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The Nipa Hut on the Hill

Pre-Reading Activity:

Imagine you live in a small nipa hut on a hill overlooking a rice paddy field in the Philippines.
The sun is just starting to rise, casting a golden glow over the landscape. What sounds do you
hear? What smells fill the air? What do you see as you step outside your hut? Share your
thoughts with a partner.


The old nipa hut creaked gently in the morning breeze, its worn bamboo walls rustling like dried
leaves. Inside, Maya stirred, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the kitchen below.
She stretched, the sunlight filtering through the woven nipa roof painting patterns on her skin. It
was another beautiful day in their little village nestled amidst the verdant rice fields.

Maya hopped down the wooden ladder and found her Lola (grandmother) already tending the
charcoal stove. The aroma of garlic and onions filled the small kitchen, promising a delicious
breakfast of pandesal and adobo.

"Magandang umaga, Lola!" Maya greeted with a smile. "Ang sarap ng amoy!" (Good morning,
Lola! It smells so good!)

Lola chuckled, her wrinkled eyes crinkling at the corners. "Magandang umaga, apo. Halika, kain
tayo." (Good morning, child. Come, let's eat.)

As they ate, Maya watched the world outside come alive. Farmers emerged from their homes,
carrying baskets and tools, their laughter echoing through the fields. Children chased each other
barefoot, their playful shouts blending with the chirping of birds. The air buzzed with the rhythm
of daily life in their village.

After breakfast, Maya helped her Lola with chores. They swept the dirt floor, watered the potted
plants, and fed the chickens clucking in their pen. While Maya cleaned, she listened to Lola's
stories of her childhood, tales of mischievous adventures and enduring traditions.

Later, Maya joined her friends, Sarah and Ben, by the river. They splashed in the cool water,
giggling and sharing secrets. As the sun climbed higher, they climbed a mango tree, its branches
heavy with ripe fruit. They feasted on the juicy mangoes, their laughter echoing across the fields.

As dusk settled, Maya sat on the porch with Lola, watching the fireflies dance in the gathering
darkness. They talked about dreams and hopes for the future, their voices weaving a tapestry of
family and community.

The day ended with a simple dinner of grilled fish and steamed vegetables, shared under the
twinkling stars. Maya fell asleep in her hammock, the gentle swaying lulling her into a peaceful
slumber, the sounds of crickets and frogs her lullaby.
Post-Reading Activity:

1. Describe Maya's day. What were some of the key activities she did?
2. Identify examples of prepositions used in the passage. (e.g., in the morning, under the
3. Find at least three sentences that use conjunctions. (e.g., while Maya cleaned, she
listened to Lola's stories)
4. Imagine you are Maya. Write a diary entry about your day. Share your thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
5. Discuss the importance of family and community in the story. How do they contribute
to Maya's life?
6. What makes this story uniquely Filipino? Can you identify any cultural elements or

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