Attempts to
terraform them out of the environment will only strengthen their own terraforming skills in the
long run. Though self-preservating, the parasites are unable to avoid sharing their information in
such fields.
The parasite cannot be exterminated by antibiotics. in addition to its high resistance and ever-
evolving immune system, it is able to develop its own chemical measures against threats.
Despite its low regeneration abilities, the parasite can survive losing up to four of its four limbs,
thanks to hive-like cooperation and its aforementioned adaptability. Specimens have been found
to create technology that partially compensates for such losses. At least one specimen has been
found to be completely unable of autonomy, yet still be outright worshipped by other members
of the species for its intellectual achievements.
The parasite is highly prone to superstition and susceptible to religion. Civilians illegally
crossing the quarantined space area have been known to accidentally sprout cults around their
brief presence. notable is the case of a shape-shifting Teofile that took asylum in the planet
cycles ago, after the Archangelic civil war, prompting the birth of a cult that has since dominated
the overall culture of the species, even marking the beginning of their calendar.
The parasite is currently evolving at a fast pace and has begun probing the space surrounding its
planet. The quarantined are is expected to be expanded soon. Travellers from all galaxies are
discouraged to land on Sol-3 as the risk of infection is much too grave and it could potentially
lead to a collapse of whatever world they visit after. The parasite, locally known as "humans",
"rén lèi" or "bashri", shall never leave the contention zone. Any ships guilty of tresspassing shall
be quarantined in the Sol-6 decontamination area until cleared by the Intergalactic Ministry of
Travel's appointed officials.

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