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onum NUM 1020/1040/1060 T PROCAM TURN INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING 0101938874/1 09-96 en-938874/1 Despite the care taken n the preparation l this document, NUM cannot guarantee the accuracy ofthe information it contains and cannot be held responsible for any errors therein, nor for any damage which might result rom the use or application ol the document. “The physical, technical and unctionalcharacteristcs ofthe hardware and sofware praducts andthe services described nth documentare subject to mociticaion and cannot under any circumstances be regarded as contractual ‘The programming examples descrivedin his manual are intended for guidance only. They must be specially adapted belore they can be usedin programs with an industrial application, according tothe automates system used and the salty levels required © copyright num 1996. Allright reserved, Nopar ofthis manual maybe copied or reproducedin any formor by any means whatsoever, including hatographic or magnetic processes, The transcriotion onan electranic macrine o all or oat ofthe contents i forbidden © Copyright NUM 1996 software NUM 1060. ‘This sotware isthe pcopety of NUM. Each memorized copy a this sofware sold confers upon the purchaser a non-exclusive cence strictly limited to the use of the said copy. No copy or other form of cupication ol this products authorized 2 en. 938874 LT Table of Contents T Installing the Software 1-1 141 General 1-3 1.2 Hardware required for Loading the Software 1-3 1.3 Software Language Codes ee! 14 Contents of the PROCAM_TURN Diskette 1-3 1.5 Loading the File in the CNC 1-4 2 General Description of interactive Programming 2-1 24 General 2-3 22 Capabilities 2-3 23° Faciities 2-3 24 Available Machining Cycles 2-4 25 Programme Variables Available 2-8 2.6 Customisation Files Available 2-8 3 Use of Interactive Programming 3-1 3.1 General 3-3 3.2 Description of a Menu Page 3-3 33 Description of a Dialogue Page 3-4 3.4 Description and use of the Softkey Bar 3-5. 3.8 Description and Use of the Fields 3-5 3.6 Using the Page Numbers 3-9 # Review of Preparation for Machining a Part at 4.1 Preparation for Programming at 42 Programming 4a 43 Preparation for Machining 4a 44 Machining 4-1 5 Structure of a Programme 5-1 5.1 General 5-3 5.2 Definition ofthe List of Sequences for Execution of Machining 5-3 6 Facing, Turning Programme 6-1 6.1 Preparation for Programming 8-3 62 Programming the Part 6-5 6.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 6-28 6.4 Exit rom Interactive Programming 6-31 65 __Use of the Part Programme Created 6-31 7 Drilling, Tapping Programme 7-4 7.1 Preparation for Programming 7-3 7.2 Part Programming 7-5 7.3 Graphie Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 7-34 74 Exit from Interactive Programming 7-37 75 Use of the Part Programme Created 7-37 en-938874! 3 — onum 8 Groove Machining Programme 8.1 Preparation for Programming 82 Programming the Part 83 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 8-32 8.4 Exit rom Interactive Programming 8-35 85 Use ofthe Part Programme Created 8-35. 9 External Profile Contouring Programme o-1 9.1 Preparation for Programming 9-3 92 Programming the Part 9-5 93 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 9-44 9.4 Exit rom Interactive Programming 9-47 95 __Usoofthe Part Programme Created 9-47 10 Machining Programme with C Axis 10-1 10.1 Preparation for Programming 10-3 10.2 Programming the Part 10-5 10.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 10-38 10.4 Exit from Interactive Programming 10-41 105 Use ofthe Part Programme Created 10-41 17 Viewing/Editing Part Programmes W4 11.41 Viewing or Eciting a Programme 11-3 11.2 Operations Possible During Creation 11-7 11.3 Exiting from Interactive Programming 11-11 11.4 Editing an Interrupted Programme 11-12 115 Editing a Stored Programme 11-13 11.6 Deleting a Stored Programme 17 11.7 __ Modifying the Block Numbers uei7 Appendix A Abbreviations Used on the Softkeys Al ‘Appendix B List of Errors Boi Ba Miscellaneous Errors and Machine Errors B-3 B2 Parametric Programming Errors B-4 83 Profile Geometry Programming (PGP) Errors B-5 8.4 Miscellaneous Errors 8-7 BS Request for Movements Outside the Machine Travel Limits B-7 8.6 Structured Programming Errors 3-8 87 Axis Errors 3-8 B8 Errors in Pocket Cycles B-9 Bg Axes Not Identified on the Bus B-10 8.10 Spline Curve Interpolation Errors B-10 8.11 Errors in Numatorm B-10 B.12 Cycle Programming Errors B11 4 en- 93887411 Record of Revisions DOCUMENT REVISION Date | Revision Reason for revision 10-92 ° Document creation 09-96 1 Conforming to PROCAM software release 6.1 (en. 938874 5 — onum 6 en. 9388741 Foreword NUM 1020/1040/1060 Documentation Structure User Documents ‘These documents are designed for use of the CNC. num nu M T c CYLINDRICAL, OPERATOR OPERATOR PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING GRINDING MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL, MANUAL Voume 1 VouMe voume 2 VoUUNE 2 PROGRAMMING MANUAL 938819 28930 Integrator Documents ‘These documents are designed for setting up the CNC on a machine. Num Num Num Num Num 1080 102 INSTALLATION INSTALLATION PARAMETER, AuToMaTic DYNAMIC. AND, ‘AND ‘CONTROL FUNCTION OPERATOR COMMISSIONING COMMISSIONING MANUAL PROGRAMMING | MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL LADDER LANGUAGE. gaaet6 938938 guest 998846 998871 num Nun Nu ¢ HKG cs pRocaM eyLNoRIcAL Gear cuTTING 1Wo-SPINDLE SURFACE DESCRIPTION GRINDING AND GRINDING SYNCHRONISATION GRINDING LANGUAGE COMMISSIONING MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 938929 930054 en. 938874 7 Special Programming Documents ‘These documents concern special CNC programming applications. ‘SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAMMING. MANUAL Nun u PROCAM MILL PROCAM TURN INTERACTIVE INTERACTIVE. PROGRAMMING. PROGRAMMING DUPLICATED AND ‘SYNCHRONISED ‘AXIS MANUAL. 938875 PROFIL FUNCTION OPERATOR MANUAL 998937, PROCAM GRIND INTERACTIVE. PROGRAMMING 8 en. 9388721 NUM Num es POLYGON PROCAM GRIND CUTTING INTERACTIVE MANUAL PROGRAMMING. 38950 PROCAM MILL TECHNOLOGICAL, DATA 998958 PROCAM TURN TECHNOLOGICAL DATA Foreword Interactive Programming Manual Manual Contents —=—] Installation of the PROCAM TURN (hardware and software) on the CNC. CHAPTER 1 INSTALLING THE SOFTWAR! al Overview of the software capabilities. CHAPTER 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING Use of the menu and dialogue pages. CHAPTERS. use oF INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING Definition of the preliminary steps leading to machining of a part. CHAPTER REVIEW OF PREPARATION FOR MACHINING APART n-938874°1 9 — cnum CHAPTER 5 ‘STRUCTURE lor A PROGRAMME CHAPTER 6 FACING, TURNING PROGRAMME, CHAPTER 7 DRILLING, TAPPING PROGRAMME: —$——] CHAPTER 8 Groove MACHINING PROGRAMME 10 en. 038878!1 List of the components of a programme, Creation of a programme including a facing and sliding roughing cycle. Creation of a programme including driling and tapping cyctes. Creation of a programme including a groove machining cycle. Foreword Creation of a programme including definition and execution of the profile. CHAPTERS EXTERNAL PROFILE CONTOURING PROGRAMME Creation ofa programme including execution of ahexagon, definition ofa patter and driling of holes. (CHAPTER 10 MACHINING, PROGRAMME WITH C AXIS. Possibilities for viewing and editing programmes being created or already stored, CHAPTER 11 VIEWINGIEDITING PART PROGRAMMES Alphabetic list of softkeys. APPENDIX A ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THE SOFTKEYS, cen 9388741 1 — onum The list and description of CNC errors given as a table. APPENDIX 8 ust oF ERRORS, 12 60. 938874/1 Foreword Use of the Interactive Programming Manual General From Chapter 6 on, this manual discusses part programming using concrete examples. ‘The examples are designed to give the user: = easein programming, inparticular in the use of menu anddialogue pages and data entry, - an overview of the main machining cycles and the use of certain cycles. Later, the user can look up the information he needs in these examples for creating his programmes. List of Cycles Covered by the Examples Each example covers one of the types of cycles proposedby interactive programming: = Facing, by forward and backward passes (see Chapter 6) ~ Centre drilling, drting, tapping (see Chapter 7). - Facing and contouring of a circular island (see Chapter 8). = Cuiting of a pocket with circular and rectangular islands (see Chapter 9). - Contouring with profile definition (see Chapter 10). Use of the Screen Pages Given in the Examples The dialogue pages are shown with the fields filled in. Certain dialogue pages are accompanied by comments (on the opposite page) giving the user additional information. To follow a programming example, the user must - analyse the part engineering drawing, ~fillin the fields using the values or text included in the screen pages, ~ carry out the page sequence proposed. en 9888741 13 — cnum Agencies The list of NUM agencies is given at the end of the volume. Questionnaire To help us improve the quality of our documentation, we kindly ask you to return the questionnaire at the end of this volume. 14 en 9388741 1 Installing the Software General Hardware required for Loading the Software Software Language Codes Contents of the PROCAM_TURN Diskette Loading the File in the CNC sldlolole en-938874'1 1-1 — onum 1-2 en 9388741 1.1 General ‘The PROCAM interactive programming package for turning includes: = a3 1/2" diskette called "PROCAM_TURN" - amanual called "PROCAM TURN INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING’. 1.2 Hardware required for Loading the Software ‘A microcomputer inciuding - the MS-DOS operating system, + a3 112° diskette drive, + aserial port, - an RS 232 serial link 1.3 Software Language Codes The software can be loaded from the diskette in any of the following languages: - French, - English, German, ~ Malian, - Spanish. In the procedure below certain instructions include the expression "[language code)" ‘which must be replaced by the letter corresponding to the language selected (see table). Language | French | English | German | ttalian | Spanish Code F A o 1 s 1.4 Contents of the PROCAM_TURN Diskette REMARK The diskette called PROCAM_TURN includes: = the minicom toad file - the PROCAM TURN binary executable file. Load File File minicom.exe on the diskette is used to load the PROCAM_TURN software into the CNC, File minicom.exe is available only in English and French. PROCAM_TURN Software File TURN {language code].bin contains the software programmes to be loaded in the CNC, en. 938874'1 1-3 1.5 Loading the File in the CNC Requirements 1-4 REMARK ‘The PC and CNC mustbe interconnected by an interface cable, plugged into the PC ‘COMM or COM? serial port and a serial connector of the CNC configured for loading (see Operator Manual) ‘The CNC mustbe on, with the Current Position page displayed and the basic sottkeys displayed at the bottom of the screen, The CNC user programme memory space must be at least 256 kbytes. Itis necessary to set word N2 of parameter P95to allocate the memory in area 3 (see Parameter Manual). Actions. On the CNC Select the Utilities menu oe [om The "CN UTILITY" menu is displayed, Select "ACCESS TO UTILITY PROGRAMMES". SL Jie The "UTILITIES PRESENT" menu is displayed. ‘Select "RESIDENT MACROS". Ll The "RESIDENT MACROS" menu is displayed. Select "LOAD". sel dle The "LOAD INTO PROTECTED ZONE* page is cisplayed. Confirm loading in protected area by "YES". Ll On the PC Tum on the PC. Prompt C:\> is displayed showing that drive ¢ is selected. Insert the PROCAM_TURN diskette in the PC drive. Enter DOS command A: (or B:) and press Enter. The system switches to the selected drive and displays the prompt A: (or B:'>) Enter the command minicom.exe and press Enter, Installing the Software ‘The MINICOM menu is displayed: 1 —> PARAMETERS SETTING UP 2.—> SENDING AN ASCII OR OBJECT FILE 3—> SENDING A BINARY FILE ‘The cursor is on 1 —> PARAMETERS SETTING UP Press Enter to select PARAMETERS SETTING UP. ‘The PARAMETERS SETTING UP page is displayed. Set the parameters and press Enter to confirm each setting, ‘The default settings are listed below. They can be changed using the arrow or +/= keys: Serial port: COM1 Sending baudrate: 9600 bauds Directory: AN Language: French. Press enter to return to the MINICOM menu. ‘The MINICOM menu is displayed. Move the cursor to 3—> SENDING A BINARY FILE using the arrow keys. ‘The SENDING A BINARY FILE page is displayed. Select file TURN [language code) bin with the arrow keys File TURN [language code} bin is highlighted. Press Enter to start loading file TURN. language code} bin. ‘On the CNC ‘The file Is loaded in the CNC and the message "BACKUP LOADED is displayed at the end of loading — onum 2 General Description of Interactive Programming General Capabilities Facilities ‘Available Machining Cycles 241 Main Menu 2.42 Machining Cycle Menus L Programme Variables Available Customisation Files Available en 938741 2-1 — cnum 2-2 en-938874: General Description of Interactive Programming 2.1 General Interactive programming is a resident software package in the CNC system. This software package includes a set of screen pages for dialogue with the system. ‘The pages are sequenced to allow writing of the programme and access to a large ‘number of machining cycles while preserving the possibilty of creating sequences by 1SO programming and in PGP (Profile Geometry Programming). 2.2 Capabilities Interactive programming allows the user to: - create, debug and edit programmes, ~ graphically display and simulate programmes, - create material and cutting condition files to automatically compute the spindle speeds and feed rates. Interactive programming can be used in background time (while the machine is executing a part programme). 2.3 Facilities When writing a programme, the user is guided by a set of menu and dialogue pages displayed on the CNC screen. ‘The data contained in the pages are validated by a set of softkeys (see Appendix A). When editing a programme, the user accesses the summary programme listing page to see the list of programmed pages and edit the programme. ‘The display function is used to display the contents of the programme pages. Graphic simulation (static and dynamic) is used to check the tool paths. 0.938874 1 2-3 2.4 Available Mac! 2.4.1. Main Menu ig Cycles The machining to be performed by interactive programming is chosen from the following pages: = main menu, - machining cycles menu. ‘The type of machining is chosen on the main menu: - AREA CLEARANCE, - DRILL-TAP, - PROFILE TURNING, = GROOVE CUTTING, - THREAD CHASING, = LIVE TOOLS. Main menu page F2 AREA CLEARANCE #3 DRILL - TAP Fe PROFILE TURN = Sz 6 THREAD CSE ‘Te’ General Description of Interactive Programming 2.4.2 Machining Cycle Menus AREA CLEARANCE cycles menu page FOPROILE DEFINITION [FS EFT. SAT OEF'W POINT. SHAT OEP \.. [" Beam. I, RES Fe ENT, COMPLE th 1 BI & F 3 5 3 8 3 g q Fe ORILL AA Fe RPT en 9388747 2-5 en 93H874 1 PROFILE TURN cycles menu page 2 GMPLEK POF BEM. PROFILE INT, PO i Ee OV 3 INT, STEPPING PROFILE F7 SART PROFILE ~ 5 PTS [eel 8 He GROOVE U'CUT cycles menu page R en OF GROOVE | F3 EXT. GROOWE FAINT, GROOVE as Ie |r may ir AUS Leoee 5 FACE GROOVE Fo ET. UOT FIM. UOT L = | = a 8 a FF 8 |e General Description of Interactive Programming THREAD CHASING cycles menu page #3 INT, THREADING TOOL] FE MLT-BUCL TREADING 6 a Fig LIVE TOOL cycles menu page FL HOLE aN 3 PROFILE DEFINITION FA MOLL MEDWAY R I FSW FUTS Fe MILL END SLT FT ORILL PATTERN 4 FB TAP PATTER FPA WILL PROFILE FG 0.938741 2-7 2.5 L Programme Variables Available Interactive programming allows the use of L programme variables. For additional information on their use, refer to Chapter 6 of the programming manual. L programme variables: - LOto L19, - 10010 Liga. 2.6 Customisation Files Available ‘The standard interactive programming software is supplied with customisation files. ‘These files can be modified by the user. Customisation files: = %9980 to %9985, ~ %9950 to %9959.9, REMARK —NUMdbes not use the programme area located between %9950.9 and %9959.9 but reserves the right to use it later. 2-8 en 9388741 3 Use of Interactive Programming 3.1 General 3-3 3.2_Description of a Menu Page 3-3 33_Description of a Dialogue Page 304 3.4_Description and use of the Softkey Bar 3:5 35 Description and Use of the Fields 305 3.5.1 Field Types 3-5 35.2 ToGo from One Field to Another 3-6 353 Filingin a Field 3-7 Filling in a Field from the Keyboard 3-7 _ Filling in a Field from the Key Bar 3-8 3.5.4. _ Deleting the Contents of a Field 3-9 3.6 Using the Page Numbers 3-9 cen. 9388741 3-1 — onum 3-2 ‘en-938874'1 Use of Interactive Programming 3.1 General Interactive programming is carried out using two types of pages: = menu pages to make choices, - dialogue pages to enter programme data. 3.2 Description of a Menu Page Main menu page: 2 Tae GRA ‘JL = PLE TN [ —— [ l ios [ L weSel|Le = aA FS GROOVE = me FG THREAD CHASE UVE TOOLS [ b = U| @o _ oe SY FB 8 Fe te lel=l=l*l"]a race | 20, 1 Sottkey bar 2 Machining type menu en 9388741 3-3 onum 3.3 Description of a Dialogue Page Machining cycle page 6 ‘SORT CERAE CES) uch Treader a ee a ——— ERT value, | Ye EU ‘ __ shin Dato a ishing Alle in Z 1 Rauphing Fefrates Facing Turning Finishing eedrate ial + Tot i we? Twed - CANCEL trace | ENTER 1 Soltkey bar 2 Dialogue line 3 Field flashing, to be filled in 4 Field empty 3-4 ‘en. 938874! Field specified Mandatory field Page title Page number Use of Interactive Programming. 3.4 Description and use of the Softkey Bar The bar at the bottom of each page consists of ten fields (softkeys) with labels (abbreviated or in ful) which may differ according to the page displayed (for the list of softkeys, see Appendix A) The sottkeys are selected by pressing the function keys (F2 to F10) located under the screen. Function keys vic | om | proc. | wea | ue | ans | roois | exarno| rucio | um [Ft | 3.5 Description and Use of the Fields 3.5.1 Field Types The dialogue pages include fields preceded by their name. When a page is called up, the fields are empty or contain data that can be modified (text or value). The size of a field is proportional to the number of alphanumeric characters that can be entered in the field There are two types of field: = Emply field to be filled in mandatorly = Empty field to be filed in optionally EE When a field is selected, it flashes. The flashing field is displayed in one of the following forms: ~ Field tobe tilled in mandatorily ~ Field to be filled in optionally He SCRE ue Ee Corrector haber avy ut edit Ot =O Ligh nish Ot ~ a = Sind Rage i Dir of Rot Croat cance. Trace | even Fil in the fields. Confirm the "WORK-LOAD” page. ES [ones n-938874/1 6-21 — onum Notes 6-22 en 9388741 Display of the "SHORT CLEARANCE" page’ g Turning Programme SHORT CLERSACE CHEMI] tahining Te Mader cd Hb @ & Be PY eg i Po ea icuae. Po. a x TT vue os ue rs | Roughing Depth of Oat a fi Toe! Twe2 PS Yq Tes Roughing edrats Facing Turing Finishing Feedrate He KK moe Ss Toe cancel raace | enter Fill in the ids. Confirm the "SHORT CLEARANCE" page. 6-23 — onum 6-24 en 93984 Display of the “AREA CLEARANCE" menu: Select the main menu. Display of the main menu: csfoy FLEA CLEARANCE FOIL = WP LA_ [S22 PROFLE TU FS GONE - UCT Fe TREAD CASE 8 vv eal a A yee ae |e Pea eNO PROG TRACE END wneur Select end of programme. Facing, Turning Programme Display of the "END OF PROGRAM" page: Reference Syston Pasition Disenseat Wo ai End of prope ‘CANCEL, RF Pant EF trace | ENTER Confirm the "END OF PROGRAM" page Display of the machining cycle menu. ‘The programme is then stored and can be used on the CNC. Select end of input. e0-9388741 6-25 — onum Information on the Programme Summary Listing Page Softkeys "DETAIL" "DELETE "MODIFY" "ENTER" "TRACE" ‘OUT This page displays a summary list of the numbered blocks in the programme. ‘The softkeys in the key bar are used to work on the programme. This softkey is pressed to modify the contents of the two leftmost keys in the key bar and changes the method used to move around in the programme. ‘The possible cursor movements in the programme are as follows: "PREV. BLOCK’, "NEXT BLOCK" "PREV. PAGE", "NEXT PAGE" “PREV. BL.ID.", "NEXT BL. ID." - "START PROG’, "END PROG' Displays the programme page selected by the cursor. ‘The following programme pages can be displayed in "DETAIL" by selecting the two leftmost softkeys in the key bar. ‘The same possibilities of moving around in the programme pages displayed in *DETAIL" exist as for cursor movements with the exception of "PREV. PAGE" "NEXT PAGE". Deletes the programme page selected. For modifying the programme page selected. Inserts a page in the programme or at the end of the programme. For graphic display of the tool paths. Selection and return to the interactive programming page. Facing, Turning Programme Programme summary listing display: MO = Part OGL - 18 - 100 Tool List Operation ~ OAT) = End oF Progrca PREY. |] _NEXT BEB | ABE | estes | ora pe.eTe | worry | enren | trace | our Select graphic cisplay. 0S [ros en- 9388741 6-27 — onum 6.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 6-28 Display of the "GRAPHIC IMAGE” menu: FB Progen FO tity Ful bit FP athe WC'g Simietion Ft Select "Program". Facing, Turning Programme Display of the graphic trace of the programme: * Prog %1 2: 2363 sa937 x: 7.201 96.202 ‘SMULN ‘SELECT TRACE Zool oo Select trace simulation, os [rast en 9388741 6-29 — cnum Display of the trace simulation page ‘Start the simulation oycle. tae [ocr Dynamic tool path display: )* Prog %1 2: 2363 88937 _X + 7.201 38.202 com. | sea. | amo] oro | 2] 120 [eras out REMARK — The tool paths displayed are not representative unless the "SHIFTS" and tool dimensions have been stored. play. oS [ow Exit from dynami tool path 6-30 0 93887411 Facing, Turning Programme 6.4 Exit from Interactive Programming Requirement Graphic image of the programme displayed. Actions Exit from graphic trace, i Display of programme summary listing. Select the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING’ page. oS | ow Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. Exit from the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. 0s [on Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" menu. 6.5 Use of the Part Programme Created Refer to the Operator's Manual. en 9388741 6-31 — onum 6-32 en.g388141 7 Drilling, Tapping Programme 7.4_ Preparation for Programming 7-3 7.2_Part Programming 7-5 73_Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 7-34 7.4_Exit from Interactive Programming 7-37 7.5 Use of the Part Programme Created 7-37 en- 93887411 7-1 7-2 en 938874 Drilling, Tapping Programme 7.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: AUG alloy. Part dimensions: dia. = 48 mm, L = 70 mm. 10 / —__|— 3h *y \__2 30 Machining required Driling and tapping of one hole. Choice of tools Drill dia, = 8.5 mm, tap M10 (ARS) light alloy cutting Technological data and cutting conditions Machining operation Tool number Rotation | Feedrate | Pass | Number of and type speed rpm. mmirev depth passes Driling No. 14- Dritdia.=8.5] 2000 OA 50 x Tapping No. 15 - Tap M10 400 Pitch. 1.5 20 1 comer 723 — onum Notes 7-4 en. 938874'1 Drilling, Tapping Programme NT 7.2 Part Programming Prerequisites Basic softkey bar displayed: om. | proc. | mro. | ue | axis | roots |excano| pcvo | um vio Actions Select the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" menu. ES [seco] Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING” menu: GRAPHIC ~ PROGRAMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS PLANE 1 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING TSO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM SIMULATION PARAMETERS @NOURWNHO pm | proc. | mmo. | ue | axs | toows }excro| pucvo | um. woe ‘Choose "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" ce CE ‘en 93887411 7-5 Information on the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING” Page "PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY" ‘The field can contain a maximum of 7 characters. The "%" character is optional “PAGE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE" Allows selection of a page number when a programme is already stored "AUTO PAGE INCREMENT" Used to modify the page increment. "WORKING PLANE FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY" Used to modi the plane ofthe graphic display, Softkeys "VIEW PROG" To display a programme summary listing and the detailed programme pages. “EDIT PROG" — Gives access to the programme summary listing to add, delete, edit pages and access the detailed pages and graphic display and simulation functions. "NEW PROG" For creating a numbered programme. I the message "Program already exists" is displayed on the dialogue line when "NEW PROG" is selected, change the programme number or delete the programme already stored under the same number. Gives access to the tool, material and cutting conditions files to create, add, edit or delete data. "QUIT" Causes a return to the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" page. 7-6 0. 9388741 g, Tapping Programme Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page: INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING ‘ews 6.1 REN TO ETE OR MOIFY ee RE TO IY OR LODE reer cc ATO ETRE io] RR PRE FOR RPC ISLAY 17-4] Display a Progra in Mery ProoranMoification ~ Tesertin ~Detetion Progran Creation Access t Tot and Material Files vew | cor | new], pros | pros | PROG our Fill in the "PROGRAM NUMBER‘ field. se (F) (4 Select "PROGRAM CREATION". ose on 9388741 7-7 Information on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page “Part Name" For entry of the part name in the programme summary listing, “Tool File Number" Allows use of tool and tool type/material files (if created) in the programme being created. |If this field is lett set to 1 (default NUM file), the spindle speed and feed rate are calculated automatically based on the material defined in one of the following fields and the NUM materials and tool types (the list of tools in the NUM file is displayed when the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page is confirmed). "Part Material Name” Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. "Other Material" "Speed Ceiling: RPM" Used to define the maximum rotation speed. Default Speed: RPM" Field containing a default value that can be modified. Used to initiate spindle rotation, "Spindle Range’ Field containing a default value that can be modified. Used to select the spindle speed range according to the choice made by the OEM (M40-M46). ir of Rotation" Used to define the spindle direction of rotation (consistent with ISO: Clockwise = M03, Counterclockwise = M04), "Coolant” Used to turn the coolant on or off (ISO equivalence: COOLANT 1 = COOLANT 2 = M07, COOLANT OFF = M09). 108, "Tool Change Position” Possibility of automatic or manual tool change with respect to the measurement origin (OM) or part origin (Op). MEASUREMENT ORIGIN (OM) PART ORIGIN (Op) MEASUREMENT ‘ORIGIN Too. Toot. CHANGE CHANGE postion fx) POSITION, 2 \ x x ol on] S ~\ ‘\ PART ORIGIN \ PART ORIGIN, Softkeys, "TOOL FILES", "MAT. FILES" These keys display the tool and material files. 7-8 en 9388741 Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page: = SERA OF INTION — He = Part ae! = Tol Fite Raber t = art Materia Mae = Other Kateriat Syed Citing Coot Too Change Posie fet, Sista Too | mat. cance] TOOL | MAT, race | ENTER Fill in the fields, Confirm the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Cs oo 938874/1 7-9 — onum Information on the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page "Number" “Reference” "Corrector" "Tool ID Softkeys "TOOL FILES" "TOOL ID 7-10 en 9388741 The tools of NUM file 1 are displayed on this page if no other tool file number was. selected in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. List of the numbers assigned to the tools. Filing in the "Reference" Selection of "TOOL ID “Tool ID - id, jelds is useful when a tool file has been declared. is then used to automatically fill in the List of numbers assigned to the corrector. During programming of a sequence of machining operations, these fields can be {illad in to display the list of tools used in programming, The following sottkeys are useful when a tool file has already been created and declared on "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Allows display of the file declared in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Used for automatically filing in the "TOOL ID" field with the name of the too! declared in the "Reference' field. Drilling, ‘apping Programme Display of the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page’ TOL DERETIONS — Amber = Reurince = Corrector mG Tot = Toou Fes CANCEL TOOL race | enter REMARK The fields for tools 14 and 15 are filled in as an illustration (these tools are not included in the original NUM file 1). Contirm the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page. — onum Display of the main menu: FR AREA CLEARANCE B IRILL - TP ee | SET REL _ FS GROOVE - U'GUT Fé THREAD CHASE F7 LIVE TOOLS, poy” [Ss U) @e 8 AD elele)lele lw |e rmce | (BO. Select "DRILL - TAP". Sls 7-12 en 938874) Display of the "DRILL - TAP" page: Fa CHIPRUPT FP 8 8 Ag | A 10 CIRM We Hee [ [~=[ | [| [ [ [ | Trace | enren Confirm the "DRILL - TAP" page. BS [ore en. 9388741 7-13 — onum Information on the "MISC" Softkey and the "MISCELLANEOUS" Menu "MISC* Pressing the "MISC" softkey displays the following menu: ESCeLUeGLS “F2 BUNG, JH 0 ASTER GUI STATIN FEMS PART DESIATION FOR GHOHIC SIMULATION 4 OMELS, SMIFTS, BRANCHES AND SUB-PRORIN CALLS FS RAPID POSITIONING 2K MO C, 08 K/2 | MLUMens cong Tecaatat Fr 1st PRAM (PARAMETERS REMARK Items can be chosen from the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu whenever a machining menu is displayed. When the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu is displayed: - press "OPEN MENU" to return to the machining menu - press "END INPUT" to display the programme synopsis. After selecting F2 to F8 in the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu, the return to. the machining menu is made by pressing ENTER” or "CANCEL" as required. 7-14 e0-938874/1 g, Tapping Programme Display of the "DRILL - TAP" page FD wise Man END mex _| TRACE | pur REMARK Pressing the "MISC" key gives access to the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu (See page opposite). ‘Select "PECK". STs ‘on 9388741 7-15 Information on the "YOUR CHOICE" page This page is used to select the too! and machining cycle sequence. “F2" Tool called separately from the cycle. "F3" Rough facing cycle called, "Fa" Tool and cycle called. 7-16 en gR88721 Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the "YOUR CHOICE” menu: CAUCE Fo TOO SeLecTiON Be Fe Ta - Ore ae ae |e rmace | GEN | BO Select "TOOL - CYCLE”. of eowses 7-17 — onum Information on the "TOOL SELECTION" page "TOOL NUMBER’ — The tool can be selected from the list displayed on this page (see "RECALL') if the tool(s) was (were) declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION’ page. "Reference System", The choice of the type and position of the tool change can be declared on this "Position" page (if they were not declared on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page) or edited ‘on this page (if they were declared on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page). "RECALL" List of the tools declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page. 7-18 ‘en. 9388741 Display of the "TOOL SELECTION" page: Programme — Th = TL HIER + furerance Sista Pasition 1 Spindle speed in rpm Naber Regerence = Toot 1D Ace i Poon FINISH TURN ROUGH COPY FINISH COPY iat ota iat ROUGH BORE FINISH BORE wo | PART <= rer | ‘ner Trace | ENTER Fill n the fields. Confirm the "TOOL SELECTION" page. 0&5 [orem 7-19 — num Information on the "WORK-LOAD" page Position in" The approach position is defined with respect to the part origin and the tool moves at high speed. Toot CHANGE POSITION APPROACH POINT "Corrector Number’ The selected corrector number may be different from the tool number (the tool dimensions are loaded via the corrector number), Fields A, B, C or D (roughness index "Ra”) are to be filled in when tool and material files are used, Ra’ is selected when the cycle includes finishing, 89761 Display of the "WORK-LOAD" page: Positive Correter Naber vo am fat 1 Light Out. tut = frit ne TR Dhir'n ot Ron GINO HesOKcK Contant m1 caNCEL race | ENTER Fill in the fields, Confirm the "WORK-LOAD" page. CS Coen eo 93887411 7-21 — onum Notes Drilling, Tap} Display of the "PECK DRILLING CYCLE" page: PE ORL CHE reac AachiningFettaron Ful Surt Pitt 2s PEN Prim =O P First Ou Deh @ Last Cus Depth Dwell a Depth Cushing Speed in Min Dir'n of Roation = Contant Tye Cheranee Pasta 2 ‘i cance trace | even Fill in the fields. Confirm the "PECK DRILLING CYCLE" page. BS [ome en-938874'1 7-23 Display of the "DRILLING - TAPPING" menu: F2 ORILL 63 PEK 4 COPRLPT LW NS | == 4 ™~ ™ ae — Le: z BW % A 8 a AD. aflaleal] s mse ] HAN | raace | BP, Display of the "YOUR CHOICE” menu: YOUR CHOICE | F2 TOOL SELECTION B CHE Fa TOOL - CYCLE ele] race | Ea | BS, Select "TOOL - CYCLE". oS cen. 93887411 7-25 — onum 7-26 Display of the "TOOL SELECTION" page: — TOOL SELECTION —~ ~~ TOOL MEER + pera yet ; i ' siti : cm ide eto haber ~ Reference ~ Toot 1) ‘Hunber ~ Reference = Toot 10 —t— fj 1 OTA a A ti iH ROUGH COPY as 4 GAG ag 3 ans LG 6 AE Cy 7 ETT cance we | panr race | exten Flin the fields. Confirm the “TOOL SELECTION" page. Display of the "WORK-LOAD" page tm BOKKK« Position oo =m mewn OB Mieke = IR irs ee Rothe FOOD) Cant ad = LDL [== Fill in the fields. Confirm the "WORK-LOAD" page. OS [ann eo 93887401 7-27 Notes g Programme Display of the "TAPPING" page — Tl He DKK Nachining Fottewron iz Pal Surt Point 2 POEM Point P| == Pitch! 1.5 = Sine Spee in TOD xing Set in BA +f Girne Rakion (0 Coolant Type oes Chearase Pos'n 2 ci CANCEL Taace | exter Fillin the fields. Confirm the "TAPPING" page. 6S [oe en-938874'1 7-29 — onum Display of the “DRILL - TAP* menu: Select the main menu. Display of the main menu. F2 MEA CARINE eSeeleamZ ILL = TP A PROFILE TR [ey i 8 A END PROG TRACE 0 eur Select the end of the programme. Display of the "END OF PROGRAM" page: Diseasagenent 1 Rererance Sista WER Pasian a Ea of program wc | PART cance rer | ‘Ree ‘race | enter Confirm the "END OF PROGRAM" page. OS [ove ‘The cycle menu page is displayed. ‘The programme is stored and can be run on the CNC. Select the end of input. os [ss ‘en 938874') 7-31 Information on the Programme Summary Lis Softkeys "DETAIL" "DELETE" "MODIFY" “ENTER” "TRACE" “our” 7-32 en-9388741 g Page This page displays a summary list of the numbered blocks in the programme. ‘The softkeys in the key bar are used to work on the programme. This soft key is pressed to modify the contents of the two leftmost keys in the key bar and changes the method used to move around in the programme. ‘The possible cursor movements in the programme are as follows: - "PREV. BLOCK’, "NEXT BLOCK" Displays the programme page selected by the cursor. ‘The following programme pages can be displayed in "DETAIL" by selecting the two leftmost softkeys in the key bar. ‘The same possibilties of moving around in the programme pages displayed in "DETAIL" exist as for cursor movements with the exception of "PREV. PAGE", "NEXT PAGE": Deletes the programme page selected, For modifying the programme page selected. Inserts a page in the programme or at the end of the programme. For graphic display of the tool paths. Selection and return to the interactive programming page. Drilling, Tapping Programme Programme summary listing display: 2 = Part PROG 2 = AMG Wed = Tok Uist WB) = BILL - TP = Tool 1 WS) = CRA approach - Operction Ne) Yoodpeck Brill "Tol NRO = (ORAS proach = Operation. = 1) Te im UO Ed of Progr prev. | NEXT PRY | AB | t.. | pera eere | wooiry | enter | trace | our Select graphic display. 03 Ta (€n-938874 7-33 — onum 7.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths Display of the "GRAPHIC IMAGE" menu: POPE GE = FP Lathe Wg Sinultion 8 Progra Af FLL bit no] or Fn Select "Program" oS as 7-34 en 9888741 Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the graphic trace of the programme: x Prog %2 ‘SMULN SELECT TRACE 200" a Select trace simulation. os [rae ‘en-938874i1 7-35 Display of the trace simulation page. Start the simulation cycle. Dynamic tool path display: * Prog %2 2: ACG L8H 100,108 4 G09 750 P15 05 EFS ND] Too. cont. | seo. | cmp crore | GNP, | ZO staTus out REMARK — The tool paths displayed are not representative unless the "SHIFTS" and tool dimensions have been stored. Exit from dynamic tool path display. 7-36 co 9388741 w= Drilling, Tapping Programme —— 7.4 Exit from Interactive Programming Requirements Graphi¢ programme image displayed. Actions. Exit from graphic trace. od ee Display of programme summary listing Select the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. ue Lor Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING’ page. Exit from the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. oS [ow Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" menu 7.5 Use of the Part Programme Created Refer to the Operator's Manual. en 9388741 7-37 — onum 7-38 (en. 938874 8 Groove Machining Programme 8.1_ Preparation for Programming a-3 82_Programming the Part a5 8.3_ Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 8-32 84_Exit from Interactive Programming 8-35 85 Use of the Part Programme Created 8-38 en 99887401 8-1 Groove Machining Programme 8.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: XC38 steel. Part dimensions: dia. = 70 mm, L = 75 mm (shoulder dia. 50 mm, finished length 30 mm), Unmarked chamfers: 0.5 at 45 degrees. Machining required Cutting of two external vee-grooves (roughing, finishing). Choice of tools Groove cutting too! with removable carbide inserts, 4 mm wide. Technological data and cutting conditions Machining operation Tool number Surface | Feedrate | Passdepth | Number and type speed mm/min — mmirev of passes Roughing No. 5 - ext. groove |=4 50 o4 4 x Finition No. 5 - ext. groove I=4 60 0.08 0.3 1 en. 9388741 8-3 — onum Notes 8-4 en 9388741 Groove Machining Programme 8.2 Programming the Part Prerequisites Basic softkey bar displayed: wie | 0% | rm05.| wo | uo | ans | roo |exomo] ricvo | ume Actions Select the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING® menu. BS [ome Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING menu. GRAPHIC - PROGRAMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS PLANE 1 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING ISO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM SIMULATION PARAMETERS @NOURWNHO woke | 0m | Proc) wro.| uo | axs | roois |excrno| prcuo | um ee) Choose "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING’. en 9388741 8-5 — onum Information on the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page “PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY" ‘The field can contain a maximum of 7 characters. The character "9" is optional. "PAGE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE Allows selection of a page number when a programme is already stored. "AUTO PAGE INCREMENT" Used to modify the page increment. "WORKING PLANE FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY" Used to modify the plane of the graphic display. Softkeys "VIEW PROG" To display a programme summary listing and the detailed programme pages. "EDIT PROG" — Gives access to the programme summary listing to add, delete, edit pages and access the detailed pages and graphic display and simulation functions. "NEW PROG" For creating a numbered programme. If the message "Program already exists” is displayed on the dialogue line when "NEW" is selected, change the programme number or delete the programme already stored under the same number. "1. Gives access to the tool, material and cutting conditions files to create, add, edit or delete data. "QUIT" Causes a return to the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" page. 8-6 en-938875/1 Groove Machining Programme Display of the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page: INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING estoy. ROE TO CERT OR IFY eer PORE TO MDFY 0 LOHTE HIER «CC ATO ETNA rit HORA PRE FR PIC DISPLAY Display a Progran in Mary Pragran Kalifieaton ~ Insertion ~ Detetion Praga Creation fia] bess to Te an Material Fites vew | cor | vew |, pros | proc | proc | our Fill in the "PROGRAM NUMBER" field. ‘Select "PROGRAM CREATION’, Se en 9388741 8-7 Information on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page "Part Name” — For entry of the part name in the programme summary listing "Tool File Number’ Allows use of tool and too! type/material files (if created) in the programme being created. If this field is left set to 1 (default NUM file), the spindle speed and feed rate are calculated automatically based on the material defined in one of the following fields and the NUM materials and tool types (the list of tools in the NUM file is displayed when the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page is confirmed). “Part Material Name” Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. "Other Material" "Speed Ceiling: RPM" Used to define the maximum rotation speed. "Default Speed: RPM" Field containing a default value that can be modified. Used to initiate spindle rotation, "Spindle Range" Field containing a default value that can be modified. Used to select the spindle speed range according to the choice made by the OEM (M40-M45). "Dirn of Rotation” Used to define the spindle direction of rotation (consistent with ISO: Clockwise = M03, Counterclockwise = M04). "Coolant Used to turn the coolant on or off (ISO equivalence: COOLANT 1 COOLANT 2 = M07, COOLANT OFF = M9). Mos, "Tool Change Position" Possibility of automatic or manual tool change with respect to the measurement origin (OM) or part origin (Op) MEASUREMENT ORIGIN (OM) PART ORIGIN (Op) x MEASUREMENT Toot, ‘oRIGIN —~ CHANGE, POSITION] x]. 2h x CHANGE x FosrTon|x] oz Iz | 00) \ past optein \ pant onan | Softkeys “TOOL FILES", "MAT. FILES" These keys display the tool and material files. 8-8 0-93887411 Display of the “GENERAL DEFINITION" page: Groove Machining Programme = eH OF NTION — 7 art Materia ae = Oter Materia # He KC ‘Speed Ceiting ie Qir'n of Rotat Too Change Position Ret, Siten Position Toow Fes wat. FILES [oma aace | exter Fill n the fields Confirm the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. 7 8-9 en. 9388741 Information on the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page "Number" “Reference” "Corrector "Too! ID - Softkeys "TOOL FILES" "TOOL ID 8-10 en 9388741 ‘The tools of NUM file 1 are displayed on this page if no other tool file number was. selected in the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page. List of numbers assigned to the tools and tool position on the turret (maximum 16 positions). Filling in the "Reference’ fields is useful when a tool file has been declared. Then select "TOOL ID --*--". The name of the tool corresponding to the type installed on the turret is automatically entered in the "Too! ID ficld. List of numbers assigned to the correctors. Each number corresponds to the tool and the reference of the too! positioned on the turret During programming of a sequence of machining operations, these fields can be filled in to display the list of tools used in programming. ‘The following softkeys are useful when a tool fle has already been created and declared on "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Allows display of the file declared in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Used for automatically filling in the "TOOL ID" field with the name of the tool declared in the "Reference" field. Groove Machi Display of the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page: TOL TEATS — Naber ~ Reference Corrector ng = To ROUGH TURN FINISH TURN Eo ENT) cance] FO J Toa! ‘race | ENTER Confirm the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page. en 9388741 8-11 Display of the main menu: 2 ARER CERIN FRILL - WP Fe PROFILE TN : be 7 LIVE TOMS oe 5 GONE = VOT Th! eflelelesle | | ee race | 28, Select "GROOVE - U'CUT". Le 8-12 (e0-938874)1 Display of the “GROOVE U'CUT" page: Groove Machining Programme (7 F3 EXT, GROOVE IF4 INT. GROOVE E foo | tS P F6 EXT. U'CUT \F? INT. UCT PRESS EMER TO CONF We Be ‘ANGEL, TRACE ENTER Confirm the "GROOVE U'CUT" page. Information on the "MISC" Softkey and the "MISCELLANEOUS" Menu 8-14 "Misc" REMARK en 938874 Pressing the "MISC" softkey displays the following menu: NUSeLLOUS 2 BLAM, JAW AND TACLSTOCK DEFINITIONS FOR GUPATCSTHLATION ES PART OEFNTION FOR GUFHICSTMATION SATS, BRANCHES AND SLE-RGR CALLS #5 UPTO POSITIONING Z/K ND COR X/2 6 MISCELUEDLS CUTING TECHNOLOGY F180 Proce EL PARUMETERS Items can be chosen from the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu whenever a machining menu is displayed. When the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu is displayed: - press "OPEN MENU" to return to the machining menu - press "END INPUT" to display the programme synopsis. After selecting F2 to F8 in the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu, the return to the machining menu is made by pressing "ENTER" or "CANCEL" as required. Groove Machining Programme Display of the "GROOVE U'CUT" menu FAT, GOD FOI, GONE ca Fe 5 Fe | OTHERS| wisc | MAN | Race | \ENy MENU eur REMARK Pressing the "MISC" key gives access to the "MISCELLANEOUS" ‘menu (see page opposite). ‘Select "DEFINITION OF GROOVE". oe [e en 93887401 8-15 — onum Notes 8-16 en 938871 Groove Machining Programme Display of the "DEFINITION OF A VEE GROOVE" page: TBAT A RE — Geooe Definition Naber £11 Widsh of Grae BE Depth Cs he D Surface dics E+ Bota Rains Ft fae om GE Surface Radius: or Chanter AE Bottom Radius: . KK ccaNCEL. race | exter Fill n the fields. Confirm the "DEFINITION OF A VEE GROOVE" page. CS Prom ‘en 93887411 8-17 — onum Display of the "GROOVE U'CUT" menu: orn | END meace | wey | eur ‘Select End Menu. os] 8-18 en 03887 Groove Mac lay of the “GROOVE U'CUT" menu: F2 EFINITION OF GIOVE YB EXT. (RODE FEM. GONE 7 ; Li Treat wht Lee AM. UOT [Fee FR PART-OFF Fo FO. e C na | om | ore ] os | ve [om] msc | Mam | oaace | OO Select "EXT. GROOVE”. | on ‘en. 938874'1 8-19 — onum Information on the "YOUR CHOICE" page This page is used to select the tool and machining cycle sequence. "F2" Tool called separately from the cycle. "F3" Cycle called. "Fa" Tool and cycle called (rough and/or finish). 8-20 ‘en- 93887471 Groove Machining Programme Display of the "YOUR CHOICE” menu: YOR CI 2 TOM S A ote 4 TOOL = CYCLE Select "TOOL - CYCLE". os [ en-93887411 8-21 — cnum Information on the "TOOL SELECTION" page "TOOL NUMBER" The tool can be selected from the list displayed on this page (see "RECALL") if the tool(s) was (were) declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page. "Reference System", "Position’ The choice of the type and position of the tool change can be deciared on this, page (if they were not dectared on the "GENERAL DEFINITION” page) or edited On this page (it they were declared on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page) “RECALL” List of the tools dectared on the "TOOL DECLARATION’ page. 8-22 (00 938874/1 Groove Machining Programme Display of the "TOOL SELECTION" page: — WO. SELECTION —- ‘El = TOL MEER + tm ie Syste A R eth Bi Spindle speed in a funber ~ Regerence ~ Toot 1D t= thenber ~ Reference ~ Tool 1D —#— 1 ae: i Ch t i 4 lq oe ne | race | evren Fillin the felds. Confirm the "TOOL SELECTION” page. [ae 0.938874! 8-23 Information on the "WORK-LOAD” page Position in" The approach position is defined with respect to the part origin and the tool moves at high speed. | TOOL CHANGE POSITION [APPROACH [ x m POSITION | Z| \ "Corrector Number" The selected corrector number may be different from the tool number (the tool dimensions are loaded via the corrector number). Fields A, 8, C or D (roughness index "Ra’) are to be filled in whan tool and material files are used. Ra’ is selected when the cycle includes finishing. 8-24 ‘en- 9388741 Groove Machining Programme Display of the "WORK-LOAD" WED — Ne KK Potin «== t= Corrector Naber + Hay Ox ‘eciun Cot 4 Light Ot = 01 Finish ot a= Ginteme Girne het Contant CooL? cancel trace | exrer Fill in the fields, Confirm the "WORK-LOAD" page. ES [oon 60-93887401 8-25 — onum Notes 8-26 en 9388741 Groove Machining Programme Display of the "EXT. VEE GROOVE MACHINING" page: xT, VEE GROOVE MCHIADG KKK Growe Definition Naber I 2 1st Grewe Dinter 2 Ist Brome Positice | ERY Sate preach Width of Corectar Ha 1) Corectar Ha, @) F, Altoasee’ F, Allowance BR Datting Sheet F, Dating Seed Feed in rey F. Feed in wey of Broaes Zshint ¥ * 1 t | I i L ie Coracters CANCEL, race | enter Fill in the fields. Confirm the "EXT. VEE GROOVE MACHINING" page. ES [owen en 9388741 8-27 Display of the “GROOVE U'CUT" menu Select the main menu. we [oes Display of the main menu: (Fz amen Cem BIRIL- Fe PROFLE TUR = by _ Se EES y TOOLS FS GODME - UCT 6 THREAD CSE FUE, $ A | ENO 0 we l|on | ow | ew | | w | BO raace | 20, ‘Select end of programme. 8-28 en 9388741 Display of the "END OF PROGRAM" page: Disease +i fereraceSyta WEE Pesivion = End of program cance we | Past trace | evren ‘Confirm the “END OF PROGRAM" page. && [ow Display of the machining cycle menu. ‘The programme is then stored and can be used on the CNC. Select end of input. on. 9388741 8-29 Information on the Programme Summary Listing Page This page displays a summary ist of the numbered blocks in the programme. Softkeys ono "DETAIL" "DELETE" "MODIFY" "ENTER" "TRACE" “our 8-30 en 9388741 ‘The softkeys in the key bar are used to work on the programme. This softkey is pressed to modify the contents of the two leftmost keys in the key bar and changes the method used to move around in the programme. The possible cursor movements in the programme are as follows: "PREV. BLOCK", "NEXT BLOCK" "PREV. PAGE”, "NEXT PAGE" "PREV. BL. 1D." "NEXT BL. 1D." + "START PROG", "END PROG" Displays the programme page selected by the cursor. ‘The following pragramme pages can be displayed in "DETAIL" by selecting the two leftmost softkeys in the key bar. The same possibilities of moving around in the programme pages displayed in “DETAIL” exist as for cursor movements with the exception of "PREV. PAGE”, “NEXT PAGE* Deletes the programme page selected. For modifying the programme page selected. Inserts a page in the programme or at the end of the programme. For graphic display of the tool paths. Selection and return to the interactive programming mode page. Groove Machining Programme Programme summary listing display: 8 MQ fort POG3 = AGB - NO = Tool List 16) = GIOVE WO YOERCUT MD Grove de Na 1 150 = Tool 5 Nd = COS proach - Operation ell Ext. Groove No 1 NB =f of Progen prev] we]. | oer oeuere | woory | ren | trace | our Select graphic display tS [na en. 938874/1 8-31 8.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths Display of the "GRAPHIC IMAGE" menu o> GUI IME == F Lathe Wg Sinulation 8 roy FAD tity AL kit, Fit Select “Program” 8-32 en 9388701 Groove Machining Programme ee Display of the graphic trace of the programme’ x Prog %3 7 2: 20858 646. Xs 107.94 41261 z ‘SMU SELECT ‘TRACE 700M our Select trace simulation oe [sus en-938874i1 8-33 — onum 8-34 REMARK The tool paths displayed are not representative unless the "SHIFTS" en 938874 Display of the trace simulation page. Start the simulation cycle. Dynamic tool path display: * Prog %3 7 Z: 20958 e4eq2 x: 107.4 41261 eu] Too. smMULn | PATH cont. | sea. | cm | cyoue STATUS our and tool dimensions have been stored. Exit from dynamic tool path display. = Groove Machining Programme 8.4 E: from Interactive Programming Requirement Graphic image of the programme displayed, Actions. Exit from graphic trace Display of programme summary listing. Select the INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING* page. oe [ow Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. Exit from the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. BF Low Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING" menu. 8.5 Use of the Part Programme Created Refer to the Operator's Manual. en. 9388741 8-35 — onum 8-36 en. 9388741 9 External Profile Contouring Programme 9:1_ Preparation for Programming 9-3 92_Programming the Part 9-5 9.3_Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 9-48 9.4_ Exit from Interactive Programming 9-47 9.5 Use of the Part Programme Created 9-47 ‘en-9388741 9-1 9-2 en 9388741 9.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: CUZN4O brass. Part dimensions: dia. = 84 mm, L = 78 mm, Machining required Roughing and finishing of an external contoured profile Choice of tools, Sliding too! with removable carbide insert, radius 0.8 mm. a Technological data and cutting conditions s = Machining operation Toot number Surface | Feedrate | Pass | Number of and type speed mimin | mmirev depth passes Roughing No.3-ToolR=0.8 | 200 03 24 6 Finishing No. 3 - Tool R = 0.8 250 0.08 O4 1 Notes 9-4 ‘en 93887471 External Profile Contouring Programme 9.2 Programming the Part Prerequisites Basic softkey bar displayed: i wide | Om” | Proc. | weo. | u@ | axs | Toots | excRNo| Pci | ume Actions Select the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING® menu. BS [somo] Display of the "GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMING menu: GRAPHIC ~ PROGRAMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS PLANE 1 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING ISO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM STIMULATION PARAMETERS SNOUAWNHO wide | mR | Proc | wo. | u@ | ans | roots |exoRND| pLcvo | um ‘Choose "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING". =O en 03887481 9-5

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