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onum NUM 1020/1040/1060M PROCAM MILL INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING 0101938873/1 01-96 en-938873/1 — onum Despite the care taken in the preparation ofthis document, NUM cannot guarantee the accuracy of he information itecontains and cannot be hold responsible for any errors therein, nor for any damage which might result rom the use or application of the document ‘The physical, technicaand functonalcharactatics ofthe hardware and oftware products andthe eonices dessrbedinthis documentare subject te modification and cannot under any circumstances be regarded as contractual The programming examples described in this manual areintanded for guidance only. They must be specially adapted before thoy can bo used in programs wit an instal appicaton, according te the automated system used and the safety eves requied © Copyright NUM 1996, {lrights reserved, Noparto this manual may be copiedorreproducedin any form orby ary means whatsoever. nchiding photographic ormagnetic processes, The transcription on an electronic machine ofall or part of the contents is forbidden © Copyright NUM 1996 software NUM 1080, ‘This softwareis the property of NUM. Each memorized copy ofthis software sold confers pen the purchaser anon-exclusive licence ste imited to the use of the eald copy, No copy or other form of duplication ofthis roduc is authorized 2 eu 9388791 Table of Contents 1 Installation of the Software 11 1.4 General 1-3 1.2 Hardware Required for Loading the Software 1-3 1.3 Software Language Codes 1-3 14 Contents of the PROCAM_MILL Diskette 1-3 15 Loading the File in the CNC 1-4 2 General Description of Interactive Programming 2-1 21 General 2-3 22 Capabilities 2-3 23 2-3 24 Available Machining Cycles 2-4 25 L Programme Variables Available 2-9 26 Customisation Files Available 2-9 3 Use of Interactive Programming 3-1 3.1 General 3-3 32 Description of a Menu Page 3-3 33 Description of a Dialogue Page 3-4 34 Description and use of the Softkey Bar 3-5 35 Description and Use of the Fields 3-5 36 Using the Page Numbers 3-9 4 Review of Preparation for Machining a Part 4-1 4.1 Preparation for Programming 4a 42 Programming 4a 43 Preparation for Machining 4-4 44 Machining 44 5 Structure of a Programme 5-1 5.1 General 6-3 5.2 Definition of the List of Sequences for Execution of Machining 5-3 & Surfacing Programme 6-1 6.1 Preparation for Programming 6-3 62 Programming the Part 6-5 63 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 6-28 64 Exitfrom Interactive Programming 6-31 65 Use of the Part Programme Created 6-31 7 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme 74 74 Preparation for Programming 7-3 72 Part Programming 7-5 73 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 7-38 74 Exit from Interactive Programming 7-41 75 Use of the Part Programme Created 7-41 seer — onum 8 Facing Programme with Island at 8.1 Preparation for Programming 8-3 82 Programming the Part 8-5 83 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 8-42 84 Exit from Interactive Programming 8-45, 85 Use of the Part Programme Created 8-45 9 Pocket Contouring with Islands Programme o-1 9.1 Preparation for Programrning 9-3 92 Programming the Part 9-5 93 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 9-40 94 Exit from Interactive Programming 9-43 95 Use of the Part Programme Created 9-43 70 Profile contouring programme 10-1 10.1 Preparation for Programming 10-3 10.2 Programming the Part 10-5 10.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 10-44 10.4 Exit from Interactive Programming 10-47 105 Use ofthe Part Programme Created 10-47 TT Viewing/Editing Part Programmes Tt 11.1, Viewing or Editing a Programme 11-3 11.2 Operations Possible During Creation 4-7 11.3. Exiting from Interactive Programming 11-11, 11.4 Editing an Interrupted Programme 1-12 11.5 Editing a Stored Programme 11-13 11.6 Deleting a Stored Programme Wi7 11.7__ Modifying the Block Numbers 1-17 Appendix A - Softkey Labels Ast Appendix B List of Errors Bt B1 Miscellaneous Errors and Machine Errors. B-3 B2 Parametric Programming Errors B-4 B3 Profile Geometry Programming (PGP) Errors B-5 B4 Miscellaneous Errors B-7 B5 Request for Movements Outside the Machine Travel Limits B-7 86 Structured Programming Errors B-8 B7 Axis Errors B-8 B8 Errors in Pocket Cycles B-9 B9 Axes Not Identified on the Bus B-10 B10 Spline Curve Interpolation Errors B-10 B11 Errors in Numaform B-10 B12 Cycle Programming Errors Ben 4 en 9388791 Record of Revisions DOCUMENT REVISION Date | Index Description rosz | 0 Document creation 01-96, 1 Upgrading to PROCAM software release 6.1 ew 9388731 5 — onum 6 ‘en 9388731 Foreword NUM 1020/1040/1060 Documentation Structure User Documents These documents are designed for use of the CNC. num ww Num NuM T ° PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING CYLINDRICAL MANUAL MANUAL, GRINDING. VOLUME + VowuMe 1 PROGRAMMING Vouume 2 VowuMe 2 MANUAL OPERATOR OPERATOR MANUAL MANUAL 20810 Integrator Documents These documents are designed for setting up the CNC on a machine. Num num uw 1060 s020/1040 AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION INSTALLATION PARAMETER ‘CONTROL DYNAMIC. ‘AND ‘AND FUNCTION OPERATOR COMMISSIONING COMMISSIONING. MANUAL PROGRAMMING MANUAL, MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL LADDER LANGUAGE: 08846 num num HAG Gs CYUNDRICAL GEAR CUTTING TWO SPNOLE SURFACE DESCRIPTION GRINDING ‘AND SYNCHRONISATION GRINDING LANGUAGE COMMISSIONING GRINDING. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL. 988929 en 2888791 7 Special Programming Documents These documents concem special CNC programming applications. SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAWMING MANUAL, PROCAM TURN DUPLICATED. PROFIL INTERACTIVE AND FUNCTION PROGRAMMING SYNCHRONISED OPERATOR ‘AXIS MANUAL MANUAL, 938875 00937 Num ‘os Num uM cs. M PROCAM POLYGON GRIND CONTOURING INTERACTIVE MANUAL PROGRAMMING PROCAM PROCAM PROCAM GRIND MLL, TURN INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRANMING DATA DATA 930931 8 ew 9388791 Foreword Interactive Programming Manual Manual Contents CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE, CHAPTER? GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING | | CHAPTER 2 USE OF INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING. ==—" CHAPTER 4 REVIEW OF PREPARATION FOR MACHINING APART Installation of the PROCAM MILL (hardware and software) on the CNC. Overview of the software capabilities. Use of the menu and dialogue pages. Definition ofthe preliminary steps leading to machining of a part en 958873/1 9 List of the components of a programme. CHAPTERS stRucTuRE F A PROGRAMME| SS] Creation of a programme including a surfacing cycle with forward and backward passes. cuaprere SURFACING PROGRAMME —S] Creation of a programme including definition of a circle patter and a centering diiling, tapping cycle. ‘CHAPTER 7 CENTERING, ORILLING, TAPPING PROGRAMME NI Creation of a programme including a facing cycle with contouring of a circularistand. CHAPTER ® FACING PROGRAMME WITH ISLAND 10 on 9388731 Foreword — yy Creation of @ programme including a pocket cycle with contouring of circular and rectangular islands. CHAPTER @ Pocket CONTOURING WITH ISLANDS PROGRAMME: NI Creation of a programme including definition ofa profile and execution of the cycle. CHAPTER 10 PROFILE CONTOURING PROGRAMME —————] Possibilities for viewing and editing programmes being created or already stored. CHAPTER 11 VIEWING/EDITING PART PROGRAMMES r WN] Alphabetic list of softkeys. APPENDIX A SOFTKEY LABELS ‘en-938873/1 1 — onum The list and description of CNC errors given as a table. APPENDIX B ust oF ERRORS 12 en 93887511 Foreword Use of the Interactive Programming Manual General From Chapter 6 on, this manual discusses part programming using concrete examples. The examples are designed to give the user: ~ ease inprogramrming,inparticularin the use of menuanddialogue pages and data entry, + an overview of the main machining cycles and the use of certain cycles. Later, the user can look up the information he needs in these examples for creating his programmes. List of Cycles Covered by the Examples Each example coversone of the types of cycles proposed by interactive programming = face milling by forward and backward passes (see Chapter 6), = centering, driling, tapping (see Chapter 7), = face milling and contouring a circular istand (see Chapter 8), = contouring a pocket with circular and rectangular islands (see Chapter 9), = profile contouring (see Chapter 10). Use of the Screen Pages Given in the Examples ‘The dialogue pages are shown with the fields filled in. Certain dialogue pages are accompanied by comments (on the left page opposite) giving the user additional information To follow a programming example, the user must - analyse the part engineering drawing, ~ fillin the fields using the values or text included in the screen pages, = cary out the page sequence proposed. on 93887371 13 — onum Agencies The list of NUM agencies is given at the end of the volume. Questionnaire To help us improve the quality of our documentation, we kindly ask you to return the questionnaire at the end of this volume. 14 en 9388751 1 Installation of the Software T1_General 7.2_Hardware Required for Loading the Software T3_ Software Language Codes 74 Contents of the PROCAM_MILL Diskette TS Loading the File in the CNC ea. 938873L 1-1 — onum 1-2 on 93887311 stallation of the 1.1 General ‘The PROCAM MILL interactive programming package includes: ‘43 1/2" diskette called "PROCAM_MILL", the manual tiled “PROCAM MILL INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" 1.2 Hardware Required for Loading the Software A microcomputer including = the MS-DOS operating system, = a3 1/2" diskette drive, = asserial port, + an RS 232 serial link. 1.3 Software Language Codes The software can be loaded from the diskette in any of the following languages: + French, = English, + German, ~ alan, + Spanish, Inthe procedure below certain instructions include the expression "language code|" Which must be replaced by the letter corresponding to the language selected (see table). Language | French | English | German | Italian | Spanish Code ef «a [of]: [is 1.4 Contents of the PROCAM_MILL Diskette The diskette called PROCAM. MILL includes: = the "minicom" load file, + the PROCAM MILL binary executable file Load File File "minicom.exe" on the diskette is used to load the PROCAM_ MILL software into the ONC, REMARK File "minicom.exe" is available only in English and French PROCAM_MILL Software File *MILL_language code}.bi the CNC contains the software programmes to be loaded in en: 938873/1 1 wo — onum 1.5 Loading the File in the CNC 1-4 REMARK en 9888731 Requirements ‘The PC and CNC must be interconnected by an interface cable, plugged into the PC. COMI or CON2 serial port and a serial connector of the CNC configured for loading (see Operator Manual) ‘The CNC mustbe on, with the CURRENT POSITION’ page displayedand the basic softkeys displayed at the bottom of the screen. The CNC user programme memory space must be at least 256 kbytes. Itis necessary to set word N2 of parameter P95 to allocate the memory in area 3 (see Machine Parameter Manual). Actions On the CNC 4 ihesmente 0 ee Le The "CN UTILITY" menu is displayed. ‘Sdeet*access To uni progaanmess Te LF The "UTILITIES PRESENT" menu is displayed. SURESENT MACOS] JE The "RESIDENT MACROS" menu is displayed. SONIC cal The “LOAD INTO PROTECTED ZONE: page is displayed Coimbra npoedaarayves LIE Onthe PC Tum onthe PC. oe eon Prompt C:\> is displayed showing that drive c is selected. Insert the "PROCAM.MILL* diskette inthe PC drive, ‘Enter DOS command! "A: (or B)"and press Enter, The system switches to the selected drive and displays the prompt A’> (or B'\>) Enter the command "minicomt.exe" ghee ee eer Installation of the Software ‘The "MINICOM" menu is displayed: 1 —> PARAMETERS SETTING UP 2 —> SENDING AN ASCII OR OBJECT FILE 3 —> SENDING A BINARY FILE The cursor is on"! —> PARAMETERS SETTING UP". ‘Press Enler to select PARAMETERS SETTING UP, ‘The "PARAMETERS SETTING UP* page is displayed. The default settings are listed below. They can be changed using the arrow or +/- keys: Serial por: COM Sending baudrate: 9600 bauds Directory: A’ Language: French Press enter to select return to the "MINICOM" ment, The "MINICOM" menu is displayed oe ‘Move the cursor te "3 —-> SENDING A BINARY FILET using the emow keys.) The "SENDING A BINARY FILE" page is displayed. ‘Selec fie File GL [language code} bint with the arrow Keys, is highlighted, ‘Press Enier to starlloading fle "MILL flanguage code]bint (Qn the CNC ‘The file is loaded in the CNC and the message "BACKUP LOADED" is displayed at the end of loading ILL_[language code] bit co 03887 1-5 1-6 en 938873/1 2 General Description of Interactive Programming 24 General 2-3 . 2-3 2 S 2-3 2.4 Available Machining Cycles 2-4 2.41 Main Menu 2-4 2.42 Machining Cycle Menus 2-5 25_L Programme Variables Available 2-9 2.6 Customisation Files Available 2-8 en 9388730 2-1 — cnum 2-2 ew 9388731 General Description of Interactive Programming 2.1 General 2.2 Capabilities 2.3 Facilities Interactive programming is a resident software package in the CNC system, This software package includes a set of screen pages for dialogue with the system. The pages are sequenced to allow writing of the programme and access to a large number of machining cycles while preserving the possibly of creating sequencesby ISO programming and in PGP (Profile Geometry Programming). Interactive programming allows the user to: ~ create, debug and edit programmes, ~ graphically display and simulate programmes, = create material and cutting condition files to automatically compute the spindle speeds and feed rates. Interactive programming can be used in background time (while the machine is executing a part programme). When writing a programme, the user is guided by a set of menu and dialogue pages displayed on the CNC screen. The data contained in the pages are validated by a set of softkeys (see Appendix A) When editing a programme, the user accesses the synoptic programme listing page to see the list of programmed pages and edit the programme. The display function is used to display the contents of the programme pages. Graphic simulation (static and dynamic) is used to check the tool paths. eu 938875/1 2-3 2.4 Available Machining Cycles The machining to be performed by interactive programming is chosen from the following pages: = machining cycles menu. 244 2-4 Main Menu en 9388701 The type of machining is chosen on the main menu: = SINGLE POINT OP'S, - FACE MILLING, + POCKET MILLING, + PROFILE MILLING, - NUMAFORM (the figure is not displayed unless the NUMAFORM option is available) Main menu page JF2 SINGLE POINT P'S FB FACE MILLING FA POCKET MILLING o | G4 | [= JF5 PROFELE WILLING FG MIMAFERY f FB A Fb General Description of Interactive Programming ee 2.4.2. Machining Cycle Menus SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS cycles menu page Fz POINT DEFINITIONS FOORILL: PECK: CHP as =a %, 094] Ze © @ 5 con ae FEN FED OT le I BORE - DNLL/FED CUT] 9 SRE - STOPAWPID OMT [FO TREAD CASE | A | uk Rest of the SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS cycles menu Fz EAN FEED OWT 3 BORE ~ DLL/FEED OUT [Fe BORE ~ STOPRAPD QUT 75 TREAD OSE Fe TAPER TRENIM CYCLE. | F7 a |B A ow 988871 2-5 co R873 FACE MILLING cycles menu page Fe RECTNILAR - BI-O0R'W ] 3 RECTANGULAR -INL-OR' [ 4 CORCUAR = B-TIRW SS op JF5 CIRCULAR - UNI-DIR'H | F6 SINPLE PROFILES FP CONPLEX PROFILES GE) 8 LINEAR Go WE 9 Ae POCKET MILLING cycles menu page Fz PROFILE DFINTTION 3 SWWETRTAL POCKET FY SLE POET 7 OV (2) eo Fs comLeK pacer #6 CRCUAR GE =| | [AS 7 He General Description of Interactive Programming NL PROFILE MILLING cycles menu page Fz PROFILE DEFINITION * 3 COPLEK PROFTLE FE SDPLE RECTANGLE Cs |g — FS EXTERNAL CYLIDER FG OBLING FOR FT INTERNAL CFLIDER FB SHORT DEF'W AND CYCLE | F9 ELLIPSE FAO HELICAL INTERPOLATION pws (CS en 938879/1 2-7 — cnum 9388731 NUMAFORM menu pages The NUMAFORM interactive programming software for miling sculptured surfaces is available as an option NUMAFORM : Moulding Subroutines MACHINING IN THE R/¥ PLANE Surfaces of REDOLUTION 1 sSurface of revolution DEFINITION - note black numbers 2 surface of revolution EXECUTION Groups of Elementary GEOMETRIC Surfaces ‘Geometric shape DEFINITION - note block numbers 4 Geometric shape EHECUTION ‘SCULPTURED Surf 5 Sculptured surface DEFINITIONS - note block numbe 6 sSeulptured surface EXECUTION T Help {ANCH to ERECUTION Thing guid 1d guide line 12 In W/Y: He to t section $1 in ¥/Z: TI General Description of Interactive Programming 2.5 L Programme Variables Available Interactive programming allows the use of L programme variables. For additional information on their use, refer to Chapter 6 of the programming manual LL programme variables: = LOtoL19, = L100 10 Li9s. 2.6 Customisation Files Available ‘The standard interactive programming software is supplied with customisation files. These files can be modified by the user. Customisation files: 969980 to %9985 = %9940 to %9949.9. REMARK NUM doesnot use the programme area located between %9941.3 and %9949.9 but reserves the right to use it later. cm 93887501 2-9 2-10 en. 9388741 3 Use of Interactive Programming 3_General 3-3 3.2_Description of a Menu Page 3-3 33_Description of a Dialogue Page 3-4 3-4_Description and use of the Softkey Bar 3-5 35 Description and Use of the Fields 3-8 3.5.1 Field Types 3-5 3.5.2 To Go from One Field to Another 3-6 38.3. Fillingina Field 3-7 35.3.1. Filling ina Field from the Keyboard 3-7 Filling ina Field from the Key Bar 3-8 35.4 Deleting the Contents of a Field 3-9 3.6 Using the Page Numbers 3-9 eu 9388781 3-1 3-2 en 93887971 Use of Interactive Programming 3.1 General Interactive programming is carried out using two types of pages: = menu pages to make choices, - dialogue pages to enter programme data. 3.2 Description of a Menu Page Main menu page: 2 2 SINGLE POINT OP'S, FACE MILLING Fe POCKET MILLING 5 PROFILE MILLING 76 MNAFORE f ® 8 Fe 1 efelea]s |e. race | (29, 1 Sotkey bar 2 Machining cyclo ypes coon 323, onum 3.3 Description of a Dialogue Page Machining cycle page: 3-4 3 ie [Stare Fann $27 2007 inv {yes Witte (hs Safety Pane § Crearanee 2 Sark Red P faint Stay Farag af Hachining Tre fe Festrate ea SIORECTON. FACE, NLLING ‘Start Point. ais i oe sie oT em 9388701 | pales 1 Softkey bar 5 Field specified 2 Dialogue line 6 Mandatory field 3 Field flashing, to be filled in 7 Page title 4 Field empty 8 Page number Use of Interactive Programming ee tL 3.4 Description and use of the Softkey Bar The bar at the bottom of each page includes ten fields (softkeys) with labels (abbreviated or in ful) which may differ according to the page displayed (for the list of softkeys, see Appendix A) The softkeys are selected by pressing the function keys (F2-F10) located under the screen Function keys hex’ | on. | pros. | weo | us | ans | toors {axorwo] pucvo | um ow [Ff | 8 le] |e ee rel a 3.5 Deseri 3.5.1 Field Types ion and Use of the Fields The dialogue pages include fields preceded by their name. When a page is called up, the fields are empty or contain data that can be modified {text or value). ‘The size of a field is proportional to the number of alphanumeric characters that can be entered in the field. There are two types of field: Empty field to be filled in mandatorily ~ Emply field to be filled in optionally When a field is sé .ctod, it lashes. The flashing field is displayed in one of the following forms. - Field to be filed in mandatorily = Field to be filed in optionally cece REMARK _ The field may contain data. These data are then overwritten by the new data entered. ew 98887H 3-5 3.5.2. To Go from One Field to Another Use the cursor control keys on the CNC keyboard to move around between fields. w en 3887/1 Prerequisites The dialogue page must be displayed Actions ‘Bas ne kay Goveafonding io Ihe Naveen GeaNed Tae bl Movernent desired Key Next line 1 Previous line 1 Field to the right = Field to the left = Next field in the predefined order of the page = of Interactive Program 3.5.3 Filling in a Field Data are entered in a field: by entering the data from the keyboard and confirming, or = by transferring data proposed in the key bar. REMARK — Whena mandatory field is not specified, the system refuses to goto the next page and an error message is displayed on the dialogue line (the system returns to the field concerned). Filling in a Field from the Keyboard Prerequisites + Field selected, + Sign "=" in the dialogue line, Actions [Evierthe characiers rom the albhanuiere Keyboard: 7 The characters appear in the Ss line. a a Geateenine data entity, The data are displayedin the field andthe system automatically goes to the next field. ew 938873/1 3-7 w Moditying the characters displayed in the dialogue line ‘The characters displayed in the dialogue line are modified using the cursor control keys and keyboard keys (Refer to the Operator Manual for additional information) (see table below), Operation Key Move cursor right [=] Move cursor left - Delete line e Delete last character @ Inservoverwrite switch [en] Delete character selected e Filling in a Field from the Key Bar en 936871 Prerequisites field selected, = text (oF value) proposed in the softkey bar. Actions ‘Select the data by selecting The dataare displayedin the field and the system automatically goes tothe nextfiekd of Interactive Programming 3.5.4 Deleting the Contents of a Field Requirements Field selected, Actions 3.6 Using the Page Numbers When the system displays a dialogue page, it automatically assigns it a number (default increment in steps of 10). {tis possible to change the increment step when the systemis in the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page. The page number is displayed in a field in the top right-hand comer of the page opposite “N: ‘The page numbers can be modified individually in page edit mode. REMARK _ The system does not renumber the blocks when a page is added to or deleted from the programme. en 93887901 3-9 — cnum 3-10 en 938871 4 Review of Preparation for Machining a Part The main steps leading to machining of a part are recalled below to rationally approach creation of a programme. 4.1. Preparation for Programming + Analysis of the part engineering drawing Analysis of the machining required (machining instructions in the case of a ‘sequence of operations) Definition of the part origin = Sketch and sequence of operations. Choice of tool(s) Definition of cutting conditions. 4.2 Programming ~ Write the part programme in interactive programming mode. = Check the tool paths by graphic display and simulation, REMARK In graphic mode, the display of the machined part is not geometrically correct unless the too! radii have been stored (see Operator Manual) 4.3 Preparation for Mac! ~ Set up the part - Measure and store the *DAT1" values, - Set up the tool(s) = Measure and store the tool dimensions. Load the programme as current programme for execution. ~ Test the programme. 4.4 Machining Starting of the part programme and following of the tool paths. en 9388791 4-1 — onum 4-2 en 93887371 5 Structure of a Programme 5.1 General 5.2 Definition of the List of Sequences for Execution of Machining 5.2.1 Synoptic Programme Listing Page Display 5.22 — Cycle Sequencing in a Programme Radla en 9388731 S-1 — onum 5-2 ‘en 93887 Structure of a Programme 5.1 General In interactive programming mode, the system writes the programme. The sequence of dialogue pages generates the blocks and the synoptic programme listing The synoptic programme listing may include blocks as well as entities with several blocks (e.g. definition of a profile, a pattern, ISO blocks, programme variables, an operation). Definition of an Entity In interactive programming, an entity is a self-contained part of a programme for ‘which page confirmation does not cause a return to the main menu. REMARK — Only the block number corresponding to the beginning of the entity is displayed in the synoptic programme listing. When several entities are programmed in succession, each one must have a different definition number. 5.2 Definition of the List of Sequences for Execution of Machining A simple programme is structured as follows: Sexx Programme number Block defining the part (name, material, 3D blank) Tool declaration Type of cycle to be performed Spindle positioning and call of the tool Profile, pattern definition, ete, Tool/part approach position Execution of the cycle and retraction of the tool End of programme 22222222 en 93887301 5-3 — num 5.2.1. Synoptic Programme Li ing Page Display Ng = Prk PROG = MG 30 Blank Na@ Tool Li IDO Pocket Machining 1 UE of Progra paxiner Po oe our 5.2.2 Cycle Sequencing in a Programme en 088871 Ina same programme, cycles are sequenced from the main menu page. 6 Surfacing Programme &1_ Preparation for Programming 6-3 &2_Programming the Part 6-5 &3_Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 6-28 &4_Exit from Interactive Programming 6-31 &5_Use of the Part Programme Created 6-31 en 93887501 6-1 — cnum 6-2 en 93887901 Surfacing Programme SS 6.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: XC 38 Steel. Blank dimensions: 100 x 50 x 35 mm T "Y T 1 ie 100 Machining required ‘Surfacing (roughing, finishing) by forward and backward passes (bidirectional surfacing) Choice of the tool ‘Two-size cylindrical milling cutter, diameter 20 mm (HSS), 5 teeth. Technological data and cutting conditions The values given below are for guidance and are to be used if the fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are loaded manually. Machining Operation Tool Number Rotation Feed | Pass depth | Number and Type speed rpm | rate mm/min of passes Surface roughing No. 16-milling cutter, | 300 150 45 axial dia. 20 Surface finishing No, 16-miling cutter, | 300 100 05 1 axial dia. 20 REMARK — Inorderto be able to see the tool paths, itis mandatory to store the tool radii used before writing the programme. Otherwise, the system returns an error message. en 93887501 6-3 — onum Notes 6-4 0. 9388791 Surfacing Programme ee 6.2. Programming the Part Prerequisites Softkey bar displayed or. | proc. | wro. | ue | ans | toois |excano} pcvo } um Actions The ‘GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" menu is displayed GRAPHIC - PROGRAMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS, PLANE 2 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING TSO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM Nomsunrno we] |] | | me [rca poamo [reve] om ‘Choose INTERACTIVE PROGRANING) ear ‘ow 9888791 6-5 Information on the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page "PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY" This field can contain up to 7 characters. The character % is optional "PAGE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE" Allows selection of a page number when a programme is already stored. "AUTO PAGE INCREMENT: Used to modify the page increment "WORKING PLANE FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY" Used to modify the plane of the graphic display. Information on the Softkey Labels ‘VIEW PROG" “EDIT PROG" "NEW PROG" “qui” 6-6 ew 9388791 To display a synoptic programme listing and the detailed programme pages. Gives access to the synoptic programme listing to add, delete, edit pages and access the detailed pages and graphic display and simulation functions. For creating a numbered programme. Ifthe message “Program already exists" is displayed on the dialogue line when "NEW! is selected, change the programme ‘number or delete the programme already stored under the same number. Gives access to the tool, material and cutting conditions files to create, add, edit or delete data, (Causes a return to the "GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" page. Surfacing Programme —) Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page: TUTERRCTIVE PROGRAM HING — Yarsin6! PRONTO REE OR DIFY Ne PRE TO NDIY LOE BER To ENT 7 DORKING PLE FR GRC DISPLAY = A ciation ~Tesesin = een in Avcess te Toot and Material Files tee | el ALT TT I on DBRB7SI 6-7 — onum Information on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page "Part Name" “Too! File Number" "Std. Material Name" “Other Material Name" “BLANK DEFINITION" “Too! Change” "Spindle Range” “Default Speed" For entry of the part name in the synoptic programme listing Allows the use of tool and cutting condition files if they were created for use in the programme being created. If the field is left set to 1 (default NUM file number), the rotation speeds and feed rates are calculated automatically based on the material defined in one of the following fields and the NUM cutting conditions (see list of tools included in the NUM file when the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page is confirmed) Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate, Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. For graphic 3D display of the part (3D vision) The values of points 1 and 2 (Pt1, Pt2) are used as bounds for the section of part to be machined, Gives the possibilty of automatic or manual tool change with respect to the measurement origin (OM) or part origin (Op). TWEASUREMENT ORIGIN (ON atc ap L Field containing a modifiable defauit value. Allows selection of spindle ranges according to the machine manufacturer's choice (M40 to M4S).. Field containing a modifiable default value, Used to start spindle rotation. Information on the Softkey Labels "TOOL FILES", "MAT. FILES’ These keys display the tool and material files. 6-8 en 9388731, Surfacing Programme Display of the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page: VERE OFINTTIN ~ N Ha n = Tot Fite aber # = Sid Material Hage = Ober Patria Rane ¢ LAK OEFINETIOM 4 3 tage Pa Fr Orig. Dineen a Naar tis, Deis Xs | \: Tt Ce Al sitiee 3 Shinde Range ‘roou | mai cawcet) ues | FiceS race | enter Pe en-938873/1 6-9 — onum Information on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page “Tool ID - "Number" "Reference" “Corrector” The tools in NUM file No. 1 are displayed as defaults on the page if no other file number is selected in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. List of the numbers assigned to the tools. Filling in the “reference” fields is useful when a tool file has been declared, Selection of TOOL ID - -*-- - is then used to automatically fill in the TOOL 1D fiold. List of numbers assigned to the correctors. Each number corresponds to the tool and the reference of the tool positioned in the spindle. During programming of a sequence of machining operations, these fields can be filled in to display the list of tools used in programming. Information on the Softkey Labels "TOOL FILES" “TOOL ID - --* 6-10 “AUTO SEQ." en 938879, The following softkeys are useful when a tool file has already been created and declared on “GENERAL DEFINITION’ page Allows display of the file declared in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. Used for automatically filing in the "TOOL 1D" field with the name of the tool to which is assigned the number declared "Reference' field, ‘Automatically determines the sequencing and tool changes in a cycle with a sequence of machining operations. Surfacing Programme eel Display of the ‘TOOL DECLARATIONS" page: — TOOL DEDLARATIONS — +n haber = Reverace, = Correeur = ToL ID t= ny Ite aT ‘the TOOL DECLARATIONS: page, en 93857901 6-11 — onum Display of the main menu: F2 SIMGLE POINT 0°"S 3 FACE MILLING Fa POCKET MILLING FS PROFILE MILLING i i 8 9 FO. =l*l* "2. [ 6-12 20-938879/1 Surfacing Programme Display of the “FACE MILLING" menu: FE RECTANIUAR - BI-DIR 3 RECONGULAR~ UNION F CORCUAR BI-O1R ES FS CRCUUR - INL-DIRW | 6 STMPLE PROFLES| FP COMPLE PROFILES FR LINER GONE PRESS ENTER TO CONAN We We ‘CANCEL ‘race | ENTER en 93887901 6-13 — onum Information on the "MISC" Softkey and Menu "MISC" Pressing the "MISC" key displays a menu listing the following functions: NISCEULEOIS WELL, SHIFT, NBR, SCALE, BRANCH nd CALL SUB-PGRAH 3 UPTD POSITIONING OF LINEAR OR SOTRY WES Fe MISCELLANEOUS CUTTING TECHNOLOGY 5150 PROGRANWING Fe TOOL DECLARATIONS 08 AUENATEC CALCULATION OF COTING CMDETINS ITH RESPECT 1D THE PART MATERIAL FT EPEAT ACHING FOL ARAETERS REMARKS __ Items can be chosen from the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu whenever a machining menu is displayed. When the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu is displayed: - press the 'OP’N MENU! key to retum to the machining menu, - press the "END INPUT" key to display the synoptic programming listing. After choosing an item from F2 to F8 in the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu, press "ENTER" or "CANCEL" as required to return to the machining menu, 6-14 em 9388701 Surfacing Programme Display of the "FACE MILLING" menu: FE RECTANGULAR -BI-DR'W [FS RECTINGLAR UNL-OTR WY 4 CORCUAR- 81-01 SS FS CORCUAR- UML-OIR'W | FE SIMPLE PROFILES FP CULEX PROFILES Os |S) FA. me] om ] om |e | re | RY mae | ga | amace | REMARK _ Selecting the "MISC" softkey gives access to the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu (see page opposite). ‘Select "RECTANGULAR - Bi Woo en 93887 01 6-15 Information on the "YOUR CHOICE" page This page is used to select the tool and machining cycle sequence. fe aa eae re fo 6-16 en. 93887308 Tool called separately from the cycle. Cycle called. Tool and cycle called (rough and/or finish), Tool and roughing cycle called. Tool and finishing cycle called Tool and roughing cycle called then tool and finishing cycle called. surfacing Programme Display of the “YOUR CHOICE" menu: ——----- eur CCE Fo TOL CGE BOE FA T/C TOOL» ROMGH and FINISH STAC TOL ~ ROUGH 6 TC TOL - FINISH FC TOL - OM / T/C ~ FINISH menu | Pur | re | atom [on | «| aw trace | BN | ENO on 9888791 6-17 — cnum Information on the "TOOL SELECTION" page “Tool Number’ The tool can be selected from the list displayed on this page (see "RECALL") if the tool(s) was (were) declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page. “Tool Change" The choice of the type and position of the tool change can be declared on this page (if they were not declared on the “GENERAL DEFINITION" page) or edited ‘on this page (if they were declared on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page). "RECALL* _ List of the tools declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION’ page. 6-18 em 038870 Surfacing Program Display of the "TOOL SELECTION" page: == TO SECTION — ri + Teot Naber 6] Toot Change AUTO (CCC Retro Sta Fsitin = ES! aber - Reference ~ Too 1D Pander = Reference = Toe 1D —-t— mm ee [own] [a Joona vce oven en 938873 6-19 Information on the “APPROACH POSITION" and "WORK LOAD" page “APPROACH POSITION" "Position in’ The approach position is defined with respect to the part origin and the tool moves: at high speed. Toot. CHANGE POSITION aperoscn | | - pad f-—— Part “Corrector Number” The selected corrector number may be different from the tool number (the tool dimensions are loaded under this number). "WORK LOAD" “A-B-C-D" Fields A, B, C or D (roughness index "Ra’) are to be filled in when tool and material files are used. "Ra" is selected when the cycle includes finishing, "Spindle Range" Allows selection of a spindle range according to the choice of the machine manufacturer (M40 to M48), “Start up Speed” Used to change the spindle location start up speed “Difn of Rotation" Defines the spindle direction of rotation (|S equivalence: FWD = M03, BWD = Mod) “Coolant Type" Starts or stops the coolant (ISO equivalence: COOL1 = M08, COOL2 = MO7, COOL STOP = Mo8) 6-20 en 9388731 Surfacing Programme Display of the "APPROACH POSITION" page: — FPRORCH POTION — Position in Xs Correster Naber = ORC LOAD == Lists Out 2 Finish Spindle Rage EO ‘SMart a Speed FT) ir'n of Rotation FANT Contant Tye cm yo Fitinthetields, Confirm the "APPROACH POSITION" page, 6-21 on 9388731 — cnum Notes 6-22 en 93887901 Surfacing Programme REMARK Display of the "BIDIRECTIONAL FACE MILLING" page: OECTOR 4 Sart Poiat Lt Length ey Cs Srety Pane Ds Crane Distance & furan 2 Sunt id P Buia Step 1 Finish Allo Parentage of Cut chining Tye A Feetrate Fs eatrate R Sree Fe Seed Hn Start Point POINT AL Cuting Boring Plane an i oma) "|e [om Fill in the flelds, The fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are filled in manually with the values given in the table of Sec. 6.1. ‘Confirm the "BIDIRECTIONAL FACE MILLING® page. 6-23 en 9888734 — onum 6-24 en 888781 Display of the "FACE MILLING" menu, Display of the main menu: 3 FACE MILLING fF POCKET MOLLING| G [=] F5 PROFILE M Fe F? FB a Fa0 re B Fs ea leA race | ENO fan * (= Surfacing Programme Display of the "END OF PROGRAM" page: Disgaea WER fefeece Sten Position Ie (0 Fa l ‘Conlin the "END OF PROGRAM page 8 [ove | Taace | ewreR Display of the main menu. The programme is then stored and can be used on the CNC. ‘Seed endohinpn fom = (= em 9388791 6-25 Information on the Synoptic Programme Listing Page This page displays a synoptic list of the numbered blocks in the programme. Information on the Softkey Labels The softkeys in the key bar are used to work on the programme. “0 “DETAIL” "DELETE" "MODIFY" "ENTER" “TRACE” “our 6-26 en. 938873 This softkey is pressed to modify the contents of the two leftmost keys in the key bar and the method used to move around in the programme. ‘The possible cursor movements in the programme are as follows: - "PREV. BLOCK", "NEXT BLOCK" REV. PAGE", "NEXT PAGE" REV. BLOCK", "NEXT BLOCK* "START PROG", "—END PROG" Displays the programme page selected by the cursor. ‘The following programme pages can be displayed in ‘DETAIL by selecting the two leftmost soft keys in the key bar. The same possibilities of moving around in the programme pages displayed in "DETAIL' exist as for cursor movernents with the exception of "PREV. PAGE* "NEXT PAGE". Deletes the programme page selected. For modifying the programme page selected, Inserts a page in the programme or at the end of the programme, For graphic display of the tool paths. Selection and return to the interactive programming page. Surfacing Programme ‘Synoptic programme listing display: NI) = Port OGL = IGE- = 3 lo ND Tos st acing Cperation vale NSD - Corrector 16 lgproch Position NED - Bidirectional Rectangular Fc ND = End of Progra Operation - 8 pea WERE] [om] [mee [tron Powe [mee | ot ‘Select graphic display 9388791 6-27 — onum 6.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths Display of the "GRAPHIC IMAGE* menu PRICE ~~ FD Imge of Progra FE Grp Trace of Progra FID Trace ofthe Profile or Pattern in Progress FAL tun to Previous Page rm | Fn 6-28 ew 9388791 Surfacing Programme Display of the graphic trace of the programme i Prog%1 y 1946211962 27.600 67.601 “TRACE 700M TI cau cage on en. 93887301 6-29 Display of the trace simulation page: Dynamic tool path display: YY Prog %1 Zz X 1962 11962 _¥ : 27.600 67.601 x rexispevi sos court 89 ew | Too. cont. | seo. | coun | cycue | 6M, | 700 | starus our REMARK — The tool paths displayed are not representative unless the "SHIFTS" and too! dimensions have been stored. 6-30 en 9388791 Surfacing Programme 6.4 Exit from Interactive Programming Requiroments Display of graphic programme trace. Actions. Display of synoptic programme listing Display of the “GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" menu. 6.5 Use of the Part Programme Created Refer to the Operator's Manual en 9388791 6-31 — onum 6-32 ‘en 938873/1 7 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme 7A_Preparation for programming 73 7.2_Part Programming 75 7.3_Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 738 7.4_Exit from Interactive Programming 741 7.5 Use of the Part Programme Created 7-41 ‘en-938873/1 7-1 — onum 7-2 eq 9388731 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme 7.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: AUSG Alloy. Machining required Centering, drilling and tapping of four holes. Choice of tools Centre drill, diameter 6.75 mm, tap M8 (HSS). light alloy cutting Technological data and cutting conditions, The values given below are for guidance and are to be used ifthe fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are loaded manually ‘Machining operation Tool number Rotation | Feed rate Pass Number of and type speed rpm | mm/min depth passes, Punching No. 3 - Centre afi 3000 150 8 x Drilling No. 11 - Drill 2500 100 20 x dia. 6.75 mm Tapping No.10-Tapdia. M8} 400 —_‘[Piteh 1.25x4( 20 1 REMARK _ inorderto be able to see the tool paths, it is mandatory to store the tool radii used before writing the programme. Otherwise, the system returns an error message. em 9388731 7-3 Notes Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme 7.2 Part Programming Prerequisites Softkey bar displayed Z m= ll] | [oe [ooo] nn] Actions Display of the “GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" menu GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS PLANE 1 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING TSO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM Nouaunro sitzt | or. [ rroc | wee. ] ue | nus [roots Jexcmo | mcvo | ure 12 INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" ‘en 9388791 7-5 — onum Information on the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" Page "PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY" This field can contain up to 7 characters. The character % is optional "PAGE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE" Allows selection of a page number when a programme is already stored "AUTO PAGE INCREMENT" Used to modify the page increment, WORKING PLANE FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY’ Used to modify the plane of the graphie display. Information on the Softkey Labels 7-6 “VIEW PROG" “EDIT PROG "NEW PROG" aa *ouit” on 9388731, To display a synoptic programme listing and the detailed programme pages. Gives access to the synoptic programme listing to add, delete, edit pages and access the detailed pages and graphic display and simulation functions. For creating a numbered programme. Ifthe message "Program already exists" is displayed on the dialogue line when "NEW PROG" is selected, change the programme number or delete the programme already stored under the same number. Gives access to the tool, material and cutting conditions files to create, add, edit or delete data, ‘Causes a return to the "GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" page. Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING* page: TERACTIVE PROGEAMHING — Yession6t PROTO CERT OR MDIFY Ne RE TO NOI LODE NBR CC ATO RE NCEE Lit ATG PLEME FoR PRIC DISPLAY (ier | Disotay a Progran in Meory [Ein] Prosran Kadi aa insertion ~ Deletion Thee) Provan Crevi 1} fAeeess to Toot “ol Material Files view | com ] new pros | pAoc | pros | ~~ our Select PROGRAM CREATION: | on 9388731 7-7 — cnum Information on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page "Part Name" For entry of the part name in the synoptic programme listing "Tool File Number" Allows the use of tool and cutting condition files if they were created for use in the programme being created. If the field is left set to 1 (default NUM file number), the rotation speeds and feed rates are calculated automatically based on the material defined in one of the following fields and the NUM cutting conditions (see list of tools included in the NUM file when the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page is, confirmed) “Sid, Material Name" Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. “Other Material Name" Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. "BLANK DEFINITION’ — For graphic 3D display of the part (9D vision). The values of points 1 and 2 (Pt1, Pt2) are used as bounds for the section of part to be machined, “Tool Change” Gives the possibility of automatic or manual tool change with respect to the measurement origin (OM) or part origin (Op). is, [2] "Spindle Range" Field containing a modifiable default value. Allows selection of spindle ranges according to the machine manufacturer's choice (M40 to M45). "Default Speed’ Field containing a modifiable default value. Used to start spindle rotation. Information on the Softkey Labels ‘TOOL FILES", "MAT. FILES" These keys display the tool and material files. 7-8 ew 938873/1 Centering, Drilling, Display of the “GENERAL DEFINITION" page: pping Programme Td <= ERA EFINITION N= 10 Fart Hine | Giga = Tot Fite aber t Materia! Ke! OY = Ober Materia Hane # LAK OB INTIO ¢ 3 age ul Part Orig. Dimensions X 5 u = Pid Part Orig. teen a . ie Pl the “GENERAL DEFINT on 938873 Tot Cun i farsi sitio Spink Range oat 1500 cancer| FRO | ARTS ‘Trace | ENTER 7-9 — onum Information on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page The tools in NUM file No. 1 are displayed as defaults on the page if no other file number is selected in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. "Number" List of the numbers assigned to the tools. "Reference" Filling in the "reference" fields is useful when a tool file has been declared. Selection of TOOL ID - - -*-- -is then used to automatically fill in the TOOL ID field, “Corrector’ List of numbers assigned to the correctors. Each number corresponds to the tool and the reference of the tool positioned in the spindle. "Too! ID - = During programming of a sequence of machining operations, these fields can be filed in to display the list of tools used in programming. Information on the Softkey Labels The following Softkeys are useful when a tool fle has already been created and declared on "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. “TOOL FILES" Allows display of the file declared in the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page. “TOOL ID---*---" Used for automatically filing in the "TOOL ID" field with the name of the tool to which is assigned the number declared "Reference' field. "AUTO SEQ," Automatically determines the sequencing and tool changes in a cycle with a sequence of machining operations. 7-10 eu 388751 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme —— Display of the "TOOL DECLARATIONS" page: ToL CECRATONS — TT ber ~ Refaranee = Carreter = Toot D—#— cancer| TO | ToL] auto ‘race | enter en 93887901 7-1 — onum Display of the main menu: F2 SINGLE PONT O'S‘ FS FACE MILLING Fe PHT MILLING & FS PROFILE MILLING Fé [v9 Fs Fs Fo ajleleal]e ley. Teace | BE, Gasa NGLEPONT OPT) 7-12 ew O8B7VE Display of the "SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS' menu: * 3 g 8, 4 %*3 FE POINT OEFNTTIONS FS CENTER ORIL OR CHMFER JF ORLL : PECK: CHOP e 5 COUNTER RE eT 2 cE Fr Rew FEED OT Ml Fa BORE ~DAEL/FEET OUT] BORE = STOPAUPTO UT |FLO THRE CASE A ¢ ile PRESS ENTER T CFTR Fl Wie oma] i] Confirm the "SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS" page en 9388791 7-13 Information on the "MISC" Softkey and Menu 7-14 "misc" REMARKS en 9388731 Pressing the "MISC" key displays a menu listing the following functions: SELES SWELL, SHIFT, MORO, SCALE, BOK ord CALL SUB- PROGR TUPTD POSITIONING OF LINEAR OR ROTARY WES FA MISCELLAMEDS CITING TECOLOGY S150 PROGRANUN Fe TOL DECLARATIONS FOR AUTOMATIC CALCULATION OF COTING NOUNS ATH RESPECT TO THE PART MATERIAL EPEAT CHINN Fa ARAETERS Items can be chosen from the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu whenever a machining menu is displayed. When the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu is displayed: - press the ‘OP'N MENU’ key to return to the machining menu, - press the "END INPUT" key to display the synoptic programming listing. After choosing an item from F2 to F8 in the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu, press "ENTER" or "CANCEL" as required to return to the machining menu, Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme SSE Display of the "SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS" menu: PONT OEFNOTEONS”—YF3 CENTER DRILL OR CFE YF ORTLL = PEK: HIP ss —g- “®, 4 24 ty 23 5 CONTER BORE Fem FT ERY FED OUT / 2k | FORE ~ CLL/FEED CUT |F9 SORE - SCP/RIPTD TOO THREAD CRE Oe | Ye | alle END Ff mse] wens | TRACE) input REMARK Selecting the "MISC" softkey gives access to the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu (see page opposite). DENTON wea cen 93887971 7-15 — onum Notes 7-16 en 93887 VL Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the "PATTERN DEFINITION” nt janeter ef ee ae astern haber astern Plane ai CANCEL [ rece [ een ‘Bilin the ‘Gane PATENT om [een 7-17 x 9388031 — onum Information on the “ALL PATTERNS and CONTINUED" menu “ALL PATTERNS—' For selection of the type of pattern to be executed (1 10 6). If several patterns are defined in succession in the same programme, each pattern must have a different number. Gives access to other pattern choices. 7-18 em 9388731 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme SS Display of the rest of the "PATTERN NUMBER" page ("ALL PATTERNS/ CONTINUED" menu) Passern Haber i Coment AL PATER ~ NTE FL ow, by Point nd gle Ro by To Points Band EE, Driling with rotary axis FE Cover Patter err FB hitch Circle Origin Shift or As Nail tit Gtl pattern od ext of potter diserggeent Pints foTueRs: ‘OPN | END. Fe TRACE | wey | miPur elo] wl] sl we | aw Lamia on eee = en 9388791 7-19 — cnum Notes 7-20 em 938871 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme a Display of the rest of the "PATTERN NUMBER’ page (pitch circle) Pattern Haber Comer cI Pattern F Dianeter of Caer ‘haber of Pints Direstion a] cae a [eon] a | Se] fcce] |r i en ‘tin thetielés, ea 9388781 7-21 Display of the "PATTERN NUMBER page: --> HOLE PATTERNS. = CONTIWIED ~ i By ‘by Point ond Angle i Fay Het ee a rig try as Hq Cover Pattern Nirror , i Circle f {re gin Shift li Fl ingle Smt FF Single Points GEL pttern od ed of patter disnagerrt a |e | mw | | | o fore] rece | ote | ae [Eitifomihe PATTERNNUMBER page, [RL 7-22 on 93887301 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme SS Display of the "SINGLE POINT OPERATION" menu: PONT DEFINITIONS YF3CEMTERTRTL OF GMNFER JF ORILL = PECK: CP k 3 “e- “8, 4 4 ty ad 5 CNTR RE Fe 0 Fr EAN FEED OUT 2k | FR IRE ONEL/FEED CUT |F9 ORE = STOPANPTO OT |F10 TEND CHASE OC] Wr | 3 eee [rasa 7 Del lL Pel [|e i en 9388731 7-23 — num Information on the "YOU! oa "pat ony FS" — 7-24 ‘em 938873/1 R CHOICE" page This page is used to define the tool sequencing, contour and machining cycle. Tool called separately from the cycle. Cycle called. Execution of a cycle including a sequence of machining operations performed with different tools: + chamfering or centring, ~ diiling of a starter hole, ~ finishing ‘Same as with two drillings before finishing. ‘Same as *F4" with three drilings before finishing. Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme ee el Display of the "YOUR CHOICE" menu WOR 7 TOL GONE ode Tk - CGE FS CHUFER or CENTER ~ 1 ILL - FINISH WC Fe CRMFER or CENTER ~ 2 DRILLS ~ FLAT WC FT CHUFER or (EATER - 3 DRILLS ~ FLASH WC a z ‘OPN | END TRACE | enw | Pur = en 9388781 7-25 — onum Information on the "MACHINING PARAMETERS" page "RECALL" List of tools declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page. “Approach Point" The approach point of the tool is defined with respect to the part origin (Op) and the tool moves at high speed. Too. GHANGE POSITION APPROACH PONT -- Information on the "AUTO SEQ." softkey "AUTO SEQ." Pressing this key automatically loads the tool numbers into the "Link Tool" fields. Ifthe tool order was defined with the "AUTO SEQ." key in the tool file, the consecutive cycles and tool changes are automatically sequenced, 7-26 0 938873/1 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme LT Display of the "MACHINING PARAMETERS page: Final Toot tnber OL Toa ig Te of Point Depth of Center Tye of Dri Ds Gritt Charance Cs Safety Pane fort Hi, 2: coe] WOT XT [ Y [ [| rence | ene en 938875/1 7-27 7-28 onum Display of the "POSITION FOR TOOL CHANGE” page’ — PSEION FR TOOL NE Reference ster: WCR i Aevinder of Tul selectiy Too er: inl ane nfl Range Son ed din ain Position a a) CANCEL wc TRACE ENTER Confirm the "POSITION FOR TOOL ¢ en OIRB7IIE page rilling, Tapping Programme Display of the "CYCLE OF CENTER" page: GE OF RS Tr Agproach Paint ® 7 Dianeter : Corres st Naber Fatera a do Two is Gs Clarance Plane Os Clearance Dist A Driv Print fagle Depth af Center Dett at Depth Cutiay Speed in Wain pide Speed in FH Feed in ain Dien af Rotation Contant Tye fp oot a ES ‘inne REMARK The fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are filled in manually with the values given in the table of Sec. 7.1 ‘Conte OF CENTER page, the *C) 09388791 7-29 Display of the "POSITION FOR TOOL CHANGE" page: ‘POSITION FOR TOOL CHANGE =~ Ieee Sten WOR Posit a it AReninder of Tool Selecti Tool Surber: Tool Change ‘Spindle Range Start ‘ed Oir'n Ration cance. Ee race | exmeR Binteme 7-30 en. 9388791 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the “DRILLING CYCLE" page: aL ORE He 1H ch * a _ Dianeer | BRE Corretor Pattern Har Toa is 5 Clarance Plane Ds Clarance Dist, Onell Eaton of He P First Peek Last Pet Cutting Speed in Ware Spindte Speed in FM Fees in ain Dir of Rotation Coctant Tipe REMARK The fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are filled in manually with the values given in the table of Sec. 7.1 eu 9388731 7-31 Display of the “POSITION FOR TOOL CHANGE" page: POSTION FOR Tok. CGE ‘- feferne yster: WOR sition ink = Ty = BD i iene of Tol Select = Tel abe: Tool change spa Start up Spe dh Rtn ‘once, wor | SA ace | exter ‘Conlirin the "POSITION FOR TOOL CHANGE" page, 7-32 en. 9388731 entering, Drilling, Tapping Programme REMARK Display of the "Tapping Cycle" page: Thoin Cae Agproach Point Ae a Corrector Rumer Te 1 ianeer + Pattern haber Toa is Cs Claranee Plane Ds Elance Dist vel ttton of Cutting Speed in Main Svinte Speed in OM Step in Dirt of Rotation Cratant Tee | MIO TPT — i A Thread Pitch R Return Speed Ratio = a LLL few [owe The fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are filled in re with the values given in the table of Sec. 7.1. Contin the “Tapping Cycler page 7-33 en 9388701 — onum Display of the “SINGLE POINT OPERATIONS" menu, ‘Select the mai many! 2 Display of the main menu: /F2 SINGLE POINT OP'S 3 FACE MILLING 6 POCKET MILLING © FS PROFILE MILLING [Xe ie Bi Ey ae frw]ew | | ee]. race | (0, dofthe programme Be 7-34 e0-938873/1 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme — Display of the "END OF PROGRAM" page: Disengogerent \: i feference Syster WER MC Position 1: y: il ‘a 2 an [own] [ee] ETL [mm Jo “Confirthe "END OF PROGRAM! page Display of the main menu. ‘The programme is stored and can be run on the CNC. “Select the end of input nee > Lat en 9388731 7-35 — onum Information on the Synoptic Programme Listing Page This page displays a synoptic ist of the numbered blocks in the programme. Information on the Softkey Labels “ne "DETAIL" "DELETE" "MODIFY" “ENTER® "TRACE" “our 7-36 ew 9388791 The softkeys in the key bar are used to work on the programme. This softkey is pressed to modify the contents of the two leftmost keys in the key bar and the method used to move around in the programme. The possible cursor movernents in the programme are as follows: “PREV. BLOCK’, 'NEXT BLOC! "PREV. PAGE", "NEXT PAGE” + "PREV. BLOCK’, "NEXT BLOCK’ + "START PROG", “END PROG" Displays the programme page selected by the cursor. The following programme pages can be displayed in “DETAIL by selecting the two leftmost soft keys in the key bar. The same possibilties of moving around in the programme pages displayed in "DETAIL exist as for cursor movements with the exception of "PREV. PAGE", “NEXT PAGE". Deletes the programme page selected. For modifying the programme page selected Inserts a page in the programme or at the end of the programme. For graphic display of the tool paths. Selection and return to the interactive programming page. Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme ‘Synoptic programme listing display: 20 MIG’ = Part FOG 2 = AWG - = 3 Blank ND = Tool List ED (ane ye tn MO = fatter 14 HOLE Me - Machining Pareres = Tools 3 ML 10 NED = Ist Tol = W023 Mi = Center DiTL ot Cher Petters 1 Cor 3 YQ = 2nd Tool» Mo : 11 Wild - Pca Pattern 1 Cor 1 WLIO - 3d Tool - Mo : 10 MID - Top Potter 1 or 10 NED - Ed of Progen prev. | NeXT BR | MET | a. | vera veere | woory | enren | trace | our en. 93887501 7-37 7.3 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths Display of the «GRAPHIC IMAGE» menu: GRUAIC UGE F630 Irage of Progen FR Graphic Trace of Pragran FAD Trace ofthe Profile or Pattern in Progress Return to Previous Page re | re FW aia aE - 7-38 en 0388791 Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme Display of the graphic trace of the programme: xX: 9597 68.598, aa) ee [| [ TJ a5 ow en 938873/1 7-39 — onum REMARK on 9388731 Display of the trace simulation page: Bae Dynamic tool path display: Y Prog %2 X 6557 68.598 oo Lon Team | ea | eno [oe || Ba [ro or The tool paths displayed are not representative unless the «SHIFTS» and too! dimensions have been stored. Centering, Drilling, Tapping Programme 7.4 Exit from Interactive Programming Requirements Display of the graphic programme trace. Actions Deinereartsrary yen yrayasersyerreesusemeermmamans “Select the INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING: page 0 EF | ov Display of the «INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING» page. Exit rom the «INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING» page. Display of the «GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING» menu. 7.5 Use of the Part Programme Created Refer to the Operator's Manual. ee Go ew 9388791 7-41 — onum 7-42 eu 9388731 Ba 8 Facing Programme with Island Preparation for Programming 3 &2_Programming the Part 35 83 Graphic Display and Simulation of the Tool Paths 3-42 8.4 Exit from Interactive Programming 348 8&5 Use of the Part Programme Created 3-45 eu 93887341 8-1 — onum 8-2 ew 9388791 Facing Programme with 8.1 Preparation for Programming Part engineering drawing Material: XC 38 stee! | 20 fal 8 i a 45 2s 20 Machining required Roughing and finishing of a surface with contouring of an island Choice of tools ‘Two-size cylindrical roughing cutter, dia. 20 mm (HSS), 4 teeth for cutting steel. ‘Two:size cylindrical cutter, dia, 20 mm (HSS), 4 teeth. Technological data and cutting conditions The values given below are for guidance and are to be used if the fields concerning the rotation speed and feed rate are loaded manually. Machining operation Tool number Rotation | Feedrate | Passdepth | Number and type speed rpm | mm/min of passes Surface roughing No. 16- Milling cutter] 450 200 45 1 axial dia. = 20 mm +. ‘Surface finishing No. 16-Miling cutter] 450 160 08 1 axial da. = 20mm REMARK _Inorderto be able to see the tool paths, it is mandatory to store the too! radii used before writing the programme. Otherwise, the system returns an error message. ‘ew 938873/1 8-3 Notes 8-4 ene 93887971 Facing Programme with Island 8.2 Programming the Part Prerequisites Softkey bar displayed we [mm] wo] ve | ae [rn [acme] nee | om Actions Afihage a ‘du menu "PROGRAMMATION - GRAPHIQUE" Ts fen GRAPHIC - PROGRAMMATION GRAPHIC PARAMETERS. PLANE 1 PLANE 2 TRACE WHILE CUTTING INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING TSO PROGRAMMING LOAD PROGRAM DOWNLOAD PROGRAM Nauaunro stm [on [ rroe | wo [ve [ams [rons Jaxono [reve | um Geoe NERACIVEPROGRAMING] er OS ‘Choc GRAMMING, em 93887971 8-5 — onum Information on the "INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page "PROGRAM TO CREATE OR MODIFY" This field can contain up to 7 characters. The character % is optional "PAGE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE" Allows selection of a page number when a programme is already stored. "AUTO PAGE INCREMENT” Used to modify the page increment. "WORKING PLANE FOR GRAPHIC DISPLAY" Used to modify the plane of the graphic display. Information on the Softkey Labels “VIEW PROG" “EDIT PROG" “NEW PROG" ‘quit 8-6 ew 9388731 To display a synoptic programme listing and the detailed programme pages. Gives access to the synoptic programme listing to add, delete, edit pages and access the detailed pages and graphic display and simulation functions. For creating a numbered programme. If the message "Program already exists" is, displayed on the dialogue line when "NEW! is selected, change the programme number or delete the programme already stored under the same number. Gives access to the tool, material and cutting conditions files to create, add, edit or delete data. Causes a return to the "GRAPHIC PROGRAMMING" page. Programme with Island CS are leeiaS Display of the “INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING" page: TRTERACTIVE PROGRARRING Version bt PROGREM TO CREATE OR MODIFY AE ‘PRE TO MODIFY OR LOCATE MEER KCC ATO EEN ria} KING PLE FOR GRP DISPLAY Li] Fie | (isrta a Prosan in Mery [RL] Prearan Meta ~ Insertion ~Detetion Progran Creation Aevess to Toot and Material Files =ETE 2 2120 L = ees eu 93887301 8-7 — onum Information on the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page “Part Name" For entry of the part name in the synoptic programme listing "Tool File Number* Allows the use of tool and cutting condition files if they were created for use in the programme being created. If the field is left set to 1 (default NUM file number), the rotation speeds and feed rates are calculated automatically based on the ‘material defined in one of the following fields and the NUM cutting conditions (see list of tools included in the NUM file when the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page is confirmed). "Std, Material Name* Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. "Other Material Name” Used to compute the rotation speed and feed rate. “BLANK DEFINITION’ — For graphic 3D display of the part (3D vision). The values of points 1 and 2 (Pt1, P12) are used as bounds for the section of part to be machined. "Tool Change’ Gives the possibilty of automatic or manual tool change with respect to the ‘measurement origin (OM) or part origin (Op) WEASUREMENT ORIGIN OA arronion — BOSHTGN zy “Spindle Range” Field containing a modifiable default value. Allows selection of spindle ranges according to the machine manufacturer's choice (M40 to M48), "Default Speed" Field containing a modifiable default value. Used to start spindle rotation. Information on the Softkey Labels "TOOL FILES", "MAT. FILES’ These keys display the tool and material files. 8-8 eo 9388791 Facing Programme with Island Display of the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page: ME GFIATTION --- Ne 10K “Tart haat? = Ton Fite Baber t > Std Haseriat Hage = uber ateiat Hate ¢ LAK OEFINTION : 30 age i: jaan, AUTO y Ree Syste sitio Spindle Range ELM esas sy i Pe Pe Part rig, Dineasions “Filfin the fields. Gonfirmthe "GENERAL DEFINITION page, on 93887301 8-9 — onum Information on the "TOOL DECLARATION" page The tools in NUM file No. 1 are displayed as defaults on the page if no other fle ‘number is selected in the "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page. "Number" List of the numbers assigned to the tools and position of each tool in the store. in the "reference" fields is useful when a too! file has been declared “+++ is then used to automaticaly fil in the TOOL ID "Reference" Fi Selection of TOOL ID field, “Corrector” List of numbers assigned to the correctors. Each number comesponds to the tool and the reference of the tool positioned in the spindle. During programming of a sequence of machining operations, these fields can be filled in to display the list of tools used in programming, "Tool ID - Information on the Softkey Labels ‘The following softkeys are useful when a tool file has already been created and declared on "GENERAL DEFINITION’ page. “TOOL FILES" Allows display of the file declared in the "GENERAL DEFINITION" page. "TOOL ID---*---" Used for automatically filing in the "TOOL ID" field with the name of the tool to which is assigned the number declared “Reference” field. "AUTO SEQ." Automatically determines the sequencing and tool changes in a cycle with a sequence of machining operations. 8-10 ‘en-9388731 Facing Programme with Is Display of the "TOOL DECLARATIONS: page: — ToL CERT — uber = Receruce = Cirryter = H i H fi i H ft 1 i i i i i oot | Toot] Avro cance | 790k ae Trace | enter Toe OS [enn en 93887311 8-11 en 938801 Display of the main menu: FE SINGLE PONT SYS FACE MILLING Fe PRET MLL 5 PROFILE MILLING Ea Fr Fe Fo END PROG END eur Facing Programme with Island $$ Display of the "FACE MILLING" menu. FL RECTOR - ST-UIRN ] 3 HECTNGULR - WE-DIRN] 4 CIRCULAR BL-DIRW SS 5 CORQULAR - UW OIRW [SIMPLE PROFILES FT CPLEX PRFILES FE LINER GRDME PRESS TER TO COTRY Ie ike ‘CANCEL ‘race | eNteA en 9388791 8-13 — onum Information on the "MISC" Softkey and Menu "MISC" Pressing the "MISC" key displays a menu listing the following functions: _ SELVES FL ELL, SHPT, MIRROR, SCALE, SRA od CALL SUB-PRGRHE 3 MPID POSITIONING OF LINEAR ROTARY AES ISCELLAEOIS CUTTING TEGNGLOGY 10 PROGR 6 TOL DECLARATIONS FOR AUTOMTIC CALCULATION OF COTING CADUTONS TH RESPECT TO THE PART MATERIAL FT RPEAT WHT Fe LPARNET REMARKS Items can be chosen from the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu whenever a machining menu is displayed. When the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu is displayed: - press the "OP'N MENU" key to return to the machining menu, - press the "END INPUT" key to display the synoptic programming listing. After choosing an item from F2 to F8 in the 'MISCELLANEOUS" menu, press "ENTER? or “CANCEL as required to return to the machining menu. 8-14 en 9388791 Facing Programme with Island Sy Display of the *FACE MILLING" menu: FE RECTANGULAR ~ BI-DIR'W ] F3 RECTANGULAR ~ UNI-OTR'N | F4 CIRCULAR - 81-DIR'W FS CIRCULAR - UNI-DIR'H | F6 STYLE PROFILES. FP CONPLEK PROFILES = -) CS FB LINEAR GROOME 8 FD ele La] «| [ems [oem | me |e REMARK _ Selecting the "MISC" softkey gives access to the "MISCELLANEOUS" menu (see page opposite). en 9388731 8-15 — onum Information on the "YOU! os a a “Fee “— 8-16 en 3887901 R CHOICE” page This page is used to define the tool sequencing, contour and machining cycle Too! called separately from the cycle. Definition of a simple contour. Execution of the roughing and/or finishing cycle. Tool call, contour definition, execution of the roughing cycle. Tool call, contour definition, execution of the finishing cycle. Tool call, contour definition, sequenced execution of the roughing and finishing cycles with the same tool Roughing tool call, contour definition, execution of the roughing cycle, then finishing tool call and execution of the finishing cycle. ig Programme with Island Display of the "YOUR CHOICE" menu: YOUR (ICE TOOL CANE SHIT COATONR EN FA UKH ond FIMTSH STAC = CONTR FN ~ AUG Fe TAC ~ CONTOUR DEEN ~ FLASH FT T/C = ONTO DEN = RUG and FIATSH THC» COTO OEP» ROH THC =F el e]e«[ el «]o [ o [mee END eur en 93887301 8-17 — onum Information on the "TOOL SELECTION" page “Tool Number The tool can be chosen from the list given on this page (see "RECALL") i the tools have already been declared on the "TOOL DECLARATION’ page. “Tool Change" The type of tool change selected and the tool change position can be declared on this page (if not already declared on the “GENERAL DEFINITION" page) or modified on this page (if already declared on the “GENERAL DEFINITION’ page). "RECALL" List of tools dectared on the "TOOL DECLARATION* page. 8-18 en 984873 Facing Programme th Island Display of the "TOOL SELECTION’ page: Toot Hager Reteroee Site. = Ref Pesition TOOL SELECTION —- ‘co Tool Change TD (CCK Pi + > Ret Ferra (Tata isa iE cancel puro | maNua alas Fitetas ae TOOL SELEOTION page en 9388791 8-19 — onum Information on the "APPROACH POSITION" and "WORK LOAD" page “Position in” "Corrector Number" “ABCD "Spindle Range” “Start up Speed” "Dir'n of Rotation* "Coolant Type" 8-20 em 9388781 “APPROACH POSITION" ‘The approach position is defined with respect to the part origin and the tool moves at high speed. Too. CHANGE 5 PosiTion appronc | ¥ positon” | 3 - PART ‘The selected corrector number may be different from the tool number (the tool dimensions are loaded under this number) "WORK LOAD" Fields A, B, C or D (roughness index "Ra’) are to be filled in when tool and ‘material files are used. "Ra' is selected when the cycle includes finishing. Allows selection of a spindle range according to the choice of the machine manufacturer (M40 to M45), Used to change the spindle location start up speed. Defines the spindle direction of rotation (!SO equivalence: FWD = M03, BWD = Mod), Starts or stops the coolant (ISO equivalence: COOL1 = M08, COOL2 = MO7, COOL STOP = Mo3) Facing Programme with Island Display of the “APPROACH POSITION’ page: fer PRITIN fxition XY Corre Habe RL AS Heay Out coeLe ro te aK 3 Caen inv 3 Spores EOE | cE "Confirm definition of the circie island profile. ew 9388791 8-27 Display of the "PROFILES" menu: Q _> BX, crane reeanptar pie acid sna) Reetangutar istank prove 1 Exteraatprfitederinition Cireular or rectangular 2 Ista protite Definitions Cirales oF rectangles Ciredar ‘stand profite RECTAN ‘pn ] END cocte | PESTA race | ON | ED 8-28 en 93887311 Facing Programme with Island ee Display of the "GRAPHIC IMAGE" menu: == GUPATC GE ~ 30 ge o rogon 8 Gophic Toc of Progra FAD Trace of the Profil Pattern in Progress FAL Return to Previous Page Ble Fo | Fin le of Pattemin Prowesss OS [vw cm 938879/1 8-29

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