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15. Test 4. Task 1.

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of students’ destination after graduating from the anthropology
study in one particular university whereas the table indicates the amount of salaries with respect to
types of jobs after 5 years in.

Overall, more than the half of the graduates have full time jobs, and only a minor group of
anthropologists work at part time jobs and postgrad study at the same time. On the other hand, only
sector who have half of the employees earn 100,000 or more is in the government.

On the other hand, most of the freelance consultants earn more than 75,000 dollars, half of the workers
in the government sector earn salaries 100,000 dollars or more, and anthropologists who work at private
companies have more similar distribution in the range of salaries except for those who earn between
25,000-49,000 dollars.


15. Test 4. Task 2.

In some cultures, parents might induce a thought that gaining what children want to is essentially
correlated with their enough efforts. This implication seems to contribute positive outcomes for their
children, but apart from advantages, there might be other side of a coin.

First, one of the main positive effect for children can be confidence and motivation to work on
something until they get it. In other words, acceptance of required effort to get something can affect
children in terms of feeling confident about themselves and finding motivation to maintain that effort.
For instance, achieving the grade A+ in a math exam requires disciplined and periodical study on the
math problems. If children accept the desirable outcome’s relation to their responsibilities, they can be
more confident about studying on it and they can focus the problems not only for the exam but also
throughout the semester. In this sense, the idea encouraged by parent can bring self-confidence and
motivation for displaying essential work.

On the other hand, this might not be applicable for all children. There is a potential disadvantage behind
this message that is the misinterpretation of negative outcomes. This induced message can mislead
children to disregard other possibilities that affect the consequences, such as chance. Children might
conclude their fail as an outcome of their inadequate efforts even they show enough work on it. For
example, I was too stressful to prepare a presentation because of social anxiety, and I worked for days
and nights on the subject of my presentation since I believed the same idea that was told by my parents.
I did not get a good grade since I was too excited and could not complete my presentation even I studied
hard. However, I blamed myself as if I did not show enough effort to overcome my anxiety. Therefore,
this message can prohibit children to give a value to their works, and they might misunderstand the
negative outcomes of their works.

In a nutshell, even though encouraging children to work harder can lead success and achievement,
parents might influence their children negatively because of the potential negative meanings in the same
message. In this regard, they should consider both sides of the message.
15. Test 2. Task 1.

The line graph illustrates how many tourists visited a particular island in Caribbean from the years 2010
to 2017. Also, it gives information about the number of visitors who stayed on ships or island.

Overall, there was a steady increase in the number of tourists visiting the island between 2010 and 2017,
remaining almost constant between 2015 and 2018.

For the visitors stayed on cruise ships, the data shows an upward trend, reaching 2 millions of visitors in
2017. However, it fluctuates from 2011 to 2013 with the decrease in 2012. It drops almost to the number
where the data starts between 0 and 0.5 million. After, the number increases to 0.5 million again like in

Regarding the number of visitors stayed on island, although the data shows a double increase in the
number of visitors from 2010 to 2017, it is relative slight increase comparing to visitors who stayed on
ships. While the data remains between 0 and 0.5 until 2011, it reaches 1.5 million in 2 years. However,
until 2017, 1.5 million of visitors remain the same, except the decrease in 2016.

15. Test 2. Task 2.

The future has a potential for serving online resources, such as books and newspapers for all of people,
even already the number of people using internet as a main source continues to increase more and
more. I agree with the possibility that no one will go for printed versions of these sources since they can
access them via Internet, which is more portable option and budget-friendly one. For these two reasons,
I believe that all the people will use online reading facilities without paying and they will no longer buy
printed ones in the future.

First, online reading options are more easy to carry and reach comparing to printed books, newspapers,
magazines, etc. In other words, when people already carry their telephones, computers, and tablets with
themselves, so carrying another items to read is unnecessary since their electronic devices can provide
the same service. Considering the portable advantages of electronic devices, especially phones, reading
online can be stronger option than carrying extra stuffs. For instance, I personally prefer using my phone
to read in the transportation. In sum, reading online brings its own advantage of easiness for carry.

Second, the access for illegal reading options without paying is much more common than illegal printed
sources. The free versions of reading materials are easy to access or download, so online sources
removes the potential obstacles related to one’s budget. To illustrate, professors are referring some sort
of websites that allow to reach expensive articles and books in the universities for the students who are
mostly in low or middle income groups. That’s why, this might be the case for people from all classes in
the future since it removes the cost for any printed sources.

In a nutshell, I argue that future will be a place where people prefer reading online without paying and
carrying extra. Observing my experiences in the public, it can be in the near future since more people are
inclining to use online reading materials than printed ones.
15. Test 1. Task 1.

The bar chart provides information about the rates of residents’ habits on buying and drinking
coffee and tea in the last four weeks in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart.

Overall, the order of smallest and highest percentage of the habits is similar, in which the rate
for people who went to a café is always the highest, except from the city Adelaide. In this city, differently
from others, the percentage of residents who bought instant coffee is slightly higher than those who
went to a café for coffee or tea in the last four weeks.

The rates for people who bought fresh coffee in last four weeks shows the lowest scores but
including fluctuations.

The percentage of residents who bought instant coffee

The data of people who went to a café to buy coffee or tea displays the highest scores mostly.


15. Test 1. Task 2.

In some countries, many people can give importance to own their house rather than rent. This
might be explained by the number of elderly people and their need for safety in these countries.
Although this tendency can be evaluated positive for those people, I believe that owning a home is
negative situation for other people.

To begin with, the inclination towards owning a house can have a strong connection with the
number of old people. Since they perceive this step as a point to an era in the life, it might be an
obligatory expectation from themselves. Also, their income is determined by the governments in most of
the countries, so they do not have encouraging earning to pay the rent every month. Therefore, they can
go for buying a house rather than paying every month a rent for a house that does not belong

However, as a younger person, I personally see this situation negative since owning a house
brings stability and debt. Even though I am able to understand potential reasons behind this case and
age factors, I think that this positive development can bring its costs. For instance, my relatives are
heavily depending on their debts to decide any steps in their life, such as going on a vacation. Therefore,
owning a house can be ideal option for elder people, but I do not believe that the similar situation is
applicable to younger ones.

In sum, there might be a trend for owning a home instead of renting it. This tendency can be
common among elderly people and it can have positive implications for them. However, I do not think
the same case applies for younger people. I argue that owning a house can bring economic burden and
obligatory stability to a life of young person.
16. Test 2. Task 1.

Sugar is product of a manufacturing process including many steps. Sugar cane should be growing around
12-18 months to become ready for harvesting. Harvesting can be done through two ways: machine’s
harvesting and human’s harvesting. After the process of collecting sugar canes, it is turn for crushing
these sugar canes in the machine that produces juice from sugar canes. Unlike the harvesting step,
crushing requires the use of machine. In the fourth step, the juice is filtered through limestone filter to
purify it. Therefore, it becomes ready for evaporator, in which juice becomes syrup with the help of heat.
Lastly, sugar crystals in syrup are separated through centrifuge. These crystals are ready to dry and cool
to make sugar at the end. Therefore, sugar canes are transformed into sugar in the following steps that
harvesting, crushing, purifying, evaporating, and centrifuging, and in the end drying. Although harvesting
can be done through human work, other steps require to facilitate the use machine.

16. Test 2. Task 2.

16. Test 1. Task 1.

The first chart exemplifies the percentage of households with electrical appliances, namely washing
machine, refrigerator, and vacuum cleaner, from 1920 to 2019. This chart illustrates that the percentage
of households with refrigerator increases from the percentage of 0-10 to 100 in 60 years. On the other
hand, 40% of the households utilized washing machine in 1920 while the rate increases to 70-80% in
2019. Finally, 30% of the households owned vacuum cleaner in 1920 whereas it reached 100% in 2000.
Although the percentage of households with refrigerator decreased slightly between 1960 and 1980, the
other two appliances did not face with that kind of decrease. The minimum percentage for all the three
is in the year 1920, and the maximum percentage for all the three is in the year 2019. Moreover, the
second chart indicates the number of hours of housework per week per household for the same years in
the Chart 1. The maximum hours of housework, which was 50 hours per week, can be seen in 1920, and
the minimum hours per week is shown in 2019, with almost 10 hours per week. The drop between 1920
and 1980 is 30 hours of housework per week and per household.

16. Test 1. Task 2.

Defining oneself comes with various characteristics, such as personality, life story, jobs, and house. In
these options, house stands out as an illustration of one’s personality and choices, so it signifies the
relation between house and the person. When the house itself has a history, it becomes inevitable to
integrate their personal narrative into historical story of their house. In this regard, finding out the
history of the house they live in becomes voyeuristic pleasure and it becomes part of their lives.
Therefore, the reasons behind this search and pleasure can be explained in two ways: the construction of
self and the creation of meaning in the life.

The main reason refers to the role of house in the presentation of self. Since people introduce
themselves with their preferences, family history, and close environment, the house becomes a crucial
place in which people takes advantage of it to define their self. This might lead to wonder about the
history of house and to find out the accounts of people before them. Second, the possibility of reaching a
history –an accountable history- can contribute to their subject position in the house by adding a layer in
their life. They might become not only subject of the moment but also being of continuous cycle. In this
sense, having a place with history facilitates to create a position in the life for both presenting
themselves to other and oneself.

While this curiosity can be discussed with philosophical perspectives, it brings its own struggles in the
methods of reaching out such a history. Since it depends on where people live, the extent archives and
neighborhoods give an importance to such histories, and legal rights, the journey of learning the history
can obstacles during the process. There might be potential ways of searching the history, such as public
libraries, oral histories, and written accounts, but if the culture does not prioritize the history of house,
and neighborhoods, it is inevitably hard to reach conclusions by oneself.

In a nutshell, the necessities and interests in finding the history of place people live in might have
explanations in the philosophical sense. Although people might come across various issues during this
process, there are several option to apply, exhibiting the effort in all costs. In my humble opinion, people
should have a connection with places, streets and cities they live in to create a more meaningful
atmosphere and finding out the history of these places can be one of the option for this connection.

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