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Juliana Roselle F.


Periodic Table of Elements

Learning Task 2: Metals: How reactive are you?

Take Care: In doing the activity, make sure to ask the assistance of your parents/guardian.
Perform the activity:
Material needed:
2 pcs Aluminum foil (Al) 2 cm long
1 pc Nail (Fe) 1 inch
2 pcs Steel wool (Zinc) 2 cm long
3 small clean plastic cups

1. Fill the 3 plastic cups of vinegar with same amount, preferably half of the cups
2. Place the nail in one plastic cup containing vinegar and observe. Place a white paper behind
the cup to easily observe any reaction. Observe for 5 hours. Record all observation changes in
a given table.
3. Repeat the procedure 2, this time use the remaining metals-aluminum foil and steel wool.
Compare the results.

Table 1: Data for Activity

Metal Observable Reaction with Vinegar
(Checked and describe the metal observed)
Violent Slow No Reaction

Nail (Fe) 20% 25% 5%

Aluminum foil (Al) 10% 10% 3%

Steel wool (Zn) 5% 10% 6%

Guide Question:
1. Which of these metals reacts with vinegar? Which did not react with vinegar?
Answer: Iron, Aluminum
2. What harmful change/s is/are brought about when a metal reacts or mixes with acids
Answer: When metal reacts with acids this weakens the acid due to corrosion.
3. What are some ways of preventing corrosion of metals?
Answer: Corrosion is a natural process that occurs in metals through time when they are exposed to moisture or
other chemical elements. This in turn causes the metal to lose its function and beauty

Rubrics for Evaluation

Components Rating Actual Outcome

Accuracy of data 40% 20%
Clear description 25% 30%
Discussion of Process 20% 25%
Observation 15% 27%

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