Jonwin Fidelis Fam - Assignment 3

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Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

1. Determine and show critical loads that works on your aircraft.
2. Design and explain “load path” structure on the components.
Critical load in lightweight structures refers to the maximum amount of force or pressure a
structure can withstand before it fails. This failure can manifest in several ways, including:
A. Bending
B. Shear Stress
C. Torsion
D. Pressure Vessel

Figure 1. JARZ-01 3D Diagram without Wing

To understand further, these four components will be analyzed on three main components of
the aircraft, those being fuselage, wing and empennage. This is shown on Figure 1, which
JARZ-01 is clearly presented without the skin. This shows the internal structure of the
aircraft along with other components which may have been hidden if the skin is still there.
For further analysis, the internal loads of the aircraft parts can be illustrated in these figures
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 2. JARZ-01 Lift and Weight Distribution of the Fuselage

Figure 3. JARZ-01 Internal (red) and External (blue) Load of the Fuselage

Figure 4. JARZ-01 Load Distribution of the Wing

Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 5. JARZ-01 Fuselage Lift and Weight at Tail Distribution

1. Fuselage
a. Bending
Bending in the fuselage is caused by the distribution of mass of the fuselage
and its components inside the fuselage. Those components can consist of
permanent components, such as the skin, longeron, bulkhead, frame, and joints
that create the shape of the fuselage. On a case of stable cruising flight, those
components cause a compression in the lower parts of the aircraft, while
tension in the upper parts of the aircraft. Other cases can occur on joints
between fuselage and wing or empennage thus creating bending. In taxi
condition, landing gears (which is located both in the wing and fuselage), may
contribute to an increase in reaction force from the plane and the ground.

Looking at Figure 2 and 3, the load distribution of the fuselage is extremely

complicated, looking especially at the internal parts of the fuselage shown in
Figure 3. These components contribute to the bending around the fuselage,
which in turn cause the magnitude of those bending change. Moreover, as
fuselage skin also is reinforced with various bulkheads with different
parameters, the fuselage will not have a simplified model, yet needed a more
numerical method with ABAQUS.
b. Shear Stress
Shear Stress is caused with external force from all aspect of the fuselage,
internal or external loads. This pressure on joint and bulkheads concentrates
the shear stress on the structure. Looking at Figure 2 and 3, this distribution
may contribute to the change in shear stress.
c. Torsion
Torsion in the fuselage mainly occurs during yawing motion or gust that hits
the aircraft. This asymmetric maneuver causes the rudder to have torsional
load on the fuselage. Figure 6 and 7 shows the sketch of the load distribution
on the rudder.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 6. JARZ-01 Fuselage Torsional Stress from Tail, Top View

Figure 7. JARZ-01 Fuselage Torsional Stress from Tail, Front View

d. Pressure Vessel
On the cockpit area, fuselage will have load from pressure vessel, which is the
difference in pressure between inner and outer fuselage. This pressure will
create loading on longitudinal and circumferential load (called the longitudinal
and hoop stress) on the fuselage. See that in Figure 8, the entire cockpit
section of the center has the same parameters as the cockpit, thus the entire
fuselage region in the center of the plane must have an atmospheric pressure to
accommodate breathing conditions. Because of this, the entire section in the
middle will have pressure vessel load.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 8. JARZ-01 Cockpit

Figure 9. JARZ-01 Cockpit Section View

In JARZ-01, there is structures, such as longeron, skin, bulkhead, frame and stringer.
The difference is shown on the table below.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Bulkhead A component that functions to maintain the shape of the

fuselage, separates compartments, and withstands pressure
(pressure bulkhead). The load on the bulkhead is a shear load.
Frame A component that functions to maintain the shape of the
fuselage, generally thinner than a bulkhead. The load on the
frame is a shear load.
Longeron A component that extends in the longitudinal direction, which
functions to increase the stiffness of the structure and
withstand bending loads.
Stringer A component in the longitudinal direction that is attached to
the skin. It functions to withstand bending loads and prevent
the skin from buckling.

Figure 10. JARZ-01 Fuselage Components

2. Wing
a. Bending
Bending in the wing is mainly caused by the distribution of mass in the wing
and its payload/components inside the wing. These components of JARZ-01
wing consist of wing structure, fuel tank, fuel distribution system, icing system,
weapons (missiles and machine gun), landing gear and control surface actuator.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

These components can consist of permanent structures, such as spar, ribs,

internal components, and stringer. On a case of stable cruising flight, the upper
wing has a compression, while the lower wing has a tension. On landing or
taxiway conditions, the opposite happen.

Looking at Figure 4, the load distribution given may contribute to the bending
load on the specific span of the structure. Although a simplified model has
been given at Figure 11, further analysis needs to be done in numerical method
with ABAQUS.

Figure 11. JARZ-01 Wing Load Distribution; n=6

Figure 12. JARZ-01 Wing Components

Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 13. JARZ-01 Internal Moment Diagram Wing; n=6

Figure 14. JARZ-01 Internal Force Diagram Wing; n=6

b. Shear Stress
Shear Stress is caused by external force from all aspects of the wing, internal
or external loads. This pressure on joints and ribs concentrates the shear stress
on the structure. Looking at Figure 4 and 14, this distribution may contribute
to the change in shear stress. The shear stress of the wing is supported by the
ribs and the spar.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 15. JARZ-01 Internal Shear Diagram Wing; n=6

c. Torsion
Torsion in the fuselage mainly occurs because of the aerodynamic moment
caused by the wing. This contributes to torsional moment of the wing. In this
case, the spar holds the torsional moment, with the help of stringers of the
wing structure.
To show the structures inside the wing, which consists of spar, ribs, stringer, and
hardpoints. The difference is shown on the table below.

Spar The main longitudinal beam carrying the bending and shear
loads of the wing. Imagine it as the backbone of the wing.
Rib A lightweight structure that supports the skin of the wing. Ribs
give the wing its shape and distribute air pressure.
Stringer A longitudinal member attached to the aircraft skin to stiffen it
and prevent buckling. Stringers are like small beams that help
the skin resist bending and twisting.
Hardpoint An attachment point for critical components like landing gear,
engines, or other external components on the fuselage or
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 16. JARZ-01 Sectional Wing; n=6

3. Empennage
a. Bending
Bending in the wing is mainly caused by the distribution of mass in the
empennage and the lift force of the horizontal tail. These components can
consist of permanent structure, such as tail spar, ribs and servo actuators. On a
case of stable cruising flight, the downforce caused to stabilize the aircraft will
have the upper surface of the tail tension while the lower surface compresses.
However, unlike the bigger span of the wing, the tail will have less total force,
but greater distributed force because of the shorter span.

Figure 17. JARZ-01 Tail Load Distribution; n=6

Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 18. JARZ-01 Internal Moment Diagram Tail; n=6

Figure 19. JARZ-01 Internal Force Diagram Tail; n=6

b. Shear Stress
Shear Stress is caused by external force from all aspects of the wing, internal
or external loads. This pressure on joints and ribs concentrates the shear stress
on the structure. Looking at Figure 4, this distribution may contribute to the
change in shear stress. The shear stress of the wing is supported by the ribs
and the spar.
Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 20. JARZ-01 Internal Shear Diagram Tail; n=6

c. Torsion
Torsion in the fuselage mainly occurs because of the aerodynamic moment
caused by yawing motion on the vertical tail plane, which became the main
contributor of torsional load in fuselage.

The load path that is assigned according to the group work, for me, is wing section. In this
case, only the load path of the wing is discussed.

Figure 21. JARZ-01 Load Path during Taxiwau

Jonwin Fidelis Fam 13621051

Figure 22. JARZ-01 Load Path Flying at Cruise Speed

It shows that the load path during taxi and flying differs because of the location of the landing
gear near the a-third span of the wing section. Moreover, considering the weapons of the
JARZ-01 is located at best more than half-span of the wing section, the load path varies with
significant loading at hardpoints (immediately above the weapons), and as well as the wing
tip of the aircraft. This is why these hard points is reinforced with thicker ribs than the other,
allowing for installation of better joints to the span, further dissipating the load. Moreover,
with the help of stringers at the control surface (flaps and aileron) of the aircraft, the back
spar will be aided with those stringers at maneuver motion, because during controlling the
aircraft, the trailing edge will move as requested by the pilot, thus increasing stress on the
joints between the main wing and the control surface. The stringers functions to help
strengthen the control surface so that it will attach to the wing nicely and distribute load
evenly on the moving control surface.

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