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BE oLympic 562 ‘A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (50 PTS): | LEXICO-GRAMMAR (40 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the fol 11. We want to expand the business but | fear the economic situation Is going 10 holding for i } ps ona cok from stress. 3. suspensi C. halt 17.1 Tae ind the movie particularly irs twas just a__ ictabl n-of-t ‘hemil Bu stale-ofshe-art ©. middle-of-the-road D. 16, Bob has made most ofthe furiture in his house “Yes, he's quite a craftsman, —_’ Atal accounts B, onal accounts c. in al accounts (CB) by al 12. fm yng fo gat the 3 A knows how be 20.Don't__ melt net {5 the mood for any knead B. discard bug gwnte pains in her, ed L 16. That cation vet pg English tn ofc. once aaa GR eGo aCe Cone 2) y vith 2 Safin pe A. sealed off 27. Bringing up his past fares was abays 38. The answers given by the Customs Officer__ her guest o0.Rhr aed ats eaeson tr wore kept ould koop 40. She Sti tat int ly had ‘Awouldn'tshe 8. didnt 1 GUIDED CLOZE (10 PTS): Read the text below and decide which an In Altica, sciontite are hard at work (61) ; countries in the Sahel-Sahara region have weather ar the most (67) — poses serious (48) __ |, READING COMPREHENSION (40 PTS): Possane A In the text below, six paragraphs have hav bon ono Rand Anon wh seach eT ONE ox aaah ifs the tie of year for students to promise themselves look at their personal habits right now, promise th ewe replaced StarbUCS ies tat most of us 1008 PACK in onde nw fh from the a tts. massive chants igs aken some time 1.06 s ‘Crops, aculture at = al dining hall, we have perm aietert ‘cena mea oe anos ons ME for the Kibbutz throughout the long, hot days. We ning comers cow ma kindergarten. Oat jevable feat if you start on a smal scale is achievable feat if you start oF simpler, more sustainable, ecological ‘ethical lifestyle is an Shit is st Ae enSiner paricanl Dan Apter aly ethical fest know that shoveling Shit Gre dbbutzim nowads Yet even in this utopia, the books have to balance. Like many KiDp Drvatsed fo ensure its economic survival. But itis stil a place where menberss ‘whether i s ethical to maintain a dairy, the extent of communal | responsibility, resources. ©) _£ _ I think my time ors is repar ine foy sites ot eae ‘such as managing conflict and counselling, as well as solid ‘can deseed a donated pomegranate in no time. In many ways, the chaotic life here is lke that of: student house - with just a few more rowdy housemates. The Tribune Missing paragraphs: ‘A Our days start with an 8am wake-up, which is horribly early for me, but late for the real kibbutz workers who rise as early as 1am to milk the cows. We start the chores before breakfast by cleaning the kitchen, loos and showers, and feeding the biogas with yesterday's | | Sora 8, I'm Emma Jacobs, and fm working on waobutz othe. eteel Geaer™ EO Q global temperatures are the norm and a cléar tz Iterative, sustainable ways to live. That's why | am spending my gap year in the desert and recycle poo. f nit C. I've found there's more to the kibbutz experience 0 to live a truly communual fife. It can be tough, but living in en intentional co valuable training for university and a lfe of work. 22 I's modem hut with a fan, plugs and even si-on, The age has Somos! a sustainable kitchen with biogas and @ machine E. Several times, I've needed to invent an excuse to go to a p r house. One of these is the reading room, a cold, dank space where | freeze in solitude for abit, just to get away from the : 5 This time next year, I'l be at Leeds University. | may not need to ‘compost loo there, but ll take the broader lessons that I'm lea 4 paragraph 2, al ofthe following ae true about Giese 581 EXCEF ‘A. Itis half the size larger than Earth Itis probably in a habitable zone: ceria sam Ithas its own sun . ich of the best. the essential informatio gh 9. In paragraph 2, which of the following best expresses the ess na informaton. astars er le ontonca? Incorrect answer choices change the mening or leave © A ote acrlqus ae used demenstale he us of i 4 B. ing the wobble technique, spectroscopic instruments can C. Astar can move very fast away from the Earth, therefore itis. se a wobble technique. . 7 D. Inradalvelety, tar can move so quik that t wobbles, which can be sean by using telescope. in ‘ 10, According to paragraph 3, what problem di the Hubble Space Telescope ‘ ‘imor was flawed hi B. NASA damaged its mirror C. Alens on its camera was broken _ltdid not have an infrared camera 11. Why does the author mention the A Tosupport his statement bouthablele plana B. To give evidence of one of the Hubble Space Te To give the Hubble cet Sx eae ‘gas 0 illustrate the possibilty for the existence of other life fo 412. According to paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the ‘A. To search for new planets i ‘ 28 duper weyplanets a Planet oso our sla sytem. Planet is located y of these excplanets are as large “ at in the *habitabi ” tower tse the ‘abla sone means a cole, nough to allow for the exis ‘on, ‘meaning the planet shelter oe het nr 10 Planet outside of our solar systom, Gliese 581, estimated to be 2zPronimately 50 percent biggor than Earth Located about 26 Mg yours fom cur yaa: Geove 581 orbits a red dwarf star. To identiy this new 5 net, the stument known as HARPS, which tno Observatory in La Sila, z By analyzing the wavelength of ight emitted from a star, the Instrument s therefore able to calibrate the mass of a planet in the star's orbit. With the wobble technique, astronomers. are only able to perceive a planet that is less than 160 light years from Earth. Employing this technique can be slow, because astronomers must walt for the planet to Make one complete orbit cf its sun in order to confirm their data. 3. Though earth-bound telescopic systems like HARPS at La Silla play @ prominent role in space exploration, orbiting telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope and the Kepler Telescope, can provide astrophysicists with different data. Circling 380 miles above the Earth, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is about the size of a yellow school bus. Soon after its launch in 1990, astronomers were shocked to find that images sent back by the Hubble were slightly blurry due to @ defective mirror. To remedy this problem, NASA created a Special lens: similar to the way eyeglasses correct human eyesight. In a special mission, a team of astronauts ‘serviced the Hubble by mounting this corrective lens. They also added several other specialized instruments, including an infrared camera and a spectrograph, which is used to analyze light, Among the Hubble's discoveries are new planets, newly born stars, various nebulae, and even collisions of asteroids on the planet Jupiter. In joint observation with several ground-based telescopes, the Hubble found several exoplanets that exist in a habitable zone from their stars. It is also credited with the discovery of a molecule of methane gas in the atmosphere of a Jupiter- sized exoplanet, supporting the theory of life forms in space. 4. In 2009, NASA launched the Kepler Orbiting Telescope. Its primary task is to focus on or, *stare at’ the stars. Instead of orbiting the Earth like the Hubble, it “trails” the Earth, meaning it travels ‘behind the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The Kepler's mission is to observe about 150,000 stars and determine if these stars contain planetary systems, most particularly, habitable planets. Unlike: the La Silla and Hubble telescopes, the Kepler Orbiting Telescope uses a photometric instrument to measure light emanating from a star. When a planet passes in front of a star (similar to an observation of Mercury or Venus crossing in front of the Sun), the Kepler telescope analyzes a change in the intensity of light emitted by that star. This process allows astronomers to evaluate ‘and examine the data further to determine if one or more planets may orbit the star. 5. The Kepler Orbiting Telescope accomplished its primary objective in 2010: to find Earth-like planets. It discovered seven planets — some almost as large as Jupiter ~ beyond our solar system. While many astrophysicists and astro-biologists have argued the unlikelihood of life forms on other planets, the data from the Kepler Orbiting Telescope suggests the contrary. hmnhut.blogspot.com 7. In paragraph 1, why does the author use the phrase ‘the Goldilocks position’? ‘A. To support the concept of Earth-like exoplanets B. To demonstrate the unlikelihood of a planet being Earth-like C. To illustrate the difference between a habitable and uninhabitable planet TTo explain the conditions needed for a planet to be considered habitable 5 Whether workplace You are involved directly or an innocent bystander wattchir ers. ‘atmosphere, Jane Clarke, author of Office Politics, Rowe ‘some sound Syee “On te uhoespeaee But what causes acrimony in the first place? Reasons can be as diverse as a clash of 7 cause, there has to be a strong desire Jealousy, backstabbing ora simple misunderstanding, Whatever the {0 Solve the problem if things are to got better, If you are personally Involved — and almost all of us have been in one way or another ~then the best thing to do, says Clarke, is to try to put yourself in the other Person's shoes. Easier said than done, since empaty isnot an easy emotion to come by, evento the most virtuous ‘Often itis easy to dump on the other person and blame them totally for the situalion but remember itis ‘your problem and you have a responsibilty to try to resolve it, say Clarke. Listening skils are vital. If the problem is between other colleagues, things can be a bit trickier. You may ‘not be the gallant sort — practising an unhealthy dose of denial is often what most people would prefer to do ~ but ignoring the situation will not make it go away. ‘So what are your options? ‘if you feel you are up to it, ty talking with the feuding parties individually and ‘ty to understand what the issue is,’ advises Clarke, “Make it clear that it fs not an acceptable state of affairs.” Mediation is another option; get the two parties to sit together and act as a buffer zone. You might have the urge to bash their heads together, but it won't be terribly constructive. As Clarke says. ‘Sometimes it is a case of translating. People are often so different that it seems that they speak a different language’ ‘Any meetings between disputing colleagues should have some follow-up. All involved should be made ‘aware of the next steps — falling to do this could mean that the situation repeats itself. Negative energy between people need not produce bad karma. Hamessed crealively, it can actually become a positive force. So, if you are having problems with the office dullards who insist on putting downers on any bright new ideas you might fave, use their criticism and objections as @ way of really testing a brainwave. Surely, if it can survive it can survive anyone. Try looking at people's: weaknesses as strengths: assign a pedant to research the finer details of a project; the loudmouth of the office can always be pushed forward whan it comes to public speaking. Disputes and ill feelings can arise both among employees or between employee and employer, a fact clearry illustrated by the record numbers of people who contacted the conciliation service ACAS over the past year. Reassuringly, however, 76 percent of cases were settled through mediation — an indication, perhaps, that rather than working on building walls in the workplace, we should be bringing them down. 14. Inteling the story of the two doctors, the writers suggests they Hmnhut.blogspot.com, ‘A. didn't give their partnership enough of a chance ‘were totally incompatible from day one ‘ould have been able to resolve their problems. re introverted and intolerant people : ilwstrate? 48, What main point is the doctors’ story used to Contes ot anne wc a Wok conflicts can happen were you atleast 8821 D. itis not always easy to know how to hi 5 16. wnat Jane lka’s avin to argon cave up in an flee eps |A. Seek appropriate advice B. Get in touch with your feelings Write a report to your manager fake an appropriate action 17, According fo Jane Clarke, office disputes \ Gao ay ri aan ii B. are caused in the first instance by acrimonious feelings C. are usually attributable to personality differences. D. are rarely the result of office politics. 18. Work conflicts will not get resolved unless both parti ‘A. have a personal involvement ._ accept the blame for the situation nt to find a solution ). are willing to change places with each other 49. What does [Iai refer to? office dullards "WORD FORMATION: (20 PTs) PART 4: Co mS Hs mplete each sentence, using the correct form of the word In parentheses, lejcwulius transmistion of the di Tess te the disease can occur through genetic mutations or by sharing mae ects, and it is important to take measures to prevent its spread within families. 2. The director Mdmitted that he had made DE ae change of cast. (RUE) a lle ee E i en Aco .. Many of the descriptions of the celestial bodies are purely Ontohtitleon ESTURE) 4. The dale the movie w im character in the movie was able to transform into any animal or object, which made them nearly impossible to catch. (SHAPE) After receiving encouragement from her mentor, she felt confidence and determination. (BOLD) The customers impertinent behavior towards the waiter was completely for. (CALL) 7. With the new voice-attivated assistant, | can make f= and send messages ot A) pi es Com be wae eed ste etd 8. Tho {part “tit worn by the astronaut provided protection against the ‘extreme temperatures and lack of oxygen in space. (SPACE) 2 abplani da wove Wom wectisany, 9. During the meeting, the manager kept bela “iKé"S4me point over and over again, causing everyone to lose interest in the discussion, (LABOUR) i E 40. Don't waste your footloose and “BA¥ because you won't have as much freedom after marriage end parenthood. (FAN ra {to pursue her dreams with more PART 2: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words given in the box to make a meaningful passage. hhmnbut. blogspot.com How harmful can a building be to our planet? Globally, greenhouse gas emissions from buildings: ‘acount for about 40% of total emissions and construction accounts for about a third of total energy use. We can no longer tu a blind eye fo, these (1), istics, we must address building and construction energy (2)kuad-6"FoHtunately, through legislation and policies, many countries hope to achieve energy-neutral construction processes for buildings in the near future. In other words, sustainable or at least energy efficient construction will create buildings that are passive and produce no emissions, otherwise known as (3)zua@ ings (ZEBs).. hats fang doe ZEBs are equipped with titing solar panels, that ere (4), adausit Senerzontly and veticaly to capture and maximum amount of solar energy possible, as well as solar collectors for storing the energy. Smart thermostats (5)zyAamwreating when the bulking is occupied. 78s are made of smart building materials such as heat-conserving brick and concrete that (6) 11ddu” trai heat. In some ZEBs, room temperatures are kept steady by wood laminated with beeswax that reacts with air, Ground-fed climate systems like geothermal walls tap into the earth's surface and use a pump to, move heat into a building during winter, and take it out during the summer — all with minimal eneroy expenditure, ©. +4 practcalty are also at the (9) 424"Gt ZEB designs because without these factors, their widespread implementation wouldn't come to (10) W. The future of the planet does: depend on sustainable bulding practices and ZEBs are leading the way in this endeavour. amalle ote jnning in such a way that the rds in any way. IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (20 PTS) Rewrite the following sentences with the given words of begin” meanings remain unchanged. You MUST NOT change the given 4 1. Helen was so sory that she couldn atone Susan's birthday party, (MAKE) ay > Helen groally 2. We were lucky to narrowly win the championship, (BREADTH) > itwas by a ane . etn sadly tage bm > The annual budget '. There's no way he cancels the trip s6 near the departure date. (QUI ) > There's ud qautshos bs You'd better start study D . Sr gate ee enh, ney 3. Without financial black ee > The project fell _Unwa You are responsibie to find b > It's up 0. ‘oun gre feces op proposal wont change my > You can talk 10. Because of his arrogarn > Had he 4

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