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As I critically think
I personally believe
In my humble opinion
In my opinion
In this sense
In other words
perpetuate cultural ideals which subordinate women
acceptable notions of propriety, especially proper sex roles
emblem of social power = sign, symbol
embodiment of the patriarchal principles
patriarchal status quo
the mechanisms of patriarchy
women’s suffrage and political rights
the social equality and sexual autonomy
oppressed women
the expectations of the patriarchy
one-dimensional personalities; Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora embody all the
characteristics of a traditionally feminine woman
postmodern rewriting of fairy tales
women’s suffrage and political rights
the social equality and sexual autonomy
oppressed women
the expectations of the patriarchy
the patriarchal clichés
patriarchal discourse
hegemonic patriarchal discourse
heteropatriarchal culture / perspective
the repetition of dynamic elements / of same messages
the portrayal of women in the fairy tales
patriarchal status quo
the mechanisms of patriarchy
condemn fairy tales as a prime source of the patriarchal attitudes against women
emblem of social power = sign, symbol
embodiment of the patriarchal principles
magical agent
protagonist’s fortune
a change in the social status of the protagonists
deconstruct the ideological meaning of the tale
acceptable notions of propriety, especially proper sex roles
representation of evil
glorify passivity, dependency, self-sacrifice
fairy tale prototypes
romantic idealization
archetypal female dilemmas
marriage functions as a bridge between the worlds of fantasy and reality
implications for women’s role in society
absence mother archetype- absenteeism
internalize the patriarchal discourse
The prototype of female passivity
The aims of rewriting fairy tales are that breaking the figures from restrictions of the sexist
and patriarchal ideology and creating parody.
Children learn value systems, sexual roles, behavior, a way of predicting outcome or fate
according to sex from fairy tales.
Being powerful is associated with being unwomanly.
It is a crucial difference that Cinderella seems to gain the power of narrating her own
patriarchal confinement
A patriarchal society’s way of controlling
Male-dominated power structure
Oppressed identity
Reach/come to an understanding
Truthful/realistic/credible manner
This way of depicting/ narrating / explaining
last but not least I want to talk about….
take advantage of /from
pervert = saptırmak, çarpıtmak
play a significant / crucial role
frustrate = discourage
place considerable emphasis on
underpin = to give basic structure; the binary perspective of fairy tales underpins the ….
distort = bozmak
mount = başlatmak, harekete geçrimek; mount a campaign, protest, movement
take into account
incorporate into
pave the way for smt
mind-set = erken dönemden ititbaren oluşan fikirler; the cultural mind-set in people causes the
perpetuated sexual inequality.
internalize = to accept or absorb an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that
it becomes part of your character
condemn = kınamak; condemn sb to smt
disregard = ignore
the speaker = the poem
the narrator = the story
in / with regard to = relating to smt
in conjunction with = combination; mass media in conj. with education level helps ….
be inclined to = meyilli olmak
misogyny = kadın düşmanı
it is as though …. = sanki
emanate from sth = to come from smt = stem from = -den kaynaklanmak
so that
put simply = put crudely
enchantment = pleasure
fathom = bir şeyin iç yüzünü kavramak
banishment = the act of sending someone or something away from a place and
not allowing them to come back; banishment of the protagonist
enslave = tutsak etmek
emancipation = sosyal, yasal ve siyasî denetimleri kaldırarak daha fazla özgürlük/hak tanımak
dismissive = küçümseyen
radically alter
ın place of
subvert / subversion / subversive = yıkmak, yıkma, yıkıcı
disregard = ignore
indoctrination = bir fikrin aşılanması
torment = verb and noun = eziyet etmek, extreme pain
convention = custom; it dictates that men should marry with women.
castrate / castration = hadım etme; social castration
destiny = kader
effeminacy = kadın gibi davranmak, gözükmek
deceive = kandırmak
mind-set = erken dönemden ititbaren oluşan fikirler; the cultural mind-set in people causes the
perpetuated sexual inequality.
perpetuate = devam ettirmek
frustrate = discourage
place considerable emphasis on
empowerment = özgürlük ve hakları kazanma süreci; political / women / social empow.
underpin = to give basic structure; the binary perspective of fairy tales underpins the ….
distort = bozmak
mount = başlatmak, harekete geçrimek; mount a campaign, protest, movement
take into account
incorporate into
pave the way for smt
propose = suggest a plan or action
take advantage of /from
pervert = saptırmak, çarpıtmak
be turned upside down or inside out
play a significant / crucial role
last but not least I want to talk about….
enable smb to do smt

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