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Will participants run faster if given an incentive?

I believe if I give rewards to people, they will perform

1. Rewards (I used a bag of KitKat)
2. Pen
3. Notebook
4. Stopwatch
1. Find six participants

2. Make sure they are from the from the same

weight category of 40-45 kgs

3. Make half of them run a distance (30 meters) without

a reward and measure their time.

4. Promise an incentive to the other participants and

have them run the same distance

I observed that the participants that were promised an
incentive ran faster, although only by a few milliseconds.
If I were to re-do this experiment, I would change a few
things. I would have more participants, and use the
same participants to run once without a reward and a
second time with reward. This way, the results are more
reliable than using different people who might have
different running speed.
Subject No With Reward Time Taken/s

1 No 9.91

2 No 9.30

3 No 10.87

4 Yes 8.65

5 Yes 9.88

6 Yes 9.72

Average No 10.02

Average Yes 9.30


In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct but by a very

small margin. Although, even with a larger samples and
more specific tests, I still think that the same result of
people with rewards doing better will be shown.
Time for
running 30 meters
Without incentive With Incentive



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